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Language Arts Nine

The Monkey’s Paw

Pre Reading Journaling:

1. In about 100 words, discuss:

! “If I were given three wishes, I would wish for. . . . “

2. Based on the quotes below, predict what you think this story will be about.
! “Be careful what you wish for, you may receive it.”
! “The third was for death.”
! “Better let it burn.”
! “But I warn you of the consequences”

During Reading:

A.! Define each of the following words by context:

Placidly ! ! Presumptuous! ! ! Fakir

Credulity! ! Prosaic! ! ! ! Reverberated
Avaricious! ! Averted! ! ! ! Frivolous
Inaudible! ! Apathy! ! ! ! Talisman
Resounded! ! Sinister! ! ! ! Liability!

B.! Comprehension Questions


1. Setting will often enhance the plot of the story. This story is not set in modern times,
and it is not in Canada.

Where and when (approx.) is this story set? Copy from the story at least one clue for
“where” and one for “when” which helped you decide your answers. (4)

2. As well as the physical setting, the atmosphere also contributes to the overall effect of
a story. This is the “feeling” the setting gives the characters and the reader as we read.
For example, the atmosphere in a church is usually quiet and peaceful which leads the
person in a church to feel the same way. On the other hand, the atmosphere at
Fantasyland is loud, busy, and full of excitement which causes anyone who is there to
feel that. Atmosphere is created, in part by setting, but also by how characters are
acting. Describe the atmosphere in this story, and quote from the story to support
your answer. (4)
3. In the first part of the story, before the old man makes his first wish, copy three clues
which tell us, wishing with the monkey’s paw is not a positive experience. (3)

4. Before the old man wishes, who from the family believes in the monkey’s paw the
most? The least? Quote evidence from the story to support your answer. (4)

5. At this point in the story, how do you feel about the monkey’s paw? Be sure to
explain your answer(2)

6. As the old man wishes for the money, two things happen which startle him. What
are they? Copy the appropriate lines directly from the story. (2)

7. After the old man wishes, the author continues to create a spooky atmosphere. The
wind continues to blow, a door bangs upstairs, and all three are depressed. However,
the son gets a real scare. What is it? (2)

8. The following morning, how does the family feel about making the wish for
$200.00? Include a quote from the story to support your response. (2)

9. What is the “good news-bad news” situation which happened to allow the
family’s wish to come true? (1)

10. Quote from the story to explain how the father reacted when he got the news
about his son. (1)

11. What does the mother want the father to use the second wish for? Include a
quote from the story to support your response. (2)

12. Why does the father hesitate to do this? Include a quote from the story to support
your response. (2)

13. Quote four examples from the story which illustrate how the author created
suspense after the second wish was made. (4)

14. What was the third wish? How do we know? Include a quote from the story to
support your response. (3)

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