Animals Testing

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Animals Testing

Testing of animals has become very widespread/common. Scientists use millions of

animal subjects [to test/verify the effectiveness of] their new medicines and treatments.

Many people think that experimentation on animals is needed to advance science and medicine.

However, some people argue that these experiments result in unnecessary torment for

animals. This essay will discuss the positive and negative aspects of this very controversial


One the one hand, there are several cogent arguments that support scientific research

on animals. Firstly, testing on animals is an excellent method toresearch potential medicine.

This research on animals can reduce the death/mortality rate in the whole world. Scientists can

safely test new pharmaceuticals before they use them on human patients. Another benefit of

these experiments is that the cost of research is cheaper/more economical. Testing on humans

is very expensive because they have to be compensated for taking risks from the research.

Also, it is extremely faster and easier to experiment with animals as no permission has to be


On the other hand, opponents of animal experimentation point to a number of negative aspects.

Maltreatment is a clear drawback of experimenting on animals., scientists are trying to explore

new/experimental medicine, which can cause fatal side-effects on animals . As everyone knows,

most researchers do not even care about the animals that they are testing. . Testing on animal

is an inhumane treatment, which is unacceptable. Scientists/Researchers should be concerned

about how painful the experiments are for animals. The final drawback of testing on animals is

that they have different physiological characteristics. As a result, it is very risky to apply

research results from animals to humans. a

Despite some scientific benefits, using animals in research should no longer be


After careful analysis of both sides, it is my contention that animal research should be


tests on animals are often cruel and cause unnecessary suffering. Also, the results are

not always reliable/transferable for humans. Instead of using animals, scientists should

continue to develop sophisticated/complex computer simulations. Discuss both sides and state

your opinion

Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages

To what extent do you agree with this topic. you have a choice to discuss both or just

pick one side and explain

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