Essay Assign 1

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Essay on Project Scheduling.

Unit Number: PRJM6002 or PRM530

Submitted by: Karma Choden

Student ID:

Essay: Project Scheduling......................................................................................................................3


Task1: Significant Effort-Driven Task Identification and Skill Types..................................................3

1.1 Significant Effort-Driven Task Description..........................................................................3

1.2: Skill types required to perform Significant Effort-Driven Task Description..............................3

Task 2: Understanding Productivity and Worker Productivity Measurement.................................4

2.1: Productivity.............................................................................................................................4

2.2: Measurement of worker productivity for effort-driven task...................................................5

Task 3: Factors Affecting Worker Productivity and Work Duration Estimate...................................5

Skill levels.......................................................................................................................................5

Environmental conditions..............................................................................................................6

Resources availability.....................................................................................................................6

Task 4: Project Management Technique Implementation................................................................7

4.1 Critical Path Method...................................................................................................................7

4.2: Critical path method: Impact on productivity and task duration..............................................8



Essay: Project Scheduling

Project scheduling is the process of setting a method and timeline for a particular task that needs to
be completed within a given time frame by having a proper communication, planned dates, and
sequence of activities. To have a successful project management and productivity there should be an
effective project scheduling, involving the strategic allocation of resources and task sequencing
(Borges de Araújo, Alencar and de Miranda Mota 2017). With an emphasis on jobs that require
effort, this essay critically examines the relationship between worker productivity and project
scheduling. Task completion time and project schedule are substantially impacted by labor
productivity. This article will examine the environmental elements, worker skill levels, and project
success factors that affect worker productivity when repainting and refurbishing the community hall.

Task1: Significant Effort-Driven Task Identification and Skill Types

1.1 Significant Effort-Driven Task Description

For this study the effort driven task is about the community hall remodeling project particularly the
repainting of the interior was selected. To enhance the aesthetic and utility of a community hall,
interior painting must be done as part of the renovation process. Specific characteristic of demanding
ongoing effort regardless of the quantity of resources provided is the reason why this activity is
categorized as an effort-driven work. In other words, whether a painting is done by a small team of
painters or a larger workforce, the degree of labor required is always the same.

1.2: Skill types required to perform Significant Effort-Driven Task Description

Technical Skills:
For application of paint, it is necessary to have both resource management and skillful execution.
Painter should have sound knowledge on color combination and contrast of different mixture of the
paints and it is a complex blend of technical expertise and resource management. Moreover it entails
more than merely applying paint to surfaces, successful paint application, which goes beyond
aesthetics, requires knowledge of surfaces, paint types, and application techniques.

Specialized Skills
Specialized abilities are also needed for the "Repainting and Refinishing" assignment, which add to
the activity's aesthetically pleasing and security-related components. To choose paint colors that go
with the intended use and mood of the hall, expertise in color coordination and interior design is
essential. The ability to use color psychology effectively is essential for designing an environment that
inspires the desired feelings. Additionally, safety precautions knowledge is essential while dealing
with paints and chemicals. This covers knowledge of appropriate ventilation, safety equipment, and
methods for safely disposing of hazardous items. The safety of the team and the environment are
ensured by workers' capacity to traverse these safety factors.
Research indicates that proper execution of effort-driven tasks such as repainting relies on a blend of
technical skills, teamwork, and resource coordination (Smith and Brown 2017). According to (Smith
and Brown 2017), the effective completion of effort-driven tasks, like repainting, depends on a
synergistic combination of several different factors. This comprises a range of technical skills,
cooperative dynamics at work, and the effective orchestration of resources. These elements work
together to ensure a seamless progression and completion of the activity. To get the desired
outcome, you'll need to have aptitude for priming surfaces, painting, and color blending.
Furthermore, effective work performance depends on suppliers' collaboration in ensuring timely
material delivery.

Interpersonal Competence
Only with effective cooperation and communication will the "Repainting and Refinishing" project be
accomplished effectively. When renovating, workers must get along with other professions like
carpenters and electricians. Clear communication enables the scheduling of painting tasks to reduce
conflicts with other processes. Effective contact with other painters is also required to ensure a
uniform finish across the hall. If there are open lines of communication with project managers,
supervisors, and stakeholders, the final outcome will be in line with the project's objectives.

Task 2: Understanding Productivity and Worker Productivity Measurement

2.1: Productivity

Worker productivity is a subset that directly affects project schedule, and productivity as a whole is a
key component of project success (Borges de Arajo, Alencar, and de Miranda Mota 2017).
Productivity, which assesses how efficiently resources are used to achieve project goals, is a crucial

factor in project success. Since it directly influences how project activities are scheduled, worker
productivity is significant in the context of productivity.

2.2: Measurement of worker productivity for effort-driven task

It is necessary to measure the output of labor resources in relation to the input used when
measuring worker productivity. Calculating the square meters painted per labor hour may be used to
assess worker productivity in the repainting process. To make educated project planning and
decision-making, accurate worker productivity monitoring is essential. This requires comparing the
labor resource output to the input efforts to get a quantifiable number for efficiency evaluation. In
the case of the repainting process, the quantification of square meters painted per labor hour is a
critical statistic for assessing worker productivity. This statistic tracks both the quantity of work
accomplished and the rate at which it is done. Project managers can evaluate the workforce's
effectiveness in converting labor hours by looking at this number (Smith and Johnson 2018).

Task 3: Factors Affecting Worker Productivity and Work Duration Estimate

Skill levels

Since a painter's skill level directly impacts the effectiveness and caliber of the work produced, it has
a substantial impact on total production. A group of expert painters has the capacity to finish
assignments incredibly quickly. These gifted people have an in-depth grasp of their field, which
enables them to handle the complexity of their task with dexterity and accuracy. Beyond technical
knowledge, their competence includes problem-solving skills that let them navigate challenges with
ease. With this expertise, they may not only select the most appropriate methods for each job, but
also foresee potential issues and provide effective solutions. In essence, the qualities of highly
talented painters allow them to do their duties rapidly.
The close relationship between skill level and productivity is shown by the fact that highly skilled
painters frequently exhibit a degree of craftsmanship that goes beyond simple execution. Their skill
allows them to add subtlety and refinement to their work, enhancing the final product. The efficiency
of the painting process is increased by making wise decisions. Additionally, as these experienced
painters become adept at streamlining and improving their processes, they may significantly speed
up the project timetable. The achievement of project milestones within the allotted timeframes is
made possible by their capacity to produce high-quality work quickly.

Beyond specific jobs, a painter's skill level affects productivity in general. When highly skilled painters
collaborate, their collective output rises, encouraging a culture of learning and creativity.
Experienced painters may mentor and impart knowledge to their teammates, enhancing the
collective expertise of the team. As a result of this continuing skill development, the personnel
becomes more skilled as well as more adaptable to shifting project requirements. Therefore, training
painters to be technically competent speeds up the timelines for ongoing projects and improves the
organization's potential to thrive in its field over the long run.

Environmental conditions
According to research by Meegahapola and Prabodanie (2019), workplace environments can affect
how productive employees are. Paint may dry more slowly in humid conditions, slowing down job
flow. Similar to this, job completion rates are directly correlated with painters' skill levels.
Additionally, delays brought on by material shortages may result in jobs taking too long to complete.
Environmental considerations, such as humidity affecting paint drying periods, might contribute to
lengthy task durations. Employee productivity in effort-driven jobs can be significantly impacted by a
wide range of variables. One such factor that can have a substantial impact on the effectiveness of
job completion is environmental factors. For instance, humidity levels have a crucial role in
influencing how long it takes paint to dry while repainting. High humidity levels might hinder the
drying process.

Resources availability

Additionally, workflow and job time are directly impacted by the availability of supplies. A smooth
workflow and job efficiency depend on the timely availability of essential materials. For activities to
run well, appropriate paint, tools, and equipment must be available. If there are delays or shortages
of materials, the workflow may be interrupted, lengthening task times. In addition to slowing down
production, a scarcity of materials forces workers to adjust to shifting circumstances, which may
need more time for improvisation or adaptation. As a result, maintaining a regular workflow and
preventing unneeded delays depends critically on the availability of materials.

Worker productivity might vary according to environmental conditions, specifically the impact of
humidity on paint drying. This is in line with the association between work completion rates and
painting skill level that has been observed. The researchers also point out how a lack of resources

may result in delays, increasing the amount of time needed to perform a task. These results lend
credence to the idea that worker productivity and job length estimates may be influenced by a
confluence of internal and external factors. In summary, a variety of factors, including environmental
factors, human capabilities, and material availability, all have an influence on worker productivity in
effort-driven employment. According to Meegahapola and Prabodanie (2019), each of these factors
can significantly effect how quickly and how long a work takes to complete.

Task 4: Project Management Technique Implementation

4.1 Critical Path Method

The Critical Path Method (CPM), one project management technique, can be used to boost employee
productivity and improve project scheduling. To expedite work completion, CPM pinpoints key steps
and sequences. Effective project management is the purposeful use of techniques that optimize
outcomes and simplify processes. One such tool is the Critical Path Method (CPM), a well-known
technique that helps with project scheduling and resource allocation. A well-coordinated project
timetable may be created using the organized framework provided by CPM for identifying crucial
tasks and their interdependencies. Project managers may focus resources to tasks that directly affect
how long the project takes by determining the critical route, which contains activities with no slack

The Critical Path Method (CPM), one project management technique, can be used to boost employee
productivity and improve project scheduling. To expedite work completion, CPM pinpoints key steps
and sequences. Effective project management is the purposeful use of techniques that optimize
outcomes and simplify processes. One such tool is the Critical Path Method (CPM), a well-known
technique that helps with project scheduling and resource allocation. A well-coordinated project
timetable may be created using the organized framework provided by CPM for identifying crucial
tasks and their interdependencies. Project managers may focus resources to tasks that directly affect
how long the project takes by determining the critical route, which contains activities with no slack

A detailed evaluation of each activity involved in the repainting process is part of the CPM
implementation in the context of the painting task. This requires deciding which tasks may be
finished concurrently and which ones need to be finished in a specified order. By carefully examining
the connections and interactions between jobs, project managers may draw a network diagram that

depicts the critical route, or the series of operations that take the greatest time to complete as a
whole. Due to the direct impact that delays in work along this path have on the project's overall
timeline, it becomes the focus of project management operations.

4.2: Critical path method: Impact on productivity and task duration

The usefulness of CPM in improving project scheduling has been confirmed by academics.CPM
assists in effective resource allocation and job sequencing by identifying essential routes and
dependencies. Academic studies show the efficiency of CPM in improving project scheduling. CPM
has a favorable effect on project timeline and resource utilization optimization. By identifying key
pathways, which are made up of activities that directly affect project length, CPM helps project
managers to wisely allocate resources to high-impact jobs (Johnson and Smith 2020). Understanding
job dependency also encourages a more efficient flow of work, reducing downtime and potential
disputes. By ensuring that the right activities are prioritized and resources are distributed properly,
CPM implementation is consistent with the overarching objective of raising worker productivity.
Implementing CPM for the repainting project would entail prioritizing activities like surface
preparation and paint application. This technique shortens downtime and expedites task completion.
Finding the activities that have the biggest influence on project length is a necessary step in applying
CPM to the painting project. Setting processes like surface preparation, which lays the foundation for
effective paint application, as a priority becomes essential. By establishing a logical sequence and
distributing resources accordingly, idle time between jobs is decreased. This technique speeds up the
completion of the task.


In conclusion project scheduling is important in defining worker productivity, particularly in effort-

driven jobs. By examining affecting variables, keeping track of employee productivity, and using
techniques like the Critical Path Method (CPM), projects may be finished more quickly. Following
these guidelines will help project managers schedule tasks precisely and finish them on time, which
will eventually help the project succeed. Thanks to accurate analysis and superior management
techniques, this comprehensive plan achieves on-time task completion. Regardless of the project's
type, adhering to these principles increases the chance of timely delivery and project success. The
cornerstone of effective project scheduling is labor productivity, which is attained via the interaction

of factors, measurement accuracy, and management techniques, providing the platform for overall
project success and long-term beneficial effects.

Borges de Araújo, Maria Creuza, Luciana Hazin Alencar, and Caroline Maria de Miranda Mota.
"Project procurement management: A structured literature review." 2017, 353-377.

Johnson, Andrew, and Richard Smith. "Enhancing Project Scheduling through Critical Path
MethodImplementation." Journal of Project management, March 2020: 45-59.

Meegahapola, Pubuduni Anuradha , and R.A. Ranga Prabodanie. "Impact of environmental

conditions on workers’ productivity and health." International Journal of Workplace Health
Management, 2019: 74-84.

Smith, and Brown. "Enhancing Effort-Driven Task Execution: Insights from the Construction Industry.
Construction Management." 2017.

Smith, Daneil, and Michael Johnson. "Worker Productivity Management in Project Management."
Project Management Quaterly, 2018: 12-27.

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