Acuzar - Arts Finals Activity

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Jan Daniel I.


Think of a belief that you hold strongly to. Then think of a way how you can
represent that particular belief system. You may write a paragraph or draw an illustration
as a means of representation of your answer.
- Someone told me this belief and I was convinced that it was true when I experienced it
personally. It is when your palms itch it means money coming in our out. An itching left palm
means money to be paid out, while an itching right palm is money coming in. It is believed that
if your right palm itches, you may receive money or financial gains. This is seen as a sign that
money is coming into your life. However, if your left palm itches, it is thought that you may
have to pay money or face expenses. This is considered a sign of money leaving your life, such
as through bills, debts, or unplanned expenses.

1. What are the central themes of Chinese artworks? Explain why the Chinese focused on
these themes.
- Traditional Chinese paintings often portrayed fantastical worlds of imagination, while
still incorporating elements of Chinese culture. The artists believed that a higher spiritual force
inspired their creations and guided their work. Chinese porcelain as commonly used for
decorative ornaments like vases and jars, showcasing intricate artwork passed down through
generations. The vases often depict the central theme of nature, reflecting the belief that humans
are integral to maintaining balance in the natural world. Chinese artworks also emphasize social
life, community, and interactions among people, covering themes of everyday activities, war,
violence, death, and nature. Symbolism is prevalent, and art serves as a means for artists to
express their reflections and awareness.
2. In what ways are Chinese and Japanese art similar? In what ways are they different?
- Both Chinese and Japanese cultures emphasize the importance of religion and the
integral role of humans in society. While China may have initially influenced Japan, the latter
eventually embraced Western ideas. The main difference lies in their approach to incorporating
Western influences: China remained conventional, while Japan chose to embody Western ideals
in their artworks.
3. What were some the uses or roles of art during the precolonial period?
- When the Spaniards arrived in the Philippines in the 16th century, they introduced
Christianity and aimed to supplant the indigenous cultural practices and beliefs of the early
Filipinos. Art played a significant role in propagating the Christian faith and solidifying Spanish
control. The Church became the main patron of the arts, evident in the construction of churches
housing relics and paintings. Despite attempts to integrate Western culture, Filipinos expressed
their resistance and desire for liberation through art. One notable example is Juan Luna's
"Spoliarium," a famous painting that symbolized Filipino nationalism and the call for equality,
winning recognition and demonstrating that Filipino artists could rival their European

4. How did art become a reflection of Philippine society?

- After gaining independence from Spanish rule, the Philippines fell under American
colonial government, which promoted their culture and beliefs through public schools. Art took
on a new role in advertising American-controlled markets. Following World War II, as the
country sought its national identity, Filipino artists embraced modern approaches, reflecting
political, social, and economic issues during the Marcos administration. Artworks shifted from
idealistic imagery to more aggressive themes, representing the people's advocacy for nationalist
ideals. During Martial Law, social realism became prevalent, with art serving as a form of protest
against government suppression and addressing issues like economic problems, land reforms,
gender rights, worker's rights, and the challenges faced by cultural minorities in the Philippines.

Write an essay answering this question: To what extent can art help in the formation of a
society's culture?
- A society's culture is formed and developed over time, and art has a significant impact
on a society's identity, values, and customs. Art becomes a reflection of the collective
experiences and beliefs of a community through a variety of artistic expressions, such as visual
arts, literature, music, dance, and theater. By passing on legends, practices, and rituals from one
generation to the next, it protects cultural heritage and strengthens a sense of continuity and
common past.
A society's ideals and ideologies can be effectively expressed via art. Whether it be
through political art, religious art, or social commentary, artists use their imagination to express
essential messages and promote discussion about pressing societal issues. This creates a deeper
understanding and appreciation of many cultures by using art as a medium for cultural
engagement and exchange. Art plays the role of a mirror, reflecting the socio-political
background of a society, during periods of social transformation or political instability. It can
serve as a means for protest, promoting social justice and igniting group action. Marginalized
voices can get a voice through the arts, enabling people and communities to question the existing
In conclusion, art has a significant and extensive impact on how a society develops its
culture. It encourages artistic expression, shapes cultural identity, and reflects society ideals. Art
continues to be an essential factor in defining and enhancing the cultural tapestry of humanity
through upholding traditions, inspiring change, and supporting unity.

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