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We founded Wyssling Consulting based upon our commitment to family. That has extended to our new
relationship with our family of co-workers. You are joining our family and will be treated with love and
respect as you learn how to best serve our customers and each other. We will laugh together, have fun
together, disagree together, enjoy great trips and events and work hard together.

We believe that what we are doing is making a difference in the world. We are helping to clean up the
planet through renewable energy and reducing our dependence upon fossil fuels and their harmful
effects to our environment.

We believe that with the talent and work ethic of those who join us, we will be able to be the premier
solar engineering company in the industry. We believe we are capable of servicing the majority of the
residential solar market because of our personalized service, same day to next business day turnaround
time and competitive pricing.

Our values form and acronym for the word “Light”. We not only bring more power and light into the
world but we strive for “light” to be present in our conversations and actions. We seek to build and
strengthen each other and uplift mankind through our actions. We believe and live by our values. They
are not just words on a piece of paper but part of who we are as individuals. We will refer to them
frequently and design our goals as a company around our mission and values.

We want your input and welcome your suggestions on how we can improve our systems and processes
and customer relations. Your contribution will help all of us become better at what we do.

This Employee Handbook is intended to explain the terms and conditions of employment and
summarizes the policies and practices in effect at the time of publication. Your manager will be happy to
answer any questions you may have.

We’re excited to be on this path together and hope that your time with the Wyssling family is a joyous
part of your journey in life.

Success to you!

Scott Wyssling Lucy Wyssling

Founder/CEO Co-Founder

We do this through:
1. Same-day to next business day turnaround
2. Competitive pricing
3. Engineering excellence through best practice and industry experience
4. Customer friendly submission platform
5. Tailored customer service


L Listen – We listen respectfully to each other with the intent to understand and learn
Integrity – We do the best possible job for each customer without cutting corners. We are
I honest with the use of our time, our reporting and our communications
Gratitude – We express gratitude to our customers and co-workers frequently. We believe
G gratitude and appreciation have a multiplying effect on ourselves and others.
Humility – We approach new and existing customers with the intent to learn and improve
what we do. Excellence is a choice. We believe in constant self-improvement with little tolerance
H for toxic and mediocre attitudes. We score and measure almost everything and are personally
Time – We respect the time of our clients by completing projects by the next business day as
T promised. We encourage our clients to respect our time with those we love by not requiring
unreasonable requests outside our service commitments
Customer Satisfaction
 We are service oriented; we listen to and understand the needs of our customers.
 We are professional and responsive in communicating with customers and addressing concerns.
 We are dedicated to delivering accounts for customers within our service level agreement (SLA).
 We take ownership of our assignments and the customers we manage.
 We go above and beyond to service the needs of our customers (Within Reason)

Quality is What We Deliver

 Commitment to excellence and accuracy in what we do.
 Dedicated to the company vision (Premier engineering firm)
 We are constantly working toward self-improvement (for AM’s reducing our error rate)
 We continue to embrace new technology and processes to improve quality.
 We take pride in our work and being accurate.

Integrity, Accountability and Honesty

 We get our work done in a timely manner and are honest with our time commitment (Accountability)
 We are open and honest and we do what we say we are going to do (Integrity)
 We are personally accountable for what we do, including mistakes (Honesty)
 Work hard, Play hard with no whining.

 Willing to step in and help co-workers.
 Willing and open to learning new processes and ideas.
 We are patient with team members.
 We do not speak ill of co-workers (non-toxic environment)
 We show respect and are supportive of our co-workers and team members.


Table of Contents
1.0 OUR PLEDGE TO EACH OTHER ................................................................................................................ 6
2.0 OUR PLEDGE TO OUR CUSTOMERS ........................................................................................................ 6
3.0 EMPLOYMENT POLICIES ......................................................................................................................... 6
3.1 - Right to Revise ........................................................................................................................................... 6
3.2 - At-Will Employment Status ........................................................................................................................ 7
3.3 - Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action .................................................................................. 7
3.4 - Non-Harassment ........................................................................................................................................ 8
3.5 - Open Door Policy ....................................................................................................................................... 8
4.0 HIRING .................................................................................................................................................... 8
4.1 - Job Duties .................................................................................................................................................. 8
5.0 LEAVE OF ABSENCE ................................................................................................................................. 9
5.1 - Family / Medical Leave .............................................................................................................................. 9
5.2 - Military Leave and Service ....................................................................................................................... 10
5.3 - Bereavement Leave ................................................................................................................................. 11
5.4 - Jury Duty or Witness Appearance Leave .................................................................................................. 11
5.5 - Personal Leave ......................................................................................................................................... 11
6.0 BENEFITS ............................................................................................................................................... 12
6.0 - Health and Welfare Benefits Insurance ................................................................................................... 12
6.1 – Paid Time Off – (PTO / Vacation) ............................................................................................................. 12
6.2 - Paid Holidays............................................................................................................................................ 13
7.0 MANAGEMENT ..................................................................................................................................... 13
7.1 - Personnel Records ................................................................................................................................... 13
7.2 - Performance Reviews .............................................................................................................................. 14
8.0 COMPANY PROPERTY ........................................................................................................................... 14
8.1 - Use of Electronic Media ........................................................................................................................... 14
8.2 - Employer Property ................................................................................................................................... 15
9.0 EMPLOYEE CONDUCT ........................................................................................................................... 15
9.1 - Customer Relations .................................................................................................................................. 15
9.2 - Punctuality and Attendance..................................................................................................................... 16
9.3 - Off-Duty Conduct ..................................................................................................................................... 16
9.4 - Social Media............................................................................................................................................. 16
9.5 - Confidentiality.......................................................................................................................................... 17
9.6 - Business Conduct and Ethics.................................................................................................................... 17
9.7 - Whistle Blowing ....................................................................................................................................... 18
9.8 – Discipline ................................................................................................................................................. 18
10.0 WAGES .................................................................................................................................................. 18
10.1 - Hourly Pay .............................................................................................................................................. 18
10.2 - Piece Rate Pay........................................................................................................................................ 18
10.3 - Payment of Wages ................................................................................................................................. 19
10.4 - Automatic Direct Bank Deposit of Payroll .............................................................................................. 19
10.5 – Business Expenses ................................................................................................................................. 19

11.0 SAFETY & HEALTH ................................................................................................................................. 21
11.1 - Security and Workplace Violence .......................................................................................................... 21
12.0 SEPARATION ......................................................................................................................................... 21
12.1 - If You Leave Our Employment ............................................................................................................... 21
13.0 EMPLOYEE PROBLEM RESOLUTION PROGRAM .................................................................................... 21
EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AND AGREEMENT ................................................................... 23


We are teammates!
o We speak candidly and with respect to each other
o We all contribute and do our fair share
o We work hard
o We always strive to improve ourselves and our processes
o We look for opportunities to thank and complement each other
o We give each other freedom to express or try new ideas
o We are innovators and welcome change
o We adapt quickly to new challenges
o We embrace training opportunities to become better at what we do
o We do the right thing
o We can only accomplish our goals by working as a team
o We admit, fix and learn from our mistakes
o We like what we do and who we work with
o We don’t talk ill of our co-workers (Non-Toxic)
o We set ambitious goals and accomplish them by incremental improvement and


We take care of our customers!
o We stand behind the quality of our work
o We guarantee our performance
o We commit to turn around projects by our contractual agreement
o We act with integrity and honesty
o We strive to exceed customer expectations
o Making the world a better place is our business
o We earn the trust of our customers and frequently get referrals from them
o We take pride in our work. Our stamp represents who we are
o We listen to suggestions and work within our policies and systems to help in the
best possible ways
o We proactively ask how we can improve our service


3.1 - Right to Revise
This Employee Handbook contains the employment policies and practices of Wyssling Consulting
(“Wyssling Consulting,” the “Company”) in effect at the time of publication. All previously issued
handbooks and any inconsistent policy statements or memoranda are superseded.

This employee handbook provides an overview of Wyssling Consulting’s policies, practices and
benefits. Employees will always receive the most generous benefits to which they are entitled
under applicable law.

Wyssling Consulting reserves the right to revise, modify, delete, or add to any and all policies,
procedures, work rules, or benefits stated in this Handbook or in any other document, except for
the policy of at-will employment. However, any such changes must be in writing and must be
signed by the CEO. Any written changes to this Handbook will be available to you so that you will
be aware of the new policies or procedures. No oral statements or representations can in any
way alter the provisions of this Handbook.

This Handbook, along with your offer letter and At-Will Employment and NDA Confidentiality
Agreement, sets forth the entire agreement between you and Wyssling Consulting as to the
duration of employment and the circumstances under which employment may be terminated.
Nothing in this Employee Handbook or in any other personnel document creates or is intended to
create a promise or representation of continued employment for any employee.

Although this Handbook is not a contract and is not intended to create any express or implied
contractual obligations, you are required to read and understand the provisions of this

3.2 - At-Will Employment Status

Wyssling Consulting’s policy is that employment is “at-will.” Employment at Wyssling Consulting
may be terminated for any reason, with or without cause or with or without notice, at any time
by you or Wyssling Consulting. Nothing in this Handbook or in any oral or written statement shall
limit the right to terminate employment at-will. This policy of at-will employment is the sole and
entire agreement between you and Wyssling Consulting as to the duration of employment and
the circumstances under which employment may be terminated.

3.3 - Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action

Wyssling Consulting is an Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) employer. Wyssling Consulting

makes employment decisions on the basis of merit in order to ensure the full utilization of people
of all backgrounds who possess the best available skills in every job. Wyssling Consulting policy
prohibits discrimination based on race, color, creed, sex or gender (which includes pregnancy,
childbirth or related medical condition), religion, marital status, registered domestic partner or
civil union status, age, national origin or ancestry, citizenship, political activity or affiliation,
physical or mental disability, medical condition (including HIV/AIDS status), genetic characteristics
and information, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, amnesty or status as a
covered veteran. Wyssling Consulting’s policy also prohibits discrimination based on the
perception that anyone has any of those characteristics or is associated with a person who has or
is perceived as having any of those characteristics. All such discrimination violates our policy.

Wyssling Consulting is committed to complying with all applicable laws providing equal
employment opportunities. This commitment applies to all persons involved in Company
operations and prohibits unlawful discrimination by any employee of Wyssling Consulting,
including managers and coworkers. All employees are encouraged to assist Wyssling Consulting’s
affirmative efforts in support of its EEO/AA policy, including the recruitment and referral of
qualified individuals for employment. All members of management must be familiar with this
policy and must fully support it. Management is responsible for applying these principles in good
faith and their performance under these policies is reviewed.

If you believe you have been subjected to any form of discrimination, contact your manager and
submit a written complaint to him/her or the Director of Human Resources. Your complaint
should be specific and should include the names of the individuals involved and the names of any
witnesses. If you need assistance with your complaint, or if you prefer to make a complaint in
person, contact the human resource department. Wyssling Consulting will immediately
undertake an effective, thorough, and objective investigation and attempt to resolve the

3.4 - Non-Harassment

Wyssling Consulting is committed to providing a work environment free of harassment. Company

policy prohibits harassment based on race, color, creed, sex or gender (which include pregnancy,
childbirth or related medical condition), religion, marital status, registered domestic partner
status, age, national origin or ancestry, citizenship, political activity or affiliation, physical or
mental disability, medical condition including genetic characteristics, sexual orientation, gender
identity, gender expression, amnesty, or status as a covered veteran. All such harassment is
prohibited. The Company’s anti-harassment policy applies to all persons involved in the operation
of the Company and prohibits unlawful harassment by any employee of the Company, including
managers, as well as vendors, customers, and any other persons. It also prohibits unlawful
harassment based on the perception that anyone has any of those characteristics, or is associated
with a person who has or is perceived as having any of those characteristics.

3.5 - Open Door Policy

Wyssling Consulting believes that raising matters openly and discussing them freely is the best
way to solve problems and ensure a fair workplace.

Employees have the right to freely discuss their wages, benefits and terms and conditions of
employment, and to raise complaints internally or externally. Wyssling Consulting encourages you
to bring any concerns or complaints you may have to any member of management. This Open
Door Communication is a reality at Wyssling Consulting and your concerns will be given attention
as promptly as possible. Wyssling Consulting employees and managers are prohibited from
retaliating in any way against any employee for raising concerns or complaints.

None of the policies in this Handbook or published independently by Wyssling Consulting shall be
interpreted or enforced in a manner that would discourage any employee from exercising the
rights described in this policy, including the right to discuss workplace matters freely.

4.1 - Job Duties

Your manager will explain your job responsibilities and the performance standards expected of
you. Be aware that your job responsibilities may change at any time during your employment.
From time to time, you may be asked to work on special projects or to assist with other work
necessary or important to the operation of your department or Wyssling Consulting. Your
cooperation and assistance in performing such additional work is expected.

If during your time at Wyssling Consulting, your status of employment changes you will be
required to fill out a “Change in Status” form that will be approved by your manager and the
CEO prior to the change. This form will also be used for updates to employee

Wyssling Consulting reserves the right, at any time, with or without notice, to alter or change job
responsibilities, reassign or transfer job positions, or assign additional job responsibilities.


Wyssling Consulting complies with all statutory leave requirements. Leave of Absence of up to
two weeks can be allowed without pay with the approval of your manager

5.1 - Family / Medical Leave

Family/Medical Leave refers to a period when an employee takes time off work for any of the
following reasons: to care for the employee’s spouse, registered domestic partner, child, or
parent with a serious health condition; the employee’s own serious health condition which makes
the employee unable to perform the essential functions of his/her position; disability due to
pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions, or to care for an employee’s newborn child
(baby bonding) or a child placed with an employee for foster care or adoption.

 Eligibility. Employees are eligible for a Family/Medical Leave who have worked for the
Company for at least 12 months prior to the date on which the leave is to commence.

 Notice of Planned Leave. If the event necessitating the leave is based on the expected
birth, placement for adoption, or foster care of the employee’s child, or planned medical
treatment for a serious health condition of the employee or a covered family member,
the employee must provide at least 30 days’ advance written notice before leave is to
begin. The employee must consult with the Company regarding the scheduling of any
planned medical treatment or supervision so as to minimize disruption to the operations
of the Company. Any such scheduling is subject to the approval of the health care
provider of the employee or the health care provider of the employee’s child, parent, or

If 30 days’ notice is not practicable, notice must be given as soon as practicable. Failure
to comply with these rules is grounds for, and may result in, deferral of the required
leave until the employee complies with this policy.

If an unforeseen need for FMLA leave arises, the employee is required to follow the
Company’s standard absence notification procedures, including calling the employee’s
manager at least one (1) hour before the employee’s scheduled start time, unless
unusual circumstances prevent the employee from doing so. An employee who fails to
follow the Company’s standard absence notification procedures may be subject to

 Reinstatement After the Leave Expires. Upon return from Family/Medical Leave, an
employee will be reinstated to his or her original job, or to an equivalent job with
equivalent pay, benefits, and other employment terms and conditions. In addition, an
employee’s use of Family/Medical Leave will not result in the loss of any employment
benefit that the employee earned or was entitled to before using Family/Medical Leave.
As more fully described below, employees on FMLA leave will not continue to accrue
employment benefits, such as vacation benefits or sick leave during unpaid FMLA leave.

 Other Employment. An employee on Family/Medical Leave is not permitted to take on

any other employment, even on a temporary basis, without written authorization from
the Company. To do so will result in termination of employment.

 Non-Discrimination. It is the Company’s policy to be fair and impartial in all its relations
with employees or applicants. The Company will not discriminate against employees or
applicants as a result of the approved use of Family/Medical Leave or a proper request
for such leave.
 Benefits Determination for Family/Medical Leave. An employee’s benefits during a
Family/Medical Leave will be as follows:

 Paid Time Off. If you and the Company agree, you may use accrued paid time off and/or
any accrued vacation leave to during your FMLA leave.

 Health Insurance Benefit. If an employee is receiving reimbursement for health insurance

premium, then this benefit will continue while they are on leave.

5.2 - Military Leave and Service

Military Leave and Service(MLAS) refers to a period when an employee takes time off work for
military service during which they are engaged in the performance of duty or training in the
service of the State, or the United States, under competent orders.

 Eligibility. Employees are eligible for Military Leave and Service who have served in
the Military or national guard and in good standing. Employee is eligible for Military
Leave and Service protection once they have worked for the Company for at least 6
months prior to the date on which the leave is to commence. Wyssling Consulting can
approve or disapprove Military Leave and service request for employees who have
worked less than 6 months at its sole discretion.

 Notice of Planned Leave. The employee must provide at least 30 days’ advance written
notice before leave is to begin. The employee must consult with the Company regarding
the scheduling of Military Leave and Service so as to minimize disruption to the
operations of the Company. If National Guard service is required without advance
notice employee to give as much advanced notice as possible.

If 30 days’ notice is not practicable, notice must be given as soon as practicable. Failure
to comply with these rules is grounds for, and may result in, deferral of the required
leave until the employee complies with this policy.

 Reinstatement After the Leave Expires. Upon return from Military Leave and Service,
an employee will be reinstated to his or her original job, or to an equivalent job with
equivalent pay, benefits, and other employment terms and conditions. In addition, an
employee’s use of Military Leave and Service Leave will not result in the loss of any
employment benefit that the employee earned or was entitled to before using Military
Leave and Service. As more fully described below, employees on MLAS leave will not
continue to accrue employment benefits, such as PTO benefits or sick leave during
unpaid MLAS leave.
 Non-Discrimination. It is the Company’s policy to be fair and impartial in all its relations
with employees or applicants. The Company will not discriminate against employees or
applicants as a result of the approved use of Military Service and Leave or a proper
request for such leave.
 Benefits Determination for Family/Medical Leave. An employee’s benefits during a
Military Service and Leave will be as follows:

 Paid Time Off. If you and the Company agree, you may use accrued paid time off during
your MSAL leave

 Health Insurance Benefit. If an employee is receiving reimbursement for health insurance

premium, then this benefit will continue while they are on leave.

5.3 - Bereavement Leave

Wyssling Consulting grants leave of absence to employees in the event of the death of the
employee’s current spouse, registered domestic partner, child, parent, legal guardian, brother,
sister, grandparent, or grandchild. An employee with such a death in the family may take up to
two (2) consecutive scheduled workdays off with pay with the approval of the employee’s
manager to make necessary arrangements. Additional days may be approved at the sole
discretion of Wyssling Consulting depending on each individual circumstance.

5.4 - Jury Duty or Witness Appearance Leave

All employees are encouraged to participate in community affairs, including serving jury duty.
While responding to a summons for jury duty or appearing as a subpoenaed witness, a full-time
employee will be paid his/her regular wages for up to one (1) week if jury duty or a subpoenaed
witness appearance occurs after the first day of the month following 90 days of employment. In
return, Wyssling Consulting expects the employee to report to work on those days or parts of
days when the employee is excused from jury duty and/or when jury duty or subpoenaed witness
appearances do not conflict with the employee’s work schedule. To be paid for the time away
from work, the employee must provide Wyssling Consulting management with evidence of
serving on jury duty or appearing as a subpoenaed witness.
Employees may take time off to serve on a jury or to appear as a witness as required by law if,
before taking such time off, the employee gives two weeks’ notice to Wyssling Consulting that
he/she is required to serve and appear. However, if the length of timing of the jury duty or
witness appearance will cause an undue hardship for Wyssling Consulting, it may be requested
that the court postpone or excuse the employee’s service or appearance.

If Wyssling Consulting pays the employee for regular hours worked, then he/she should remit to
Wyssling Consulting the jury duty pay or witness subpoena pay received (not including mileage or
transportation reimbursement by the court). Temporary and part-time employees are eligible for
unpaid time off for jury duty or witness appearance.

5.5 - Personal Leave

A personal leave of absence without pay may be granted to employees with at least Three (3)
months of service at the discretion of Wyssling Consulting. Requests for personal leave should be
limited to unusual circumstances requiring an absence of longer than five (5) business days.
Approved personal absences of shorter duration are not normally treated as leaves, but rather as
excused absences without pay.

6.0 - Health and Welfare Benefits Insurance
Wyssling Consulting provides a monthly paid benefit of up to $500 to go toward comprehensive
medical, dental, vision and life insurance plan for eligible employees. Employee eligibility may
differ dependent upon role within organization. Employees will be responsible for using the
benefit to secure individual health insurance policies and/or Health Savings Accounts to offset
medical expenses. Employees who have existing medical and health benefits through a spouse,
parents or other party are not eligible for paid insurance benefits. This benefit is at the discretion
of Wyssling Consulting. This benefit will begin after 30 days for salary employees and 90 days for
non-salary employees.

6.1 – Paid Time Off – (PTO / Vacation)

The Company provides paid time off (PTO) for full time employees who work a minimum of 36
hours per week or do a minimum of 40 accounts per day and part-time employees who work a
minimum of 30 hours per week or complete a minimum of 20 accounts per day. PTO is based
upon completed service time with the Company.

There is no accrual of PTO/Vacation time. At the end of each calendar year, unused PTO/vacation
time up to a maximum of 15 days will be paid to the employee and not carried over to the next

PTO schedules must be coordinated and approved with a minimum of 30 days advance notice to
your supervisor or manager for three (3) days or more PTO and two (2) weeks notice for less than
three (3) days of requested PTO. Employees may need to defer or otherwise adjust their PTO
according to Company work demands.

Upon termination unused PTO/Vacation time will not be paid.

Full time employees shall be entitled to PTO based on this policy and the following table:

Full Time/Part Time Account Manager PTO Policy

Months of Maximum PTO
Service Days per year
3-5 5
6 - 24 10
25+ 15

Print Manager/Hourly Paid Employee PTO Policy

Months of Maximum PTO
Service Days per year
3 - 24 5
6-24 10
25+ 15

All Employees are entitled to an additional 5 days of unpaid PTO

Paid PTO/Vacation time benefit applies to normal weekdays and not weekends.

Maximum number of PTO days off are not to exceed 5 days.

Number of Account Managers that can be on PTO at the same time are as follows:

November 1st through February 28th (Low Season) Max 3 AM’s can be on PTO at the same time
March 1st through October 31st (High Season) Max 2 AM’s can be on PTO at the same time

Wyssling Consulting reserves the right on a case-by-case basis to allow more account managers
out at one time

Employees are required to use PTO time before requesting non-PTO/personal leave time.

6.2 - Paid Holidays

Wyssling Consulting provides its employees with eight (8) Company paid holidays per calendar
year. Non-exempt employees are entitled to paid holidays after first day of employment.
Typically, the Company observes the following holidays for all employees. This schedule is subject
to change at the discretion of the Company each year:

New Year’s Day

Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Thanksgiving Day
Friday after Thanksgiving
Christmas Eve (if it falls during the week)
Christmas Day
Floating Holiday (at the employees’ discretion) (Starting 2024) must be
used during the work week and if not used will not be paid out at the end
of the year

Employees must complete their minimum number of accounts, or reach out to their
backups and manager if minimum number of accounts are not available, the day before the
Holiday in order to qualify for holiday pay

Holiday pay will be paid based on the daily rate paid for non-salaried employees.

Each non-exempt employee is paid their normal rate of pay for a typical day of work. To be
eligible for holiday pay, the employee must be regularly scheduled to work on the day on which
the holiday is observed and must work his/her full regularly scheduled workday before and
immediately following the holiday, unless an absence on either day is approved in advance by the
employee’s supervisor or manager. A non-exempt employee required to work on a paid
scheduled holiday will receive holiday pay plus pay per account based on employee’s current pay

7.1 - Personnel Records

To ensure that your personnel records are kept up to date, employees should inform their
manager or the Human Resources department of any personnel changes such as address or
phone number.

Wyssling Consulting will restrict disclosure of personnel files to authorized individuals within
Wyssling Consulting. Any request for information contained in personnel files must be directed to
the Human Resources department. Only Human Resources is authorized to release information
about current or former employees. Wyssling Consulting will cooperate with requests from
authorized law enforcement or local, state, or federal agencies conducting official investigations
and as otherwise legally required.

7.0 - Individual Development Plan (IDP)

The goal of this plan is to focus on individual enrichment through goal setting with upper

Management will focus on having allocated one on one meetings with their teams and will give
them feedback on areas they are excelling in and/or need help improving.

An individual plan will be customized by management with a detail of items that need
improvement, ideas on how to meet goals, and a timeline to achieve ideas. It us up to the
individual to accept this coaching method to increase their potential to have a good standing in
the company, be eligible for bonuses and/or promotion opportunities.

The purpose of this is to meet and exceed expectations within the company internally, and
continue to deliver the best product while exhibiting the values to meet our mission statement.

7.2 - Performance Reviews

Performance reviews may evaluate factors such as the quality and quantity of work performed,
knowledge of the job, initiative, and support of Wyssling Consulting values. The performance
evaluations are intended to make the employee aware of any progress, areas for improvement,
and objectives or goals for future work performance. Favorable performance reviews do not
guarantee increases in salary or promotions. Salary increases and promotions are solely within
the discretion of Wyssling Consulting and depend upon many factors in addition to performance.
After the review, the employee may be asked to accept the evaluation, acknowledge that it has
been presented, discussed with the manager, and that the employee is aware of its contents and
in cases where performance can be improved, the acceptance of an Individual Development Plan.
IDP’s will also be used as a matter of continuous improvement and are not to be viewed as a
disciplinary action.


8.1 - Use of Electronic Media

Wyssling Consulting uses various forms of electronic communication including, but not limited to
computers, e-mail, telephones, internet, cell phones, etc. All electronic communications,
including all software, databases, hardware, and digital files, remain the sole property of Wyssling
Consulting and are to be used only for Wyssling Consulting business and not for any personal use.

The Company’s electronic communication systems and media may not be used in any manner
that would be discriminatory, harassing, or obscene, or for any other purpose that is illegal,
against Wyssling Consulting policies, or not in the best interest of Wyssling Consulting. Employees
who misuse electronic communications and engage in defamation, copyright or trademark
infringement, misappropriation of trade secrets, discrimination, harassment, or related actions
will be subject to discipline and/or immediate termination.

Employees may not install personal software on Wyssling Consulting computer systems except
with IT approval. All electronic information created by any employee using any means of
electronic communication is the property of Wyssling Consulting and remains the property of
Wyssling Consulting.

Passwords may be used for purposes of security and sharing of passwords is prohibited. Wyssling
Consulting will override all personal passwords if necessary for any reason. Wyssling Consulting
reserves the right to access and review electronic files, messages, mail, and other digital archives,
and to monitor the use of electronic communications as necessary to ensure that no misuse or
violation of Wyssling Consulting policy or any law occurs.

Company voice mail and/or electronic mail (e-mail) are to be used for business purposes only.
Wyssling Consulting reserves the right to monitor voice mail messages and e-mail messages to
ensure compliance with this rule, without notice to the employee and at any time, not necessarily
in the employee’s presence. Employees are not permitted to access the electronic
communications of other employees or third parties unless directed to do so by management.

8.2 - Employer Property

Desks, computers, laptops, vehicles, cell phones, etc. that are Wyssling Consulting property must
be maintained and kept in good working order. Wyssling Consulting reserves the right to inspect
all Wyssling Consulting property to ensure compliance with its rules and regulations, without
notice to the employee and at any time, not necessarily in the employee’s presence.


9.1 - Customer Relations

Employees are expected to be polite, courteous, prompt, and attentive to every customer. When
an employee encounters an uncomfortable situation that he or she does not feel capable of
handling, the employee’s manager or another manager of the Company should be called
immediately to assist with the situation.

Wyssling Consulting is a service business and each employee must remember that the customer
always comes first. Remember, while the customer is not always right, the customer is never
wrong. Customers are to be treated courteously and given proper attention at all times.
Employees must never regard a customer’s question or concern as an interruption or an
annoyance. Employees must respond to inquiries from customers, whether in person or by
telephone, promptly and professionally.

Employees should show a desire to assist the customer in obtaining the help he or she needs.
All correspondence and documents, whether to customers or others, must be neatly prepared
and error-free. Attention to accuracy and detail in all paperwork demonstrates the employee’s
commitment to those with whom we do business. If a problem develops or if a customer remains
dissatisfied, a manager should be asked to intervene.

9.2 - Punctuality and Attendance

Employees working from their home are expected to dedicate the required amount of time to
complete jobs and assignments in the course of the day. Employees working at Wyssling offices
are expected to be punctual and regular in attendance. Any tardiness or absence causes
problems for fellow employees and management. When employees are absent, assigned work
must be performed by others. Employees are expected to report to work as scheduled, on time,
and prepared to start work. Employees also are expected to remain at work for their entire work
schedule, except for meal or rest periods or when required to leave on authorized Company
business. Late arrival, early departure, or other unanticipated and unapproved absences from
scheduled hours are disruptive and must be avoided.

If an employee is unable to report for work on any particular day, the employee must under all
but the most extenuating circumstances call or text his/her manager at least one (1) hour before
the time the employee is scheduled to begin working for that day. If employees are unable to
contact their manager by phone, they must send an e-mail notifying him/her of the lateness or
absence. If the employee calls less than one hour before their scheduled time to begin work and
does not arrive in time for the assigned shift, the employee will be considered tardy for that day.
In all cases of absence or tardiness, employees must provide their manager with a reason or
explanation. Employees also must inform their manager of the expected duration of any absence.
Excessive absenteeism or tardiness and/or patterns of absences/tardiness, whether excused or
not, will not be tolerated. If the employee fails to report for work without any notification to
his/her manager and the absence continues for a period of three (3) work days (including
Company Holidays), Wyssling Consulting will consider that the employee has abandoned his/her

9.3 - Off-Duty Conduct

While Wyssling Consulting does not seek to interfere with the off-duty and personal conduct of
its employees, certain types of off-duty conduct may interfere with the Wyssling Consulting’s
legitimate business interests. For this reason, employees are expected to conduct their personal
affairs in a manner that does not adversely affect Wyssling Consulting’s or their own integrity,
reputation or credibility. Illegal or immoral off-duty conduct by an employee that adversely
affects Wyssling Consulting’s legitimate business interests or the employee’s ability to perform
his or her job will not be tolerated. Employees should support the reputation of the company
especially when operating branded vehicles and wearing Wyssling Consulting clothing.

9.4 - Social Media

The Company understands that most employees use social media in their personal time, but
employees must understand that using social media in the workplace or in a way related to
Wyssling Consulting requires additional thought and responsibility. The Company neither
encourages nor discourages its employees to use social media; however, if employees do use
social media, they must follow the requirements in this policy.

Keep in mind that any of your online conduct that violates Company policy, adversely affects your
or your fellow employees’ job performance, adversely affects the reputation or brand of the
Company’s customers, vendors, affiliates, or business partners, or adversely affects the
Company’s legitimate business interests may result in disciplinary action, up to and including
termination. The Company will, in its discretion, review public Social Media content relating to its
name, brand, and employees to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law.

9.5 - Confidentiality

Each employee is responsible for safeguarding confidential information obtained during

employment. While at work, employees may have access to confidential information regarding
Wyssling Consulting, its suppliers, its customers, or perhaps even fellow employees. Employees
have a responsibility not to reveal or divulge any such information. Access to confidential
information should be on a “need-to-know” basis and must be authorized by management. Any
breach of this policy will not be tolerated and legal action may be taken by Wyssling Consulting.
Processes and Client List are not to be shared with any outside party for a period of two (2) years
following employment. (See required NDA as part of Terms of Employment)

9.6 - Business Conduct and Ethics

Obeying the law, both in letter and in spirit, is the foundation on which this Company’s ethical
standards are built. All employees must respect and obey the laws of the cities, states and
countries in which we operate. Although not all employees are expected to know the details of
these laws, it is important to know enough to determine when to seek advice from supervisors,
managers or other appropriate personnel.

 Conflicts of Interest. All employees must avoid conflicts of interest. A “conflict of interest”
exists when a person’s private interest interferes in any way with the interests of the
Company. A conflict situation can arise when an employee, officer or director takes
actions or has interests that may make it difficult to perform his or her Company work
objectively and effectively. Conflicts of interest may also arise when an employee, officer
or director, or members of his or her family, receives improper personal benefits as a
result of his or her position in the Company. Loans to, or guarantees of obligations of,
employees and their family members may create conflicts of interest.

 Record-Keeping. The Company requires honest and accurate recording and reporting of
information to make responsible business decisions.

 Protection and Proper Use of Company Assets. All employees should endeavor to protect
the Company’s assets and ensure their efficient use. Any suspected incident of fraud or
theft should be immediately reported for investigation. Company equipment should not
be used for non-Company business, though incidental personal use may be permitted.

The obligation of employees to protect the Company’s assets includes its proprietary
information. Proprietary information includes intellectual property such as trade secrets,
patents, trademarks, and copyrights, as well as business, marketing and service plans,
engineering and manufacturing ideas, designs, databases, records, salary information and
any unpublished financial data and reports. Unauthorized use or distribution of this
information would violate Company policy. It could also be illegal and result in civil or
even criminal penalties. Employee is under this obligation during employment and for a
period of two (2) years after employment. If this agreement is breached, Company
reserves the right to seek damages to the full extent of the law. (See separate NDA signed
by employees that is not part of this agreement)

 Reporting any Illegal or Unethical Behavior. Employees are encouraged to talk to

supervisors, managers or other appropriate personnel about observed illegal or unethical
behavior and when in doubt about the best course of action in a particular situation. It is
the policy of the Company not to allow retaliation for reports of misconduct by others
made in good faith by employees. Employees are expected to cooperate in internal
investigations of misconduct. Any employee may submit a good faith concern regarding
questionable accounting or auditing matters without fear of dismissal or retaliation of
any kind.

9.7 - Whistle Blowing

Wyssling Consulting is committed to maintaining a culture where it is safe and acceptable for all
employees to raise concerns about policy violations (including negligence, breach of contract) or
employee and/or manager misconduct. The employee may contact any member of the Wyssling
Consulting management team when reporting Company concerns. The employee may also
contact the Human Resources department in the cases where the concern is about their
immediate manager. Wyssling Consulting will maintain the information reported by the employee
in confidence as necessary.

The employee raising the concern (whistle blowing) will not be retaliated against for raising the
concern in good faith, and disciplinary action will be taken up to and including immediate
dismissal of anyone who undertakes such retaliatory actions.

9.8 – Discipline

Wyssling Consulting desires to help and work with employees as they adjust to the standards and
values set forth by the company. Management also understands that some employees may not
desire to comply with those standards and values. Employees who are in violation of company
policy and standards will first be given a verbal warning regarding their behavior. If the behavior
is not remedied, a second warning will be issued in writing with a specific plan included to
remediate behavior. If a third offense occurs, the employee may be terminated from working at
Wyssling Consulting.

10.0 WAGES
10.1 - Hourly Pay

The Company provides compensation for all hours worked by nonexempt employees in
accordance with state and federal law. It is the responsibility of all hourly employees to clock in
and out for every shift worked and/or to properly record all hours worked on their time sheet.
Hourly employees may not begin working until they have clocked in or prior to the recorded
starting time on their time sheet. Working “off the clock” for any reason or requesting that
another employee works “off the clock,” is considered a violation of Wyssling Consulting policy. If
an employee forgets to clock in or out or record times, or if an employee believes their time
records are not recorded accurately, the employee must notify a manager or the Human
Resources department immediately, so the time can be accurately recorded for payroll purposes.

10.2 - Piece Rate Pay

Employees working on a piece rate pay schedule will be given an expected number of accounts to

be completed for a given shift or for a day. An agreed rate of pay will be established for the
minimum expected number of accounts to be completed. For days or shifts where the total
number of accounts are less than the expected number, pay will be received on a piece meal
rate. Any accounts completed above the minimum expected number per shift or per day will be
paid an agreed increased rate for the extra jobs completed. Employee positions subject to piece
rate pay or a combination of hourly or salary pay plus piece rate pay are listed below:

Seasonal Account Manager

Performs less than 20 accounts per day
Pay is based solely on Piece Rate

Part Time Account Manager

Performs Minimum of 20 accounts/day, 400 accounts per month
Minimum of 4 hours working per day
Accounts completed above 20 are paid piece rate

Junior Account Manager (Full Time)

Performs Minimum of 40 accounts/day, 800 accounts per month
Minimum of 8 hours working per day
Accounts completed above 40 are paid piece rate

Senior Account Manager (Full Time)

Performs Minimum of 60 accounts/day, 1200 accounts per month
Minimum of 8 hours working per day
Accounts completed above 60 are paid piece rate

10.3 - Payment of Wages

All employees are on a bi-weekly (paid every other week) payroll cycle. If employees observe any
error on their pay, please report it immediately to the direct manager or the Payroll Department.

Error Rate Policy

5% - 10% Senior Account Manager - $390/day $6.50/account above 60 $7.00/account
11% - 20% Junior Account Manager Level 1-$250/day $6.25/account above 40 $6.50/account
21% - 30% Junior Account Manager Level 2-$225/day 5.625/account above 40 $6.00/account
31% above Junior Account Manager Level 3-$200/day $5/account above 40 $6.00/account

10.4 - Automatic Direct Bank Deposit of Payroll

Wyssling Consulting offers automatic direct payroll deposit for employees. Bank account direct
deposit is the fastest and easiest way to get access to your earned dollars. Employees may begin
and stop automatic payroll deposit at any time. To begin automatic payroll deposit, employees
must contact the payroll department.

10.5 – Business Expenses

It is the policy of Wyssling Consulting to reimburse employees for those expenses which are
“necessary and reasonable and incurred” in the performance of company-related business
activities and are consistent with the best interests of both the company and the employees. The
intent of the policy is to provide a framework for balancing the need to manage the company’s
costs and the goal of making business travel comfortable and conducive to conducting business.
The business purpose of all reimbursable expenses must be documented on an Expense Report.
The timely submittal of expense reports is important for the employee and the company.
Expense Reports must be turned in within the month of the expense, and absolutely no later than
30 days after the expense occurred.

Employees entitled to compensation for travel time will also be reimbursed for reasonable and
necessary travel expenses, including mileage. See Human Resources for more information
regarding travel reimbursements.

11.1 - Security and Workplace Violence

Wyssling Consulting is concerned about the well-being and personal safety of its employees and
anyone doing business with the Company. Consequently, the Company strictly prohibits
workplace violence. Acts of violence and/or threats of violence, whether expressed or implied
toward individuals in the Company’s workplace, are prohibited and will not be tolerated. All
reports of incidents will be taken seriously and will be addressed appropriately.

No Violence Policy – Threats / Retaliation

Any employee who commits workplace violence, threatens violence or retaliates with violence
will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment and may also
be subject to legal action, as appropriate.

Additionally, where an employee is convicted of a crime of violence or threat of violence under

any criminal code provision, the Company reserves the right to determine whether the conduct
involved may adversely affect the legitimate business interests of the Company and may
implement corrective action, up to and including termination, as a result. Any employee
convicted of such a crime must report the conviction to the Company, absent a court order to the
contrary. Failure to do so is a violation of this policy and subjects the employee to disciplinary
action, including termination of employment.

12.1 - If You Leave Our Employment

Voluntary resignation results when an employee voluntarily resigns his or her employment at
Wyssling Consulting, or fails to report to work for three consecutively scheduled workdays
without notice to, or approval by, his or her manager. All Wyssling Consulting property, including
computers, thumb drives, cd’s, documents, power cords, Wi-Fi devices, cell phones, vehicles,
keys, uniforms, identification badges, and credit cards, must be returned immediately upon
termination of employment. You may not keep any company property after your termination.
Final pay will be withheld until company property is returned.


Wyssling Consulting wishes to provide employees with fair and impartial treatment. If there is
something about the job that is bothering the employee or the employee believes he/she has not
been treated fairly in accordance with Company policies and practices, Wyssling Consulting
encourages employees to bring all matters up with their supervisor or manager or a Human
Resources representative.

If the employee believes that he/she has been treated unfairly, the employee should submit a
written or verbal complaint to his/her own or any other Company manager and/or Human
Resources Representative as soon as possible after the incident. The employee will be asked to
provide details of the incident or incidents, names of individuals involved and names of any

If the Company determines that an unfair situation has occurred, effective appropriate action will
be taken in accordance with the circumstances involved. The Company will not retaliate against
any employee for filing a complaint in good faith and will not tolerate or permit retaliation by
management, employees or co-workers.

If, after resolution of the situation, the employee is not satisfied, then the employee may contact
the Director of Human Resources or Company management for further review.

This is to acknowledge that I have received a copy of the Wyssling Consulting Employee
Handbook. I understand and agree that it is my responsibility to read the Wyssling Consulting
Employee Handbook and to abide by the rules, policies and standards as they pertain to my
employment with Wyssling Consulting.

I also acknowledge and agree that my employment with Wyssling Consulting is not for a specific
period of time and can be terminated at any time for any reason, with or without cause or with or
without notice, by Wyssling Consulting or myself. I understand and agree that nothing in the
Wyssling Consulting Employee Handbook or Wyssling Consulting’s discretionary use of corrective
or progressive discipline creates any express or implied contract, including any contract contrary
to at-will employment. I understand that any rules, policies or benefits described in the Wyssling
Consulting Employee Handbook may be changed, modified or varied from by Wyssling Consulting
at any time, except for the right of the parties to terminate employment at-will, which may only
be modified by an express written agreement signed by the CEO of the Company and approved
by the Executive Leadership Team. Accordingly, I understand and acknowledge that no manager
or other employee has any authority to make any verbal or written statements, representations
or agreements, expressed or implied, contrary to at-will employment, and I agree not to rely
upon any verbal or written statements, representations or agreements, expressed or implied,
contrary to at-will employment.

Print Employee Name

Employee Signature Date


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