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The session I attended change how I used to do my routine every day. I know it is just
for a day because I have a lot of things to do, but it really made me happy. Because I usually just
lie down until the day ends or just sit and listen to our classes online, but with this session in
addition on that day, I felt that my body released more endorphins than the usual and when I say
more, it is really a lot. The reason why, is because on the whole year that we got stuck in our
house during the lockdown and quarantines, I became very lazy, and I even refuse on going up
the stairs very often because it is tiring. I stayed in my parents’ room during the quarantine,
which is much on the lower floor than my room, to lessen the activity that I will do. The WRP
session that I attended made my day a productive and healthy one. Yes, sweaty, but it made me
feel that I was in the grounds of Far Eastern University – Manila, dancing, doing activities, and
sweating, which I really miss. Not everyone I know knew about this, but I am a WRP lover, I
attend WRP sessions as much as I could and as much as I can book on the online enrollment, that
is why having these classes or session, even online, makes me remember the air from the
grounds of the University. But apart from that, my dad really pushes me to be active once in a
while, that is why he bought a treadmill for me to produce and release more endorphins as
possible during this new normal, because according to him, being active, especially on cardio
exercises, will make my body and my heart be stronger and will make me endure difficult daily
activities I may encounter. That is why once in a while, if I have the time and the energy to run,
I will run for 2 hours. In addition to that, I was also advised to eat less carbohydrates than the
usual because it will make me heavy and it will make my runs difficult to endure.

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