2nd Primary Comprehension & Composition

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2nd Primary

Comprehension & Composition

1) Read the following passage then answer the questions:

Penguins are interesting animals. Penguins are birds with black and
white feathers, but they are not able to fly. Their webbed feet help
them paddle under water.
Penguins do not have teeth. They have a beak with a hooked end to
help catch their prey. Penguins like to eat fish, squid and krill.

A) Answer the following questions:

1. What is something penguins can’t do?


2. Why do penguins have webbed feet?


B) Choose the correct answers:

1. Penguins like to eat (fish – leaves – fruit).
2. They have a (mouth – beak – tail) with a hooked end.

C) Put () or ():

1. Penguins are birds with black and yellow feathers. ( )
2. Penguins do not have teeth. ( )

D) Pick from the passage:

1. A verb: ----------------- 3. An adjective: -----------
2. A singular noun: ------------ 4. A plural noun: -----------
5. Antonym for boring: ----------------
2) Read the following passage then answer the questions:
2nd Primary

I turned 9 years old today! Mom picked me up from school

and we went to the store. There were dolls and games and fun
things to play with everywhere. Mom let me choose three new
things to buy. When we got home, ten of my friends were there. I
walked in and they jumped up and yelled, “Surprise!” Then we had
cake and ice cream. After that, we opened the presents that my
friends had brought to me. That night, my grandmother arrived.
She had driven almost three hours just to come and see me. What
a great day!

A) Answer the following questions:

1. What kind of store did Mom take me to?

2. Did I know about the party that was planned for me?


B) Choose the correct answers:

1. I turned (9 – 7 – 8) years old today!
2. Mom picked me up from (home – school – garden).

C) Put () or ():

1. When we got home, eight of my friends were there. ( )
2. That night, my grandfather arrived. ( )

D) Pick from the passage:

1. A verb: ----------------- 3. An adjective: -----------
2. A singular noun: ------------ 4. A plural noun: -----------
5. Synonym for screamed: ----------------

(3) Pictorial Composition:

2nd Primary

Write about the school trip.

Guiding words: (school – friends – bus – museum – boat – monuments –

pyramids – River Nile)


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