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Jhonalyn M. Wenceslao Instructor: Ms. Erlinda A.



Activity No.1

1. Behaviorism
2. Existentialism
3. Perennialism
4. Behaviorism
5. Existentialism
6. Behaviorism
7. Behaviorism
8. Perennialism
9. Existentialism
10. Behaviorism
11. Progressivism
12. Linguistic
13. Constructivism
14. Constructivism

Activity No.2

Philosophy Theory of Methodology The idea of Goal of teaching-

Truth to arrive at what is learning
truth valuable and

Linguistic The more Make them Teachers To develop the

language one experience teach students learner’s
speaks, the sending and to speak as communication
better students receiving many as they skills because the
can messages can. ability to articulate
communicate through verbal, the meaning and
with the world. non-verbal, values of things
and para that one obtains
verbal from their life
experience and the
world is the very
essence of man.
Constructivism Learners Teachers must .A . To develop
construct provide constructivist intrinsically
knowledge students with classroom is motivated and
through an data or interactive; it independent
active, mental experiences promotes the learners
process of than allow dialogical adequately
development them to exchange of equipped with
hypothesize, ideas among learning skills for
predict, learners and them to be able to
manipulate between construct
objects, pose learners and knowledge and
questions, teachers. make meaning of
research, them.
imagine and
Essentialism The teacher Teachers The teachers Teachers teach to
focuses on emphasize decide what is transmit the
academic mastery of most traditional moral
content for subject matter. important for values and
students to the students to intellectual
learn the basic learn and knowledge that
skills. place little students need to
emphasis on become model
students’ citizens.
Existentialism Existence Teachers Learning is To help students
precedes teach students self-paced and understand and
essence. to define their self-directed. It appreciate
essence by includes a themselves as
creating an great deal of unique individuals
environment in individual with complete
which they contact with responsibility for
take in life and the teacher their thoughts,
by creating an who relates to feelings, and
environment in each student actions.
which they openly and
freely choose honestly
their preferred
Perennialism Perennialist The teachers . The teachers Students engaged
curriculum is a do not allow apply in Socratic
universal one the student’s whatever dialogues or mutual
on the view interests or creative inquiry sessions to
that all human experiences to technique and understand
beings dictate what other tried and history's most
possess the they teach proper timeless concepts.
exact essential substantially methods
nature which are
believed to be
Behaviorism Behaviorists Teachers Values are Develop student's
are concerned ought to also caught behavior.
with shaping arrange (caught), not
students’ environmental only taught
behavior by conditions so (taught).
providing a students can
favorable respond to
environment. stimuli.

Page 11
Activity No.1
1. Which of the philosophies studied in Lesson1 are reflected in the given
Linguistic, Existentialism, Behaviorism

2. What are the teacher’s concepts of the learner?

The teacher’s concepts to the learners are:
 Has a natural interest in learning and is capable of learning.
 Is an embodied spirit.
 Can be influenced but not totally by his environment.
 Is unique, and so comparing a child to other children has no basis
 Does not have an empty mind but rather is full of ideas.
3. Who according to the Grade School Teacher’s philosophy is the good and
educated person?
A good and educated person consistently practicing good values to serve as a
model to every

4. What is the teacher’s concept on value?

There are unchanging values in changing times and these must be passed on to
every child by modeling value inculcation and value integration in their lesson.

5. What does the teacher believe to the primary task?

To facilitate the development of every child to the optimum and the maximum by
reaching out to all children without bias and prejudice towards the least of the
children and making every child feel good and confident about themselves
through their experiences of success in the classroom.
6. Do her concepts of the learner and the educated person match with how he
will go about his task of facilitating every child’s full development?
Yes, because she is consistent on how she will go about her task of facilitating
every child’s full development by her belief or concepts about the learner.
7. You notice that the teacher’s thought on the learner, values, and method of
teaching begin with the phrase “I believe”. Will it make a difference if the
grade school teacher wrote his philosophy of education in paragraph form
using the third person pronoun?
Yes, because if she used a third person pronoun, there wouldn’t be a more
significant impact on the reader or a more personal relationship with the reader.
Using the first person, “I believe” in writing is the logical way of writing about
yourself and your beliefs. And it is best to state it in the concrete, not in the
abstract, like a theory, because this is a blueprint for daily life.

8. Why is one’s philosophy of education said to be one’s “window” to the

world or “compass” in life?

One’s philosophy of education is said to be one’s window to the world or compass in

life because our philosophy is our thought and formulation, never formulated for us
by another. And education is what guides our way throughout our lives. Our
education from our family, educational institutions, and practical experiences mold
our personality. It becomes our identity in the world. As a future teacher, the
philosophies of education I possess serve as my window toward viewing the most
incredible possibilities of becoming a teacher and a “compass” that can guide my
ways toward fulfilling my duties as a future educator.

Activity No.2
Directions; Formulate your philosophy of education. Do it well for this will form
part of your teaching portfolio, which you will bring along with you when you
apply for a teaching job.

My philosophy of education is that are all children are unique, and I must create an
environment that can help them grow physically, emotionally, mentally, and socially.
I believe a good teacher knows and understands students and how they develop
and learn. I know that students actively construct and train to transform knowledge
based on past experiences and prior learning. I know that students do not all learn
in the same way or at the same rate as a teacher; I believe it is my responsibility to
be an effective diagnostician of students’ interests, abilities, and prior knowledge. I
must then plan learning experiences both challenge and allow every student to
think and grow.
I believe a good teacher must also understand and motivates the learner. I want all
my students to achieve at high levels, so I avoid sorting them and setting them up
to compete with each other. I know most learning happens through social
interaction; therefore, I structure learning so that students productively collaborate
and cooperate the vast majority of class time.
Finally, as a teacher, I must care for and love my student as a family. I will
discipline, serve them and make the future the best possible place for all of us to

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