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Tailored Strategy for Persona Profiles

What is a Buyer Persona Profile?

Buyer Persona Profiles are a method of market segmentation wherein we collect a combination
of qualitative and quantitative data to build archetypes of the members of our target audience. In
other words we take data to tell a predictive story about our users based on past behaviours and

‘Personas’ as those in the industry call them, are meant to be applied at the intersection
between Search and Social Media helping us better understand the person behind the search

How can my marketing team make use of the buyer personas?

The purpose of the buyer persona profiles is to operate all marketing activities from a
person-driven sales strategy.

Having clear persona profiles (ideally not more than 3 distinctive ones) helps write appropriate
emails, helps make engaging calls and face-to-face interactions with potential buyers. Based on
their profile and statistical data, using the appropriate tone of voice, approach, channel and time
increases their potential conversion rate. In addition, establishing a rapport with the potential
customers is now easily done having insights such as their likes & dislikes, job role, stage of life,
news preference, interests etc. Understanding your buyer persona on a deeper level allows you
to be better prepared to address their concerns. We can actually guide the messaging sales
representatives use with customers. Moreover, sales representatives should also be taught to
better recognize the unique pain points of each persona so they can address them efficiently.
This can be done by educating your sales team on each different persona to prepare them to
work with any type of buyer.

Please see a specific list of how these insights can be applied:

• Identify and prioritise the most relevant promotional activities.
• Building effective content marketing strategies by focusing keyword research efforts.
• Segment your email list by sending targeted offers to buyers based on their preferences.
• Time your marketing campaigns for peak engagement rates.
• Publishing content and advertisements on the channels (email, social media) most frequented
by your buyer persona.
• Align messaging to promote brand unity and increase brand awareness.
• Personalise your marketing automation efforts.
• Refining your copywriting to reflect improved SEO strategies.
• And much more!

Insurance Buyer Persona: Nick Mesa

Nick’s social media presence:

- Nick Mesa’s business online presence is potentially only on LinkedIn. Nick does not
enjoy using Facebook and if he does, he keeps it personal. Twitter is also an
interesting platform for him and he sometimes uses it for quick news, but overall he
isn’t necessarily an actively engaged person in the online social environment.

Nick might watch some YouTube videos from time to time, both for personal use and
for work related issues.

SOLUTION: The above indicates where we can find Nick, so that we do not waste marketing
budget on a platform where Nick isn’t present. The conclusion here is to target Nick on
LinkedIn and Twitter, (+Google), and to provide some YouTube resources as well.

Nick’s time availability:

- Nick is quite busy and struggles to find a perfect balance between work and personal
time. A personal pain point is the need to remove the human error that comes with

SOLUTION: Ads will be set to roll at all times, and not under a specific schedule, on all

Nick’s preferred content:

- Nick is quite busy and doesn’t necessarily have the time to scroll through timelines
idly. He enjoys reading books that would potentially develop his managerial/technical
and even interpersonal skills and tries to find time to do so in his personal life. Apart
from that he keeps up to date with short form news articles, sometimes indulging in a
long form article. He likes to keep up with the latest technology but he still feels he is
somehow a tad behind, although he does not want to admit it

Nick prefers his social content to be brief and to the point. He prefers data graphs
and clear visualisations. He is more of a pragmatic so he enjoys clear facts and
numbers. He doesn't enjoy long salesy chats with no actual information, he would
actually even get offended by it, considering it a waste of his time. He views his time
as valuable and is careful on what he spends it on.

SOLUTION: To ease Nick’s mind we will use the fact that we are partners with UIPath to give
us more credibility in his eyes.

SOLUTION: The communication style will be formal, easy to understand but with some
clearly pointed technical elements as well as stats.

SOLUTION: We are creating bimonthly blogs, a whitepaper and a case study so that we
make sure Nick’s content format preference is matched. We would propose introducing
ebooks and infographics as well, as Nick does enjoy reading long form content when making
big decisions within the business.

Nick’s decision making process:

- Nick does not make uninformed decisions. Nick takes time to make a decision and it
normally is not an impulse buy when it comes to business decisions. He will research
the service/product in question by looking at the website, reading case studies,
reading whitepapers, looking for service/product reviews as well as company
reviews. Additionally he might also ask for WOM advice from whomever he considers
trustworthy, such as some of his colleagues or board members, or potentially his few
friends that also work in the industry.

SOLUTION: We have started creating these resources (whitepaper, case study, blog) so
Nick can access them and better inform his decision. *Additional resources like podcasts,
ebooks and infographics would also be ideal to make sure we cover all types of content
format and address all preferences.

SOLUTION: An additional resource created for Nick is the custom Excel Configurator that
would allow him to enter his current business activity and generate a clear response in terms
of rpa applicability within his business.

- He can take as little as one day, and as long as even a few months to make a
business related decision.

SOLUTION: Having this in mind we will be adding retargeting campaigns for all our
campaigns, to make sure Nick takes us into consideration and also does not forget about the
service we provide. We will also make sure that the frequency of these ads does not exceed
2.0 ( so that he doesn’t feel pushed).

SOLUTION: The landing page presents resources for Nick to make an informed decision.
(whitepaper, case study, book call, main company website).

SOLUTION: If Nick shows interest in any of the resources, he will be added to our
designated marketing campaigns where he will gradually receive all the resources
(whitepaper, case study, blogs/newsletter) as well as being pushed towards booking the
Discovery Call (only if he has not done so already).

SOLUTION: After he shows interest in the meeting: Clanedly will also add the potential
meeting to Nick’s calendar, making sure he keeps time available and does not forget about
the Discovery Call.

SOLUTION: After he shows interest in the meeting: Reminders have been put in place to
make sure Nick is aware of the future DIscovery Call.

Nick’s spending power:

-Nick’s position in the company is something along the lines of CEO, COO, CFO therefore in
a decision making position. He might need the approval of the board or a superior, but it is
just one level above him, his word weighing heavily in this process.

His spending power is full, or with 1 level of approval. (High spending power). The actual
budget depends on the specific company.

Being the actual decision maker or just 1 level below is beneficial, as the information will not
get lost being passed on through multiple persons.

SOLUTION: We only target those specific work positions mentioned above, and a few more
that are closely related. We will also add a layer of targeting such as company revenue,
making sure that this specific company will have the budget to buy our product/service. In
addition, another layer of targeting will be that of employee count >200. This confirms to us
that the specific company actually needs automated processes, as they have a high volume
of employees and therefore a high number of repetitive processes done on a daily basis.
These targeting layers are only available on LinkedIn, therefore most of the monthly paid
advertising budget goes to LinkedIn (specifically 5k).

For Google (1.5k), we will try and match as much as possible the targeting to that of
LinkedIn, in this case making use of ‘audiences’ and email lists provided by Lusha, creating
lookalike audiences and targeting those. In addition, we are using our tools to spy on
competitor Google ads and identify keywords and topic use. Please see Competitor
Research for more insight on this.

Nick’s topic interests:

Business news & Technology, RPA and Computer Softwares, technology

Advancements, Sports, Cars

SOLUTION: Through our Competitor Research on Topic we can easily pull each month up to
date topics that are trending at that specific time and on that specific niche.
B2B Marketing Persona: Abigail Williams

- Abigail’s social media presence:

Abigail uses LinkedIn for recruitment, business networking and general news. She
also enjoys using Twitter, and has a Facebook profile. She might even have a
Pinterest account used in her private time. She is low to moderately engaged on
social platforms, ‘liking’ some of the things that she enjoys, with the occasional
‘share’ and ‘comment’. She could enjoy podcasts as well, if they are on a good topic.

She also watches YouTube videos from time to time.

SOLUTION: The above indicates where we can find Abigail, so that we do not waste
marketing budget on a platform where Abigail isn’t present. The conclusion here is to target
Abigail on LinkedIn and Twitter, (+Google), and to provide some YouTube resources as well.

- Abigail’s time availability:

Abigail wants to do it all! She is very organised and manages to find some balance in
life, having clear boundaries between her work and personal life. That being said she
still seems to be running from one place to another, sometimes taking on too much

SOLUTION: Ads will be set to roll at all times, and not under a specific schedule, on all

- Abigail’s preferred content:

Abigail is quite busy but can be found from time to time scrolling through a timeline.
She is a big fan of personal and business development literature and tries to fit it in
her busy schedule. She keeps informed by reading online news articles, her few
online groups that she joined for business and personal purposes, as well as WOM.

Abigail likes short to mid length social content. Although she is more open than Nick
in terms of preference (she might enjoy a funny cat video), she also enjoys factual
and data oriented content.

In addition to being pragmatic, Abigail has a soft side as well and can be persuaded
by a well crafted emotional story. Her attention can be grabbed by a mix of both
factual and emotional data.

She views her time as valuable but will sometimes be pulled into a story and forget
about tracking time.

SOLUTION: A good idea would be to also insert ourselves into FB groups where Abigail
might be present and start some discussions. Another idea is to make use of Quora →
create a company profile and dedicate time to answer questions on topics related to hyper
automation. By constantly doing so, we become an authority in the field. Quora’s algorithm
pushes us as experts if our answers get upvoted, and suggests our company to other people
when they seek answers to their questions. In addition to this, Quora is very well indexed
and organic ‘searchability’ is very high. Meaning that if other people search that specific
question, our answer will pop up in the results ( this way touching upon many keywords and
potential issues that we might miss in our paid advertising efforts).

SOLUTION: We propose having an ‘About US’ section on your website (.ro) so that if
anyone wants to see more about the company, they can also see the ‘people’ side as well.
Having such a section with pictures makes the whole company more relatable to the
potential prospect.

SOLUTION: Webinars’ landing pages will also ideally have actual names and pictures of
those who will cover the sessions. A structure of the webinars and clear indication as to
meeting length will be provided.

SOLUTION: The Discovery Call is held by George and we are sending emails from George’s
address so it seems more personal. George’s position in the company is also mentioned
alongside a picture of him.

SOLUTION: The communication style will be both colloquial and formal, easy to understand
but with some clearly pointed technical elements as well as stats.

SOLUTION: We are creating bimonthly blogs, a whitepaper and a case study so that we
make sure Abigail’s content format preference is matched. We would propose introducing
ebooks, podcasts and infographics as well, as Abigail does enjoy reading long form content
when making big decisions within the business.

- Abigail’s decision making process:

Abigail takes her time when making business decisions. She might sometimes be an
impulse buyer based on emotion, so she could be giving a contract to a friend or to someone
that sparks good energy and good emotions. That being said, she is still a pragmatic person
and will need to have some factual data to be able to make a decision for the business.
She will research the product by reading all available resources and reviews
available online regarding the company and the product/service proposed to her. She might
potentially also consult with some of her business colleagues regarding the decision, but
eventually she might disregard everyone’s opinion and still do it if she has a ‘gut feeling’
about it.

SOLUTION: We propose investing more time into finding and creating good reviews for the
company on websites such as TrustPilot/Advisor, Glassdoor, etc. We can even pay for some,
which is a good practice only if we make sure the testimonials come from the desired
location (US) and written in good English ( good quality reviews). We also will introduce
some testimonials on our .tech landing page, alongside pictures of the client. Third party
reviews linked directly to our landing page or website shows transparency as well as
confidence in the product/service offered.

SOLUTION: We have started creating these resources (whitepaper, case study, blog) so
Abigail can access them and better inform her decision. *Additional resources like podcasts,
ebooks and infographics would also be ideal to make sure we cover all types of content
format and address all preferences.

SOLUTION: An additional resource created for Abigail is the custom Excel Configurator that
would allow him to enter his current business activity and generate a clear response in terms
of rpa applicability within his business.

- She can take as little as one day, and as long as even a few months to make a
business related decision.

SOLUTION: Having this in mind we will be adding retargeting campaigns for all our
campaigns, to make sure Abigail takes us into consideration and also does not forget about
the service we provide. We will also make sure that the frequency of these ads does not
exceed 2.0 ( so that he doesn’t feel pushed).

SOLUTION: The landing page presents resources for Abigail to make an informed decision.
(whitepaper, case study, book call, main company website).

SOLUTION: If Abigail shows interest in any of the resources, she will be added to our
designated marketing campaigns where she will gradually receive all the resources
(whitepaper, case study, blogs/newsletter) as well as being pushed towards booking the
Discovery Call (only if she has not done so already).

SOLUTION: After she shows interest in the meeting: Clanedly will also add the potential
meeting to Abigail’s calendar, making sure she keeps time available and does not forget
about the Discovery Call.

SOLUTION: After she shows interest in the meeting: Reminders have been put in place to
make sure Nick is aware of the future DIscovery Call.

- Abigail’s spending power

Abigail’s position in the company is something along the lines of Head of Operations/
Transformation Director/etc. She might need the approval of a superior, but she has a
lot of weighing in the say, so she is very powerful in influencing this decision.

She has high or full spending power. Being high on the organisational hierarchy
ladder is beneficial, as the information will not get lost being passed on through too many

SOLUTION: We only target those specific work positions mentioned above, and a few more
that are closely related. We will also add a layer of targeting such as company revenue,
making sure that this specific company will have the budget to buy our product/service. In
addition, another layer of targeting will be that of employee count >200. This confirms to us
that the specific company actually needs automated processes, as they have a high volume
of employees and therefore a high number of repetitive processes done on a daily basis.
These targeting layers are only available on LinkedIn, therefore most of the monthly paid
advertising budget goes to LinkedIn (specifically 5k).

For Google (1.5k), we will try and match as much as possible the targeting to that of
LinkedIn, in this case making use of ‘audiences’ and email lists provided by Lusha, creating
lookalike audiences and targeting those. In addition, we are using our tools to spy on
competitor Google ads and identify keywords and topic use. Please see Competitor
Research for more insight on this.

- Abigail’s topic interests:

Business news & Technology, RPA and Computer Softwares, Technology

Advancements, Retreats, Beauty, Sports, Cooking, Personal Development, Business
Development, Managerial Skills, Project Management.

SOLUTION: Through our Competitor Research on Topic we can easily pull each month up to
date topics that are trending at that specific time and on that specific niche.

B2B Marketing Persona: Joshua Stevens

- Joshua’s social media presence:

Joshua is present on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn but isn’t much of a social media
user. He hasn’t updated those in quite some time as he doesn’t consider his online
presence a priority. He still prefers his content in hard copy form to the detriment of
the online format. That being said, he still uses the online environment to gather
news information, recruitment, business ideas and also for networking.

He does watch YouTube videos from time to time.

SOLUTION: The above indicates where we can find Joshua, so that we do not waste
marketing budget on a platform where Joshua isn’t present. The conclusion here is to target
Joshua on LinkedIn and Twitter, (+Google), and to provide some YouTube resources as well.

SOLUTION: A good idea would be to also tap into the physical newspaper area with a few
Press Releases. We would advise local Press Releases to be done after some research to
identify best areas with 200+ employees organisations.

- Joshua’s time availability:

Josha works around the clock and has little to no personal spare time. He might have
a family as well.

SOLUTION: Ads will be set to roll at all times, and not under a specific schedule, on all

- Joshua’s preferred content:

He enjoys keeping up to date with the latest technology but he does feel he is
somehow left behind in some aspects, but he’s not openly admitting this. Joshua
enjoys funny content as well e.g. ‘funny worker accidents’ or ‘engineers from hell’. He
doesn’t enjoy change but it is part of his job, so he deals with change with some
degree of stress.

Just as Abigail, Joshua is also a pragmatic person with a soft side for emotions.

Joshua enjoys all content types and lengths, depending on the topic.

SOLUTION: The way we approach him must be an ideal mix between explaining well
something that he might not understand completely or is even pushing back, and not making
him feel like he doesn’t already know that information in a disrespectful way. This person is a
proud person and it would be hard for him to admit if anything isn't clear. All our messaging
is done based on a more general approach, that in detriment of a more technical approach.
We need to explain what our service/product does in a general way as if we were addressing
a child that is also our boss (clearly and with great respect). Emphasis on the step-by-step
processes and customer service provided.

SOLUTION: The Discovery Call is held by George and we are sending emails from George’s
address so it seems more personal. George’s position in the company is also mentioned
alongside a picture of him. The fact that this is a one-on-one call is ideal so that Joshua feels
this call is dedicated to him and his issue, with bespoke solutions to fit his specific needs.

SOLUTION: The communication style will be both colloquial and formal, easy to understand
but with some clearly pointed technical elements as well as stats.

SOLUTION: We are creating bimonthly blogs, a whitepaper and a case study so that we
make sure Joshua’s content format preference is matched. We would propose introducing
ebooks, podcasts and infographics as well, as Joshua does enjoy reading long form content
when making big decisions within the business.

SOLUTION: To ease Joshua’s mind we will use the fact that we are partners with UIPath to
give us more credibility in his eyes.

- Joshua’s decision making process:

Joshua makes his decision way faster when compared to Abigail or to Nick. He might
take from 1 day to a few weeks to finalise his decision. That doesn’t mean that
Joshua doesn’t do his thorough research. It only means that he processes the
information faster and needs all the resources faster.

Joshua will read all available resources and reviews in one go, to inform his decision.
He will compare different competitors and even excel with all the gathered data. He
appreciates one-on-one calls and is happy to engage in one to discuss new

SOLUTION: An additional resource created for Joshua is the custom Excel Configurator that
would allow him to enter his current business activity and generate a clear response in terms
of rpa applicability within his business.

SOLUTION: We propose investing more time into finding and creating good reviews for the
company on websites such as TrustPilot/Advisor, Glassdoor, etc. We can even pay for some,
which is a good practice only if we make sure the testimonials come from the desired
location (US) and written in good English ( good quality reviews). We also will introduce
some testimonials on our .tech landing page, alongside pictures of the client. Third party
reviews linked directly to our landing page or website shows transparency as well as
confidence in the product/service offered.

SOLUTION: We have started creating these resources (whitepaper, case study, blog) so
Abigail can access them and better inform her decision. *Additional resources like podcasts,
ebooks and infographics would also be ideal to make sure we cover all types of content
format and address all preferences.

SOLUTION: Having this in mind we will be adding retargeting campaigns for all our
campaigns, to make sure Joshua takes us into consideration and also does not forget about
the service we provide. We will also make sure that the frequency of these ads does not
exceed 2.0 ( so that he doesn’t feel pushed).

SOLUTION: The landing page presents resources for Joshua to make an informed decision.
(whitepaper, case study, book call, main company website).

SOLUTION: If Joshua shows interest in any of the resources, he will be added to our
designated marketing campaigns where he will gradually receive all the resources
(whitepaper, case study, blogs/newsletter) as well as being pushed towards booking the
Discovery Call (only if he has not done so already).
SOLUTION: We are offering a one-on-one session with George to assess whether
processes in that specific business can be automated and how.

SOLUTION: After she shows interest in the meeting: Clanedly will also add the potential
meeting to Joshua’s calendar, making sure he keeps time available and does not forget
about the Discovery Call.

- Joshua’s spending power

Joshua’s position in the company should be something along the lines on CIO,
therefore he has high to full spending power. This is also beneficial as the information
isn’t passed along to multiple people, losing its essence/power.

SOLUTION: We only target those specific work positions mentioned above, and a few more
that are closely related. We will also add a layer of targeting such as company revenue,
making sure that this specific company will have the budget to buy our product/service. In
addition, another layer of targeting will be that of employee count >200. This confirms to us
that the specific company actually needs automated processes, as they have a high volume
of employees and therefore a high number of repetitive processes done on a daily basis.
These targeting layers are only available on LinkedIn, therefore most of the monthly paid
advertising budget goes to LinkedIn (specifically 5k).

For Google (1.5k), we will try and match as much as possible the targeting to that of
LinkedIn, in this case making use of ‘audiences’ and email lists provided by Lusha, creating
lookalike audiences and targeting those. In addition, we are using our tools to spy on
competitor Google ads and identify keywords and topic use. Please see Competitor
Research for more insight on this.

- Joshua’s topic interests:

Business news & Technology, RPA and Computer Softwares, Technology Advancements,
Cooking & Barbeque, Fishing & Boating, Personal Development, Business Development,
Managerial Skills, Project Management.

SOLUTION: Through our Competitor Research on Topic we can easily pull each month up to
date topics that are trending at that specific time and on that specific niche.

Sources used for this document:

1. Moz ​
2. SemRush

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