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MI ritItt

an inp6t d Lon Bok Lr4 Guib6 36k c6h,
Ta fly Janity afld
to lighting Fantds!fdfls e.twhet.

Disdbud b $c urt Eu@F, solrh Altui and ba


Tq| @Pynght@ld Liingse, u!

6h cn$r.y copFsh' o h Lvbsshnq ,14 covq itqsrai@
by cEs suPt6 .oPFsh o rn LY4,bn4 ,o',
opyrishr @skve J&6 aid rm Linsshe r42
F1sh6€ Fub6y 6 a rad.m* opd by e4e tellrq




FOREWORD *trin8. That was a BIG de.ision Ior me noving
away ftom medieral t ntasy lou'll notice that I tept
It seetu tike ody y€srerday,but it wasin f&t 30 the adlenture in a castle, though, rather than ask-
a8n m AuA6r la82 rhar rr. wdrlrr aj FLfttao veaF
ing the reader to tun .m!nd shopping malls and
,r,,,'u, hbt $€nr un $h In bmtshop: aroun; 2lstrentury stieets l Suessold hab s die hardi
th €u K stev ehc t<on.ndI qere,l r y c id r e . l
i 'Jq,we xot hi se! our fiEl FiBhhnBfdta\ ldhe" r
It was very *lcrying to w.ite a new book and I
oo.r on lrt !hrt\6 w. had b€en rmini hope it's a woithy .ddition to the s€ries.Thanks
irmes ro Twitter I had a lot of encou.agefrentalong the
wo (hop nn.e la75 dd qcre
ihat tu" way, and I would like to thark aU those p€opl€ who
rlsy_rutePtavDadd interdctr -,n,rn.e,l
r n c r u r u t u w !/t.a tl ta +fh e ) tre n ,Ior u! In spured me on. espe.iallywhen I lost a chlnk ol lhe
W a./,!l book to . .ompnrcr .rnsh. I would alsolike to thank
h e h r d c Ea te dJ sto ry tr,fh a b D n .hmsnar r hve
d,r d rtlalhld AJme W" hoF.Jrt, Simon Flym md tne team at lcon for thcir continued
!rem fa h in l,ii8htinS r'antas), Greg Staple for the amtz-
w o ' r , d x u b e j o n J n i rd co i r
9 ,." ,, U,t""j,i"t ing cover, I(ein Crosslcy for thc inc€dibl€ int€lnrr
a n r . , p a L r ! qt h o w p u p u l rr F ,B h trn Fdnr
B ast{ oLl\i
le.omc wr ften lhcj{ond pebon pre,€;r ilhstrations, Andi Ewington 10. his invaluablehclp
{.n x € n t e .a (n'n vcrd \E n tu rc rn w h,ch .\OU ar . with pmduction and, ol.oursc, SrevelacksonJor a
lllelonElriendship olkillinS monst rs togcth..
w ' m h | |o n 5 o r o p i e s b o n E so l d .Who tr uutd So h.rc is Blood o/ ur. Z,,ri.r, a brand n.w
Fightin8Fantasygamebook.And for the di8ilala8e,
l<fa.tcd hr rinarhbb.ut m zoo! th.LJhr<rrhoueht it is alsoavailablelo dowdoad asan app.I hop. yo!
ro.urwrhnsa htortinl rd ro r ,ror"n L4"unra,n. have tun with thc Tombics vou'll lind a Ln oI then
iut runnin8 arcund GorayaCastle.
I d,dn r k inr ru dLrftar h rrh"ut i"itabonr,nc
iter. tacl\un. Hopctul) se do thai r.r the jorh
ann \eFJrv, HJvjnK w,rfed rn the r,Jen
nuustD t^r the an rwsty yeaE, I m aqatu;r
everlast'ngpopula ry ot zombies,dd it s€med
on m) pa.fthar t d ner.r wrincn r zonb.e
nAnhn8_tsdtJ\l btul ti,I got r. qort i strrled
wnMS the \tu4 \cfin Ailanna a! usut, b!t
I rnen
cnanS€dmy mind, ahd switchcd it lo a .onrempo.ary
to Sive you a rmdom rcll of two dice) Add 20 to
the number rolled and mter the bral in th€ sr M-
N^ box on lour ,4dr.rr!E sfteer.srNrN^ will go !p
and down durint lhe adventuF. For exampleit wi]l

increa* when usinA Med Kits (which can only be
used on e) and ir will d€Fas due to injunes dd
wouds, It you! sr M'NAfallsto zero,you die md
you adv€nture is ov€. Note that Zonbi€ only
BlNd.l th?zoatb|s b a EighrinEFanr.sygJmeboot, have I sraMrNApoint €a.h.
a n I n t e r . c h r ea d re n tu € i n w h i .h tOU ARE THF
D.MGE rd!.es sr MrNA.When fiShtinS enemies,
HEROr )ou can onr) $D thruuAh br choosinerhe
DIMGE is calculated by mUing dice a.cording to
.orkr p.rh hndrnaequ,pmenr,:,ori,ne tD;and
weapon t'?e. The numbe. rclled ddides tn€ num
\uruivins conbar Tlrr€ ae 4jrdr,E sid.riar rhe
ber of zombies (or other eneniet killed, as they
balr of the bool fur you to tep a rc(ord ol .om-
only have I sraMrNt point each. Whilst lhey may
bat. and ol everlihhg you drs.oier atonq rh€ wae
be easy to kill, Zofrbies often attacl( in la€e num-
sulh !s inJdmat,m food m.neJ weaioN, ani
be6, nakinS it difficult to def€at th€m all in a single
u < e u r t e h s o r ltu i p msr Ir i \i mp n (a nr iomateJ
Arfa.t Rofid. Belore combat begins you must deide
maP2\ vou 8o- and to lep a rumin8 rotJtur a rhe
which weapon you aF 6oing to use.A dagge. causes
zombreshho havc beenkiued, or you ltbe arr l
id6 oAM^cE(a d6isa si:-sided die).A ma.hine 8un
caus 2d6+5 DAM^cr. Renmber to note down
COMBAT a weapon's DAM^GE di.e on yot AdrentuP sheel
Afte. you. tust attacL, any sureivinS zombies will
COMBATta*esplacein a eries of,4ftr.t Rolds. each reduce your srAM'NAby I point b€fore the neat
Most of tne €nem'es)ou wr ra<eaE zomb,cs Attack Round begins.Amed Zombies may innict
Lhe ya r eu r u a l l y\l oh ands amed,.Io r m e v o u more thm 1 point of D^MGE. Attack Rouds con-
tu.aracl.fiEt Combalnvorv6 r lrrnsd,cc ;h,ch tinue until you have deleated all oI you enemies
atrecrrwo r nbure\ srAMrN^.ndD^M^cf or you have di€d in cofrbat. I{ yo! do not have a
srAMINa eprents how \tmn8 you ae The hrsher weapon,you must 68hr barehanded(rd6 t.
you srAMrNA. ttu srrongcrror are.To(akutite;odr Exdple to! enrer a r@m to face a pack ol 14
inir'alsraMrN{, roll rho dice(or u:€ rh. vrruat di.e Zombies. You. current sraMrNA is 15 You selet a
b) f liclIn Bth m ugh tnebuotJ nds ropp m F M a p a g r shotgun which inflicis Gd6+5) D^M^ctrto starr rhe
riBtAtracl Roud YourcU.I and add 5, Eutrhs BACKGROUND
inSZombie killed Youe!ffer rhelos oI6 sraMN;
IDnts (r DAMAGE lDint taken fon eachof the sur_ Wasit the cold iron sha.klesbiting into your bl€€d-
vivint 6 Zohbie), educing your cuiqt sr^MrNA ing wrists that wok! you, or was it the tenible
1o 9 points. You kill ofi the Fminins 6 Zonbis hmgd in your bely? It d@sn't matier You arc
automri@lly in ihe sond A$ack Round bmuse awake again tor at ledt th€ tenth time tonitht, if in
the shotgun.a@s a minimum D^MAGE of 6 points fa.t ]t i3 night. It is not easysleepin8on a cold.on-
(1d6+5).Note that yd mut fin.t ammmftjon b€fore rete il@r at the b6t of tim6, but when your wnsts
hrcams cd be used,bur one found it is udimrted. re cluired to a wall ft;s virtually ihP6ible. The
Hopetully you wil d€feat the hordes ot Zombies gl@my ceUh wtuchyou ae imPrisoned would be
you are about to m.ounrer and escapero teu ihe in iotal darlnes hee rt nor for th€ baP lighl bulb
talel Good luck - you'll need itl fixed to the ceilinE aboveyou; a small Elob€of Pale,
llickering light. Coclma.hs {urry adoss the noor
but you don't €vd carc. How lonE have you been
held prisoner?Is il live or six days sinceyou were
thrcwn into the ell? lt is imposible to tell, Time
pases slowly. Th€ only brcak fom your slitude
com6 when you hear th€ grating sodd of the boh
on the healy st€€l d@r slidinS ba.k. That siSnals
th€ dhde of a thiclsel prison Suardwho staEgeF
into the cU limpina from an old womd dd usually
drunk. It you 6re lucky, he wil tc canyin8 a small
bowl of loul tasting stew thai slops over the dm as
he hrches alory. r you are very, he wil al$
brin6 a chunl of stalebrcad md a tuug of pale.otree
made faomdress. He always plaes the f@d on the
n@r just out of you reach,his .tuei, Pekmdked
Iacemoment{ily smiling as he enjoysthe nonent
He knows ttEt if he d6 this y@ have to stretch
io reachthe bowl with your fet, maldng lhe shack-
16 bite d@ply into you bledinS wrisls. He never
6peaks,but aiways rj.k you hard in the nbs m his
way uut.bcforeshnm,nBtnedsr behindh,mand ir open. lou shone a iorh down the sione srans and
boltingit shur.Heden rscemioare h herhervou made yolr wly Blowly down to a danp .hanb€r.
live or dic Bn6hinS ba.k ihi.k .obwebs, you sw an ancieni
It waslErd to cometo re.tu with the fa.t ttDt you are dst-.overed .offin st on a stone plinth at the ba.k
a pnsonerAs. seconJytar \tudentormvth;b4 at of tl€ .hamber With your heart poudhg, you clept
Bolingbrore Cotleg<,ii h,d ben s*"rj,--;r.. fotrard nd lifted the lid. But rhe.offin .onrained
you Dtil nnw You had spenr"s;i wets of vou. a yelow boned steleton, not the sl@ping vampire
holidrv' ird!eulrg thrcugt SouthemEureDe'rn you had hoped ro nnd. You wor back ourside to 6nd
hE ro rindevidencofte8enddrybea\6.)ou srarted th@ burly thuAswaiting aoryou.Aded with .lubs,
you! guet by fllng to Crete in *aEh of Minoraur they sel upon you as you lried to make a run for it.
bon6 md the ove of rheCyclop, alaswirhout sue You stru8gled, but barehanded it was a fiSht yo!
ce$. Frch L'rere w€re always 6oin8 to tose.You wer hfldcufied and
)ou sent by bcr to Srctv l@ths
,or cvidene of weEwohes agrn wrrrroui*<esi gag8ed, befoe beinS bmdl€d inro the back of an old
Inen \ou tr.veuedby boarMd tr,,n ro Hueaa black car and driven lor hil6 alona a narcw road
whereyou *ar.hed for 8h6ts.nd sp(tres. ,ith; rhat caiv.d irs way through a dose fo6 o a rangc
$adows or m\rt 8Dvcyard\ dd ruined rastts of hills. I€E you sw a forcbodinalookins castle
Mlch to ynu. diepponrmcnt. none matrn.tued. builr oi dark stone nsded in a valley betw@n rwo
rurcnm8.des m open+optru(ts, vou endeduDm hills. The thugs grimed at each other, aSreing that
Roman,ain rh€ parr on.e known as Transviv;nia you wodd b€ eld lor a Eood pnG al ihe caslle. You
wh*Count Mad.thenobnou\ vmDire reDutedtv ealized you wse in grave danger; not dly ha.l you
dranl Lhcblmdor tu. mdy vkriru. bunnaa we( ben kidnapped but you were about to be eld to a
spentas[ng drelcak rr theytnew anyth;sabour modemJay slave trader or perhaps woe. The or
the e\isten<€of vamp'rer]ou we€ met wiih ontv sped on up the hil mtil it reach€d the high-waU€d
blanLloofsandsha|jnaheads u6| voudomtere; osrle, where it ere.hed to a h,lt outside arched
a wrirJ led old han who sas wrltineio ralt to vo,, entran e d@s. The thugs dragg€d you out of the
r.r the priG or a new har.He toor iou eme d@ cd as the castle dms siowly reaked op€n to Fveal
klometresnodh of tus ro a sronecrvot. rrs a .ourtyafd with rome people milling about in it.
cntrde ov€r8om &d "illage lrrualv hiddenbi bram- You ws€ blindfolded dd hdded over to m uns@n
blesandi!y. wlulsryou LUtba.k rhr weedsovrinc perm who led yo! into the cofityard. Yor heard
the rtep( dowr ro rhe srran.e th€ otd r]b .tisaD: 8rcmin8 voices aI arcud you. Dogs brush€d against
P€arcdwithouta word.Ihe cryprd@r waslql;, you le8s, snilfinS cuiorsly. Somebody bumped
DUrhe wed was rc8endd you wek abtcto kjcl into you. The strange Aurgling $unds eruptin8 fron
th€u rhroaE w€F lLl€ norhm8you hd head bebe.
Youw€e jos ed and p6hed areud mrrt thecra.k NOWTURNOVER
ora h h p dd a.o@ding \ore drevettE unnnv
nob away Mulh to you reti€fyou wee rak;
In d m 6 o u ror $€bumi n* ,u,,nd t u r h e d a lo n a
wh.t husr haveben a t6sordor DoorsoDenei
dd sramfredshurbehindyou.dd itbe(ame;otice.
lbry<ooterd\you w€reled dnwn *v*atstairc6e3
r/ou wercbudled rtona morep.ssMays, (tum
bhs.agamt ka s.nd banginS,ourheadasaiEl
row dor rrame(.unril at ta(rjlou weF od€rcd to
slop Ins you heardfor the f,rst rime rharnow_
iamd'argr.bnEemd of rhesre€t boltof vo!r Dren
.ell slidhA open )ou w€tutict ed iffrde an; you
nandcurrs wer removedreptaedby heav.\jliact-
lesrrEt wer.hdin€d tn thewal. t@; bbndioldwas
ralen off.and vou <etey6 on you rar-facEiJ prison
auardro' rhehBtrime.His potb€UyqrraDed;.tur
nrsdhy $ture r5turt ashc,wunA tusamv bibr€d
rool intoyour nb\ ashesould n;nv tim€so\er rhr
ne\t lew davs.SwetrnBandpdrrngfrcm theef{ort
or r'cr'n8 you. he \pole to you. a few wordsin a
deep/sneemEvoi.e, ,wetcone ro co.aya c6de. Mv
nare Ofto.My rurer isCingn(hyud H€ <eoinq
tor rrrou. lanorinEyour pteadInE{tueshoEhetei
rne<€r, oamS with taughterIt was tne orny hm€

Who is cing.ich yu[? Why d@s he

you? You tu6 helPtsly at rie .hains
uE toget rR Ev?ntuatty you srveuD
rhe chalrms€ or re&hin8 rhe sr;w an-d
Yotr kick rhe.dkrca.h6 away fld stretchto rea.h
the bread with your f€et. You drag it towards you,
grabbinE it w h ore hmd. You break off shall
piee, dicki.g them or at a timr inro yorr mouth.
You makea stupid Promie to your*ll that one day
you will do this as a pariy trick for your friends, iI
you live to tell the tale.Youbreathein befoe strt h-
in8 evm turther this time to rea.h th€bowl. Thepain
c sbearable as the sha.kles dig even depei inro
your laerated wrisk, causin8ft6h blmd to trickle
down your a6' A few week ago, you .orld not
have inaSined putting yoursell thrcuah $ much
aSonyjust to eat a bowl of old stew,bur now hun8er
dnves you on. With one last excruciatingeffort, yo!
jat manageto get both fer ammd the bowl, lifr
inA it up .areIully and pasing it to your shackled
hands. You tip rhe contenis of the bowl into your
mouth,gulpinA down the foul-smellinSslop.1ftasres
so bad that for a mom€nt you thinl you aE going
to be si.k, but you are $ hun8ry thar you devour
every morsel,8ristle dd all. But a few chunksof rct-
ten meat are nor enough to kep a mbSy do8 alive,
lei alone a starying p.isoner Something has to be
done beloe you die oi hun8.r And if n is true thal
cingich Yur is going to kill you, thee b nothing
to lose You are Soing lo have lo lry to escap€Lon

If you wdt to call out to Otto, tlm to 59. Ir you

would rath€r wait to tall to him when he next enters

Et Ffl

You land in a heap on rhe hallway floor below, You walt der to the edEeof the rcof and Srabhold
i n i u r i n gt o u r\h o u l d e r q u i teb a d l y Lo{ t sr ^M r NA of tlE drainpipe s you cd lower youself down. As
points. The hu8e Zombre who anacted you ti6 you beSinyour desl€nt.the zonbi$ in the court
mohonles nearby addng b ihe pite ofdead Some y,rd be.ome e\tkmcly dSrtaredThet begin lo
or the bo\e\ and suirc&salso fettsro th€ h. wa\. rrech loudly,consumcd by a seemin8ly u.onttul'
If you wanr ro iearh th'ough rhem, tum ro jf Inble rag€.You begin to qu€slion whether this was
you would ratt\er wa I on ro rhe | fi . r rhe end 01the sucha g@d idea the momentyou seeGing.ich Ylrr
srride out of the garaSeholding a sniPerrifle wirh a
tcles@picsiEht. He is very annoyed lhat you have
erap€d hom your c€[. He and tiFs. RoU
onedie. If lhe nudbe. rclled is I l, tufr to 389 It rhe
numberolled is 4{, tum to 58.

The shay bullet whizzes pasr you. ear and hits rhe
wall b€hin.l you. Any suddenly comesto her senses
and ealies rharyou realy dc rryus ro helDh€r 5
You pick your w.y @retully betwen the hanSin8
she is sBcled w,th glih ror n@rtyshtutin; y.u
carca$esas you make your way lowdds the ba.k
ano aporoSrzes ovcrdd overagaii. you Eply dEr of the rdn, Yo! @n s@ you own beath .rystal
I wasyou. ohn rautrand.SivenrheLt<umtanes,
you shouldhave said srraiAhtaw.y that vou had liE in rhe iiezing air Without waming one of the
hanginSpig swings towards you, Push€d
readherdiary Tum ro r9t,
by an ulrFn hand. You are nomentarily clught off
balan@as a youn8 f."mle Zonbie dessed in a tat
teredbeigejmper and tom blackleggingsilmPs

E tr
//d out hom behind a hanging side ol bet wicldinS.
chainsaw Could it be Amy? You hav€ no time to
thinl befoe lhe Zombie tirus op her chaiNaw and
atacks you. Theinitialive is h€$. Roll onedie. If you
rcll rl, tum toljo.Ifyou roll4{, tumto93.

A quicksearch of theZonbies'poctersrveals noth'

in8 ol use.Ahead,in an aicovein the right hand
wall, thec is. l,rge yellow wh..lic bin. Thcr. are
' lil bloodyhandpdnls on thelid and fteshblooddnp-
pinSdo$n rhetionr of t. Ii you want ro lill the lid
up to takea kDt insidethe bin, h,m b 197 lr you
wanrb k ep walliinS,tum to 155

Halr*ay along rhc hallwry, yo! noti.. i lonS
woodd pole.lippedto a b.ackelon thewall. It has
. snall brasshookat oneend.Lookingup, you see
a t apd@rin the c€iling At the end of the hallway
thercis a lift wirh polishcdmeraldoors It you want
io pullthe trapdoo.openwith the pole,tlm to 46.
Ifyou want lo uk theliIt, tum to 157.

A larSe pa.k of Zombies appears frcm out oI Lhe
8loom. running towa.ds you at sPeed Thee ae a
lot oI th€m, twenty four in total. There is lime ro use
a genade if yo! have one, whi<h wlll reduc€
nmber by (2d6+, before firing your weapon at the
7 rcminder of the on oming horde. If you win, tlrn


Mu.h to your etisfa.iion, the lGy tum in th€ ldk. You lu lor you liJe towards the d@rs with the
'Ihe hearl' d@r ftar.s ope, Ieadinsinto a old oal speding car bearinS down on you, hom blaring
stoF. Ihee is a shovelon rop of rhe pite of @l but loudly Yurr stahps down iftpatiently on the acel-
nothins elscof inte€r The€ is a bl&t imn ddr in efator, tryin8 to 80 faste! sri[. The car is almost at
thefar wau anda key hdginS on a h@k @rby. II you full speedwhen itploughs into yourback,.atapult
want to seanhttLtuuAhrhepile of oal with rh€shovel, in8 you into the air You land on your head,b€aking
hlm to 17o Ii you would .ather try to opd the dmr yourn€k. Yuf cadjeson dnvinS arcund the court-
s ith thekev hanglnSon the h@k, rum ro t2r. yar4 pm.hing the air t iumphantly and waving k)
an invbible crowd, as though in an ancienl arena.
Your advmture is over

You smn arive al anotherdoo. in the .ighrhand

wall, aSainpainted whfte. There is a siSn on t in red
l€ti€rin8 which sys C/unging Rdors. Il you wanl to
8o in the chnging r@d, rtm ro 54. ll you would
rathe. walk on, tum to 20,

ldth wepon hdd. you op€n rhc dm, stshttv.

rhe zombks inned'ateL) draBr bd8,rg thelo;r
ops and *ndin8 you ny'nB You 6re at rhm Js
thet surSeinto lhe oom, bur thel l.eeponns \ou
r € p .n firin8uhry ou M out"r b u le h r o ; s b e ,
8er back as the pack .lo*s in on you, drmlins with
excnemdt. Stdding amongsrthd is a man arinq
oranscorerall5whoserJe you r{ognize. rhoughji
6 nos coveR.d s ops komd\ and wepds eos. Without waminS, lhe doubl€ doors of th€
8016hasb@n tumedhto a ZombE,and s;n vou bust open. Two half-dead hlmanlike
will b€ome one to. Your adventuE is over ripped cloihin8 leap out and try to Erab

their bl€din& blisteredhmds. One hasbrot€n fin

gerssti.tinSout at strangcrnglcs.Th.n skin is Srey
I and pallid, coveredwithopenwounds and iestering
sres. Ihcy hJve thin, Eieasy hair and thei! 8ap
in8 mouths reveal broken, blackenedteeth T|en
sunken,bloodshot€yes@z€ yellow gunk. Ahori
bl€ gurglingsound etupts rrom thcirthruatsas thcl
i! cbse nr on you. They arc Zonbisl You must light
them barchrnd.d, oi $ith a r{.apon it yor have
one.If you $in, tlm to 235

You reach tne door and lind lhat il isn't ldked.
Yo! stcp orrsid. onto th. gr.lcllcd cnkan.c ol th.
.ourtyard Beyond the entran e, diHtly opposite
you, th.rc is.noth$ door $hich leadsinro ih. hall-
way on the olhe. sid€ of the south wing To lour
right arc the manr gat.s ot the .astle;huge wmden
doublc doob ben€athd tallstone ar.h$rI Th€y are
padlockedshut.The Zombiesin the courlyanl calch
sight.f you .nd frov. t.Nards you.n mN., b.y-
inA Ior blood. They sp{rd up as they g€t closer,somc
fillinS o!$nr thc msh asyct motuofth.m porr into
l; the courtlad Thereare e many lhat it is imposs
ible ro .omt them. You must decide .luickly what
k) you wint to fight them, tlrn kJ 1o7.lflou
wnnl to try to open the padlock on lhe main gate,

The Zonbie's head rises up thruugh the trapdoor,

ils eyes saminE the room. You halr ro act guickl)r

tr tr
You pi.k a brick up ofi rhc floor and hut it.r rh€ r8
Slassiace of rhe cldk. lr shaftcrson imDa.t. smd The n€wbladesaws throuShtuo nonbaB in just a
ing a showe. of rhousan.lsol shardsot g-ta$onro a tew minutcs,allowing you to squ@?ethrcugh the lome twehe m.fts beloq tr )uu pn.\4s a
lenxih nf .l mbin8 rup€ and J Srappl,n8huut tt,m 8ap. As you s alt turtner along the path, you cat.h
sight oI somethinSflo.rlng in thc*wagc water lt's
to you do nothale any rope,tun to 91. r sm.ll t\rttl€ n.deolgren glass.Ifyouwanr ro lish
the botle our ofthc watcr, trm ro 61.lf_\'or would
hther walk on, tum to 278.
Yo! walk .mund tne com€r to rh. easrwing, pick
,ng vour h,ay thmrgh the bodiesof d..d Zombies. 19
on rh.li6r fltur you find a Eren,de (2d6+1)in a Tle giganticbeastciashesto rhe 8rcund, makinE
4etal box in one ol the moms but there is a no sim the wooden noor shake. 'we ned to escapelrcm
of Gingri.h Yrii anlaneE. Sudd.nty you herr lie the .astle ghl now.Yurr is EoinElo flip $hen hc
c.ufd or . lrr s enEin. slarrinAup \,ru nAr J wd-
finds out that we hav. trkcn down his lavourite
du! Jnd l6t tnrulxh to..r ihai rhe Ba.aA.JG 6 Zombie,'Amy saysanaiouslyYouiell her tharyou
bclowarc op.n. Cu in hmd yoo tundown rhestairs wiU help her to escap€. 'Bot whrr.bout you?'she
inlo th. coutyard and head io. the g.nag. Tm r. 169. asLs.Y.u ePlv thatvou cannotl€ave thecasllemlil
aUthe Zombieshav€beenkillcd.'Butthafs.r.Tvl'
17 sheexclaims. 'You will hale to Ao backdown into
It'skillo.bekilled in lhisclosecombatsnuaionyou thebasem€ntbecaus rhat'swher mostof th.n aic,
choc€ your $ eaponand, with adrenaiinpunping, holedup in thcir stinkingrooss. Surelyyou don't
\ o u L h r r S ei t th e a mi n gZ o mb,c\ ttsir Ahtto wantto gobacl dom there?'Nod.linSyourhcadto
t h c d e i t h . I r l u u sm tu m ro !rt say ys, vou walk our oi the office into th€ hallway.
lf you want b Aoleit, tu.n ro 156 Iiyou wdt to go

Youcarryortaqui.k*.r.h ofthe Zonbiesandlind

a box of matchesmd $7. You leavc th. brthroon
thlou8h lhe swinS doo6 and ops the bedrcom

You Eiv€ Orb the choice oI him tellin8 you abodr The srft ot arhour does indeed lit you pe.fectly
Gingrich Yun o. you EivinS him a very hard kicl You walk u! th€ cor.idot renlizing how hard ir
in the .ibs. He qui.kly agres to tell you all he nust b€en to be a kni8ht back in the Middle
*nows. He .laihs that h€ has neverm.t Yu.i He Ages.Plate mtril amour is v.iy h..!y ..d makes
wasbrou8htto thecastleby two m6 who Hruited walkinE slow and very tidng Loser srAinNApoint.
him frcm his home town, promisi,rg hin work as Hosever th€ s{ord (1d6) is a tnre weapon with a
. prison 8uard. Th€y ofered good pay, too good to keenblad€and you cut it thruugh the nir withgieat
turn dosn Th.t w,s rwo yearsago.Now he i.cls Tum to 243
like a prironerhimseltashe is notallowedto leave
thep.isonquarteisotnerthanto tate.har6eof new 24
prisoncrs.Onll, a handfulot popl€ e!.r tllk€d to Th€ old lift descendsslowl, juddennE and rum
him. lt wasbesllor him not to askquestions about blin8. It finally grinds ro a halt at the brs.ment,
why peoplewe.e beingkidnappedand bronghtto whe( thc doorsslidc sloe ly opcn Th€reis anoL\er
thc .astle He tnows lhat GinSiichYu.r is a terrilv st of sliding doors which you step throuSh. Yo!
ing man. H. lcrfrcd lron the old man { ho brolght tind yolrscli standingin a.old corridor lil by ceil
hin his food suppliesthat Ynrr is plinninA some ing lights with squ.rc shapedrrost.d ghss shrd.s.
thing unspeakablyredblei Somethingthat involv.s The ceilinS is painted a cheerlessmustard colour
thc prisoncrs.Rut he hasno idea u'harthat hight The walls arc the same clloui above a wact-hiEh
be as his rcle is sinply to grard n€w pnson€rsuril strip of dark Ereentiles,many olwhich a.€ njssing
lheyarehauledofftoanotherpart ofrhc..stle.Otto The paint.n lhu walls is.ld and.ra.ked, smeared
t lls silent,sta.inEblanklyar the floor Thereis no with bl.$d in the airsha.ply,
time to lo*, you ro escape.Tum to 7j noticingan acrid chenical smell To )'our ri6ht some
twenty mehes awat, thee ar. shing doo$ madc
ot vrlcanizd rubber acrossthe corridor Suddenly
TneZombieswho sunite thelirst deadlyrclnd oI you hear the sound of footstepscominSdown the
bull€tsclimb up the ladderand junp onto thebal- coddor to your left.lfyou wmt to find outwho is
conyto aftack.Redu.eyour sr^MrN^bvthenumber omingdo*n th.coriidor, turn to 45.If yotr want to
ot zonbi€ lelt ah e If you aie still alive,you must walk tttrough the swing doo$, tum to 3r.
fiAht th€m wnh yorr handgun. lf you win, turn ro
Thereis anotherw tc dor in the left-hand wall not
far ahead.You listen at ihe door but h€ar nothing. If
t, youwant to openit, turn totol.llyorwould rather

You ops rhc door . rraction,jusr enou8hto see
thattheloom is fuu ofviciousl@kingAtta.k Do8s,
BNwtinS and barkinS loudly Theremust be at least
ten oI them Thee is a b!.ch or kcys hanSin8on
a hail at thebackof rhe rDom.Theslaveringbeasts
.rc frantically trying to 8et out. Someof th.m b.8in
.h€win8ar rhedoo. f.ame.lf Fu want to go insidc
the roofr kr gct the keys/trrn to 14t.If you wotrld
rath€r shul the doo. and walk on/ brn to 276

Tnes.ientistlunSesat you but you manag€lojump

oul of the way jusi jn time. The syrinS. fl.shca
throuShthe an, narrcwly mnsinE your ne.t. You fire
youf 8un at thc c.ilinSand shoutat rhescientistto
drop thesydngeon theflmr andcrushit und.ifoot.
He obeys,albe rclud.ndy. Y.u motionwilh your
8un for th€sci€ntists kr halk on until theycofrekJ
lhe fi6t open @ll, which you tell them to enrer You
.le the ell door behindth.m rnd lock it, t.king
out rhe key and purtina it in your pocket.Th€ scien
tistsstartshourinS,tyou,sayingthdt{h.n rheyare
tred from ihe cell you will be tumed into a Zonbie.
Yo! wave Soodbyc,prcmisinS rhcm that soonth€re
willbe no norc Zombi€sleft aliv€ in the castle.You

F-l T;']
walk bn.k thrcugh the swihg d@6 dd arnvc at a sud oI a Eunshot.Roll onedie If you anl r l, txm
dNr in the right-hand wall. ll's not lftled so you b r8a. lfyor roll4-6, tum to lj5.
decidet(l opm it. Tumto:rr.
!3 The d@r is lNked and is tai to. stlidy to brcak
'Wehaven'tgotany provisionsfor sale,butCr€gof open. You could try a key in lhe lock if you have one.
and I would be very happyto shr( with you whnr If you do have a key, tum to the number which is
meagrcsuPplieswe have,'Bodssavs,hnndingyou stampedon it.llyou do not have a key you haveno
a bar of cho.ol.r. ind a boltleofwater devofi choice but to go b..k down rhc narrow passageaay
lhecheolatemd gulp down the waterAdd I srAM- and tum righl into the main co.ndo. Tum to 185.
rNA points You thanL th€ men for thcir help, say
goodbye, and walk over to the dor nr the tar s,.ll
sith Boris'swords ringing in, 'Ki[ them
all. You'v€gotto kill themallt'Tum to r5Z.

Yor d€al with your.nrckers quicklt wthout my
Problen. Th€ two Zombies drop to the groud rid-
dled with bullers.Iiyou wanr to read Amy's di!r,
turn to rl. If y.! hant to search rhough the pdk 31
ets oi the zombi€s' tatlercd .lothin8, turn to l3t. You prcss button G but nothina happens. The lift
doors remain open. Il you wmt to walk down the
hallway to open ahedoor,tum to 177.Ifyo! would
Jo .aiher stay in lhe lilt and press button I, tum to r47.
'I he doo. opens onto . narrcw spnal srone stair.a*
thar winds its way up insidc a.ncubr tower With
youi wcapon in hmd ready for my suddm atr..ks 34
ftom above, yor beSin the climb up it. Tum to 322. You np th. packi.g rape otf rhe cardboardboxes
and loot inside. Most of the boxes contain mdga-
zines and auction .atalogue for larS€ colkliom
You are about to go thrcu8h the swina d@F whcn of toy soldieN, tin toys, .omics, tnding crrds md
you hea. son€body shouting ai you from behind. musi. trom lhe 196os.Behind lhe box€s you find a
It's a voice that vou rcogni7.. Then you hear rtre small black netal box that has a print d Iabel on
the lid: 'Dm8er'. ll you want to open it.lum to:91.
15 17
If you would ralhe.leave it untouch.d *hec it is
and opcn the d@r oppcite,lurnto 2& lf you want
to walk on lo the 6d of the corndoi, tlm to 31.

You fumble throlgh you. possessions,desper-
arely sea(hing for th. k€y whilst Amy sh@ts at
the Zonbi€s to k€€pthem at bay 'Hurry upl'sh.
s.reamsarthetopof hervoice.Withsconds to sparc
you etneve the key tron yori bag rnd op.n th.
let Thedoubl€ d@E swiry open and you Iu into
ihe outsidewo.ld. with Amy alonEsideyou, you
sprintdown lhe rcad as fastasyou! lcaswiil.any
yotr. Your lunSs feel likc they are aboul to bu6t.
Suddenlyyou hearthe.oa. ofa car enginerndthe
eud of rre€.hin8 tyres. You look behind you to
seea sporb ca. sp(ding towdrds),'scinSnch
Yur driving his Austnr Heal€y at tul1 sp@d.On€ ot
hisscientists issi$in8in thcpas*nger*ar. He leans
out oi thewindow and a machinegun
.t you.Rolloncdic If thentrmbcrrollcdis 1 :r,turn
to 2o5.If the number rolled is 4 6, tum to 114

The pouch contains a small ley with the number 9
stamped on ir, a box of mrches and a marker pen.
Take th€ items you want and ca.ry on down the co.-

/ J7
Yo! tush into the bedroomand slamthe door behind
you. lockin8 it shut. You hear a terrible rrcam

t&_4o 41

d rh€ ZmDi6 urM D@ Bos. Ihe lotr you berind rurptua€ dd potted
firtrt ! 9s @6 and then th@ ; silfte, but for aluubs, undd bendE dd odd the plastic sh€€t-
lhe o.csidaf gnhti€ and sortins tuds lng of 5 oveFd sldp. Ihe only way y@ ould be
coming from the Zoribi6 outside. Yd rcalia of defeatingsucha huSehorde would be to @
lhey ae not goiry to to .w.y whsr tlEy tagin to BMing m.hine gu that is mdted d the
haD4er on the dmi l riUyou opn n to atta.k th@ fBt 0@rb,l(ony or the@twintoppcite. GinE ich
(tm to !o), wedte s@e tuhitE uP agaiBt it to \lri is mwh@ to be sd and the heary tuchift
s6opthm Settins in (tum to o) o iup out of 8u looks to be theE fq the t riry. Th@ i6 a zip
the b€dem wind@ into the olityard below (tu wire 8red to the tuf ned to wh4 y@ e stand-
In&whi.h M a.N to th€ 6t wing tui Th@ is
a @tal ladder atta.hed to ihe wall whi.h tlm doM
d'e tuof hotlF 9tu4 pasrinS.le to the bal-
Ille tul s@tu at you to 'E 8o away or eb€ 3h! win y. Aroth{ way of Fttiry to rheb.roy wodd
3hoot.If yd wet boc.[ out the |1de Amt tm to to .Umb dM the dJainpiF and chafte
3a2.If y@ wdt to call out tlE Asrida! tun the .ourvard to cliEtb uD tt€ @td 'iming
to qZ, It y@ have a crEirEaw dd would ftthe! oi yo! have a steel puley dd wdl to clip it dto
you way thbuSh the dd, tun to 19. zip wiE to slide 5(!@ hothe 6tt win& tum to
9. lf you d6't hav€a puU€yor would laths climb
lt ttE drainpip€, tui to t87.
It i! viltu'Iy ihpo$ible to M rni|st wedinA a
h@vy dit of at!!N. B€foE y@ e able to M.h
the door, the Atta.k Doas at the flona of the Pack yq f,ick the swibdr up, you h@ a faint
l6p up and bowl y@ ovq. Y@ strugSleto sit up $md like that of a cat h b€ire r.Ias€d.
bul N pi.rEd doM by th. @rbin€d w€ight of the Suddd'ly . whote stio ol the b@k@ pop! @t
d@ dd the .dN. llE vicioa dimals howl .nd ot th. wall to Real a gret pasgsay behind it
begin to grEw at you n€h wh@d it b erposed, i[ @r iftide it dd @ th@ ii d ()ffi wddd
You su$d . 1m8 and pahful d@th Y@r adventur€ !tai@ toint dom. U you wet to mter theret
gsay and 80 d(h the staiF. tun to $9. v
would ratlpr noi t t the ch.@ dd wnt io
ao ve the librd imediatelv tm to 160,
Yd look d()M into the @urryad wherea large
nur$d of datgt zorbies @ stomPiry@ud

tl t!!t

Youland efely in the niddl€ of the nattressand

roll quicklyoftth€ bedto lookarornd Turnto 11.

Thereis a larg.bouldcrby thc sid. oI th. road whi.h
you junp b€hind.The Austin Healey roars by and
sc@che t. a halr somc to m$r.t fuither down the
tuad.Ifyou want b tellAmr to nrn lor thecoverol
lhe toresrand leaveyou shoot n out with Ylrr and
his cront, turn to 128 It want to run into the ldesl
with Amy to escap€,turn to 237.

You rak. nochan..snnd p1.k rp fof gun nJshoot
Yu.r selefal times, to make sure he is no lon8er a
lhreat to th€ world All you ..n ihink.bour is g.r-
tingawry tron lhe c.stle asquickly aspossible.You
hu.ryinto the Baragelo tak€a look at th. vnn.lfy.u n sdof c,r heys in your pcket. tum b 2r7.lf
youdonothav€ a selofk ey s ,tun to96

It eon who is comint dosn the

coriido. A prck or nineteen Zombies is headin8
towa.ds you, led by snebody you r.co8niz.. It's

$ a man with a bald head/oranaeoverausand black

a.hy boots lt's Boris,bul nol asyou r€m.mbcrhin
He is no long.r hun,n H. hnsweepingblistersand
oPen on his head His eyes are bloodshot and
bulEins out of rheir dark sc..lets. His top lip has
b€en npp€<t a$at rcv€aling bleedinS guns and

bsk6 ie€th. Bori has turEd into a Zohbie. He 17
Itrhes towards y@ b6ndishinS a pislol, s@miryly nE landing is @rpetedad ttu warb e @veEd
lmwae that it i6 a w€pd, He !186 the Zombie wilh b.i8ht patlemd waUpaFr. TheE are som€
behind him to attackyou, not thai ihey needm.our 8dn ffe paintings hanSinSd the walls, plus 6ome
a8emmt, shoutr8 at th€ top d his voke, 'Got fi) kill nim6 and €khin€s, but nothint of @ lo you- You
thm all! Got to kiu them all!' over dd ovd agair walk 6 util yo! @me to a coro wh@ lhe oF
You have no .hoi.e but to fight him and the oth6 ridor tllft sha+ly to dE ritht. Arcud the ct)l8
nineteen Zombi6 behind him. If you wn! tm w a white d@ay in the left-hmd wall sde
'@ metns atEad. Y@ LLpio the d@ dd
€ a $gn pahted m it in black letterinSwNch eads
CraB Night Club.U ytuwnt to op€nthe d@., tum
io 342.ff Fu would Etha walk orr tm to a9,

The eiling b qurte low Md you have to st@P a lit-
tle to avoid hi$ing yd head @ the as )ou 18
walk a@s lhe caki( floorboaids,You arc about lming as st€attNy 6 you @, lookiry arcud
to start rummging ttuw8h the box6 dd suitcases the time, y@ pa$ stids of ttp c6de which
when suddenly a huge f3t mash6 thmgh the @I fmilid to y@. Yo! reachthe w6t wing wherc
tiles, reachin8doM to tlab you by tlE thtut. You ie orpffi lie twihiint 6 the fl@r, but thee
4 lified otr you H bi a rcugh hand that is mbs' nosimof Y@. nE doorof a marl wax-moud
ing on€ finger and is @veEd with red blot h6. If pboaJd hinge opfr. Y@ l@r iBide dd 6^d a
you have a 8un to hdd, tum to 36l. r you do mt Kit whi.h adds a sreN Doints *hen x6€d.
haveaerh,nmto 6. €nly you l@r the $und of ;@'s ddne stad-
up. Y@ l@k thrcugh a window tud F th.t the

F-] F-l

Saraged()6 in the eat wing @ opel G6 in hdd

you m inio dE olJtyard ed h@d for the gaage. Youleep teling Any dEt degahint i5toint ro be
dri8ht but y@ @ @bl,s to ovift. hs, Sheb%s
, you to 8o with hs to fi^d help,arEuin€that it would
49 tE tEtter if the aurhonri€ @t in the a6y to deal
The g@de bo@c along the fl@r lowar& y@ with the Zonbi6. You teU hd dEt by the time the
ad alm@t irmediately therc is a dealdinS erplc lmy ari€, it miSht be tm late. You sy ifs time
sim which ech6l@dly dom the.onidor Y@ @ 'for you 60to back to the 6stle, advising her to fol
lnft€doff you feetby lhe blast dd thtt'M viol4dy low the Gd e shedcnl get lct in the forestad
aSaist the waU. Ilp eftu of the blsl @ mde lo malG s@ sheslays out of sitht of anybody driv-
woe by tlE g'€mde explodirg wilhin the cdnn6 ltt.lont the ed. You wave goodbye,eyinE th"t
of a @nidor smoke,dst .nd debris 6ll the aii Roll will calcll htr up s.n It dlx$'t iale you long
ore die. U you rcll a 1 d a 2, tum to tor. It you rcU a eium to tlP (atle whee, mu.h to ydr surpn*,
3 qa4, hm to !r9. IJ you roll a 5 ora6 tun to !' fnd that the min satesar€sdl uileked, You
{m of the double d@F and sudethbueh the
5o p lmotied, clGing it b€hind you. You hh left
D$pite being i,1the.lo* .6ffne of the lift, the flal lodg the south win& and th6 walk rctth along the
ia.ket tales thebmt of the qplGi6. Yd d hit by win8 beforc Mching the staitue at the iuc-
iust two piee8 of BhrapEl. ttrs 4 sr.rN points with the north win6. You @ about to to doM
If you d still alive tm to rtit. siaiMe to ilP basrtMt shd,ou at h siEht
lhe t€l4ope n{Md d the table rhead. Ih
You induce youslf to the neir teling thd hM
y@ .a@ ro be Kdnapped- "IeU Mebody who
(}B,'Bori6 ets, shrugginghisshorddeF,indiffest
to yN hdd luck slory 't-i5im, we cd lclp you. V\iC
havethings that,ou Eed which w n*ht tE wininS
ro s€I to )ou. But dly at a Prie, And tlEt Piie is
dollas, Takeit d leaveit' If y@ rwe eme do[,$
dd wish to buy mthin& tm to rr!. It y@ do mt
have ay dolc, y@ @ 6thd had wd to the far
dd (tun 60157)d fight dr mm (tm to ,8{).

F:I T;]
53-4 55-7

Y@ walk thMgh the swint d@6 dd se sit the simtist istinctively ducls down to avoid
murdercBloking Zmbi6 baraing arcund the DeinSshot,@blhg yd and Amy to M sfely past
H|t)m. They s you and su8e fotrad togethq, the window, tmin8 lelt doM the halway of the
intent m tearingyou limb fI@ limb. Y@ mct fiEhl north wiry. T@ to &7.
tho. If you win, hn to r6a,
You dpty th€ flask md put it in you ba.k peket.
Yd *ath quickly thsugh the tattecd clothing of
the otha Zoobi6 dd nnd a total of $? and a Dairof
suvd @rre d ft tuF or bag rou bd rcuF
ing ebe of inleEt e you walk to the stafte.
Yo! areabourto .linrb it who you notie smething
tEffilh . ft ir a Lee cat iM efe ttEt is .mdt6l
into the fld. It hasl .onbitutid lml o th€ d@r
Yo'l try a few rmdom st ings of nmbea, alaswith-
dt sEs' Y@ Falize that it is too elid to prie or
4 .hoot opd hd woder if you have 6)1hii8 ele
1@ take a l@k arc6d ihe door ard swey a sMe lhat }!u @uld u* to 8et into it U you hare a pi*
of dwasiatim. Both the nale and 6emle ch6g- of yeud note pap€r, tum to 85. U y@ do not have
ins !@N have been wEcked. T
IlE mift6 e aI mte p.p€r, thee is nothing you 6 do othd
sn6hed, as d the sinls. he bencheo4 splin- clinb back up th€ stai6 to ttu libra. Y@ @
t€red 6d b@kenas thouah $mebody hd taka a |lmled at not b€iry able to op6 the efe but try
sl€dca\ffier to them. TIE leks d@6 have all b ovire you*lf that it w6 ptubablyempryor
bei ripp€d o{ thei hing6, as have the show6 t-trapFd dyway. You d<ide nol to s?dd
dbide d@s. The Dic haveben wrenchedoff the v hoE ti@ in the lib.d and head out into ttu
wal md water is Bushiia trcm them-The Zombi6
who mct likely dGtroyed lhe.hdging mre did
a vtry Soodjob, If yd wdt to takea l@k insde the
open lel6, hrm to 26t- If y@ would rather d@ bu M alM the staiF .nd the Slmmy bas
ttu d@r md walk on, t@ to ,I. "l@t
t @Fidor, pasinS the op6 eus dd the liJt
re @chin8 the ld@ized rubber swing d()c,
Therc are smau glass pancls in thcm whi.h yo!
peer lhrou8h to R a Ercup of Iour men standin8
bgethcr Thcy.rc.ll wcaiing blood-spatrercd u'h1tc
laboratorycoatsand appearto be having a heated
iryiment One p ticobny elil-lookinS nan
bbe very annoy€daboutsomethingand keps tap-
ping at his clipboard whilst shotrrinSat the other
hen He hasa shav€dhead,a patchover his left eye
ind a dcep scar runnin8 down rhe left side of his
trce. Th.rc is . badgc scwn onnJ his bust pock.t
with the nameRoznik embroi.leredon it The thrce
drhersarc Cober,Sren.nd LJnge.8!t crcn thorgh
lh€se a.€ the evil {ientisls Fsponsible Ior creat
in8 Yurr's zombies,yoo know you can'tiust run n
and shootthem Ifyou wantto try tu anest th. hen
and lock them in the.ells, tum to:4. It you have
a laboranry coat and want to tlll b them whilst
pretending Iou are a new assistanl sientisl r€ently
hired by Yuir turn to 33o.

( an exelldt marksmanHe dc not
usually miss his tarEet.But beinS angry he rushs
his shot.The bullet fta past your head,hitting th€
waU.You waste no time ard haul yomer back up
thedrainpipe to .limb mto the r@i beto( hc .an rir
osddshot. Rollonedie.Ifthenumberrcll€dis ! r,
tum to 2r lt thc numberrolledis 4-6,rurnro151.

Youshout,t the top of your voi.e for severalftin
utesbut nobodycomes.Ev€ntuallyyou hear rhc


ste€llolt slide op4 Otto 4teB tt€ eU looking vsy mmia. It reads 'YE: Ext r21.'YN los the nolF
anary-He has a dirty, food-stained.loth tied msd bookawayandwalk 6. Tum to rt5.
his n<k He w6 in the mrddle of his meal ad is
vdy No'€d at havinE it intempt€d by a ct)rMon
priffi like you. Without a word he com* ovd Yd foe it into dE 8ap b€twq the sliding d()6,
!o you dd ti.ts you seral lim6 in you! al'eady I'uhiry upsdds util y@ l@te the @tch.It pops
damaSed!ib6 ashard 6 h€ .d. Th@ js a si.tdinS op 6ibr Yd sudethe doo6 opa and fnd yo'elf
noiF s ffi of thd da.b, L@ ? srAMrN point6. .brdin6 in a old (@idd lil by eilint lithb that
Y@ arc in too ou.h pain to try to *aF dd deide squaestaped frGted gra$ 3had6. IIE eil-
to wait stil the thw's Mt vi$t. Ater trvin8 )ou tng is painted a cheerl€66nust rd colou. Ile wals
de 6nrl boot ror Smd neasurc, he wall6 off to fin- @ the @Lou abovea waist-hi8h sbip of dark
ish his me.l (tm to rya). ttg '@
til6, I!@)r of which e nisin6. Ihe paint @
the walb b old ed da(ked dd smatEd with blood
60 *vdal Dlac, You sifi the an and notie a vet
The s.tts imediat€ly fEea up and the laptop Dl@i ch@i..I<lds v v@ hed tn;
shuls down, You slam the $tq 6hut in &shatid of f@bteps ominS d(,M the didor to you
Amy trieo to r6lm y@ doM, saying that BinE ihe Toyu ritht 9@e twoty mets duy, ttPe aF
laptop is not imporiant nEht now- Td to 158, he d@6 aCre th€.onidd mde of wLaniat
ber r y@ wet to 6n l @t who i5 comint dom
5a ffiidor, tm to 45, If ya wdt to watk thrcugh
With the tuity of wearing rubber Elovesto pG 3win8 de6, tui to 31.
t4t you fom ominE into conta.t with the bl@d,
tou rca.t doM dd pi.k up the noteb@k. You
flick th!@8h it, reading vdios mtdes about the
nmber of p@ple a day bein8 tuh€d into Zombi6
after b€inEinjded with MtamiMted bl@d. MGt
dars it b one o. two but an {try mde d 3rd July
nol6 eEht p6ple beinSinjeied- If c' y you ourd
stop this tenible niEhhft, or at least 4ap€ to 61
call tlE autlbriti6, T]w i5 a leleph@ qteision ot wishinE to tou.h it, you 6nd a drcr @ the path,
nunber 6 the last pageof lhe noteb@kwhi.h you hich you @ to flict the bonle out of the wate.
hits the tlmel wa[/ ushing inlo tiny piees to

64-65 66.68
meal a pie of tupled notep.pd. You
unlold the pap€r to find the words '.ombiMtion
'eUow d@rBpadlcked.lf y@ havea tu nd wt
lck number: r81'printed @ Y@ pla.€ tlE pitr
it. t|y shmting at the loct, tm to r59, If you have
of paper in you pdket and walt d. Tum to 278. @wbar .nd wnt to prie th! lo<l oFr! tuh to
. r y@ would rather kep walking aldg the cs

A! you 6i.n io dE6 the tumituE away fim the

dei, the sftltna dd banging b%is atah. You 67
l@k th@th rhe sack in the ddtuay and e that shlrp teth piere y@ skin, drawint blood.
the haltway is jmed tuI of zobbis. r yN wmt nlort$ately for )ou, the Zombie h6 bledinS
to attact theE! tuh to id If wo!.ld raths tMp .nd its blood intur3 yo@. Yd 4 d(r)ftd to
dt of the b€dll)m window 'ou inlo lhe @urtyad ome another olgipt in Gingii<h Yud's amy
Zombies. You advenhE i5 over

65 6a
You @ about halavay d()m lhe drainpipe whd bu rcach into your p@k€t dd give Amy the gold
it bsm6 obvious that th@ @ j6t i@ my dd .hain. 'Mv ldketi Wheredid vou 6nd it?'
Z@rbi6 b€low for you to be able to saiv€ if tlEy ,!ts *iiedly. "You don't wdt to loow!' you
atta.t at re whm you rcachthe 8Dud. Hogut lt "Thanl you. IlEl yd. Ihant yo'r,' sheeys
6 to the &.inpipe with onehand, yd begin sh@t- ppily, a beaMg $i le tShbnt up her f.e Ior the
ing at thd, hopFt to dilpeM rh€m. But rhjs only time sine vd met h6. You tell Amv iys time to
.alls morc of thd to flood into the ouward. You / advisinE hd to folow the rud so she d()d't Eet
kitl ssal but it b imposble !o stop the re6t pull t in the 6oBt, but to mke sureshestavsout of
ing ai the diainpipe to rip it ofi lhe wall. You t y to t of dybody &ivin€ .iong lhe @d. You wave
hdt on bui N unrbb ro do s for lmE. Ile drain- ye,eyint thary@will eherff.Itdcnt
piF 6m€s away fton the wal dd faUinto the yd long to rctuh to the dsde where, much ro
€agq clukhs of the zodbi6. 'ou and bitten
Clawed, }!u 6nd that the min Irtes are still
by then! you quictly be(!re intusl by thei.on cked. You opd de of the double d@6 dd
t miMiedblood. Slnyouwillbeltrre m of them. e thrcu8n the E p llmtied, dcjn6 it behind
Ydr advdtun b ov6. , You tum left along dP $uth wh8, dd then
north aloi8 the west wint befoe eadnng the
.* at the jmction with the north win8, Y@
aE abDui to Eo down rhe stai(ase to th€ b.smenr
wh6 y@ @t h sight of the telescop€ nounted on
lhe table ahead. Tum to 2ro.

There G a smll, r€d-painted.upboard fiied to the
left-hdd wall that youhadn't notied earlierasit was
hidden from view by oneof the boile6. On openin8
it you tind $me bandag6 and antrsephc.aam that
you useto bind your wouded wrists, sincethey are
still in bad the sha.kles.Ad.i : srAMrNA
points. Suddenlyyou hear a nois€overhead.Slidin8
doM the air vent are thre Zombi$ who land on
d'e n@r in a @npled heap. They stand up awk
wddly and step fotrard to atiack. You mst fighr
thd barehandedor with a weaponif you hav€de.
tf you win, tum to 2D.

You jlnp backwafds to give your*lf time and
rpa.e to take aim at the zohbie. A sinSle shot is
rU that it rakes ro brint her down. The chainew
continuesto tur dtil you puu it out of h€. hmds
to switch it ofl r ir was Amy thde is nothinS
tou .an do for her now. You thank her for the
.< daiMw (2d6+l) which should be a very eff€'
dve Zombie+ropper if you a€ happy to ca(y the
laavy weapon. Reduceyour sr MN^ by 1 point iI
you take it. Afrer deiding what to do, you leavethe
tlfrigerad en dd td nght along th€ conidor

v-74 7516
v lrbi€ pou out onto the @f, lalgk witn r.$.
The swoid (rd6) is a fift weaponwith a kq blad,e iN t le aih.nd fiE U you win, hm to ao,
and y@ cut it thDugh the air with a 8@t ded of
ontrdere, T!fr to ,,t1.

Rabing her 8m at y@, Amy backs away and
s@ms, 'You E @ of th@ a@'t )ou? You'rc de
of thdl'lf yo wet to reply that you w@ orny
toking and thal you realy had read rE diary md
dedu.ed she must to be Amy, t@ to 193. r you
wdnt to tell hs to put d{]m htr Eur! tuft to 9{.

As you rm to l€ave,Otto bet8 you io rcl@s him,

but istead you take hjs key ofi its chain dd rlww e h,!Md fli€. thruSh theair,hining you sra&
it into the .olM of the ll)@, bellin8nin that you dE nndde oI vN foEh@d.It is a Dai.tul blow
hoF sonebody wil s<m brinA him a ni.€ bowl of hich mates vou dizq tFe 2 s xNA @ints. If
stew.Youbrd him f5lwell and walt over to the stal e still alive, tun bo39.
dmr Y@ per dt into ihe @idor which b lit by a
rcw of ni.kding strip li8ht! in lhe eilinS. You 5e@ F
evil all allMd dd hop€ to 6nd a w@pon mrer e swing d@6 opm hto s en suite baltwm
Eihq thrn later. To yru ri8ht, the oridd mde at ith plush batlr sh()Uq, sinl Md toilet dits, albet
a halt{pd d@say. To yoq left, the cor.idor cd' nth€r vivid bffi-vel@, IlEre is a
tin@ a5 far 6 yd @ *. If y@ wdt to walt io imrcd stainlG steel dDbdrd abov€ th€ sink.
the op6 d@May, th bo255.r yN wmt to head bu opd it but find mthing moe than a toothbrush
left up the mnidor, tuh to 93. d r(re i@thpate. Sudder y y@ hed the bed,
d@r opdin8. r you wel to Eo ba.k inio the
n .med 6d eady for @mbat,tm to 5r- IJ
74 would rathq hide beltind the showercurtai.v
The Z@Dier kep hmin8 dd .harging at th€
d@r mtil the hing6 finally 8,ve wat sdiry the
d@. Ryiry. lt€6b rhe gbmd 6 twaty-fouf

v M tlF .onidor You @ lified off the 8ltMd by
Th€ d@mmt opeE up to rv@l d€trib of d ffi blrst aid thsM aditut the wall. Ih€ etu of
gqEy ent that Yun had bu r s he ould €@F blast@ mde wde by ihe 8@de explodhg in
nom the @stle if evd the poli.e wee to mive @nfG of the Mltw halwav Smke, dst dd
Morc he had b€t.ble to rel@* his Zorr'Iie any ebr! zu theair. U )ou m weanr8 . 0.k jacler. hh
on the w6ld. You di*ovd thlt th@ is d eletrcni. :75. Uyou N norwdir8 . flar ,acket,tum to 2:8,
disrlav Ddel at tn€ back of the stnk mm in the
soJth ;inr which wil open Emr dd if you rey
r tlF.ode nuhler 16r. 'Cme " on,lels 80 to tlE wiF c.ble i5 @eed in black g]€*, dd B
i.ult to sroPydrell frDm stdf8 doM it mop
ster mm nowl I I@w where it i5,'Amy e'6
edly. U you have not dom e alre.d)t yd m try icuv thd vou would like. You land d the 0@r
io mle a .all d the telephoft (tum !o 3tl). U you irha bumpbut luclily do noriniue youeu. Ihe
don't wdt io makea 6ll, tun !o ri8. ond-Eriued slidint.iooE dt the bottom of the
aF shut and y@ ae @ble to pull thd dpart
76 4ter the basenent.ff y@ po3ss a @wbar, tum
The tuils @ak 6 you pne th€ lid ofi the date lt j. If you do not pr]6s6 a @wbd, rm to 3oo.
is full of ba6sof end 6d @mdt, You t le out two
to reveal a pla6tic lmh box- Th€ bad rews is that
it d€n't Mtain any food- The Sood nss is rhat
it d@s .@tain two hdd 8@ad€6 (2d6+1). You
.lip th€m on to y@r belt, feeliiS vsy Plea*d with
,ou di5@very.They @uld Pmve to !e vety u6e
tul in combatbut |umler to ct@ them otr ydr
Advntue slL".t dhq yN @ rhd lf y@ wmt to
lift the mrnhole .ovd, tum to 2ao. If you wdl to
cary on dom the @ddor, tum to 337.

n bu @n arive at a jurrid at the end of the .or

The ZonDie holding the g'wde push6 hj! my to idoi To you l€ft it .ontinuer straight on befoe
thefMtof the lirE, rtmbl6, ard lets Eoof it lt rclls ing shaply left,backin the diFction you
aloltg th€ fl@ loward5 you. AltMt i|mediatell t .ome fbn. To you rEht n @ntinues shaight
thtr is a dedlennS qPl6im whjch dhes lNdy bdorc iming sharply right, also bacl in tE
32 +l

dnfftion you have j6I ome frcm. DiRdy anead

tha is . wide, ca.petql stai(a* going down.
Tture is a lot of bdgin8 and shouring cominEfrcm i
downsraiF. You deide to inv6tiSate/ weapon in
hand and ready for combat.Tum io 126.

Youpla@ boL\ k€ys in ihei Fspecxve keyholesand

tum the onestampedwith a number8 fist, followed
Ity the one stmp€d with a 2. The padlmk nips open.
Youslide backthe metal bolt in the door the grating
loud remi.din8 you of the dark c€ll in which you
rvde so rec€nriy imprlsoned. Yor suddenly heai
tEnging and shouting comna from the other side
of rh€ door You.heck your gs and push the d@r
open, ready ht fa.e wh@ver is on the other sid€. Ir
opem inro a ulnir rcm. Th€ briSht light frcm the
Lboratory c6ts a long shadowot your bcdy onto the
A@r A terrible stenchwaJtsout of rhe mn makinS
y@ rcich. Yor seeli8ures moving abolt in the semi
ttarknss, somemomin8, orh€F shourinEin eEer
The rcom is tull of Zombies, wall(ing towards you
* 4;
:1 a $ lid b lo c klf y o u wa n tto l e l a r o u d fo r al ,Eh r
rwitch on the wall, turn to j1o. Ii yo! want to sta.t
&ing you. weapon,tuh to 179.

You *arch the r@m but Iind norhinS morc rhan a
ro biU stufied down the brct ol lhc sofa ftere are
io otlp. doo6leadina out ol the room s you wallr
cf doM to the other end of the oridor to op€n
the d@r thft(tum to 3o).

[-:l F-l
84-{6 8F88
q @thin6 you cd do other thd climb ba<k up the
Ihe ddi oFns into a snarl nstyfleling db- is to the library, You e moyed at not being
byhole wNch E u!€d for stonS€. lt b dis8ctinSly to op6 the eie but tly !o @vin e y()1,4lf
6lrhy iffid€, with rats droppin8s derinS the fl@r t it w6 prcbablydpty d bmby-tnpd uy-
dd @bw€bs hanging d@n in the c()ffi. TheF y. Yd deide not to sp€nd dy soE tift in dE
ae two larye pl.snc siqa8e bd6 tucked away at .nd headout inlo the c@idoi Tm to fio,
the b.ct. IIE fst bor is tull of old |lr*PaFs and
mea2in6. Ihe *(ud .ontaitu old b@ks, . war- &7
l€t with 92 iside dd a smal csrdterd box tuU oI d6Fration you thbw cuhioc, beddinSdd pil-
bullets. You pur ttu items y@ wdt into you t€8 @t of the window, hopinE to land on them ro
befoE .lGing the dbbyhol€ dmr to .arry on walk- ydr faU,You tie a shet altMd the window
in8 ar6t ih€ oFidd. Tm to @. , .Unb out of the window ard lowe. youF
doM 6 fd 6 o6ible You tal€ a d@ bMth
85 let go. You fajl h@d over hels dd aash onto
Y@ stdd up and beEin youi long walk back to civ t!.vel<veFd outard below Unfdt@tely
iltation. You eh@e a path lt@ugh tte tl6 tfdt land on bu h@d and btuI vou ndk. You
is cl@ to the @d bur which stiU keps you ot of
sight in @* Yur <rriv6 p6t in his 6i You walk
along in srl6.e, ttu dsts of the la6t day having
b€m fa. too terible to talk aboul right trN. t$tead yd M a<rc the tutyad a shot dnSsout lt
of b€int happy for having esped 6on Yd, Amy frm CingrichYu's sip€r rifl€. Heis tuin8 from
leks to be in a state of shek, Suddenly a th@8ht fiEt O@rwindow in thew6t wine Ro[ onedia
@re into your h€ad. If yoo pGss a gold lfk€t you bU 1-4,tm to 174.ff y@ o[ a 5 or 6, luh
on a gold chah, hm to t@. lf yd do not have ttu r9t.

Yo! tdre the pi{€ of pape. out of you Pcket,
ldebeiry that it had the numbo ol..ombina
tion ldk Eitten on it. Y@ .tecideto lry this nmber
to open the 5.I€. Tum to the number that js Mit_
ten on the papq. If y@ aE leble to do this, thse

r-l FJ
39 ipl:Mt. You abo find two tllDd6 (2d6+r),
Ihe dd op* to aeal a smaU,ddk opb@id. As bor of bulets dd a Med Kit icide a metal box
y@ Ea.h for lhe li8ht sibdr, a drcolin& meyed aw.v at the back of the dDbord. Satidied
Zombie imps @t ftm behind a p \e of 3tor.Ee ith the resultsof ydr $botage, y@ walt ovn to
bo$, sttering thd aery*h@. Caught ofi p.dlocked iron d@r Tm to t:o,
$a!d, you @ plrbd b the St1)ud by the udad
fidrd, who lamche a tuMied atta.k on y@,
$ree.hint l@dly. Ioe 1 srMN Point. You 6tru8-
8le to thrcw the h€ary ZoEbie olf you io defmd
yol$|I as it tri6 to bite you with the ia88ed,virus-
inffi teethpetrudina fiom it! tui.s. r you win,

Zombie looks at you intently, attempting to

s in spibeof rfie fa.r thar its lips .ppear to have
ddely *M tog€therwith twine, Bl@d ttick-
d@n from ils truth 6to its chin. Stin holdine
bming dlltmite, it .limbs the last fa
into lhe rlat tow€r r yd wdt to shmt the
bie. tum to ,{1 lf yd want lo,ump thDugh
hole in the bmkfl cldk fac, tm to ,68.

You pi.k up the bra$ weights ttm the sleo md,

6ndblou*8, dll]€s, t*hino, iumF@ and j(\4
st ndiry aEfar away 6 p66ibl€ from the @biftt so
as not to 8et splaohe4 thiow th@ s hard 6 you aing up on c@t hdge6 iGide the wardbbe,
cm at the ias. The is a dash oI brcaring 8lass,and E.E weral hadbats on the top slElf. Iruide
you wat h with eddach@ 4 blood Pous our of e of then you 6nd a @laa wlich appeaF to
the brctd is dd doM onto tlE fl@r You walk in working ordd but is our of battery You put it
you bag md @ntin@ y@r earch. The dE6t of
ova to the oeboard at the bacl of the laboiatorv
and slide the d(|F ops to fird morc $imtific wed B aalmed tull of duvet .oveE, blanl€tB

dd piuoM. IlE beddide@birEt 6taic a l@ded *

hddSu (idtr2t a haibrush/ d enpty pui6e, tE earch the Sege frm top to bottom but do
eme letteF, a pan dd a diary If you wdt to rcad find a set of keys ior th4 va. You dd't want to
the l€tbeEmd the diary, tum to 279.f )ou wmt to d a rout€ lmEq in the @stle th{ you hive
go thrcugh the swing di)c opposite,tum to 4, - tou @ eaSerto leav€this tmible Plae of {il
neel up with Amy in the viIaEe shew6 head-
95 towad!. Ihre G e old bike uder a shet at the
I@ ar tdpted to go ba.k into youi e[ to give of the 8e8e wNch yd ddde 6 good muSh
Otto a kick but dcide .gainst petly Ev6ge. You get you 6r@ b€forenigl'daU, Y@ whlel it to the
hurry doM the conidor, th€ smoth cmrcte fl@r in dtrdce Bat6, blalhE the padlock oFn with
u.onlortably .old m )ou baE fet. Alter some rcund oI Eunfre. You itew doq your weapor!
dbtare y@ s som€ m€sages sawled on the the d@B b the outsde wodd dd .f.Ie as fast
w6[ One s]$ 'They'r .oning to 8et a'. Another you cm .rd8 fte @d $su8h tlE f@3t. AbNt
sys 'WeE doom€d-' IlreE d oth6 @st6 in hoq later you G . 6rrl ah@d of y@, walkinS
langugB you ddt unddtand. You I@p wallt- the md. Evd frcn a dbtane y@.m @
ing util you cometo a black .sv6 pouch haging I she has log blonde han md is w@ring ie$
frcn a hek in the walL ff y@ wdt to op6 the a t+hin, s you EoSr'i4 $ai it is Ahy at me.
p@.h, iuh ho36.r y@ would rathq keep@ w.rk- bu .rI out t€r m€ and slE turo arcund od
ing d()M the onidor, tm to 39d. v6 frdtidUt jmping up ad doM with qcite-
t. You ride up to hd and stop. 'l{hat toot you
94 ldB?' she Bk, silin6. You reply sEdtkaly
Quivdn8 with fer, Amy drcF hs Eu onto the you stopped for a @ff€" dd lell he. to 6it d
fld, .a6inA it to fa. RoUore die. If y@ rcU r-1, crcbar. Slp lauths, dd 6aF, 'No, l'[ .ycle aid
tm ro 3oa.If you rcll 4-{, tm to 3. u 8it on the (Icbdl You 4 t@ tiEd to ar8u€.
y is so@ peddlin8 hard, listsinS to the gru+
I5 a<o@r oI )ou banl6 with Giryrich Yln dd
You aE lucky !o swived the oiElaueht of the
Attack Dogs.You unlock ihe dm! and walk out into
a oEidd. Th@ is a teEible stenchsmins fron the
left ad of th€ .oridor $ yd <lecideto h6d .ight
towanls a T'junction. nEr€ is a large oak ch6t d
rhe fl@!, *i againstthe far wall. T@ to a6.

F-l F-l
irtv ret6 turther on, vou s a white marble
t of a md Ft againsttlE wall at the point wherc
coridor t!@ left, behind which stmds a mas-
@t suit of Dlatemail amola iuuminated bv a
Ithr in th€ ceilinE. Ille anou is about your
, lfyou EBh to try it on, tum to:1.lfyou wish
*l; leav€ the amou but tale the sword, tm to 7t,
yo! w@ld rathef walk 6 without sroppin8, hm
Zombie thruis the rMine .haisaw lowards
. You t y to junp out oI the way of the ot.tinE
de but are caudt on the am by the slurp teth,
I srAM poinB UydaFsdlalive, hm ro 70.
lding ytu am overyourey6, you c6h thrcugh
dek fae, sadiry mo4 El6 flyin8. YoudrDp
a stone,whirling y@. aI@ and legs arcmd in
an, hying to kep yolreff upriSht, As you ldd
rcll in d attempi to brcal the hll. But twelve
E a lon8 way to fal onto a $lid mf Roll two
dd r"due you sr MrN^by ih€ roi.l rcl€d. r
d still alve, tum to r59.

I rea.h into y(u pdket md Eive Amy the gold

dd chain. 'Mv l6ket! Wha did vou 6nd
sle tuLs€rc €dly,sGppins out of her dotu*
'Youdont want lo tnow!'y@ r€ply.'Thanl

t r8 3
you.Ihank you.Thant you,'sheeys happilt grin-
nin8 for the fiFt tihe sin e y@ met hq. You pi.k oridor ads at a eudl@kin& white-paind
!p the pae ard hury oo hopng to Mch a village : YouPt5s you e. to it but h@! nothing.If
beforeilgoerddt Tmto4o. wdt to oFn the dd, tun to 3F, ff y@ woltd
tlE tuh mund ed wall al(ro the coFidor in
oPP@itedifttid, hrm to:65,
You Each <loM wilh bN hmds dd Dick uD lhe
mtebook You Ai.r thsugh it, @dfu vario$
eniriG about tlE nuhb€r of people a day beinE @ srrftkby the MI( with su.h feMity thatrou
tl,ftd into Zlmbis thsuah ini<tiN of Mlami- lno&el otr you feet. You d@p to ttE 8rcud
tud blood. Most dat€ it b one or two but d enhy BioB. All the Zombie pile on top of yd,
tude d 3rd July not€s€itht psple b€iry ini<ted. de nppinE at y(M neh. You do not retain
IJ dly yN coufd $op lhis tenible niEhhe or at ioess uril y@ have trarofomed into a
least eM@ to teU the authqitia, Ih@ b a lele ie v(relJ, dootud to the litu of the ddead-
phore extdsid nmber m the l6t page of the
noteb@t but you .d't be boih.Ed to t@6bd ii.
You tos the notebek aw6y dd walt d, @war
lhat a dtoptet ofZ.dbiebloodh6beqt wiped otr the
mteb@k and dto the oFn wlmd on yd Hist.
AtEdy you e l6in6 yru abitty to *dnk and by
lhe ti@ you rach the ad of the conidd yd have
starbedto transfom hto a rtndles Zorbte, 6(n to
join ich Yr'B 6ded ,6). You advonE

Y@ @ h'app€dat lhe bottdr of the lift shnn and oDm the violin (a dd smile. lt 6ntii6 a
cmot find a way to g€t dt If y@ wdt to call @t ift Eu (zd6+j) .nd sveDl @s or bulleB. If
for help, tuh to 37i, If )ou wdt to .linb up tlE lift have nor done so alrEdy you cd Fy to oFn
flrght ca6e(te to 2Zr)-ff you would laths tun
dt of thercm dd imediately riShtdoM the

F;I F:l
ro6 t. IlEy de in o you ad you puX the
You @ very badly injured dd aI€ ble€dint pG pin out of the 8|eMde dd attempt to thbw it
6El). Your b6t w@pon hasabo ben d6trcyed by s the heaals01the lrcnt l$e o1Zombies.Roll 6e
the er?lGioiv deleteit fbh you AdMtur Shet. ll e. ff the nmber rcled G 1-3, tum to 18a,If the
you have a Med Kil you sh@ld @e it now Tun to rou€d i! 4-{, tuh to 25r.
267.If yd do not have a Med Kit, y@ d in 8reat
da6er of bl€€din8 to d@th. Unlss you 6nd a Med
Kir in 6e of the next th@ mm3 you .he* to mint down the coridor lowads you with
dter, you advdtut wil be ovs, r€ep r qord air t lMb€ring skid6 arc fou Zmbies. TlEy
or you rext the rcom choie. Clutching your w panid trey srin @veFd with gapinS wouds
wouds w h both hdds, you sta88eroff dom the festeringffi. Th€ir hair hdgs doM in gray
P3.Theyhaveqacked liP3.ndbleediry [ongG
t 6tick out of their oen mouths. Their Mkd,
rftr eye ae bloodEhotdd Fd-rinm€d but
get very diMd wh{ tEy * you,making
fiing dd guSlinS tu{ts a tl€y hy to
: You mut li€ht th@ b.ahdded o! with a
iI you hav€ore. If you win, tm to ir6,

As the sethiry ma$ of Zombia bem dom upon
yoq y@ realiz the @ fd too mdy of thm to
l.te on. If you srill wdt lo Ey sh@til8 the Zosbi6,
tum to :66. If you wmt to try to op€n the main
dtrdce gateboe6@pe,tln !o !9r4.

Eme€ug &om @t of the smoke and dst the battle i5 @e. No no€ Zombi$ c!)m into
Maining Zotr$ies step ovd thei falen undead @utyard. Thean raid sim js tu longerble
.onado tud statgd towar* you s(Mnint dd .nd it m llmhrally quiet without ttE
deafening .at-a+at tat of rhe BroMinE, which still
.g has wisps of shoke <lrifting frcm its red-hot barrel.
As the dlst *ttl6 below,you *e the Eruffime pne
of dead Zombi€s. You look up at the ob*nation
t@ef but Yur has vdished. You tran the windows
of the imer courtyad buildings md catch sight of
smething stickjng out of an open window dirctly
oPPosite.You shield you ey6 lrom ihe sun and see
it is ihe baml or a largeweapon,the sur iaht rcfl<t
ing ofl its telsopic siEht. HoldinE th€ weapon is
Cin8rich Yura his grcy lacial featurcshidously dis-
fit{red like th@ of his Zdmbie lolloweB. A pufi
of smokeshoorsout lrom the ad oathe barrel. You
have a niUiseond to deide whai to do. If you wet
to 6E your m.hine Eu aI the window tum to 292.
U you want to jump ofi the balcony tum to 224.

The efe door .liclc opfl md you lind a sall stack

of dolar bils inside, $45in total, You also find a *t
of car klys whi.h you put in you pmk€t. Finding
tbthing else oI inleHt, you leave the gamesr@m
lnd walk turthe. up the conidor Tlm to 1,

You climb the ladder slowly uniil your head pokes

thFu8h the irapd@r You p€ into a loft. Th€
dark es within is pierred by shafis of .layliSht
.heamin6 thrcud cracksin the roof til6. There G
a litht swit h on the frme ol the trapd@r which
ou flick m. The floor of old wooden flerbcrds
{ piled hrgh wrth rtoraa€bo\6, old suikises.nd

tr E
dwdted fmit@ and belonairys. EverlthhS h 1 fNM ooinrs The zornbie is @t e fornr-
@veEd in a thict lnlq of dut If y@ wmt to dimb , It li6 motimlGs m the stre fl@r, shr€dded
into the loft, ttlm to 46, ff you wodd nth6 dimb explo6i@ Yd wa8te no time and hu.!y 6
br.k d()M $e ladder and w61l bothe lft at the end the <$ridor mln you come to a d@ay in
of the halwat tm to 56t. +B!d wau. Ai yo! w,lt up b it yd hd the
oI l@d b.rking coming flom AE othd side of
f3 q. IJ y@ 96t to op{ the d@, nn to 26.II
You p.a3 by a nrfrr on the wall and @ shdked n) would rathd pe$ or! tm !o rt.
€ h@ au.hwei8ht y@ havel@t in rh€strort tinc
si@ being lr-ked up in the pris eU. You hufty
6 6til the h.lway turnt shaiply left, bringing yo! old lift dercend!slowly,tun ,In8 andjuddeF
to a dotrav in the left-hand wall. ff vou wdi to beforcSrindinAto a halt at the 6st dd- Y@
op6 rhe dqj4 tun lo 295.If y@ wornd rathq walk buttm C again but nothins lEppea. TIE lift
Blideop6 !o seal mothe! 169 lDUway lik€
on these<ondnmr, dding at a windowrhat
@t oto the dury.rd. Th!rc is a,L$ a dtr-
tlE right at the far dd of the halway U you
to walk doM the lu wav lo oDsr the door,
io 12. ff would Elh6 stay in the lift you
buttm c a6ain (tum to t ) or pls
thE prBs'ou
B (tum to qZ).

Bdleb whlz thbuth the air but ll@ of th€m hil
you d Amy. lf )u wat io st nd tou 8trMd and
6e b6.1, t6 to 39o.ff )reu wnt !o M Io. @ven

MiIel@lt m6t of ttp stEFel nis€€r yo4 aparl
floh or|esrall pi@ which is dbedded h you. lc8.

tr E
417 aa9
The noi* ol the blazing inf€.no inside thc car bltrl\ As you apprcachthe door yo! heai music,
out the $und of t@Nreps on lhe E.avel behind yon |!d voic$.hatting in a lanSuaSeyou don
Suddenlyyou hearan aaoni2.d{rean assomebod\ .tand. Il souds lile rhe nois could be
junpson your Itt Yutr,his ta..bla.k&ed if.l ftoma telcdsionor a radio.Ifyou stillwish to op€n
bliskred hom the fire and hjs chnrredbody waml lhe door, tum to 29o.It you would .arher go back
on yourback. Despit€beinAshot,bu.ncd and badl\ md openthc door at the otherend of th€ .orndot
injured from the car .rash, lhe undead madmin
is still nol detcatcd Hc tightcns his 8nP nround
your ncck .nd wrcstles you to the Around, mrl
in8 you drcp your gun.You n6t liSht lor your lin' You Iu p6t two non doors in rh. righr-hrnd
baehanded. Yurr has 7 STAMINA points and is.Lni |rd on !p the cor.idor as fast as you can util
fi8hting barchand{!. Iry.u win, turn to44. aohe to a Iire door at the end. You donl srop,
ushdnbn on thchandlcT um ho17:
Elen thouShhe tried to till you, you.ic saddcncd
by sdcdrh.I lc was
Ytrr's insaneplanr h€ didn't knoh that he'd beef
tufred innr. Zombie md wasn't awat of whnt hr
was doin8. ApologiTing to Boris for the intrusn)n,
y.u .arry ort a quick searchof hjs po.kets whi.h
yields a shall torch.You stmd up, lowing to hun!
down Yulr to aven8ep@r Boris Il you want to of'.n
the stel dNr, turn ro r94. If you want to wau<.r
Past the dmr, tum to 141
e phoneings just on.ebeloresomebody picksit
, Youhearnothin8 bui slow,he.vy breathinguntil
.EePy voice finally says/'Who said an isi8nin
t diseasenddo parasitic worm like you could
my olfic? You and that dumb blonde friend of
uf areabout to die. l'm sendin8somebodyroond
ey hello.Cot to kill them alll Cot to kill then

t 1 t l .i
l' !!ith that, the line g@sdead,You tell Amy what
t sid md shescrems that vou reed to leavethe
dy imnedGtely. Tun to 158.

stinldng *wer inlEbited by rats is not a place

u would noImly choF to be and it tak6 some
e b qer u*d to the foul smell,You walk on until
ft etopFd in you tracks by the siEht of two
dowy fig! es ahead,sloshrg aomd in the hlth.
o mal6 in raSged.lothing .ome into view, wad-
slowly thrcughthedar}"srinNnt sJudte.OE or
is ch* in6 on a rat dd the other C ca.ryin8 a
til,l k*. Tha b@me verv animted when thev R
, pointing at you dd hNling with rage, they
Zombiesl You mu6t fiehi tho with whatever
pon you have.If you win, tun to d7.

pick up the diary and K that it is this year's,

tbat the ldt enby wa Mde jGt a wek a8o.
t inJa^uaryAmy wnksabouthowAciledshe
io be in Ro@nia dd how she is sjoyint lile 6
cook in the castle,It is bitterly sld but she lov6
b€auty of the eow{overed hiUs ad rugaed
tnside. Th@'s morc snow in Februaa. and i(s
er,but life is areat.Her mod stdts to chanaein
rch when she hea6 bad I@ous abolt Ghsi.h
, In ADnl sh€write that sh€is cmcem€d bv the
val ot white@ied $i$tists. Two wets tater
aftietv tum to fear on leanins that the ki-
lilrs m .arryirE out e\perih6ts - on humml
she hed teniue rrcams and .ri6 for help .on
ing fron the ba*mmt, althou8h shewrites that shr bra$e in deeplymdJUmp,bend'ngyourle8s
is not brave eough to go down theE ro find oul you hit the mattess. Roll one di€. Il the nmb€r
what is goin8 on. A month lat€r shewrites about thr l€d is I t, lurn to 42. r the numbs rolled is 4-6,
oretmt flow of peple adivinS aEaict their will,
raliendoM io the bMent @11s, neverto be sf
again.A.lB one double pate oh€sdawls in lars.
capital leit€E, 'I m sred out of my mind-'There is you lEve a ctwbar, slide it b€tween lhe
m 4try in late ,!ly whi.h simply sys, 'OMC thefu .U€ on the outsrdeof th. ne d@r to gle )ou
ar€ Zombies in the baemdll!!' She asb Gin8rich e time to think Tuh to 3o5.If you do nor havea
Yun mdy times if ohemay leav€but he will not lt l bar you will have 10face them on the rcoa Tuh
her on 2A luly shehies to e@pe durinE the nishl
but is .au8ht and brcudt ba.t, Her last 4try,
'I am Soingto try to sape afin toniEht.I will die il
I stayherc.Gin8rich Yur is ilrse. He is building atr
amy of Zombi6 and intendsro rakeover the world
H€ m6I be stopped.' It all mak6 rc. Bur wherr
is Amy now? Did shetm8e to escap€?At the b..r
of ihe dnry therc is d 6try whrh eads, 'Noie n)
elt The dckety old lifts buttotu are faulty. For C,
pr€s 2 and C togethei For B, press2 ed B togethor
- not that I ever wouldl' You put the diafy down
md wall ba.k to tt€ lifr, thinking about the fale ol
Amy Flet her If you want to pressbuttons 1 an.l ( , im 8 . . r Y u d h o ld in8a d b b ,t l u o l sq u i r esu r
to 8o to the gound floor, iurn io 257.If you wdt hi I a8a'nstthe bacldrop of tlle rges l'8ht bluc and
peos buttoN 2 dd B to 8o down ro rhe bement, m Auslin Healey spnri( c,r that hc is strdr8
l mb2 {. frcnt of \ou noti.c rhai the pantn8 is r,lrm6
tly lo one side. If yo! want to l@k behind th€
ait, turn to 186.Ir you wmt to 60 leh alonErhe
way,tum to zl. lf you wmt to go right along

427 130
The cupboa.d hits you sma.k in the middl€ ol your The Zombie thrusts the rcaring chainsaw towards
.hesr. The force of the imPact lnocks yot back you. You try to jmp out of the way oI th€ rctalin8
a8aitut the showerwall but doesnot causeyou blad€but are.aught in the sldeby its sharpteeth,
$hi.h infli.t a dep wound. t k 6 srAMrNApoints
If you are still alive, turn lo Zo.
You wait mtil Amy disaPPearsfrcm view in th. rl1
foHt b€to€ standing up and walking out into th. '@ decision,'Boris eys with a smirk on his
!oad. You are sho.k€d to see the rienhst iniecting ,!ce. 'You prcbably wmt to know what's Eoin8
himself and Yurr wiih what nust tE zombie blood lrBidethis.astle!l'U tell you for $ro.' If you want
At the em€ time Yurr Pres*s down on the car hom b pay for the infomatid, tuh to 229.lf you do not
reFat€dly. The noise athacts hundreds oI Zonbirs dt to Eiv€ Boris lhe e'thcr h.,d
who swarm down the hill towalds you Yurr raises e, to the r,r door (hrrn ru r5Z, or fi8it the m€n
his ans and r@rs en ouraSementto his undcad
army as he besins to trasfo.n into a Z)mbie hin
self. 'Let it b*inl' h. scrams. 'The 6dead shall
liv€.Mankindwill diel'Youmanageto ftea rcund rc.F bodies of de.d Zombis everywh* but
of bdlets befoe being bowled over by the oncom ingrich lur is nowhrro tu be ftn n tne nodh
ing swarn. You are soon coveed in zombie blood E Sudd€nlyyouh€artheeund ofa ar'ssg'ne
and becomeinfected.In a matter of minlt6 you tdl ftint !p. tou l@l thrcuSha window ed seethat
becore a zombi€ and Sive cha* to pdr Amy as garag€dmF in the est winE are open. Gun in
shefleesihrcugh the lorest,sh.ieking in ierrcr Your d you Iu into the ouityard and head for th€

129 rll
A few metresfurthe. orl you arrive at anotherwhit. you poses a crchbar or a sword rr should be a
door in the l€lt-hand wall. You lislen at ir md heal ple tasl to pn* the lftl op6 Tum tu 162. lf
shouting voics and banging and oashin& PerhaPs u do not have either of thes€ irems dd wmt to
the sound of a frghi. lI you want to oPd the d@r, shootinEthelo<l open,tum to r 96 lI you would
tum to 65. If you would raiher walk on by, tum ther leavethe chestutouch€d. you cd e'ti€r
d l€li alon8 rhe coridor to open the d@r (t!m

F-t F-l
to 30)or head.idt alon8rhe.o.ridor to openrhe
other dmr {rurn ro fl9).

CinSd.h Yur lalghs at you. stupidiry H€ takes
caen aim dd squezes the t.ig8€r of his rine a
Rond rime The shot is perfect.Youae dead befoe
you hit the grcund You. adventureis over


,1, {
You tiptc alon6 tlE corridor dd t isn'r Iong
beforeyou 6nd out whois spillingthe blmd. A tall
Zombiewearingan old greyh@diea.d dnty jeans
is sta8Eeringalong rhecorndor aheadof you, grcan
ing wilh pain, Its entrails are han6in6 out, @zin8
dark blood whi.h is tumin8 down its the
fl@r It is very badly injured, perhapslrom beinSin
p a li6ht with another mbie. Suddenly it stops in
its tracks and tuns atuund slowly. It staE at you
blariJy. Its ey6 arc sunten and 8rey,and s mouth
G @vercd in fr6h blood. Yo! .at.h sight oI some
thing it is g.ippina ti8htly md fteze. The Zombie
ls holding a grmde in one hdd and the pin in the
othq. With no efression on its vacant face,it casu-
6lly toses the gremde towards you, ln.on.emed
by the pNibly fatal out ome. lf you are wearin8 a
0ak ja.ket, tum to ]4o. II you are not wearing one,

You rcti€ that m ot the Zombies is duicnin8 a il stchs the moFy frm y@ ed stae at
pistol {rd6+21,holding it by the barrel. You Prie il
out of th€ 6dead mNtrGity's fat 6ngs and dis
@€r thai ihe dip hasm buuel6,.fthough dP Piliol
.pps6 to be i^ tuI wolhng ord4 rf you hnvebul_
.oldy, *ying. Cnd. lrs abouttime Yur paid
. N@. sin.e you arc ne arcud here, you d
rt by washingout all the equipmt in the labora
. we a€ toing for lunch. Ille l.aboraloly is the

Letsin yN bad9a.*, y@ wrtlle ableto fit ttP 8u ircn d@r on the .i8ht, But dd't op6 th€ d@r
Furihd doM the cqrido. you € a large wooden th€ back ol the lnborato4. Ir leads into n @m
.rate @t to a b6d mshole 6vd in the d@r If t we call tlp Slab R@m, lts where we mnvqt
wdt io p!i* the lid otr the @ie, turn to 152 |t into mbt6 dd tl€y never wm to tE
pleasedwho it h,pFrs to thm. Fmy that,
'ou Mnt to hy to lift th€ h.nhole covd, tuh to 21o.
IJ you wdld Ethd walk d! tun to ,!7 be wded - donl Eo in. They mdy not idle rm
ly to youl Roail lddmly rcars w h lar€hter
tt1 waks off dM the .orido. thhugh the swnt
Y@ tip out all thec@tentsof the draweF in th. dest with his tulow sistilrs. You ae debermined
dbo iie tEd. You find p@, pencils,.heque b@Ls, hate Roaik pay for his evil deeds,but nght now
old bils, eiting pape4 stdPs dd oveloF but tEv€ to deal with the Zombi6. Tun to :5r.
nothina of ie.I @, Y@ oP6 the Hside cattftts
.nd 8nd a Med Kit (+4 srAMrNA)in one, dd two rl9
h6d sMad6 (2d5+1) h the oth6. You woder ae hudr& of!@ts on lhe shelv*j old clas-
how long it wil be before 'ttun drc dlling with |weh. Ffe6@ books, arlarc. hErory boob Dd
hi! Zonbier lf y@ wdt to cdtinue *arlring the huc€ stion @ bdead @dtuB, Iherc is evd a
beddm, hh ro tt9, If you wet to walk thuth k of iol6 about the uded enntted Dmu at
the ryin8 d(ffi, tm to 76.IJ Y@ wdi io oPd the Chorls Bdt Frcnd.IIEE arc b@ks dedi€ted to
bed@m d@r, rm to d' dbie.t of vampi6, wercwolve, ghosis,shouls,
letdb andMaiths but th€re@moE book about
bi$ than d aU th€ oth6 undead catms Dut
e. As a student of mlthologi@l be6ts, you
'I have lound a better coUatid oi b@k. |I
y you .ould sPsd a wek in the libr.ry ro aad
. 8ut lirtdng herc b a ddgetu option if
hope to eope from the crsde alve. U you sbll
w6t to Md one of ihe boks about Z@tn6, tum the tum, @.h with 1 point of rrdN ad @ch
to r8A. If you wdt to l6ve the littary and w.rk on, sin8 1 point of D.e(d. r you wir! turn to 35r,

aro i[ stnd you ttffid as the speedinS @r b@6
SomeMy is sh@titrt ai Y@ th@Eh a tull, m m yd, brdnS.Nful aim nd 6rinE r.pidly
Dortholelike windd in the wal behind you. I the qued undead dliva. Ys is hit and the @r
MiGcuro"dtdl thebux.l'misyou The alambell d{ly swerus Left,dashing h@drn into rhe
stoF riryht md all i5 quiet aEain li yd wut tn ildinE at hi6h sp€edb€IoE buFtinA into fld6,
M otr doM the ea6twinE hallway, tun to !89 1, petrol tanl ignite, @using a hu8€ explcion
you wdt to hm altMd dd ft bdk, hE to 156 hjch totauy destro)€ the u. As y@ wrtch the
nint vBk, y@ feel n incrediblese@ of relief.
t41 i in you ('m thou8hts, y@ tow6.ds
TIEF is a ll,ruw Pas84.y behind the tuttrs'
e nalry it would Equift you to w.& 6ideway\
to io doM You pei dom it but ii is t@ ddk tu r45
*-very iai U yotwnt to tquse youEelf alona step over tlE lM€led badi6 of the Zomb€
it, tum to:44. lJ you would rsthq keP on walkinS, take a l@l icide the bunr tt)@. FeatheBftom
old mtEEss d fl@tinc artMd in the 6hote
Mh, (mtins a very 3urE6I 3<w. Beymd the
112 i6 ed .lebi!, vou e a sal rcd metd .h6t in
The rrDd sunfiF leav€ u tmall buriei hol6 in thc fd @!M. If you wdt to opm tls .h6t, tun to
DareI ;f th; d@. The tldo zombi6 who wc tying !! r you would Fthe! leave the b$k ltln dd
in wait ouiside drp to the 8rc6d with a th@P of alonSthe oridoi td ho,88.
Ihey do rci m(re again,If you wdt to tad Amy's
diary tun to 123.IJ you wdi to @ith th€ Pekets
of the Zombiet tatteEd dothin& tm to !34, $ide th€ h6k inlo rhe metai rhg of the traF
. Yo tug dom hard on tlF poLe stil tlE
4t pd@r dsF dM m its hm6€, w.srinS a fold-
aE stn s you opd the d@r, the d%3 imP uP duintniun raddq which is fixed to ttu iGide
b atrac&.ld mBt del€nd yot@U with whatever th. Eapd@i lf you wdt to ure the h@t to pull
werpon you have to ted. ItEre @ 17Attack Dogs tlE laddd, tun ro !1 If vou wodd nttEr

walk ovs to the lift ar rhe end of the hallwat tum

Y@ pls buttd B but nothinE happeE. The lift
d66 remin ops. lf y@ want to walk doM
the hauway to opd the door, tln io 12. lf you
w@ld Erho siay in ihe lift and pressbutton C, tum

You start to walk up th€ stai@se and slM find oui
who was making the noie. Twelve Zombies ar€
@ming down the staiF, stumblin8 inro eachorher
.5 they do- When they catch 3ight of you they yel
l@dly and push fotuad in a mindle$ ra8e.Two of
\ nm fau doM rhesrats, rcling past you, but srand
up ad climb ba.k up the staiE to attack. You arc
almmd€d md mst fithi them aU. Ihe Zombies
.re all .arrying ode weapotu which make them
r'l@ F@dtul in attacl. Som€ oI them are
dishinE .han bgs and pi.k are hddl6, whilsr
arc wiel<tiis htu6 dd mch€tes. One oI
Zombi6 is misine a tEnd. It l@16 to have ben
rt@dy ot off, but the Zombie seem ucmemed
t blood is pouinE frcm rhe st!6p. Its .i8ht hdd
holdinB its *vered left hand which. brzarely,
ish6 d a\e liEhdy.iYoubea the in dR?ly dd
aw yN weaPon. After your initial altack, ay
piving Zombieswil ea.h inflici double damage
2e MtN pojnB aSaist you. r you win, tum

t49 t5t
B€y@d the pile of bodi6 you * rtEt the @Eidor bing op the drainpipe is hard work but you
(fri6 on into the distare, Not fd ahed yd F c€ ro F.hble @bo the @f beforE YUE lE8
a polish€d shel d@! h the right-hand w.n' II you !o ta&edoth.r shot at you. fceping you h6d
wdt to open lhe d@4 lum !o 294,lI you wst to you walk quicLly aaGs th. roof stil )ou
*alth thsugh's Pek€ts, hn to t!8. If you the op6 skyUtht, thuth which you €
wet to Pastthe sleel door, tun to 341. hat apFs to be a lacitNy-tumishedbedtuo.
js a Llae rou-p@rerbed diFuy uda the
150 id sofu five metresbelow.Youhaveno (hoie
You attad! th€ gapplinA h@k to ttF tE k of th€ r to jdp d{lm dho dE bed, tln to rr4.
.lock nd thrcw the $pe thrc$h the hole in the
.lck fae. Aftei breakiry away nc of tE dass, 151
you srep tlmuth tn€ hol. aid alPil doM the wall of the bulet! 6.<b ils mlk wirh dedly etret,
of tlp clcl iowd, TIE rcF it tut ldE 6@En to thrcugh the woodn d6r and lodging in
Ea.h the aU the way .LoM and y@ hi* to let 8o tlmt. YN ldvotrE i! ovs.
of it !o dltrD the last @ple of met6 0o UreMI-
bopbebw Vou t!'i6t yN skle at you land. l]F r55
1srrJN Point Tato rt. you warr .ron€ tu ffiido. yd bsm aw* of
badsmu in thean Ttu turttErm yd€w(E
15r 8!b, bothepoint that y@ haveto hold yM n@ bo
Yd h@r ihe zodbid @ing uP the staiF .nd steP the sickeninSrterrh fom ma-kingyd ekll lou
back fion the d@r, i€ady to fae OE dElauthr' iG a tt_anof dart blood @ tlE fi@ ledht up tie
Momab larer twsty four of thm Pou out onto llidoi Yd sod mive at a iffitid,If v@ wdt to
lhe tut tsdk with ra8€. Ch@se yM waPon tlE b-ailof bloodsEaithl o, hF to rr5. Uy@
and fuht tlEm. If yoe wnl, tum to {c d Eths hn ri8ht, t@ ro 97,

rtl !56
Ihe Ud is lird y Miled <loM 6nd the @te b too m ba.k, tuing you w@pd repeadly at the
heai1 b lift to ky to sm3h oPaL r Yd P@ a bdd wind@. The hrlway b 6ned with
.twb.r, tum to 7l. Il you do mt have a l:!wbar, urd of bullets rich€tine off the walls in d
td @ eith4 tiv to lift the hdilble .ov6 {tu!n to 8e of raPid EU fiE. Rox lm di€. u )ou o[
do) or wolk d alory the 6ridd (tu to !37). nh b t9. If you rcU5 or 6, tum to 55,

The dmr opensinto another white-walled conidor
lllminated by brighr stnp liShrs.You seethe words
'Help M€' wlitten in dried blood on the lefthand
wall. Yo! donl stop to think aboul it dd caEy on
until you dire at a T-junction where rhe cofiidor
brm.hes left md ri8ht 6 fd as you can see.If you
want to go left, tum to ro3. If yo! want to 80 ri8hi,

r 58
Sudd€nly you hear the sound of fisrs hamering
m th€ offi.e d@. outside. You walk olt of Yurr's
dy md inro his olfice in rim€ to *e the far d@r
6h down onto the fl@a A giant apelike Zombie,
ell over two metFs ral, stoopsits h€ad md€r the
of the door frame b 6ter the offi.e, bellowinS
{[y. You tell Amy to back you up while you face
monsterZombie headm. 'I'm rjghr behind you.
is must be Zombie Kong an mdead mutant
t Prcfssr Rozn'k (e.ted. tD in8 to breed the
timte Zombie. Amy shouts.pistol in hand Io
feat Zombie Kong you need lo rcll a total of 20 or
re by combnin8therollrofbuthrourand Amy s
eapore. Add th€ total rclled from you we.pon ro
y ! p b lo l( r d 6 + r . I f yo u r a ' lr ,o ,o l l ,co m b h e d
lal of 20 or mor€, Zombi€ KonE will redu.e you.
b' 6 pooF. eachAhac t R oLnd.If) ou q In,
The old lifi lu.hes into acti6, ruDiblins dd jud You hear a Sratin8 sosd as a stio. of wal at the
derin8 6 it d*ends slowly, tafde $inding to backof the rcom st d$ back,leaving a 8aPjut larSe
a halt at the fi6t fl@i TIE iift dm6 slide open to @u8h for you to squ@e *eugh to reachthe out_
revealanother l@E halway like the @e on the sec_ .ide world. Amy imps for joy. 'Yesl' she shours,
ond n@r, mdinS at a window that l@ks out onio clappinE scitedlt Once outside Amy pleads with
the courtyard. There is also a dootray on the riSht younot to go bacrDro rherastl€ lou rePlyth. t you
at the lar dd of the hailway. II you want to walt luv€ to slop \ur beforehe urJ€i+€s his Zombict
doh the hallway to op6 the dmr tm to lz li on the world. Youreassu€ he. that it won,r rak€vou
you would ratherstay in the lift, you .e either Pre$ long to deal with the eminh8 Zombie and that
6utton G (tum to ,t) or pls button B (tum to r47) yo!'ll cat h up with her in no time at all. Amy slares
|t the 8oud, a single ted ming down her .hek.
U you pos*ss a gold tcket on a gold .hain, ru.n to
Z:,Ifyou do not ha\e th€lekel, tm to 285.

Th€ ldk 1li6 open with hanUy any elfort. You lift
up the lid of th€ chestand find thee ae th@ el}
.rate .ompartmmts, one contains two smll Med
Xits thar will each 6toe 2 sraMrN^ points when
!ed. The sond contaiN six lox€s of bulleh and
fio .hot8un cartndges.The third contaiN a snall 6as
linder for r c.hp,n8 stole. lou help youElr to
I6t be6orcthe conidor tums ri8hl, th€e is a white l'hat you wmt dd look !p dd doM th€ coEidor
d@trav in the left-h.nd wall. You walk up to the
d@r a;d K a sisn painted on ii in blaci l€tt€r If you wmt to head left along it to ope the door,
ins whi.h rcads M,sr Ret. You tisth at the d@r nrh to 30.lf you want to head ndi alon8 it to oPen
and hear the emd of ilrum being played. IIE the oths d@r, ilm to n9.
dluming is totaly out of time and awtul to listen
to. Wh@ver is playjng ha5 ab$lutely no ese of 161
rhythm, If y@ want to oPs the dmr, tum to .o4- If Y@ l@k out of rhe ledrcom window dd w that
you would raiher walk past the door and tum nght the.ourtyard is about twenty met6 below In d*
Fration, you ihDw ruhios, beddinS and PiUows
out of the window, hoPing to lrnd on them to stren they a@unter. Evmtually they will reach M€1i5,
your fall. You tie . sl@t dud the windm han_ liost likely in the middle of the night, where they
dlq .limb out dd lower youM|J down as lai as iL ed inJftr o erybody ir the villaE€whilst
po$ibl€.lou rakead@p bFathand let Eo.You falL theyslep. includnSyou B) daybrealyou wrllb.
head over h€ls and dash onto dP grrvcl{vered ruminE alon8sideth€m.a mindlessZombiein m
.outyard below. unJorhfat€ly you land on your y ofunde,d YouradvstuE ir over
head6d bMl your ne.k. Your advent!rc is over
sn as you tt?e in the .at's nahe/ the scllf
edi.t€ly freea up rd rh€ l.ptop shuts doM.
bu slan the scr€d doM out of ftushation. Amy
i6 to calrnyou down, syinS trDr not Eint the
prop nSht now is not the6d of the borld Tum

darf tuespastyourhe.d$d lodgesrrelfharm-
To your left you * the tring d6s and to youf slv in a b@k on one of th€ sh€lvesb€hind vou. A
right you e dother ircn door in the ri8hLhand v saDe! Youexaminethe switchcarctullvand
wall. Beyondthe doot the conidor cdtinuF on to. that there e a.tually tle pGitiotu it .an be
eme distane. YouL7 io oPenthe iron door but find TheF n a cmir l'otr' D6ition, a down Fsirion
it is lcked md therc is no keyhole m ttE ouisid€ hich ets of{ the trap, dd an up position, If you
You walk up the @rido. to wherc il ends at a rn wi5h io flrck the swikn up. tum to 41. lf you
d@i Thee is nowhereelseto ao e you Pushdown uld rather not tale he chane dd would pFfer
on the met l bar to op€n the fire d@r Tm to 17! lele the lib.ary medid[el] th tor5o.
Yo! failed to kill a[ ihe Zombi€ in Goraya Casd. thou8htherei5cna8e,thatdernor stopthenert
Nol longafteryou&Ped, theZombiesyou fail€d ave of Zombi6 frDm beins dram into the court-
to find bu6t th@E| the mainItt€s rhathad ben rd by dE rallyinS caUof the atr raid 5rEn. Tney
l€fl open. They e now rdPagin8 rhrou8h the b{ over the bodies of thtu falen (otuad6,
@shyside, biiinE and infeting dy Poo. vi.tims ch one of them desperareto ffr ro you tusr. You

slide anorherbelr of cartndge into the ammunition

chanber of the heavy nachine gu. You are about
to fire, whd you hear the bal.ony doors bursr open
behind you. Two scientists,one of then with a bald
head dd an eye pakh, jump out onto rhe balcony
wielding axes. Their grey are coveed with
open wounds and weeping sor€s.They have both
tnmed into zombi$l Thereis no time tor you to 86b
your handSunandyou will hav€to fi8ht th€mbare
handed(rd6 l). The axe-wieldingZombis atta.k
fist, ea.h.ausing2 pointsof DAMAGE Rdu.e your
slaMrN^ by 4 points. If you win, rum io t5o.

If yo! want to go bacl into thc b.drcom to read thc
diart tlm to ?3. If you want to searchthe pckets
ol the Zombi6' .lorhes, ttrm to 134.

It C dirty wo.k and you are soon .orered in c@l
dust.You are just abourro Eiv€up diEEinEwhen
yoff shovelhit somethingsolid. Youclearaway the
coal to di*over an old plasti. sact ti€d with nylon
twine. You unrie the sackand find a grapplinS h@L
attached toa amd lenAthofclimbingrope.Youfas
ten it to your ba6, rhinkinS rhat it miSht be ne€ded
later, and 80 over to the d@r to trl' to ops it with
the key hagin8 on th€ hooli. Tum lo lz1.

MisjudtnS your jump slightly,you lahdheavilyon
the edge of the matb€s md fal ofI the bed. Youf

h€ad hits the marble d@r, .ausin6 you cotuider smll @m with bare,white-paintedwalls.Thee
able pain and mking you dizy. Lr* 2 sr^MrN^ is a whit€ doo. in on€ waU with a key in the lock.
points. You shakeyour head lo lry to ftrus but the Th€ key tums and the dmr op€6 into a main.or-
dizzinesscontinus. You ae slightly concuss€dmd ridor exa.tly lilc the one you Ieft to go down to the
duing you. nexr.ombatyou must dedu.t 4 lrcm sMer Goin8 left would or y rate you backro where
your D^M^cr rclls. Your head is still pounding as yo! havealreadyben $ you deidc to headright
you stand up to look arcmd. Turn to 221. towards a flight of a{endinE srans.Turn ro :5o.

Openina the fie d@r tri88€B a red lidt lo sta.t 174
nashinSand m alan to sta.t rinSinSlotrdly.You are At such.loserd8e is very lnlitely thatan er.el
at the botton of a fire erape which hous a wind- l6t turlshan like Yur. would miss such an easy
in8 ircn staircas€leading up cveral fli8hts of stai.s tal8et. Thebullet hits you in the side oi the headand
to anotherIire dsr at the top. ll you want to u up you aredeadbeforeyou hit the ground. Your adven
the, tuh to tZ. If you wmt to stay where
you ae ro *e iI dybody com6 to investiSare,tum

Th€.orn€r of the cupboardhts yo! on the forehead

a73 causjng you to scream out in pain You fall back
You .limb up the ircn Mg: mtil you reach th€ a8ainstth€ show€r wall dazedand.ontused, bl@d
manhole cover at the top of the shaft. Yo! Push on pounng down you. fae. LGe 4 srAMrNApoints. If
it and are relieved to seethat it lilis up. You clifrb you e stil alive, rln to ,75.
out oI the shafi and 6nd youMlf standing in a

F-l n-:l
The stafta* leads dom to a wide coridor with a

W lih6rone flmr You s@ w where the noi* md
colmohd is coming ftum. Sone twenty metrs
aheadlh.rc G a SrouPof Zombic fighting over the
caMs ot a do8.Theyae all trying to Srabthe .auss
io tale a bite out of n; oblivious to the fact rhal it is
dawling w h mggots. Thebrawl Eetsrealy viciors
md out of contrcl, with sme of the zombie biting
eachorhe6 ans and legs,whilst two othe.s try to
pol€ €ach other's eyesout. But when ihe staNing
Zombic .at h sight ot you, rh€y stop fighting and
ld.h towards you alru outrrer.hed, drmlina and
bayinE fo. bld}l. Thered€ snted zonbiB in total
dd you wil hav€ to fidt them.lf you win, tm to 6.

You hury down th€ hallway until you rca.h th€
d@rlr'ssolidwhitewith a silverplatedhandle. You
p€ss yorr eara8ainstit but do nor h€ar$y nois.
@mins frcm the other side. Arm€d a.d ready for
ombat, you tum the handle slowlt open the door
,nd ran th. rcom. It's mother bedroom simnar in
ria b rhe one on the n@. above.The e$trePiee
ir d erpensive-lokin8 bed with a Pl$h mttre$
.!d a white headb@rd.N€xr to it stands a bcdside
cdbineton whi.h th€reis a.lear plaslictablelanP
with a vivid yellowshade.Th€bed.@n alsohasa
white wardrobe and a ch*t oi drawers. On the tar
wall thereare whitepainred swing doorewhnh )'ou
p6ume lead into a bathrcom. You ter out or rhe
ii.dow and seea nunber of zombi$ wmderins
aroud air 6sty. If you wdt to exmine the H 1Ar
mm fumitue, tum to 92.lf you want to 8o tsugh You spin the l@k thrdgh to the numbea written m
the swing d@rs oPPGii€, tum b 4 the paper dd mile with satisfa.tion whm the d@r
Ewin8sopen.Inside the etu you find a sta.k of dol-
174 lar bills afrountina to S44in all two boxesof bullets,
The box c@laic a 5m[ P€nknife GdG2), $15 tlt@ box6 of shotfln shells,a g@ade (rd6+r) and
and eme shing. You take what you wnt, Puttina a noteb@k.You fli.l thbuSh the notebmk. All the
the items inro the ba& which you slinE over yout paEesN blarr excpl for one on which the words
shoold€rbefore leaving the r@m to head down the 'Pa$word aminder; my car' aF written in capital
letters. You ted the pa8e oui of the notebook and
iu.k it inro you pGket Pleasedwith youi haul, you
179 climb backup the stai6 to th€ libmry leavinEitme
Ir is im dark fd you to s how mry ZDmbie thee diarelyto head@t ba.k into the oridor tum to 160,
ae in the tum e You fie Y@t 8m rddor Y at
the otuoming Pack. Ihey oiinue to Prs to a.d 4t
mdetefted,evo thoughmbyaEotdoMby you You hear the piercing wail of d old World Wd II
bdleis Wthout wming you aN 3ldd€nly hjt o an raid siren c6ing frcm above. You l@k up at
the side oI the headbv a lump of dl wield€d bv a the @ftops and w Cingri.h Yu, now fully traN-
zohbie who laps olit ol tht slEdows to y@r left fon€d into a Zombie, sianding iNide a small
te 3 srNNA poinrs.If y@ @ stil aUvercI onedie ob*Natim towa above the south wing entmnG
11you oll r-3, tm to 1o4.ll you rcu 4-6, tm to 195 8ates, He is micaly windin8 the handle of the
air raid sna with both hands,soeaming at the top
o of his voice. A Kond wave of udead pours inro
Youpush the heavyfou.Poster bed again6tthe door the courtyad tron aUsides,twentysi* Zombiesin
and;rballthe Hrcom fumitureon boPof it The total. They swam towdds the ladder d you d6-
no;ouls'd€ is E€ttingloudetasmorcZombiesare p€ntely scrnrble ro fed nothef belt of.arhidg6
attracredby the comotion. Th€y (ontinue to hm_ lnto the ammunitid .hahber of th€ h€a\y m.hin€
mer aeairot lhe d@r and You s that the fta@ is 8u. You relea* the efety catch, ck the handle
begi;ng to comeaway ft;m the wa[, beakng thc sd 6e a deafening rat-a-tartat salvo ol bul€rs
ldk. If you wdt to stay wh@ you e, tum to 327 .t the onomin8 Zmbies. Trey begin to drcp like
If you wdt to jumP out of the tEd@m window ties, disappearinAunda the cloud of dust kicl€d
into the courtyard below,tum to 231 up by the hiSh-inpact bulets hitt'ng the gravel.

E-:l F-l
$6 aa7

Therapid-6rin8BroMingouses:d6+15danaSe lf chemical sfrell. Sudd€nly you hear the somd oa

yotr kiU all oI the Zombiesin the tirst Aftack Rosd, I@tst€ps .omin8 down rhe .oridor to your left.
turn to 168.Ifyoulailto kill themall, tun lo 2 To your right some twdty netc away, th€r ar
swin6 doo6 amss the coddor made of vulcanized
3 rubb€r If you want to 6nd out who is comin8 dom
You find your*lf at the end of a narrow hallway the conidor, tum to 45.If you wdt to walt thr@gh
There is a window to your riaht which lmks out th€ swin6 d@6, ium to 11.
onto the couftyard. Youseea few ZombiesstomPinE
arcod aimlessly below The hallway ilmr is cov-
€red with plush and the walls are lincd with
richly patt€hed noral wallPaPei There is a larger
wickerbasketoutsidethc bedmom.If you wat to
lifr th€ lid ol the bastet tur. to 3o2. Il you would
rath$walk down the halwat tum to 22.

One of thc ZombiesreachesuP and Plucks the Er 186
nadeoutof theaii Heslaresatit @nooslybutcafies
Whever is on th€ r@I is v€ry strcng and has no
on walkinS rowardsyou. Roll one di€. lf the numbe. trouble in lifrinS you !p by you. thmt. You gasp
rcled is r 1, tum to ]52. If the nomber rclled is 4-6, fo. aif, legs wnggtng, as you srruEEleto fie your
self ftum th€ iron Srip on your throat. But you are
1a5 umble to pd* opd the Zombie'sEianI fingeE and
much effo.t to PriF the d@rs oP€n it d@s not take lon6 befoe your body 8@s lihp.
Ii doesn't take Your adventrre is over
Yo! slid€ thefr apa.r and find yourself standing in
a.old.orridor lit by ceilinSlidts thal havesquare_
(hapedhsted Slissshader Tne(eilin8 is Painted a87
Yo! * that the bucket conraire nothinS but dead
r.he.rl6s mushrd (olour The wallsare the samc
rats. However, you also e a gold lck€t attached
colour abole a waist-high skiP oI dart 8r!6 rihs, to a gold chain that is hanging around the porple-
many of which aremBsinE.ThePaint on ihe walls is veined n{k of one of the Zombis. Lu.kily the
old and .ra.ked and sneared with blood in *v€ral
Zombie landed on the path md you aF abl€ b
plaG. Yousniff the air and noticea very uPleasanr

pull the l@ket its @cL. You open it to Feal
a photo of a pEny blondehaiEd Eirl who lmks to
b€ eithto or hinetM yeas old. Ihe other side of
the leket has the nme Amy Flekher mElav€d on
it. You pur it in you petet and walk 6, evstualy
.ming to another shaf! similar to the one
you .limH doM earlier Ah@d you cr seeihat
ahetl)lftl is blcked by an iion ba.€d gnll pEvent-
hB you lrom walkin8 alonE rhe parh. lf you have
! ha.k saw and want to try to cut through the ion
bas, tm to 18.If you would rath€r climb out of th€

A stray buuet fired from the gu of you adve.sary
hits you in th€ thi6h, causin8 a bad n€sh woud.
l]e I sr MrN points. If yd are still alive, tuh

The siaire takesyou down to a windowls.on-
cte tuml. Ahead you hear the somd of loud
voices dd srebody or somethinE ratrling ihe
d(m of a metal .age. lou walk slowly doM the
t'llml towanls where the noie is coming from. It
endsat a larye, ircn-bared cell that is full of si:rgh-
ing Zombies.They go berrerk wh€n they see you
- in a blind ra8e, they $row thel@lve violently
€aiNt the ircn bars of the .ell de. Sudds y the
F<U(k on the dor flies otr and ihe ZombiB pour
oui, 6'@ outstrtched, desperateto eat you alive.
Ih@ aF nin€te€nin total and you m@t 6Eht tho

with whatever weaPon you have to hand. It you comon memy a humanlYou omt s€vented in
toral as rhey rush rowards you, arms outsrretched.
I1 you poses a hand genade, it might be a good
190 time to $e it now Tum io l5Z If you do nor hav€
The is coveEdin bla.k Srease and you any Sreades you will n@d to u$ anotherweapon.
find it impossiblelo Srip it firmly soogh ro enabl€
you to .limb uP it. lf you havea sword or a €owb.r
you .ould try lo prise open the tteel sliding doors
(umto62).Altemativelyyou couldcalloutfor help

You feel a wet, slaverin8 mouth on yoli neck ud
belore you can do anything about it, the Zombic
bites down as hard as it can with its ja88ed, sharP
t€eth.Roll one die, It the nmb€r rcll€d is 1-1, tutn
to 67.If the number rclled is 4-5, tum ro 37r. 191
The tuar and a.Soish that was et hed on Amy s fa.e
19t slowly drains away dd she erlEl€s a huge siSh ol
As you t y to fore the ldk oPen,the crowbar sliPs, relief, sayinErharshestill cd'i quile believeyou are
trappin8 your fingds Painfully a8aitut the <ler he@to helphc. cscapc. Youtcll hq.bout how yor
Lose r sr MjNApoinl. You hy again, and rhis time were on€ of th€ p€ople who w€rc kidnapped and
you suc.eed.The loct nies ofi md the doo. swinSs brclghtto the@sdeto betumedintoa Zombic.You
oPento teveala lar8e,dinly-lit, windowlessroom explain how you nmged to €sape by overpow
whi.h l@ks jike it was onc€an old bdL Mm There erhS your pnson guard and how you have ben
a.e six woden bunk beds linin8 the walls, theii I]ming fo. your lif€ sin e, killing Zombis at every
dirly mattes ripped open ad lying abandon€d. iln'GinErichYurhasrobestoppedlTheonlyway
The mysrery of the scufning soundsis ime<lialely is to kill all his Zo(bies, Any saysurgentlyYou
$l!ed. A group of angry Zombies,$me with limbs reply that she is not the first p€son to say thar, and
hissing, oihers with SaPinEwomds on their rae rclate the tale of poor old Boris. You tell her not to
and bodies,are fiEhiin8 eachother iBide the rcom worry md that you will get her out of the castlealive
On seein8you, they stop liShtin8. They now have a - 6d 3hll humanl Amy managesa tiny smile and

It F-rI

saysthat you have to hurry as today's tmoil will 195

ki88er Gin8i.h Yun s twisted mind inio deidin8 to You are dzed by the blow but manage to stay
tum hirel{ into a Zombie md u eashhis undead on your feL You tum to shmt the Zombie who
any on the world. You l@k around the room and .ttacked you and watch him fall to the Brcund,
se th,r it is an offic, which Amy saysis ued by twitching, Head spimin& you stmble back aaaiEt
Yur. The are *vdal shelveson th€ far wall that th€ wal dd imdvertendy hii the lithi switch with
ae filled with box liles and bek' Thee is a d@r in you head.The @m is imediately lit up by rcws
the niddle of this wa4 and a d€st(md offi.e .hair in of n6n lthts fixed to the low cnin8. It io devoid
frcnr of ir. Thde is a meetingtable with eEhr chaiF of dy turniiup. Thereis just a bl@dstainedslab of
in the qtre of ihe @m. If you wmt to look inside polished stoneon a plinth in the middl€ which has
the dGweB in the desk, tum to 296.r you wmt to nmacle dd chais aftachedro eachcomei There
opa the d@r at th€ back of the offie, tum tI) 238. aE nine Zombieslying d€d on the nmr md nin€
teenleft alive, mosi shieldinS their the
194 ddden bright light You*ize you .hec md start
Mdy hou6 pa$ be6oe you h€n ttE sound of the 8h@tinA.If you win, tln lo 298.
srel bolt slidh8 opd again.Evm thouShyou have
sme to 6earOto's tmt, the noie of the bolt also afi
signalsthe afival of f@d, disgustin8 thou8h it js. As You takeceful aim ai rhel@l dd squ@? the t ig-
often is the case,Otto is drut dd l@king foMard ta of your gu. Ihe qplosion that folows n both
to playing his us@l game of placin8 your bowl of <teaJeninE and unexpered. lt is followed by many
cold stM just out of Mch beforegiving you a tood noe elPlcioN as do4ns of bullets dd shotEm
ki.k, But this time you d Eoin8 to fi6ht ba.k, To @rtridgesm *t off The bulet th.i you lircd bu6t
dbhact him, you tell him that he smellswo.* than a Es cylinder iside the .h6t, wlnch in tum set
a bag of dead no8s, whi.h him into a blind otr the bullets dd .artridEe that w€re also packed
ra8e.Bui you e PrePard, ommifted in your mind hsid€. Bdl€rs fly ever)ryt@. Several hit you in
tomall-oFnoihin8move you will try to wraPyour lhe headdd .hest with fatal results.You advmture
l€Esdomd him and pull'him ro the Emud. As he
pulls hb leg back to kick you, you *i4 the momenl
and shike, HolilinS onto ihe .haim, you thnst your 197
legs upwards to esMe the fat jailor If you wdt to Th€ Sirl s@aG at y@ io go away o. shewill shmt.
try a iisky head shot, hm to i9. If you want io 8o If you want to call out tlE name Amy, tlh to 3r2.
for his boqr hm to 3145. If you wdr to @ll out the nameAmelia, tum io 38.

ff you have a .haitew md would rather ot your apn€l dd debris ny d@n the oEidor iearing
way thrcugh the dM, tum to 2or, lo AE Dact of Zohbi6. Led(e tt€ir nuhb€r by
i- r yd haveanother$qade, you tuy iust
93 ve time to u* it whibt theE is chao5.nd ontu_
The halway tum left on e moe md you walk d, Tm to ro8. If you would ratlEr u* a diffeMt
abmd the cmer, miving at a wide, carPet€d
stairce on the right, aSaintoinE uP. The haUway
entinuB on bey6d the staira*. Suddenry you
h€ara noi* oming ftom the top of the staftae and
8et rcady to detund youkll Tum to r48.
You take the puUey out of you ba8 and cliP it @ro
the zip wire, tying a sho.t lnt$ of ro!€ to it frcm
which to hang. You sit on the edge of the mf dd
push otr, nyinE ihbugh the air asthe Zohbi6 watch
frcm below srcaminE dd shouting at you- Ihe tp
wire dr@Ps mdd youf wei6ht, slowin8 you down
whd you are just Ner half way ffi the cour
ydd. Luckily you momenhm keepsyou 8oin8 and laptop ru kesldittu slarting-up noi!6 tEforc
you each the edge of the tuf of the eastwin6. You ling you to oter a @ffi. r you tmw
's llsel1lafu, tum !o t58, U you do not. hm l,ort8.
srab hold of the metal ladd€r md climb dom to the
balcony d f6t as At the s,ft ttu, td of
the Zonbis in the courtyard start to climb uP the
ladder IrEy rca.h the fiFt fl@r b.Lony at the em lou p# by a di.ty old mths tlEt is PoPPed uP
time you do dd you have to fight them.If you win, $ai$t the ddFhand wau. lt aplEaE to havekn
tun ro 2ad @ped in the @ridor long a8o. Brekd sPrirF
dick out thsu8h its tom, 8rubby cover If you want
to lmk behind iL hh to r-41.If you wolld Elher
Y@ pu[ oui the pin hd thmw ihe tEnade down lep d wahin& hrm to J85.
the halway into tte Path d tl€ d.oming Zombi6.
Y@ d.op to lhe floor ndt to Bo.jsj$i s it explod4
You pull the.ord.nd thc ch.ins.n s nutor bursts
noisily to litc. You drrust the rubti.g chrnr of lnr)
blades at the Llood.n door, cul|nr8 a circulnr h.l.
tluotrEhiheoakFanellikn lnin thr.u8h b!ltcr But
th.gnl yo! ar. trying to help is, b.lirvnA
you area ZomLrieShr h.s i Pistd and be8insfirnr8
\\ Lr ndonshotsatlhedoofi nthem i s t.k e.b.l i c l th.l
touar etr ying( ,li11h.i l {ol l or .r l i ..T ty ou{,11, l ,
turn to154 If l,o! dl4+,ruh nr 165

Y(r op.^ th. door slosly, peering r.und t. se
$ho is playinS th. dtuns so badlt: The roon is a
wr..k. T|.rc are smashedup guitars wiih bmken
necks,a hombone rhich bent in llo, a flatt€ned
s.lophone an.t a piano on its sid. {ith.rll its kcys
and strings.ipp.d o{tand scatleredover th€ iloor
Anidst rhe pile ofbrckn instrum.nrs an.l torn ut
pagesol shc.r .rus1., you seea Zombie sitting .n
a st@1,bashingauny at n s.t ol dilms $nh a flute
rnd i hrmmer insteadot drum sticks Th€ zombic
appeab tobe in n hi..c, its blank starin8eyeslN*
in6 straighi lhrouSh you, obljrn,us b .vcrythnrB
Suddenlr,rhr skin.f th. sniro drum G rippld open
bl the lore of the hanncr Ponndmg do$n on
This n.l.s th. ZombF ny into a rage, scpa ing 't
loudll Snappedout ol its tn..c/ siSht ol
vdu and lmmediately throws the ham.rer at lou
Rollonedie mb.r r .l l c di s l :r ,tui
thc number rclled is 4 6, tum b 217

F-] t:l
:05 .astle. Yor turn left at the end of rhe hdlway into
You ae <aughtin th€ spray of ldlets. Two of them the west win& ruming all the way to lhe md before
hit you, one of them oushg a fatal wound. Your tumin8 lelt aEain inio rhe $uth win6, arnvin8 al a
door on you right with a sign on it maikr<t 'StGk
R@m', Twenty metrcs turlher on thc hallway cnds
al a Elass-panelled d@r which leads b rhe castle's
Tte b@k is an illustrated refereme wort on main entran.e 8ate. If you want to go into the sttrk
Zombi6, Eivin8 very detailed d*riptioB of their room, turn to 23t. lI you wmr ro walk to the door
histo.y dd habits. The book claims tlat Zombi6
were first createdby witch d@to6 oI the Caribbem.
On one small island, ihe Zonrbie population gew 208
ucontrollably dd had to be hmted dowr and Some of the suitcas contain old.lothes and shoes
slatrShteied. Bul befoF thei. corp*s werc all which appear to be your si4 iI you want them.
buhed, blood Ircm slain zombies was ialo away Another.dtains a brck€n old oicket bat and some
and sld io lmmpulous t ades. They eld ft on mouldy cricket balls. Yet mother su caseon lhe bot-
to evil megalomaniacawho wmled to expe.iment tom shelf h tull of plasti. soldie6, hodel tanks and
in iminE humans into Zonbies. Any human who senery 'Ite fi8ures are beautifully hmd-painred
hasblood-ro-bl@d .onracr wirh a zombie wil tum but dlsty and lonS-torgotten by whoeve. on.e
into one thtuLves. Ihe book gives a stem wam played war Eams with drem. The linal suitca* you
ing to be very careful whd .omin8 into cdiact ops contains smethinS moe immediately use-
with Zonbi6. You @ke a mstal nole oI the advice tuI. lt is a Med Kit, l41m you use it, Sain 4 s.^MrNA
beforedRidin8 what to do neit, U you want to flick points. You take tlE Med Kit and shufthc cupbo.rd
the brassswitch, tlm to 324.If you wmt to leav€the d@r It you havenotdone salready, you may open
library ed walt on, tuh to 160. th€ d@r oppcite tum to :45. If yotr woold rarher
walk on ro the end of the coridor, tum to 81,
You run down th€ north-win5 hallway, past the
dmrs in the middle, to the stan as frcm which you
emerS.d not lona a8o whd lealing the ba*moi
You ae tempted to go back down the stai6 to fin-
ish off ihe Zombi€sin the baeoent but ddide that
.m wait until yo! havehelpedAmy daPe from the

F;'] F:l

Iou pulluut theprn and thruw the 8Enade inlo th. Climbing !p th. diainpipe is hard work. Cingri.h
prth or the advan.inS Z.mb 6. B€foR il c\Plodes. Yurr hasplenty oilime to seltledo$ n m.] takecare
you jump back into the labor.tory and clok the ful a1m.H. do.s not niss his t.rg.r r wond tinc.
iron d@r, lakins covcr behind it. Ihere is a huge The shot dngs outand darkn€senvelopesyou. You
expk$ion Ronds later, and you hear the Zombies l€t Eo oI the drainpipe and lall headlonS inro the
wailing louder thrn ever R€ducethek number by baying rhrcng of zonbi.sbelow You. adventureis
2d6+i ScizinBlh€ initiatile, you oPen the door to
liShl the remainingZonbies.ifyou win, tum to 293

Do you know the young girl's nahe? It yor wanfto

..ll out th. nam. Afrt tu.n to lc.Ifyou {ant to
cali out the nameAmcli., tur. to 33.It you want n)
.ail oufthc n,nc Ah.nda. turn to 197

The.hesl isn'l lo.ked. You lift the lid and tind lhr€
boxesol bollets,throc boxcsof shotgun .nrtridg€s,
an cmPty plistic bottle and Sr5.You lake whal you
need and leavcthc bunk room to h.Jd ofi along th.
Thctu isa handleon th. mannol€covoand you lift
n up quit€..sily. You ate inmcdiately engulled by
a terrible sten.h, so bad thal it makes you retch.It
is the lorl smell ses.8€. Th€rc is a narro$
shatt thardrcps lerticaly down to !n oPenswage
tuMel bclow. There ae iron rungs fired to the wall
all lhe way down the shaIt.Yo! droP a stonedown
and hear n hnd with a duU 'PloP into the sewage
water beloh lf you want to clinb dom th€ shafr,
turn to t79 Ifyou would rathe..losc th€ manhole
coverand .onturuealon8 th. corridor,turn to 337
2r4 them alll' Borisbrcathe out slMly ashis ey6 cl@,
The scimtists e .awhl @npletely by surpri* He loces hj5 Erip md falb baclghis headslumped
when you ba$e thbuSh the d@s with y@r 86 to @ Bid€.Th@ dl)d't app€r to be dything that
poind at them. They itrmEdiat€ly rai* then alm y@ 6 do ror him. Y@ stand up ud slowly
in the air to surendei Y@ tell then to walk ihDuEh doM the haUway,picking yor way thbugh tE
the swiry d@6 and into ttu tust ell past the lift. pile of Zombie orps. Tm to Z.
As you pa$ by the lift, the &i6r6t with the shaved
head drcps his .lipbcrd, petending it was by acci-
dmt. As he bends doM to pick it up, he sudds y
jmps up md tdes to inject you with a syrinSecd-
taining .ontdinated blmd. Roll one die lf you rcll
I 3, tlm to ,53, ff y@ rcll 4-6,tum to 27.

You fdl thrcu8h a trap .l@r and ldd paintuly
m the fl@r below. You legs are bmlq in *veEl
pla.e€, dd you pa66oui rroh the pain. t{h6 you
w.*e up, y@ @tmt beliae you ey6. You arc in
You l@k doM the coriior moMtarily to yiew a laBe, windowless mm lit by lre6 eilint lithts.
rhe cdmSe beforc kl@lin8 to help Botu who is You @ chainedto a smoothstore slab,surbdded
lyinS fa.e down, SroninE in pain-You * that he is by *ree.hing zotribiB who b@me very ei@ted
very badly ini@d. Y@ tum him over and seeblmd *hm they se you eyes flick op{. Ihey shuffle
hickline out of the @m of his mouth, He aaches d(g to watcha tau,thi&lespetacled ma wearinE
up md gEbs you aIG,'SrippinE them ti8htly. He a ldg while laboratoayc@l 6d rubba glov6 injet
sta@ at you with pleding eyes,€tranger, it's down y@ Ek with Zd$ie bl@d, The kidtist sni66eE
to you now' he whispero slowly, couEhi.g in 8@t dd tells y@ that aI€ about to beome the l.test
dieonfori. 'Otto is d@d. GEgo. i3 dead-TheriF of (|)t@ipt in Gi$rich
'd Yun's amy of Zonbi6. Ytu
the Zombiesh3 b m. You have to stoP Gingrich
Yu. You have to kill his Zombis, You have to kiu
You *6rch through you. pekets and 6nd the kers
you are lookins Ior You opd th€ vm dmr, jump
inio the driver's seat and tum the ley in the igni
tion. Tle start€f motor whirs for what eems like
a6€s before the €n8ire Iinally splutiers into life,
backfirin& dd beLhing thi.k blact smoke our
of th€ exhaust.You pur the van in gear and press
down on the a.ele.atoi The van lurchc fotra!.I
into the courtyard, €n8im misfirin8. TheF b a sud-
den loud bang,ca!*d by smeL\ing landing on the
.abin mf. A hidss faceappearoupside down in
frcnr of you, presd agaiGr the windscreen A lone
Zombie has jumped down frcn th€ irst floor win
dow abovelhe garageand onto the r@f of the van,
It tEgins hammering on the windscrem. You poinl
your gu aboveyou and shot thmrgh the .oof. The
Zombie scrshes in pain, olls off the mf and hits
the 8romd. Thmu8h the rear-view mirror you see
aitempt to stmd !p a8ain,You stop th€ vm and
8et out, leaving th€ en8ine rljmin8. The bleedinS
Zombie stumbles towards yo!? ams outstEtched/
uttennS the wonls 'the enemy' in a low, raspinS
voice.You shoot aEainand watch it drcp fac+down
onto the 8oun.t, this time for good. You appruch
the body cautiously and slowly rurn over with
you r@t. Its jaclet flops ops and you see a ta8
*wn on the inside pock€r,with ihe name Higson
€mbrcideredon ft. $iU alert, you *an the ar€a,but
*ing no more Zombies,you iump ba.Ii in the van
dd dnve up ro the min gateg blasting the padlock
off with a bubt of 8ufire. You tcs your tun out

t r tr
of the windd, dash thsu8h the 8ates,you foot a dooflay in the left-hdd wall You tisl{ at the
ocsed doh m tlE acelerakx You tped tteugh d@r dd hed loud bdkina @mint ftno the oth6
'he ro6t and $m tq minutes later iou G a Sirl gide.If you wmt to op{ the d6r, tlm to 26.lf you
.h6d of you walking along rhe rcad. Ev4 ftom a wordd rathd pre$ 04 nr b 2t-
d61are you @ e th:t ste h6 lons bl@de hair
dd is wdins je@ ard a t+rirt, $ q -
nire that it is Amy at one. Yd toot the'@hm aid
watdr t€r ttm arlMd atd wav€ ftmticant iumP
ins up md doM with qcit@tmt. You dtive uP
bo-hs.nd stop, 'Nie wh@ls, she eys, Itu8hinS
You arc rlie\€d lo t€e ttEt sheb s.Ie dd teUhs to
imp ir You ddve otr, admonishingher fo! wa*in8
afongsidedE rud. 51e dbmies yod let@ wirh
a wave of the hand, asaI shewdls to hld altut is
the grtlsme accomt of yN battlG *ith Gingrich 219
\tur and his amy of Zohbi6, Tum to ,1o- Somebody b 3h@tin8 at you thrcugh a smau,
potholelike windm in ihe wau behind y@. It is
one of \E's simtist hdchmd. At .lG rmse it is
aliffictdt to miss you with a mchire 96. '&!o of the
tnrllets hit you in the back with fat l r€€ulrs-Amy
&!€€s hystericaly 6 you d&p to the fld. She
tri6 to revive vou with a Med Kit but it is alreadv
too lare.Ydr advmtm is ovd.

2t8 You Mtinue aldS the c@rid6, tum left at the end,
ff a.r you ned€d a ltted.Kit it is now. Y@ do wlEt .nd m dive ,t a jmctid. To your left therc is
vou cm to bandasevoslf up but the stateol ,!u .rcth6.oridor l@din8 bak the way you havetst
'wounass *onying. srjll" .t l;d yd 4 alive The
@m fr@. Diedy al@d the oEidor cmtinG
zombie is not s fondte,Il1i6 motior * @ the 36aight m beforetumrn8 sltarply left To y@r right
store flooi bloM to pi€.€s, You w6r€ m time and th€E is a wide c.rlEled sraire, ihb tinE toinB
hury on d()M the didor bef@ stoPPing@lside di)M. TheF b a lot of banginSmd shouting coming

frcm downsiaiB. You deide to investiaaie,weaPon gets the b€tt€r of you, and you pull Ih€ drawer opo
in hand and e.dy for combat.Tum to 176. ruther, to tind a loadedhandEun(1d6+,), d enpry
Pu6e, eme leli€$/ a p6 and a diary. The l€tt€6 ar€
all addessed b a gi.l by th€ nameof Amy Flekhei
The bedrcm is large and lavishly decorated,wiih They wee wntten by her Aunt Helen who has a
burgundy{oloured flo.k wallpap€r. The huge bed New Yorl addess. The letteF write of her dis-
is mad€ oI dark €19 its stout coher posts ormt€ly apprcval or Amy Eoin8to worl as a Mk for a ftan
carved in the shapeof intertwinin8 snakes.The two of qu€stiombl€ .hi.acte. in a castlein a remotepart
bedside cabinets,also made of oak, have modem of Romania,Sheaslc if Amy is bebg well l@ted
lanP3 with orange shade slandin8 on them The after, and when shewill be retuning home to New
room is a treasure trcve of fine antiques, a d€ss York. Her later letters be8her to ome home.As the
inA table,chans,wardrobe,a leather toPPeddesk,a months 8o by her .ombications b(ome more
ptant stand, a ful lenath swivel mnroa a beautifll f.mtic; Aunt Hels eys sheis'woried si.k'atDut
l Sth.entury .het of drawersand *veral 6ne Porc€ the rhings Amy has writren to her, su.h as her hav
lain figunnes displayed abolc the marble firePlac rng sm men in shite.cts'and GingnchYlr
Youl@k out of the window, down into the courtyad acting totally weini'dd thar shehashead 'tmible
below and w lots of zonbis millina aro6d, l@l' *rcafu' cominSfrom the basement.You pur rhe ler-
in8 angry and contus€d.Cingrich Yurr is nowhee to teF down bd are about to pict up the diary when
b. e.m. Th€reis the hain Hmm doo. in th€ wall slddenly you hear a noi* oliside, lt's the eud oI
on the left side of the bed and double swing doo6 footstepscoming doM the halway. If yo! want to
in the wall on the riSht side of the bed. It you wat investigate,tuh to loj. lf you want to .lok the b€d,
to sear.h the room, tum to 137.If you want to walk tuh clmr dd lock it, tun to 258.
throu8h the swinS dooB, tum to 76. If you want to
open the bedrcom dmt tum to 131

You walk into a small bathrcom. Nothing .at<hes

your eye other than a smau .uPbcrd wiih a mn-
rcrcd dmr fired to the wall abovethe sink. YouofB
it dd areplea*d to find sme bandagesmd a Med
Kitwhichwilladd4srAvrN pointswhm ued. You
go back into the bedrmm and noti.e that the bed-
side dbiner draw€r is opm sliSht\. Your oriosity
223 ihe catle io *arch first. If you wdr to earch the
Yotr pas by an orMtely-caNed mahoganyrable on nodh win8, wherc you are now, tum to r32, lf you
whi.h standsa large, pat€med vat and two 3mall wmt to *arn the w6l winE, tum lo 43.If you wani
oo(elain fiqlrines. The va* has a striking desiSn
I to *a(h the suth wing, tum to 216.lI you wmt to
iI interwoven blue flowere paind on it You look sarch tl€ esr win& rum to 16.
inside it but t is ehPty. There is a smal dra{er
at the end of the tabl€. You slide it oPen and find
a tape measuie,a Pair of rcading gla$ee a Peket
RomnDn EnglChdkhonart .nd . calolaior You
tale wh,r you hanr dnd wall on Th€ hallwal
make6a sharp right run and you gs arive at a
dmmay in the riSht-hmd wall whi.h has a hand_
painted sisn with ihe word 'Cleane6'@ it srewed
io the doo; If you wmt to oPenthe door, tum to 89
It you would rathe. walk on a,head,turn to 3i.
The.ert norninSAmy wakesea.lyto theemd of
birds singingoutsideher window Thesu is shining
You iump off th€ balcony, landin8 Painfully but and all is qliet and peacefll h the pi.tueque vil
u umed on ihe pile of bodi6, which brcaks your
la8e oI Melis. Sheopss the ruraiN md looks our
fall. Thereis a huge€xplosionov€rheadasa baDok onlo the villaSe sq@e. Peopleae busy settina up
shell blows the bal.ony to Piees You rcll away to
their fra.ket stals, uaware that you hav€ averred
avod beinShrl bl lallin8 rubbleand debris You the apcalyp* or the unilerd. You,however,did not
stdd up dd run Jcrc$ th€coutlard and thrcuEh
the doo;s in the wing b€toreGingrich Yur. h.s slep e well in you. tiny b€drum in the attic. Al
night you thouSht about the {enrs ot the pcvious
tifre to lire another sh€ll. All is deathlv quiet in the
dat Soing though everything in your mind over
corridor, but you know thar Yur in his Zorbie state md over a8ain. You are posiiive ihai you cheke.l
will b€ desDeratelo hut yotr down. You suddenly all the @ms, but somethinSh still bugging you.
remenber ;ith horrcr th,r ydr ba8 was on the bal
Sudddly it dawns on you the skip in the.ourt-
onv Evervthinq that was inside it is now lost. Al' yardl You didn't l@k under the .ovei You try trJ
yJhave [It is your hand8unand dy smallitems
.onvin.e yMelf that it was very unilely that ihee
vou haveinside your pockelsto takeon Yurr m<t4y were any Zombie hiding in a skip. Betoe long you
;maining n6ies.Youhust deide whichwing of

El F-l

have manaEedro dihiss the id€ 6 pardoia, You want to h@d left alonS the (o idor to open the
8o dowretais to m@t Amy for beakfaor. She talts dor, tlm to ,o. If you wdt to head n8ht aron6the
excitedlyaboutnyin8 backto New York and you dis- @didor to op6 the other d@4 tlm to fl9. If you
d$ how long you think the poli.e wil mak€ you wdt to prise opd the ldk on the ch6t, ium to r3r.
srayin McUs.Not long,6 it tum o!t. taal poliric6
interuoe, dd laier in the momin8 you m totd by
the police that they do not believe yoff story aft€r The.astl€ is eon lefi fd behind. Yd walk alon8 in
aU.Not wantinS to {are off any tounsts with ridi.- silen e,both .onsumed by you oM thoughtsabout
ulous runou.s about Zombis, they have ddided the tenible eventsof th€ day.But it d6n1 takelon6
nor io carry out an investi8ation,and have instead for yotr both to cher up, as you eali4 how hcky
danS.rC for a tari to take you lo the ranway station you arc to have e*aped. You pick up the pae and
imediatel)a D€spite your pDtsts, y@ are senl hurry on, chaiiinS a8ain, hoping to reach a village
on your wa)r The followin8 day Amy llies to New tEfore darl(, Tum to 4@.
York. Bacl in England, your liie evdtualy rettlm
to noml at cole8e. Youend up Eraduatingwith the 224
hidest narks ever reoided ior your di*rradon. You take the tuU fore of the bl6r in th€ .h€st. There
b no way you @n s!ruive su<han explcion. Your

After you hdd th€ money over to Boris,he rells you
that Gingd.h Yun is an inene megalomania.hell-
b€nt on world domimtion. In his twist€d mind he
betieve the only way he .an do this is to lead d
amy of Zombiesto conquertrEr&ind. Yur depiss
a[ hlllllff, rolerati.g only his scientisrsand a few
25 3ddts out ot n<essitl. The kientists are helpina
On reachinEthe T jmction you l@k left to seethal him with his evil ester plan. Tley have exFn-
the conidor 6d! some twenty metres ahead at a mentql for yea6 in his subteFanean laboraiory I
dmtral rtrking .ight yo! s@ the corridor also d*elopin8 a mutad humm E€ne. Th€y fomd
ends at a d@tray in rhat dir€tion. Ihe oak .hdr lhey were able to tum physicaly weal people into
i5 an mtique dd the lek b niNyl@kin8. r you mindlcs Zombi€s by injetint lhem with blood

contaminatedwith this sene For the lastvea. Yuri s You'v. gorto kill thcmall.Ilyou don't kill thcm.ll,
hcncnm€nh.!c kidnapped hundredsot vi.tims who we are dmmed. And e areyou.
wet lo.ked uP and stared until they wer. weak
Boris'sdesp€raIewords rinE inside your head.Wlat
enouAh to bc translorocd The Zonbie ar€ kePt
ude4romd in scmidartness,ldked uP incidP he'stold you aboutYuf sccnsoazy,butniybc it is
huBecllars Som€areecasionallyrUow€dour to true?Could it haveb€€nZombieswho jostledyou in
ni; arcund the castlefor Yrir's amu$menl He the colrtyard when you arrived?Hare you nonic-
c rto 1 . $ a ( h 0 8 rh rn B . I a b F k'l sl lh r d8' b' \
ally found the mythological beastsyou havespent
so long scar.hinSfor? Or ar. tn.y abotrrb iind you?
rr l . r b l o o d 8 .i r. ' . l r'n d d r o n cda\ Cr nr tr .h
Yu;rwill iniecthimseltsith the.ontaminat€dblood
You smil€ at Borisand t€ll him you havenothing to
lo$ md that you will do it or die tryinE. Bolh men
to lcad his arny ol ZombicsaSainstthe world
.h.rr loudlvand give tou. big slapon the ba.k in

'A few words ol adlice before you b€8in your

Zonbie slaying,strange!,'
wrists 'Mate sureyouropenwoundsdonl gerany
zonbie bloodon then or you willend up be.oming
infectedtoo.The Zombievirus is hiEhly contaSious.'
If you want to rsk Bonsir th.rc is.nything in the
storcNm which .ould b€ of useto yorL tum b 129.
If yo! world ratherthrnk hin foi th. advi.e,ey
goodbye,and walk imm€diatelyover to thedoorin
Nol Rr would ||lc ro lea\€ b.rnre rhefar wall,tum to 157
'uDris'nq\, B .n s sa vs h rrh a rnisn W e \€
rh a t d , y L o m i .: decrst non€y he€ but rle rr. not alLowed
to le.!c, so it's all be€n a bit Pointless teaUy Gregor
and I are hopins to bnbe on€ ol the scientists to 8et
us out or dri; hallhole as ;oon as Possiblc lr will be
Aimae€ddonday $ hen Yurr unleasheshis Zombies
on th;wo.ld. B;t maybe you can stoP him? lt/s a
monudental task brt not imPossible You wiU luve
to kill his Zonbi€s, ea.h md eve.y one ol them

C@ching down ro avoid bein8 *n by the Zombi*
in the ourtyaid, you tipt@ doM the hallway lo
each ihe ielsope. Pointing it at the baLony on the
filst doo. of the east wing, you per inro the lens,
ftuing on ihe hevy m.hine gun mouted on the
wall. You aoSrize it 6 a .lo calibrc Brcmin& m
iMly powertul rapid-finng na.hiDe B@ that
fires belt-Ied hi8h{alibrc bul€rs. If ody you .ould
get your hands on it to mow down rhe Zombies.
The Frcn h windows on th€ balcmy sudds y open.
'I'lte familiar fiBUe of Gingrich Ytrrr appeaB as he
walks to rh€ €dge. Holdina a sy.inge tull of bl@d
in one hand and a gla$ of bl@d in the other h€
*rcm mdically at his Zombies below They all
t@ and I@k up. Yur stopsshoutinE.He simds in
siloce fo. a few noments Mpletely still, beiore
injecling hi@lf in the neck with th€ syinge dd
drinkinS the gla$ of blood.Yolr wo6t 6ea6aresoon
realiz€d as Yu starts to transform into a Zombie.
Hb skin tums 8ry and etupts with $r€s and
blisters. His red nmed ey6 tm milly white,
sinking dep into iheir o@k€ts.His lips split and
begin to bleed,He .tush6 the glassin hb hand, dt-
tin8 his 6nBeBbadly, but d(H't wm to carcas he
beuows at the sky. No longer human, he is a man
posss€d, spittinE blood as he calts on his fellow
undead to mroack the world. With the d€afenin8
$und of Keahing Zombies ringing in your ears,
you rush back along ihe ha[way ro saIE down the

2J1 2t3
You lmd in a heap on the hallway flmr, twisting You lmk out of th€ Hmm window dd K that
yourdlle Lo* 1sr^MtNApoint Tle hugezombie the .ourtyard is abolt twdty metres below It ij you liesmoiionl* nearbl addin8to v6y unlikely that you .ould jmp that far down
the pile of corps. Someof the storageboxesand withoui faially injuin8 youell r you .dI wilh to
suitcaseshave also fauen doM frDh the loft with clhe jt, tum to 87.If you w@ld rather staywh*
you, If you wanr to sea(h thsugh them,hrm to 3t5.
If you would rather walk on lo the lift at the sd of
the hallway, nn to ,67.

Th€ dm6 hav€ been blown out, w€d8in8 the lill
tight a8airot the wall of the lift shaft,dd pFenting
it frcm movinE. You cm hed the lift's motor hm-
minE loudl, Btraining ro lowef it. A hole has also
ben bloM thbugh the fl6r of the lift, which lmks
Somehowyou suNive the o$laught ol the Zombis jusr aboui bE enough to. you to sque4 th.ough.
fd step over the twitching bodies to take a l@l Y@ per into the glooh dd Gtimte tlEt it is about
icide the .ell. One of rh€ prcn€ Zombie has a a five metF drcp to ihe baem€nt fl@r lf you wdr
silvd ndk stickinS out of the iop pclet of ils !o slide down rhe lift @ble,tum to 80,If you want to
blmd+tained shi.t. You tale the flask dd Sive it a jmp dom to th€ flmr, tln to j43.
shake-IrEE is liquid inside. You lllrs{]fu the toP
to talG a snift lt tE a strdge smell which Eminds
you of bitter alnonds, If you wmt to tale a swiS ot Deopatchintthetwo slow Zombi6 waseasy6@9lr
the liquid, tum io 376.II you would rather Pour the but you know that ur 6s you find youM|I a tu,
liquid away,tun to 56. you wil have @ cha@ agaiGt a of them.
You step over then bodies to loot in the.upboard. 2t7
I$ide you find a smaumetal tEr wiih a Elm ctls nre hamr spiN thrcuEh the an and .rash€s
printed on the lid. lt G a Med Kit, which wiU add agaist the d@r, just mi$in8 your h@d.Tum to t9.
4 points to your srAMrNAwhen you deide to useit.
'lh@ areabo two cardboardboE of bllers whi.h 2ra
you put into your bat ioaelher with the Med Kit. At Y@ dtei a plush study whi.h h6 as its .ente
le6t you now havealmdition, if not a gr)n.Thee pi@ a huSewalnut d6k 6d a black, high-backed
is no othd way @t of the rcom s you 8o bac! ihe l@thd.haii Th@ is a laptop.omplter dd a tel+
way you cme. Tm to .65. phone on top of the desk.Therei5 a iibr.ry of b@ts
<ov€ring@ wall dd detail€d drawings of mythc
logic.l cqhles @ering al the other availablewall
spae. Tl@ aE drawhgs of w@olves, vampi6,
demoN, Ehouls,Ehosts,Maitns and other hideou
undead fiends, em of which y@ don't ev4 E-
%niz, whi.h is suiprjsinS si@ you e Buppo*d
!o !€ s eryed. Howevq, pride of plae te to the
Zonlie who have a wal aI to ttuh*lves, with
hudreds of gd@me photooftom the castlepi@d
2t6 to it. Amy tels you to stop l@ting at rhe zombi*
You M sildtly alonS the @rido6, 8u in tmd, and Eetback to workinE on the emF pltu. r you
6til you Each the euth Mn8. You @rn a[ the wdt to @ the tel?hone, tum to t23. If you wish to
Il]{ft but find no ira@ of Gingrich Yur, In ore tm on the laPtoP/tum to 1d.
@m you 6nd a loclGr which y@ mmage to prie
openwith a rewdnver you 6nd on the fl@i Inside 219
you find a sM{ff shot8u Gd6+4) ad a box of A quick earch of the wardrcbe prcvides y@ with a
carbidgee Suddeily you hear the eod of a @r's .hange of dothing dd a *imtis(s laboratory.@t,
mEire starting up, You l@k thrugh a window dd whi.h you stuJ{into you ba6. You also find $3 and
* rhat the gete doo6 in the e6t wing are oFn. a magnifying glas in a draw€r of the dBinS table,
cm in hdd /@ u inro the coutyard md head whi.h you may ddid€ to k€ep.ff you wmt to walk
for the tdaEe. Tlm to 369. thDuth th€ siry d@F, tum to 76. If yo! wet to
ops ttu Hmm der tln to r8t.

qplGion laKks you .ompletely off you feet and
The landint is carpeted and the walls e overe<l youbantyourheadaSaiNtthebell.ttre2sr MN
with bnaht panem€dwaIPaP€rThee arc em€ points. Smokebill@s up from below bui at l@st ttE
still life panhnEs dd mircrs tEnginS on uE walls cldk lower n sdl standinS-TIE staircae is blftked
but nothingol€ to you.You wall d sbl vou by dbble and you hav€no choi€ but io 6@pe liom
one to . comer wherc tle (oridor tums sharplv the roP of the tower Youpict up a brick off the 0@r
lefi. AEund the omer you F a white d@tray in md hurl it at the glassfa.e of the c1ek. It shathers
the riaht-hdd wall som€twenty metresahead You on impacl senilin8 a showerof iho@nds of shaids
walt up to ihe d@r and s a sign Paind on it in of dds mto a eftop $ne twelye mekesbelow r
€d leilering which eys Gy'1l6im" lf you wmt you p6ss a ldgth of clinbing rope dd a grap
ro open the ddr, tun ro 142. If y@ would rather plin6 hmlr turn to 15o.If you do not have dy rop€,

241 243
W'ithout anl'thing to shield you lim the blast, ihe You start shmtinE ai ihe padl@k on the double
force of the eplodinS gffide is deadly in the d@ d@B as ihe hotde of Zonbi€s d@s in on you. But
.onfin6 of tlE lift. You advent!re n ovei the lo.l is nade of thick srel and the bullets m@ly
bolre of ii. You tum to sh@t at the Zohbi6 and
suNive for a tuw minutes b€foE you .E dragSd to
the gro$d 6d *t upon, You aE sn overed in
Zombie blood dd beohe i.feded. In a mttq of
minutes you loo beome a Zombie, givinS.hase to
Poor Amy who Ms away sttri€kin8 in terrcr Your

tou souea th. trisser dd fie Frcm su<h <lce
rd@ i is im ocsibF to mirr. Th€ Zombi€ f.Is bacl-
wair hhbiins headovd hels d(]m the staircae
Sud.lenly there ir a nasiv€ qPlGion lrom below
as the dtMite iSnit€s. Ihe shoclsave frcm lhe

F-t F-1
As you inch your way slowly down th€ na.rcw pas
sa8c$ay,yotr scc a .h1nkof lighr in th. dist n..
You also notice a very bad smel fi the aa some
thinSakin to roltene8Es.Youkep goingasquietly
rs p.ssibl.. At lastyou.on. to the end of the pas
saaewaydd seerhat it leadsinb $har lookslikc
fl old *orkrhop. Ihefe is a djsus€dfnephcesetin
theleft handwall with an anvil in lront ol it A lonS
work bcn.h is {t aS.instth. right-h.ndwrll wfth
a vice fix€d to it md o1dbruten tools lying on top
of it. A talty oran8epl.sti. .urtain sketchcsa.rost
th. wnll oPPGite As you step innr the rcom, th€
curtainsar€suddenlypull€dapartbI sn.rlin6half
dcad hun"ns in ripped clothesNho rush at you,
tryingtoslashyouwiu lhelonEbrotenmils ol thetr
-! oltstFt.h.d skin is Srcyand blighted
with op€n wounds and iesrerinAsor€s.They have
lonEdisheveued haia $ith tccthnissinStom then
blackened mouths.Swollentongueslill their open
moulhs,and thenvacnnrcycsarcmnk)'wh ., rcd-
.!i; rimmcd and sunkenin their socketsTheyscrce.h
andgu.Eleinanticipationas tneyrushtowardsvo!.
T]]cy,rc Zombn's,eiShtor th€min total!Youmust
fi8htthembarehanded or wilh aweaponityouhavc
one.ryou wh, turn to 395.

You t.y to open the doo. that the girl w€nr thrcugh
but it is locked.You kndk on ihe door bur rhc girl
s.rcamshysr.ri.nlly,yclling at yo! to go away.
You t€[ h€. that you can help her escap.but shc

.ontinresto screamat the toP oI her voi.c II you win8, turn to 11. It you wdt to
wanrto callout hermme, tum to 212 Ifyouwantto
go olt inro the courtyafd, rum ro r48.

The door opeN into a larSe storage cuPboard lhat
is full of cardboardbox€s piled high lf you w.nt
to open them, tum to 14. lf you have not done so
already and {ould lite to oPen rhe door oPPosfte,
tum to 23r.llyou would rath€rwalkon lo thedd
oi rh€ conidor turn to 3r

Yon h€ar the .ar enEinercrinS loudly inside the 244
Aarage. You l@k round the d@. and see Gingrich Th€ corndor tutr sharply lelt onc€ more. You tum
Ylrr sittins in the drive. s seatoI hisAustin Healey, the comer and walk towa.ds a doorway at the end
tu\\ dg th€ en8ine and lauShng llrere is ot the conidor Suddenlyyou hearrhesound of dogs
. r u s b o l d d e l ^e r) \a n P J4 cd n e \t to thc Aushn barkin8 loudly bchind you. A largc otvicious-
Hcaley.Bein8so.lo<c to \urr \ ou \ee iust huw hid_ looking Altack DoAs .ouds the comeL wild-eyed
e o u ! h e r e r l ly rs.h i s i n n rl c e \rl ma der ll th. m or e and slaverhS. The sleeklookinS and llrra a88res-
obviousbv hisZombie eyesandtorn flesh.He sud- sne animalsareruming at you at tullspeed.You
denly car.hessight of you and revs the enEineeven decidelo run for lhe door If you arewearing th€ sut
lolder, but aPPcarsco'riusedwhen he t.ies to Pul olarmour,tlm to lg.Ityo! ae notwearingasuitof
the .ar into gear Beause ol his translormahonhe
has virtually loraottenhow io driv€ and hjs rrostra
tion quickli tu;s anger H. Pulls and Pushes 249
rhe geai sri.k viciously back and foith lntil sud- You turn dd run, IirinS your gm at rhe window
dcnly rh€ ca. shootsfotrard, torcing you to lumP fiom which the banel of the .ifle is sti.king out.
to die side to aroid being run over. He diives out Yur baclc away long enouSh for you to run ba.k
.f lhe EaDg. Jt hiEh sPceJ.\se^inB Jmxnd the ttuough the double doos, locking then behind you
. o u y r n l o u r o f co n h o l .l r)i n 8 l o r u. vou duwn to keep the Zombiesout. You pressyour ear aEainsl
If you wmt to ru lor the oP.n doors in the north thedooroppositeandhc,r thc girl isstill ke.ning

F;t F-l


ro help her and (,ll out liquids. Class cabinets line the walls and inside
one lhere ae three Slas jars containing a red
liquid, mosr likely bl@d conraminated wiih the
zonbie virus. At the far end of the laboratory th€re
is a blacklaminat€d cupbGrd wnh slding doos.
There is anorher kon door at the bacl of the labo-
ratory on the left which is padlocked and bolted. Ii
you want to smash the jaB containinS thc fed liquid,
tuh to 90 II you want to try to open the non door,

250 Arolnd the .oms, you son arive at a jun.tion.
Thr d.lett staiF lead uP ro th.Smud flolr.f the To your nAht thereis moL\er.orndor leadin8 bacl
.asrlt \ou ,re relie\rd t^ be ba.t dayli8ht after the way you havej6t comelroh. DiFrly ahead
da!s rn near dark
be'n8 held .apr,v. ror so many the conidor continue strai8ht on belore tuminS
ness Y.ur eyes hatcr as the) Jd u+ to lhe bnght stErply righi. To your lefi th.rc is . wide, carpeted
liAht 01 the sun's rays PourinS throuAh a win.low stair a*, this time Soing down. There G a lot ol
high up in the wall oPPcit€ the toP of the stai6 banging and shoutin8 cominSfrom downsraiE. Yotr
Therc are sevcml lifesize Portraits h.ngrnE on the ddide to investignt.,weaponin handandrcadytor
brishtlv patted<d walls A \ivid red carPcl ruE
.lo;B r'hccenlt€ofa stonenootud hallwayon either
side ol ti€ stairs. II you want ro insPe.t the Pahr 251
inss, tum to 154. lf you want to go lefr along the One ot rhe Zombie rea.hes !p and tries to grab
hailway, tum to r2l. Il you wanl to go riShr along the genadeas it fliesoverhead. But he tumblesthe
the hallway,tun to 111. .akh and clutch€snothin8 bur air S€rondslater the
8renadeexplodesamid3tthe.lose-packed Zombies
254 who takethe tull forceoI th€ blasr,blowin8 many of
The dor opem into a briShtly lit laboratory that th€mro piees. Reducetheirnumberby 2d6+r.You
has stainle$ sreel work tops laid out with micrc- jump up to fight thosethat remin with your chosen
sopes, nasks,bottles, iars, PiPettes,thetroheteB,
weiehing *ales and 8la$ tanks.ontaining bubbling

254 lminated top on whi.h lic t paperbackb@k and

You decide to poke yorr head throoSh the hol. in the a platc of nalt eatenm€atloafdd you
d@r to show hcr that you are not a Zombie Whnsi want to finish ofr Otro s meal, lum to 117. lf you
you arc doinS this, a lall n.n with an unusuallv would rarh€r leave the rcom a.d hetd down th€ headwrlLssilentlv donn thc h.llwav towards
y;, armed with a rine. Gingrich Yurr looks at vou
with vourhead thruush the ddi and laughssilentlv
to hi;*lf. H€ beeinsliring and doesn'tstoPuntil he
hasrun out of bullets.Youadventure is olei

As you appr6ch lhe d@tray, the strcng sm€ll of 256
cmked food fills your nostrils and ar'akens volr The Zombi6 who s!ruive $e tust rcud of bul-
hlnser. Consumed by the thought ot eatinS,you lets climb up the ladde. and jump onnr the balcony
dasli throuEh th€ doorway into a smaU,Poorlyiit to atta.k. Redu.e your SUMINAby the numbs ol
room which aPPeas to be otto! livinS quarte6. Zombiesl€ft alire. lf yo! ae snll alive, you mul fiEht
Crubby sh€ts cover a thin ma(ress on a wrcoght them with your hand8m. ll you win, turn to t82.
ircn b;d in one comer,md sct againstthc iar w.ll
theie r an old 8as cookei that hts a saucePanof 257
poraroes{mmerinS on the hob AboLe th€ cuoter 'Ihe old lift dercnds slowly, judderin8 dd noisy,
ih c r c a r e t u n cb a d b p r'n te d 8 kn s he[es h\ed to Dtil it Erinds to a halt at ahegiound tloor where
th€ wall. One shelf is.ranmed sith cooking uten the doo6 slide slowly open. You are not expet-
sils and crectcrt and the other is iad€n with bags in6 rhe K€ption thai is waiting tor you. Stflding
otveset bles,n;st 01which n on the floor behind a shield of four screamingZombis, you see
vou seea briAht red shoulderbngthal hasrhe $o the madmm himself,CinSrichYurr,whD is laugh
;Hendrix'pr;tcd on it in ornatelettcring Yo! oP€n
in6 mnically and shaking his fist ,t you. One ot rh.
L\e bas and lind it conlainsnothin8more than som. Zombiesis holdinS. 8rcnadein its hand.Youtry to
dic., thre€pen.ils,a feh cois, a b@kwith h.lflhe shu he lifi door by pressingbuttons 2 and B repeat
r cor ditin\'
P r g r ! n F i n a a n J J ru B Jz.e a b i{ t edly, at thc aametime tuinA al the Zombies.All folr
\one o{ rt F nf intrbt to )uu dnd \u! umPr\ tnc ar€hit by thehaiI or buuers,bLt Yud crouches dom
contots onlo th. floor and k.ep the bag ln the mi.l b.hind the Zombi€sand is left unscathed He shoves
dl. of the room th€( is a rickety table with a white the Zombieholdjng the genade in rhebacl asit falls,

pushinA it into the ljft iust as rhe do6 ae closinE
it d.opa 6to the lilt floo., letnng 80 of the aMadc
jrst asthe lilt sta.ts its rumbling slow de{ent to the
basemst. I}|er€ G a massiveexPlosiontrom which
ther€ is no escaPc.If you ale w€aring a flali ja.k€t,
tum to 50 If you are not wearin8 a flak j..kct, turn

\^u pres' )our eJr iSainsl the d.ur ind hear thc
fdl:teps lome io a halt .uh de il. Tnln \ou hear
rhe all too tamiliar grunl oI a Zombie. Ii you want
to shoot throuAh th€ door, tlm to 42 Ii you want to
keepquiet and stay where you .rc/ tum to l1a

Yo! take aim and tire several shots, sending lhe
locl( flving off lhe splintecd door ll swings oP.n
to reveala large,dimly lir, windowlessroon $ hich
lmts like it was a bunk reom.Therearesix $ood.n
bunk beds lininS rhe watls, their dntv mattresses
npp.d open and \inB,bandoned afound rhc room
fte mrshrr nl th€ scufflLnB\oLnd\ F immediatcly
solved AArouP ot tngry Zombi6. sode with bro
ken limbs,.lhos with AapinAwounds, are lightinS
eachoths insidethe rcon.Onseeing yo!, they sloP
fighting- rhey now hav.a mrtual€nemy.Youcount
*v€nten in total as they rush towaids you, arms
ourstr.t hed lI you po$s hand Srmades, now
might be a good time to usethem.Tum to 157.lf tou
do not hav€any hand Srcnadesyouwill ned to use
another wcaPon. Turn to 27o

25o 264
Poor Amy is wra.ked with Suill and aPolo8izes over 'That'san easyo.e, saysAny 'Yun drives an Austin
md over asain for ac.identally shootinA you She Healey.You pmbably knew fiat alrcadl' As soon
pull( a emall Med Krt oul or her ihoulder ba8 Jnd as you type in the words Austin Heal€y,the sceen
helps brndag€ t,'ur woud The N'ledrit renores imediately b@ls up and you w a number of icos
: lrAMrN4 Poinls 5he €alDes thJr you kally are m lhe desktop.'Thcre isn't an intmet .omection.
trv'nA lo hrlp her You ft?ly rhar Lt wr\ you ohn How moying,' *ys Any. But there is one d(n
r a u l t ; d . s ^ e n th e c rcu m''a n (e sy.uehouldhar r ment which l@ks inrercsrin& labelled 'Emergency
said straishtawaythat you had readher diary Turn Exit. lf you want to open this d(um€nt, tum to 7a,
Alrernatively,ii you have nol don€ e alFady, you
ould hy to makea.all onthetelephone (tum to3:l).
i{ho you lift the lid, you hed a faint clict lollowed 265
b) , raprd trclint sud 8€foF yuu hrve rimc t' You noti.e a small door no nore than a metre high
€act thee r<a hu8ce\PlosionThe tnu'] wa'bmbv in theright-handwall of rhccorridorAsimplelatch
t appcd with a bomb whi.h blows uP in your fa.e L@ keepsitclos€d.lfyou wanl to op€nit, tum to 84.Ii
ro;iAMrNA points tf you e shll alive, tum to t5. you wodd rather k€ep walkinS alonS the .oridoa

Ch@sins whi.hev€r weaPon you thint best for close ,66
combat, you st€p into the ()6 lo fi8ht the twenty You empty th€ chamb€rof your Eun into the blood
eight Zo;bi6. Ile odds are not in your fdvou! but crazedhorde.Sohc drep to the 8rolnd screaming,
if you wir! turn to 298. iAnored by otheF who step ovd th€m to attack
yotr. BeIoreyou can Fload, you are $t upon and
263 be.ofre.overedin zonbie blood.Quicldyinlect€d,
Most of th€ ldkers are emPry sav€ lor one in which you becone a zombie, jainin8 the vreechin8 pack
vou find a leather wallet. lt contairo sme reeiPls, to Sivcchasc to poorAny Nho tunsawayshrieting
iwo club n€, a.redit card,$4 and n in terrcr Your adventureis orer
pre.eofpaper sith lhe numbtr llJ {ribbld on ii in
iendl. G;pcret the walLd dd the PLdeof PaP.r 267
belor€ leaving the rcom Tum to 20 The pain liom your wounds is tefible and your
hands shake as you try to open the Med Kit.

Fortmately theie is eterything in it you need to

ban.lageyour*li !p and slop the bl.cdins Add
4 srAMrNApoints still reelinglrom L\e effectsof thc
.xplosion, you strgger oli down thc c.rridor' Tum
il.'Y 254
You car.youta quick *arch olth.Zonbi€s' tattered
.lothing md lind a box ot matchesand $7 belorc
op€ningthc bcdr@n door b l.ave. Tum tu tsl

You look dow. th. ftc .scap€ mrl .ounr Menty tour
Znnbie .lambeing uP the staicas€ U yo! a
Ernad€ and sani to useit now, tlm to l31. li you
do nor haveo. want to u* a 8r€Mde, tum to 1t1

All sevent.en oI the Zonbics Pour out of the bunk
room,intentonriPPinEyou aPa.t.Youqlickly sele.t
your$erponro fi8ht th€ you win, tur nr 45.

Aman suddmly app€aE at the far end of the hall_
.n wrt ruming towardsyou asfastashis s({ky hane
sill cary him, vreaming at thc toP of his voi.e He
lools lil(e a normal human beins, ceitaidy noth
ing likc thc Zombies you have had lo fa.e 'llclPl
Helpl Theyl€ .omingl Helpl' he shoLts in a terrified
voice. As he gets .l(Rr yotr Rognize his ha.temalt
shav€dh..d, orangeovenls and arm-vbdts
It's Boris, on€ of the n.n you met in the

Behbd hLmrou *. Pacl or Zombie

(tumblin8 so yo! d{ide lo try to opes the d@r in the far wal
do$n rh€ coitrdorBvna chaR They ae hthting with the IGy hangrnSon the h@k Tm to lo9.
ea.horherto srt to thefronlot thePa.t KmnS ror
hr5hre,exha;ledandout of breaih,BorF3uddenlv
hiDs over his own feetand tumblesto the fl6r eme You try sv€.al conbinatioE of th€ dilieent keys
td nehes in front oI you You m$t qui.kly deide bufthe padlock ddsn't open. In the lasl fnslratinA
w h a tto d o lfy ou w anrto60bac ki ntot h eb e d r c o m attenpt, yo! foEe the smallestkey td har.t, snaP-
a.d lea\e Bonslo lendforhilNlt tum io t7 u you pinS ir ofi iside the lock. Jou camol get it out and
want to stand and figh he zombi4, tuh to 3r9 have no optlon bur b leav€ the laboratory and 60
back out into the .oridor tum io 164.
Y.u Doooo€n the tlvolat hes on the fLghl ca*dd
Irt ;ft ihe l,d to, are vsy Pl€aqedto frnd a flak
E.ler and a Med (it nsidc Wnenyou u* theMed
lrt,sa n 4 sra MrN AP onts l l v ouha \ e n o ld o n ' s o
a[ca{tv \ou m.v opcn$t \rolin Gr (tum to ro5)
rr vou w'nuUottrei tum tettoulofthe dom and60
i;mediately ri8ht down the .orndor (tum to 25')
The nak ,acl€t tates mosr oI the impact of the
shrapn l rhat ili6 towards you. You aie hit by just
a smallpieccot jaggedmetalwhich lodgs in your
le8, reducingyour sraMrNAby 2 poinrs.TheZombie
who was holding lhe Eremde was not so rortrnate
dd neilher w€re his fellow Zombies.They take the
frll iorce ol rhe blasl with frany ot thcm blown to
pi{es. Red!.e their numb€r by 2d6+r. You jumP
y.' y"* ,"..:f"r the boiler mm and up to fiEht thosethat are left with anotnerweapon.
fnd a crcwbarGd6)PrcPPed againstsomePrP_
-",.". uP
ing. Iherc is nothingele in the mm or much6e

E'] F:l
You s(n dive at a d@r in the n8ht hdd walL Y@ llE letteE ae aUaddrssed boa gnl by the nameoI
try the hddle but it is frrnly lclld. Ahead the.or v netche. Thq werc writien bv her Amt Helen
.ido endsat a T-jucto wl€re ther is a lar8e @k who ha a New Yort add€$. The lett6 w.ite
dBt on th€ lloor, *t agai8t the fd wa[. lin to 25. her dispprcval of Any going to work as a @k
r a tl@ of quetiouble chrractd in a catle in a
277 ote part of RoMia. She 6ts if Amy is beina
r you wmt to .arry on lrming towdds rhe ladd€t U lmked aft€a and wh6 she will be eltmins
tum to 134.If you want to rctreat back tttough the re to N€w York. Her later letteb beeh6 to .ome
double de6, tm b 2{9. . As tte tunths Eo by h€r commication5
@ mo€ frdtic, with AutHds'wonied sicL'
t the thinSsAmy hasmittfl to her, suchash€r
hving 9g 'mo in white <@t5'and Giryrich Yun
in8 totaXy weird'dd h€in8 tedible k€aft' 'I
in6 froh lh€ basemol. You pul the Lefterr dom
arc about to pi.k up the diary wha suddenly
lM a rci* outside. Ii's the slud of f@tsteps
ing dom 0€ hallway.It you wdt !o inv*h-
te, tuh to to3. r you wmt to clc the HEm
r .trd lGl it, t@ l,o258.
The *wd com6 to d drd ar a Point wrEe it Hs
into a wage pipe in the bnck wal. Ihe pipe i5 too
mmw to aawl into, not that you would wnt to my
wayl Tha is no altemativebut to ao bac&to the8h,ft a
yN passedand cumb out oI th€ we6. Tum to 17r. r

E tr
After pushinA lhe dead zombies off the balcony, Iou
iump-b.hind the Browning n..hin€ gln and
it fo; amunition. Therearc sever.l casesor bclt red I
ca.t jd*es, cert inly enough ior the .oming battlc
\ou put your bas dos n io Aiv" \oubelf iree_
dom l^str inBthr hea\\ 8un fr ums i J ctos i dr s i tl i nq
ready for action with -vour iinger on the tr188et vou
relea;e the safety cakh, cock ti. handle dd take
aim at the Zombics b€low. There are twentv rour
in total. They swarm iowards the ladder, tighting
each other to climb up it 6rsr' You sqleez€ the tri8_
ser dnd rmptl th€ belt ol .aLtridScsinn' the horde
;r un.lead the d€adlv frrepobtr ur the Brown'ng
machinesun inflicts (2d6+15)damaEeIl you kiu aU
of the Zombics in th€ first altack tuund, tum to 132
lI you tail to ldll them all, tum to 256


v The do.r opensiu Rveala smrll <loraFe.uPbturd

at th€ bacl of whi.h rs a bulginB srdcr ol tartan_
turn ro 2o8.It you have not done so alreadt yo! nay
op€n r hed@;oPPo{ t€l tum to z 45r l f y ouhdtto
;:lr .n h' th.endor th c Lor r doi tur n r o8r

You pull the sriety pin our belorc tossin8 the ge-
nadtthroughth€grP inlhedoomay Se.ondslate.
there is a loud exPlosion The bmginS on the d@r
iMediately stops nnd all you cd hear is Sming
dd whimpcrint.r you havea seond Erenade dd

FJ F'']

leavethe stck mm and tur riSht lo oPenthe door

wish to toss it inb the hallway, turn
at the cnd of the hallway Tum to 14
would r.ther Pull thc tumrture away
ro yo! .8 oP€n it/ tun to 64

'l wouldn't do that if I s€rc yo!,'says Borisaslou
steptowardshim.'l6sue you I amverv.aPable or
loo|ins Jttcr m]sclf. lr y ou<hl l qi " h tnati a.] hi m
Th.door rsn tleted and vouenr€t' smallroom thJt tum dtTo ll you wanl ba.t uft dd for the
6 fittcd out Rrth.uPboards dd shehes hlled
bo \ 6 o f r o o l : i i n <o rP a D t ra B sb ru :hes <r eanr n6
matsDls, old sarddnS 'quiPmenl sPades
el5, ..mpo.t ba8s, h.*PiPes sardenhg 8lo\s Yotr t€ll Amy not to wory'at and braA that you are
e.|5 anJ mMellan.ou' hoNhold rt€h\ mr mvc no$ r rerer;n Z.mbF \ldler, Pcrl€dly ablc to fin
Lh€ one
been dumped In rhe room dd forSotren ith off the rcmaiMB ZombF\' This.umm€nt<hNrs
lar& bra<r Rv
thinq hh ah cat hes your e\e E a hcr up a lLttle You t€ll h.r rr'! time to 8o ,nd thJt
r ne
thatis hanq,nsona hoor bv rhtsid€ ot rhedoor qh€shouldh?lkalon8 th €c d8eol th. r oEt ful l oq
k"rde N4a; CatP are wnttm on the w'll In bia(k
ine ihe rcad. You advie her to nate sue she stays
narl€r Denab.\e the hml' \ou delidt ro tar' lhc ouiol sRnt"tr nlbody d '!i ngal unSi hetor d You
k v. ,r into yrur bag 'Hcv lNt o\rrhcre. wr\e go"'lbye. say,n8 ttut vou will lec her $n
'lt;ina e'.itedlv J vc tound an electroN( Pane'
A;v s:is 'Youco b..k rn{de rhc ttoc} toom and .lo'e lhe
." il'e *utt tt t s"t, nume'n touchPJdberow sedeidoi You qit, tum left, and thd walk
disolar' lr vuu know thecodenumber to oPdJr€ aLonArhe w€srwDg befnrereach'n8lhelirircase at
oa;rl. tu; b thdt numb€r now lr vor du not rnow
the i;d'on hith rhe nodh wrn6 'rou ar€ about to
ir'pnumber there* not muth you cd do other tnan

her oM to wam the authorities whilst you rctum to

eo down it to lhe basemcnt the caslle to linith your mission, tum to 333.
momtea on
i,r trretetescope
There is a nus€ leatheFbomd book .n one of the
shelves fiied io the end w.ll betwen two boot
.ases.Ir n entitled ririfl8 Dedd:Thel'lorld ol Zonbl6
On rcmoving the book from th€ sheu yo! noti.€ a
snall brassplat€ on the sall b.hind it. There is a
switchin themiddl€ot rheplate.Ifyouwanl lo rerd
the bool. tum to 2o5.lI you would rather ti.k the
switch, turn to 324 lf you want to leavern€ lb.ary
andwalk on,tum ro 160.

236 249
B€forethe Z) rcachthe toP or the stePsvou The peson shNtins at you is onc ot lhe <ientists
slamthe rrapdooron toP of its headand slidethe At this rangeit sould be difiicult for him ro m$
locl:hur. su.ldenlythse rsa ma$Ne$Pr'ton ano you a s{ond time with a machineEun He sPiays
v.u aroblohn ofr !our re(l The traPdor benearh the hallwaywith bullets,severalof whi.h hit both
you n blown ru 'mrthereensd is the clcl tuw€r yoo and Ary with latal sults. Your adventureis
tt.'" no tuL .uul d s udi re s u ' h a t e r i' Dr c
'" ",r
exPl6ion Your advdture is over
\ou dab Anv s ha.d and run off towardsrhe 'over
of lh"efoEt \ou hear m,Lhine Eu 6r bxt don
stop tn loul ba.l as you seJre )our kJy betwftn
thJ ral tre6 Aftrr ten m futs5 run'n8 hard vou
stoodd itdown on a lo8 c\nau\t'd Now what
A ; v r + s b e.rh 'n g h ca v'l ) l rl o u wnnt t' *88€{
rhriyou should 8o t(,Eethtrto wam th' authonrres
tum to 35 ll tou d.nt to suBS$t thrr Am' Eoes'n

Th€ door is unhkcd and oPensjnto a living rmm
thar has bcm knally trashed A light grcy sora h.s
upsid. dokn r \ nen (n\.r and !L!hi nn\ r PPc 'l
!;cn,,pill.A loim .hlrr i nSJ l l .\er th" n" r T ( o
,i- .t' uu..,i ln u r ht s h'r c pl tr s
' ' .' .' 'tur eJ nd
iic collcc tabl€ has been jlmP.d on altt flatr.ncd.
All th.pi.tureshavebc.n riPPedofi lhe t'alls, thejr
fram€ssmashedt. o. the flo.r amidst bils
ol brok€n gliss and pottery A r.d Plasticrndio has
beenstuffedinto a Plantt1.r' It i5 still workinS,blar
2t, ina our sone it hdl rolume. A n'lcvisionon
itisid.a8ainst thc lar sall hasan lmbielli srickng
1u our of its rh.rtleredscr€n. N.ttto it bd huSere.trn
sular lish lankon a $toughl i.on standthat hashad
; hole Dnnchedthrotrsh the front SlnssPanelfion
which water is still pourin8 out ,^ Zombie is Picking
up rh, r \h rhrr Jr< umP nA ab"ul u. lhe flum rn.l
=;1+ ( r r mnr dE r hemint t t<aaPnt m o!th YnuaLel u( r
:h.uftoatta.k rhc Zombic when. wond thJt {as
\ hidinsbchind lhedoor le.Ps on vouibnck and tri's
i. bita vour necl. Rollon.die llthc numtar rclled
is r l, iurn ro r9' lf the number roilcd is 4 6, trrn

You unzip_. th€ ba* and find sonc nustv old sPofts
.lorhes pin oi giev s$.at Pants,d l:shi.t nnd
a Dair.flraine$. EYelvthinaseds to b€ lorr slze
;t v"" u"t tt sut the most excihng thing vo!
" "-
fi;d nr rhe baE is a ba*'ball bat (1d6) whkh could
:|1 seNe as a very usciul r'€.ton Sudd.nllr vou h'ar
sdakhing souds coming from inside the cuPbdftl
As you opm th€ stel door you are met bl, a blast of
6ld air Youpeekinlo oE refriSeratedmn and see
292 lorsof animalca(asseshangin8on but her'sh@k,
Y.u do not hare time to reload the b€tore atta.hed to chains 6xed to the ceiling There must
yotr arehit by the tuU for.e of an exPlodingbazooka be at least thirty half-sidesoI frozen bef and Pork
;hell The i;pact is devastatinsThe balconvis suspendedlrcm the eiling. If you wdt to takt a
blown to pi€is and you wirh it. Gin6rich Yorl Lookinside the rcom, rum to 5, If you would rathe.
olan! to conquerthe qorld mJ) be ^\er ror nob, closethe doo. and contjnuealon6the.oddor, turn
Lur t'. r"rs ith raz.d hushlcr ar rhes,Shrofthe
snokin8 hole in the wall Your advent!rc is over
The d@r opss inro a small washrcom. Theie is
a watch and a pair ol reading Slass on the
basin that somebodymst have left bchlnd by mis You rakethe oPPoitun y to have a Soodwash,
the first in days,and you lel nuch better IDr it as a
Fsult. You also take a lonE drink of watei irem the
tap. add 2 sraMrNApoints. You may take lhe wat.h
md the glas*s bcfore leaving to tum left back into
the hallway. Tum to 198.

fav n r p r o a l
rh e n i i o n !o u .a re tu l l ) L' If uP lh€ I' d of
t h ; b o ' ; n d h n d a sro i Jd er2 d b +rrr nsdeYou !i8h
wrth rLief rh.r ir hJ\ nolset uP a5a b'obl traP Yuu
. l i p t h ( 8 r en a d eo n to ,o u r b e l ta n d.on\iderwhar l'
du ne^t lf vnu ha\e not so Jrread) y'u mav
oDm fhe d;or oppuite (lum lo 28rr lf you wnuld
r ; r h e r w a l r o n to th e e n do , rh e .o iir dor tum r oSa

Et 1'-1

296 with which to open thc saie,you will to L€lve

J the room fld ;all< turthe! up the conidor Tu.n
ln lhr ton dr.w'r vuu iind Pens PaPcr a rurcr
and a
D o . r e r ! : , l c u l a t., J sra l l cr J h o l e PUlh
; h , , ". . h J e € r In rh s n e 't Jra $ 'r du*n ) ' u m o 29d
r,me or the t"nlt One of lh"m h'< You look areund at the camag. nr the tuom You
s h u r t b r L t h d aS ! re tto E o n th e b a tb llnur dljr r s almostf..l sory foi lheZombies, thesehelPlsslost
I t n m p \ s r \ . H JP I) l n th Z rE U rnd bsr sn' o Dv
\.," i 'l \m\ fsh 'rn 'rtr <( h' zaAor
souls r'€rc once hunrn beinss before bein8 t.ans_
\,- i;\lr'
fom€d bv Ginsrich Yun and his elil s.rvmt' lhere
nLrht bc, hutshr \hale\ her hcad lrclin8 Puzled is anoth; iron doo. in the left-hand wall of rhe Nom
L c t o t t r m a o .s." n tl n ' u u th i n Bbur i n' tehn' l
whi.h is alsotadlocked and bolted Using thc num-
w,ih the w.rds lmportJnt l'jodation writtcn U'
read ber€dteys y;u arc soonableto oPenit You find
thc co\.r luu flcl thruu8h th' nuieboor and yourselfbackin rhe gloomy.ofidor' Theentrance
t s o . n t f l e . trh .h .u L l d b . u stfu l The h^L on' io $e hboralor-ison yourlcftwilh theswing<toors
i, u*mamr wlxie RJbbit Tl'' s6'nd m€ b
'r beyondOn Jo!t nght ynuseetharlhe.orridor.un_
R , ' / n t l . , ! . s.J $ 1 o ro rb l @d A mv tellsy' u th' l nnu!\r'nlo! sd. driranG Y^u deode l. tum nAhl
PrcI€ssorRoznit is Yutr's head s'ientist rnd that walkinS up the conidor to wherc ir ends at a fit
a v c r v , l d ci rn u s md Y 'u P l h e tsu PJAesnut
r th€ notebonl,nd r\l Adv 'i rf
'ol tn^w! whlru d@i There is nou'here elsc io Ao so you Push down
'he s on th€ metal bar to oPcn th€ fire d@r Turn to 172
lhe door rt thc bacl !ead<ro lfe CnFrnh Yuir
wait tor an
Diivat studt'she lePli€s You don't 299
invitation to;pen the doot Tum to 233 Hampcred by shacklcs and $eak ifoh hmge.,
297 you ;il h, g;r iuur l.qs h,x h r nouEh r heai r Li ttn
ca:,lv lend" off vour Jft.mFt to qnarehrm YouI
\ou nprn lors ot bu cs but nnd nothinE m're lhJn
wan D.\ htr th.r t,ht sy' n a d.;p tr hez i ng r or .t r 'Ll
e i n e . . m o o n e n t' In n d . H o so cr *t ' n tr '
in;.\cr lur r bohl nr tood ur nnger s i i l l c fr as td
i o u *e t r i a o r o t I smrttq t' rh atwasFr e\r uusLl h;then kicks vo! viciously in th€ nbs *leral times
.onc(Jled behind th€ bo\ed Sams Thc $ords
The pain is terribl€ and you out when vou
brasslrv aR sntten on Lhelr'nl of th! sie 'b\r_ wake !p, you camot believ. you. eys You!r. 'n a
n ' r l ! a ; e n 'n d cr fo r l h e u w n e Ll ryuuhavtr br d' s
u n it Il vou do not larse, ;jndowl6s r@n lit by neon striP llShts. You
l c \ , l u m t u th en u mb e r<i a mP cd arc chained to a smooth stone slab, surrodded bv
hai. a brds lev lou (d hl toPrits thciltoPrn
l fy'u har e nothnt scree.hinE Zombies They very anrdatc'1
l . u h a r e a (rn w b Jr tu m ro 1 6 :
F1 T;1

when rhey see your eyes rlick oPen Thev shul-

Be.loser to watch as a ia[, thin, bespsta.led man
weairns a lung hhrie lrborarory cort and rubb.r
sr o\$ i;Fis ) ;ur nc.r hi th z um b€bl ( 'd T he!.i _
;nhn sni8B(^ a< h€ cll' y^u lhJt \nu are abuul to
becom. rhe latestcon{.ipt in CinS.ich Yuir'satmy
of Zombies.Your advNture is over

YousearchthrcuEhyour baS,lookinS iorsomethi.E
that.ould openthe slidingdoors ll tou Possess
hacksaw,tum to t55 Il you do not Pos€s a hact

The d@i isnl ldked and oPens into a iarge room
that is tut€d out Nilh rcws and rcws of bmkca*s
Ihde is a nusty smell in th€ ,ir createdby all the
old leathe.-bound tomestharhavedeteriorat d ove!
time, sittin8 unread on the shclves Without wam_
hg lwo ZombiesjunP out lrom behindoneot the
bookcases to att6.kyou.If you win, tum to 365

The ha'L.t rs rull of d'rly Laundry.tnwel! sh€tsand
Drlloh ca:e! \ou empry th€.ontYn[ onto rhe tloor
;d are surp.ised to rind a caidboard bot .t rhe bot_
r.m .f the basket. You rmove thc lid to lind thr€
hand grcnades(2d6+t insjdethe box Arter mak'ng
sue the tuin8 pins arc secue, you Put tne Srenades
in yourbag whi.h liih yoursPiritsand Puls a sP.in8
open.It you want ro standyorr 8.ound and fight
in yolr step as you walk down the hallway {turn
the Zombies,tum to ?4 lf you wanl to l@k down
into the courtynrd, run to 40
aol 1
Yor scak a look thrDuSh th€ doorwav and see two
Zomba aDqoa.nrnP,Ih€v <houLdnot bt mu'h ot
a problem ;r a ve|€;d z.mbie_<larerrlr !ou $in

The .loor oDens ro reveal a narow cuPboard scl into
th€ wall. Inside the cuPboard vor are ovc4ove't to
find th. Derf6t Zonbi. slopp.r; a shor8u (1't6+5),
rolr boi.s of shorsu ca idS.s dd two boxe l05
You pushdown on thewlter.oolertaP and lill youi
oI bullets.You lake evervthing md close th€ 'loor
.up. Th. warer is i.c-.old and rcfehing dnd you
dur(lv- mo\inc the nr'nnns ba.l t' its uri8inal
ro so Lel,Jl.nE tht halltrrv, take your tim. to drht as much as Possible Yo!
.1."in,1" U r".
' l r "."t hadni r.alized iutt ho{ thirst,v you were and teel
Lnr n, ,2r \o u \Jn l l o g ' n E h t 'lonE thc hall_
much betteralter drinting your lill Add2srAvIN,{
points.A qui.k *rr.h ol the g\'m rveals nothing ot
inrerestso you makea quickexitand lvalk on lurn

Takins no chances,you toss th. second 8renade
into the h.llNay Yo! brac€louMlf for the crPlo
sion but are hor;fied to seeth. Srenade ros*d ba.I
r laouBhth€doo ar lJndur Bunth€bedT n.r .i r a
n.r5<tree plo$nn and you tdle fit tull for.eof rhe
bla+ L)rnE un thc noor badlv an'l unable
rhe z.dbi". th. ;;5.r th. stai(asc md besin 'nrurcd
door i s Pu\hr d
t mor e J.,r .an onL)w ,tc h a>thc
hamn.rine on lhe 6re door It shakesunder th'tr
open by a horde ot Zombies. Stmding ov$ you s a
wcighl an; it wonl be long b.for€ they snash it


man wPrruu ordEe o\eralls wh@ f.ce vou ie.oa locatinSit hi6h and to the .i8hr of the doorway You
n'2e,thoush it isn.w.olred m qounds and DPen llick the switch dom and the @m is imm€diarely
<mi. Bo; has tumed into a zombie and mn vo! illuninared bI tuws of neon lights fired to the low
wi]l b{omc one t@ Your ad ceilin8. Il\e rcom n devoid ol any fumitue. l her€
js iusr a blood-staincd slab of polishcd ston€ on ,
plinthin th€middlewhi.h hasmanacl6andchains
.hach€d to each corner Tle Zombies mod an.t
grcan, shielding their ey6 from th€ briSht liSht You
@mt hdsty-o8ht in rotal. Ii you Poses any 8rc_
nad6 you my want to u* one of thd now whilst
0E Zombies arc stiU blinded by the non liShis
If yotr wmt to lob a 8rcnade at the slow moving
Zombies, tum ro:o9. 11yo! do not have any, turn

Unllckilv lor vou, the strav bullet hits you in the I11
rh,Rh \; drci tu rh€ floor<lurchingyour lea Amv The hallway turc .ight once mor and you walk
n;es iohrr:enses and sshdlcd rosvou R nrh_ a@ud the comer, arriving at a wide carPeted
in8 on the flm. in aSony lnse 4 srAMrNA Poinrs lf stair.a* on tt€ left, again Eoing uP The hallway
vou ar€ still aliv€, tum to 260. Mtinues on b€yond th€ staircase.Suddenly yo!
heara noisecoming frcm the top of the stancar dd
Eetrcady to deiend youselt. Tlrn ro 4&
rne kv turm in tnetocJfra vouIin.l vourselfback
in. n:in coridor tumins left lo riSht You lock lhe
dmr behind you and thinl about which way to go
The ddision is soon madc for vou There is some-
body coming aLongthe riSht-hdd .orndo. Turn

Wrth thr zombics.losinS 'n, you tumblearoud
lrdh(ally in th. shadow(rorthcl'Shlswitcnfinally
Fl E -:l

As tun as you.all out the nameAn, the rEam-
inA srops.You hear fmtstePs aPPrmchingand steP
bek as the door ors6. A yomS gitl's head aPPears
frlm behind the door she has a terifie.t erPl6
sion on her lace and tears are streamin8 down her
.he!s. Shebecl<oreyou inside the .oom and lo.ks
the d@r a8ain.YounoricetlEt sheis holding a Pistol
lDsely in her right hand. 'How do you loow my
name?'she ask. It you want to rePly it was iust a
rddom 8!6s, tuh lo 72.If you tant to rePlythdt
y o uh a v e k a dh e r d Dr yd d a \e u m € di tm u \tb €h e r '

You stdd motionlGs in the showet heart Pound_
ins.\ou he.rsomebody entrr thebathrcom 'norhnS
b;dly I ke a pr8 Thm you hearthe eud of the
tupboardbenA nppedoff thewill But you do nol
*; the zomb; hi,;l th€ showerruran' R.ll
nmber 'r.t
olled is 1-1,tum to r75. If the
o@ die. lf the
numbs rolled is 4-6,tum to 127.

Youqui(Uy .i tachfie Si,pplnE hookonb tn€ba(k
ol the.l(\ Md rhrc$ the ope ttuou8h 0le hoLein
the d€k fa.e. As the Zombie walks towdds you,
dFanite in hdd, you leaP ihrcuEh the hole and
abeil down ihe wall of th€ cl6L rower The ropc is
rct long enoughto rea.h all rhe way down m.l you
have to let Aoof i o .LtP ihe final five mete to the
rmftop below You twist your anlle quite badly as
you land. Lose 1 5TAMINAPoint Above you iherc 347
is a huee exDlo6,mas the @l of the (lml tower i5 Eve thouth plain mead@f i,s @t you favMiie
bbm;ff bt the d'rumit€. Debro ralh on toPol you di5h, nEht now it ta6heslike the bet mal you have
aer had in you life, Youh.lP yolelJ to sde Pota
- ftaqmen6 of stone,wood, cldk Partsmd evo the to6 dd *off thm doM util you 6 €at no morc'
16r;l ihe zombie that is no more-Tun to 359
Y@ pat you tull stomach.ontentedly and let out
a l@d belch. Add 2 sT MINApoinb. You m about
l,'loreand moe zonbiB;ather below-Hangin8onto to leave the rllm when you sPota sMll @tal box
ftedrupipe withonelEnd,youlrll11m8ethouth tu ked away under the stove. lf you wmt to oFn
you ba8 r;r a Srenade.You SriP th€ Pn with v-our lhe box, tum to 17a.If you would clhe. leave ttE
bee$md puu, dFPPinB trE 8raEde o tne zoturd !06 and t€ad doM the @ridor, tm to 93.
b€low. ftere is a loud exPlcion .aurinE .amage
lelow, but trs caus {en norc mbi6 to surge 3
inio the .ourtyard. Sddblin8 over the Pile of bod- nErc is a lord Gcl( of splintering wood as the d@r
js suddenly kicked ops by iwo la$e Zombie You
6, th€y qrab hold of rhedninPiPe and srtri Puling
ar fr;tiGllv lr shak$ and*os it nust fight theh. If Y@ win, tuh lo 29-
diffi.ult for y;u to hold on, beforc comin8 awav
frcm rhe wall @mpletely-You tumble h@dfiFt into tt9
rheoutst!€l.hed ars oathezonbie below clawed You a€ hit in rhe tu md legs by shraPnel but
6d bitter! you b@re infe.ted by their c6rami- y@ hdd dd.hest mira.ulously scaPe inury
tuted bt@d. S@n you will b(ome one of them lrR 6 sr^rrN^ points. If you surive, tum to 2d.
You adrenture is over
'ne large padl@k on lh€ dmr is Mde of tou8hen€d
You sreDover rhe slah Zombie to set into ihe lift. steel-There is no way you @uU Pn* it oPenwen
You *;there @ fou buttos you @n Pre$; 2, 1, G with a @wbar lf you have a bunch of kets num
and B which vou 6s@€ ftlate to tr@6 z 1,Ebmd M 1 io 8 md want to rry to openthe d@r, tum to
a.d basreni. You a€ on the sond n@i WiU vou 396,If you do not have thse keys d do not wmt to
pressbutton I {tm to 159),button G (tun io d6) or try to opd the door, you m6t go ba.k out into lhe

F-t F-l

T1E key lnl@ks thc d@r, which opss into a boilcr
tuoh housing fou larAe, mblinA boileF with out
let valves tussing sream.GorglinS hot wato pipes
lead up from the boilers, disappeannginto the low
ceiling.Thereis a largemetalan veni in the.eiling,
yet it is still ve.y hot inside the mm. At the far md
ol OE rcom there is doth€r ircn d@r and a liey
hanSingo. r hook .ext to it. lf you want to *!(h
the boil€r ruom, tum to 69. If you would rarher rry
to opd th. door in the far wrll with the key hanging
on the h@k, tum to 1o9.

You climb up the steps at a brisk pacc. You a.c abolr
halfway up the tower wh€n you hea. a
in8 from below Somebody .ls. is .omin8 !p th.
staiese behind you You huty up th€ steps mtil
you arriv€ at a lrapdoor in the wmden nmr above
you. It is not l@ked and you areableto push it open
You climb lhrcugh it to fmd you!*lf in a square
@m at the rop ot a clock rowe. A huge brcnze bell
i3 suspended from the cilin8. Thele are lour larEe
mechani.rl .locks, on. @ crch of th. toui walls,
fa.in8 the outside world, all whirinA dd ti.king
>,*l loudly LookinE throuSh the traBparenl laces ot
the .locls you are able to k forcsts and mountains
ln the disranceandyearn to cs..pcto tr@dom. Bur
!i8ht now tou have othe. mo.e prcssing mattes
to deal witb the footsteps on lhe slaircase are 8et'
fDg loldcr Wl1@ver ft is desnl tus to .!e that
you can hear thm coming You h€ar a sniSSerinS

F-l F;l
voie, a voie thar i5 noi quite human. You Erab a 324
weapor ready to fight whrer it hi8ht be. I\e When you fli.k the sit.h dow4 you hear a faint
snigSeringstops ad you hear a rePeatedclickin8 clicking sud like that of a .atch bein8 Eleased.
emd that minds you of somebodytrying to get Y@ have*t oft a irap. Without waminS a small dart
d empry uEht€r io work. You l@k doM rhbugh sh@lsout ol a nearinvbible hole in the wall lqeath
th€ trapdoor and se a burly Zmbie standing on the switch. Roll one die. If the number roll€d is r l,
the staircar holding th@ sticksof d)mmit€ in d. tum to 167.If the number roled is 4 6, tum to 331
€nodous hmd, their blminE tus fizzing loudly.
If you arc amed with a 8un md wanl to sh@t the 125
zombie, tun to 2{2. ff you wolld rather slam the TheZombie who sdive the deadly salvoof bullets
bapdor shut, tum to 286.If you want to smashlhe l!a.h the top oI the ladd€r md climb onto the bal-
glN faceof one of the dtrl6 and atremPtto.limb ony to attack befo€ you cd reload the Brcwning.
oursidead doM the clck tow€r, tuh to 15. REduceyour srAMtN^ by the number ol Zombies
Lft. If you are still alive, you mBt fiEht then with
you handgs. If you win, tum to flo.

You rca.h the d@r bui find it is ldked. Thse is a
key in the lftk but you do not have time to tum it
befoe the Attack DoEsare uPon you. The the at
lhe front of the pack jump up ai yorl' mouths oPen
.nd snarliry. You must defend youf*lf with whaf
.ver weapon you have to hand. Th@ are 17Atrack
32J Dogs in total, ea.h with I srAMrNApoini fld ech
You lift the reiver and by diallinS home but the .ausing 2 D^MAGE Poinrs.If you win, tun to 95.
tel€phore line b not com€t€d to the oubide world
All you are able to do isPhme exie$ion nmbers
itride the .astle. If you know Gingrich Yuir t nm
ber and wmt ro dial it now, tum to that numbei If
you do not t@w ihe nmba and wish io tuh on
I'm Soing to have 1o chr€e you. r ihft is my
srck mi$in6 md YuE finds out, we will be tumdl
into Zombies jmmediately-'Boris lmlc at his .lip-
board md ra<ls out what he has for sale, eyiry.
'Evdythjng h@ @sis a dolar We've Eot rubber
gloves, AAA batterie, hact saws, rrewdriveB,
pocils, steel pulleyr mgnifying 81ass, magnets,
shin& fish h@ks,smglas*e knile sharpeneF,6lu€,
packinEiape fld rGsoE. A bit of a mixed bag bul
127 tha we aa. t{hat wodd you like to buy?'
Ihe loud banginSon the dmr ontinu6 dd slowly Buy what you wish md pay $r fo. eachitem. r you
it startsto inch its way open,the @mbinedstrenSth want to ask Bori6 if lE has fly pbvisiotu, tum to
of the .nzd Zombi6 puhing ba.k the heary tur- ,8, ff you would .aths rh.nt him for hn he&, My
nitue. A Erey, skimy am covered with festenng
wosds squezes ihrcugh the d@tray, qui.kly 6oodby€,ad walk imediately ovq to the d@r in
the far wall, tum to 157.
IoUowed by two otheF. There is no stoPPinglhe
zombie now If you wdt to jmp out of th€ b€d- to
@m window into the.our9ard bel@, t@ to 87. The old lift des@ds slowly, lmbling ud judds'
If you posss a Eremde tum to 232. ir& befoE gindin8 to a halt at the 6ftt fl@i You
pre$ button B again but nothinS hapFns. Ihe liit
3r8 d@6 slide opfl to ftv@l dothe long halway like
The u*Ilrme is coEet dd you arc now sted to the de on the sond fl@r, endint at a window that
type in a p6sword, You tel Ahy that yd have no looks out mto th€.ourtyard, Iherc is ale a d@F
idea what it b. she asts if thereis a minder PbmPt way 6 the right at rhe fd end of th€ hallway. If you
60rihe passwoid,You tel her there arc two oPtiom, wdt to walk dom the hallway to opst the d@i,
'My Ca( or'My Cd'. ryou wat ro9?€ in thename hn to 12. If you would rather stay in ttE lift, you
of a cat, tm to 165.r yd want to R?e in ihe nEl(e @ eithe. p6s butlon G (tu to 33)or pls butron
ed model of a .d, tum to 164. B re more (tuh to q7).
14 tat
havenl pt much in stek at the motunt but Y@ pdl the pin @t H@ dnppn8 the ErsEd€
arc w€lcome to what we have. l'm sorry, but .LoM tl€ staituell. You hear it cladlr doM the
stai6 and sNnds later ihere is a mi8hty explciDn
which ehcs loudly ituide the.on ete shaft ot the
fie lsF. Ihe tudry iou Zombie e reduc€d
in ndbq by (2d6+r. Th@ that are left Bo aazy
md ra.e up the slaiE as f6t as lh€y calr' lmking for
ev68e. You step back lrem the dmr and 8et ready
to faG th€ orelaudt of Zonbi6, Mommts later they
pou. out onto the @f, berrk wiih rage. Ch(re
you w€aponand fi8ht theh. If you win, tun to 40

The Imding G .arped md th€ walls ffe covered
with b.ight patemed wallpaper Thee aft some
still life paintings and nido6 hanSingon the walls,
but nothi.g of u* to you. Y@ walk strai8hl alEad
mtil you cometo two white deMays oPPcite ea.h
other Youpres you ear againsirhemin tuh bur do
not hear anything. If you want to 6ter the d@r on
your lefi, tum to 246-If you want lo op€n the dmr
on your nght, tum to 28r. If you would ralher walt
on to lhe end of the coridor, tum lo 81.

Amy l@ks ar you iniently as you recomr all rhe
battle one dore time. satislied that you earched
€verywhere inside th€ castle dd left no Zombies
standing, you amounce that you are certain you
tilled thm all. 'I Gitainly hope so,'shereplies,smil-
in8. 'lf nor, Melis w b€ the fiBt villaSe the Zombies
.ome to and they will atta.k during the night. If I
wake up in ihe momin8,l'll know you did kil ihem

t r tr
314ai6 tt7
3t4 Yd wonder who she miSht b€ and if sh€ has bm
Nqt to th€ falld Zonbie, you find a $j bill d the hurpd into a Zombie,Ihe suit as areemptybut
floo. that wa3nrck€dinto the baseballcap it was one contaiN costum6 md prcps which m6t have
wearinE.All the instrnors arc smashedto Piees, ben !*d for drsing !p by childen lon8 since
but at the backoI the bom you w a violn careand grcwn up and departed, IheF is a.lown @tfit, a
a larye black fli8ht ce for m amPlifiet which is cowboy hat, a policeman'shelner, a fairy prin e$
coveredin anlne sti.kes. lf you wet to oPd the stune a spa.e helfret, a sailor's uniform, sme
violin.a*, tum ro 1o5.U you wdt to oPs the nighi wi8s, false beards md mousta.hes. If you want
cas, tum to 27r, If y@ would rather tlm left out or io take an,,thing, help y@self. Eager to leave the
the em dd immediately nSht down the oEidor 3cme of the cam6e, you hurry towards the Mt at
the 6d of the hallway. Ttn to 357.

A shay bullet fr€d from the 86 oI you adversry
ohinS dl)m the @idor fli6 Past your head, the rubber d@. Tum to 45.

bu wall ,onE dE lon8 dart coridor util you
ive.r a wluted@r n the nght-hdd w.U.Youtry
$6 hddle but the d6r is lo.ked. You l6k thbush
The storageboxs contain nothing but maguin6, keyhole and F that tha is a key in the lock
b@k rnd old phok€raPhs- On€ Photo is of an the inside. Ahead you w staiF aoing upwa.ds
intelligdt-t@king wolld with lmg dark han hich app€ar to be th€ best way to 8et our of th€
who is standing in ftont of a pnvate jet. The tum qSsdd<oFidoc Tum to r5o.
TheI@ Clark is wntten on the back of the photo
3t8 thich echc loudly down the coridor Lu.kily lor
Amy l@k5 at you imploringly and begFyou not k, @, the flak iackettakesthe bMt of tne impact.The
go b..k io tn€castle.Youreplythat you haveto sroP y injury you r*eive is a shal pid€ of shrapnel
Yuii belor he ur eash6 hB Zombieson the wotld beddedin your le8 wh,ch reduceeyour srAM-
Yotrress@ her that ir wDn't take long to deal with NA by I points. The Zombie is not so fortumte It
the Imainin8 Zombie and that you'll catth her uP 116 notionl6 on rhe srone flooi blom to Dides.
in no time. Shesta6 at the 8tuund, a tear rminS You waste no time dd hurry on doM the.onidor
down hd dwk. If you p(res a 6otd Ldket @ r iil you slop ourside . dooMay in ttE l€ft-h.nd
Eold .hanr tlm ro 53.II you do not have rhe ldket. all. You liito at the d@r and h€tr loud barljn8
(bming ftufr th€ oiher side. r you want to open the
@i turn ro 15 if you would larherpprs on, tum

Wnh you weapon at th€ rcady, you sieP fotrad
to def6d Bons.Your heart pounds when you comt yr
the sheer number of $reechin8 undead charSing bu 5oonarri\e ar . rcw or ellq running alonS
doM the halway towards you. Ihere are twoiy_ th sid6 of the <orido. The frcnt of each€I has
wen Zombiesin toial. If you PGst my Erenad6 r-tccilinE imn bars with dm6 builr in. All of
you may u* one of then now, tlm to 2@.lf you do m .re hangingop6. Tnse ir a tdible stench
not have any temdes, tum to 17- in6 from the ceuswtu.h you reogru4 .s rhe
t id mdead stinl of Zombi*. But thee i5 rc sid
3{o them. PdhaDs thev wee released bv Boris? Y;u
The6retudebounce5alongthefloortowddslou and alt on dd dive at a slaircae going up. Yo! climb
almcr rlmediatell thee 6 a deafflinS e\Plotion dd find vo$elf on the @ud fl@r of the north

Et r
win6 of th€ .astle. You @ at one 6d of a long half
way whi(h tuN riSht at the far end. I}lere e two
<l@trays oppGiie ea.h other in the middle of the
hallway.Theone6 your nght would apped to open
dto the .ourttad, Ihd€ is a telespe momted on
a table next to tbis d@r Suddenly a ylMg, blond€
gid drcssedin jem md a white T$hid and carrying
a small shoddd bag appearsfrcm atuud ttu co.
@f at the far end of the halwal HalJ walkin& half
ming, she kep6 dancing behind her a.ting as
thdSh ehebody is folowing hd Beforeyou cd
@ll out to her she opeE the d@r b you left, j6t
@ a pacr oI Zombi6 appea6 ftom arcud the.or-
B in hot psuit. The 6nl d(E the d@ quickly
b€hind her lhe Zombi6 beginhamerinS d it md
you hear the girl *rcam. You have no choi.e but to
80 ro hd Ene an l fight the Zombies,all senteen
of them. r you win, tm to 245.

The doo. op4 into a briEhrly lit rcom that is laid
out with srated-the-art $m equipmdt There arc
t1aing machin6, rowinE machins, treadmills,
e'ftie bikes, w€i8hts md ttfuhe' But there is a
loi oI rubbishon the fl@r dd noneof the equipnot
l@ks lilG it hasbffi @d in a long time. Th@ is a
wat€r cooler in rhe fa..oner of ttu mm, iis paper
ops .ipped out of the hold€r and strewn ad6s the
.ltiny black floor If you want to pi.k up a cup and

w drink the water tuh to 106.lf you wodd rather shlt

tlE der md tep Soin& tun to 12.

343-344 345
341 t45
You dimb dom though the hole, Ietiin8 Eo of the Otto's rea.tions arc slow and your quick movem€nl
lift fl@r at the last pGsibl€ mondt. YoudrcP down calchG him olt guard. You manageto w.ap you
and hit the ba*m€nt fl@r ha.d, twistin8 your ankle legs arcund his nidritr md haul him scremin8 to
ttrE r rrAMrN^ poini. The bra* dimond-SriIed the Arcund. He tries to Miggle fr& but yoL hold
slidiry d@rs at the bottom of the lift are shut and m to him, wrapping me of your.hains arc6d his
you are uMble to pull them aPart to enter th€ base_ rKI(. He gaspsfor brearh and lashesoui,.atching
ment. If you Possessa crcwbar,tum to i85, lr you do you in the facewith his elbow but causingno real
not Pcss a c@wbd, tum to 3m. damaSe.You hana on to him and pull harder 6 the
in util h€tive5 up rhestruggleandpass6 out.
344 He slumps down on top of you but you arejut able
You step into the shower md Pull the yelow cur reach his bell. Your *arching 6nges tind a ley
tain shui behhd you, Therc it a lot ol noi*.oming Ibched to a rhin chai^ on his b€h Tne cha,n 6 just
non the Hrcom- Thereis shouting and *rcding, dough for you to be able ro pur the key in the
bantinE ad dashinS, and the smd of tumitue of your shackls. lt fits dd the ld( pops opo,
being thrcM aNud dd glass bein8 ffished. uch to your rcliet You unlmk rhe other shacHe
TheE must be Zombie in the bedffi, no doubt d mp ir shut over the lnconecious thug's wnst.
about it Will you stay hidd6 behind the shower *arch of his pckets yields nothin8 more than a
rutain, amed and aady to fi8ht (tum to 313)or Eo hoto of a plmp, middle-aged woman whi.h you
inb the Hmh to attackthe zombi€s (tum to 53)? w to the fl@r You rub your injured wi,srs dd
ink about what to do nexr. You arc baefoot dd
@int theeme t-hirt dd <argoshortsyou had
whe^ you wer tJdtupp€d. A chdte of(lorh6
ould b€ w€lcome but otto's snell woe thm
rs do, e tlEt will have to wait. Yd must find .
.y roesape.ortost.rBromo.n a5hee8arns<on-
i()ll!J1s. tf you want to nlerc8are him. hrm ro
!f you want to l€av€thepnson ell rlmed,atelt

F:t F-l
146148 449

t16 .gitatet. Yd € a baLony 6 the fi6t doof of the

Rohik staresat you @ldly dd eys, 'Well, I sugSest ast winSwhi.h hasa h€vy m.hine 8u mout€d
you nm arcmd, go back and 8et th€ money fioh on it. TheF i5 a meial ladder attadEd io the wall
Yun' If yo! want to pul oui you 8un to arrestihem by the side of th€ baleny whi.h lrs from the tuf
ad ldk them h the.elL, rum to ,64. If you wanl doM to the courtyard. lI yo
to push past ihem md tu down ttE coridot tum the <ourtyardto the ladiler, tum to 88. II you would
hther sta.t shootingat the Zombies,tum to tq.

The door opsE into a windowles mm that has
a.ircula. table and six dEi6 in the ceftre. A1l rhe
wals e lin€d from floor to ceilinEwith shelv6 thal
are crammedtull of board Aam6/ .omPute. Eames,
boots ad eva 25 i$ue of an old gamesmagazind
with the slrm8e name Oui & Wedel.On€ sheuhas
a row of b@ks with distin tiv€ 8ree sPins dd
fantastical-souding iitles lile TheWa ockoJFnehl,
Molnd,r, but mosi shelvd display ow upon rcw of
b@rd Emes. On a high shelf,n€srledbehvd a Pil.
oI b@rd gamesand a box 6le labeuedG,m N'8r, ,49
Nruilelrds, y@ seea lilver two handled .up. You A qui.k *ath of ihe Zombie's .loih6 plodue
lift the trophy dom md seeit is ins.rib€d with thr r brass key and a waUet. The key has the number
words 'Ite Pagod. Cup'. Iher€ arc six nameseiched t1I stamPed on it. The waUet is empty apart iiDm a
on the back of the.uP over a Period of 27 yeaa. Il cncked plasti. drivinS licen e in the tume of Tom
you want to oPeneme of the boxed gam6, turn t() Watson.Thephoto on the.aid is of a smilinS,rcund
.97. If you would iaiher leav€ the room dd walk taed I)u with black hair and Elass. You stareat
turthd up rhe.orridor, tum to 19. the photo lor a few moments,wonderinq whai fate
lad led hin here, to be ru.ned inb a tmbie. You
t4a t6s the wallet aw.y and look in the dpboard. The
The 8las-panelled double doo6 leading into ih! .to.age boxes arc full of household ju& which i6
.ou.tyard are not locked. Ihere arc a lot of Zombics of no u* to you. You p@tet the key dd .a.ry on
wandenng arcund in ihe .ouryard l@kin8 ver! down the hallwa)4Tlm to nr.

t50 i.te lhe tull force of the blast, with
With the hlge numberof Zombi€sclosinEin on you, blown to piec. R€du.e their nm-
Amy s.eams at you to huy up dd open the pad- You jmp up to 88ht the IsaininE
ldk. U you posss a larEebrN k€y, tlm io 35- If yolf ch()@ weaPon.Tln to 17,
you do not have this key,tum to r43.

You arc relided to have sureived the mslaught of t51
the Attack Dogs.You walk to th€ ba.k of the room fhe *idtist mmg6 to plsSe the syrin8€ into
dd tate the b6.h of keys off the hook. Ilrere ar you tuth. You rrcu in teftr, rcalising that y@
etht in iotal, eachdillerent in sizeand ea.h stanped wil s@n bdome dother member of Ginsri.h
with a numbe. betwM 6e and eight. Ihe m[6t Yw s .my of zombi6. The hdiormation begins
key G No. I and the larget ley is No. 8, You h@k ost imediately. Yo! 6r you Em rfldon y
them onto your belt, hopnr8 ihey will be of uselater b€foE dmppin8 it on the ground, @able b rhink
on you wat you notie a rnall cupb@rd 6 the for yo@li YN advotuF is ovd.
left-hand wall. You open ir to Iind two Med Kits

Secondslater therc is a hige explosim. Fo.tfately

you are only hit by a smll PiG of shraPnel
which lodg€s in your l%, edudng yu sr^MrNA
by 2 poinrs. But the ZDmbi€who was holding the
Eremde was not so fortmate and neither weE hn

F-t t';l
Thepaintings are all porlraits of fonnjdable-lmkinS
rEntlemen who have lived in th€ cdtle down
f,bugh the ages.Th€y aft a[ nameddd dat€d.All
of them havethe s1rmme Yur Eachhasa sren lmk
@ hb la.e, ercept for one - a shtrP featured man
with lon8 hair a piercinS starc and a sly 8rh who
16l€ more mean and evil than a[ th€ others. His
nme is Cinsri.h Yur He is the .u@nt oM€r of
the casdeda the man Otto said want€d to kill you.
&spite wearing a yellow waist @r and holding a
r6alt white rabbit in hjs ams, he stmds theE conli-
dtly as a ma io be feared. If you wanl ro iNP<t
ihe portrait more d@ly, lum to i26. If you want to
$ left ronE th€hallway,tum io:21. If you wantto
o ri6htalongthehallway.tum to trl,

It d6 not tale r{y log to cut ttuou8nthe mei.l

tch k@ping the sliding doos fasised. You slide
the d6s opd and 6nd yot|tru standing in a.old
.lridor lii by ciling lights that h.v€ squaeshaPe<l
t6ted glas shades.Ihe.eilinS is painted a cheF
Lss mustard .oloui The walls arc the same.olour
$ove a waisi-hi8h srrip of da* geen tiles, many of
which N missing.The paint on the wals is old and
cled and sm€aredwith blood in severalplaces.
Yousnifftheairandnobea veryupleasantchemi'
.al sme[. Sudddrly you hed the soud of fmtstePs
foning d@n the .omdor to ytu left. To your n8ht
twflty net6 away, therc ar swing d@ts
acIB the collidor made of vulcanized rubb€r

F-t E-:l
t56-157 358-159

If you want io 6nd out who is comin8 down the or- impact of the erplosion. Seonds later th@ is a
rido., tlm to 45- r you wmt to walk thtough the Loudb@m 6 the Eremde explod6,.asinE 2d6|1
swinEdoo6, tum to 31. DAMAC..You open what's left of the d@f and per
into the smole6lled tum to vis the cam8e. Th€
355 Zombie l€ft srddin8 statger foMard to atta.k od
You # that tlse are still plenty of Zombies mill_ you must *let another weapon to 6nish thd off.
inE arcund in the cofftyard ouiside md whisper to
Amy that you will deal Mth them alt€r you have
helped her to sape. You tipt@ uP the hailw.y,
@uched dom sononeof them cd * you thrcu8h
the windowg You reachthe end of the halway md
peer rcud the riSht-hand comer lo tmk down the
eastwing hallwaJ.Youwalk about6v€ mer6 doM
the hallway whe^ sudderLlyan alam tEll 8G olf,
emitting a shrill, deaiding noi*. This is quickly fol- 358
lowed by the .at-a-tat-ial bust of m.hj@ gm Iire What u*mahe will you mter? ff you wat ro i]?€
coming from behind you. Roll one die. li you rcll jn the words 'White Swm', t|m ro 50.If you want to
r 3, tm to qo. If you rcll 4 {, tum to .19. tt?e in the words 'White Rabbit',tum to ,28.

You are in .osiderable pain but pick youMr up

.nd i@k around. Youarc standinSon the flat mf of
the w6r win& high aboveth€ Eravel-coveredcourt-
yard below The quadrmgle is forpd by the imer
walls oI the sdstone buildings that make up the
castle.Sudd€nly a blue md cream sports car r@B
th@ughthe @in gatesin the $uth wing and into
the ourtyard, 9res rlRhinE on the gravel. ln a
t57 lDndbrale tum, the car com6 to a halt in a .loud of
You wast€ no time dd pull th€ Pin olt of the 8re d6t in front of a Edage dmr in ihe eastwint. The
tude, tossin8it hto the domitory beforeslming driver. w,rh ronSh.,red an unusuallrlaJEe
the dmr shut. You drop io th€ fl6. to avoid rhe head. 'lw
jumps out of the car dd u d|5 rh€saraBe

dooa He jumps backinto the driver's *at, slamslh. lwmtygen Zombi6 in toral trying to aet onto the
.ff into gear and reveRs it inro the Sarage,wheels laddei You Srir your t@th, relea* the elety .atch
spimin8 h must be none other than Gingnch Yurr dd fiF continully al the Zombie ulil the b€lt is
himelJ! Zombies fl@d inlo the courtya.d bur thc dpry, carsing 2d6+r5 dam8e. If you kill all of the
mn dG not reappear Two of rhe Zombie belolr Zombiesin the first Atta.t Rodd, tm to uo. U you
tud their headsand lok uP. They Point uP at yor tail to kil rh@ aU,rln ro 325.
and b€gin <reahin8, attradin8 the att€ntion or thc
others.You n€edio act guicklt Thereis m oPensly
li8ht in th€.oot somerwenly metresaheadof you
There is a drainprrc which runs down ihe sid€ ol
the west win& from the baF of the .lock towei all
the way dom to the .ou.tyard. lf you want to walr
quickly over b rhe skylidt, tuh to 393.It you wanl
ro .limb down the drainpiF, ium to 4.

Whever is on the ef is very strcng and hs no
tbuble in liftinS you up by your thrcat. You Easp
fo. a4 le8swrigglin& struggling to poinr your 8@
rt the ceiling. You take aim dd fire, imediately
the iron Erip on your thrcai i5 Eleased. You fal
onto the loft fl@r landing heavily on your back.At
lhe em€ time a hu8e Zombie oash6 rhrcugh the
160 l@t continui.S shaiShtm thrcu8h the loft's .ottm
You lok ovd the edge of rhe balcony and e thrl 0@itr@.ds to the coridor b€low, takinE you dom
the ladder is iamed with noe Zombies climb ith it. Roll one die. II the nmber olled is 1-?, tum
int up it. Somefalloff dd olheF losetheirlootinE, 2r1 lf thenmbe rclledis4 6. tum to2.
dangling by on€ hdd hom the ladd€r PEhinS
and shoving eachother, th€), aE slow to climb ut
You scrambleback into P€ition behind the heavy nush aEaiNt th€ wall md you
mchine gun dd brcathe in d€ePly. You counl leverageon it wfth the .rcwbai
36t364 36a-366
You try ha.kin8 at the wal with the <rowbar but containing contamimt€d blood. RoU
camot dig the safeour, as it is bold inside a elid rcll r-1, tum to 153. r y@ rcll 4-6,
bri.k caviry The noi* you arc maKng is bomd to
attract the attention ot e@body or methint ny
minute ed you eali4 it js tu6le to .ontinue hying
to break in to the 6af€.Finding nothing elseof int€r
6t, y@ leave the Sams ll)6 ad wal( turther uP
lh€ coridm. Tum ro 19.

A quick *arch of the Zombie eveals nothjng
but a note in the top pftket of the male. It simply
tb3 et€, "rel hra I love hs.' r y@ want to stay in the
You fel a slav{ing mouth on your ck bui beforc library and take a l@k at the b6lis, tum to ir9. If
the Zombie has time to cl@ its jaws dd bite you
with its brcks teethyou 8lab its am, bendfotrard, )ou would rath€r coniinue walking along rhe coF
dd ftip it over your shouldd. lt lands with a thumP
on its back on ih€ bmken dffee table and llld in
pain. It stmalsup slowly dd both Zombiesclosein t6
Six buuets fly thrcu8h the dmr in rapid suoession
to attack.If you win the fi8ht tum to 83. ad @e of th6 hits you in th€ leg, Lce 3 srAMrNA
Points.If you e stil alive tM to ,54.
The sidti.ts l@k sh{ked whm you point you.
gun at them. They rai* then dm in the air to sur_
ender You tell them to wau( thrcugh the swing
d@r6 nd into the fiFt cel pa6tthe lift. ,A3you Pass
by thel'ft. Roaik d rcpsl$ <lipboard, prtending it
wasby addent. As he bend5doM to Pict n uP,he
suddenly jump6 up at you, attemPnry to inj<t you
F3 F.I
Youpre$ thecallbuttonon thestainless steelpanel
next to the lft door lhe lift stdts to hm as it rm
bl6 up the lift shaft frcm the nooa below. lt stops
with a thuhp and the ders slide open, Seven
cru ed ZombieswieldinE kitchen knives pour oui oI
the lift to atta.k you. You are stabbedin the arn by
th€ firsl Zombie be{oreyou have time to r€a.t. lo*
I srAMrNA points.Thm thebattleis on.If yo! wjn,

HoldinS your arm ovcr your eyes,yoL .rash throuSh
the holc in the .lock fa.e, Mding nore glassflyins.
You hurlle ihrcu8h th€ air, whirlinS you arms and
legs around, trying to keep yolr*lf up.ight. You
land h€avny dd paintuly on th€ rool, rcllinA over
in an aftempt to be6k the fall. Above you rhee is a
huae explosionasthe top of the clock tower is blown
aparr by the dtnamite. Debris falls on top of yo!
f.agments of stone,wood, .lo.k parts dd even the
foot of ihe Zombi€ lhat is no mor€. You are nol in
geat shape you$elt after the long iall down
th€ r@f. Roll two dice and Fduce you! STAMINA by
the rotal rolled. If you ae srill alive, tun to 3j9.

As you m ados the .ourtyard towards the open
Eara8e, lhirteen Zombies .harEe our. They have
ben locked up in a stoe em at the ba.k of the
garagefoi dar€ and arc beBerk with !aEe. Ihey ar€
wielding largespanns and hammeB,making them

norc powerful. You must fi8hl tlEm. EachZombie ftst time sine you mt her You tell Amy ir's time
who swives your first attack will ca$e 2 points of for her to Eo fld sugget that she walts along the
DAMAGE. If yotr win, tum to 247, edge of the foet, followinS the Md, bul making
s@ 5h€staysout of siShtof flt'My drivinS alonS
170 it You wave goodbye, sying tlut yotr will * her
As you sbide over to .tr,.k him with your .len hed @n. You go back iBid€ rhe stdk @m dd clore
fiots, Boris simply shtugs his shouldersatain l@k the se@t d@r behind yd. Youeni th€ st€k r@m,
ing alnost bored and sayr 'crodbye!' He pulls i tm left, dd then walk north ddg the wBt wing
tever md a stion of stor fl@r drcps away frcm beloE rcachingihe staiM* at th€ jm.tion with the
under your leet. Tum to 216- mrth wing. Y@ arc about to 8o doM ttE staircase
!o the bMent wh6 you @tn sight of the telF
spe mosted on the tablealEad. Tln to 2ro.

You pi.t you way thouth the twitching @rPsesoi

the Zombi6 that d Piled uP 6 th€ stai(ase, You
pul the axe Gd6) oot of the hand of the one'med
t7L Zombie before clinbing rhe orainare to the cat
The Zombie'sbfte is painful (l@ I srNrNA point) fl@i You slep out onto a coridor landinE wherc
but ils teeth do not pi*e ydr skin. Beforeit cm you can 60 left (tun to 47),Eo ridt (tum h) 40) or
infe.t yd by bilm8 depd, you Srab its am, b6d go 3tidght ah€.d (tuh to 33:).
fotrad, dd flip the zoi'hie @er you shouldei It
ld& @ its backwiih a ihmp m top of the bol€n
coffe tableand howls in pain. lt standsuP slowly to 374
join the other Zombie who .l(g in to atta.k. If you You hear a noi* lI@ above and l@k up to see
GinSrich Yun's evil he starin8 dom at you
defeatthe zombie, tlh to 83. thsugh the hole in the bottom of ihe bloM{ui
lift. He drcps a small boHle down thbugh the hole
t?2 whi.h shalieB m hitting the floor of ihe lifr shaft.
You mch htd your pockel dd Eive Amy the gold It contains knoclout 8as ad you smn fall uncon-
l@tet dd chain.'My ldket! wha did you 6nd it?' sious. lvho you wake up, you lind yowlf in a
she asks,suddenly ch@hn again. 'You dd't want laige rcom with a hiEh ceilin8, .hained to a slab of
to know!' you reply, 8iimh8. 'Thanr you. IlEnk polished stde. You are sumunded by s@dhing
you. Thant y@,' she et6 h.ppily, Sriming fd the

t75 176 37Tt78
Zombieswho beome very himated whs they F is quick actinE md you drcp lo you kn€ clut h-
you eyesnick open. Irey ftwd in clo*r to wat h int you sromach.You tall unM$ious and never
a ta[, thin, bespe.tacledmn w€rin8 a long whiie €over You advfltw is over
laboratory .oal and tubber gloves injKi your ndt
with Zombie blood. The ri€ntist 3niggeB and t€lls 1n
you ihat you are d6tined to bRome another con- Youbomd up t\e shns a5fast asyou cm. Thealarm
sript in GinSrich Yurt amy of Zombies- You. stopsringing who you arc half*ay up, rcpla.ed by
new emds comin8 frcm b€tow footslepsmd the
.I-r@familiar sound of howling and &Ighing
nbi4. You kep ming up tl€ stai6, hopin8
that the lire door at the rop i3 nor l@ted. Brcathing
had, you reachthe 8rc door and push down on th€
tutal bar Thed@r is nor leked md opeB out onto
. llat pad of the @f of the w6t win& wherc you
6nd yourself stddin8 in briUiflt surshine. lf you
want to bl@k the fire *ape to stop the pubuinS
pa.k of Zombiesftun comingoui ofto rh€ mi rum
to 15. r you want io tet eady to liSht the Zombiet

All the Zombies that w4 in ihe b€dmm Polr ,78
thftu8h into the bathmm, ea.h oneeagerto riP you The dmr opero into a smal laudry rcom. Thee iB
apart. You try to standup io defend youself bur ae . tall white cupb@rd in oneo6€, in front of which
*t upon by 3ix of them. They havethe initiativ€ md li6 a bu.lGt d its side, a mop and two bmms. A
yotr lo* 6 sraMrNApoinls in their initial oGlaught plasti. baskerpiled high with washing sits on top oI
lf you ae siill alive, you mana8€ro.rawl out ftoF . wo.k surfae which tuns frch one comer of the
mdemeath the pile oI Zombiesto fiSht them asnor fd wal ov€r to the cupboard.Undemeathit you s
mal. If you win, tum to 20. . washing machineand a tumble dryer 'Ih* is a.
old bla.k kit bag propp€d up aEaiNt ih€ wall by rhe
J75 dma n€xr to a @w of sh@s.If you want to open the
You@ quite thnsty and SulPdown the liquid whi.h kit ba& tum to 291 If you want to open the dF
r4res much benq than it smells.unfort@tely it is
laed with a deadly lDison - .ydidel The Poison

t rtr

ClimbinE doM tne ircn tungs, yo! neany .hote on
the a.iid tunes .ising up from below At rh€bonom
of th€ shaftyou find yourselfstandingon the edgean
oPen*wer A largeoPenpipe prctrudc frcm a bricl
wall to you l€fi, spillinE irs upleasnt contentslnto
the *wer, whi.h hasa red bn.t path ruming alon8
side it on which you are standinS.The cylindrical
]l wer is dimly lt by shall liSht bulbs attach€dto
a <lroopingcablesuspmded lrom rhe brick.eilinS.
ft€ liEhis arc too far aparr to 4able you to seevery
far trropleh of water fall from the cilinS, mliing
an eerie ploppinE sound as they land in the slow-
flowing *wage water.Suddenlyyou hearsqueakin8
$mds. You peer aneadinio the gloom and s@ not
Zombics, but a swarm of huge, grey rars {urryin8
towards you. Mutat€d by the .ontaminated sew-
a8e,rhe Mutant SewerRatsarefour tihes the sizeof
o.dinary rats.They havebul8in8 red ey6, and lonS
slurp te€th and claws. Therc are fifteen of then in
total. Each has I STAMNA point dd caNs 1 DAM'
acE point. Youmust.h()@ a w@pon to nght thd.
If yo! win, tun to r22.

Afte. putting on the white laboratory.oat, yotr walk
boldly throuShthe swing doo6 and introduc€ your
self to the sci€ntish, eyin6 thar CinSri.h Yun has
sentyou to ioin them.Th. evnl@Ling scientistwith
the shaved head inbbduces hiNelf in a cold voice
as Prcf€ssorRoaik. He l@ks at yo! suspiciously
dd demands to know if you have brcu8hr the

38' 132-'35

$1@ that Yur ow6 him fo. the lat batch of.on 38:
laminat€d blood. If you have fio dd wdt to Pay the alam hd stopp€d md you wasie no nme and
Roznik, tum to 118. r you do ncn rEve $ld or do M up the Iire €$ape, not stoppinSmtil you rca.h
not wdt to Pay him, nrm b 146. the toP of OE staiE. Breathin8hard, you reach the
ffft dmr and push doM on the netal bai Ihe d@r
is not lcked md opss out onto the r@f of th€ w€t
winE where you lind you*U standing in brillidt

You take the tuI force of the bLlt in ihe .hest. Th*
ir m way you @ su4ive su.h d qplosion. You

The dan thumps into you nel, pier.in8 th€ sbn
with ease.The dart i! Poien-tiPP€d, albeit a mild
poi$n. L@ 5 sT MINAPoints.lf you m stil alive,
you pull ihe dart fton you IKk dd aPPiya mde
bmdaBeto the wodd. Youer4im the sitch care-
tultv md * ttEt ttErc are a.tuallv thF Dositions
it c; be in. Th€E is a middle 'off iGition, a down
pGitid whrch setsolf th€ traP,and s uP P6ihon
lfyou mw wGh lo fl(l' th€swikh uP,tm to41.lf ,8{
You *arch qui.kly thrcWh iheir p@ketsand find
you would rath€r not take ihe .hane and wdt kl
bave tE library iIrrredr ely, tlm to 160. @thing moe the a bottle oFnq dd a I]wtc pm
which den't evd work, Not wishin8 to wasreay
more tine lindhg uselss junk, you decide to read
Ary's diary Tumto ur.

the coridor mak6 a sharpiln to the.i8ht, carri6
@ for ab@t 50 metres dd males dothd iight tlm.
545-343 339-390
Y@ s@n arive at a black-paind ion d@. in thc lid whi.h sys 'Danger Do Not Open' in big red
naht-hmd wall ol the coridoi It b turily l(ted letters. If you want to iEnor€ the wminE and op€n
and you don't have a key whi.h can oPd it, Whilst the tdnk, tum to :61. If yo! would fath{ walk on,
you are thinkng about whal to do rxt, the d{ision
is mad€ for you. Tln io 1o9.
336 Yurr is an €xc€llent marksman. He does not mis
You nove the painting to 6e side and *e that rhere his target,Your headslunps to oneside,a tricKe
is a naftw d@r in ihe wall that wasPreviGly con of blmd tllming down the side of your lace lrom a
cealed.L you want lo oFn rr, hm to to4 If you small wosd aboveyour temple.Your hands let go
wdt to go left.lona lhe hallway.tum ro 22t.If vou of the drainpipe dd you IaI into the baying thEng
wanr ro Eo nSht alonSthe hallwat tum to !3. of Zombiesbelow Youradventueis ovei

As you .limb dom the drainPiPe, the Zombies 190
gather in lar8e nmbeN, waitin8 for you at the bot- As the .los h on you at high speed,you
tom. If you have my 8mad6, tum io tr5. If you do s Yur smiling in anti.ipatjd of ruming you dom.
not haveay Srmdes, nrm to 65. You empry your Eu at the uawar€
that it hasa bullet-p@f windscreen. Yun'r si.kly
33a Srin grcws wider as he bem d()m on you, whilst
A few md6 furthe. along the onidor yo! s a the {ienrisr @nrinu6 to fie his machi.e gun. Y@
ltuB€, bla.k metal ttuk st agaiEt th€ ridt hand t6ve no chdce of swivin6 b€in8 hit by both bul
wall. There is a hddwriten mege taFd @ ihe lets and Ym's .ar Your advdtue i6 over

The corridor endsal a door You can hear the e6d
ol footsteps.oming frcm the other side.Thereis no
altdative but to open the door and lace whcver
it is. You brcathein deeply,kick the dmr open,and
char8ein to find youFelf standing in a larSe sior€
mo. Thee is a mm makin8 noteson his .liPboard,
inspecting { shelveswhich e mctl)'
empty.He is aboul lo yea6 ol age,quite stcty with
a shaved head, and wearinS ord8e overalls and
black boots. H€ app€arsunconened by your sud-

'Ah, you must be the nN prison€r I wasnt exPect-

ing to seeyou here,' he saysin natterct-fad kind
of wat 'Nobody has ever escapedtoomOtto's ds-
8€onb€fore.Do you wmt to 8iw me oN e4on why
I sholldn r rai5eth€ alarm?' Beforeyou can speak,
the man smil6 and says,'The answer my fri€nd is
moncy.Show me th€ money!My tume is Boris.'
'And l'm Grcgor,' eys a dep voice to his left, You
trn to s a much oldef man with a heavily lined
fa.e. He is wearinSa brcwn bohbd ia.ket and diny
old trainers. For sme reasonthe iop of his head is
wrapped in Erubbybandages.
There G a door in the wall opposite lhe one you
came though. If you want to make a dash for th€
other door tum to r5Z. If you want to stay and ralk

192-391 194-J9n

192 t94
You poinl your g6 at the nearst grcup oI Zombie You ro back to the @in gatewith Amy reaminE
and b€gin 6rin8. All rhe Zombies in the courtyard ai you to oFn rhe Padldk. If you Poses a large
immediately fl@k towards you. Th€F m so |My brasskey,tun to 35.lf you do not havethis key,lurn
of thd rhal you de unable to shoot them all beforc
rumin8 out of blllets. You suriv€ foi a few min-
utes moF beloreyou arc draSgedto the t@und and 395
*t upon. You ae @n cov€Ed in Zombie bl@d You step over the rwitching tDdies of the Zofrbies
and beome inkted youf*lf. As the trareformation and iake a g@d I@l aromd the mm. The only
takeshold you turn and point to the double doors, thing ol inter€st you find is a pair of blackshith's
and the dm beyond where Amy is hiding. You rongswhi.h you put in you bag. Iherc b an alcove
lead the scEanin8 Zombic acrcs the courtyard. It behind the clutain whee you find a black ion d@r
won't be long befoc Amy is tumed into a Zombie that was p@iously hidden. If you want ro oPenthe
rN. Your adventureis ovei door, tum to ,2. lf you would rather 60 ba.k down
the namw pa$ateway dd tun riShl into th€ main

Yd se rhai th@ arc two keyhol€sin the lek, @e
larger than the other Therc is a nunbn 8 $akned
abov€ the laraer keyhole md a nuhber 2 kratched
abovethe smaler k€yhole.lf you wdt lo try to oPen
th€ padl(l with the keysnmb€red 8 ald 2, tlm to
82. If you would like to try a diifemt.ohbination
Y@ walk acrcs the rcof util you ta.h the oPd
skylight. You l@l down ioto what appearsb be a
lavisNy-nmish€d b€dmm. ftere i5 a larEe fow
p6ter tEd dir<tly urxter the skyliahl eme five
rEtts b€low If you wdt to jmP down onto the
bed,tum to 14. r you would ratherwalk backacr6
the rml to climb down rhedrainpip€,tlm to .1.

F-l F:l
3q/-94 199-4@

t7 ,9
You caEtully lift rhe lid of rhebin dd @ that there the Zombie stdds up, kicks ov€r ihe drum kil and
are seral opty clear Plasti. botlles lying at the lurche fotrard in irs atteDpt to 8et its ble€din8
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Author: Al-Haafidh Ibn Katheer Hadeeth
Checking: Abu Talhah Daawood Burbank

Ayaat and Ahaadeeth about the Hour

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“My Lord! Increase me in knowledge!" - Qur'an 20:114”

Allaah (subhaanahu wa ta'aala) said:

"They ask you (O Muhammad sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) about the
Hour, - when will be its appointed time? You have no knowledge to say
anything about it, To your Lord belongs (the knowledge of) the term
thereof? You (O Muhammad sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) are only a
warner for those who fear it, The Day they see it, (it will be) as if they had
not tarried (in this world) except an afternoon or a morning." [An-Nazi'aat

"They ask you about the Hour (Day of Resurrection): 'When will be its
appointed time?' Say: 'The knowledge thereof is with my Lord (Alone).
None can reveal its time but He. Heavy is its burden through the heavens
and the earth. It shall not come upon you except all of a sudden.' They
ask you as if you have a good knowledge of it. Say: 'The knowledge
thereof is with Allaah (Alone) but most of mankind know not.''" [Al-A'raaf

There are many Ayaat and Ahaadeeth concerning this subject: Allaah
"The Hour has drawn near, and the moon has been cleft asunder." [Al-
Qamar (54):1]
The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said, whilst pointing with his
index and middle fingers,
"The time of my advent and the Hour are like these two fingers." [1]
In another report he said,
"The Hour almost came before me."

This indicates how close we are, relatively speaking, to the Hour.

Allaah said:
"Draws near for mankind their reckoning, while they turn away in
heedlessness." [Al-Anbiyaa' (21):1]
"The Event (the Hour or the punishment of disbelievers and polytheists or
the Islaamic laws or commandments), ordained by Allaah will come to
pass, so seek not to hasten it. Glorified and Exalted be He above all that
they associate as partners with Him." [An-Nahl (16):1]

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"Those who believe not therein seek to hasten it, while those who believe
are fearful of it, and know that it is the very truth. Verily, those who
dispute concerning the Hour are certainly in error far away." [Ash-
Shooraa (42):18]
In Saheeh al-Bukhaaree, there is a Hadeeth which states that a Bedouin
asked the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) about the Hour.

He (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said,

"It will surely come to pass. What have you prepared for it?" The man
said, "O Messenger of Allaah, I have not prepared much in the way of
prayer and good works, but I love Allaah and His Messenger." The
Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said, "You will be with those you
love." The Muslims had never rejoiced as much they did when they heard
this Hadeeth. [2]
Some Ahaadeeth report that the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam)
was asked about the Hour. He looked towards a young boy and said,
"If he lives, he will not grow very old before he sees your Last Hour
coming to you." [3]

By this he meant their death and entering the Hereafter, because

everyone who dies enters the Hereafter; some people say that when a
person has died, his judgment has begun. This Hadeeth with this
meaning is "correct" (Saheeh).
Some heretics comment on this Hadeeth and give it an incorrect
meaning. The exact timing of the Great Hour (as-Saa'at al-'Uzmaa) is
something which Allaah alone knows and which He has not revealed to
anyone, as is clear from the Hadeeth in which the Prophet (sal-Allaahu
'alayhe wa sallam) said:
"There are five things which nobody knows except Allaah;" then he
recited, "Verily, Allaah! With Him (Alone) is the knowledge of the Hour,
He sends down the rain, and knows that which is in the wombs. No
person knows what he will earn tomorrow, and no person knows in what
land he will die. Verily, Allaah is All Knower, All Aware (of things).""
[Luqman (31):34] [4]
When Gabriel (Jibreel) (alayhi-salaam) came to the Prophet (sal-Allaahu
'alayhe wa sallam) in the guise of a Bedouin, he asked him about Islaam,
Eemaan (faith) and Ihsaan (excellence of faith); and the Prophet (sal-
Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) answered his questions. But when he asked
him about the Hour, he said,

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"The one questioned about it knows no better than the questioner."

Jibreel said, "Tell me about its signs." Then the Prophet (sal-Allaahu
'alayhe wa sallam) described them, as we shall see later when we quote
this Hadeeth and others in full.
Hudhayfah said:
"The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) stood up one day to speak
to us, and told us everything that was going to happen until the Hour, and
left nothing unsaid. Some of the listeners learnt it by heart, and some
forgot it; these friends of mine learnt it. I do not remember it completely,
but sometimes it springs to mind, just as one might remember and
recognise the face of a man whom one had forgotten, when one sees
him." [Abu Daawood, Muslim] [5]
Imaam Ahmad reported via Abu Nudrah that Abu Sa'eed said:
"One day the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) led us in praying
the afternoon prayer (Salaat al-'Asr). Then he stood and addressed us
until sunset. He mentioned everything that was to happen until the Day of
Resurrection, and left nothing unsaid. Some of us remembered it, and
some of us forgot it. One of the things he said was:
'O people, this world is full of attractive temptations. Allaah has appointed
you as vicegerents (Khaleefah) in this world, and He will see how you will
act. So guard yourselves against the temptations of this world and of
Towards the end of this speech, he said,
'The sun is about to set, and what remains of this world, compared to
what has passed, is like what remains of this day compared to what has
passed.' [6]"
'Alee ibn Zayd ibn Jad'an al-Timi narrated some Gharib and Munkar
Ahaadeeth - which could bring into question the validity of this Hadeeth.
But there are some reports which are similar to this Hadeeth, and which
were transmitted with different isnaads. Part of this Hadeeth is in Saheeh
Muslim, through Abu Nudrah on the authority of Abu Sa'eed. This
Hadeeth refers to something which is beyond any doubt: what remains of
this world, compared to what has passed, is very little. In spite of that, no-
one can know exactly how much time is left except Allaah, and no-one
can know exactly how much time has passed, except Allaah.

[1] Bukhaaree, Kitaab at-Tafsir, commentary on Surat an-Nazi'aat, 6/206.
[2] A similar Hadeeth was narrated by Bukhaaree in Kitaab al-Adab.
[3] See Bukhaaree, Kitaab al-Adab; Muslim, Kitaab al-Fitan wa Ashraat

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[4] Bukhaaree, Kitaab at-Tafsir, commentary on Luqman 31:34. A longer
Hadeeth is narrated by Muslim in Kitaab al-Eemaan.
[5] Muslim, Kitaab al-Fitan wa Ashraaat al-Sa'ah; Abu Daawood, Kitaab
al-Fitan wa'l-Malahim.
[6] The whole speech is narrated by Imaam Ahmad in his Musnad, 2/61.
Checker's Note: Da`eef, al-Musnad (3/61) [or 2/61 as stated in the
book??], at-Tirmidhee and al-Hakim (4/505). Da`eef due to `Alee ibn
Zayd ibn Jad'an. al-Mishkat: 5145 of al-Albaanee. Parts of the complete
speech are authentic, see Ibn Kathir's comments.
General Description of the Fitan (Tribulations)
Hudhayfah ibn al-Yaman said,
"People used to ask the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) about
good things, but I used to ask him about bad things because I was afraid
that they might overtake me. I said, 'O Messenger of Allaah, we were lost
in ignorance (Jahiliyyah) and evil, then Allaah brought this good (i.e.
Islaam). Will some evil come after this good thing?' He said, 'Yes' I
asked, 'And will some good come after that evil?' He said, 'Yes, but it will
be tainted with some evil' I asked, 'How will it be tainted?' He said, 'There
will be some people who will lead others on a path different from mine.
You will see good and bad in them." I asked, 'Will some evil come after
that good?' He said, 'Some people will be standing and calling at the
gates of Hell; whoever responds to their call, they will throw him into the
Fire.' I said, 'O Messenger of Allaah, describe them for us.' He said, 'They
will be from our own people, and will speak our language.' I asked, 'What
do you advise me to do if I should live to see that?' He said, 'Stick to the
main body (jamaa'ah) of the Muslims and their leader (Imaam). I asked,
What if there isno main body and no leader?' He said 'Isolate yourself
from all of these sects, even if you have to eat the roots of trees until
death overcomes you while you are in that state.' [1]"
'Abd Allaah ibn Mas'ood said:
"The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said, 'Islaam began as
something strange, and it will revert to being strange as it was in the
beginning, so good tidings for the strangers.' Someone asked, 'Who are
the strangers?' He said, 'The ones who break away from their people
(literally, 'tribes') for the sake of Islaam.'" This Hadeeth was narrated by
Ibn Majah on the authority of Anas and Abu Hurairah. [2]

[1] Bukhaaree, Kitaab al-Fitan, 9/65.

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[2] Muslim, Kitaab al-Eemaan, 1/90: Ibn Majah, Kitaab al-Fitan (Hadeeth
3988), 2/1320.
Divisions Within the Main Religious Groups
Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam)
"The Jews have split into seventy-one sects, and my Ummah will divide
into seventy-three." [1]
'Awf ibn Malik reported that the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam)
"The Jews split into seventy-one sects: one will enter Paradise and
seventy will enter Hell. The Christians split into seventy-two sects:
seventy-one will enter Hell and one will enter Paradise. By Him in Whose
hand is my soul, my Ummah will split into seventy-three sects: one will
enter Paradise and seventy-two will enter Hell." Someone asked, "O
Messenger of Allaah, who will they be?" He replied, "The main body of
the Muslims (al-Jamaa'ah)."
'Awf ibn Malik is the only one who reported this Hadeeth, and its isnaad is
acceptable. [2]
Anas ibn Malik said,
"I shall tell you a Hadeeth which I heard from the Messenger of Allaah,
and which no-one will tell you after me. I heard him say, 'Among the signs
of the Hour will be the disappearance of knowledge and the appearance
of ignorance. Adultery will be prevalent and the drinking of wine will be
common. The number of men will decrease and the number of women
will increase until there will be fifty women to be looked after by one
man.'" This Hadeeth was reported in the two Saheehs from the Hadeeth
of 'Abd Rabbihi. [3]
'Abd Allaah said,
"The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said, 'Just before the Hour,
there will be days in which knowledge will disappear and ignorance will
appear, and there will be much killing.' " [Ibn Maajah; also narrated by
Bukhaaree and Muslim, from the Hadeeth of al-A'mash] [4]
Hudhayfah ibn al-Yaman said,
"The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said, 'Islaam will become
worn out like clothes are, until there will be no-one who knows what
fasting, prayer, charity and rituals are. The Qur'aan will disappear in one
night, and no Ayah will be left on earth. Some groups of old people will be
left who will say, 'We heard our fathers saying La ilaha illa Allaah, so we
repeated it.' Silah asked Hudhayfah, "What will saying La ilaha illa Allaah
do for them when they do not know what prayer, fasting, ritual and charity

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are?" Hudhayfah ignored him; then Silah repeated his question three
times, and each time Hudayfah ignored him. Finally he answered, "O
Silah, it will save them from Hell", and said it three times. [Ibn Maajah] [5]
This indicates that in the last days, knowledge will be taken from the
people, and even the Qur'aan will disappear from the Mushafs and from
people's hearts. People will be left without knowledge. Only the old
people will tell them that they used to hear people saying La ilaha illa
Allaah; and they will repeat it to feel close to Allaah, so it will give them
some blessing, even if they do not have any good deeds or beneficial
knowledge. Knowledge will be taken away from men and ignorance will
increase during the last days, and their ignorance and misguidance will
increase until the end, as in the Hadeeth of the Prophet (sal-Allaahu
'alayhe wa sallam):
"The Hour will not come upon anyone who says, 'Allaah, Allaah'; it will
only come upon the most evil of men." [6]

[1] Ibn Maajah, Kitaab al-Fitan (Hadeeth 3991), 2/1321.
Checker's Note: Saheeh, Saheeh Ibn Maajah: 3225
[2] Abu Daawood, Kitaab as-Sunnah, (Hadeeth 4572, 4573), 12/1340-2.
"The main body of the Muslims (al-Jamaa'ah)" means the people of the
Qur'aan, Hadeeth, Fiqh and other sciences, who have agreed to follow
the Traditions of the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) in all
circumstances without introducing any changes or imposing their own
confused ideas.
Checker's Note: Saheeh, Saheeh al-Jami as-Sagheer: 1082, the
narration of `Awf ibn Malik is also reported by Ibn Maajah (no. 4992), Ibn
Abee `Asim in as-Sunnah (no. 63) and al-Lalikai in Sharh us-Sunnah (no.
[3] A similar Hadeeth was narated by al-Bukhaaree in Kitaab al-'Ilm,
1/30,31; and by Muslim.
Checker's Note: Saheeh, al-Bukhari and Muslim.
[4] Bukhaaree, Kitaab al-Fitan, 9/61; Msulim, Kitaab al-'Ilm, 8/58.
[5] Checker's Note: Saheeh, Silsilatul Ahadeeth as-Saheehah: 87.
[6]The first part of it was related by Muslim in Kitab al-Eemaan, 1/91, and
the second part in Kitab al-Fitan wa Ashraat al-Sa'ah, 8/208.
The Evils Which Will Befall the Muslim Ummah During The Last Days
'Abd Allaah ibn 'Umar said,
"The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) came to us and said, 'O
Muhaajiroon, (emigrants from Makkah to al-Madinah) you may be

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afflicted by five things; God forbid that you should live to see them. If
fornication should become widespread, you should realise that this has
never happened without new diseases befalling the people which their
forebears never suffered. If people should begin to cheat in weighing out
goods, you should realise that this has never happened without drought
and famine befalling the people, and their rulers oppressing them. If
people should withhold Zakaat, you should realise that this has never
happened without the rain being stopped from falling; and were it not for
the animals' sake, it would never rain again. If people should break their
covenant with Allaah and His Messenger, you should realise that his has
never happened without Allaah sending an enemy against them to take
some of their possessions by force. If the leaders do not govern
according to the Book of Allaah, you should realise that this has never
happened without Allaah making them into groups and making them fight
one another.'" [Ibn Maajah] [1]
'Alee ibn Abee Taalib said,
"The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said: 'If my Ummah bears
fifteen traits, tribulation will befall it.' Someone asked, 'What are they, O
Messenger of Allaah?' He said, 'When any gain is shared out only among
the rich, with no benefit to the poor; when a trust becomes a means of
making a profit; when paying Zakaat becomes a burden; when a man
obeys his wife and disobeys his mother; and treats his friend kindly whilst
shunning his father; when voices are raised in the mosques; when the
leader of a people is the worst of them; when people treat a man with
respect because they fear some evil he may do; when much wine is
drunk; when men wear silk; when female singers and musical
instruments become popular; when the last ones of this Ummah curse
the first ones - then let them expect a red wind, or the earth to swallow
them, or to be transformed into animals.'" [Tirmidhee] [2]
'Alee ibn Abee Taalib said,
"The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) led us in praying Salaat al-
Fajr (the morning prayer). When he had finished, a man called to him:
'When will the Hour be? The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam)
reprimanded him and said 'Be quiet!' After a while he raised his eyes to
the sky and said, 'Glorified be the One Who raised it and is taking care of
it.' Then he lowered his gaze to the earth and said, 'Glory be to the One
Who has outspread it and has created it.' Then the Prophet (sal-Allaahu
'alayhe wa sallam) said, 'Where is the one who asked me about the
Hour?' The man knelt down and said, 'I asked you.' The Prophet (sal-
Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said, 'The Hour will come when leaders are

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oppressors, when people believe in the stars and reject al-Qadar (the
Divine Decree of destiny) when a trust becomes a way of making a profit,
when people give to charity (Sadaqah) reluctantly, when adultery
becomes widespread - when this happens, then your people will perish.'"
'Imran ibn Husayn said,
"The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said, 'Some people of this
Ummah will be swallowed up by the earth, some will be transformed into
animals, and some will be bombarded with stones.' One of the Muslims
asked, 'When will that be, O Messenger of Allaah?' He said, 'When
singers and musical instruments will become popular, and much wine will
be drunk.'"[4]

[1] Narrated by Ibn Maajah, Kitaab al-Fitan (Hadeeth 4019), 2/1332.
Checker's Note: Saheeh, Silsilatul Ahadeeth as-Saheehah: 106-107.
[2] Tirmidhee, Abwaab al-Fitan (Hadeeth 308), 6/4620-458.
Checker's Note: Da`eef, Da`eef al-Jami as-Sagheer: 608.
[3] al-Haythami, Kitaab al-Fitan.
Checker's Note: al-Haythami, says, "al-Bazzar reports it and it contains
narrators I do not know." We do not know the status of the hadeeth as no
muhaddith (as far as we know) has given a definite verdict.
[4] Narrated by at-Tirmidhee.
Checker's Note: Saheeh, Silsilatul Ahadeeth as-Saheehah: 1604.
The Greater Signs of the Hour
After the lesser signs of the Hour appear and increase, mankind will have
reached a stage of great suffering. Then the awaited Mahdee will appear;
he is the first of the greater, and clear, signs of the Hour. There will be no
doubt about his existence, but this will only be clear to the knowledgeable
people. The Mahdee will rule until the False Messiah (al-Maseeh ad-
Dajjaal) appears, who will spread oppression and corruption. The only
ones who will know him well and avoid his evil will be those who have
great knowledge and Eemaan (faith).
The false Messiah will remain for a while, destroying mankind completely,
and the earth will witness the greatest Fitnah (tribulation) in its history.
Then the Messiah Jesus (alayhi salam) will descend, bringing justice
from heaven. He will kill the Dajjaal, and there will be years of safety and
Then the appearance of Ya'jooj and Ma'jooj (Gog and Magog) will take
mankind by surprise, and corruption will overtake them again. In answer

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to Jesus' faithful prayer to Allaah (subhanahu wa ta'aala), they will die,

and safety, security, justice and stability will return.
This state of affairs will continue for some years, until the death of Jesus.
The Ulamaa differ concerning the order in which the other greater signs
of the Hour will come about. They are:
• The destruction of the Ka'bah and the recovery of its treasure.
• The rising of the sun from the west.
• The emergence of the Beast from the earth.
• The smoke.
• A wind will take the souls of the believers.
• The Qur'aan will be taken up into heaven.
• A fire will drive the people to their last gathering place.
• The Trumpet will be sounded: at the first sound everyone will feel
terror; at the second sound all will be struck down; at the last sound all
will be resurrected.
The Mahdee
The Mahdee will come at the end of time; he is one of the Rightly-Guided
Caliphs and Imaams. He is not the Mahdee who is expected by the
Shee'ah, who they claim will appear from a tunnel in Saamarraa. This
claim of theirs has no basis in reality nor in any reliable source. They
allege that his name is Muhammad ibn al-Hasan ibn al-Askaree, and that
he went into the tunnel when he was five years old.
The matter we intend to discuss has been proven by Ahaadeeth narrated
from the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam): that the Mahdee will
appear at the end of time. I believe that he will appear before Jesus the
son of Mary comes down, as the Ahaadeeth indicate.
Hajjaaj said that he heard Alee say,
"The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said, "Even if there were
only one day left for the world, Allaah would send a man from among us
to fill the world with justice, just as it had been filled with oppression and
justice." [Ahmad] [1]
Alee said,
"The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said, "The Mahdee is one
of us, from among the people of my household. In one night Allaah will
inspire him and prepare him to carry out his task successfully." [Ahmad
and Ibn Maajah] [2]
Alee said, whilst looking at his son al-Hasan,
This son of mine is a Sayyid (master), as the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe
wa sallam) named him. Among his descendants there will be man named
after your Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam). He will resemble him

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in behaviour but not in looks. Then he told them the report which
mentions that the earth will be filled with justice. [Abu Daawood] [3]
Abu Daawood devoted a chapter of his Sunan to the subject of the
Mahdee. At the beginning of this chapter he quoted the Hadeeth of Jaabir
ibn Samrah, in which the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said,
"This religion will remain steadfast until twelve caliphs have ruled over
you." (According to another report he said, "This religion will remain
strong until twelve caliphs have ruled over you.") Jaabir said, "The people
cheered and shouted Allaahu Akbar! Then the Prophet (sal-Allaahu
'alayhe wa sallam) whispered something. I asked my father 'What did he
say?' My father said, 'He said, All ofthem will be from Quraysh.'" Another
report says that when the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam)
returned to his house, Quraysh came to him and asked, "What will
happen after that?" He said, "Then there will be tribulation and killing." [4]
Abu Daawood reported a Hadeeth from Abd Allaah ibn Masood:
"The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said, "If there were only one
day left for the world, that day would be lengthened until a man from
among my descendants or from among the people of my household, was
sent; his name will be the same as my name, and his fathers name will
be the same as my fathers name. He will fill the earth with justice and
fairness, just as it will have been filled with injustice and oppression. The
world will not end until a man of my household, whose name is the same
as mine, holds sway." [5]
Abd Allaah said,
"The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said, 'A man from my
household, whose name is like mine, will take power.'" [Tirmidhee] [6]
In another report, from Abu Hurairah, the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa
sallam) said,
"If there were only one day left for this world, Allaah would lengthen it
until he took power." [7]
Aboo Sa'eed said,
"The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said, 'The Mahdee will be
one of my descendants; he will have a high forehead and a hooked nose.
He will fill the earth with justice and fairness just as it was filled with
injustice and oppression, and he will rule for seven years.'" [Abu
Daawood] [8]
Umm Salamah said,
"I heard the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) say,'The Mahdee will
be one of my descendants, from the children of Faatimah.'" [Abu
Daawood] [9]

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Umm Salamah reported that the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam)

"People will begin to differ after the death of a Khaleefah. A man from the
people of Madinah will flee to Makkah. Some of the people of Makkah will
come to him and drag him out against his will; they will swear allegiance
to him between al-Rukn and al-Maqam. An army will be sent against him
from Syria; it will be swallowed up in the desert between Makkah and
Madinah. When the people see this, groups of people from Syria and Iraq
will come and swear allegiance to him. Then a man from Quraysh whose
mother is from Kalb will appear and send an army against them, and will
defeat them; this will be known as the Battle of Kalb. Whoever does not
witness the spoils of this battle will miss much! The Mahdee will distribute
the wealth, and will rule the people according to the Sunnah of the
Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam). Then he will die, and the
Muslims will pray for him." [Abu Daawood] [10]
Alee said,
"The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said, 'A man named al-
Haarith ibn Hirath will come from Transoxania. His army will be led by a
man named Mansoor. He will pave the way for and establish the
government of the family of Muhammad, just as Quraysh established the
government of the Messenger of Allaah. Every believer will be obliged to
support him.'" [Abu Daawood] [11]
Abd Allaah ibn al-Haarith ibn Juz' al-Zubaydee said,
"The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said, 'A people will come
out of the East who will pave the way for the Mahdee.'" [Ibn Maajah] [12]
Abd Allaah said,
"Whilst we were with the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam), some
young men from Banu Hashim approached us. When the Prophet (sal-
Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) saw them, his eyes filled with tears and the
colour of his face changed. I said, 'We can see something has changed
in your face, and it upsets us.' The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa
sallam) said, 'We are the people of a Household for whom Allaah has
chosen the Hereafter rather than this world. The people of my Household
(Ahl al-Bayt) will suffer a great deal after my death, and will be
persecuted until a people carrying black banners will come out of the
east. They will instruct the people to do good, but the people will refuse;
they will fight until they are victorious, and the people do as they asked,
but they will not accept it from them until they hand over power to a man
from my household. Then the earth will be filled with fairness, just as it
had been filled with injustice. If any of you live to see this, you should go

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to him even if you have to crawl across ice.'" [13]

This text refers to the rule of the Abbasids, as we have mentioned above
in the text referring to the beginningof their rule in 132 AH. It also
indicates that the Mahdee will appear after the Abbasids, and that he will
be one of the Ahl al-Bayt, a descendant of Faatimah, the daughter of the
Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam), through Hasan, not Husayn, as
mentioned in the Hadeeth from Alee ibn Abee Taalib; and Allaah knows
best. [14]
Thwaban said,
"The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said,'Three men will be
killed at the place where your treasure is. Each of them will be the son of
a Khaleefah, and none of them will get hold of the treasure. Then the
black banners will come out of the East, and they will slaughter you in a
way which has never been seen before.' Then he said something which I
do not remember; then, 'If you see him, go and give him your allegiance,
even if you have to crawl over ice, because he is the Khaleefah of Allaah,
the Mahdee.'" [Ibn Maajah] [15]
The treasure referred to in this text is the treasure of the Ka'bah. Towards
the end of time, three of the sons of the Khaleefahs will fight to get hold
of it, until the Mahdee appears. He will appear from the East, not from the
tunnel of Saamarraa, as the Shee'ah claim; they believe that he is in this
tunnel now, and they are waiting for him to emerge at the end of time.
There is no evidence for it in any book or Saheeh tradition, and there is
no benefit in believing this.
The truth of the matter is that the Mahdee whose coming is promised at
the end of time will appear from the East,and people will swear allegiance
to him at the Ka'bah, as some Ahaadeeth indicate.
At the time of the Mahdee, there will be peace and prosperity, with
abundant crops and wealth, strong rulers, and Islaam will be well-
Aboo Sa'eed said,
"By Allaah every ruler we have had has been worse than the previous
one, and every year has been worse than the year before, but I heard the
Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) say, 'Among your rulers will be
one who will give out wealth freely, without counting it. A man will come
and ask him for money, and he will say, "Take"; the man will spread his
cloak out and the ruler will pour money into it.' The Prophet (sal-Allaahu
'alayhe wa sallam) spread out a thick cloak he had been wearing, to
demonstrate the mans actions; then he gathered it up by its corners and
said, 'Then the man will take it and leave.'" [Ahmad] [16]

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[1] Ahmad, al-Musnad; similar Hadeeth in Abu Daawood, Kitaab Awwal
Checker's Note: Saheeh, Ahmad and Abu Daud, Saheeh al-Jami as-
Sagheer: 5305.
[2] Ahmad, al-Musnad and Ibn Maajah, Kitaab al-Fitan.
Checker's Note: Saheeh Saheeh al-Jami as-Sagheer: 6735. It has been
mistranslated slightly, it should be "In one night, Allaah will prepare him,"
the mention of inspiration and the carrying out of the task is explanatory.
[3] See Abu Daawood, Kitaab al-Mahdee.
Checker's Note: Da`eef Munqati' (chain of narration is broken), al-
Mishkat, 1st checking: 5462.
[4] Checker's Note: "... returned to his house" is a da`eef addition. The
rest of the hadeeth is saheeh.
[5] See Abu Daawood, Kitaab al-Mahdee.
Checker's Note: Saheeh, Saheeh Abee Daawood: 3601.
[6] Checker's Note: "A man from my household ..." Hasan, Saheeh al-
Jami as-Sagheer: 8160.
[7] at-Tirmidhee, in his chapters dealing with al-Fitan.
Checker's Note: Saheeh, Saheeh at-Tirmidhee: 1819.
[8] Abu Daawood, Kitaab al-Mahdee.
Checker's Note: Hasan, Saheeh Abee Daawood: 3604. Translation
states, "... a hooked nose." Correct translation is "... an aquiline nose."
[9] Abu Daawood, Kitaab al-Mahdee.
Checker's Note: Saheeh, Saheeh Abee Daawood: 3603.
[10] Abu Daawood, Kitaab al-Mahdee.
Checker's Note: Da`eef, al-Mishkat, 1st checking: 5456.
[11] Checker's Note: Da`eef, Da`eef al-Jami as-Sagheer: 6418.
[12] Ibn Maajah, Kitaab al-Fitan (Hadeeth 3088).
Checker's Note: Da`eef, Silsilatul Ahaadieeh ad-Da`eefah: 4826.
[13] Ibn Maajah, ibid., (Hadeeth 4082).
Checker's Note: Da`eef, Da`eef Ibn Maajah: 886.
[14] See Ahaadeeth above. (Ref. 1, 2 & 3)
Checker's Note: Footnote refers to hadeeth no. 3.
[15] Narrated by Ibn Maajah, op. cit., Hadeeth 4084.
Checker's Note: Da`eef Munkar (the isnaad is weak and moreover the
meaning is wrong). In this case, the mention of "Khaleefah of Allaah" is
munkar because Allaah cannot have a successor or vicegerent in His
absence, Silsilatul Ahaadeeth ad-Da`eefah: 85.

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[16] Ahmad, Musnad, 3/98.

Checker's Note: Da`eef. Its isnaad contains Mujahid ibn Sa'eed
Different Kinds of Fitan (Tribulations)
Zaynab bint Jahsh said,
"The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) got up from his sleep; his
face was flushed and he said, 'There is no god but Allaah. Woe to the
Arabs, for a great evil which is nearly approaching them. Today a gap
has been made in the wall of Gog and Magog like this (Sufyan illustrated
this by forming the number of 90 or 100 with his fingers).' Someone
asked, 'Shall we be destroyed even though there are righteous people
among us?' The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said, 'Yes, if evil
increases.'" [Bukhaaree] [1]
Umm Salamah, the wife of the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam)
"One night the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) got up and said,
'SubhanAllaah! How many tribulations have come down tonight, and how
many treasures have been disclosed! Go and wake the dwellers of these
apartments (i.e. his wives) for prayer. A well-dressed soul in this world
may be naked in the Hereafter.'" [Bukhaaree] [2]
Usamah ibn Zayd said,
"Once the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) stood over one of the
battlements of al-Madinah and asked the people, 'Do you see what I
see?' They said, 'No.' He said, 'I see afflictions falling upon your houses
as rain drops fall.'" [Bukhaaree and Muslim] [3]
Abu Hurairah (radiallahu anhu) said,
"The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said, 'Time will pass rapidly,
knowledge will decrease, miserliness will become widespread in peoples
hearts, afflictions will appear, and there will be much Harj.' The people
asked, 'O Messenger of Allaah, what is Harj?' He said, 'Killing, killing!'"
[Bukhaaree] [4]
Al-Zubayr ibn Adee narrated,
"We went to Anas ibn Malik and complained about the wrong we were
suffering at the hands of al-Hajjaaj. Anas ibn Malik said, 'Be patient, "For
no time will come but that the time following it will be worse, until you
meet your Lord." I heard the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) say
that.'" [Bukhaaree]
Abu Hurairah said,
"The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said, 'There will come a
time of afflictions when one who sits will be better than one who stands;
one who stands will be better than one who walks; and one who walks

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will be better than one who runs. Whoever exposes himself to these
afflictions, they will destroy him. So whoever can find a place of
protection or refuge from them, should take shelter in it.'" [Bukhaaree and
Muslim] [5]
Hudhayfah said,
"The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) told us two Hadeeth, one of
which I have seen fulfilled, and I am waiting for the fulfilment of the other.
The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) told us that honesty came
down into mens hearts (from Allaah); then they learnt it from the Qur'aan,
and then from the Sunnah. The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam)
told us that honesty would be taken away. He said, 'Man will be
overtaken by sleep, during which honesty will be taken away from his
heart, and only its trace will remain, like traces of a dark spot. Then man
will be overtaken by slumber again, during which honesty will decrease
still further, until its trace will resemble a blister such as is caused when
an ember is dropped onto ones foot: it swells, but there is nothing inside.
People will be carrying on with their trade, but there will hardly be any
trustworthy persons. People will say, There is an honest man in such-
and-such a tribe. Later they will say about some man, What a wise, polite
and strong man he is! - although he will not have faith even the size of a
mustard-seed in his heart.' Indeed, there came a time when I did not
mind dealing with any one of you, for if he were a Muslim his Islaam
would compel him to pay whatever he owed me, and if he were a
Christian, the Muslim official would compel him to pay it. But now I do not
deal with anyone except so-and-so and so-and-so." [Bukhaaree] [6]
Ibn Umar said,
"The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) stood beside the pulpit,
facing the east, and said, 'Afflictions will verily emerge from here, where
the top of Satans head will appear.'" [Bukhaaree] [7]
Abu Hurairah said that he had heard the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa
sallam) say,
"The Hour will not come until a man passes by someone's grave and
says, 'Would that I were in his place!'" [Bukhaaree] [8]
Abu Hurairah said,
"I heard the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) say, 'The Hour will
not come until the buttocks of the women of Daws move whist going
around Dhoo l-Khalasah.'" Dhoo l-Khalasah was an idol worshipped by
the tribe of Daws during the Jaahiliyyah. [Hadeeth from Bukhaaree] [9]
Abu Hurairah also said,
"The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said, 'The Euphrates will

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disclose a golden treasure. Whoever is present at that time should not

take anything of it.'" [10]
Abu Hurairah said,
"The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said, 'The Hour will not
come before the Euphrates uncovers a mountain of gold, for which
people will fight. Ninety-nine out of every hundred will die, but every one
among them will say that perhaps he will be the one who will survive (and
thus possess the gold).'" [Muslim] [11]
Abu Hurairah said,
"The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam)said, 'The Hour will not
come until the following events have come to pass: two large groups will
fight the another, and there will be many casualties; they will both be
following the same religious teaching. Nearly thirty Dajjaals will appear,
each of them falsely claiming to be a Messenger from Allaah. Knowledge
will disappear, earthquakes will increase, time will pass quickly, afflictions
will appear, and Harj (ie killing) will increase. Wealth will increase, so that
a wealthy man will worry lest no-one accept his Zakaat, and when he
offers it to anyone, that person will say, "I am not in need of it." People
will compete in constructing high buildings. When a man passes by
someones grave, he will say, "Would that I were in his place!" The sun
will rise from the west; when it rises and the people see it, they will
believe, but,
"No good will it do to a soul to believe in them then, if it believed not
before nor earned righteousness through its faith..." [Al-An'aam (6):158]
"The Hour will come suddenly: when a man has milked his she-camel
and taken away the milk, but he will not have time to drink it; before a
man repairing a tank for his livestock will be able to put water in it for his
animals; and before a man who has raised a morsel of food to his mouth
will be able to eat it." [Bukhaaree] [12]
Hudhayfah ibn al-Yaman said,
"Of all the people, I know most about every tribulation which is going to
happen between now and the Hour. This is not because the Prophet (sal-
Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) told me something in confidence which he did
not tell anyone else; it is because I was present among a group of people
to whom he spoke about the tribulations (al-Fitan). The Prophet (sal-
Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) mentioned three tribulations which would
hardly spare anybody, and some which would be like storms in summer;
some would be great and some would be small. Everyone who was
present at that gathering has passed away, except me." [Muslim] [13]
Abu Hurairah said,

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"I heard the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) say, "If you live for a
while, you will see people go out under the wrath of Allaah and come
back under His curse, and they will have in their hands whips like the tail
of an ox.'" [Ahmad, Muslim] [14]
Abu Hurairah said,
"The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said, 'There are two types
among the people of Hell whom I have not yet seen. The first are people
who have whips like the tails of oxen, with which they beat people, and
the second are women who are naked in spite of being dressed; they will
be led astray and will lead others astray, and their heads will look like
camels humps. These women will not enter Paradise; they will not even
experience the faintest scent of it, even though the fragrance of Paradise
can be perceived from such a great distance.'" [15]
Anas ibn Malik said,
"The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) was asked, 'O Messenger
of Allaah, (what will happen) when we stop enjoining good and forbidding
evil?' He said, 'When what happened to the Israelites happens among
you: when fornication becomes widespread among your leaders,
knowledge is in the hands of the lowest of you, and power passes into
the hands of the least of you.'" [Ibn Maajah] [16]
Abu Hurairah said,
"The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said, 'Woe to the Arabs
from the great evil which is nearly approaching them: it will be like
patches of dark night. A man will wake up as a believer, and be a kafir
(unbeliever) by nightfall. People will sell their religion for a small amount
of worldly goods. The one who clings to his religion on that day will be as
one who is grasping an ember - or thorns.'" [Ahmad] [17]
Abu Hurairah said,
"I heard the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) saying to Thawbaan,
'O Thawban, what will you do when the nations call one another to invade
you as people call one another to come and eat from one bowl?'
Thawbaan said, 'May my father and my mother be sacrificed for you, O
Messenger of Allaah! Is it because we are so few?' The Prophet (sal-
Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said, 'No, on that day you (Muslims) will be
many, but Allaah will put weakness (wahn) in your hearts.' The people
asked, 'What is that weakness, O Messenger of Allaah?' He said, 'It is
love for this world and dislike of fighting.'" [Ahmad] [18]
The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said,
"There will be a tribulation in which one who is sleeping will be better than
one who is lying down, one who is lying will be better than one who is

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sitting, one who is sitting will be better than one who is standing, one who
is standing will be better than one who is walking, one who is walking will
be better than one who is riding, and one who is riding will be better than
one who is running; all of their dead will be in Hell." The Companion of
the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) who narrated this Hadeeth
said, "O Messenger of Allaah, when will that be?" He said, "That will be
the days of Harj." He asked, "When will the days of Harj be?" The
Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said, "When a man will not trust
the person to whom he is speaking." The Companion asked, "What do
you advise me to do if I live to see that?" He said, "Restrain yourself, and
go back to your place of residence." The Companion then asked, "O
Messenger of Allaah, what should I do if someone enters my
neighbourhood to attack me?" He said, "Go into your house." The
Companion asked, "What if he enters my house?" He said, "Go into the
place where you pray and do this - and he folded his arms, - and say 'My
Lord is Allaah', until you die." [19]
Abu Bakrah said,
"The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said, 'There will be a
tribulation during which one who is lying down will be better than one who
is sitting, one who is sitting will be better than one who is standing, one
who is standing will be better than one who is walking, and one who is
walking will be better than one who is running.' Someone asked, 'O
Messenger of Allaah, what do you advise me to do?' He said, 'Whoever
has camels, let him stay with them, and whoever has land, let him stay in
his land.' Someone asked, 'What about someone who does not have
anything like that?' He said, 'Then let him take his sword and strike its
edge against a stone, then go as far away as possible.'" [Abu Daawood;
similar Hadeeth in Muslim] [20]
At the time of the Fitnah of Uthmaan ibn Affaan's Khilaafah (Caliphate),
Sa'd ibn Abee Waqqaas said,
"I bear witness that the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said,
'There will come a tribulation during which one who sits will be better than
one who stands, one who stands will be better than one who walks, and
one who walks will be better than one who runs.' Someone asked, 'What
do you advise if someone enters my house to kill me?' He said, 'Be like
the son of Adam (i.e. resign yourself).'" [Muslim, Tirmidhee] [21]
Abu Moosaa al-Asharee said,
"The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said, 'Before the Hour
comes, there will be a tribulation like patches of dark night. A man will get
up a believer and go to sleep a kaafir, or will go to sleep a believer and

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get up a kaafir. The one who sits will be better than one who stands, and
one who walks will be better than one who runs. Break your bows, cut
their strings, and strike your swords against stones. If someone comes to
kill any of you, then be like the better of the twos ons of Adam.'" [Abu
Daawood] [22]
Abu Dharr said,
"The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) was riding a donkey and
sat me behind him. He said, 'O Abu Dharr, if the people were suffering
from such severe hunger that you could not even get up from your bed to
go to the mosque, what would you do?' I said, 'Allaah and His Messenger
know best.' He said, 'Be decent and restrain yourself.' Then he said, 'O
Abu Dharr, if the people were suffering from severe death (i.e. if a man
were worth no more than a grave), what would you do? If the people
were killing one another, until Hajarat al-Zayt (an area of Madinah) were
submerged in blood, what would you do?' I said, 'Allaah and His
Messenger know best.' He said, 'Stay in your house and lock the door.' I
asked, 'What if I am not left alone?' He said, 'Then be one of them.' I
said, 'Should I take up my sword?' He said, 'If you did that, you would be
joining them in their activities. No - if you fear that the brightness of the
shining sword will disturb you, then cover your face with part of your
clothing, and let him carry his own sin and your sin.'" [Ahmad] [23]
Abd Allaah ibn Amr said,
"We were on a journey with the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa
sallam)...When the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam)'s caller called
for prayer, I went there. The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) was
addressing the people, saying: "O people, it has been the duty of every
Prophet before me to guide his people to whatever he knew was good for
them, and to warn them against whatever he knew was bad for them, but
this Ummah has its time of peace and security at the beginning; at the
end of its existence it will suffer trials and tribulations, one after the other.
Tribulation will come, and the believer will say, "This will finish me", but it
will pass. Another tribulation will come, and he will say, "This is it", but it
will pass, and a third will come and go likewise. Whoever wishes to be
rescued from Hell, and enter Paradise, let him die believing in Allaah and
the Last Day, and treat the people as he himself wishes to be treated. If
anyone gives allegiance to an Imaam, then let him obey him if he can (or
on one occasion he said: as much as you can).'"
Abd al-Rahman (one of the narrators of this Hadeeth) said,
"When I heard that, I put my head between my knees and said, 'But your
cousin Mu'aawiyah is ordering us to squander our wealth among

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ourselves in vanity, and to kill each other, although Allaah has said,
"O you who believe! Squander not your wealth among yourselves in
vanity..." ' [an-Nisaa (4):29]
Abd Allaah (another narrator) put his head in his hands and paused a
while, then he raised his head and said,
"Obey him in that which is obedience to Allaah and disobey that which is
disobedience to Allaah." I asked him, "Did you hear that from the Prophet
(sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam)?" He said, "Yes, I heard it with my ears
and understood it in myheart." [Ahmad, Abu Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, Ibn
Maajah] [24]
Abd Allaah ibn Amr said,
"I heard the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) say, 'If you see my
Ummah fearing a tyrant so much that they dare not tell him that he is a
tyrant, then there will be no hope for them.'"
The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said,
"Among my Ummah, some will be swallowed up by the earth, some
bombarded with stones, and some transformed into animals." [Ahmad]

[1] Bukhaaree, Kitaab al-Fitan.
[2] Bukhaaree, Kitaab al-'Ilm.
[3] Bukhaaree, Kitaab al-Fitan, 9/60; Muslim, Baab Nuzuul al-Fitan ka-
Mawaaqi' al-Qatar, 8/168.
[4] Bukhaaree, ibid.
[5] op. cit., 9/64; Muslim, Baab Nuzuul al-Fitan ka-Mawaaqi' al-Qatar.
[6] Bukhaaree, op. cit., 9/66.
[7] Bukhaaree, Kitaab Bid' al-Khalq, 4/150.
[8] Bukhaaree, Kitaab al-Fitan, 9/73.
[9] Bukhaaree, Kitaab al-Fitan, 8/132
Daws: a tribe in Yemen; Dhoo l-Khalasah: a house full of idols - it is so
called because they believed that whoever worshipped it or went around
it would be purified (khallasa). This Hadeeth means that the tribe of Daws
will become apostates from Islaam and will go back to idol worshipping;
even their women will exert themselves in worshipping the idol and
running around it, so that their flesh will quiver.
[10] Bukhaaree, Kitaab al-Fitan, 9/73.
[11] Muslim, Kitaab al-Fitan wa Ashraat al-Saa'ah, 8/174.
[12] Bukhaaree, Kitaab al-Fitan, 9/74.
[13] Muslim, Kitaab al-Fitan wa Ashraat al-Saa'ah, 8/172.

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[14] Muslim, Kitaab al-Jannah wa Sifat Na'imihaa wa Ahlihaa, 8/155, 156.

[15] Muslim, ibid.
[16] Ibn Maajah narrated a similar Hadeeth in Kitaab al-Fitan (Hadeeth
4015), 2/1331. Ahmad, Musnad, 3/187.
Checker's Note: Da`eef due to the `an`anah (usage of the word `an
(from)) of Makhool, Da`eef Ibn Maajah: 870.
[17] Ahmad, Musnad, 2/390.
Checker's Note: Saheeh. Weak isnaad but supported by other narrations
similar in meaning. Musnad Imaam Ahmad, checking by Ahmad Shakir:
[18] Ahmad, Musnad, 2/359.
Checker's Note: Saheeh, Silsilatul Ahadeeth as-Saheehah: 958. Wording
should be "dislike of death".
[19] Ahmad, Musnad, 1/448.
Checker's Note: Saheeh. Musnad Imaam Ahmad, checking by Ahmad
Shakir: [??] Ahmad's narration contains an unnamed narrator who is
named in the narration of Abdur Razzaaq, no. 20727 and al-Hakim,
4/320, and he is reliable.
[20] Abu Daawood, ibid. (Hadeeth 4236). Muslim, Kitaab al-Fitan, 8/169.
Checker's Note: Saheeh, Saheeh Abee Daawood: 3580.
[21] Tirmidhee, Abwaab al-Fitan, (Hadeeth 2290), 6/436, 438. Ahmad,
Musnad, 1/185.
Checker's Note: Saheeh, al-Irwa, no. 2451 of Shaykh al-Albaanee. It is
saheeh but has not been reported by Muslim, as main text states.
[22] Abu Daawood, Abwaab al-Fitan wa'l-Malaahim, (Hadeeth 4139),
Checker's Note: Saheeh, Abu Daawood and Ibn Maajah, Silsilatul
Ahadeeth as-Saheehah: 1535.
[23] Ahmad, Musnad, 5/149; similar Hadeeth in Abu Daawood, Abwaab
al-Fitan wa'l-Malaahim, (Hadeeth 4241), 11-340, 343.
Checker's Note: Saheeh, al-Irwa, no: 2451.
[24] Ahmad, Musnad, 5/149. Muslim, Kitaab al-Imaarah, 6-18. Ibn
Maajah, Kitaab al-Fitan (Hadeeth 3956), 2/1306, 1037. an-Nasaa'ee,
Kitaab al-Bay'ah (shorter version), 7-152,153. Abu Daawood, Kitab al-
Fitan (shorted version), Hadeeth 4429, 11-319.
Checker's Note: Saheeh, Silsilatul Ahadeeth as-Saheehah: 241.
[25] Ahmad, Musnad. 2/163.
Checker's Note: Da`eef, Silsilatul Ahaadeeth ad-Da`eefah: 1264. Its
isnaad contains the `an`anah of Abu Zubair, but its last part ("Among my
Ummah ...") is supported. See Silsilatul Ahadeeth as-Saheehah: 1787

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The Signs and Portents of the Hour

'Abd Allaah ibn 'Amr said,
"I went to the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) one day whilst he
was performing Wudoo' (ablution) slowly and carefully. He raised his
head, looked at me and said, 'Six things will happen to this Ummah: the
death of your Prophet - 'and when I heard that I was aghast,' - this is the
first. The second is that your wealth will increase so much that if a man
were given ten thousand, he would still not be content with it. The third is
that tribulation will enter the house of every one of you. The fourth is that
sudden death will be widespread. The fifth is a peace-treaty between you
and the Romans: they will gather troops against you for nine months -
like a woman's period of childbearing - then they will be the first to break
the treaty. The sixth is the conquest of a city.' I asked, 'O Messenger of
Allaah, which city?' He said, 'Constantinople.' " [Ahmad] [1]
Abu Hurayrah said,
"The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said, 'Hasten to do good
deeds before six things happen: the rising of the sun from the West, the
smoke, the Dajjaal, the beast, the (death) of one of you, or general
tribulation.' " [Ahmad, Muslim] [2]
Hudhayfah ibn 'Ubayd said,
"The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) came upon us whilst, we
were busy in discussion. He asked us, 'What are you talking about?' We
said, 'We are discussing the Hour.' He said, 'It will not come until you see
ten signs: the smoke, the Dajjaal, the beast, the sun rising from the West,
the descent of Jesus son of Mary, Gog and Magog, and three land-slides
- one in the East, one in the West, and one in Arabia, at the end of which
fire will burst forth from the direction of Aden (Yemen) and drive peopl eto
the place of their final assembly.' " [Ahmad] [3]

[1] Ahmad, Musnad, 2/174.
Checker's Note: Da`eef, Musnad Imaam Ahmad, checking by Ahmad
Shakir: 6623. Weak hadeeth due to Abra Iamah al-Kalbi.
[2] Muslim, Kitaab al-Fitan, 8/207, Ahmad, Musnad, 2/337, 372.
[3] Muslim, Kitaab al-Fitan, 8/179.
Checker's Note: Wrong spelling, Ibn `Ubayd should be Ibn Usayd.
Reported by Muslim, not by Ahmad as main text states.
The Battle with the Romans
After the battle with the Romans, which ended with the conquest of
Constantinople, the Dajjaal will appear, and Jesus son of Mary will

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descend from Heaven to the earth, to the white minaret in the east of
Damascus, at the time of Salaat al-Fajr (the morning prayer), as we shall
see in the Saheeh Traditions.
Dhoo Mukhammar said,
"The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said, 'You will make a
peace-treaty with the Romans, and together you will invade an enemy
beyond Rome. You will be victorious and take much booty. Then you will
camp in a hilly pasture; one of the Roman men will come and raise a
cross and say "Victory to the Cross", so one of the Muslims will come and
kill him. Then the Romans will break the treaty, and there will be a battle.
They will gather an army against you and come against you with eighty
banners, each banner followed by 10,000 men.' " [Ahmad, Abu Daawood,
Ibn Maajah] [1]
Yusayr ibn Jaabir said,
"Once there was a red storm in Kufah. A man came who had nothing to
say except, 'O 'Abd Allaah ibn Mas'ood, has the Hour come?' 'Abd Allaah
was sitting reclining against something, and said, 'The Hour will not come
until people will not divide inheritance, nor rejoice over booty.' Pointing
towards Syria, he said, 'An enemy will gather forces against the Muslims
and the Muslims will gather forces against them.' I asked, 'Do you mean
the Romans?' He said, 'Yes. At that time there will be very heavy fighting.
The Muslims will prepare a detachment to fight to the death; they will not
return unless they are victorious. They will fight until night intervenes.
Both sides will return without being victorious; then many will be killed on
both sides. On the fourth day, the Muslims who are left will return to the
fight, and Allaah will cause the enemy to be routed. There will be a battle
the like of which has never been seen, so that even if a bird were to pass
their ranks, it would fall down dead before it reached the end of them. Out
of a family of one hundred, only one man will survive, so how could he
enjoy the booty or divide any inheritance? While they are in this state,
they will hear of an even worse calamity. A cry will reach them: "The
Dajjaal has taken your place among your offspring." So they will throw
away whatever is in their hands and go forward, sending 10 horsemen as
a scouting party. The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said, 'I
know their names, and the names of their fathers, and the colours of their
horses. They will be the best horsemen on the face of the earth on that
day.' " [Ahmad, Muslim] [2]
Abu Hurayrah said,
"The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said, 'The Hour will not
come until the Romans camp at al-A'mash or Dabeeq. An army,

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composed of the best people on earth at that time, will come out from
Madinah to meet them. When they have arranged themselves in ranks,
the Romans will say, 'Do not stand between us and those who took
prisoners from amongst us. Let us fight with them.' The Muslims will say,
'No, by Allaah, we will never stand aside from you and our brothers.'
Then they will fight. One-third will runaway, and Allaah will never forgive
them. One-third will be killed, and they will be the best of martyrs in
Allaah's sight. One-third, who will never be subjected to trials or
tribulations, will win, and will conquer Constantinople. Whilst they are
sharing out the booty, after hanging their swords on the olive-trees, Satan
will shout to them that the Dajjaal has taken their place among their
families. When they come to Syria, the Dajjaal will appear, while they are
preparing for battle and drawing up the ranks. When the time for prayer
comes, Jesus the son of Mary will descend and lead them in prayer.
When the enemy of Allaah (i.e. the Dajjaal) sees him, he will start to
dissolve like salt in water, but Allaah will kill him.' " [Muslim] [3]
The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said,
"The Hour will not come until the furthest border of the Muslims will be in
Bulaa." Then he said, "O 'Alee!" 'Alee said, "May my father and mother
be sacrificed for you!" The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said,
"You will fight the Romans, and those who come after you will fight them,
until the best people among the Muslims, the people of al-Hijaaz, will go
out to fight them, fearing nothing but Allaah. They will conquer
Constantinople with Tasbeeh and Takbeer (saying "Subhaan Allaah" and
"Allaahu Akbar"), and they will obtain booty the like of which has never
been seen - they will share it out by scooping it up with their sheilds.
Someone will come and say, 'The Dajjaal has appeared in your land', but
he will be lying. Anyone who takes notice of him will regret it, and anyone
who ignores him will regret it." [Ibn Maajah] [4]
Naafi' ibn 'Utbah said,
"The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said, 'You will attack
Arabia, and Allaah will enable you to conquer it. Then you will attack
Persia, and Allaah will enable you to conquer it. Then you will attack
Rome, and Allaah will enable you to conquer it. Then you will attack the
Dajjaal, and Allaah will enable you to conquer him.' " [Muslim] [5]
When Mustawrid al-Qurashee was sitting with 'Amr ibn al-'Aas, he said,
"I heard the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) say, 'The Hour will
come when the Romans will be in the majority.' 'Amr asked him, "What
are you saying?" He said, "I am repeating that which I heard from the
Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam)." 'Amr said, "If you say this, it is

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true, because they have four good characteristics: they are the most able
to cope with tribulation, the quickest to recover after disaster and to
return to the fight after disaster, and are the best as far as treating the
poor, weak and orphans is concerned. They have a fifth characteristic
which is very good; they do not allow themselves to be oppressed by
their kings." [6]
The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said,
"You will fight the Romans, and Believers from the Hijaaz will fight them
after you, until Allaah enables them to conquer Constantinople and Rome
with Tasbeeh and Takbeer ("Subhaan Allaah" and "Allaahu Akbar"). Its
fortifications will collapse, and they will obtain booty the like of which has
never been seen, so that they will share it out by scooping it up with their
shields. Then someone will cry, 'O Muslims! The Dajjaal is in your
country, with your families', and the people will leave the wealth. Anyone
who takes notice will regret it and anyone who ignores it will regret it.
They will ask, 'Who shouted?' but they will not know who he is. They will
say, 'Send a vanguard to Ilyaa.' If the Dajjaal has appeared, you will hear
about his deeds.' So they will go and see, and if they see that everything
is normal, they will say, 'No-one would give a shout like that for no
reason, so let us go together to Ilyaa'.' If we find the Dajjaal there we will
fight him together, until Allaah decides between us and him. If we do not
find the Dajjaal, we will go back to our country and our families.' " [7]
Mu'aadh ibn Jabal said,
"The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said, 'The building of Bayt
al-Maqdis (in Jerusalem) will be followed by the destruction of Yathrib
(Madeenah), which will be followed by the conquest of Constantinople,
which will be followed by the appearance of the Dajjaal.' Then he put his
hand on the thigh or the shoulder of the one with whom he was speaking
(i.e. Mu'aadh), and said, 'This is as true as the fact that you are here (or
as true as you are sitting here).' " [8]
This does not mean that Madeenah will be destroyed completely before
the appearance of the Day, but that will happen at the end of time, as we
shall see in some authentic Ahaadeeth. But the building of Bayt al-
Maqdis will be the cause of the destruction of Madeenah, as it was
proven in the Hadeeth that the Dajjaal will not be able to enter Madinah.
He will be prevented from doing so because it is surrounded by angles
bearing unsheathed swords. [9]
Abu Hurayrah said,
"The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said about Madeenah:
'Neither plague nor the Dajjaal can enter it.' " [Bukhaaree] [10]

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[1] Similar Hadeeth in Abu Daawood, Kitaab al-Malaahim, (Hadeeth
4271), 11/397/399. Ibn Maajah, Kitab al-Fitan (Hadeeth 4089), 2/1369.
Ahmad, Musnad, 9104.
Checker's Note: Saheeh, Saheeh al-Jami as-Sagheer: 3612.
[2] Muslim, Kitaab al-Fitan, 8/177, 178. Ahmad, Musnad, 1/384, 385.
[3] Muslim, Kitaab al-Fitan, 8 - 175, 176.
Al-A'mash is a place outside the city, and Dabeeq is a market-place in
the city. "The city" refers to Aleppo (some say Damascus).
[4] Ibn Maajah, Kitaab al-Fitan (Hadeeth 4094), 2 - 1370.
The one who believes the liar will regret it, because he will find that the
Dajjaal is not there. The one who does not believe him will regret it
because the Dajjaal will appear soon afterwards.
Checker's Note: Fabricated. The reason is Kathir ibn `Abdillah, who is
declared a liar by Abu Daawood and Shaafi'ee. He narrates a fabricated
collection of hadeeth.
[5] Muslim, Kitaab al-Fitan wa Ashtaar al-Saa'ah, 8 - 178. Ibn Maajah,
Baab al-Malaahim (Hadeeth 4091), 2 - 1380.
[6] Muslim, Kitaab al-Fitaan, 8 - 176.
[7] Al-Haythamee, Majma' al-Zawaa'id. Ibn Maajah, 7:248.
Checker's Note: Fabricated. Same reasons as the previous one.
Reported by al-Bazzar, Kashful Astar bi Zawa'id al-Bazzar of al-
Haythamee: 3386.
[8] Hasan, al-Mishkat, 1st checking: 5424.
[9] Abu Daawood, Kitaab al-Malaahim (Hadeeth 4273), 11 - 400, 401;
Ahmad, Musnad, 5/245.
Checker's Note: Hasan.
[10] Bukhaaree, Kitaab al-Fitan, 9/76.
The Appearance of the Dajjaal
First of all, we will quote the reports which mention the liars and "dajjaals"
who will precede the coming of the Dajjaal, or Antichrist, who will be the
last of them; may Allaah curse them and punish them with Hell-fire.
Jaabir ibn Samurah said,
"I heard the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) say, 'Just before the
Hour there will be many liars.' " Jaabir said, "Be on your guard against
them." [Muslim] [1]
Jaabir said,
"I heard the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) say, 'Just before the
Hour there will be many liars; among them is the one in al-Yamamah, the

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'Ansi in San'a', the one in Himyar, and the Dajjaal. This will be the
greatest fitnah.' " [Ahmad] [2]
Abu Hurayrah said,
"The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said, 'The Hour will not
come ... until nearly 30 "dajjaals" (liars) appear, each one claiming to be
a messenger from Allaah.' " [Bukhaaree and Muslim] [3]
Abu Hurayrah said,
"The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said, 'The Hour will not
come until 30 "dajjaals" appear, each of them claiming to be a
messenger from Allaah, wealth increases, tribulations appear and al-Harj
increases.' Someone asked, 'What is al-Harj?' He said, 'Killing, killing.' "
[Ahmad] [4]
Abu Hurayrah said,
"The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said, 'The Hour will not
come until 30 "dajjaals" appear, all of them lying about Allaah and His
Messenger.' " [Abu Daawood] [5]
Abu Hurayrah said,
"The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said, 'Just before the Hour,
there will be thirty "dajjaals", each of whom will say, I am a Prophet.' "
[Ahmad] [6]
Abu Hurayrah said,
"The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said, 'There will be
"dajjaals" and liars among my Ummah. They will tell you something new,
which neither you nor your forefathers have heard. Be on your guard
against them, and do not let them lead you astray.' " [Ahmad] [7]
Thawbaan said,
"The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said, 'There will be thirty
liars among my Ummah. Each one will claim that he is a prophet; but I
am the last of the Prophets (Seal of the Prophets), and there will be no
Prophet after me.' " [Ahmad] [8]
The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said,
"Verily before the Day of Resurrection there will appear the Dajjaal, and
thirty or more liars." [Ahmad] [9]
Ibn 'Umar said,
"I heard the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) say, 'Among my
Ummah there will be more than seventy callers, each of whom will be
calling people to Hell-fire. If I wished, I could tell you their names and
tribes.' " [10]
Abu Bakrah said,
"The people spoke a great deal against Musaylimah before the Prophet

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(sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said anything about him. Then the

Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) got up to give a speech and said:
' for this man about whom you have spoken so much - he is one of
the thirty liars who will appear before the Hour, and there is no town
which will not feel the fear of the Antichrist.' " [Ahmad] [11]
In another version of this report, the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa
sallam) said,
"He is one of the thirty liars who will appear before the Dajjaal. There is
no town which will escape the fear of the Dajjaal, apart from Madeenah.
At that time there will be two angels at every entrance of Madeenah,
warding off the fear of the Antichrist." [12]
Anas ibn Malik said,
"The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said, 'The time of the
Dajjaal will be years of confusion. People will believe a liar, and
disbelieve one who tells the truth. People will distrust one who is
trustworthy, and trust one who is treacherous; and the Ruwaybidah will
have a say.' Someone asked, 'Who are the Ruwaybidah?' He said,
'Those who rebel against Allaah and will have a say in general affairs.' "
[Ahmad] [13]

[1] Muslim, Kitaab al-Fitan, 8/189.
[2] Ahmad, Musnad, 3/345.
Checker's Note: Ahmad's isnaad contains Ibn Lahi'ah who reports by way
of `an, as does Abu Zubair. Al-Bazzar's isnaad contains `Abdur-Rahman
ibn Maghra and Mujaahid ibn Sa`eed. Majma' az-Zawaid of al-
Haythamee: 7/335. The status of the hadeeth is unknown as no
muhaddith, as far as we know, has given a definite verdict.
[3] See Part 7, where the Hadeeth is quoted in full.
[4] Ahmad, Musnad, 2 - 457.
Checker's Note: Saheeh.
[5] Ahmad, Musnad, 2/450.
Checker's Note: Hasan, Saheeh Abee Daawood: 3643.
[6] Ahmad, Musnad, 2/429.
Checker's Note: Saheeh, Silsilatul Ahadeeth as-Saheehah: 1683.
[7] Ahmad, Musnad, 20/349.
Checker's Note: Da`eef isnaad, but Muslim reports similar wording.
[8] Ahmad, Musnad, 5/46.
Checker's Note: Saheeh. Wrong reference, Ahmad, Musnad, 5/46,
should be Ahmad, Musnad, 5/278.

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[9] Ahmad, Musnad, 2/95.

Checker's Note: Hasan, Silsilatul Ahadeeth as-Saheehah: 1683, Musnad
Imaam Ahmad, checking by Ahmad Shakir: 5694.
[10] Da`eef. Reported by Abu Ya'la. Its isnaad contains Laith ibn Abee
[11] Ahmad, Musnad, 5/41, 46.
Checker's Note: Saheeh, Majma' az-Zawaid of al-Haythamee: 7/335.
[12] Ahmad, Musnad, 5/46.
Checker's Note: Saheeh, Musnad Imaam Ahmad, checking by Ahmad
Shakir: 5/41. It is part of no. 10 above, which is not given in full in the
[13] Ahmad, Musnad, 3/220.
Checker's Note: Saheeh. Its isnaad is hasan and is further supported,
Silsilatul Ahadeeth as-Saheehah: 1887, Kashful Astar bi Zawa'id al-
Bazzar of al-Haythamee: 3373.
Ahaadeeth about the Dajjaal
'Abd Allaah ibn 'Umar said,
"'Umar ibn al-Khattab went along with the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe
wa sallam) and a group of people to Ibn Sayyaad, and found him playing
with some children near the battlement of Banoo Maghaalah. At that time
Ibn Sayyaad was on the threshold of adolescence; he did not realise that
anybody was near until the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam)
struck him on the back. The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said
to him: 'Do you bear witness than I am the Messenger of Allaah?' Ibn
Sayyaad looked at him and said, 'I bear witness that you are the Prophet
(sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) of the unlettered.' Then Ibn Sayyaad said
to the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam), 'Do you bear witness that
I am the Messenger of Allaah?' The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa
sallam) dismissed this and said, 'I believe in Allaah and His Messengers.'
Then the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) asked him, 'What do
you see?' Ibn Sayyaad said, 'Sometimes a truthful person comes to me,
and sometimes a liar.' The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said
to him, 'You are confused', then he said, 'I am hiding something from
you.' Ibn Sayyaad said, 'It is Dukh.' The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa
sallam) said, 'Silence! You will not be able to go beyond your rank.' 'Umar
ibn al-Khattab said, 'O Messenger of Allaah, shall I cut off his head?' The
Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said, 'If he is (the Dajjaal) you
will not be able to overpower him, and if he is not, then killing will not do
you any good.' "
Saleem ibn 'Abd Allaah said,

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"I heard 'Abd Allaah ibn 'Umar say, 'After that, the Prophet (sal-Allaahu
'alayhe wa sallam) and Ubayy ibn Ka'b went along to the palm trees
where Ibn Sayyaad was. The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam)
started to hide behind a tree, with the intention of hearing something from
Ibn Sayyaad before Ibn Sayyaad saw him. The Prophet (sal-Allaahu
'alayhe wa sallam) saw him lying on a bed, murmuring beneath a blanket.
Ibn Sayyaad's mother saw the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam)
hiding behind a tree, and said to her son, "O Saf (Ibn Sayyaad's first
name), here is Muhammad!" Ibn Sayyad jumped up, and the Prophet
(sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said, "If you had left him alone, he would
have explained himself." "
Saleem said,
"Abd Allaah ibn'Umar said, The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam)
stood up to address the people. He praised Allaah as He deserved to be
praised, then he spoke about the Dajjaal: 'I warn you against him; there is
no Prophet who has not warned his people against him, even Noah
warned his people against him. But I will tell you something which no
other Prophet has told his people. You must know that the Dajjaal is one-
eyed, and Allaah is not one-eyed.' "
Ibn Shihaab said:
"'Umar ibn Thaabit al-Ansaaree told me that some of the Companions of
the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) told him that on the day when
he warned the people about the Dajjaal, the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe
wa sallam) said: 'There will be written between his eyes the word Kaafir
(unbeliever). Everyone who resents his bad deeds - or every believer -
will be able to read it.' He also said, 'You must know that no one of you
will be able to see his Lord until he dies.' " [Muslim, Bukhaaree] [1]
Ibn 'Umar said,
"The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) mentioned the Dajjaal to
the people. He said, 'Allaah is not one-eyed, but the Dajjaal is blind in his
right eye, and his eye is like a floating grape.' " [Muslim] [2]
Anas ibn Malik said,
"TheProphet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said, 'There has never been
a Prophet who did not warn his people against that one-eyed liar. Verily
he is one-eyed and your Lord is not one-eyed. On his forehead will be
written the letter Kaf, Fa, Ra (Kaafir).' " [Muslim, Bukhaaree] [3]
Hudhayfah said,
"The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said, 'I know more about
the powers which the Dajjaal will have than he will know himself. He will
have two flowing rivers: one will appear to be pure water, and the other

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will appear to be flaming fire. Whosoever lives to see that, let him choose
the river which seems to be fire, then let him close his eyes, lower his
head and drink from it, for it will be cold water. The Dajjaal will be one-
eyed; the place where one eye should be will be covered by a piece of
skin. On his forehead will be written the word Kaafir,and every believer,
whether literate or illiterate, will be able to read it.' " [Muslim] [4]
Abu Hurayrah said,
"The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said, 'Shall I tell you
something about the Dajjaal which no Prophet has ever told his people
before me? The Dajjaal is one-eyed and will bring with him something
which will resemble Paradise and Hell; but that which he calls Paradise
will in fact be Hell. I warn you against him as Noah warned his people
against him.' " [Bukhaaree, Muslim] [5]
Muhammad ibn Munkadir said:
"I saw Jaabir ibn 'Abd Allaah swearing by Allaah that Ibn Sayyaad was
the Dajjaal, so I asked him, 'Do you swear by Allaah?' He said, 'I heard
'Umar swear to that effect in the presence of the Prophet (sal-Allaahu
'alayhe wa sallam), and the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) did
not disapprove of it.' " [6]
Some 'ulamaa' (scholars) say that some of the Sahaabah (Companions
of the Prophet) believed Ibn Sayyaad to be the greater Dajjaal, but that is
not the case: Ibn Sayyaad was a lesser dajjal.
Ibn Sayyaad travelled between Makkah and Madeenah with Abu Sa'eed,
and complained to him about the way that people were saying that he
was the Dajjaal. Then he said to Abu Sa'eed,
"Did not the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) say that the Dajjaal
would not enter Madinah? I was born there. Did not he say that he would
not have any children? - I have children. Did not he say that he would be
a Kaafir? - I have embraced Islaam. Of all the people, I know the most
about him: I know where he is now. If I were given the opportunity to be
in his place, I would not resent it.' " [Bukhaaree, Muslim]
There are many Ahaadeeth about Ibn Sayyaad, some of which are not
clear as to whether he was the Dajjaal or not. We shall see Ahaadeeth
which indicates that the Dajjaal is not Ibn Sayyaad, as in the Hadeeth of
Faatimah Bint Qays al-Fahriyyah, although this does not mean that he
was not one of the lesser Dajjaal; but Allaah knows best.

[1] Bukhaaree, Kitaab al-Adab, 8/49, 50. Muslim, Kitaab al-Fitan, 8/192,

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Ibn Sayyaad's [or Ibn Sa'eed's] first name was Saaf. He had some
characteristics similar to those ascribed to the Dajjaal. When he was
young, he was like a Kaahin (soothsayer) - sometimes he spoke the
truth, sometimes he lied. When he grew up, he embraced Islaam and
displayed some good characteristics, but later he changed, and it was
said that his behaviour might indicate that he was the Dajjaal. But the
Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) had not received any Wahy
(revelation) to that effect, so he told 'Umar: "If he is [the Dajjaal] you will
not be able to overpower him."
Banoo Maghaalah: if you stand facing the Masjid al-Nabawee, (the
Prophet's Mosque in Madeenah), everything on your right is the territory
of Banoo Maghaalah.
Dukh: i.e. al-Dukhaan (smoke). The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa
sallam) was thinking of the Aayah,
"Then wait you for the Day when the sky will bring forth a visible smoke."
[ad-Dukhaan (44):10]
"… with the intention of hearing something…" in other words, the Prophet
(sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) wanted to eavesdrop on Ibn Sayyaad so
that he and his companions could find out whether he was a soothsayer
(kaahin) or a sorcerer.
"if you had left him alone, he would have had explained himself": i.e., if
his mother had not told him that the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa
sallam) was there, then the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam)
would have found out what he was - a soothsayer or a sorcerer.
[2] Muslim, Kitaab al-Fitan, 8/194, 195.
"His eye is like a floating grape" - this means that, his eye will protrude
and there will be some kind of brightness in it.
[3] Muslim, ibid. Bukhaaree, Kitaab al-Fitan, 9/75, 76.
"On his forehead will be written the letters Kaaf, Faa', Raa' " - this
indicates that he will call people to Kufr, not the right path, so we must
avoid him. The fact that Muslims will be able to identify him as a Kaafir is
a great blessing from Allaah to this Ummah.
[4] Muslim, ibid. Shorter version in Bukhaaree, Kitaab al-Fitan, 9/75.
[5] Bukhaaree, Kitaab al-Anbiyaa, 4/75. Muslim, Kitaab al-Fitan, 8/196.
[6] Muslim, Kitaab al-Fitan, 8/192.
The Hadeeth of Faatimah bint Qays
'Aamir ibn Sharaaheel Sha'bi Sha'b Hamdaan reported that he asked
Faatimah bint Qays, the sister of Dahhaak ibn Qays,who was one of the
first Muhaajiraat,
"Tell me a Hadeeth which you heard directly from the Prophet (sal-

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Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) with no narrator in between." She said, "I can
tell you if you like." He said, "Yes, please tell me." She said,
"I married Ibn al-Mugheerah, who was one of the best of the youth of
Quraysh in those days. But he fell in the first Jihaad on the side of the
Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam).
"When I became a widow, 'Abd al-Rahmaan ibn 'Awf, one of the
companions of the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) sent me a
proposal of marriage. The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) also
sent me a proposal of marriage on behalf of his freedman Usaamah ibn
Zayd. I had been told that the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam)
had said, 'He who loves me should also love Usaamah.' When the
Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) spoke to me, I said, 'It is up to
you: marry me to whomever you wish.'
"The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said, 'Go and stay with
Umm Shareek.' Umm Shareek was a rich Ansaaree (Muslim originally
from Madeenah) woman, who spent much in the way of Allaah ande
ntertained many guests. I said, 'I will do as you wish.' Then he said, 'Don't
go. Umm Shareek has many guests, and I would not like it if your head or
leg were to become uncovered accidentally and people saw something
you would not wish them to see. It is better if you go and stay with your
cousin 'Abd Allaah ibn 'Amr ibn Umm Maktoom' (Abd Allaah was of the
Banoo Fihr of Quraysh, the same tribe as that to which Faatimah
"So I went to stay with him, and when I had completed my 'Iddah (period
of waiting), I heard the Prophet's (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam)
announcer calling for congregational prayer. I went out to the mosque,
and prayed behind the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam). I was in
the women's row, which was at the back of the congregation. When the
Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) had finished his prayer, he sat on
the pulpit, smiling, and said, 'Everyone should stay in his place.' Then he
said, 'Do you know why I had asked you to assemble?' The people said,
'Allaah and His Messenger know best.'
"He said, 'By Allaah, I have not gathered you here to give you an
exhortation or a warning. I have kept you here because Tameem ad-
Daaree, a Christian man who has come and embraced Islaam, told me
something which agrees with that which I have told you about the Dajjaal.
He told me that he had sailed in a ship with thirty men from Banoo Lakhm
and Banoo Judhaam. The waves had tossed them about for a month,
then they were brought near to an island, at the time of sunset. They
landed on the island, and were met by a beast who was so hairy that they

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could not tell its front from its back. They said, "Woe to you! What are
you?" It said, "I am al-Jassaasah." They said, "What is al-Jassaasah?" It
said, "O people, go to this man in the monastery, for he is very eager to
know about you." Tameem said that when it named a person to us, we
were afraid lest it be a devil.
"Tamim said, 'We quickly went to the monastery. There we found a huge
man with his hands tied up to his neck and with iron shackles between
his legs up to the ankles. We said, "Woe to you, who are you?" He said,
"You will soon know about me. Tell me who you are." We said, "We are
people from Arabia. We sailed in a ship, but the waves have been tossing
us about for amonth, and they brought us to your island, where we met a
beast who was so hairy that we could not tell its front from its back. We
said to it, "Woe to you! What are you?" and it said, "I am al-Jassaasah."
We asked, "Whatis al-Jassaasah?" and it told us, "Go to this man in the
monastery, for he is very eager to know about you." So we came to you
quickly, fearing that it might be a devil.'
"The man said, 'Tell me about the date-palms of Baysaan.' We said,
'What do you want to know about them?' He said, 'I want to know
whether these trees bear fruit or not.' We said, 'Yes.' He said, 'Soon they
will not bear fruit.' Then he said, 'Tell me about the lake of at-Tabariyyah
[Tiberias, in Palestine].' We said, 'What do you want to know about it?' He
asked, 'Is there water in it?' We said, 'There is plenty of water in it.' He
said, 'Soon it will become dry.' Then he said, 'Tell me about the spring of
Zughar.' We said, 'What do you want to know about it?' He said, 'Is there
water in it, and does it irrigate the land?' We said, 'Yes, there is plenty of
water in it, and the people use it to irrigate the land.'
"Then he said, 'Tell me about the unlettered Prophet - what has he
done?' We said, 'He has left Makkah and settled in Yathrib.' He asked,
'Do the Arabs fight against him?' We said, 'Yes.' He said, 'How does he
deal with them?' So we told him that the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa
sallam) had overcome the Arabs around him and that they had followed
him. He asked, 'Has it really happened?' We said, 'Yes.' He said, 'It is
better for them if they follow him. Now I will tell you about myself. Iam the
Dajjaal. I will soon be permitted to leave this place: I will emerge and
travel about the earth. In forty nights I will pass through every town,
except Makkah and Madeenah, for these have been forbidden to me.
Every time I try to enter either of them, I will be met by an angel bearing
an unsheathed sword, who will prevent me from entering. There will be
angels guarding them at every passage leading to them.'
Faatimah said, "The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam), striking the

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pulpit with his staff, said: 'This is Tayyibah, this is Tayyibah, this is
Tayyibah, [i.e. Madeenah]. Have I not told you something like this?' The
people said, 'Yes.' He said, 'I liked the account given to me by Tameem
because it agrees with that which I have told you about the Dajjaal, and
about Makkah and Madeenah. Indeed he is in the Syrian sea or the
Yemen sea. No, on the contrary, he is in the East, he is in the East, he is
in the East' and he pointed towards the East. Faatimah said: I memorised
this from the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam)." [Muslim] [1]
'Abd Allaah ibn 'Umar said,
"The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said, 'While I was asleep, I
saw myself in a dream performing Tawaaf (circumambulation) around the
Ka'bah. I saw a ruddy man with lank hair and water dripping from his
head. I said, "Who is he?" and they said, "The son of Mary." Then I
turned around and saw another man with a huge body, red complexion,
curly hair and one eye. His other eye looked like a floating grape. They
said, "This is the Dajjaal." The one who most resembles him is Ibn Qatan,
a man from the tribe of al-Khuzaa'ah'.' " [Bukhaaree, Muslim] [2]
Jaabir ibn 'Abd Allaah said,
"The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said, 'The Dajjaal will
appear at the end of time, when religion is taken lightly. He will have forty
days in which to travel throughout the earth. One of these days will be
like a year, another will be like a month, a third will be like a week, and
the rest will be like normal days. He will be riding a donkey; the width
between its ears will be forty cubits. He will say to the people: "I am your
lord." He is one-eyed, but your Lord is not one-eyed. On his forehead will
be written the word Kaafir, and every believer, literate or illiterate, will be
able to read it. He will go everywhere except Makkah and Madeenah,
which Allaah has forbidden to him; angels stand at their gates. He will
have a mountain of bread, and the people will face hardship, except for
those who follow him. He will have two rivers, and I know what is in them.
He will call one Paradise and one Hell. Whoever enters the one he calls
Paradise will find that it is Hell, and whoever enters the one he calls Hell
will find that it is Paradise. Allaah will send with him devils who will speak
to the people. He will bring a great tribulation; he will issue a command to
the sky and it will seem to the people as if it is raining. Then he will
appear to kill someone and bring him back to life. After that he will no
longer have this power. The people will say, "Can anybody do something
like this except the Lord?" The Muslims will flee to Jabal al-Dukhaan in
Syria, and the Dajjaal will come and besiege them. The siege will
intensify and they will suffer great hardship. Then Jesus son of Mary will

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descend, and will call the people at dawn: "O people, what prevented you
from coming out to fight this evil liar?" They will answer, "He is a Jinn."
Then they will go out, and find Jesus son of Mary. The time for prayer will
come, and the Muslims will call on Jesus to lead the prayer, but he will
say, "Let your Imaam lead the prayer." Their Imaam will lead them in
praying Salaat al-Subh (Morning prayer), then they will go out to fight the
Dajjaal. When the liar sees Jesus, he will dissolve like salt in water.
Jesus will go to him and kill him, and he will not let anyone who followed
him live.' " [Ahmad] [3]

[1] Muslim, Kitaab al- Fitan, 8/203-205.
Al-Jassaasah is so called because he spies on behalf of the Dajjaal (from
jassa - to try to gain information, to spy out, etc.).
Baysaan - a village in Palestine.
'Ayn Zughar (the spring of Zughar) is a town in Palestine.
[2] Bukhaaree, Kitaab al-Fitan, 9/75. Muslim, Kitaab al-Imaan, 1/108.
[3] Ahmad, Musnad, 3/367, 368.
Checker's Note: Da`eef. Silsilatul Ahaadieeh ad-Da`eefah: 1969. It
contains the `an`anah of Abu Zubair. Parts are found in authentic
narrations. Refer to Dajjaal section in Saheeh Muslim.
The Hadeeth of Al-Nuwas Ibn Sam'an Al-Kilabi
Al-Nuwas ibn Saman said,
"One morning the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) spoke about
the Dajjaal. Sometimes he described him as insignificant, and sometimes
he described him as so dangerous that we thought he was in the clump
of date-palms nearby. When we went to him later on, he noticed that fear
in our faces, and asked, 'What is the matter with you?' We said, 'O
Messenger of Allaah, this morning you spoke of the Dajjaal; sometimes
you described him as insignificant, and sometimes you described him as
being so dangerous that we thought he was in the clump of date-palms
"The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said, 'I fear for you in other
matters besides the Dajjaal. If he appears whilst I am among you, I will
contend with him on your behalf. But if he appears while I am not among
you, then each man must contend with him on his own behalf, and Allaah
will take care of every Muslim on my behalf. The Dajjaal will be a young
man, with short, curly hair, and one eye floating. I would liken him to 'Abd
al-Uzzaa ibn Qatan. Whoever amongst you lives to see him should recite
the opening Ayaat of Surat al-Kahf. He will appear on the way between

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Syria and Iraq, and will create disaster left and right. O servants of
Allaah, adhere to the Path of Truth.' "
"We said, 'O Messenger of Allaah, for the day which is like a year, will
one days prayers be sufficient?' He said, 'No, you must make an estimate
of the time, and then observe the prayers.' "
"We asked, 'O Messenger of Allaah, how quickly will he walk upon the
earth?' He said, 'Like a cloud driven by the wind. He will come to the
people and call them (to a false religion), and they will believe in him and
respond to him. He will issue a command to the sky, and it will rain; and
to the earth, and it will produce crops. After grazing on these crops, their
animals will return with their udders full of milk and their flanks stretched.
Then he will come to another people and will call them (to a false
religion), but they will reject his call. He will depart from them; they will
suffer famine and will possess nothing in the form of wealth. Then he will
pass through the wasteland and will say, Bring forth your treasures, and
the treasures will come forth, like swarms of bees. Then he will call a
man brimming with youth; he will strike him with a sword and cut him in
two, then place the two pieces at the distance between an archer and his
target. Then he will call him, and the young man will come running and
laughing.' "
"At that point, Allaah will send the Messiah, son of Mary, and he will
descend to the white minaret in the east of Damascus, wearing two
garments dyed with saffron, placing his hands on the wings of two
angels. When he lowers his head, beads of perspiration will fall from it,
and when he raises his head, beads like pearls will scatter from it. Every
Kaafir who smells his fragrance will die, and his breath will reach as far
as he can see. He will search for the Dajjaal until he finds him at the gate
of Ludd, where he will kill him."
"Then a people whom Allaah has protected will come to Jesus son of
Mary, and he will wipe their faces (i.e. wipe the traces of hardship from
their faces) and tell them of their status in Paradise. At that time Allaah
will reveal to Jesus: "I have brought forth some of My servants whom no-
one will be able to fight. Take My servants safely to at-Toor."
"Then Allaah will send Gog and Magog, and they will swarm down from
every slope. The first of them will pass by the Lake of Tiberias, and will
drink some of its water; the last of them will pass by it and say, "There
used to be water here." Jesus, the Prophet of Allaah, and his
Companions will be besieged until a bull's head will be dearer to them
than one hundred dinars are to you nowadays."
"Then Jesus and his Companions will pray to Allaah, and He will send

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insects who will bite the people of Gog and Magog on their necks, so that
in the morning they will all perish as one. Then Jesus and his
Companions will come down and will not find any nook or cranny on
earth which is free from their putrid stench. Jesus and his Companions
will again pray to Allaah, Who will send birds like the necks of camels;
they will seize the bodies of Gog and Magog and throw them wherever
Allaah wills. Then Allaah will send rain which no house or tent will be able
to keep out, and the earth will be cleansed, until it will look like a mirror.
Then the earth will be told to bring forth its fruit and restore its blessing.
On that day, a group of people will be able to eat from a single
pomegranate and seek shelter under its skin (i.e. the fruit would be so
big). A milch camel will give so much milk that a whole party will be able
to drink from it; a cow will give so much milk that a whole tribe will be able
to drink from it; and a milch-sheep will give so much milk that a whole
family will be able to drink from it. At that time, Allaah will send a pleasant
wind which will soothe them even under their armpits, and will take the
soul of every Muslim. Only the most wicked people will be left, and they
will fornicate like asses; then the Last Hour will come upon them." "
[Muslim] [1]

[1] Muslim, Kitaab al-Fitan wa Ashraat al-Saa'ah, 8/196-199.
Ludd: the biblical Lydda, now known as Lod, site of the zionist state's
major airport
Hadeeth narrated from Abu Umaamah Al-Baahilee
Abu Umaamah al-Baahilee said,
"The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) delivered a speech to us,
most of which dealt with the Dajjaal and warned us against him. He said,
'No tribulation on earth since the creation of Adam will be worse than the
tribulation of the Dajjaal. Allaah has never sent a Prophet who did not
warn his Ummah against the Dajjaal. I am the last of the Prophets, and
you are the last Ummah. The Dajjaal is emerging among you and it is
inevitable. If he appears while I am still among you, I will contend with
him on behalf of every Muslim. But if he appears after I am gone, then
every person must contend with him on his own behalf. He will appear on
the way between Syria and Iraq, and will spread disaster right and left. O
servants of Allaah adhere to the path of Truth. I shall describe him for you
in a way that no Prophet has ever done before.
He will start by saying that he is a Prophet, but there will be no Prophet
after me. Then he will say, "I am your Lord," but you will never see your

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Lord until you die. The Dajjaal is one-eyed, but your Lord, glorified be He,
is not one-eyed. On his forehead will be written the word Kaafir, which
every Muslim, literate or illiterate, will be able to read. Among that which
he will bring will be the Paradise and Hell he will offer; but that which he
calls Hell will be Paradise, and that which he calls Paradise will be Hell.
Whoever enters his Hell, let him seek refuge with Allaah and recite the
opening Ayaat of Surat ul-Kahf, and it will become cool and peaceful for
him, as the fire became cool and peaceful for Abraham.
"He will say to a Bedouin, What do you think if I bring your father and
mother back to life for you? Will you bear witness that I am your lord?
The Bedouin will say Yes, so two devils will assume the appearance of
his father and mother, and will say, "O my son, follow him for he is your
"He will be given power over one person, whom he will kill and cut in two
with a saw. Then he will say, Look at this slave of mine, now I will
resurrect him, but he will still claim that he has a Lord other than me.
Allaah will resurrect him, and this evil man (the Dajjaal) will say to him,
Who is your Lord? The man will answer, 'My Lord is Allaah, and you are
the enemy of Allaah. You are the Dajjaal. By Allaah, I have never been
more sure of this than I am today.' "
Aboo Sa'eed said,
"The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said, 'That man will have
the highest status among my Ummah in Paradise.' "
Abu Sa'eed said,
"By Allaah, we never thought that that man would be any other than
'Umar ibn al-Khattab, until he passed away."
Al-Muhaaribee said:
"Then we referred to the Hadeeth of Abu Raafi'ee, which said, 'Part of his
Fitnah will be the fact that he will pass through an area whose people will
deny him, and none of their livestock will remain alive. Then he will pass
through a second area whose people will believe in him; he will order the
sky to rain and the earth to bring forth crops, and their flocks will return
from grazing fatter than they have ever been, with their flanks stretched,
their udders full. He will pass through every place on earth - except
Makkah and Madeenah, which he will never enter, for there are angels
guarding every gate of them with unsheathed swords - until he reaches
al-Zareeb al-Ahmar and camps at the edge of the salt-marsh. Madeenah
will be shaken by three tremors, after which every Munaafiq (hypocrite)
will leave it, and it will be cleansed of evil, as iron is cleansed of dross.
That day will be called Yawm al-Khalaas (The Day of Purification).' "

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Umm Shareek bint Abee'l-'Akr said,

"O Messenger of Allaah, where will the Arabs be at that time?" He said,
"At that time they will be few; most of them will be in Bayt al-Maqdis
(Jerusalem), and their Imaam will be a righteous man. Whilst their Imaam
is going forward to lead the people in praying Salaat al-Subh (themorning
prayer), Jesus son of Mary will descend. The Imaam will step back, to let
Jesus lead the people in prayer, but Jesus will place his hand between
the man's shoulders and say, 'Go forward and lead the prayer, for the
Iqaamah was made for you.' So the Imaam will lead the people in prayer,
and afterwards Jesus (alayhi-salam) will say, 'Open the gate.' The gate
will be opened, and behind it will be the Dajjaal and a thousand Jews,
each of them bearing a sword and shield. When the Dajjaal sees Jesus,
he will begin to dissolve like salt in water, and will run away. Jesus will
say, 'You will remain alive until I strike you with my sword.' He will catch
up with him at the eastern gate of Ludd and will kill him. The Jews will be
deflated with the help of Allaah. There will be no place for them to hide;
they will not be able to hide behind any stone, wall, animal or tree -
except the boxthorn (al-Gharqarah) - without it saying, 'O Muslim servant
of Allaah! here is a Jew, come and kill him!' " The Prophet (sal-Allaahu
'alayhe wa sallam) said, "The time of the Dajjaal will be forty years; one
year like half a year, one year like a month, and one month like a week.
The rest of his days will pass so quickly that if one of you were at one of
the gates of Madeenah, he would not reach the other gate before
evening fell."
Someone asked,
"O Messenger of Allaah, how will wepray in those shorter days?" He said,
"Workout the times of prayer in the same way that you do in these longer
days, and then pray." The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said,
"Jesus son of Mary will be a just administrator and leader of my Ummah.
He will break the cross, kill the pigs, and abolish the Jizyah (tax on non-
Muslims). He will not collect the Sadaqah, so he will not collect sheep
and camels. Mutual enmity and hatred will disappear. Every harmful
animal will be made harmless, so that a small boy will be able to put his
hand into a snakes mouth without being harmed,a small girl will be able
to make a lion run away from her, and a wolf will go among sheep as if
he were a sheepdog. The earth will be filled with peace as a container is
filled with water. People will be in complete agreement, and only Allaah
will be worshipped. Wars will cease, and the authority of Quraysh will be
taken away. The earth will be like a silver basin, and will produce fruits so
abundantly that a group of people will gather to eat a bunch of grapes or

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on epomegranate and will be satisfied. A bull will be worth so much

money, but a horse will be worth only a few dirhams."
Someone asked,
"O Messenger of Allaah, why will a horse be so cheap?" He said,
"Because it will never be ridden in war." He was asked, "Why will the bull
be so expensive?" He said, "Because it will plough the earth. For three
years before the Dajjaal emerges, the people will suffer severe hunger. In
the first year, Allaah will order the sky to withhold a third of its rain, and
the earth to withhold two-thirds of its fruits. In the third year, He will order
the sky to withhold all of its rain, and the earth to withhold all of its fruits,
so that nothing green will grow. Every cloven-hoofed creature will die
except for whatever Allaah wills." Someone asked, "How will the people
live at that time?" He said, "By saying Laa ilaaha illaa Allaah, Allaahu
Akbar, Subhaan Allaah and Al-Hamdu-lillaah. This will be like food for
them." [1]
The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said,
"The Dajjaal will come forth, and one of the Believers will go towards him.
The armed men of the Dajjaal will ask him, 'Where are you going?' He
will say, 'I am going to this one who has come forth.' They will say, 'Kill
him!' Then some of them will say to the others, 'Hasn't your lord [ie the
Dajjaal] forbidden you to kill anyone without his permission?' So they will
take him to the Dajjaal, and when the Believer sees him, he will say, 'O
People, this is the Dajjaal whom the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa
sallam) told us about.' Then the Dajjaal will order them to seize him and
wound him in the head; they will inflict blows all over, even in his back
and stomach. The Dajjaal will ask him, 'Don't you believe in me?' He will
say, 'You are a false Messiah.' The Dajjaal will order that he be sawn in
two from the parting of his hair to his legs; then he will walk between the
two pieces. Then he will say 'Stand!' and the man will stand up. The
Dajjaal will say to him, 'Don't you believe in me?' The believer will say, 'It
has only increased my understanding that you are the Dajjaal.' Then he
will say, 'O people! he will not treat anyone else in such a manner after
me.' The Dajjaal will seize him to slaughter him, but the space between
his neck and collar-bone will be turned into copper, and the Dajjaal will
not be able to do anything to him. He will take the man by his arms and
legs and throw him away; the people will believe that he has been thrown
into Hell, whereas in fact he will have been thrown into Paradise." The
Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said, "He will be the greatest of
martyrs in the sight of Allaah, the Lord of the Worlds." [Muslim] [2]

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[1] Ibn Maajah, Kitaab al-Fitan, (Hadeeth 4077), 2:1363.
"He will break the cross and kill pigs", i.e. Christianity will be annulled.
"He will not collect the Sadaqah" (i.e. Zakaat) - because there will be so
much wealth, and no-one will be in need of Sadaqah.
Checker's Note: Da`eef. Da`eef Ibn Maajah: 884. Parts are supported.
[2] Muslim, Kitaab al-Fitan wa Ashtaar al-Saa'ah, 8/199, 200
The Hadeeth of Al-Mugheerah Ibn Shu'bah
Al-Mugheerah ibn Shu'bah said,
"No-one asked the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) more
questions about the Dajjaal than I did. He said, 'You should not worry
about him, because he will not be able to harm you.' I said, 'But they say
that he will have much food and water!' He said, 'He is too insignificant in
the sight of Allaah to have all that.' " [Muslim]
Al-Mugheerah ibn Shu'bah said,
"No-one asked the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) more
questions about the Dajjaal than I did." One of the narrators said, "What
did you ask him?" Al-Mugheerah said, "I said, 'They say that the Dajjaal
will have a mountain of bread and meat, and a river of water. The
Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said, 'He is too insignificant in
the sight of Allaah to have all that.' " [Muslim]
From these Ahaadeeth, we can see that Allaah will test His servants with
the Dajjaal and by the miracles which he will be permitted to perform: as
we have already mentioned, the Dajjaal will order the sky to rain for those
who accept him, and will order the earth to bring forth its fruits so that
they and their livestock will eat of it, and their flocks will return fat and
with their udders full of milk. Those who reject the Dajjaal and refuse to
believe in him will suffer drought and famine; people and livestock will
die, and wealth and supplies of food will be depleted. People will follow
the Dajjaal like swarms of bees, and he will kill a young man and bring
him back to life.
This is not a kind of magic; it will be something real with which Allaah will
test His servants at the end of time. Many will be led astray, and many
will be guided by it. Those who doubt will disbelieve, but those who
believe will be strengthened in their faith.
Al-Qaadi 'Iyaad and others interpreted the phrase "He is too insignificant
in the sight of Allaah to have all that" as meaning that the Dajjaal is too
insignificant to have anything that could lead the true believers astray,
because he is obviously evil and corrupt. Even if he brings great terror,
the word Kaafir will be clearly written between his eyes; one report

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explains that it will be written "Kaaf, Faa, Raa," from which we can
understand that it will be written perceptibly, not abstractly, as some
people say.
One of his eyes will be blind, protruding and repulsive; this is the
meaning of the Hadeeth: " if it were a grape floating on the surface of
the water." Other reports say that it is "dull, with no light in it," or "like
white spittle on a wall," i.e. it will look ugly.
Some reports say that it is his right eye which will be blind; others say
that it is his left eye.
He could be partly blind in both eyes, or there could be a fault in both
eyes. This interpretation could be supported by the Hadeeth narrated by
at-Tabaraanee, in which he reports that Ibn 'Abbaas said,
"The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said, 'The Dajjaal is curly-
haired and white-skinned. His head is like the branch of a tree; his left
eye is blind, and the other eye looks like a floating grape.' "
One may ask: if the Dajjaal is going to cause such widespread evil and
his claim to be a "lord" will be so widely believed - even though he is
obviously a liar, and all the Prophet's have warned against him - why
does the Qur'aan not mention him by name and warn us against his lies
and stubbornness?
The answer is:-
The Dajjaal was referred to in the Ayah:
"...The day that some of the Signs of your Lord do come, no good will it
do to a person to believe then, if he believed not before, nor earned good
(by performing deeds of righteousness) through his Faith..." [al-An'aam
Abu Hurairah said,
"The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said, 'There are three
things which, when they appear, no good will it do a soul to believe in
them then, if it believed not before nor earned righteousness through its
Faith. They are: The Dajjaal, the Beast, and the rising of the sun from the
west.' "
Jesus son of Mary will descend from Heaven and kill the Dajjaal, as we
have already mentioned. The descent of Jesus is mentioned in the Ayaat:
"And because of their saying (in boast), "We killed Messiah 'Eesaa
(Jesus), son of Maryam (Mary), the Messenger of Allaah," - but they
killed him not, nor crucified him, but the resemblance of 'Eesaa (Jesus)
was put over another man (and they killed that man), and those who
differ therein are full of doubts. They have no (certain) knowledge, they
follow nothing but conjecture. For surely; they killed him not [i.e. 'Eesaa

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(Jesus), son of Maryam (Mary) alayhi-salam]:

But Allaah raised him ['Eesaa (Jesus)] up (with his body and soul) unto
Himself (and he alayhi-salam is in the heavens). And Allaah is Ever All
Powerful, All Wise.
And there is none of the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians),
but must believe in him ['Eesaa (Jesus), son of Maryam (Mary), as only a
Messenger of Allaah and a human being], before his ['Eesaa (Jesus)
alayhi-salam or a Jew's or a Christian's] death (at the time of the
appearance of the angel of death). And on the Day of Resurrection, he
['Eesaa (Jesus)] will be a witness against them." [an-Nisaa' (4):157-9]
We think that the Tafseer (interpretation) of this Aayah is that the
pronoun in "before his death" (qabla mawtihi) refers to Jesus; i.e, he will
descend and the People of the Book who differed concerning him will
believe in him. The Christians claimed that he was divine, while the Jews
made a slanderous accusation, i.e. that he was born from adultery. When
Jesus descends before the Day of Judgment, he will correct all these
differences and lies.
On this basis, the reference to the descent of the Messiah Jesus son of
Mary also includes a reference to the Dajjaal (false Mesor Antichrist),
who is the opposite of the true Messiah, because sometimes the Arabs
refer to one of two opposites and not the other, but mean both.
The Dajjaal is not mentioned by name in the Qur'aan because he is so
insignificant: he claims to be divine, but he is merely a human being. His
affairs are too contemptible to be mentioned in the Qur'aan. But the
Prophet's, out of loyalty to Allaah, warned their people about the Dajjaal
and the tribulations and misguiding miracles he would bring. It is enough
for us to know the reports of the Prophet's and the many reports from the
Prophet Muhammad (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam).
One could argue that Allaah has mentioned Pharaoh and his false
claims, such as:
"I am your lord, most high" [an-Nazi'aat (79):24] and "O chiefs! I know not
that you have an ilaah (a god) other than me..." [al-Qasas (28):38]
This can be explained by the fact that Pharaoh and his deeds are in the
past, and his lies are clear to every believer. But the Dajjaal is yet to
come, in the future; it will be a Fitnah and a test for all people. So the
Dajjaal is not mentioned in the Qur'aan because he is contemptible; and
the fact that he is not mentioned means that it will be a great test.
The facts about the Dajjaal and his lies are obvious and do not need
further emphasis. This is often the case when something is very clear.
For example, when the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) was

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terminally ill, he wanted to write a document confirming that Abu Bakr

would be the Khaleefah after him. Then he abandoned this idea, and
"Allaah and the believers will not accept anyone other than Abu Bakr."
He decided not to write the document because he knew of Abu Bakr's
high standing among the Sahaabah (Companions) and was sure that
they would not choose anyone else. Similarly, the facts about the Dajjaal
are so clear that they did not need to be mentioned in the Qur'aan.
Allaah did not mention the Dajjaal in the Qur'aan because He
(subhaanahu wa ta'aala) knew that the Dajjaal would not be able to lead
His true servants astray; he would only increase their faith, their
submission to Allaah and His Messenger, their belief in the Truth, and
their rejection of falsehood. For this reason the believer whom the Dajjaal
overpowers will say, when he revives him,
"By Allaah, it has only increased my understanding that you are the one-
eyed liar about whom the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam)
More Ahaadeeth about the Dajjaal
The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said,
"The Dajjaal will emerge in a land in the east called Khurasan. His
followers will be people with faces like hammered shields." [1]
Asmaa' bint Yazeed al-Ansaariyyah said,
"The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said, 'During the three
years just before the Dajjaal comes, there will be one year when the sky
will withhold one third of its rain and the earth one-third of its fruits. In the
second year the sky will withhold two-thirds of its rain, and the earth two-
thirds of its fruits. In the third year the sky will withhold all of its rain, and
the earth all of its fruits, and all the animals will die. It will be the greatest
tribulation: the Dajjaal will bring a Bedouin and say to him, "What if I bring
your camels to life for you? Will you agree that I am your lord?" The
Bedouin will say "Yes." So devils will assume the forms of his camels,
with the fullest udders and the highest humps. Then he will bring a man
whose father and brother have died, and will ask him, "What do you think
if I bring your father and brother back to life? Will you agree that I am
your lord?" The man will say "Yes," so the devils will assume the forms of
his father and brother.' Then the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam)
went out for something, and then returned. The people were very
concerned about what he had told them. He stood in the doorway and
asked, 'What is wrong, Asma'? I said, 'O Messenger of Allaah, you have
terrified us with what you said about the Dajjaal.' He said, 'He will

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certainly appear. If I am still alive, I will contend with him on your behalf;
otherwise Allaah will take care of every Muslim on my behalf.' I said, 'O
Messenger of Allaah, we do not bake our dough until we are hungry, so
how will it be for the believers at that time?' The Prophet (sal-Allaahu
'alayhe wa sallam) said, 'The glorification of Allaah which suffices the
people of Heaven will be sufficient for them.' " [2]
Abu Hurairah (radi-Allahu 'anhu) said,
"The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said, 'The Hour will not
come until the Muslims fight the Jews and kill them. When a Jew hides
behind a rock or a tree, it will say, "O Muslim, O servant of Allaah! There
is a Jew behind me, come and kill him!" All the trees will do this except
the box-thorn (al-Gharqad), because it is the tree of the Jews.' " [Ahmad]

[1] Tirmidhee Abwaab al-Fitan, Hadeeth 2338, 6/465. Ibn Maajah, Kitaab
al-Fitan, Hadeeth 4072, 1354, 2/1353, 1354. Ahmad, Musnad 1/7.
Checker's Note: Saheeh, Saheeh Ibn Maajah: 4072.
[2] Ahmad, Musnad, 6/455, 456.
Checker's Note: Da`eef, al-Mishkat, 1st checking: 5491. Its isnaad
contains Sharh ibn Hawshab, who is weak.
[3] Muslim, Kitaab al-Fitan wa Ashraat al-Saa'ah, 8/388. Ahmad, Musnad,
Protection Against The Dajjaal
1. Seeking refuge with Allaah from his tribulation.
It is proven in the Saheeh (authentic) Ahaadeeth that the Prophet (sal-
Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) used to seek refuge with Allaah from the
tribulation of the Dajjaal in his prayers, and that he commanded his
Ummah to dol ikewise:
"Allaahumma innaa na'oodhu bika min 'adhaabi jahannam, wa min
'adhaabi 'l-qabr, wa min fitnatee 'l-mahyaa'i wa'l-mamaat, wa min fitnatee'
l-maseehi 'd-dajjaal."
"O Allaah! We seek refuge with You from the punishment of Hell, from
the punishment of the grave, from the tribulations of life and death, and
from the tribulation of the False Messiah (Dajjaal)." [1]
This Hadeeth was narrated by many Sahabah, including Anas, Abu
Hurairah, 'Aa'ishah, Ibn 'Abbaas, and Sa'd (radi-Allaahu 'anhum).
2. Memorising certain Aayaat from Surat al-Kahf.
Al-Haafidh ad-Dhahabee said,
"Seeking refuge with Allaah from the Dajjaal is mentioned in many

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Mutawaatir Ahaadeeth (those with numerous lines of narrators). One way

of doing this is to memorise ten Ayaat from Surat al-Kahf."
Abul-Diraa reported that the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said,
"Whoever memorises the first ten Aayaat of Surat al-Kahf will be
protected from the Dajjaal." [Abu Daawood] [2]
3. Keeping away from the Dajjaal.
One way to be protected from the tribulation of the Dajjaal is to live in
Madeenah or Makkah.
Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam)
"There are angels standing at the gates of Madeenah; neither plague nor
the Dajjaal can enter it." [Bukhaaree, Muslim]
Abu Bakr reported that the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said,
"The terror caused by the Dajjaal will not enter Madeenah. At that time it
will have seven gates; there will be two angels guarding every gate."
[Bukhaaree] [3]
Anas said,
"The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said, 'The Dajjaal will come
to Madeenah, and he will find angels guarding it. Neither plague nor the
Dajjaal will enter it, inshaa-Allaah.' " [Tirmidhee, Bukhaaree]
It has been proven in the Saheeh Ahaadeeth that the Dajjaal will not
enter Makkah or Madeenah, because the angels will prevent him from
entering these two places which are sanctuaries and are safe from him.
When he camps at the salt-marsh (Sabkhah) of Madeenah, it will be
shaken by three tremors - either physically or metaphorically - and every
hypocrite will go out to join the Dajjaal. On that day, Madeenah will be
cleansed of its dross and will be refined and purified; and Allaah knows

[1] Bukhaaree, Kitaab al-Janaa'iz, 2/124. Muslim, Kitaab al-Masaajid,
[2] Muslim, Kitaab al-Musaafirun, 2/199. Abu Daawood, Kitaab al-
Malaahim, (Hadeeth 4301), 11/401, 402.
[3] Bukhaaree, Baab Haram al-Madeenah, 1/28.
The Life And Deeds Of The Dajjaal
The Dajjaal will be a man, created by Allaah to be a test for people at the
end of time. Many will be led astray through him, and many will be guided
through him; only the sinful will be led astray.
Al-Haafidh Ibn 'Alee al-Aabaar wrote in his book of history (at-Taareekh)

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that the Dajjaal's Kunyah (nickname or paternal title) would be Abu

Yoosuf. [1]
Abu Bakrah said,
"The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said, 'The Dajjaal's parents
will remain childless for thirty years, then a one-eyed child will be born to
them. He will be very bad and will cause a great deal of trouble. When he
sleeps, his eyes will be closed but his heart (or mind) will still be active.'
Then he described his parents: 'His father will be a tall and bulky man,
with a long nose like a beak; his mother will be a huge, heavy-breasted
woman.' " [2]
Abu Bakrah said,
"We heard that a child had been born to some of the Jews in Madeenah.
Az-Zubayr ibn al-'Awaam and I went see his parents, and found that they
matched the description given by the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa
sallam). We saw the boy lying in the sun, covered with a blanket,
murmuring to himself. We asked his parents about him, and they said,
'We remained childless for thirty years, then this one-eyed boy was born
to us. He is very bad and causes a great deal of trouble.' When we went
out, we passed the boy. He asked us, 'What were you doing?' We said,
'Did you hear us?' He said, 'Yes; when I sleep, my eyes are closed but
my heart (mind) is still active.' That boy was Ibn Sayyaad." [Ahmad,
Tirmidhee; this Hadeeth is not very strong] [3]
As we have already seen in the Saheeh Ahaadeeth, Maalik and others
think that Ibn Sayyaad was not the Dajjaal; he was one of a number of
"lesser dajjaals." Later he repented and embraced Islaam; Allaah knows
best his heart and deeds.
The "greater" Dajjaal is the one mentioned in the Hadeeth of Faatimah
bint Qays, which she narrated from the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa
sallam), from Tameem ad-Daaree, and which includes the story of the
Jassaasah. The Dajjaal will be permitted to appear at the end of time,
after the Muslims have conquered a Roman city called Constantinople.
He will first appear in Isfahaan, in an area known as the Jewish quarter
(al-Yahoodiyyah). He will be followed by seventy thousand Jews from
that area, all of them armed. Seventy thousand Tatars and many people
from Khuraasaan will also follow him. At first he will appear as a
tyrannical king, then he will claim to be a prophet, then a lord. Only the
most ignorant of men will follow him; the righteous and those guided by
Allaah will reject him. He will start to conquer the world country by
country, fortress by fortress, region by region, town by town; no place will
remain unscathed except Makkah and Madeenah. The length of his stay

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on earth will be forty days: one day like a year, one day like a month, one
day like a week, and the rest of the days like normal days, i.e. his stay
will be approximately one year and two and a half months. Allaah will
grant him many miracles, through which whoever He wills will be astray,
and the faith of the believers will be strengthened. The descent of Jesus
son of Mary, the true Messiah, will happen at the time of the Dajjaal, the
false messiah. He will descend to the minaret in the east of Damascus.
The believers and true servants of Allaah will gather to support him, and
the Messiah Jesus son of Mary will lead them against the Dajjaal, who at
that time will be heading for Bayt al-Maqdis (Jerusalem). He will catch up
with him at 'Aqabah 'Afeeq. The Dajjaal will runaway from him, but Jesus
will catch up with him at the gate of Ludd, and will kill him with his spear
just as he is entering it. He will say to him, "I have to deal you a blow; you
cannot escape." When the Dajjaal faces him, he will begin to dissolve like
salt in water. So Jesus will kill him with his spear at the gate of Ludd, and
he will die there, as many Saheeh Ahaadeeth indicate.
Majma' ibn Jaariyah is reported to have said,
"I heard the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) saying, 'The son of
Mary will kill the Dajjaal at the gate of Ludd.' " [Tirmidhee] [4]

[1] Checker's Note: Reported as the saying of ash-Sha'bi. The reporter,
Mujaahid ibn Sa'eed is weak.
[2] Checker's Note: Da`eef, al-Mishkat, 1st checking: 6445.
[3] Tirmidhee, Abwaab al-Fitan (Hadeeth 2350), 6/522, 523. Ahmad,
Musnad, 5/40.
"When he sleeps, his eyes will be closed but his heart (or mind) will still
be active" - means that his evil ideas will still come to him even while he
is asleep.
Checker's Note: Da`eef due to Alee ibn Zaid ibn Jad'an.
[4] Tirmidhee, Abwaab al-Fitan (Hadeeth 2345), 6/513, 514.
Checker's Note: Saheeh, Saheeh at-Tirmidhee: 1829.
The Descent of Jesus at the End of Time
Abd Allaah ibn 'Amr said,
"The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said, 'The Dajjaal will
appear in my Ummah, and will remain for forty - "I cannot say whether he
meant forty days, forty months or forty years." - Then Allaah will send
Jesus (alayhi-salam), the son of Mary, who will resemble 'Urwah ibn
Mas'ood. He will chase the Dajjaal and kill him. Then the people will live
for seven years during which there will be no enmity between any two

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persons. Then Allaah will send a cold wind from the direction of Syria,
which will take the soul of everyone who has the slightest speck of good
or faith in his heart. Even if one of you were to enter the heart of a
mountain, the wind would reach him there and take his soul. Only the
most wicked people will be left; they will be as careless as birds, with the
characteristics of beasts, and will have no concern for right and wrong.
Satan will come to them in the form of man and will say, "Don't you
respond?" They will say, "What do you order us to do?" He will order
them to worship idols, and in spite of that they will have sustenance in
abundance, and lead comfortable lives.
"Then the Trumpet will be blown, and everyone will tilt their heads to hear
it. The first one to hear it will be a man busy repairing a trough for his
camels. He and everyone else will be struck down. Then Allaah will send
(or send down) rain like dew, and the bodies of the people (i.e. the dead)
will grow out of it. Then the trumpet will be sounded again, and the
people will get up and look around. Then it will be said, "O people, go to
your Lord and account for yourselves." It will be said, "Bring out the
people of Hell," and it will be asked, "How many are there?" - the answer
will come: "Nine hundred and ninety-nine out of every thousand." "On
that day a child will grow old and the shin will be laid bare." [al-Qalam
(68):42] " [Muslim] [1]
Abu Hurairah said,
"The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said, 'The son of Mary will
come down as a just leader. He will break the cross, and kill the pigs.
Peace will prevail and people will use their swords as sickles. Every
harmful beast will be made harmless; the sky will send down rain in
abundance,and the earth will bring forth its blessings. A child will play
with a fox and not come to any harm; a wolf will graze with sheep and a
lion with cattle, without harming them.' " [Ahmad] [2]
Abu Hurairah said,
"The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said, 'By Him in Whose
hand is my soul, surely the son of Mary will come down among you as a
just ruler. He will break the cross, kill the pigs and abolish the Jizyah.
Wealth will be in such abundance that no-one will care about it, and a
single prostration in prayer will be better than the world and all that is in
it.' "
Abu Hurairah said,
'If you wish, recite the Aayah: "And there is none of the People of the
Book but must believe in him before his death; and on the Day of
Judgement he will be a witness against them..." [an-Nisaa' (4):159] '

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[Bukhaaree, Muslim] [3]

Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam)
"The Prophets are like brothers; they have different mothers but their
religion is one. I am the closest of all the people to Jesus son of Mary,
because there is no other Prophet between him and myself. He will come
again, and when you see him, you will recognise him. He is of medium
height and his colouring is reddish-white. He will be wearing two
garments, and his hair will look wet. He will break the cross, kill the pigs,
abolish the Jizyah and call the people to Islaam. During his time, Allaah
will end every religion and sect other than Islaam, and will destroy the
Dajjaal. Then peace and security will prevail on earth, so that lions will
graze with camels, tigers with cattle, and wolves with sheep; children will
be able to play with snakes without coming to any harm. Jesus will
remain for forty years, then die, and the Muslims will pray for him."
[Ahmad] [4]
Ibn Masood reported that the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam)
"On the night of the Israa' (night journey), I met my father Abraham,
Moses and Jesus, and they discussed the Hour. The matter was referred
first to Abraham, then to Moses, and both said, 'I have no knowledge of
it.' Then it was referred to Jesus, who said, 'No-one knows about its
timing except Allaah; what my Lord told me was that the Dajjaal will
appear, and when he sees me he will begin to melt like lead. Allaah will
destroy him when he sees me. The Muslims will fight against the Kaafirs,
and even the trees and rocks will say, "O Muslim, there is a Kaafir hiding
beneath me - come and kill him!" Allaah will destroy the Kaafirs, and the
people will return to their own lands. Then Gog and Magog will appear
from all directions, eating and drinking everything they find. The people
will complain to me, so I will pray to Allaah and He will destroy them, so
that the earth will be filled with their stench. Allaah will send rain which
will wash their bodies into the sea. My Lord has told me that when that
happens, the Hour will be very close, like a pregnant woman whose time
is due, but her family do not know exactly when she will deliver.' "
[Ahmad, Ibn Maajah] [5]

[1] Muslim, Kitaab al-Fitan wa Ashraat al-Saa'ah, 8/201, 202.
[2] Ahmad, Musnad, 2/482, 483.
Checker's Note: The Tabi'e is Ziyad ibn Sa'd, who is mentioned by Ibn

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Hibban in ath-Thiqat al-Bukhari and Abu Hatim did not speak for nor
against him. Ibn Kathir says the report is good and strong.
[3] Bukhaaree, Kitaab al-Anbiyaa, 204, 205. Muslim, Kitaab al-Imaan,
1/93, 94.
[4] Ahmad, Musnad, 2/406.
Checker's Note: Saheeh as declared by al-Hakim and adh-Dhahabi.
Qatadah's hearing it is reported in a later narration in al-Musnad 2/436.
[5] Ahmad, Musnad, 1/375. Similar Hadeeth in Ibn Maajah, Kitaab al-
Fitan (Hadeeth 4081), 2/1365, 1366.
Checker's Note: Da`eef, Da`eef al-Jami as-Sagheer: 4709. See Saheeh
Muslim translation, no. 6924
Description of the Messiah Jesus son of Mary, Messenger of Allaah
Abu Hurairah said,
"The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said, 'On the night of the
Israa' (miraculous journey to Jerusalem) I met Moses - he was a slim
man with wavy hair, and looked like a man from the Shanoo'ah tribe. I
also met Jesus - he was of medium height and of a red complexion, as if
he had just come out of the bath' " [Bukhaaree, Muslim] [1]
The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said,
"Whilst I was asleep, I saw myself (in a dream) making Tawaaf around
the Ka'bah. I saw a brown-skinned man, with straight hair, being
supported by two men, and with water dripping from his head. I said,
'Who is this?' They said, 'The son of Mary' I turned around and saw a fat,
ruddy man, with curly hair, who was blind in his right eye; his eye looked
like a floating grape. I asked, 'Who is this?' They said, 'The Dajjaal.' The
one who most resembles him is Ibn Qatan." Az-Zuhri explained: Ibn
Qatan was a man from Khuzaa'ah who died during the Jaahiliyyah
(before the coming of Islaam). [Bukhaaree] [2]

[1] Bukhaaree, Kitaab al-Anbiyaa, 4/302. Muslim, Kitaab al-Imaan, 1/106,
[2] Bukhaaree, ibid.
The Appearance of Gog and Magog
They (two tribes or peoples) will appear at the time of Jesus son of Mary,
after the Dajjaal. Allaah will destroy them all in one night, in response to
the supplication of Jesus.
Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam)
"Everyday, Gog and Magog are trying to dig a way out through the

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barrier. When they begin to see sunlight through it, the one who is in
charge of them says, 'Go back; you can carry on digging tomorrow,' and
when they come back, the barrier is stronger than it was before. This will
continue until their time comes and Allaah wishes to send them forth.
They will dig until they begin to see sunlight, then the one who is in
charge of them will say, 'Go back; you can carry on digging tomorrow,
inshaa'-Allaah.' In this case he will make an exception by saying inshaa'-
Allaah, thus relating the matter to the Will of Allaah. They will return on
the following day, and find the hole as they left it. They will carry on
digging and come out against the people. They will drink all the water,
and the people will entrench themselves in their fortresses. Gog and
Magog will fire their arrows into the sky, and they will fall back to earth
with something like blood on them. Gog and Magog will say, 'We have
defeated the people of earth, and overcome the people of heaven.' Then
Allaah will send a kind of worm in the napes of their necks, and they will
be killed by it...' 'By Him in Whose hand is the soul of Muhammad, the
beasts of the earth will become fat.' " [1]
Gog and Magog are two groups of Turks, descended from Yaafith
(Japheth), the father of the Turks, one of the sons of Noah. At the time of
Abraham (alayhi-salam), there was a king called Dhu'l-Qarnayn. He
performed Tawaaf around the Ka'bah with Abraham (alayhi-salam) when
he first built it; he believed and followed him. Dhu'l-Qarnayn was a good
man and a great king; Allaah gave him great power and he ruled the east
and west. He held sway over all kings and countries, and travelled far
and wide in both east and west. He travelled eastwards until he reached
a pass between two mountains, through which people were coming out.
They did not understand anything, because they were so isolated; they
were Gog and Magog. They were spreading corruption through the earth,
and harming the people, so the people sought help from Dhu'l-Qarnayn.
They asked him to build a barrier between them and Gog and Magog. He
asked them to help him to build it, so together they built a barrier by
mixing iron, copper and tar.
Thus Dhu'l-Qarnayn restrained Gog and Magog behind the barrier. They
tried to penetrate the barrier, or to climb over it, but to no avail. They
could not succeed because the barrier is so huge and smooth. They
began to dig, and they have been digging for centuries; they will continue
to do so until the time when Allaah decrees that they come out. At that
time the barrier will collapse, and Gog and Magog will rush out in all
directions, spreading corruption, uprooting plants, killing people. When
Jesus (alayhi-salam) prays against them, Allaah will send a kind of worm

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in the napes of their necks, and they will be killed by it.

[1] Tirmidhee, Abwaab al-Tafsir: Soorat al-Kahf (Hadeeth 5160), 8/597-
99. Ibn Maajah, Kitaab al-Fitan, (Hadeeth 4080), 2/1364. Ahmad,
Musnad, 2/510, 511.
Checker's Note: Saheeh, Silsilatul Ahadeeth as-Saheehah: 1735.
The destruction of the Ka'bah
At the end of time, Dhu'l-Suwayqatayn, who will come from Abyssinia (al-
Habash), will destroy the Ka'bah in order to steal its treasure and Kiswah
(cloth covering). The Ka'bah is the ancient building which was built by
Abraham, and whose foundations were laid by Adam.
As Tafseer (interpretation) of the Aayah "Until the Gog and Magog
(people) are let through (their barrier)" [al-Anbiyaa' (21):96], it was
reported from Ka'b al-Ahbar that Dhu'l-Suwayqatayn will first emerge at
the time of Jesus, son of Mary. Allaah will send Jesus at the head of a
vanguard of between seven and eight hundred. While they are marching
towards Dhu'l-Suwayqatayn, Allaah will send a breeze from the direction
of Yemen, which will take the soul of every believer. Only the worst of
people will be left, and they will begin to copulate like animals. Ka'b said:
"At that time, the Hour will be close at hand." [1]
'Abd Allaah ibn 'Amr said,
"I heard the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) say, 'Dhu'l-
Suwayqatayn from Abyssinia will destroy the Ka'bah and steal its
treasure and Kiswah. It is as if I could see him now: he is bald-headed
and has a distortion in his wrists. He will strike the Ka'bah with his spade
and pick-axe.' " [Ahmad] [2]
It was reported from 'Abd Allaah ibn 'Umar that the Prophet (sal-Allaahu
'alayhe wa sallam) said,
"Leave the Abyssinians alone so long as they do not disturb you, for no-
one will recover the treasure of the Ka'bah except Dhu'l-Suwayqatayn
from Abyssinia." [Abu Daawood, in the chapter on the prohibition of
provoking the Abyssinians] [3]
Ibn 'Abbaas narrated that the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam)
"It is as if I can see him now: he is black and his legs are widely spaced.
He will destroy the Ka'bah stone by stone." [Ahmad] [4]
The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said,
"The Hour will not come until a man from Qahtaan appears and rules the
people." [Muslim; similar Hadeeth in Bukhaaree]

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This man could be Dhu'l-Suwayqatayn, or someone else, because this

man comes from Qahtaan, while other reports say that Dhu'l-
Suwayqatayn comes from Abyssinia; and Allaah knows best.
Abu Hurairah said,
"The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said, 'Day and night will not
come to an end until a freed man called Jahjaah holds sway.' " [Ahmad]
This could be the name of Dhul-Suwayqatayn from Abyssinia; and Allaah
knows best.
'Umar ibn al-Khattab reported that he heard the Prophet (sal-Allaahu
'alayhe wa sallam) say:
"The people of Makkah will leave, and only a few people will pass
through it. Then it will be resettled and rebuilt; then the people will leave it
again, and no-one will ever return." [6]

[1] Concerning Dhu'l-Suwayqatayn, see: Bukhaaree: Kitaab al-Hajj, Baab
Hadam al-Ka'bah (The Book of Pilgrimage, Chapter of the Destruction of
the Ka'bah), 2/183. Muslim, Kitaab al-Fitan wa Ashraat al-Saa'ah, 8/183.
Dhu'l-Suwayqatayn: al-Suwayqatayn is the dimunitive of al-Saaqayn
(legs); his legs are described as being "small" because they are thin. Thin
legs are, in general, a characteristic of the Sudanese and people of the
Horn of Africa.
[2] Ahmad, Musnad, 2/220.
Checker's Note: Da`eef isnaad. It contains the `an`anah of Abu Zubair.
The first part, up to 'treasure' is hasan, Silsilatul Ahadeeth as-Saheehah:
[3] Abu Daawood, Kitaab al-Malaahim, (Hadeeth 4287), 11/423.
Checker's Note: Hasan, Saheeh Abee Daawood.
[4] Ahmad, Musnad, 1/227.
Checker's Note: Saheeh, also reported in al-Bukhaaree.
[5] Checker's Note: Saheeh, Ahmad, Muslim and at-Tirmidhee. Silsilatul
Ahadeeth as-Saheehah: 7684.
[6] Ahmad, Musnad, 1/23.
Checker's Note: Da`eef, Da`eef al-Jami as-Sagheer: 3298. Da`eef due to
Ibn Lahi'ah and `an`anah of Abu Zubair
Madeenah will remain inhabited at the time of the Dajjaal
It has been proven in the Saheeh Ahaadeeth, as already stated, that the
Dajjaal will not be able to enter Makkah and Madeenah, and that there
will be angels at the gates of Makkah to ward him off and prevent him

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from entering.
It was reported from Abu Hurairah that the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe
wa sallam) said,
"Neither the Dajjaal nor plague will be able to enter Madeenah."
As mentioned above, the Dajjaal will camp outside Madeenah, and it will
be shaken by three tremors. Every hypocrite and sinner will go out to join
the Dajjaal, and every believer and Muslim will stay. That day will be
called the Day of Purification (Yawm al-Khalaas). Most of those who go
out to join the Dajjaal will be women. As the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe
wa sallam) said,
"Verily it (Madeenah) is good; its evil will be eliminated and its goodness
will be obvious."
Allaah (subhaanahu wa ta'aala) said:
"Women impure are for men impure, and men impure for women impure,
and women of purity are for men of purity, and men of purity are for
women of purity..." [an-Noor (24):26)
Madeenah will remain inhabited during the days of the Dajjaal, and
during the time of Jesus son of Mary (alayhi-salam), until he dies and is
buried there. Then it will be destroyed.
'Umar ibn al-Khattab said,
"I heard the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) say, 'A rider will go
around Madeenah and say, There used to be many Muslims here.' "
[Ahmad] [1]

[1] Ahmad, Musnad, 1/20.
Checker's Note: Da`eef isnaad due to Ibn Lahi'ah and `an`anah of Abu
Zubair. The fact that Madinah will be deserted is reported from Abu
Hurairah by al-Bukhaaree.
The Emergence of the Beast
Among the signs of the Hour will be the emergence of a beast from the
earth. It will be very strange inappearance, and extremely huge; one
cannot even imagine what it will look like. It will emerge from the earth
and shake the dust from its head. It will have with it the ring of Solomon
and the rod of Moses. People will be terrified of it and will try to run away,
but they will not be able to escape, because such will be the decree of
Allaah. It will destroy the nose of every unbeliever with the rod, and write
the word "Kaafir" on his forehead; it will adorn the face of every believer
and write the word "Mu'min" (true believer) on his forehead, and it will
speak to people.

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Allaah (subhaanahu wa ta'aala) said:

"And when the Word is fulfilled against them (the unjust), We shall
produce from the earth a Beast to (face) them: it will speak to them..."
[an-Naml (27):82]
Ibn 'Abbaas, al-Hasan and Qataadah said that "It will speak to them"
(tukallimuhum) means that it will address them. Ibn Jareer suggested that
it means that the Beast will address them with the words "...for that
mankind did not believe with assurance in Our Signs..." [an-Naml (27):82
- latter part of the Ayah]
Ibn Jareer reported this from 'Alee and 'Ata'. It was reported from Ibn
'Abbaas that tukallimuhum means that the Beast will cut them, i.e., it will
write the word "Kaafir" on the forehead of the unbeliever. It was also
reported from Ibn 'Abbaas that he will both address them and cut them;
this suggestion incorporates both of the previous suggestions; and Allaah
knows best.
We have already mentioned the Hadeeth of Hudhayfah ibn Usayd, in
which the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) is reported to have
"The Hour will not come until you see ten signs: the smoke; the Dajjaal;
the Beast; the sun rising from the West; the descent of Jesus son of
Mary; Gog and Magog; and three land-slides - one in the East, one in the
West, and one in Arabia, at the end of which fire will burst forth from the
direction of Aden (Yemen) and drive people to the place of their final
Abu Hurairah said,
"The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said, 'Hasten to do good
deeds before six things happen: the rising of the sun from the West, the
smoke, the Dajjaal, the Beast, the (death) of one of you or general
tribulation.' " [Muslim]
Bareedah said,
"The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) took me to a place in the
desert, near Makkah. It was a dry piece of land surrounded by sand. The
Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said, 'The Beast will emerge
from this place.' It was a very small area." [Ibn Maajah] [1]
It was reported from Abu Hurairah that the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe
wa sallam) said,
"The Beast of the Earth will emerge, and will have with it the rod of
Moses and the ring of Solomon."
It was also reported that he said,
"(The Beast) will destroy the noses of the unbelievers with the ring, - so

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that people seated around one table will begin to address one another
with the words "O Believer!" or "O Unbeliever!" (i.e., everyone's status will
become clear) [Ibn Maajah] [2]
'Abd Allaah ibn 'Amr said,
"I memorised a Hadeeth from the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam)
which I have not forgotten since. I heard the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe
wa sallam) say, 'The first of the signs (of the Hour) to appear will be the
rising of the sun from the West and the appearance of the Beast before
the people in the forenoon. Whichever of these two events happens first,
the other will follow immediately.' " [Muslim] [3]
That is to say, these will be the first extraordinary signs. The Dajjaal, the
descent of Jesus (alayhi-salam), the emergence of Gog and Magog, are
less unusual in that they are all human beings. But the emergence of the
Beast, whose form will be very strange, its addressing the people and
classifying them according to their faith or unbelief, is something truly
extraordinary. This is the first of the earthly signs, as the rising of the sun
from the West is the first of the heavenly signs.

[1] Ibn Maajah, Kitaab al-Fitan, (Hadeeth 4267), 2/1352.
Checker's Note: Da`eef Jiddan (very weak). Ibn Maajah, no. 4067, Da`eef
Ibn Maajah: 882.
[2] Similar Hadeeth narrated by Ibn Maajah in Kitaab al-Fitan, (Hadeeth
4061), 2 - 1351, 1352. Ahmad, Musnad, 2 - 295.
Checker's Note: Da`eef, Da`eef al-Jami as-Sagheer: 2413.
[3] Muslim, Kitaab al-Fitan, 8/202.
The Rising of the Sun from the West
Allaah (subhaanahu wa ta'aala) says:
"Do they then wait for anything other than that the angels should come to
them, or that your Lord should come, or that some of the Signs of your
Lord should come (i.e. portents of the Hour e.g., arising of the sun from
the west)! The day that some of the Signs of your Lord do come, no good
will it do to a person to believe then, if he believed not before, nor earned
good (by performing deeds of righteousness) through his Faith. Say:
'Wait you! we (too) are waiting.'" [al-An'aam (6):158]
It was reported from Abu Sa'eed al-Khudree that the Prophet (sal-Allaahu
'alayhe wa sallam) explained,
"The day that some of the Signs of your Lord do come, no good will it do
to a person to believe then...", referring to the rising of the sun from the
West. [Ahmad] [1]

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Abu Hurairah said,

"The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said, 'The Hour will not
come until the sun rises from the West. When the people see it, whoever
is living on earth will believe, but that will be the time when - No good will
it do to a person to believe then, if he believed not before then' "
[Bukhaaree] [2]
It was also reported from Abu Hurairah that the Prophet (sal-Allaahu
'alayhe wa sallam) said,
"The Hour will not come until the sun rises from the West. When it rises
and the people see it, they will all believe. But that will be the time when
'No good will it do to a person to believe then.' " [Bukhaaree] [3]
It was reported from Abu Hurairah that the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe
wa sallam) said,
"There are three things which, if they appear, 'No good will it do to a
person to believe then, if he believed not before, nor earned good (by
performing deeds of righteousness) through his Faith' They are: the rising
of the sun from the West, the Dajjaal, and the Beast of the Earth."
[Ahmad, Muslim, Tirmidhee] [4]
Abu Dharr said,
"The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) asked me, 'Do you know
where the sun goes when it sets?' I said, 'I do not know' He said, 'It
travels until it prostrates itself beneath the Throne, and asks for
permission to rise again. But a time will come when it will be told, 'Go
back whence you came.' That will be the time when 'No good will it do to
a person to believe then, if he believed not before, nor earned good (by
performing deeds of righteousness) through his Faith' " [Bukhaaree] [5]
'Amr ibn Jareer said,
"Three Muslims were sitting with Marwaan in Madeenah, and heard him
say, whilst talking about the Signs of the Hour, that the first of them would
be the appearance of the Dajjaal. The three went to 'Abd Allaah ibn 'Amr,
and told him what they had heard Marwaan say concerning the Signs.
'Abd Allaah said, 'Marwan has not said much. I memorised a Hadeeth
like that from the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) which I have
not forgotten since. I heard the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam)
"The first of the signs will be the rising of the sun from the West, and the
emergence of the Beast in the forenoon. Whichever of the two comes
first, the other will follow immediately"
Then 'Abd Allaah, who was widely-read, said,
"I think that the first to happen will be the rising of the sun from the West.

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Every time it sets, it goes beneath the Throne, prostrates itself, and
seeks permission to rise again. A time will come when three times it will
seek permission and will receive no reply, until, when part of the night
has passed and it realises that even if it were given permission, it would
not be able to rise on time, it will say: 'O my Lord, how far the rising-point
is from me! What can I do for the people now?' Then it will seek
permission to go back, and it will be told: 'Rise from where you are now' -
and it will rise from the West." Then 'Abd Allaah recited the Aayah: "No
good will it do to a person to believe then, if he believed not before, nor
earned good (by performing deeds of righteousness) through his Faith."
[Ahmad] [6]

[1] Ahmad, Musnad, 3/31.
Checker's Note: Saheeh, Saheeh at-Tirmidhee: 2455.
[2] Bukhaaree, Kitaab al-Tafsir, 6/73.
[3] Bukhaaree, ibid.
[4] Muslim, Kitaab al-Imaan, 1/96. Tirmidhee, Abwaab al-Tafsir (Hadeeth
5067), 8/449, 450. Ahmad, Musnad, 2/455, 446.
[5] Similar Hadeeth in Bukhaaree, Kitaab Bid' al-Khalq, 4/131.
[6] Ahmad, Musnad, 2/201.
Checker's Note: Saheeh, Musnad Imaam Ahmad, checking by Ahmad
Shakir: 6881.
The Smoke which will appear at the End of Time
Masrooq said:
"While a man was giving a speech among the people of Kindah, he said,
'There will be smoke on the Day of Resurrection which will deprive the
hypocrites of their hearing and sight, but the believers will only suffer
something like a cold.' We were terrified, so we went to Ibn Masood, who
was reclining. When he heard about this, he became angry and sat up,
and said: 'O people, whoever knows a thing, let him say it; but whoever
does not know, let him say, "Allaah knows best." It is a part of knowledge,
when one does not know something, to say "Allaah knows best." Allaah
(subhaanahu wa ta'aala) said to His Prophet Muhammad (sal-Allaahu
'alayhe wa sallam):
"Say (O Muhammad sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam): 'No wage do I ask of
you for this (the Qur'aan), nor am I one of the Mutakallifoon (those who
pretend and fabricate things which do not exist).'" [Saad (38):86]
"Quraysh were being slow in embracing Islaam, so the Prophet (sal-
Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) prayed against them, saying, 'O Allaah, help

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me against them by sending seven years of famine like those of Joseph.'

They were afflicted by a year of famine in which they were destroyed,
and ate dead animals and bones. They began to see something like
smoke between the sky and the earth. Abu Sufyan came and said, 'O
Muhammad! You came to command us to keep good relations with our
relatives, and your people have perished, so pray that Allaah may relieve
Then Ibn Mas'ood recited,
"Then wait you for the Day when the sky will bring forth a visible smoke.
Covering the people, this is a painful torment. (They will say): "Our Lord!
Remove the torment from us, really we shall become believers!" How can
there be for them an admonition (at the time when the torment has
reached them), when a Messenger explaining things clearly has already
come to them. Then they had turned away from him (Messenger
Muhammad sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) and said: "One (Muhammad
sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) taught (by a human being), a madman!"
Verily, We shall remove the torment for a while. Verily! You will revert."
[ad-Dukhaan (44):10-15]
Ibn Masood asked:
"Will their punishment in the Hereafter be removed so they can go back
to their Kufr?"
Allaah (subhaanahu wa ta'aala) said:
"On the Day when We shall seize you with the greatest grasp. Verily, We
will exact retribution." [ad-Dukhaan (44):16]
...and soon will come the inevitable (punishment)!" [al-Furqaan (25):77]
These Ayaat refer to the Day (Battle) of Badr. Allaah (subhaanahu wa
ta'aala) said:
"Alif Laam Meem. The Romans have been defeated. In the nearer land
(Syria, Iraq, Jordan, and Palestine), and they, after their defeat, will be
victorious. Within three to nine years." [ar-Room (30): 1-4] [Bukhaaree]
This speaker's suggestion - that the idea that the smoke would be on the
Day or Resurrection was not a good one - made Ibn Masood react
angrily. But the smoke will appear before the Day of Resurrection; it will
be one of the signs, which are: the Beast, the Dajjaal, the Smoke, and
Gog and Magog, as the Ahaadeeth narrated from Abu Sareehah, Abu
Hurairah and other Sahaabah indicate.
As mentioned in the Saheeh Ahaadeeth, the fire which will appear before
the Day of Resurrection will burst forth from the direction of Aden, and
drive the people to the place of their final assembly. It will move with

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them and halt with them, and will devour any who lag behind.

[1] Bukhaaree, Kitaab at-Tafsir - Soorat ar-Room, 6/142, 143
Other Events which will precede the Hour
It was reported from Abu Sa'eed al-Khudree that the Prophet (sal-Allaahu
'alayhe wa sallam) said,
"Thunderbolts will increase so much as the Hour approaches that when a
man comes to a people, he will ask, 'Who amongst you was struck by a
thunderbolt this morning?' and they will say, 'So-and-so and so-and-so
was struck.' " [Ahmad] [1]
Heavy rain before the Day of Resurrection
It was reported from Abu Hurairah that the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe
wa sallam) said,
"The hour will not come until there has been rain which will destroy all
dwellings except tents." [2]
We have already mentioned many Ahaadeeth about the signs of the
Hour. Now we will turn our attention to some Ahaadeeth which could
indicate that the Hour is close at hand.
It was reported from Abu Hurairah that the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe
wa sallam) said:
"The Hour will not come until the following events have come to pass:
people will compete with one another in constructing high buildings; two
big groups will fight one another, and there will be many casualties - they
will both be following the same religious teaching; earthquakes will
increase; time will pass quickly; afflictions and killing will increase; nearly
thirty dajjals will appear, each of them claiming to be a messenger from
Allaah; a man will pass by a grave and say, 'Would that I were in your
place'; the sun will rise from the West; when it rises and the people see it,
they will all believe, but that will be the time when 'No good will it do to a
person to believe then, if it believed not before...' [al-An'aam (6):158]; and
a wealthy man will worry lest no-one accept his Zakaat." [Bukhaaree,
It was reported from Anas that the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa
sallam) said:
"Among the signs of the Hour are the following: knowledge will decrease
and ignorance will prevail; fornication and the drinking of wine will be
common; the number of men will decrease and the number of women will
increase, until one man will look after fifty women." [Bukhaaree] [3]
'Aa'ishah said,

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"I heard the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) say, 'Day and night
will not pass away until people begin to worship Laat and 'Uzzaa' (two
goddesses of pre-Islaamic Arabic). I said, 'O Messenger of Allaah, I
thought that when Allaah revealed the Aayah "It is He Who has sent His
Messenger (Muhammad sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) with guidance
and the religion of truth (Islaam), to make it superior over all religions
even though the Mushrikoon (polytheists, pagans, idolaters, disbelievers
in the Oneness of Allaah) hate (it)" [at-Tawbah (9):33], it implied that (this
promise) would be fulfilled.' The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam)
said, 'It will happen as Allaah wishes. Then Allaah will send a pleasant
breeze, which will take everyone who has as much faith as a grain of
mustard-seed in his heart. Only those with no goodness in them will be
left, and they will revert to the religion of their forefathers.' " [Muslim] [4]
It was reported from Abu Hurairah that one day, while the Prophet (sal-
Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) was sitting with the people, a Bedouin came
to him and asked him about Eemaan and Islaam, then he asked,
"O Messenger of Allaah, when will the Hour be?" He said, "The one who
is asked about it does not know more than the one who asks, but I tell
you about its signs. When a slave gives birth to her mistress, and when
the bare-footed and naked become the chiefs of the people - these are
among the signs of the Hour. There are five things which no-one knows
except Allaah." Then he recited:
"Verily the knowledge of the Hour is with God (alone). It is He Who sends
down rain, and He Who knows what is in the wombs. Nor does anyone
know what it is that he will earn on the morrow: nor does anyone know in
what land he is to die. Verily God is All-Knowing, All Aware." [Luqman
Then the man went away, and the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa
sallam) said, "Call him back to me," but when the people went to call him,
they could not see anything. The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam)
said, "That was Gabriel, who came to teach the people their religion."
[Bukhaaree, Muslim] [5]
"The bare-footed and naked paupers will compete with one another in
constructing high buildings" means that they will become the chiefs of
people. They will become rich, and their only concern will be to compete
in constructing high buildings. This is as in the Hadeeth we shall see
"The Hour will not come until the happiest people in the world will be the
depraved sons of the depraved."
It was reported from Abu Sa'eed that the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa

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sallam) said:
"The Hour will not come until the time when a man will leave his home,
and his shoes or whip or stick will tell what is happening to his family."
[Ahmad] [6]
It was reported from Abu Sa'eed that the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa
sallam) said:
"By Him in Whose hand is my soul, the Hour will not come until wild
animals talk to men, and a man speaks to his whip or his shoe, and his
thigh will tell him about what happened to his family after he left." [7]
Anas said,
"We were discussing the fact that the Hour would not come until there is
no rain, the earth does not produce crops, and fifty women will be cared
for by one man; and if a woman passes by a man, he will look at her and
say, 'This woman once had a husband.' " [Ahmad] [8]
Abu Hurairah said:
"The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said: 'The Hour will not
come until time passes so quickly that a year will be like a month, a
month like a week, a week like a day, a day like an hour, and an hour like
the time it takes for a palm-leaf to burn.' " [Ahmad] [9]
Abu Hurairah said,
"The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said: 'The world will not
pass away until the one who enjoys it the most is the depraved son of the
depraved.' " [Ahmad] [10]
Abu Hurairah said,
"The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said, 'Before the Hour
comes, there will be years of deceit, in which a truthful person will be
disbelieved and a liar will be believed; and the insignificant will have a
say.' " [Ahmad] [11]
Abu Hurairah said:
"I heard the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) say: 'The Hour will
not come until the sheep with horns no longer fights the sheep without
horns.' " [Ahmad] [12]
It was reported from Abu Hurairah that the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe
wa sallam) said,
"The Hour will not come until wealth increases so much that a wealthy
man will be worried lest no-one accept his Sadaqah; knowledge will be
taken away; time will pass quickly; tribulations will appear; and there will
be much Harj." The people asked, "What is Harj, O Messenger of
Allaah?" He said, "Killing, killing." [Ahmad] [13]
It was reported from Abu Hurairah that the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe

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wa sallam) said,
"By Him Who sent me with the Truth, this earth will not pass away until
people are afflicted with landslides, are pelted with stones, and are
transformed into animals." The people asked, "When will that be, O
Messenger of Allaah?" He said, "When you see women riding in the
saddle, when singers are common, when bearing false witness becomes
widespread, and when men lie with men and women with women." [14]
Taariq ibn Shihaab said,
"We were sitting with 'Abd Allaah ibn Mas'ood, when a man came and
told us that the time for prayer had come. So we got up and went to the
mosque... After the prayer, a man came to 'Abd Allaah ibn Mas'ood and
said, 'As-salaam 'alayka (Peace be upon you), O Abu 'Abd ar-Rahmaan'.
'Abd Allaah answered, 'Allaah and His Messenger have spoken the truth.'
When we went back, we asked one another, 'Did you hear the answer he
gave? Who is going to ask him about it?' I said, 'I will ask him'; so I asked
him when he came out. He narrated from the Prophet (sal-Allaahu
'alayhe wa sallam):
'Before the Hour comes, there will be a special greeting for the people of
distinction; trade will become so widespread that a woman will help her
husband in business; family ties will be cut; the giving of false witness will
be common, while truthful witness will be rare; and writing will be
widespread.' [Ahmad] [15]

[1] Ahmad, Musnad, 3/64, 65.
Checker's Note: Da`eef isnaad due to Muhammad ibn Mus'ab.
[2] Ahmad, Musnad, 2/262.
Checker's Note: Saheeh, Musnad Imaam Ahmad, checking by Ahmad
Shakir: 7554 and Majma' az-Zawaid of al-Haythamee: 7/331.
[3] Bukhaaree, Kitaab al-'Ilm, 1/30, 31.
[4] Muslim, Kitaab al-Fitan 8/182.
[5] Bukhaaree, Kitaab al-Imaan, 1/19; Kitaab at-Tafsir - Soorat Luqmaan,
6/144. Muslim, Kitaab al-Imaan, 1/30, 31.
[6] Ahmad, Musnad, 3/88, 89.
Checker's Note: Saheeh.
[7] Ahmad, Musnad, 3/82, 84.
Checker's Note: Saheeh, Silsilatul Ahadeeth as-Saheehah: 122.
[8] Ahmad, Musnad, 3/286.
Checker's Note: Saheeh, reported by Ahmad, Abu Ya'la and al-Bazzar.
Majma' az-Zawa'id of al-Haythamee: 7/333 and Kashful Astar bi Zawa'id

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al-Bazzar of al-Haythamee: 3415.

[9] Ahmad, Musnad, 3/358.
Checker's Note: Saheeh, Saheeh al-Jami as-Sagheer: 7422.
[10] Ahmad, Musnad, 2/358.
Checker's Note: Saheeh, Saheeh al-Jami as-Sagheer: 7272.
[11] Ahmad, Musnad, 2/238.
Checker's Note: Hasan, Silsilatul Ahadeeth as-Saheehah: 1887.
[12] Ahmad, Musnad, 2/442.
Checker's Note: Da`eef?? [not quite sure] due to as-Salt ibn Quwaid; an-
Nasaa'ee said, "His hadith is munkar."
[13] Ahmad, Musnad, 2/313.
Checker's Note: Saheeh, Musnad Imaam Ahmad, checking by Ahmad
Shakir: 8120, 8121.
[14] al-Haythamee, Kitaab al-Fitan.
Checker's Note: Da`eef, related by al-Bazzar and at-Tabaraanee in al-
Awsat. It is weak due to Sulaiman ibn Daawood al-Yamami who is
matrook (abandoned). Majma' az-Zawa'id of al-Haythamee.
[15] Ahmad, Musnad, 1/407.
Checker's Note: Saheeh, Silsilatul Ahadeeth as-Saheehah: 648.
Description of the People who will be Alive at the End of Time
It was reported from 'Abd Allaah ibn 'Amr that the Prophet (sal-Allaahu
'alayhe wa sallam) said,
"The Hour will not come until Allaah takes away the best people on earth;
only the worst people will be left; they will not know any good or forbid
any evil." [Ahmad] [1]
'Abd Allaah ibn Mas'ood said,
"I heard the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) say: 'Eloquence can
be bewitching; the worst of the people are those upon whom the Hour will
come while they are still alive, and those who turn graves into mosques.'
" [Ahmad] [2]
It was reported from Anas that the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa
sallam) said,
"The Hour will not come until no-one on earth says 'Laa ilaaha illaa
Allaah.'" [Ahmad] [3]
It was also reported from Anas that the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa
sallam) said:
"The Hour will not come until no-one on earth says, 'Allaah, Allaah.'"
[Ahmad] [4]
There are two suggestions as to the meaning of the phrase, "until no-one
on earth says 'Allaah, Allaah'":

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It could mean that no-one will forbid evil, or try to correct another if he
sees him doing something wrong. We have already come across this in
the Hadeeth of 'Abd Allaah ibn 'Amr:
"Only the worst people will be left; they will not know any good or forbid
any evil."
It could mean that Allaah will no longer be mentioned, and His Name will
not be known; this will be part of the prevalent corruption and Kufr, as in
the previous Hadeeth,
"Until no-one on earth says 'Laa ilaaha illaa Allaah."
'Aa'ishah said,
"The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) came in, saying 'O
'Aa'ishah, your people will be the first of my Ummah to join me.' When he
sat down, I said, 'O Messenger of Allaah, may I be sacrificed for you!
When you came in, you were saying something which scared me.' He
asked, 'What was that?' I said, 'You said that my people would be the first
of your Ummah to join you.' He said, 'Yes.' I asked, 'Why is that?' He
said, 'Death will be widespread among them, and their relatives will be
jealous of them.' I said, 'How will people be after that?' He said, 'Like
locusts: the strong will devour the weak, until the Hour comes.' " [Ahmad]
'Albaa' al-Salamee said,
"I heard the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) say: 'The Hour will
only come upon the worst of the people.' " [Ahmad] [6]

[1] Ahmad, Musnad, 1/454.
Checker's Note: Da`eef isnaad due to `an`anah of al-Hasan al-Basree.
[2] Ahmad, Musnad, 3/268.
Checker's Note: Saheeh, Musnad Imaam Ahmad, checking by Ahmad
Shakir: 4342.
[3] Ahmad, Musnad, 3/268.
Checker's Note: Saheeh, Tahdheerus Saajid of Shaykh al-Albaanee, pg.
[4] Ahmad, Musnad, 3/107.
Checker's Note: Saheeh, Saheeh al-Jami as-Sagheer: 7420.
[5] Ahmad, Musnad, 6/81.
Checker's Note: Saheeh, Silsilatul Ahadeeth as-Saheehah: 1953.
[6] Ahmad, Musnad, 3/499.
Checker's Note: Saheeh, Mustadrak of al-Hakim: 4/496. Declared saheeh
by al-Hakim and agreed to by adh-Dhahaabee

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Author: Al-Haafidh Ibn Katheer Hadeeth Checking: Abu Talhah Daawood

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