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The Multidimensional Knowledge in Text

Comprehension framework

Kathryn S. McCarthy & Danielle S. McNamara

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Published online: 05 Feb 2021.

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The Multidimensional Knowledge in Text Comprehension framework

Kathryn S. McCarthya and Danielle S. McNamarab
Department of Learning Sciences, Georgia State University; bDepartment of Psychology, Arizona State University

Prior knowledge is one of the strongest contributors to comprehension, but there is little specifi-
city about different aspects of prior knowledge and how they impact comprehension. This article
introduces the Multidimensional Knowledge in Text Comprehension framework, which conceptual-
izes prior knowledge along four intersecting dimensions: amount, accuracy, specificity, and coher-
ence. Amount refers to how many relevant concepts the reader knows. Accuracy refers to the
extent to which the reader’s knowledge is correct. Specificity refers the degree to which the know-
ledge is related to information in the target text. Coherence refers to the interconnectedness of
prior knowledge. Conceptualizing prior content knowledge along these dimensions deepens
understanding of the construct and lends to more specific predictions about how learners process
information. Considering knowledge across multiple dimensions is crucially important to the devel-
opment and selection of prior knowledge assessments and, in turn, educators’ ability to capitalize
on learners’ strengths across various comprehension tasks.

Prior content knowledge has a profound effect on what is these sentences together into a coherent understanding of
understood, remembered, or learned. For example, consider vision. Even in this short passage, prior knowledge plays a
the following text: strong role in how information is processed and understood.
First, light passes through the cornea. The cornea bends light to
Many studies have been conducted to examine individual
help the eye focus. Some of this light enters the eye through the differences in prior knowledge and how variation in know-
pupil. The iris controls how much light enters. The light passes ledge can differentially affect comprehension. An overarch-
through the lens. The lens works together with the cornea to ing conclusion is that prior knowledge has a relatively large
focus light on the retina. When light hits the retina, effect on comprehension: More knowledge lends itself to
photoreceptors turn the light into electrical signals. These
better comprehension of text and discourse. Indeed, prior
electrical signals travel from the retina through the optic nerve
to the brain.1 knowledge predicts 30%–60% of the variance in comprehen-
sion performance (Dochy et al., 1999; Shapiro, 2004). Prior
For a proficient reader, this text is fairly simple to read knowledge directly affects comprehension in that more
and to understand. However, even this simple text poses knowledge makes it easier to make inferences that connect
comprehension challenges that may not be immediately the text together (Goldman et al., 2012; W. Kintsch, 1988,
apparent to a reader who is familiar with the topic. If a 1998; McNamara & Magliano, 2009; Shapiro, 2004). Prior
reader is unfamiliar with the term cornea, it is not obvious knowledge also has indirect effects such that more know-
what this text is about. A few sentences later, the text reads, ledgeable learners are better at selecting and deploying
“The iris controls how much light enters.” There is no effective comprehension strategies (Byrnes & Guthrie, 1992;
explanation of what the iris is or how the iris is related to Cromley & Azevedo, 2007; McNamara, 2007).
the pupil mentioned in the previous sentence. A reader who Although the general consensus is that prior knowledge
has knowledge that the iris is the colored part of the eye matters, there is little clarity around what aspects of prior
that changes the size of the pupil is likely better able to knowledge matter and under what conditions. Assumptions
make sense of how light is passing through this portion of regarding the underlying nature of prior knowledge and the
the eye. The phrase “photoreceptors turn the light into elec- methods of data collection and measurement vary widely
trical signals” is also challenging. The student might know from study to study (Dochy et al., 1999). In much of the
the stem photo and try to connect the idea that the eye will existing research, including many of our own research stud-
“develop” an image. Instead, the text indicates that the light ies, students are given relatively brief multiple-choice prior
is transformed into electrical signals. Without an under- knowledge tests that include a variety of topic-relevant ques-
standing of how electrical signals are used by the brain (i.e., tions. Based on the student’s score on this test, they are
to convert the light into an image), it is difficult to connect labeled as a “high-knowledge” or “low-knowledge” reader.

CONTACT Kathryn S. McCarthy Department of Learning Sciences, Georgia State University, P.O. Box 3978, Atlanta, GA 30302.
Adapted from
ß 2021 Division 15, American Psychological Association

This unidimensional label obscures the inherent complexities gaps and inconsistencies in these findings that suggest the
of knowledge and, in particular, how differences in a read- utility of examining multiple dimensions in tandem. We
er’s knowledge can influence the way that a text is read, illustrate how the MDK-C framework has the potential to
understood, and remembered. And so, whether prior know- inspire novel interpretations of past findings and how it can
ledge influences comprehension is no longer the question at guide future work on prior knowledge and text comprehen-
hand. (It does.) Instead, the question of how prior know- sion. Finally, we discuss limitations of the MDK-C frame-
ledge impacts comprehension is what must be addressed in work and future directions through which researchers can
future research, at least for those who seek a better under- engage in more systematic evaluation of how prior know-
standing of either knowledge or comprehension. However, ledge impacts text comprehension.
disagreements and mismatches in defining and operational-
izing prior knowledge across text comprehension studies
have made it difficult, if not impossible, to provide precise
predictions regarding how prior knowledge influences proc- Defining prior knowledge
essing of text. Our objective is to address this gap in the lit-
An agreed-upon definition of prior knowledge is elusive.
erature by introducing the Multidimensional Knowledge in
More than 2 decades ago, Dochy and Alexander (1995)
Text Comprehension (MDK-C) framework.
noted that, despite a large body of research in prior know-
The MDK-C framework identifies four key dimensions of
ledge, few researchers have provided an explicit definition
knowledge in relation to text comprehension—amount,
(see also Alexander, 1992; Alexander et al., 1991; Dochy
accuracy, specificity, and coherence—and posits that these
et al., 1999). Unfortunately, there has been little improve-
four dimensions have independent and combined influences
ment in this regard. This is, in part, because the concept of
on text comprehension processes and products. As described
“knowledge” is both ubiquitous and expansive. There are
next, the assessments used in previous studies often conflate
long traditions in the study of knowledge from a variety of
two or more of these dimensions. These dimensions must
disciplines (see Murphy et al., 2012) and a number of
be more carefully defined and examined to elucidate the
attempts to typify or organize all knowledge (e.g., de Jong &
relations between prior content knowledge and text compre-
Ferguson-Hessler, 1996) as well as to reconceptualize specific
hension. Our aim is to provide a means for educators and
types of knowledge (e.g., Baroody et al., 2007; Star, 2005).
researchers to revise and expand their conceptualization of The MDK-C framework is an attempt to develop a deeper,
prior knowledge and to use this conceptualization to more more nuanced understanding of a particular type of prior
intentionally and explicitly consider these dimensions. knowledge—declarative (content) knowledge and its relation
Conceptualization of prior knowledge is particularly import- to text comprehension.
ant when selecting or developing knowledge assessments, Our own grounding in theories of cognition and dis-
especially with respect to the given learning context or course comprehension guides our broader definition of
research objectives. The intent of the framework is not to knowledge, which in turn informs a more specific definition
prescribe that researchers and educators assess all dimen- of relevant prior knowledge. We define knowledge as all of
sions of prior knowledge in every study or before every the information in one’s memory. This definition is aligned
classroom reading. Instead, MDK-C offers a means through with one presented by Kendeou and O’Brien (2015), who
which those interested in text comprehension can make defined knowledge as “the theoretical or practical under-
more explicit and theory-driven decisions about how to standing of information and the representation of that
build meaningful and context-sensitive prior knowledge understanding in memory” (p. 151; see also Kendeou et al.,
assessments that can be used to inform theory and improve 2003). It is implicit in these definitions that “information” is
educational practice. used in a broad sense to reflect anything in the mind. That
The remainder of the article is divided into three sec- is, information reflects not only facts but also procedures
tions. The Background section includes our definition of and skills, beliefs and attitudes, and personal experiences.
prior knowledge and our justification for a focus on prior These definitions are consistent with Alexander et al.’s
content knowledge. We then briefly review existing prior (1991) definition of knowledge as “an individual’s personal
knowledge frameworks along with their strengths and limi- stock of information, skills, experiences, beliefs, and memo-
tations. We then describe how the MDK-C framework’s ries” (p. 317) or Greene et al.’s (2016) definition of “all
grounding in cognitive theories of discourse comprehension [emphasis added] that is stored and accessible in long-term
drives the current inquiry and the dimensions of interest. In memory” (p. 4). Thus, our definition is not intended to be
the second section, the MDK-C framework is introduced, controversial but rather to reflect the general consensus of
outlining the four dimensions (amount, accuracy, specificity, what the construct knowledge represents within the context
and coherence) and how considerations of multidimension- of educational research.
ality can lend to a deeper understanding of the impact of Our specific interest is in the prior knowledge that a
prior knowledge on text comprehension. This section reader brings to a particular reading or comprehension task.
includes empirical evidence for each dimension and We distinguish a reader’s preexisting prior knowledge in
approaches to assessment. We describe knowns and long-term memory from background information provided
unknowns regarding each dimension of prior knowledge just prior to reading. Providing a background reading is not
and their relations to comprehension. This analysis reveals “giving” students prior knowledge. For example, Anderson

(1981) assessed both pre-experimental knowledge (i.e., prior (1995) refined these distinctions within a general, concep-
knowledge) and experimental knowledge (i.e., background tual mapping of knowledge. This framework identifies key
information provided immediately before the learning task) dimensions of varying states (declarative, procedural, condi-
and found strong effects for pre-experimental knowledge but tional), explicitness, and contains both conceptual and
not experimental knowledge. As such, recently read infor- metacognitive components that may be domain-specific or
mation does not have the same effects as stable knowledge domain-transcendent. Although this framework assumes
in long-term memory. Indeed, the background readings that that knowledge is structured, there is little discussion of
are often used to try to lessen disparities across students can how it is structured and how this would influence compre-
actually exacerbate differences in knowledge by activating hension processes. This conceptual mapping is also not
relevant prior knowledge for more knowledgeable readers intended for making predictions specific to comprehension.
(McNamara & Kintsch, 1996). For this reason, we reserve De Jong and Ferguson-Hessler (1996) proposed a general
our consideration to studies of individual differences in knowledge framework specifically grounded in aspects of
prior knowledge rather than “manipulations” of knowledge. knowledge relevant to science learning. They argued that
Although it may necessary to control for prior knowledge in there are multiple types (situational, conceptual, procedural,
a research context, in educational contexts it behooves strategic) and that each type of knowledge could be
researchers and educators to strive toward better under- described with several qualities (surface-to-deep, isolated-
standing and measurement of prior knowledge so that sup- to-structured, declarative-to-compiled, verbal-to-pictoral,
ports can be added to meet students where they are. general-to-domain-specific). More specific to content know-
We further limit the scope of our framework to prior ledge and text comprehension, Kendeou and O’Brien
semantic content knowledge. When someone asks if a par- (2015) suggested that knowledge can be described as hav-
ticular person knows something, they are often asking if that ing characteristics. These characteristics include forms (i.e.,
person is familiar with that particular fact or piece of know- general world, domain, and topic), quantity (i.e., the
ledge (i.e., Randall knows the names of all of the presidents; amount or extent of knowledge), and quality (i.e., the
Priya knows that rain comes from the clouds). Thus, seman- accuracy, structure, and degree of interconnectedness). The
tic content knowledge is often the focus of prior knowledge MDK-C framework echoes these characteristics but further
research. For the sake of parsimony, reference to prior decomposes them into dimensions that afford deeper inves-
knowledge in this article can be assumed to mean prior con- tigation into the nature of a learner’s mental model.
tent knowledge unless otherwise noted. The focus on prior Indeed, each of the descriptions of knowledge just men-
content knowledge in text comprehension is not intended to tioned acknowledges that different facets (e.g., types, qual-
imply that other types of knowledge (e.g., epistemic, proced- ities, dimensions) of knowledge are likely to overlap or
ural, metacognitive) are not relevant to comprehension, or intersect. However, these interactions are not prominent
to suggest that prior content knowledge is not relevant for features of the frameworks. No current frameworks
other learning tasks. It is possible that the MDK-C frame- describe the multiple characteristics of the potential prior
work may apply to other types of knowledge or other learn- content knowledge that a reader might bring to bear dur-
ing tasks. However, we focus on prior content knowledge in ing comprehension. By contrast, clear operationalization
the context of text comprehension to constrain our review. and multidimensionality are key aspects of the MDK-C
Limiting the scope of the framework to the current literature framework. This framework draws upon many of the facets
on prior content knowledge in text comprehension allows us just described but more clearly defines each dimension and
to appropriately articulate the boundaries of our findings proposes means through which researchers can articulate
and the claims made in the framework. A more robust body rational emphasis on different dimensions or particular
of research will afford validation or refinement of these methods of assessment. Further, multidimensionality sug-
dimensions and potentially prompt evaluations of how prior gests that a reader’s prior knowledge simultaneously varies
content knowledge is acted upon or influenced by other along multiple dimensions. Although there may be rela-
types of knowledge as well as other individual differences tions across the dimensions, the assumption is that these
(e.g., skills, beliefs, motivations, affect). dimensions are, at least to some extent, independent. Of
course, the amount of knowledge will be somewhat requis-
ite for the other dimensions, but researchers must consider
Extant frameworks and evaluations of prior knowledge going beyond conceptualizations of prior knowledge solely
As mentioned previously, this framework is far from the in terms of amount of prior knowledge by accounting for
first to attempt to describe prior knowledge (e.g., Dochy, other dimensions. The whole of a reader’s prior content
1992; Dochy et al., 1999; Dochy & Alexander, 1995). For knowledge cannot be summarized as “correct to incorrect”
example, Dochy (1992) described the inherent qualities of or “general to specific,” and describing knowledge along
knowledge, including amount, misconceptions, availability, only one dimension ignores variability across the others.
accessibility, completeness, and structure. Availability and
accessibility describe the state of knowledge for the learner
Theoretical foundations
and are assumed to be related to structure in the sense
that knowledge that is more structured may facilitate Our focus on semantic content knowledge is, in part, based
accessibility to other knowledge. Dochy and Alexander on its prominence within cognitive theories of discourse

comprehension (e.g., Gernsbacher, 1991; Graesser et al., inferences are generated when varies depending on the
1994; W. Kintsch, 1988; van den Broek et al., 1999). nature of the text(s), features of the task, and aspects of the
Although there are important differences across theories of reader (Higgs et al., 2017; McNamara & Magliano, 2009),
comprehension, they generally agree on several tenets but generally speaking, readers are better able to construct
(McNamara & Magliano, 2009). In these theories, it is local bridges compared with distal and elaborative inferences
assumed that comprehension emerges from spreading acti- (Ozuru et al., 2007; Yukhymenko-Lescroart et al., 2020; cf.
vation of information across a connectionist network com- McNamara et al., 1996), and more skilled or more know-
prising concepts (nodes) and connections between those ledgeable readers generate more elaborative inferences (e.g.,
concepts (links). Readers use information from the text and Carlson et al., 2014; Goldman et al., 2012; Ozuru
information from their prior knowledge to construct multi- et al., 2009).
layered mental representations of what they read. Thus, These types of comprehension assessments afford a rich
prior knowledge is a cornerstone for constructing mental evaluation of a reader’s mental model for a given text or set
models. Albeit implicit in many of these models, the prior of texts. Although assessing comprehension is not the focus
knowledge that is implicated is predominantly semantic in of this article, it is mentioned to highlight the disparity
nature. More recently, discourse psychologists have empha- between the methods of conceptualizing and measuring
sized that everyday comprehension tasks are goal directed knowledge during and after reading compared with assess-
and occur in the context of content and task (Britt et al., ments used to measure knowledge prior to reading. That is,
2017; Magliano et al., 2018; McCrudden & Schraw, 2007; researchers and educators rarely use this same multidimen-
Snow, 2002). Readers are more likely to draw upon prior sional approach to understand what a reader knows before
knowledge when the activity is content driven and grounded they begin a learning task. We view this as an immense
in a specific task such as reading to solve a particular prob- limitation to the understanding of mental model construc-
lem as compared with reading a passage to answer a set of tion. Thus, the MDK-C framework was developed to drive
standardized questions (Cervetti et al., 2020; Pearson & novel ways of evaluating a reader’s prior knowledge that can
Billman, 2016). These notions of purposeful reading further be more clearly mapped onto comprehension processes
highlight the need to understand how a reader’s prior know- and outcomes.
ledge can impact the processes and products of comprehen-
sion in educational settings.
The MDK-C framework
The primary outcome of interest in text and discourse
research is the quality of reader’s mental model. Discourse The MDK-C framework posits that (a) prior content know-
researchers use assessments that tap into different levels of ledge comprises four intersecting dimensions—amount,
representation, allowing researchers to go beyond How accuracy, specificity, and coherence—and (b) these dimen-
much did this reader remember? to What aspects of the con- sions must be examined both independently and inter-
tent did the reader understand? Or How likely is it that the actively to fully identify how prior knowledge influences text
reader could use this information in a novel situation? (e.g., comprehension. Drawing on theories of knowledge and dis-
Fletcher & Chrysler, 1990; van Dijk & Kintsch, 1983). Thus, course comprehension, the MDK-C framework assumes that
text comprehension assessments often comprise textbase and prior content knowledge can be represented as a multidi-
inference items. Textbase items prompt students about infor- mensional mental model, or semantic network comprising
mation explicitly from the text. On the other hand, answers nodes and links. Based on spreading activation, information
to inference items cannot be found directly in the text. These in prior knowledge that is more semantically related and
items require the reader to connect, apply, or integrate more interconnected with the new incoming information
information from various parts of the text or prior know- from the text is more likely to be activated and to be acti-
ledge. Educators might readily recognize this as the distinc- vated more quickly. Providing clearer definitions and boun-
tion between shallow and deep questions (E. Kintsch, 2005). daries around the four dimensions that compose this mental
Readers who perform well on textbase items have good model will allow for more nuanced predictions about how
memory for the text, and readers who are able to make prior knowledge will be used during comprehension.
more inferences have constructed a coherent and elaborated We use the term dimension for two reasons. The first is
mental model. Differential performance on these different to highlight that there are likely few clear boundaries
item types reveals important differences in the quality of between categories. Instead, aspects of knowledge can fall
readers’ mental models. along a spectrum. The second is to emphasize that these
Discourse researchers are also interested in the types of dimensions exist in parallel. A contribution of the MDK-C
processes that students engage in as they read. Readers often framework is the potential consideration of interactions
restate information that comes directly from the text (e.g., between these different dimensions of knowledge.
paraphrases), but they also generate a variety of inferences, Dimensions allow us to conceptualize multiple facets of
such as local bridging inferences that connect information knowledge simultaneously. Differences in these dimensions
from proximal sentences, distal bridging inferences that con- affect what information is attended to, encoded, and inte-
nect information from larger expanses of text, and elabora- grated, which in turn affect what the reader is able to under-
tive inferences that demonstrate deeper integration of textual stand and later remember. The purpose of the MDK-C
information with prior knowledge (Singer, 1994). Which framework is to better elucidate dimensions of prior

Figure 1. The four dimensions of prior content knowledge in the MDK-C framework.

knowledge so that researchers can conduct more targeted Amount

work in order to better understand how these different Amount refers to how many concepts the reader knows that
dimensions uniquely and interactively influence how a stu- are relevant to the text content. In a network representation
dent learns from text. of knowledge, amount would refer to the number of con-
It is critical to note that the MDK-C framework is spe- cepts (nodes) in memory that are relevant to the current
cific to prior content knowledge, but it is assumed that prior text. Rather than trying to count the specific number of con-
content knowledge is not the only factor involved in under- cepts in any one learner’s mental model, researchers and
standing, remembering, and learning from text. The frame- educators develop prior knowledge assessments that include
work is designed to be incorporated amongst more general items that reflect the breadth of a topic. Performance on
theoretical and conceptual frameworks. In this way, prior knowledge assessments are generally relative rather
researchers can better explore how prior content knowledge than absolute. That is, a participant who scores a 75% on a
relates to and interacts with other individual differences, prior knowledge test is not assumed to have 5 times as
including other types of knowledge as well as beliefs, atti- much knowledge about a topic than someone who scores a
tudes, motivations, strategies, and abilities. 15% on the same test; but better performing students are
assumed to have more prior knowledge than peers who per-
form less well.
The amount of knowledge that a reader possesses can
Dimensions of knowledge impact comprehension in a number of ways. The first is
that more familiarity with relevant concepts and vocabulary
As illustrated in Figure 1, we propose four intersecting aids in lower level word processing (Priebe et al., 2012).
dimensions: amount, accuracy, specificity, and coherence. Prior knowledge also supports higher order processes. When
We first define and review each dimension independently relevant information is available, it is easier to make infer-
with emphasis on the construct, empirical findings, and ences that support comprehension (Graesser et al., 1994; W.
methods of assessment. We also describe the limitations and Kintsch, 1988). More prior knowledge also supports readers’
knowledge gaps in the current literature to explore how the ability to access and activate relevant information and ignore
MDK-C framework, and consideration of multiple dimen- less relevant information (Afflerbach, 1986; McNamara &
sions at once, can serve to progress understanding of the McDaniel, 2004; Voss et al., 1980). More knowledge is also
relations between prior knowledge and comprehension. associated with readers’ ability to use more effective

comprehension strategies, which is, in turn, associated with investigated the effects of the amount of knowledge, partici-
better comprehension (e.g., Cromley & Azevedo, 2007; pants are described as experts or novices based on their
Mokhtari, 2018). The amount of knowledge a reader has is prior knowledge test score. In reality, most of these partici-
also beneficial because new information builds upon extant pants (mostly college students) are not truly experts as trad-
knowledge. That is, there is a positive learning cycle in itionally defined in expertise research (e.g., Alexander, 2003;
which knowledge begets better comprehension. This Ericsson et al., 1993). True experts certainly have more
improved comprehension, in turn, increases and improves knowledge than their novice counterparts, but it is also
the prior knowledge base for future learning (Goldman assumed that experts’ knowledge is qualitatively different
et al., 2012; Kendeou et al., 2016; McNamara & Kintsch, (Alexander, 2003, 2004; Bedard & Chi, 1992). This draws in
1996). Although increased learning is generally good news, notions of the structure and coherence of knowledge above
these findings also highlight why differences in prior know- and beyond amount. Thus, using shorthand to refer to those
ledge can exacerbate achievement gaps as the “rich get with more knowledge as “experts” conflates mul-
richer” (also known as the Matthew effect; Merton, 1968; tiple dimensions.
Stanovich, 2009). As mentioned earlier, background readings One limitation in exploring prior knowledge as an indi-
do not effectively bridge this divide. Thus, it is critical to vidual difference is that researchers have often examined
develop a better understanding of how prior knowledge sup- prior knowledge dichotomously. In some studies, researchers
ports comprehension so that educators can leverage the selected only extreme cases (Chiesi et al., 1979; E. Kinstch &
knowledge that is available and provide scaffolds for those Kintsch, 1995; Spilich et al., 1979; Voss et al., 1980). In other
who need additional support. studies, researchers have relied on mean or median splits to
A number of early studies on prior knowledge in text compare “high” and “low” knowledge learners (e.g.,
comprehension and problem solving relied on knowledge of McNamara et al., 1996; McNamara & Kintsch, 1996; Wiley
nonacademic topics as measured by performance on a prior et al., 2018). These categorizations were often derived due to
knowledge test. For example, in a series of studies by Voss constraints in analytic methods, as well as ease of interpret-
and colleagues (Chiesi et al., 1979; Spilich et al., 1979; Voss ation, but they also reduce statistical power and create an
et al., 1980), undergraduates completed a 40-item prior artificial separation that may not be theoretically appropri-
knowledge test that evaluated knowledge of baseball termin- ate. In more recent work, the increased availability of
ology. Students with extreme scores were selected as partici- sophisticated statistical techniques (e.g., regression) has ren-
pants and listened to the play-by-play of a baseball game dered it easier for researchers to examine prior knowledge
inning. The high-prior-knowledge participants were better as a continuous measure. These more robust statistical
able to identify the key goals and moments of the inning approaches have also allowed researchers to explore nonlin-
and recalled more information overall than did the low- ear relations between prior knowledge and comprehension.
knowledge students, suggesting that more knowledge facili- For example, O’Reilly et al. (2019) asked students to com-
tated recall of text information. Further work demonstrated plete a vocabulary-based prior knowledge test before com-
that these effects emerged at the lexical level: Readers with pleting a scenario-based comprehension assessment. Using a
more baseball knowledge were better able to suppress dom- broken-line regression technique, they demonstrated that the
inant but irrelevant meanings when reading ambiguous number of questions correctly answered was not uniformly
words in a baseball context (McNamara & McDaniel, 2004), related to comprehension performance. For students who
but more knowledgeable readers also struggled to inhibit scored greater than 59% on the prior knowledge test, there
baseball-related meanings when ambiguous words were pre- was a strong relation between prior knowledge and compre-
sented in a nonbaseball context (Wiley et al., 2018). In a hension performance. Below this prior knowledge score,
study of soccer fans, less skilled but higher knowledge read- there was no significant relationship between prior know-
ers demonstrated better recall and comprehension than ledge and comprehension performance. Thus, this analysis
more highly skilled readers with low soccer knowledge uncovered a knowledge threshold. Interestingly, the research-
(Schneider et al., 1989). Researchers have found similar ers further demonstrated that some items on the prior
effects of prior knowledge in other nonacademic domains knowledge assessment were more predictive of whether the
(e.g., Wang et al., under review) as well as across a variety student fell above or below the threshold than others. This
of academic domains (e.g., Johnston, 1984; McNamara et al., finding alludes to the need to go beyond measuring prior
1996; Voss & Silfies, 1996) and across many age groups knowledge only in terms of total amount. It may be the case
(e.g., Adams et al., 1995; Best et al., 2005; McNamara et al., that some of the items were more proximal to the texts in
2011). Thus, the relative amount of prior knowledge that a the experiment, suggesting an importance of knowledge spe-
reader possesses is a strong predictor of content memory cificity, but it may also be the case that a specific term was
and comprehension success above and beyond the effects of more integral to an elaborated mental model, which would
reading skill (O’Reilly & McNamara, 2007; Schneider suggest the importance of knowledge coherence. However,
et al., 1989). more work is needed to better establish the parameters and
A common limitation in the study of prior content interpretations of these findings.
knowledge is that amount often serves as the default metric Much of the work related on prior knowledge implicitly
but is often confounded with other dimensions, both con- suggests that more knowledge is better. The findings from
ceptually and methodologically. In many studies that have O’Reilly et al. (2019), however, suggest the importance of

both quantity and quality but also a potential distinction information, and although this conception is still inaccurate,
between the two. The amount of prior knowledge a reader these changes reflect positive growth in the student’s know-
possesses will always be an important dimension as it is, at ledge (e.g., Vosniadou, 2009; Vosniadou & Skopeliti, 2017).
least to some extent, prerequisite for the other dimensions. Inaccuracies can emerge from inaccurate nodes of infor-
However, it is also important to examine situations in which mation, but they may also result from inaccurate connec-
“less but better” may affect processing or cases in which too tions between nodes in the mental model. As a simplistic
much knowledge may impede comprehension (e.g., example, a reader may know three discrete pieces of infor-
McNamara et al., 1996), or, as described in the following mation that (a) a lemon is a yellow citrus fruit, (b) a lime is
section, when that information is not accurate. Indeed, a green citrus fruit, and (c) underripe fruit tend to be green.
although the amount of knowledge is often the primary The reader may incorrectly connect these three concepts by
dimension along which knowledge is described, few studies inferring that a lime is green because it is an underripe
examine amount independent of the other dimensions. lemon. Thus, the idea that limes are simply underripe lem-
Thus, many of the studies that reported differences between ons is incorrect but built upon a foundation of accurate
high-knowledge and low-knowledge learners are also refer- information. With this in mind, a learner’s knowledge is not
enced in the remaining sections. wholly accurate or inaccurate, and assessment of the mental
model would need to be sensitive to both amount and
Accuracy coherence of knowledge in addition to accuracy.
Accuracy refers to the extent to which the reader’s know- Inaccurate knowledge interferes with comprehension and
ledge is correct or incorrect. A reader’s mental model may the acquisition of new knowledge (Driver et al., 1994).
contain inaccurate nodes of information and/or may include Indeed, in the era of information overload on the internet
incorrect links between the nodes. Accuracy of knowledge is as well as the burgeoning issues of misinformation and dis-
more complex and nuanced than a “correct” conception ver- information (“fake news”), understanding how readers con-
sus a misconception (e.g., Smith et al., 1994; Vosniadou & sume and leverage inaccurate information has become a hot
Skopeliti, 2017). Knowledge can be more or less accurate, in topic in social sciences research (Kendeou et al., 2019; Lazer
terms of both the information’s veracity in the world and et al., 2018). Readers tend to be quite susceptible to inaccur-
the accuracy of a given idea within a given reader’s know- ate information and often lack the critical reasoning skills to
ledge base. In some cases, factual knowledge can be labeled notice or correct potential inaccuracies during encoding
as “accurate” or “inaccurate.” For example, the statement (Marsh et al., 2003; Rapp, 2016; Rapp & Braasch, 2014;
“Abraham Lincoln was the 13th president of the United Singer, 2013). Inaccurate information that is consolidated in
States” is inaccurate. However, there are other types of state- long-term memory cannot simply be erased but instead
ments that are harder to categorize, either because the infor- must go through processes of knowledge updating and revi-
mation lacks a veridical or definitive answer or because of sion (e.g., Dole & Sinatra, 1998; Kendeou & O’Brien, 2014).
the complexity or context of the information. For example, As a result, inaccurate information is easy to acquire and
the statement “Going on a diet can help you to lose weight” often resistant to change (Guzzetti et al., 1992; Vosniadou,
is true in the sense that decreasing calorie intake will result 2009). For example, Alvermann et al. (1985) asked students
in weight loss, but it is also the case that “going on a diet” with a particular misconception to read a text with the cor-
(as opposed to prolonged change in one’s habits) is often rect information. Immediately after reading, the students
not a viable solution for sustained weight reduction.
were able to recall the correct information. However, after a
Moreover, not all types of diets result in weight loss. Thus,
delay, these students reverted back to their inaccurate
this statement falls along a spectrum of being more or less
understanding, suggesting that students with inaccurate
true depending on the context.
understandings may struggle to integrate conflicting infor-
Developmental psychologists and learning scientists in
mation into their long-term memory. This resistance to
particular emphasize that the accuracy of knowledge is con-
uptake may result from information being activated and
tinuous and more nuanced than mere “correct” or
“incorrect.” Children often possess “flawed” or naive con- integrated based on relevancy rather than accuracy. Thus,
ceptions that reflect a developing understanding of more inaccurate information becomes part of the reader’s develop-
complex set of explanations (Carey, 1985; Vosniadou & ing mental model. For example, in a study on physics mis-
Brewer, 1992, 1994). One common example involves chil- conceptions, students who held misconceptions generated
dren who learn that the world is round. This scientific con- significantly more incorrect inferences during reading and
cept is inconsistent with the students’ lived experience, significantly fewer correct inferences than their peers
which suggests that the world is flat. Over time, children (Kendeou & van den Broek, 2007; see also Kendeou & van
tend to develop a naive conception that merges these two den Broek, 2005). Similarly, elementary school students with
incompatible notions. When asked to draw what they think naive or fragmented conceptions generated incorrect infer-
the world looks like, students sometimes draw something ences during reading. The children’s fragmented under-
similar to a snow globe, with flat ground surrounded by a standings were associated with lower recall, but perhaps
spherical sky (Vosniadou & Brewer, 1992). These flawed but more important, postreading interviews further suggested
relatively coherent representations reflect “hybrid con- that these incorrect inferences supported the generation of
ceptions” that possess both accurate and inaccurate new misconceptions (Vosniadou & Skopeliti, 2017).

Inaccurate knowledge can also impact metacomprehen- knowledge. This type of knowledge is often assessed with
sion. In a statistics course, undergraduates with more mis- the use of measures such as the Woodcock–Johnson
conceptions performed less well on a test of conceptual Academic Knowledge Test (Wendling et al., 2009) and the
understanding than those with fewer misconceptions. knowledge subtests of the Wechsler Intelligence Tests
Further, these students demonstrated greater overconfidence (Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale; Weschler Intelligence
in their performance (Prinz et al., 2018; see also Braasch Test for Children).2 General world knowledge is a strong
et al., 2013). Inaccurate judgments of one’s own understand- predictor of comprehension for those learning to read, par-
ing are likely to further impede future learning. ticularly for children (e.g., Best et al., 2008). General know-
Similar to the issues of amount, assessment of inaccuracy ledge also plays an important role for adult literacy learners
of knowledge tends to be overly simplistic. Little research to and foreign language learners. For example, in a recent
date has focused on inaccurate knowledge using multiple study of adult literacy learners, Talwar et al. (2018) found
measures of knowledge or multiple dimensions of know- that Woodcock–Johnson III academic knowledge subtests
ledge. Researchers tend to rely on concept inventories or (history, science, humanities) loaded onto a single general
brief multiple-choice pretests and posttests. Many studies prior knowledge factor and that this factor significantly pre-
use pretest surveys to categorize participants as those who dicted reading comprehension performance. The authors
show evidence of the misconception and those who do demonstrated that prior knowledge was a unique contribu-
not. Those categorized as having the misconception are tor to reading comprehension above and beyond the basic
included in the study, and those who have either the correct skills (decoding, listening comprehension, vocabulary)
conception or no specific conception are either not included emphasized in the Simple View of Reading (see also Cervetti
or included as a comparison condition (e.g., Hynd & et al., 2020). Such findings are consistent with theories of
Alvermann, 1986; Kendeou & van den Broek, 2007; discourse comprehension and emphasize the critical influ-
McCrudden & Kendeou, 2014). In other cases, students with ence of prior knowledge. Notably, Talwar and colleagues
more misconceptions are compared with those who have used the Woodcock–Johnson Passage Comprehension test as
fewer misconceptions (e.g., Prinz et al., 2018). In both types the measure of reading comprehension. In this task, readers
of studies, the number of misconceptions is used as the esti- are tasked with providing the missing word in a one or two
mate of knowledge. These assessments, although easy to sentence passage. Although this is an appropriate task for an
administer, can conflate qualities of amount, accuracy, speci- adult literacy learner, it likely does not reflect the more con-
ficity, and coherence of a reader’s mental model, and it is tent-rich texts and comprehension tasks faced by those read-
difficult to use any given item to evaluate the quality of the ing to learn. The basic narratives read by students who are
mental model. By contrast, to have a richer understanding learning to read are often grounded in simple everyday
of a reader’s prior knowledge, those who study the develop-
experiences. By contrast, informational texts like science
mental trajectory of inaccurate knowledge tend to rely on
textbooks often involve specific terminology and phenomena
more open-ended tools such as interviews or student draw-
that may not be part of a reader’s daily experiences
ings (e.g., Vosniadou & Brewer, 1992, 1994; Vosniadou &
(Graesser et al., 2002; Wolfe & Mienko, 2007). Thus, as
Skopeliti, 2017). These approaches afford analyzing a learn-
readers engage in more content-based reading, their com-
er’s knowledge across multiple dimensions but are more
prehension success is less determined by reading skill and
resource intensive. By considering multiple, separate dimen-
general knowledge and more dependent on more specific
sions, researchers can draw more novel and specific predic-
content knowledge (McNamara et al., 2011; Pearson &
tions about how a highly knowledgeable reader with a slight
Billman, 2016).
misunderstanding might process a text differently from a
Content knowledge, or subject-matter knowledge (Dochy
reader with a robust and coherent “misconception.” It may
& Alexander, 1995), can be further decomposed. Domain
be the case that such an elaborated but ultimately inaccurate
knowledge refers to the realm of knowledge that individuals
mental model may be too tightly integrated for new infor-
have about a particular field of study (Alexander & Judy,
mation to gain enough activation strength to “break into”
1988). A single text is likely to include information about
the existing representation. Combining different types of
measures to assess multiple dimensions of knowledge would more specific topics within that domain. In our example of
lend to a more complete understanding of how readers how light passes through the eye, the text would activate
develop, persist, and even enhance misconceptions and knowledge within the domain of science. The reader might
misinformation. possess knowledge about the anatomy of the eye within rele-
vant domain knowledge. For the text in question, this infor-
mation would be topic-specific (Alexander et al., 1994;
Specificity Ozuru et al., 2009) or passage-specific knowledge
Specificity refers to the degree that the knowledge is related (Langer, 1984).
to information in the target text. By definition, relevant
prior knowledge is, in some way, related to the to-be-read 2
General world knowledge is correlated, but not synonymous, with crystallized
text. However, relatedness can range from very broad to intelligence. Knowledge of a topic contributes uniquely to comprehension
topic specific. At its broadest, prior knowledge is simply even when accounting for intelligence (Ackerman, 2000; Schneider et al.,
1989; Tricot & Sweller, 2014). However, few studies of reading comprehension
general knowledge. In most cases, educators and educational include both measures of general knowledge and crystallized intelligence (cf.
researchers are interested in students’ general academic Ackerman, 2000).

Figure 2. Example taxonomy of levels of specificity. Note. This taxonomy is neither definitive nor exhaustive. The intent is to provide some examples for how
researchers and educators can begin to conceptualize, discuss, and evaluate these levels.

Generally speaking, broader general knowledge supports developing a common set of terms to describe the specificity
more specific comprehension. For example, Murphy and of given concept relative to the text at hand. Knowledge that
Alexander (2002) demonstrated that a semester of instruc- comprises topic-specific information to one text may reflect
tion in a domain (educational psychology) increased specific only subject-level knowledge for another text. That is, prior
subject matter knowledge. Braasch and Goldman (2010) knowledge is not statically general or specific. Rather, the
demonstrated in a lab setting that those with more know- specificity of prior knowledge is related to the relevancy of
ledge of a broader subject (air movement) showed greater the information in the reading task. One might consider
gains in comprehension test performance about a related identifying the specificity and relevance of particular infor-
topic (El Ni~ no). These studies reflect the majority of mation as addressing the question “In which classes might a
research in the study of prior knowledge that examines the student read this text? What other knowledge would be rele-
effect of one level of knowledge specificity on gains vant in this course?.” Also note that knowledge may also
in another. belong to multiple categories of a broader level (e.g., subject
The idea of knowledge specificity is not unique to the or domain knowledge). For example, Figure 2 includes the
MDK-C framework. A number of researchers make distinc- implementation and subsequent repeal of the “Don’t Ask,
tions between general world knowledge, domain knowledge, Don’t Tell” (DADT) policy.3 DADT is listed under the sub-
and topic-specific knowledge (Alexander et al., 1994; Buehl ject of civil rights history and sub-subject of lesbian, gay,
et al., 2002; Chiesi et al., 1979; Langer & Nicolich, 1981; K. bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning, intersex,
S. McCarthy et al., 2018). The unique contributions of the agender, asexual, and ally community issues. However, given
MDK-C framework are to better operationalize these dis- that the policy was related to military service, it is also rele-
tinctions and to provide additional granularity between these vant to the subject of military history. Thus, the relevant
more common terms. The MDK-C framework attempts to subject knowledge test would depend on the context of the
explicitly delineate where a particular idea or concept lies on targeted material rather than on a rigid taxonomy.
this continuum from broad world knowledge to esoteric As a means of illustrating the utility of the MDK-C tax-
knowledge contingent upon the text or task at hand. These onomy, we examined five studies that yielded seemingly
delineations also require the use of a variety of assessments inconsistent findings regarding the unique contributions of
to evaluate knowledge at these different levels. Figure 2 pro- more general knowledge as compared with more specific
vides labels for each level of specificity along the left side knowledge (Alexander et al., 1994; K. S. McCarthy et al.,
and examples of each level in the hierarchical structure. The 2018, 2019; O’Reilly et al., 2019; Ozuru et al., 2009; Table 1).
category labels were inspired by their common use in These studies were selected because they include multiple
research and in educational practice. The domains of science prior knowledge tests explicitly designed to measure mul-
and history are indeed “fields of study” but a broader con- tiple levels of specificity. Alexander et al. (1994) reported
ception than the examples offered by Alexander and col- that students’ domain knowledge was more strongly corre-
leagues. We use the term subject based on common usage in lated with comprehension (r ¼ .30–.32) as compared with
schools. Within a given domain (e.g., math), students may topic-specific knowledge (r ¼ .23–.26). Similarly, Ozuru
take a number of subjects (e.g., geometry, algebra, calculus, et al. (2009) reported that a general measure of biology
trigonometry). Within these subjects, students encounter knowledge was a stronger predictor of comprehension test
particular topics, such as “area” and “circumference” or performance (r ¼ .48) than topic-specific knowledge (r ¼ .32).
“logarithms” and “exponents.”
Figure 2 is not an exhaustive list of all knowledge in a
“Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” was a compromise policy signed into law in 1993
intended to allow lesbian, gay, and bisexual persons in the armed forces as
learner’s mental model, and the categories are not intended long as they did not openly disclose their sexuality. The repeal of DADT
to reflect clear boundaries. Rather, this figure is aimed at formally lifted the U.S. military’s ban on service based on sexual orientation.

Table 1. Specificity of prior knowledge in studies that assess multiple levels of prior knowledge.
K. S. McCarthy McCarthy
Alexander et al., 1994 Ozuru et al., 2009 et al., 2018 O’Reilly et al., 2019 et al., 2019
Domain [Science] [Science] [Science] History Science
Sub-domain [Physical Science] [Life Science] [Life Science] [Modern History] [Life Science]
Subject Physics* Biology* [Biology] [American History] [Biology]
Sub-subject [Particle Physics] [Physiology] Ecology* Immigration* Ecology*
Topic Quarks, Grand Unification Theory Plant Biology, Animal Circulatory Systems Invasive Species [Ellis Island] [Invasive Species]
Note. Italicized items in brackets reflect the implied levels. Items in bold were included as prior knowledge assessments. An asterisk indicates which assessment
was more strongly related to comprehension test performance in each study.

By contrast, O’Reilly et al. (2019) reported findings indicat- (2019) is reflective of a broad domain (science, history),
ing that topic knowledge was more important than more whereas K. S. McCarthy et al. (2018) leveraged an ecology
general knowledge. Specifically, they asked participants to test as the more general test. We hypothesized that the dif-
complete domain knowledge tests (science, history) as well ferences in findings across these studies may be attributable
as more text-specific prior knowledge tests. Both general his- to differences across definitions in levels of specificity.
tory and general science test scores were predictive of com- Hence, in Table 1 we recategorized the prior knowledge
prehension performance, supporting the notion that general assessments in these studies by using the taxonomic labels4
world knowledge is related to reading comprehension. proposed in the MDK-C framework, with asterisks indicat-
However, when topic-specific prior knowledge scores were ing which test was more strongly related to comprehension
included in the regression models, the topic-specific know- test performance. This recategorization reveals striking con-
ledge tests emerged as the only significant predictor of com- sistencies among the five studies. By using a common tax-
prehension score. Similarly, McCarthy et al. (2019) found onomy, this albeit limited body of work suggests that
(by using linear mixed effects models) that domain know- knowledge closest to the midrange of specificity is more pre-
ledge, on its own, significantly predicted comprehension dictive of comprehension test performance than assessments
performance (b ¼ .23–.53), but adding topic-specific know- that measure very broad or very specific prior knowledge.
ledge scores to the model increased model fit. Most import- One theoretical explanation is that this degree of specifi-
ant, the best-fitting model revealed that only topic-specific city is sufficiently proximal to the text to quickly activate
knowledge was a significant predictor (b ¼ .37–63). relevant knowledge that may aid in inference generation but
Findings reported by K. S. McCarthy et al. (2018) further also sufficiently general to provide a means of quickly
complicate the story. In this study, participants completed organizing the new information (see K. S. McCarthy et al.,
both general and specific knowledge tests prior to complet- 2018). An alternative, statistical explanation is that there
ing a comprehension task about invasive species. Of particu- must be variance in a measure for it to have predictive
lar interest is that this study reported learning gains from value. If measures are too specific with respect to the topic,
completing a scenario-based science comprehension task, in there may be few readers who have this knowledge. If there
contrast to a postreading comprehension test as the out- is not enough variability in the sample, then it is unlikely to
come. Neither general knowledge (ecology) nor topic (inva- correlate with comprehension performance. A more thor-
sive species) prior knowledge test scores predicted learning ough systematic investigation of the specificity of prior
gains. However, these effects were qualified by a significant knowledge and its relation to comprehension is needed to
general-by-specific knowledge interaction, such that readers more precisely discriminate between these two explanations
with high general knowledge but low specific knowledge and to flesh out comparisons across various combinations of
demonstrated the most robust learning gains from the com- levels of knowledge.
prehension task compared with those with other combina- An overarching objective of the current work is to
tions of knowledge. enhance researchers’ ability to triangulate where different
Based on the findings in each of the aforementioned prior knowledge assessment items lie along a continuum of
studies, it seems that there is discrepancy regarding whether specificity. Otherwise, the terms that researchers choose to
more or less specific prior knowledge is important. use are generally constrained by their own lens, which may
However, a closer inspection of these studies suggests that only consider a small range along within the broader spec-
trum of potential differences. A taxonomy provides a means
the distinction between the more general and more specific
of conceptualizing these differences so that researchers and
knowledge is not the same across studies. Alexander et al.
educators are able to more precisely and consistently con-
(1994) identified physics as the domain and knowledge of
sider the impact of knowledge specificity on comprehension.
the quark as topic-specific knowledge. In contrast, Ozuru
et al. (2009) examined biology knowledge and topic-specific
knowledge, under the assumption that both of these fell
under the larger domain of science. The term subject-matter
knowledge (Alexander et al., 1991) is often used to indicate 4
Ecology is sometimes argued to be a branch of life sciences, at the same
knowledge that is more specific than general knowledge but level of classification as biology. In other cases, ecology is described as a
subfield of biology. We have included here as a sub-subject, but researchers
has also been used interchangeably with domain knowledge should seek guidance from field experts as it pertains to the specific research
(see Alexander, 1992). The general measure in O’Reilly et al. questions in their studies.

Coherence as a foundation upon which researchers can better under-

The final dimension of the MDK-C framework is coherence. stand how the coherence of a mental model influences text
Coherence refers to the quality of prior knowledge in terms comprehension. Langer (1980, 1984) categorized students’
of its interconnectedness. This dimension builds upon free associations in response to text-relevant keywords into
notions of the “structure” of knowledge. It is also similar to levels of organization: highly organized, partially organized,
notions of “depth” of knowledge. However, when someone and diffusely organized. Students with highly organized
is thought to have a strong depth of knowledge about a knowledge demonstrated superior recall (Langer & Nicolich,
topic, this is often taken to mean that they have a lot of 1981) and passage comprehension, even when controlling
very specific knowledge, which conflates both amount and for IQ and general reading skill (Langer, 1984). Although
specificity without comment on the degree to which the these levels are relatively coarse (e.g., ordinal), these results
topic knowledge is integrated within itself or with a larger provide initial empirical evidence for the role that the
subset of knowledge (Wineburg, 1997). We have adopted organization or structure of knowledge influences compre-
the term coherence to emphasize the focus on interconnect- hension. Instead of an open-ended verbal task, McNamara
edness and to reflect the primary role that coherence plays et al. (1996) used a key term sorting task to evaluate the
in the construction of an elaborated mental model (e.g., W. organization of a reader’s knowledge. Readers’ organization
Kintsch, 1988) and in the development of expertise (e.g., of the terms changed from prereading to postreading, sug-
Alexander, 2004). Expertise is defined not only by the quan- gesting that reading the text influenced the way they con-
tity of knowledge that one possesses but also by the ways in nected the information. Although this particular study did
which the knowledge is connected (Alexander, 2004; Bedard not directly examine how different knowledge organization
& Chi, 1992; Bereiter & Scardamalia, 1986). For example, profiles influence processing and comprehension, this
the model of domain learning (MDL; Alexander, 2003, method of knowledge assessment may be potentially fruitful
2004) proposes that learners move from novice to expert for further examination into the dimension of coherence.
through a series of qualitative, structural changes to their A recent study by McCarthy et al. (2019) was designed to
domain-relevant knowledge. A novice, or someone in the probe the coherence of knowledge more directly. The devel-
acclimation stage, possesses limited disparate knowledge. opment of the prior knowledge tests was founded in the dis-
When this knowledge becomes more interconnected, the tinctions between textbase and inference items on
learner is said to have moved to the competency stage. Thus, comprehension tests. The researchers developed items that
competency is marked not only by an increase in the reflected both basic (textbase) and inference questions as a
amount of knowledge the learner possesses but also the means of evaluating the coherence of the reader’s prior
coherence of that knowledge in memory. mental model. Basic prior knowledge items reflected factual
Similarly discourse comprehension theories suggest that a knowledge (e.g., “Which of these is the correct definition of
quality mental model is not merely a function of how much photosynthesis?”). Rather than finding the right answer in
knowledge is available, but the structure and interconnected- the text, the reader needed to “find” the right answer in
ness of that information in memory (W. Kintsch, 1988; their memory. The inference prior knowledge items required
McNamara & Magliano, 2009). Consider again, the connec- students to make connections across different pieces of
tionist assumptions in text-processing research. Imagine two knowledge or apply knowledge to a novel situation (e.g.,
readers with the same amount of knowledge. If one of the “Why do gram-positive bacteria stain purple?”). The under-
readers has more connections between pieces of knowledge, lying assumption was that readers with more coherent men-
that reader is going to be able to activate more information tal models would have knowledge organized in ways that
and do so with less effort than the reader whose knowledge afford such inferences. After these prior knowledge tests,
is more disparate. The reader with the more connected, or students completed a scenario-based comprehension assess-
coherent, mental model will have not only more information ment designed to evaluate higher order comprehension.
available to generate inferences but also more resources Consistent with the notion that a more coherent knowledge
available to attend to other aspects of the comprehension base is supportive of comprehension, analyses revealed that
process. Indeed, a simulation study (McNamara, 1997) vali- scores on the inference prior knowledge items provided
dated these assumptions. This study showed that a coherent stronger predictors of comprehension test scores than basic
knowledge base, as represented by a mental model with prior knowledge. This study provides strong preliminary evi-
more links between ideas, led to increased production of dence of the value of exploring prior knowledge in terms of
inferences, which in turn increased the speed at which infor- coherence, but more empirical work must be done to repli-
mation was processed, validated, and integrated cate and extend these findings. In particular, it will be
into memory. important to explore how these different types of items are
Most studies of text comprehension consider the coher- related to the processes or strategies that occur during read-
ence of a reader’s mental model after reading, but few stud- ing and how these concurrent processes, in turn, influence
ies have explicitly examined coherence of a mental model comprehension performance.
prior to reading. Several studies, however, have evaluated Another potentially promising way of evaluating the
the quality of knowledge in terms of its structure and organ- coherence of prior knowledge is through computational lin-
ization. Although these ideas are not synonymous with guistic analysis. This approach borrows from methods used
coherence, these studies offer preliminary evidence and serve to evaluate postreading mental models. Recent studies that

use natural language processing have shown that linguistic and learned the (inaccurate) “fact” that people use only 10%
features of students’ responses can be used to infer the of their brain. This piece of knowledge is likely to impede
coherence of their mental model. These studies demonstrate the student’s understanding of a neuroscience text.
that cohesion (i.e., overlapping ideas from sentence to sen- However, this “fact” is likely too topic specific to have a
tence or paragraph to paragraph) evidenced in students’ negative impact on the student’s understanding of physi-
concurrent verbal protocols or in postreading summaries or ology more generally. Although these examples do not pro-
explanations is predictive of their inference-level compre- vide all possible combinations of different dimensions of
hension (e.g., Graesser et al., 2007; McCarthy & Hinze, knowledge, they serve to highlight the need for a richer,
2019; Varner et al., 2013). That is, students who produce more nuanced way of describing the qualities of that know-
more cohesive open-ended responses can be assumed to ledge and how different aspects of knowledge might support,
have a more coherent understanding of the content. By hinder, or augment one another in service of developing a
using this same approach, one potential means of examining mental model.
a reader’s prior mental model is to ask students to write To illustrate the four dimensions in tandem, Figure 3
open-ended explanations of a topic before reading and then shows a simple hypothetical reader’s mental model prior to
use computational linguistic tools (e.g., Coh-Metrix: reading a text about the human eye. The amount of know-
McNamara et al., 2014; Tool for the Automated Assessment ledge in the knowledge base is reflected in the number of
of Cohesion: Crossley et al., 2016, 2019) to automatically nodes and connections. The accuracy of the knowledge is
evaluate the cohesion of this response. On one hand, open- reflected in the color of the nodes and connections. In this
ended assessments of this nature are easier to create than example, accurate knowledge is represented by green circles
close-ended multiple-choice tests that need to be carefully and inaccurate knowledge is represented by red diamonds.
crafted, piloted, and refined to establish validity and reliabil- Inaccurate connections are represented by red dashed lines.
ity. On the other hand, open-ended prompts may provide The slight variation in color brightness represents the con-
only limited cues; students many bring up some, but not tinuous nature of accuracy, in which darker red can be
most or all, of their relevant knowledge. Asking a student to interpreted as knowledge that is more inaccurate than a
write “everything you know about plants” may not bring to lighter shade of red. The specificity of the reader’s know-
bear the specific knowledge of interest. Open-ended ledge is represented here as a cone—knowledge that is more
responses are also reliant on composition skill in ways that specific is represented as literally closer to the text, whereas
close-ended tasks are not. Thus, this may be a viable knowledge that is more general is both farther from the text
approach, but more work is needed to evaluate the extent and broader. Finally, the coherence of the reader’s know-
that open-ended responses can capture the quality or coher- ledge is reflected in the connections. In this diagram, the
ence of the reader’s prior mental model and how evidence reader’s “mid-distance” subject knowledge is relatively
of coherence in a prior mental model influences concurrent coherent with many connections between the ideas, whereas
processes and downstream comprehension. the more general domain knowledge is more sparse. Taken
as a whole, this reader’s prior knowledge could be described
as relatively sparse (amount) but largely accurate. This read-
Interactivity across dimensions
er’s knowledge is somewhat coherent, and more strongly so
Prior knowledge can and should be described in terms of for information that is related to the broader subject rather
multiple dimensions, and critically, these dimensions depend than the specific topic of the text.
on one another. Imagine, for example, two students who Figure 3 is not intended as a literal representation of how
both obtain a 20% on a prior knowledge assessment about information is positioned in space relative to a physical text,
the physiology of the eye. Student A has little knowledge nor does it reflect precisely how knowledge is represented in
about physiology in particular but a relatively coherent memory. However, this figure allows the reader to view the
understanding of other topics related to science. Student B, four dimensions simultaneously on a two-dimensional page.
on the other hand, has little knowledge of physiology and The figure serves to highlights a critical contribution of the
little experience with other fields of science, including mul- MDK-C framework. First, a “snapshot” on any one dimen-
tiple misconceptions. Despite performing equally poorly on sion overlooks important differences that a reader may have
this topic-specific prior knowledge test, it is likely that in other dimension. Second, these dimensions are interre-
Student A will have greater success in learning from the text lated. Our argument is that each of these dimensions can
by drawing upon other knowledge. However, without evalu- depend on and affect the others. That is, if a reader were to
ating multiple aspects of these students’ knowledge, it would have no knowledge (amount) about a given topic (specifi-
be difficult to discern why these differences emerged. As a city), then it would not be possible to assess the coherence
second example, a champion on Jeopardy! may clear an or accuracy of that knowledge. However, these dimensions
entire category about medical terminology. Despite knowing also assume that there are almost no plausible situations in
“a lot” about medicine, most people would not trust this a which a reader has no amount of relevant knowledge. For
polymath to accurately diagnose and treat a complicated example, Shapiro (2004) demonstrated that even when read-
medical condition, because a medical expert’s knowledge is ing about an entirely fictitious scenario readers still draw
not only great in quantity but also highly coherent. A stu- upon broad, general world knowledge to make sense of
dent may have watched movies such as Limitless or Lucy what they read. Thus, the question that researchers and

Figure 3. Visual representation of a “student’s” relevant prior knowledge for a given text.

educators must ask is not whether students have knowledge dimensions of knowledge occur in tandem and the effect of
but rather, what is the nature of the knowledge that one dimension of knowledge may depend on another.
they possess?
Assessing multiple dimensions
Implications If prior knowledge is multidimensional, and if the objective
is to understand the relations between prior knowledge and
The MDK-C framework identifies four dimensions (i.e., comprehension, then investigators and practitioners should
amount, accuracy, specificity, coherence) that have emerged consider multiple aspects of readers’ prior knowledge. The
to describe the nature of prior content knowledge. Empirical implication emerging from MDK-C is not that researchers
evidence suggests that each dimension has impact on com- must evaluate all dimensions in every study but rather that
prehension and that there are likely important interactions they should be thoughtful about which dimensions of know-
across the different dimensions. However, the ambiguity in ledge will be most relevant to a given research objective and
the current body of work and in the assessment of prior to justify why the assessment they have used is appropriate
knowledge make it difficult to discern the unique contribu- for the given dimension(s) in the given context. Our intent
tion of any one dimension or the potential interactivity is not to argue that there is one right way to assess prior
across the dimensions. Thus, a central purpose of the MDK- knowledge but rather that researchers and educators must
C framework is to push researchers and educators to move be thoughtful and explicit about how these different dimen-
beyond including a measure of prior knowledge toward a sions relate to outcomes of interest.
more nuanced consideration of what dimension(s) of a read- From a construct standpoint, MDK-C implies that each
er’s knowledge might be more critical for a given compre- dimension is largely orthogonal to the others. Although
hension task. Such research investigations will serve to help some dimensions may be more closely linked than others
educators deliver more effective instruction and individual- (e.g., amount is, in part, prerequisite for having accurate
ized support. knowledge), MDK-C assumes that each dimension can be
The empirical evidence for the MDK-C framework and reliably distinguished from another. Only a small number of
the limitations within this current evidence yield three broad studies have explicitly explored these dimensions. Thus, one
implications. The first implication of the MDK-C framework objective of this article is to generate a call to action for
is that an adequate understanding of the relations between more research to systematically test the validity of these
prior knowledge and comprehension requires assessing more dimensions. One step in this direction is the taxonomy pre-
than one dimension of prior knowledge. The second implica- sented in Figure 2 through which researchers can label levels
tion is that researchers must be more intentional about the of specificity. We anticipate refinement of this taxonomy,
design of prior knowledge assessments and the operationaliza- but it serves as an initial step toward clearer articulation of
tion of constructs. The third implication is that the multiple what is meant by “general” or “specific” knowledge. Similar

work should be done to better measure and understand the others. More practically, however, MDK-C is intended to
coherence dimension of prior knowledge. We have sug- encourage researchers to consider and evaluate which com-
gested using close-ended inference-based conceptual or binations of dimensions are likely to be most common and
application questions in prior knowledge assessments that which are most critical to address. For example, a number
evaluate the degree to which different ideas are connected of misconceptions in a reader’s prior knowledge may be
(e.g., McCarthy et al., 2019) as well as the leveraging of unfortunate, but they may not impede the reader’s compre-
state-of-the-art natural language processing to measure hension if they are not well connected to the specific topic
coherence in open-ended responses. However, both of these of the text. By contrast, a single well-entrenched misconcep-
approaches will require additional research to examine tion may be enough to derail learning of a new concept. In
important considerations—in particular, the reliability and this case, not all dimensions are of equal importance for the
validity of these types of measures. given learning task. From a research standpoint, having a
priori predictions about which dimensions and which com-
binations of dimensions are most aligned with relevant com-
The need to operationalize
prehension processes and outcomes can ensure that the
The need to operationalize constructs is an important issue
limited time available to measure prior knowledge can be
of validity in any study of psychology and learning. The
used efficiently. From an applied standpoint, identifying
examination of empirical evidence within the previous sec-
common “prior knowledge profiles” of readers for given
tion suggests that clearer operationalizations of prior know-
learning tasks could support the development of targeted
ledge and dimensions of prior knowledge will support
activities and interventions.
greater specificity of predictions and interpretations of
results. A systematic review by Dochy et al. (1999) demon-
strated that conflicting findings across prior knowledge stud- Limitations and future directions
ies were reconciled through closer examination of the study
Little research has been done to directly isolate and measure
methodologies (e.g., self-report vs. multiple-choice; short lab
the four dimensions of the MDK-C framework. Our exam-
studies vs. semester-long effects). The MDK-C framework
ination of these dimensions independently and in tandem
echoes these findings and extends the work by Dochy and
was predominantly based on our own post hoc analyses. To
colleagues by encouraging researchers to more carefully con-
more effectively test the assumptions of the framework,
sider not only how to measure prior knowledge but also
more research is needed with explicit consideration of these
how to measure different aspects of prior knowledge.
dimensions during study development. If researchers are
Researchers are often constrained by the practical aspects of
more explicit about which dimension(s) they intend to
data collection. Thus, it may not be feasible to include mul-
evaluate and why, they can develop measures that can better
tiple, thorough prior knowledge tests. By having a stronger
assess the construct validity of each dimension. More inten-
sense of what dimensions are of most importance, research-
tional consideration of which dimension is relevant to the
ers can more easily select or develop measures that target
given research question or learning objective will afford sys-
critical dimensions of prior knowledge. Only through clearer
tematic evaluation, refinement, and extension of the frame-
evaluations of single dimensions can there be more system-
work. Such intentionality will help to move the field beyond
atic investigations of possible combinations.
prior knowledge-as-covariate or prior knowledge-as-moder-
ator to a more nuanced understanding and sensitivity to
Dimension interdependencies how individual differences across readers can influence
It is of concern that researchers not only sometimes under- comprehension.
specify dimensions but also rarely consider that these One practical constraint is the timing of the prior know-
dimensions coexist within the reader’s knowledge simultan- ledge assessment. Any assessment of what one knows prior
eously. The third implication of the MDK-C framework is to the activity can serve to prime the learner to engage with
that the effect of one dimension of knowledge may depend the material in ways that they may not have otherwise.
on another. Too often, researchers and educators implicitly Alternatively, a test administered afterward may reflect
measure one dimension of prior knowledge while ignoring information learned during the task rather than true prior
others. Or researchers use measures that conflate multiple knowledge. Although this is a limitation of prior knowledge
dimensions, making it difficult to delineate the unique or assessments writ large, any suggestion to delve into more
combined contributions of the different dimensions. specific questions prior to learning runs the risk of further
Although it may be difficult, if not impossible, to fully dis- biasing performance. Thus, in the development of assess-
entangle each dimension, researchers should be more inten- ments relevant to the MDK-C dimensions, researchers must
tional with respect to which dimensions they are evaluating. also consider when such assessments are most appropriate
Through these assessments, the boundaries and interdepen- in the context of their own research questions or interven-
dencies of these dimensions can be more fully elucidated. tion purposes.
Given four dimensions, there are an extensive number of The four dimensions of prior content knowledge outlined
combinations that any one reader might possess. It may be in the present iteration of the framework reflect the most
of value to test all possible combinations, although some empirically supported dimensions. There are, however, other
combinations are likely more theoretically motivated than facets or types of knowledge that were not included but may

play a role in text comprehension. One possible additional 2017) reflects a growing need for researchers to consider
dimension is the explicitness of knowledge. The focus of both affective and cognitive influences on comprehension.
prior knowledge in comprehension studies is often on expli- The affective quality of beliefs may or may not be present in
cit content knowledge. This is in part because declarative the types of prior content knowledge described previously.
knowledge is predominantly explicit (Dochy & Alexander, Operationalizing beliefs as a separate construct that should
1995). However, evidence suggests that some content know- be considered in conjunction with prior content knowledge
ledge is more implicit or tacit and that this type of know- affords the opportunity for a more systematic investigation
ledge can influence processing. For example, readers are of the relations between affective and cognitive processes. It
generally able to identify a text’s genre with little effort but will be of further interest to examine how these prior know-
struggle to articulate what parts of the text or their know- ledge profiles might interact with other individual differen-
ledge they are using to make this determination (K. ces in both cognitive (e.g., reading skill) and noncognitive
McCarthy, 2020; P. M. McCarthy & McNamara, 2007; Zeitz, (e.g., motivation) aspects of the reader.
1994). Thus, although they lack explicit genre or disciplinary A final future direction of value will be to share our
knowledge, this knowledge can influence readers’ goals and understanding of multidimensional knowledge with instruc-
expectations and the comprehension processes in service of tors and learners. One important implication for instructors
those goals (e.g., Zwaan, 1994). However, because tacit is that there needs to be greater support provided to stu-
knowledge is more difficult to assess, there is far less dents beyond mere exposure. That is, providing a list of
research on the role of tacit knowledge in text comprehen- vocabulary words or a background reading prior to learning
sion research compared with explicit knowledge. These find- may be helpful but ultimately superficial. It would be of
ings also emphasize the need to further investigate how greater value to work to develop relations between ideas that
disciplinary knowledge fits amongst these dimensions, not are very closely related (i.e., topic) as well as drawing on
just in terms of discipline-specific content knowledge but broader (domain) or general knowledge. The MDK-C
also knowledge about the disciplines themselves (i.e., know- framework emphasizes the need for thoughtful classroom-
ledge about appropriate epistemic frames and learning based assessments. A teacher may only have a few minutes
objectives; Goldman et al., 2016). Such knowledge bridges to assess students’ prior knowledge before beginning a new
explicit declarative and procedural knowledge with epistemic unit. Completing one longer subject or subdomain prior
knowledge and beliefs. More rigorous examining of multiple knowledge test may afford greater validity and reliability
dimensions and types of knowledge at play in a learning than a few scattered topic questions, but if these questions
task can further elucidate relations between different types are largely basic, superficial items, they may overlook the
of knowledge and other individual differences. coherence of the mental model. One benefit of classroom
Another potential limitation in the MDK-C framework is work is that instructors can use multiple assessments at vari-
the absence of beliefs as a dimension of prior content know- ous points throughout the semester or year. That is, one
ledge. Readers can have beliefs about particular topics, but might imagine a beginning-of-semester general and domain
they may also have broader beliefs about knowledge in gen- knowledge test to get a broad sense of students’ prior know-
eral or how knowledge is derived in particular domains ledge. This can then be supplemented by shorter, more
(e.g., epistemic beliefs). There is lack of consensus around pointed assessments that can evaluate both specificity and
the relation between the constructs of knowledge and beliefs. coherence of knowledge as well as potentially detect evi-
Some argue that beliefs reflect a subset of knowledge, dence of inaccurate information or connections. If instruc-
whereas others suggest that beliefs and knowledge reflect tors are able to more accurately “diagnose” a student’s prior
separate but overlapping constructs (Alexander & Dochy, knowledge profile, they can provide more targeted support.
1995; Murphy et al., 2012; Murphy & Mason, 2006; For example, students with relatively low knowledge of a
Southerland et al., 2001). Based on much reflection, we con- particular topic might be prompted to draw upon extant
cluded that there is undoubtable overlap between beliefs and broader knowledge, whereas students with specific topic
knowledge but that there also remains utility in considering knowledge might be encouraged to focus on connections
beliefs as a separate construct from prior concept know- between ideas to increase coherence of these ideas. It may
ledge. Certain studies explore the role of epistemic beliefs as also be of value to help students to “make visible” their own
well as prior knowledge (e.g., Baytelman et al., 2020; knowledge along these dimensions. One might imagine an
Ferguson & Bråten, 2013). For example, Mason and col- intervention where educators help students more explicitly
leagues have demonstrated that readers with more sophisti- recognize the nature of their knowledge. This could help the
cated epistemic beliefs are more likely to engage in students identify what knowledge they can leverage in a par-
conceptual change, suggesting that these two constructs are ticular situation and what knowledge they may need to seek
related but, at least to some degree, independent (Mason in order to fully make sense of a text.
et al., 2008; Mason & Gava, 2007). Beliefs also reflect aspects
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hension research that has traditionally focused on cold cog-
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