Nora's Letter

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To Nora,

I hope you are able to get this, I don’t have much time. Your family is alive, but they are in
captive, the divalis family has taken and sold them into slavery, they will be transported via
airship to somewhere In the husk lands in Dedrovian territory on the 10th of the 1st month (10

I hope you get this, they’ve found me out, please stay safe and hope this information is useful to

I am on the move, you might find me in the mendacia, the capital of dedrovia. I hope to see you

Did you know it’s hard to write while running?

⬇️ ❌👁
Stay safe and well, Cordially yours, Silas

There is something important in the trunk of the tree in the middle of the village, it was
given to me by Fleur and she said to give it to you, I couldn’t do that at the time so I hid it.


“I hope this item will help you, I have foreseen terrible events which will come in the near future, I have
also seen you and a group of brave people standing against these events. You will eventually have to
climb the mountain to its summit and make an artifact of your own before you stand against these
things to come, you will need to find this group of people, and hopefully make a bond with them. Note:
hopefully you will return my artifact to me in one piece.
Love, Fleur
You have to make a runic circle out of charcoal, a candle, and a platinum coin. You then need to place
yourself and the item in the circle and meditate for 3 hours, the ritual consumes 1 coin.

the relations of the monks and the forge reasons to nora knowing dawrvish, and that her village consisted
of mostly mountain and cold based races like Mountain Lions and Lynx leonin, mountain goat satyrs, deer
faun, reindeer centaur, Cold region horse centaurs, dragonborn (white or silver), and mountain dwarves.

Some info nora knows about the desert and some other stuff:

Black desert
unlike the Aecianti deserts of the southern continent of Zerenum, the black desert, or Nesubulum, is a
large sea of dunes comprising of a black sand. The desert is not like typical deserts being hot and
bright, this wasteland is cold and windy. The ground is dark and black, the land is covered in large
titanic bones of long dead creatures, it is known to be dangerous and full of dark aberrations, winged
beasts fly the sky, and large carnivorous worms prowl the black dunes. The desert is bordered by the
husk lands of Dedrovia and the Tirana’s wall.

Titan’s wall
The sea of black sand is at the edge of the Titan’s wall, the large mountain range bordering the
different lands of Regalia and Dedrovia. The monks of the Sagokus and Monatojas orders have
multiple monasteries in the feet and peaks of the nation sized mountain range as the peaks are
known for their strong connection to the ethereal and astral planes of existence. Nora’s family was
part of the Sagokus Order, an order of monks driven to protect the crossing between the Inner planes
such as the negative and positive planes, and the para and quasi elemental planes. Nora gains power
by channeling her ki through the elemental planes of existence.

One of the ways the monks find and fully connect with the planes is by climbing the treacherous body
of Mt. Caeleskalne and reach the summit where they would have to fight an ancient guardian
manifesting as their greatest vulnerabilities, if the monk is victorious in the battle; they would be called
to a cave of crystals all around the surfaces of the cave. The monk would have to Meditate and attune
with their surroundings until a crystal glows and chooses the monk. The monk is to make an artifact
incorporating the crystal to help channel their ki, one way to do this is to go to the ravine at the foot of
the mountain where a dwarven forge lies above a sea of lava. The monk will have to forge the body of
the artifact in the steaming hot environment of the ravine, and meditate to attune the crystal to the
body, and to the user.

People say that those who have succeeded the trial will be contacted by and amethyst dragon.

The only person who was able to complete the trial in the past 5 decades was Nora’s eldest sister. Her
artifact was a gold bracelet with a violet crystal.

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