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I live on the third floor. In my apartment there is a kitchen, two bathrooms, five bedrooms and a living room.

in my kitchen there is a refrigerator, there are many dishes, there is a stove, there are some fruits and vegetables but there is

no microwave.

In my living room My house is big and beautiful; I live with my parents, my sister and my aunt, I live in a wonderful area,

we have three floors.

there are 2 armchairs, there is a television, there is a table, there is a bookcase but unfortunately there are no pillows to

make me sleep.

In my bathroom there are 4 towels, there is a shower, there is a mirror, a couple of other things in the bathroom, obviously

toilet paper, and there is not much shampoo.

In my room there is a bed, a closet, there are many notebooks, and there are also a lot of photos around my room, there is

also a desk.

Well that's my house but I don't have a night table. My house is beautiful right!!!!!

thank you

Mi casa es grande y hermosa; Vivo con mis padres, mi hermana y mi tía, vivo en una maravillosa zona tenemos tres pisos.

yo vivo en el tercer piso. En mi piso hay una cocina ,dos baños ,cinco hablitaciones y una sala.

in my kitchen hay una refrigeradora,hay muchos platos,hay una cocina,hay algunas frutas y verduras pero no hay una


en my sala hay 2 sillones,hay una television,hay una mesa ,hay un librero pero lamentablemente no hay almohadas para

hecharme a dormir .

en mi baño hay 4 toallas,hay una ducha,hay un espejo, una par de cositas mas del baño,obiamente papel higienico a verdad y

no hay una mucho shampo .

en mi cuarto hay una cama,un armario,hay muchos cuadernos ,y tambien hay un monton de fotos alrededor de mi

cuarto ;tambien hay un escritorio.

bueno esa es my casa pero no tengo una mesa de noche .¡¡¡¡es hermosa mi casa verdad!!!!!


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