Task2 CamilaHuapaya

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Task 2

Course: English

Teacher: Maria del Pilar Bautista Sosa

Section: 34395

Date: August 20th, 2023


● Huapaya Ríos, Camila - U22211290

Task: Assignment - My university class sessions: then and now

Well, my classes in pandemic during 2022 were easier than now, because I could listen to the classes

while doing different activities at the same time. But they were also difficult because when it was time
to practice it was very hard. My virtual classes last year were good, I tried to practice on my part

because I didn't understand the classes very well, I went once to the campus of my university to visit

the facilities and see what it was like. I like face-to-face classes better than virtual classes and I am

happy with the way it is now.

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