Managment and Leadership

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Leadership & Management



 leadership
➢ Leadership (theories , skills & styles)
➢ Leaders' attributes
➢ Leaders' behaviors
 Management
➢ Management (functions, roles, skills & styles)
➢ Managers attributes
 Management vs. Leadership

Leadership 4

 Leadership is the ability to develop a vision that

motivates others to move with a passion toward
a common goal
 Is the process through which an individual
attempts to intentionally influence others in
order to accomplish goal
Social influence process
Potential follower
Leadership Theories
 Personality-based (great man theory) (a person capable
of leading has the personality characters of a leader)
 Trait theory (leaders are born with traits that make them more
suitable for the role of a leader)
 Behavioral theory (leaders' behaviors as a result of many
learned or acquired skills.)
 Contingency theory (leader's effectiveness is depending
on, if their leadership style suits a particular situation.)
 Charismatic theory (trait-based leadership theory)
 Transactional theory (These leadership theories consider
rewards and punishments as the basis for leadership actions.)
 Transformational theory (Relationship theories, focuses on
the relationship between the leaders and followers.)
Leadership Theories 6
Leadership skills 7

• A strong leadership vision

• Creativity

• Strong communication skills

• Positivity & Empathy

• Strategic thinking skills

• The ability to inspire and convince others

Leadership skills 8

• The ability to build trust

• The ability to assess others strengths and
• Time management
• Management skills
• Strong charisma
• Flexibility
Attributes of a Leader 9

 Guiding vision: Effective leaders know what

they want to do and have the strength of
character to pursue their objectives in the
face of opposition and in spite of failures. The
effective leader establishes achievable goals.
 Passion: Effective leaders believe in their goals.
They have a positive outlook on who they are,
and they love what they do. Their passion for
life is a guiding star for others to follow.
Attributes of a Leader 10

 Integrity: Because they know who they are,

effective leaders are also aware of their
weaknesses. They only make promises they can
follow through on.
 Honesty: Leaders convey an aura of honesty in
both their professional and their personal lives.
 Trust: Effective leaders earn the trust of their
followers and act on behalf of their followers.
Attributes of a Leader 11

 Curiosity: Leaders are learners. They wonder

about every aspect of their charge. They find
out what they need to know in order to follow
their goals.
 Risk: Effective leaders take calculated risks
when necessary to achieve their objectives.
 Dedication: The effective leader is dedicated
to the charge and gives themself entirely to the
task when it is necessary.
Attributes of a Leader 12

 Charisma: This may be the one attribute is the

result of that leaders have the capability to
motivate people.

 Listening: Leaders Listen! This is the most

important attribute of all, listen to the
Leader behaviors 13

 Directive:
The leader informs followers on what is expected of them,
such as telling them what to do, how to perform a task,
and scheduling and coordinating work.

 Supportive:
The leader makes work pleasant for the workers by
showing concern for them and by being friendly and
Leader behaviors 14

 Participative:
The leader consults with his followers before making a
decision on how to proceed.

 Achievement:
The leader sets challenging goals for followers,
expects them to perform at their highest level, and
shows confidence in their ability to meet this
leadership styles


 Management is the ability to organize

resources and coordinate the performance
of tasks necessary to reach a goal in a timely
and cost-effective manner
 Is a process of dealing with or controlling
things and people
 It is the act of getting things done through
others and having them do it willingly
(American Management Association)
Management Functions

 Planning

 Organizing

 Staffing

 Directing

 Controlling
Management Functions
Management Roles
 Interpersonal
 Figurehead, leader, relationship (contact,
 Informational
 monitor, disseminator, spokesperson
 Decisional
 Disturbance handler, resource allocator,
Management Skills 21
Attributes of a manager 22

 Consider alternatives to design

 Estimate costs involved
 Develop a schedule for the project
 Include decision steps
 Manage change in an orderly manner
 Keep the team motivated and informed
 Review responsibilities and goals with each
team player
 State clearly the basis for evaluation and
where each person fits into the organization
Attributes of a manager 23

 Monitor progress
 Set
directions; set expected achievements.
Show the team members where they fit in
achieving unit goals.
 Perform administrative tasks
 Report to senior management
 Money
and job security play a major role in
management effectiveness.
Traditional Management Styles

 Autocratic

the most controlling of the management styles

 Delegative

allows employees to take full responsibility of their work

 Democratic

involving employees in making decisions but being

responsible for making the final decision
Management and
Management is about dealing with COMPLEXITY
Leadership is about dealing with CHANGE
Stable Turbulent

External environment

Manager Leader
Management vs. Leadership
• Planning & budgeting • Establishing direction
• Organizing & staffing • Aligning people
• Controlling • Motivating & inspiring
Creates Creates
– Efficiency – Effectiveness
– Order – Change
– Constancy – Discontinuity
– Consistency
Requires Requires
• Logic • Creativity
• Procedures • Risk
• Policies • Tolerance

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