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Rugged GM,

Observing all protocols,

My brothers and friends,

Adjusted Social Calendar for The Saga of Finest Survival

Date Events Host

October 8th. 2021 Galleon Assembly/Flotillas All Frigates

November 5th 2021 Pastoral Emirates Frigate/Abu

Dhabi Watas
December 4th 2021 Galleon Assembly/Flotillas All Frigates

December 26th 2021 Family Picnic All Lords

March 3rd-5th 2022 Vita Galleon Convaj The Galleon

June 4th 2022 Galleon Assembly/Flotillas All Frigates

July 1st 2022 Pastoral Palm Jumeirah Frigate

September 24th 2022 Galleon Assembly All Frigates

October 14th 2022 Pastoral Dalma Frigate

December 3rd 2022 Galleon Assembly All Frigates

December 26th 2022 Family Picnic All Lords

February 26th-28th 2023 Vita Galleon Anchor Convaj The Galleon

The Dates and scheduled above are not cast in stone as the GM reserves the
right to adjust dates as he sees fits.

The Vita Galleon Social Committee.

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