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The Barefoot Bandit Colton Harris

Title page
Group reflections

The story of Colton Harris Moore, aka the "Barefoot Bandit," is explored. Colton, who
had a difficult upbringing, embarked on a crime spree that involved stealing airplanes
and committing multiple felonies in three different countries. Despite being pursued by
the FBI and evading capture numerous times, Colt was eventually caught in the
Bahamas after a high-speed boat chase. He faced charges for his crimes, including
burglary and firing at an officer, but ultimately received a six-year sentence and was
ordered to pay restitution. After his release from prison, Colt's current whereabouts
remain unknown.

Colton Harris Moore, a 16-year-old who went on a crime spree by stealing airplanes and
committing multiple felonies in three different countries. Colton had a difficult upbringing with
an alcoholic mother and an absent father, which led to him living in poverty and being bullied at
school. He eventually meets Harley, another troubled teenager who teaches him the art of
burglary and stealing. Colton starts breaking into homes to find food and basic necessities, but
soon escalates to stealing expensive items. The community starts noticing the mysterious boy
who only breaks in to eat, and the authorities eventually catch wind of Colton's activities. The
FBI raids his mother's house, but Colton manages to escape, hiding in a forest where he
continues stealing cars and boats. The FBI launches a manhunt for him, putting up wanted
posters and intensifying their efforts to catch him. Despite close encounters with the police,
Colton always manages to escape without a trace.

After being caught red-handed breaking into a neighbor's home, Colt pleaded guilty to three
counts of residential burglary and was sentenced to three years in a maximum-security juvenile
jail. Despite facing difficulties and bullying from gang members while in jail, Colt showed
improvement in his behavior and was transferred to a less restrictive group home after 10
months of good behavior. However, he managed to escape from the group home, sparking fear
and anger in the community. Colt faced a choice between turning himself in and potentially
receiving a shorter additional sentence or hiding from the authorities and living with a constant
arrest warrant. He chose to continue evading the police, committing more burglaries, until he
was eventually spotted in a high-speed car chase. A backpack found in the abandoned car
contained stolen items and confirmed that Colt was on the run. With Colt becoming a wanted
fugitive, the fear in the community grew, and the police received numerous sightings and
encounters with him. Despite his young age and good health, Colt was able to avoid capture due
to his sobriety, living off the grid, and being careful not to leave behind evidence. The
community lived in fear, assuming that every crime was his doing. Colt's pursuit of freedom led
him to hide out near an airport, where he took the opportunity to fly a plane without a license,
experiencing the thrill of flying into the mountains.

After stealing various vehicles and even more airplanes, Colt became known as the Barefoot
Bandit. Despite his criminal activities, Colt gained a significant fan base, with some people
admiring his rebellion against the system. However, authorities were hot on his trail, leading to
a burst of burglaries in his hometown. Even with armed bounty hunters searching for him, Colt
managed to outsmart everyone and escape. He even left behind a letter at an animal hospital,
subtly taunting the police. Eventually, he made a deal with an attorney's office, but it was clear
that his story couldn't end well due to the severity of his crimes.

Colt managed to elude them for several days, stealing cars and eventually finding a house to
hide in. However, he was discovered by the homeowners when they returned from vacation.
The father chased Colt out of the house, but Colt managed to escape. The FBI launched an
intense search with canines and helicopters, but Colt evaded capture once again. He smashed
the washer to retrieve his clothes, broke into a neighbor's house to steal their car keys, and
ultimately escaped. The video also mentions that Colt was known to steal planes near small
airports, and how Homeland Security held meetings with private plane owners to warn them
about him. Colt eventually stole a Cessna 400 and flew towards the Bermuda Triangle, but had
to make an emergency landing in an island due to running out of gas. The emergency locator
transmitter on the plane alerted the US Coast Guard, but Colt managed to escape before they

when Colton Harris Moore stole a Cessna 400 plane and crash-landed it in the Bahamas. After
walking barefoot into the jungle, Colt found himself in a populated area during Fourth of July
weekend, blending in with the tourists. He survived by breaking into cars and vacation homes,
but as the manhunt intensified with military involvement and wanted posters plastered across
the island, Colt's luck was running out. Eventually, he made his way to a harbor, initiating a
confrontation with a local who recognized him from the wanted posters. Colt taunted the locals
and fled in a stolen boat, leading to a chase involving armed police, security guards, and even
the military. Despite Colt's attempt to escape, he ended up beaching the boat on a sandbar.
Desperate and surrounded by officers, Colt briefly held a gun to his head before surrendering.
It's noted that the Bahamian police managed to capture Colt without any casualties, a stark
contrast to what might have happened in the U.S. due to his wanted status by the FBI.

the capture of Colton Harris Moore, known as the "Barefoot Bandit," in the Bahamas after a
high-speed boat chase. Despite committing numerous crimes, including burglaries, boat thefts,
and firing at an officer, the Bahamian government only charged him for not presenting his
passport, resulting in a fine of $300. American prosecutors had to handle 67 felonies in three
countries for his court case and he faced 20 to 30 years in prison. However, he hired John Henry
Brown, an infamous attorney known for defending high-profile criminals. Brown argued that
Colt's troubled upbringing contributed to his actions, and the court showed sympathy towards
him. Ultimately, Colton received a six-year sentence and was ordered to pay $1.4 million in
restitution. The court also mandated that he couldn't profit from his life story, including
potential movie deals. After being released from prison, Colt has remained elusive, with little
information available about his current whereabouts.

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