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Genesis Timeline

Early Bronze IV Middle Bronze I

2165 2115 2070 2025 1980 1935 1890 1845 1800

Death of Sarah

Isaac deceived Jacob and his family enter Egypt

by Jacob 430 years before the Exodus

Ishmael (cf. Exod 12:40; Gal 3:17)

Abraham enters Canaan

at the age of 75

Ishmael born
Isaac marries
to Hagar


Destruction of Sodom
and Gomorrah Birth of Jacob and Esau— Jacob flees to Joseph
Esau’s lifespan not recorded Laban at Haran

Isaac taken to “So Joseph died, being one hundred and ten
Mt. Moriah by Abraham Birth of Reuben years old; and they embalmed him, and he
was put in a coffin in Egypt” (Gen 50:26)
Sold by his

© 2017 David A. Padfield

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