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a BSE Zo : fore ey, CH OHO yet rea mg GY), secondary (2° Tekan ae dyacenk Allylic * aleoho) i= attach + to Micpaunjovid sot onuH wa oleae ieee Toe Ts stron. shdeoeins e- Ae __Benzylic altohals = “pitached fo ap?) hybridrsed carbon ator neat te an _aiomalre —x1ngs | t aemcietesi paren Sey eas z i L type thoxy = 4 methyl pentane. ensue. Oia Gul ra Oxene) G43 xO ~ Vewadagtas org Bee Pipe WsGresiol_f r Beiewi cts 2 aL ee Gams on _—«Re St shen @dreea'! jgame : @Oh @s (Cet § ~el4 oon gy Wesqy gine t —@ursvohe— tort Catechol tudo quim ee) Coron how athens» —____— ___ step 7+ Pralonalian’ of alk eles ho philic _altaek + torre “‘carbocahon 4 Keines to. ob Meron dep 2+ step 3: -bepig fonation- to foxr0__ till yetSH |= i eee o> -¢-c- ANG Temata - T : ct) by HYDROCARBORATION ~ OXAD'ATION = 2s CHa we CH = CH2 + (H-6H2), ——y cs gia (CHs= cH2=cHs)26 Cha- cH CHE H20 it 342 OH 2cH3a- CH» —cH2- 0M + Bi WWH), oS _ Propan- 1- of ' fers Seo z poy Cie je enn eb ti ot ee Ei ee . _-\Aeag ent Hot He a Reoe Nae “fens wb [routes i ae CR oxylic caeids esters ato Recs of eS. ! (Ce) Hiro —femeagent —s Crives. | ee Ue NaBH4—s kelune 7 pa eae soir rere rat poor — Hi, ReHe OH 4 ® Ort] ce wesley penta AF Zatalyst cal Hay smell + 8 ay Ned RO R= ether oo i ‘| ss : eshud stierennk Gogei= Ester From _Gugnaycl_ Reagent z f He diesk q cro. + a gx ——s Rats ong in, ROM OH 1 CO. Ketone eal Pons. ale fOH%: Omins aleobol Teagene t no. cH.d->aldehydt BLHO -» 5. A=CH-ONge > eee fi 2 Re E “ag t Ng WH) O90 H > carboxylic ———— me r ; 2 atl ____ Preparahion _of Phenals* ad. a ees atten ato arenes Sg a 4 2 Czek 7 ( iam NGIOHI ES 7 oo WalEines From — benzene stlpherttc _iaci ol , : bE eS s02y Olean st (a neoNaoy ie CHiS204) , aa ata > From _ cli 76pm Nia ~ Nan o# Sa @ Somaya ae SC > cus oh —00 peas pec eet Gs Ht ¢c $ oz = ZL nee es Pie ee ra cumene cumene csi l Ty droperoxide => PHYSICAL PRopeR TIES @eouna POLN Ts 3 GZ pleabol £ phenol "have _ than _angaathe hydrocarbon, ethers 1 ___ Clove newe cen haloarepesee eS N_ = Becoi only alcohol anc pheno! eqns) a dorm hydrogen band Z — - OP See, % —____= “Ancieases with ncreases in = numbers ey 3e of carbon * ‘alom aa 80 vanderaa) tomes are inneaes ——_____= The thigh bp fs mainly due tn ae ‘wlerm ol «__fycrogen bonding e = Inkermoleculay ydiages bonding! m 0 + il i * OH= bend is shongly _polanred) | E 2 Ah oes b e | a pol bee aD one) —dlechon — = BP * decrease with | itn eating branching due i i ——_+ Weak vandewwaal force Le © decrease In ouface ayeq } ae | [_ gessuniny { ae carbon “chain. _leng pernit tee a npaueere i leSuastue sess | ee es {s_Ipereases wilh decreases tn” pty 4 Pans are Veisqhle tompound _. - They react beth as hiles and _elechophiiter) go Ee ate pe Os nutleophiles =n us Sony pr ee Ae eee Gee ga o- t= 4 ut asthe ond blo _t-0 is broken wien they a as __electrophile Roe bhiw 10H ve broken” when hey creat Os nucleophile . frotopated’ afeohsls recets io -dhis manner + i nee adh tove ut ae S habe? Berit 5 Alcohols as _elechophile = aa fpMnaclr rie ON meeps tito REICH Loa CaEtA & ab Gabe sonia 4 ees pe ths 2B eee) a a > heidity: © of aleobol and ‘phenol. ____)_Reathon “iwith metals: Diwohol + rMetats <->! daépech ier axvdos tf Ge inal fet tN ie ie — ON gree BAe Sodium alkonde, HS a HD 6 cuyg- d-on +2Al—» 2 (cHs= 2 0 ous oa Aluminium _ t¢ la en oH i a 2 em 3 Z SS of aleohol fs due to 4h. ~~ won Acid of Alcoho! ‘ nee sche aiid character y nature ef Oct bond ih des + Alohols ave — “weaker octal than te — Si slec| hare “ + Alcohols acl as bronatiole aie - H oo qi_te due tothe —pescote— of Unchared, pat of “go_oxygens —wihich makes — Ahem proton ” ae ep. se belter ipiofon 0 cceploy —_thah _bydic ca + nsan _alkonide ton plechon=. form Ester at if: 5 produce Aspiin. toon Goo x z oy (Ck: CT aay fo +t cCHs Coo satic welt Aspirin as Cacetytcaticulre : sa parce aoa > thimory —_altohol do not ___produce Sacha. mf Ee = BOGE ce Sura? soagents give immediale _turbiti ~__ tentaiy ateohul 1 -@ not _ineupaimary -alechol? — tb plaphols- reacts with “tucat ae cigent | 0.0 form! voue eo altey| halide. % 3 en i { > the reathon follows ~SN1“ reachon = wink Wey + Beet Des A We 3+ Terttary — inintidrvate i - Se net 5 Beane! Hechanisy = oles si ot protonated a ) formatter, ees Ps —o ee ieee see i Ca vd oe eed : Projonakd alcohol \ A Ethan o! jo EE a © tora Js caiboca ey al "©. fonatin—pbselbane=—by-—tlelnalion—° = Meter ut eee ticiapah and _fenles oth roel ee ee tt ____step__ot he oaths. eis ee ets __ (20 nS SS ae oa 1 & a i ee Or ee eliminalton O1N pees PMA iii 1409 iaicd= & a > _ox'dabon. eee a idahon -C=0 ——> @ Paar eMC hmmm SD a = Aldehycle cavb 4 aage * shong oxidising agent = potassium permanganak > used for _qetfing _Carboxylre _aevd hie d © 0r03 In anhychous medium is ured 41 a1 the oxidising agent: -for. the vtsolatign of -alde b¥cler Reno —*7 93, HO bec a ie © pyaidintum _chiorochiomate (pce ) erage. ae OHiesOMemictemctnol. SS tras = cut ole Busta 2 oneal a > Elecho philic aromahe Subs lulron Ch nthatron a aa on q Roe . Dil Wo Ss tZ ss ‘SF 7am | ie ——¥-62 = on RE ROS ef Cont: ANDZ 97ND pp a 21a.b Trinikrophencl (Pierte acid ) Noe ei sha By 2 In ee + Br Rak S er Iphenof esl ¢ jou By eos we ee ere (Ay ae = a! hile Et remy Haltogenahion of bemene usually gales’ place in | of Bemis cute!’ ~" "Fe Baa ‘ 1g REACTION eee DNG@ oH ao Na oH e& om am (aie 4 seme C1) Soiegite oudl Gren: [Rr wvarexyben role aera J 5 Reimer = Temapn yea = zi ONat OH | of cHO cH ds =a Noon crete f+ -NS an uiciseSaleNe GH, bes : A + tneerme clare . alee Reason of “phono! with —zme\ duet f : i Kee Wi a ame ee no ne Oard ahon. e ie TONE As Prepdvahion of »velboy” ES By denyclraheo oh leur 604 CH2 = CHe 4431 CH3 CHa OH Tol ya S04 tH C2Hs OC Hs ig © — et a - ‘Nillnarson _eynthesis. wee - . J. = bien) Cas A zi Tages > oH Sc = ONat + ctHs-By —> CMs-c- OD ~CHs + ag Ny cn cee els “6 Oa 1ON A oa 2 pene Ze x OR WY Ei Ss) QO J Sy CHES eee SS CHa cH x CH cHs

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