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ZOLT TAN W=B3 COMMUNIT D=C=NTRALIS=D W=B3 CRYPTO YIELDING PLATFORM ZOLT TAN a RAC 0 bring innovating new technologies and hat change lives. When you have the technology, Community-driven crypto proje a iW AelmneiN managing it, rather it is collectively owned and managed by its members using BEP-20 smart Blockchain contract. It energizes community with a passion. The crypto world’s best platform which is going to be popular among the crypto lovers. Transparency is the key feature of cryptocurrency and blockchain, ZOLTTAN is the best transparent platform, be a part of this revolutionized opportunity... WHAT IS CRYPTO CURRENCY? ey ome cea e fe lic mie lVmer-la doesn't require a bank or financial institution to verify transactions and can be used for pi Teel) investmen a verified an jain, an unchan and records HOW BLOCKCHAIN MLO) Ae) A blockchain is a decentralized, distributed and public digital ledger that is used to record transactions Ele commen) LLCO Ur Laal record cannot be altered retroactively without the alteration of all subsequent blocks and the consensus of the network. ZOLT TAN a RAC ABOUT CENTRALISED SYSTEM Centralized system, the network resources are placed and managed from a main location. Centralized network model allows administrators to Tatlatle [maa ae ol] rally, FUTURE OF pet VA) PD EV) A decentralized exchange (DEX) is a digital ise currency exchange that allows users to buy le) crypto through direct, peer-to-peer crypto currency transactions, all over a online platform without an intermediary. IMPORTANCE OF DECENTRALIZED COMMUNITY e In the decentralized world of Web3, the community plays a crucial role in driving innovation, adoption, and governance. pyrene Pleo are (ee RU ons important aspect of Web3 technology fe since it allows for more open, transparent, and inclusive participation - without e. middlemen involved. WHY A SMART CONTRACT REFFERAL PROGRAM IS ESSENTIAL FOR IT’S MEMBERS Referral rewards are distributed directly Lye Leelee is no more second guessing or wondering: The rewards are programmed into the smart contract and paid directly to account holders and participants during the referral program. The code guarantees payouts and each on-chain action will be reflected Teo) cia ZOLT TAN oon eee Pre Cay rp] cama) NA ee 13 ye VIC C11) OR Tag OAS SUUESTo ate RENEWALS JOINING PHOCEDUHE Download and install your new Trust Wallet, head to and chose the Relevant download link for your device. Once you have downloaded and installed the app, Step open Trust Wallet and tap on "Create a new wallet”. In the next step you will receive your 12 word seed phrase, which acts as a backup for your funds. Before you finish the step of creating the wallet, verify that you wrote down the 12 word phrase in the correct order. Do not take a screenshot; it's not safe to store your recovery phrase in your camera roll. It should be written down and stored ina safe place. ROAR U aoe ta ee ee ea eae eC eee ices ree teat ee eeu cn eid it (not online) and keep it in a safe place. The phrase is essentially your PIN number so keeping itnoted down ina safe and secure place is vital Dre et ocean eun eeu eects You are the true owner of your "Money’, Trust Wallet can never access your coins. eee ee ee ae seat Os es MC Os DENCE laaccoa colle *Only your 12 word seed phrase can be used to restore access to your wallet It is strongly recommended to do your backup now and store it elie eon laa Len (ol a a ee marcel SV lola Kan ZOLT TAN Crary Pre GONNEGTING WALLET, =a SIG BIg on as POCKET DIREGT, REFERRAUINGOME Earn BNB token with ZOLTTAN. Our direct referral program brings an opportunity for all to be a part of a unique alternative income idea where you can earn money by just referring people in your direct contact to ZOLTTAN web3 platform. You can either refer a family member or a friend or someone you know. As soon as they join ZOLTTAN by your referral link, you will immediately qualify 9 clam Eo La aol) BNB, and you can continue to elceN ALANNA AN ACSC of yours with ZOLTTAN. For 6 each and every direct referral r you recommend to ZOLTTAN rT) r | fe ace um YelU RY MEN oS} * a NE ce Se Td income. a MATRIX GENERATION INGOME The matrix crypto generator system is designed to help the ZOLTTAN global community members accelerate their earnings. The matrix generation income is paid out when your team upgrades to new levels which happens automatically each time BNB is withdrawn to our wallets. In ZOLTTAN matrix upgrades happens automatically so that they don't interrupt your team building or income. The ZOLTTAN matrix generation income reward are paid out automatically according to Hial-Kesl-laa fe) A MATRIX GENERATION UT eS PART} Ps rat YT] Pm eo with 0.15 BNB X 9 = 1.35 BNB o.. Ser RIC EET) Each Member Upgrades PD a dD) SS er) Cee) Each Member Upgrades PU LD i) pe TF OTD OE |) a ALT) CALPE Ly 50% = 0.675 BNB ey 0.45 BNB X27 = 12.15 BNB Ct RL) BED) SED PCa Ly SSE) tT Tay —____ 1.35 BNB MATRIX GENERATION INCOME 2nd CYCLE A A mb TC ei Dee) A 7 PAT | UPGRADE VALUE Pun erry PARI} PT UC Ce rab aC ose SCRE) PTH Le with 72.90 BNB X 27 = 1968.30 BNB Uti aS wre: 4th Level OUT Le ny with 218.70 BNB X 81 = 17714.70 BNB PACT) Ty CADP Roe) Lema Ly PLE PLE LD Pera ey Be CL re | re Ce Ly en LL 218.70 BNB ra Ce LD een y ns ZOLT TAN a RAC MATRIX PASSIVEINGOME , Matrix Passive income does require work. i Fa CeWAVOMLITUCOIMOLM UIE L@ ole @cKe (ila LIM LEmo) = you can enjoy the income later with less effort. y i wet ON de ~’ P . A Eleva eC oa ee eB teen EL “ : Y generate between 20%-40% of the BNB amount ~ a DLR AU oR MU ibe cone eNO This comes from your 2nd to Sth level downlines PRR OMe ine ie yy GENERATION INCOME Olea VeRO atm referrals you are qualified to eee Cane UMM ee a COL SNRs Kae ar OMCs MRCS Taos avake ZOLT TAN Crary Pre TEAM ADVANGEMENTINGOME 2 LOliKcoas voltae) ico RV eM UCeli Road $2, aca to receive Team PANE MeaLiCel| oan Varo iitealral oni r EMENT INCOME baie 2a pao oem Ole e NRCP ROC com eee ECR Reel STOR an ae Ree oko DOOM oe Keone two legs and 100 people accumulated within multiple legs. You will qualify for Royalty Achievement Income PUNO N Neo Roe N MUL ee oor ROS eit withdrawals in ZOLTTAN. The pool will be divided OVS Eon Raed Cen ce Ua COL MN) if STEPS TO REACH LEVEL 8 + Ifyou want to go through the compensation plan and earn your 20,000 BNB as Ceife e cero oxen ti Pa ogo Lo) as CoC CCRC Gam Bere Ns (Uo CeCe esiene AICS UD elim Cee Um TU Woes Or Lene SUC Come Cop mon re MeN ae NICOL Lte A VON MeO Ug Bye m ce)

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