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1.Text: On the day of my first piano recital,…

advised the writer to put cabbages in the
room where he practiced and play for
On the day of the recital the music teacher….. them
Very keen to do something or enthusiastic about
something that will happen desire
The "recital" means a performance of music or poetry
The writer finally began to relax just before
In the passage it is explained that…… he bagen his recital
when he found he couldn't see the
The writer stopped feeling nervous…. audience
2. Text: People have always polluted ther
What should we do to reduce pollution? we should protect nature
Pollution wasn't such as a serious problem earlier.
People____ did not have pollution-causing machines
Complete the sentence. Britain helps international
organization on environmental_____ protection
Why people had become alarmed with the danger of Cars and other new inventions make
pollution? pollution steadly worse
Why is pollution a complicated problem? becouse factories reduced useful things
3. Text: The weather in England  
English people use the statement "Other countries to describe the weather peculiarities in
have a climate; in England we have weather England
The synonym of the word "reply" answer
because the weather is very changeable in
English people like talking about the weather England
"As changeable as the weather" it is a person who… often changes his mood
English people do not like spending their summer of changeable and rainy summers in
holidays in England, because England
4. Text: William I, The Conqueror, was born in 1027
in France  
What is Domesday Book? the book with accurate figures
Who is Elizabeth II? the mother of the prince of Wales
Who is the next after Elizabeth I? Prince Charles
Why is the Westminster Abbey famous for? because of the royal ceremonies in there
because he has won the last battle in the
Why is William I, The Conqueror the Hero of Britain? British history
5. Текст. The friendliest country in the world.  
One of the friendliest country is … New Zealand
The lowest ranked country was Unired Arabian the labourers were not eligible enough fot
Enirates, because …. the survey
In the United Arabian Emirates 20% of the population
is .. natives
expatriates' means someone who lives in a foreign country
the country which could be the second
The survey was to find out ___. home
6. Текст. One early spring day a farm boy …  
Why did the boy's mother ask neighours for helP? They couldn't come back home
People like dogs because they___ are genuine friends
The boy take the dog home because ____ it has a broken leg
How did his mother's neighbours find the boy? they heard the barking of the dog
Why did the boy and the dog couldn't come back
home? a large stone slipped across the opening

7. Текст. Once an English man and his wife were

travelling abroad. When they arrived …..  
An Englishman and his wife stay … at a hotel
The Englishman couldn't find the hotel, because he … didn't remember the address
His wife didn't go sightseeing, because … she was tired
The Englishman asked that passer-by to give his
watch, because he thought the passer-by was a thief
The watch was the passer-by's
8. Текст. Television has many advantages and
to encourage means to make somebody to do something
it is much interesting than walking in the
A lot of teenagers prefer Television because street
The correct sentence is: Less modern teenagers are fond of reading
The modern television helps to enlarge our knowledge
The people accept television at home because its quite convenient
9. Text: On Mother's Day, when Bob Feller...  
Bob's mother was taken to hospital._____ She felt bad
Bob pitch in ______ a league game
Why did Bob Feller bring his mother t Chicago from He arranged a special treat for her on her
her farm? birthday
Where did she go after that? she came to her farm
She lived happily___ in her farm
10. Text: You should use your knowledge of Country
The word Canada come from one of the Red Indian
languages- Kanatta it means…. a number of huts
Canada became a part of the British Empirein …. 1759
The offical languages of Canada are English and The French were the first settlers to this
French country
The head of the state in Canada is the Queen of Great
Britain, because Canada is a member of Commonwealth
Canada is wasted by______oceans Pacific, Arctic and Atlantic
11. Текст. The Amish people are a religious group
who came to America from Switzerland and South
Germany in the 18th century.  
Who are Amish people? a religious group from America
Why do the Amish people wear homemade clothes? its acceptable in the Amish society
Why do the Amish people have large families because of the religion
What does the phrase "home produced food" mean? the cooked at home food
Why don't the Amish children learn History or
Geography? they don't need any other school subjects
12. Текст. The Tower of London.  
According to the text ___ people were beheaded in
the Tower of London. 3
The ravens in the Tower would not fly away only
because… their wings are clipped
Bloody tower is the place where: King Edward's two sons were murdered
If you go to the Tower of London you can visit home
of … The Crown Jewels
"Fate" means the things that … happen to someone
13. Текст.The most popular spirits in Ireland are
Guinness and Whiskey.  
What are the most popular drinks in Ireland? beer and whiskey
What does the word "yeast" mean you need it to make a dough for bread
Guinness is produced: Britain, Nigeria, Malaysia
Who is Grant? general of the army
What is another insteresting Irish drink except
whiskey and Guinness? Irish coffee
14. Текст. Oscar Wilde  
Which of this novel made him one of the outstanding
writers in Great Britain "The Importance of Being Earnest"
According to the text: Oscar Wilde had good education
the man who was always young and his
"The Picture of Dorian Gray" is a novel about picture grew old and ugly.
In 1900 Wilde got sick and died
Wilde lost the case against Marquis of
Wilde was imprisoned because Queensberry.
15. Текст. On 28 August 2005, the US government
told everyone in New Orlando to leave the city.  
Give the title to this story. How do you call it? accident in New Orleans
When Hurricane hit the city many people
A true answer: had already left
The US government had been preparing for a
hurricane for many years
A sentence in the Past Perfect Tense: Many people had already left
Hurricane Katrina was moving towards: New Orleans
16. Текст. Wolfgang Mozart is a famous Austrian
What is the reason of his death? disease and poverty
What does the phrase "to be delighted" mean? admire somebody or something
What year did he die? in 1791
Where was Mozart born? in Austria
Mozart was at the age … when his first concert six years old
17. Text: Helloween, name applied…  
warding off all spirits
"Helloween"____ is the day of All Saints
Why do people carve jack-o -lantens out of They are hallowed-out pumpkins with face
pumpkins? carved into one side
the person who found the coin would
What methods of fortunetelling do you know? become weathy
The most popular activity on Helloween is______ trick-or-treating
18. Picture of map.  
April in Australia ia_____month autumn
Australia ia approximemately equal in area with____ The USA (excliding Hawaii and Alaska)
The main industry of Australia is______ mining
The capital of Australia is ____ Canberra
There are ____states in Australia six
19. Health is a state of physical….
She felt a …… in her heart when she had a heart attact pain
The first paragraph is about: The importance of good health
Athletic trainers: Also play a great role in sport medicine
The text implies that: Prevention of disease is very important
The main topic of the text … Elements of physical health

20. The study has established that the best course is

A serious medical condition that effects the
part of your body where your bones each
Osteoarthritis is …. other, making it difficult for you to move
A substance similar to bone that surrounds the joint
in your body, or a piece of this substance is … Gristle
‘”A good sports shoe should meet four criteria”, says
the article. Which is odd one? It must provide interior protection
According to the article, why should sports shoes not
be to rigid? It decreases the risk of injuries
That is very important for young sports
What does the author intend to show in this text? players to wear good sports shoes
21. Ever fancied being on TV?
One of these words are not mentioned as prizes ….. a big house
According to the text, one of the sentences below is The team members don’t know each other
not a reason for the popularity of “Tha Amazing Race” well
Find the word in the text which mean the same as this
definition “a person who plans the production of a TV
programme” Producer
Find the word in the text which mean the same as this
definition “somebody who is training to do a job” Apprentice
According to the text, participants in ‘The Amazing
Race” don’t do this activity Dance
22. One I went to the forest with my class
According to the text forecast the cold weather …. Wasn’t supposed In few days
To stop someone from being affected by an illness is
….. Cure
One should try to rewarm frozen fingers
It is pointed out in the passage that …. and toes fairy rapidly
In rewarming the body care must be taken
The author warns that … not to bum the skin
How to treat fingers and toes that have
The main concern of the passage is …… been frozen
23. There are many species of sharks found in the
ocean around the world
Species of sharks are classified into …. Eight different order
The most dangerous fish is the stonefish. They swim
very close to the bottom of the sea. Why? Because it is a stonefish
Focuse on what they can find along the
Angel sharks …… bottom of the ocean
Are a big part of angel sharks overall diet .. Clams and mollusks
There are many types of fish in the world. We eat fish
because …… It is useful for our health
23. Christmas is Christian holiday that celebrates the
birth of Jesus Christ
Why do the big companies hire people wearing Santa
Claus costume? To make the people feel the great holiday
What is “Carol”? The special song singing only on Christmas
What does Christmas celebrate ? The birth of Jesus
Where does the name “Christmas” come from? From Christian religion
Stuffed turkey, mashed potatoes, cranberry
What does a traditional Christmas dinner consist of? sauce and other dishes
24. “Unwritten Rules” of Great Britain Entering the bus without waiting your turn
The worst mistake for a visitors is ……
The women were not allowed to enter the pubs at the
beginning of the century, because That was not respectable behavior
“Ban” means…. To say something is illegal or not allowed
“When in Rome, do as the Romans do”. It means you
should…. Follow the rules of the country you visit
The synonym of the word “surprised” astonished
25. Traditional English people have three meals a
day: breakfast, lunch and dinner
Why is English breakfast big? Because they have not big lunch
Do English people like to cook for the family? No, thet are too busy to cook
What lunch do the British people usually have? They prefer the light meal
What does the word “cereal mean”? Cornflakes
Why isn’t British afternoon tea still popular? They are extremely busy nowadays
26. At the beginning of this century medical
scientists made a surprising discovery:
What does “body clock” mean? The reaction to the body changes
What are Biorhythms? Inner condition of the body
What problems can people have if their 24- hour
rhythm is interrupted? Have health disorder
How long does each cycle last? Less then one month
Which is the weakest part of a cecle? The disorder of high and low energy periods
27. An American court has sent a strong warning to
anyone who sends spam e-mail.
Jeremy appealed against the decision because he …. Tried to get his prison sentences overturned
Jeremy Jaynes disagreed with judje’ decision because Sending spam e-mail was not against the
he thought that ….. law
An American court send a strong warning to anyone
who …. Sends spam e-mail.
The court’s decision thought to be dangeros , because Anyone who sent spam
Jeremy Jayney was punished for …. Sending junk e-mail
28. The full name of the country is the UK of GB and
Northern Ireland
What lands do the British Isles consist of? Great Britain and Northern Ireland
What does the verb “to border on” mean? To have neiboughers
Who is the political leader of GB? The Prime Minister
How many parts and capitals are there in the UK? The UK has 4 part and 4 capitals
What mineral resources is Great Britain rich in? Coal,iron,oil,gas
29. Before you are travelling to a country such as
Egypt and Indonesia don’t take anything with you..
May hurt local people not knowing their
When taking photos abroad be careful as you rules
Choose the products you …. abroad Take
We should use the public transport because…………… We meet more local people
The rule of tipping are different in different
When tipping one must follow local because countries
When you are abroad try to stay with local, because
you…….. Help them to earn money

30.Text. Every year I work at a summer camp for

What surprises the writer about the children who stay
at the camp? they seem grateful for their experience here
they don't need to keep on phoning the
What does the writer think about some parents? camp
What does the writer say about rock climbing at the Some children find it more enjoyble than
camp? they expected to
explain what it is like for children at a
What is the writer trying to do in the text? summer camp
Which postcard might a child at the camp send I was annoyed when they suggested I put
home? on old jeans, but I quess they were right.
31.Text. Unfavorable Accident

1 Why do you think the fifty- dollar money order were They were perfectly cleaned.
bleached pure white?
2 What accident did the character of the story He had left the money in the pocket
3 Why did he immediately stop the washing machine? He believed to get his fifty- dollar money order
4 Where do people prefer to keep their money? In banks
5 Why did his wife go through his pockets before She had a way of doing it
washing anything?
32.Text. The British Education System.
Private Education. 
There are 2,400 independent schools in
1. How many independent schools are there in Britain? Britain
Fees vary from about 250 to 3.000 pounds a
2.Do fees vary for a secondary boarding school? term
3. Why are most independent schools called preparatory Because they prepare the children for the
schools? Common Entrance Exam
4. What school is the best known public school? Eton is the best known public school
Include religious schools and school for
5.What is the particularity of independent school? ethnic minorities
33.Text. What are you afraid of? (Phobia)
What is the difference between a fear and a
1.Fill in the first missing sentence in paragraph 1 phobia?
2. People … are phobias. Between 10 and 80%
3. R.Grint and J.K.Rowling are afraid of spiders
There are some people whose phobias are more
4.Fill in the first missing sentence in paragraph 3. unusual
cats and butterflies
5. Famous actors’ animals fear are
34. Text
1.If McDonalds company opens a new restaurant every 8
hours, how many restaurants are opened in 32 hours? 4 restaurants are opened every 32 hours
2.Why McDonalds company hasn’t any water? Because McDonalds is self-service restaurant
3.Why are new drink was named Coca Cola? Due to the ingredients coca leaf & coca nut
35. Text Table manners
Can you pass the salt please
Attitude to your selves and other
To be polite
Undue means more than necceary
The plane landed –put down
36. Text Money coins
1. The Chines made the first paper money about Because in some parts of China didn’t have
15000 years ago enough metal for coins
2. – is sued the first paper money The bank of Sweden
3. Why did the Lydians put a picture on their coins To show where is the money came from
4. How did people live without money People used to do exchange things
5. Early coins first appeared in Turkey
37. Text Marco-polo
1. What is merchant A person who sells goods
2. What country did he travel first to Palestine
3. How old was MP when his father took him to travel 17
4. How many years did Marco spend abroad 24 years
5. Where did he write his book In prison

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