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Gunjur, Varthur NILADRI RAY +91 99450

​ engaluru, India.
B M.S. (Computer Science)
​ 15+ yrs in AI/ML, 5G, Java, Cloud, K8s/VMs, Android, Embedded LinkedIn, GitHub

o vRAN architect, O-RAN RIC AI/ML xApps, 5G RAN Planning Tool for VZ ($6.6B, source) & DISH ($1B+, source)
o AWS microservices based Subscription/License management platform for Adobe Creative Cloud apps which
transformed Adobe bottom line (>20x share price gain, source)
o Patent for real-time, fine-grained, per-app/component power estimation for Android platform (source)
o Versatile technology researcher & leader with full-cycle software design/architect, PoC, code dev/review, test/debug
& Project Management (AGILE) expertise including AI/ML, Virtualization (Citrix), Network (5G NR, O-RAN), BigData
Analytics (Hadoop, Spark/Flink, Kafka, ELK) to Embedded (device drivers) and Mobile apps (Android, iOS)
Programming Java, C/C++, Python, Golang, JavaScript, ObjC, Win-API & COM ,DevOps
AI/ML/DL Scikit-learn, TensorFlow, Pandas, Numpy, Matplotlib, R
5G/LTE/Wireless 5G RAN Planning AI/ML, O-RAN RIC xApp, vRAN/C-RAN Design, DPDK, YANG
BigData Spark, Flink, Hadoop, Kafka, NiFi, ELK-Filebeat, Splunk
Cloud/Edge Amazon AWS, WRCP, Telco Cloud
Containers Docker, Kubernetes, Helm, Jaeger, Prometheus
VMs Citrix XenServer, VMware Workstation, VirtualBox
Virtualization Citrix XenApp (on Win32, Java, WinCE (HPC/WBT), Java, Blackberry, Android)
JavaEE Spring, JAXB, OSGi/Felix, MyBatis, Scala (basic)
DevOps/MLOps (CI/CD) CircleCI, Jenkins, Hudson
Mobile Platforms Android, iOS (ObjC), Blackberry (Java), WinCE (Platform Builder)
Device Drivers WDF (NDIS wifi), OSR-FSDK
OS Platforms Windows, Linux, Unix (AIX) ,Jenkins
Web2/Web3 JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX, Node.js, RubyOnRails, JSP, PHP, OAuth2
UML plantUML, StarUML, MS Visio, UML plugin for Eclipse/NetBeans
Source Control GitHub, Perforce, MS Visual SourceSafe
IDE/Debug Tools Eclipse, Visual Studio, XCode, WinDbg, Wireshark, GDB/ADB, Valgrind
AGILE/Scrum JIRA, Confluence
Multimedia SVCD support for WinCE 6 (using COM DLLs)

Senior Architect Rakuten Symphony, Bangalore, India Apr’2023 – till date
O-RAN RIC Architect & Team Leader for non-RT RIC components & rApps
o Design, Architecture & Team building & managing for O-RAN RIC for Rakuten Mobile, TELUS & 1&1 GmBH
o Research, re-architecting O-RAN SC to build non-RT RIC components SME, DME, R1/A1 & rApp(s) use cases

Senior Staff Engineer Samsung Electronics, Suwon, South Korea Apr’2020 – Mar’2023
vRAN/Cloud-RAN network design/architect for 5G NR/LTE/2G for RAN2, RAN3
o Network architect/designer (3GPP/ETSI specifications) for Call Trace, GPRS, Gb/Abis-over-IP etc.
o Using AI/ML (LSA,Text-Rank etc.) extractive summary of 3GPP specs, improved design efficiency by ~30%
o Working on AI/ML (BERT) text error correction (of NW docs/manuals) improved correction time by ~50%
o Collaborating with (remote) teams (e.g. OMC/EMS) and MNO/MVNO for requirement analysis, system design
Language: 3GPP/ETSI specs, Python Tools: Google Colab, Jupyter notebook, YANG
O-RAN optimizations for 5G VNF (Virtual Network Function) & RIC xApp (RAN Intelligent Controller)
o PoC for ML xApps (OpenVINO) for near-RT RIC for NW-slicing, Handover (multiple innovative approaches)
o Analyzing E2, O1 traffic (ASN.1) and pod resource utilization (Grafana) for capacity planning & optimization
o Achieved <40% deployment-time using MLOps (CI/CD/CM) for xApp deployment on O-RAN COTS servers
o Reverse engineering O-RAN source code into UML class diagrams for feature-design/architect, evangelism
o Scrum master for Samsung (Philippines) for Tech-mentoring & Lean AGILE project management (JIRA)
o ELK-Filebeat, Jaeger for O-RAN k8s pod log-aggregation helped reduce debugging time by <50%
Language: C++, Python, Golang Tools: Docker, K8s, Helm, Grafana, ELK, Jaeger, plantUML, DPDK

Staff Engineer Samsung Electronics, Suwon, South Korea Apr’2016 – Mar’2020

AI/ML based Network Planning Tool (ACP, ASP) for layout optimization of 5G RAN infrastructure
o Random Forest/K-Means clustering for morphological classification of geo location using clutter maps.
o Spark/Flink, Kafka/NiFi for Big-Data Network KPI analytics from CU/DU/RU logs for closed-loop optimization
o 5G mm-wave Channel Modeling using density-based clustering of drive-test measurement data. Achieved ~70% time
efficiency in NLoS calculation for measurement data by replacing 3D with 2D algorithms
o 3D ray-tracing simulation based RF RSSI estimation at indoor/outdoor UE position using Nvidia GPU (CUDA)
o Using statistical optimization (Nelder-Mead) for calibration (correlation) of drive test data with ray-tracing simulation
for A6G, B6G/FDRT networks. Achieved ~nX speed-up using n-core CPU for Parallel Nelder-Mead using Intel-MPI
(Message Passing Interface)
Language: C++, Python, R, Matlab, CUDA Tools: sklearn, Docker, K8s, Intel-MPI, GDAL, StarUML, GDB

Senior Engineer Samsung Electronics, Suwon, South Korea Nov’2013 – Mar’2016

Research on Android kernel TCP/IP optimizations to support 5G throughput on multi-core CPU
o RPS/RFS enhancements in Android kernel for multi-core CPU architectures to support >1Gbps throughput
o Achieved ~2X (>85%) throughput enhancement (using 2 cores) in TCP/UDP single-flow traffic using frame
“Scattering” and “Interleaved processing” in multi-core CPU architectures
Platform: Android kernel Tools: Eclipse, Git
Patent on Android power management & networking (TCP/IP) optimizations
o Real-time estimation of per-app power consumption for each smartphone components (CPU, GPU, Network, Display)
and detection of power draining apps achieving >90% accuracy
o Automatic calibration of power-profile for smartphone components (during device startup)
Platform: Android, Java, C++ (NDK) Tools: Monsoon Power Monitor, Eclipse+ADT, P4

Computer Scientist Adobe Systems, Bangalore, INDIA Apr’2011 – Oct’2013

Implementing (flexible) subscription licensing for Adobe Creative Cloud & associated analytics
o Web services (on AWS) to handle online/offline, subscription/perpetual & retail/volume licensing and associated
analytics for all products in Adobe Creative Cloud (which is core of Adobe revenue)
Platform: JavaEE, Spring 3.0, MyBatis, JAXB, JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX, OAuth2, RubyOnRails
Tools: Eclipse for JavaEE, Firebug, SoapUI, JMeter, Splunk, P4, Git
Adobe LiveCycle based Document Rights Management for Reader Mobile v10.1 on Android & iOS
o Enterprise DRM (Document Rights Management) for PDF docs for Adobe Acrobat app on Android/iOS
Platform: Android 2.x/3 (emulators), iOS 3/4 (simulators) Tools: Eclipse, XCode, P4

Software Dev. Engineer Citrix Systems, Bangalore, INDIA Jan’2008 – Mar’2011

Citrix Receiver for Java, Android & Blackberry platforms
o Citrix Receiver awarded the best enterprise mobile app (source)
o Added Task Switcher, Smart Zoom feature into Citrix Android Receiver v2.x. Exclusive full-screen feature for Java
client on Mac fetched 5K XenDesktop licenses (~$500K)
o Added multi-monitor feature to Citrix Java client for our esteemed customer m/s Citibank Inc. Fixed multiple issues
for GIC Bank Singapore which fetched revenue of $156K + $240K in Q2-Q3 2009
o Revamped Citrix Receiver for Blackberry (purchased from Rove) by adding multithreading for Beta release. Resolved
several critical issues on Citrix Receiver for Blackberry involving BES-MDS
Platform: Java, Android 2, Blackberry 5
Tools: XenServer, VMware Workstation, Eclipse, Blackberry JDE, NetBeans UML plugin, P4
Client Drive Mapping, file-system redirection driver using Win7 public APIs, OSR-FSDK, WNet APIs
o CDM prototype for Win7_x64 completed in 1.5 weeks (planned for 1.5 months) received spot-bonus award
o Initial prototype of LPT+COM port redirection for XenApp on Win7_x64
Platform: Win7_64 Tools: XenServer, VMware, MS Visual Studio, OSR-FSDK, WinDbg, P4
WinCE clients for Citrix XenApp (Citrix Presentation Server)
o Public release of WinCE client (WBT & HPC) with security fixes and redundant module deprecation
o Fixed numerous customer issues for XenApp WinCE client (WinBasedTerminals & HandheldPortableClients)
Platform: WinCE, Win Mobile Tools: VMware Workstation, MS Visual Studio, P4, MS ActiveSync
Win32 ICA client for Citrix XenApp 5 (Citrix Presentation Server) on Win2008
o Fixed several (~30) issues on XenApp PNA (Program Neighborhood Agent) on Windows Server 2008
Platform: Windows XP/Vista/2008 Tools: VMware 6, Visual Studio 2005, P4

Sr. Project Engineer Wipro Technologies, Hyderabad, INDIA Aug’2005 – Jan’2008

Porting WinXP Wi-Fi driver (SDIO+WDM to USB+KMDF) for Marvell USB-8388 chipset (w mesh
o Successful in porting NDIS 5.1 WDM driver (SDIO) to NDIS 6 KMDF driver (USB) for WHQL certification
o Phases completed: firmware download, association (with AP) and PING (no security, WEP, WPA, WPA2)
o WHQL certification completed (with ~90% test coverage)
Languages: Windows DDI (C language) Platform: Windows XP
Tools: WDF KMDF (w/ Driver Test Manager), WinDbg, Visual Studio 2005, MS Visual SourceSafe
Porting of Wi-Fi driver for Marvell SD8686 NIC from WinXP (NDIS 5.1) to Win Vista (NDIS 6.0)
o Modification of NDIS driver initialization, registration. Supporting wireless security standards e.g. WEP (Open/Shared),
WPA, WPA2 (Personal/Ent). Providing support for WEP security for ad-hoc mode
o Adding functionality for new NDIS 6.0 OIDs and updating functionality for existing OIDs
o Providing support for advanced features like power-save and deep-sleep using NIC firmware support
o Providing Wireless Multimedia (WMM) support using 4 queues for priority-based multimedia traffic
o Porting of Win Vista driver from 32-bit to 64-bit
o Additional OID support with bug-fixes to complete BAT (Basic Acceptance Test) and Microsoft WHQL certification
(Windows Hardware Quality Labs) and Wi-Fi certification (Wi-Fi Alliance)
o Providing extension DLL (in Properties UI) for modification of advanced IHV specific features (like H/w reg. access,
Subscribe events, WMM queue ack etc.) using IOCTLs
Languages: Windows DDI (C language), Win32 extension DLL Platform: WinVista 32/64 bit
Tools: WDM RTM (with Driver Test Manager), WinDbg, Visual Studio 2005, MS Visual SourceSafe
Adding support for legacy SVCD format into WinCE 6.0
o Development of SVCD middleware APIs in COM for navigation/playback of SVCD media. Middleware Functionality
included storing the current context of SVCD media during playback
o Development of SVCD Player application for invoking middleware API functions and providing complete
playback/navigational functionality for end-users
o Design Document (flow-charts, block-diagrams in MS Visio) for SVCD Middleware, Player and test applications for
SVCD middleware
Platform: WinCE 6.0 Tools: Platform Builder 6.0, MS Visual Studio, MS Visio, MS Visual SourceSafe
Training and team-building (for WinCE)
o Training on COM, WinCE, Win32 APIs and other Windows programming concepts. This was preparatory phase for
WinCE projects (detailed above)
Duration: 6 months (Sept’05 – Feb’06)

Systems Engineer Centre for Mobile Computing & Comm., Jadavpur Univ., Kolkata, INDIA
Linux application for sending/receiving SMS
o Using PostgreSQL as the SMS database for storage of SMS sent and received
o Using Kannel 1.0 open-source WAP and SMS gateway, for sending/receiving SMS using GSM modems
Platform: Linux 9.0 Tools: Java2, PostgreSQL, Kannel 1.0 Devices: Siemens TC35 GSM Modem
Development of Disaster Management System using mobile communication
o Nation-wide hierarchical, distributed DB of disaster-management equipment(s) and manpower at various
administrative levels (district, state & national) as per guidelines from National Disaster Management Committee,
Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India
o Collection and DB storage of seismic data, river water-levels etc. using GSM networks for predicting impending
disaster situations
o SMS based alerts/warnings to residents and local administration. Setting up a temporary Disaster Management Centre
using GSM mobile connectivity in disaster affected areas. Mobilization of equipment and rescue-teams to disaster
affected areas using GPS
Platform: WinXP Tools: MS VisualBasic, MS Access Devices: Siemens TC35 GSM Modem (w/ GPS)

Researcher Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, INDIA

o Project: Speech Analysis & Synthesis in CVPR

Lecturer, Dept. of I.T. College of Lt. Technology, Kolkata, INDIA

o Subjects taught: Automata, DBMS, C/C++, Numerical Analysis etc.


o Patent for real-time fine-grained power estimation for Android processes for Samsung smartphones
o Awarded Bravo Award and Spot Bonus (twice) for contribution to Adobe flexible licensing/subscriptions
o Awarded Spot Bonus in Q3-2008 in Citrix R&D for contributions to WinCE XenApp client
o Ranked 35th in Secondary Examinations

Technology qualifications:


Master of Computer Science Faculty of Computer Jadavpur University

2003 - 2005
Science & Engineering Science & Engineering Kolkata. West Bengal. INDIA
Bachelor of Computer Science Kalyani Government University of Kalyani
1998 - 2002
Technology & Technology Engineering College West Bengal. INDIA

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