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Geurccopter MAINTENANCE MANUAL MBB - 8K117 40 HIGH LANDING GEAR Paragraph Tike Page 840-1 DESCRIPTION. HIGH LANDING GEAR, 2 840-2 INSPECTION SCHEDULE - HIGH LANOING GEAR. 4 849-3 INSPECTION FOR CONDITION. HIGH LANDING GEAR 5 240-4 Removal High Landing Ge ° 840-5 instalation High Lancing Gear ° e40-6 Skid 19 240-7 Dieatsembly Skis 0 840-8 Assembly Skit 8 ‘CHAPTER 840, code © Page ile Geurcconter MAINTENANCE MANUAL MBB - BK117 840-1. DESCRIPTION HIGH LANDING GEAR “Tne high landing gear a tubular skid gear sini to the standard version The high cerance landing ‘gear previdos an assitonal ground clearance of 369 mm (14-19 nches). “The nigh landing gear eseontly consists of wo coss tubes, which un lateral through th underside of ihe tucdage, afd two sis tubes, ana on each sie of tho ueelage and atachad tote ends ofthe cross {bes y skid shoes and clamps “Te cross tubes are fixed in moun. onthe tusslage by means of bearing sings, elastomer rings and arin igs. ‘Short an long slaps ar insalod onthe cross tubes on each side ofthe necoper (CHAPTER B40 code © Page) G@eurccopter MAINTENANCE MANUAL MEB— BK117 11 840-2 INSPECTION SCHEDULE (REFER TO APPENDIX A) (cHAPTER 840 code © Revision 16 Page| Geurocopter MAINTENANCE MANUAL MBB - BK117 {840-3 INSPECTION FOR CONDITION HIGH LANDING GEAR. 1. Visual inspect oss tubes (1 and 22, ig. 840-1) for deoxmation, cracks and othe sign of ‘mechanical damage 4, M1dotoematon evident or suspected, check ground clearance in accordance wi step 15, . Meracks are present, replace cross ube (rele fo paras 840-4 and 8405) €, Mechanica! damage on te cass tube is wthout rework the depthot damage does Fat exceed 0.7 mn on ie upper Rai ofthe cross tude ercumforence and 0.8 nm onthe ower hall Ste cross tube creurterence, Reund of oly sharp-edged cranes and nics toa enston Fagus of approx. 20 mm. tne permissible depth of damage i exceeded, replace cross tube (ter to pans 840-4 and hos) 4. Teuch up damaged sutace protection using two-component inc chromate pier (CM 417) oF two-component wash primer (OM 423), opener wi inglefayar lacquer (EM 407} rter'o raptor 02), 2. Teach up damaged nonsip layer using two-component nonsip PUR topcoat (CU 416) mE Do not remove bearing rings (17) and set screw ings (19) ures: © inspection veal hat bls (19 and 18) have oo much playin he ‘oan tinge (easaliated nol urn wth te BoM, emavalie required o repair st screw ng. 2, Whete posse, visual inspect insaled bearing rng (17 for racks, other mecharical damage and ‘a Replace bearing ing (17) #eracke. I cracks are suspected, remove bearing rig per para 840-4 ‘2d perorm Ml: STO-6866 ponetram ingpacton, », Potsh out mechanical damage (racks, nicks) and corrosion to a depth of 0.3 mn, using 400 git SSegve can damage exo perms sph, relacs beng ng ers pra 40+ ‘and 640-5), Touch up damaged surtace protection pr stp 1. xcept for lacquer appticatin. Apply pan fish {omatch coor useiage, ™onte® Pav step bs excapt peste 6. tthe bearing ring has been removed, vsualy inspect bol holes for mechanical damage. Polish cut ‘camage wih 400 gr abrasive cltn Maximum hee lamer f 48.1 mm. the maxim Pole ‘ameter is excooded, replace bearing ring (eer to paras 840-4 and B40-5), 3, removed, Inspect bls (18 and 18) for mechanical and cortosion damage ‘a. tt mechanical or coresion damage has penetrated the gatvanizs layer down othe base metal replace bot »b, Pash out manor damage with 400 grt abrasive lah. The mioimum permissible shank diamr {125 mm, shank diameter ss than quires, piace bom ccHaPren o40 code © Pages Geurccorter MAINTENANCE MANUAL MBB - BK117 4, removed, inspect bushings (12 and 16) for machanical and corosion amage, 8. Dimensionaly chock bushings. Replace bushing # ner clameter exceeds 16.1 mm. ». lf mechanical or corrosion damage has penetrated the galvanized layer down tothe bate metal, replace ishing, 5. Inspect set screw ing (19) fr damage and tight instalation, 8. I rubbers cracked or has separated trom the metal, replace Set screw rig (ter to paras 840-4 and 6405). Polish ou mechanical damage o adopt of 0.3 mm using 400 gi abrasive cot. this depth of ‘amago & exceeded, replace sel eoom fing (lero args 886-4 and 880-5) © I sot stew ng is lose, realign & with the cross tubes, hen tighten gerow (14) and secure with ab washer (5) 4. Touch updamaged sutace protection per step + 6, Visual inspact ski tube (24, ip, 840-2 for racks, delormation and other mécharical damage. 1. Replace skid tube cracked or dotormed (ter o paras 840-7 and 840-2) », Mechanical damage (sratenes, nck) f permissible toa dap of 0.5 mm onthe top sis of he Shc tubeon 30% ol he eta uace ate, ana to‘ depth of 6 mm onthe bottom ae tthe skid tube on 9) of he total surace area: Dents not exceeding 6mm in depth ane GO mm ncameter re aecoptble, Round of sharp-edged seratohes and nics foo ranston ads of approx 20 mm, wing dO0 grt abrasive th damage its are exc ld, roplace skid ube (oer to paras 840-7 anc 840-2). ©. Inspect GRP laminate on at area of skis tube fron ens for damage. Touch up damage using ‘orgies cath (CM 720), epony resin (OM B16) and hardener (cM 617) . Touch updamaged surace protection and nonsip layer per step 1 7. Inspact ss shoes (1, 2,90 and 31) freaks, delomation, other mechanical damage and ight 1. Replace racked or deformed shit shoe (reer o paras 840-7 and 840-8). Cracks in welding Seam ‘teas car be rewoldod, however remove ski shoe It (eer para 640-7), ', Mechanical damage (grates, rick) not exceeding 0.3 mm in dep is accopable Rcund out Sharp-oajed surclcnos and meke fo a anston fads o approx: 20 mm sing 400 gras damage depth mts are exceed, replace skid shoe (tlero paras 840-7 and 8404 Inspect screws (24,25 and 28, ig. 840-1) for ighiness. leon loose screws and, necessary, secure sow (24) wih ab wash (23). 4, Touch up damages surtace protection per sep 1. cHaPTER ao Page 6 code © Geurocopter MAINTENANCE MANUAL MBB - BK117 8. Inspec clamping rings (12 i, 840-2} for cracks, delormation, oer mechanical damage and tight instalation. 1. Replace cracked or deformed ciamping ring rer o paras 840-7 ans 840-8). Cracks nweldng {ram areas can be reweldeo, howevar remove ampng ng tt refer o arab?) ». Mechanica! damage (sratches,rcks) nt excoeding 0.2 mm in depth is eccepbe. Round out ‘harp-eoged soratnes and neke fo 2 arson rads of approx. 20 mm uh 400 gk abrasive ein damage depth lms are exceeded, replace clamping ing (rterto paras 840-7 and 840-6), © Inspect screws (18) for tighness. it srews are loose, inspec instalation potion according to para 840-8. Tighon seowa and secure wih tab washers (19), <6. Touch up éamages surace protection per stop 1 ‘9. Visual inspect skid protective plates (11.13 and 25) or excessive wear. Damage s provised nro ts no Fk of damage fo skid tube (24) and elampirg rng (12) pace excasevey ‘Samaged skid protective plates (eter to paras 640-7 ans 6400). 10. Inspact cap (10) for damage. Replace cracked or penetra cap (tor to paras 640-7 and 840-8), 11 Inspaet bonding jumpers (4 and 23, tg 840-1) and (5, tig. 640-2) for damage ane tight instalation {2 Raplace damaged bonding jumpers (oer to paras 840-4 and 840-5, and 840-7 and 840-8 reepoctvely , Totten loose sews. For spected torque eter tog. 640-1 and 840-2. 12. nspzt shor stops (28) for damage and vot instalation. 1. Replace cracked or deformed stop (oer o paras 840-7 and 840-8), ». Toten loose nuts 1 Inept long steps (2 and 29, fg. 840-1) per chapter 811 14 Inspect attaching hardware (16 thu 17, ig. 840-2) for tightness and damage. 2. Taeon loose connoction. »b, Replace damages pans (eer to paras 640-7 and 640-8), (Inspacton Schedule, Appand A) mepect cross bes (Tan 22, hg 840" for delormation a5 folowe: 1. Froma point on the fuselage below the centr of each cross tube, measure the ound clearance ‘wth wolght on tho skids, Forts purpose, the Relcaptar mass may be Kept 3s aw as possble. ‘hore must be ground loaance o teat 730 mm under the forward cross ue and st ast 6¢0 mm under the a oss tube. ether of these Gensians fe not obtained, poeed aexoreIng tostep bs. Raise th + per Chapter 05 jst enough to relive the lancng gear of weight. Remeasure ‘Gound clearance under th orware and alters tubes oor a he manu rou Searances section sop ais at canes, lace the respective cos tbe ee pas ‘800.4 ana 840-3) (CHAPTER a40 code © Page 7 Qevrocopter MAINTENANCE MANUAL MB3 - 8K117 16. useage sit on he ross tubes is uspecte, measure he length of Go tbe extn rom ‘either side of the fuselage. me 8. tthe length extending trom ether ses rot win the folrancelnts of « 10 mm, ralse helicopter approx. Sem above the ground (rete te Chapter 05), . Remove screws (14) and tab washers (15) of afectes cross tube {© Center css tube in uslage so hal an equal length of cross tube extends Hom either side of he ‘uselage 6, Insal stews (14) and new ab washers (15), then lott serews and secure with ab washers. For spected torque reterto tg. 840" (chapTER e40 Pages cose © G@eurcconter MAINTENANCE MANUAL MBB - BK117 1840-4 Removal High Landing Gear 1 Remove any optional equipment whic can introre wih the removal of ‘Bocodance wh ine appropiate chapter, landing gear, in 2 Raise heicoper approx. 1.5 m (eter to Chapter 05) ‘3, Remove bonding jumpers (4 and 2, 840-1), 4. Remove sealing compound, serous (25 and 28) anc washers (26), screws (28) andtab washers (23), Sng remove shes (2) 5. Rema lng steps (2 and 29) per Chapter 811 6, Remave sorews (14) and tb washers (15). 7. Remove sot sows rings (19), using sling agent (CM 710). Caretuly win ciampng rng as hocetsary 18 Winer cross tubes (1 and 22) trom he fselage through bearing ings (17) takirg care et to damage the luselage buheeds, 19, necessary remove bearing rings (17). 840-5 nstlaion - High Landing Gear 1. I praviouly moved etal bearing engs (17, i. 840-1) according o fig 840-1, using bos (19 and 46), tushings (12 and #6), stopped washors (1) nus (10) and pit pine (), Locals bearing rings, chariered end facing outward in landing Gea Uselage mounts. Lubricate bos (je and 16) and bushings (12 ane 10) using greats (CM 120) ifwnen applying torus the castlaion ‘tna (10) does no align wth ie Reel be (13 or 18), roplace hut and relorgue. 2. Guide cross tubes (1 and 22) though bearing rings (17) and fuselage and acus postion unl equal Fengin of eros tube entend vom einer sie o the luselage 3. Porto istaaton Inspect inert + of clamping ing af set sow cngs (19) fr pat and grease fesidue Remove resdues using acetone (CM 203), ne forward cross Ube (1) Masa at Sealng compound (EM 682) 4 Insta et sora ge (19) using ling agent (CN 710) Chock tha cross tube lengths ataning ram bar side ofthe uselaga are equal. Corfect as necessary. 5 instal serows (14) and ab washer (18) Then srews and secure wih ab washers 6. Instat long steps (2 and 29) according to Chaper 811, 7. instal bonding jumpers (4 and 21) a5 nscatedin i. 840-1 aking care that al coracts made between bare meta suraces Apply corosion proverive lacquer (CM 501) fo ground pos, nen sel ‘round pois wih sealing compauns (OM 622), 6, Locale skid shoas (1 and 2oF 30 and, as applic, ig. 840-2) of skids (27, ig. 840-1) on cross {bee and 22) evenly and without caning CHAPTER B40 code © Page 9 Qeurccopter MAINTENANCE MANUAL MBB - BK117 8. Brush-coat contact suraces with seaing compound (CM 662), and instal screws (24) anda washers (2) and srows (25 and 28) and washers (26). igen serows ang socuo stew (24) with tsb washers\20) 10.1 applicable, reinstall optional equipment in accordance with appropriate chapters. 11. Touch up cumaged surtace protection and nonlip layer in accoréance wth para 40-3, sop 1. ChaPTER e40 Page 10 cove ¢ Qeurcconter MA TENANCE MANUAL MBB - BK117 1 cross tube, fwd 2 long step, LH shin Bonding junper washer A 4 -6 (ETN) oe 3 6 Screw Sexe 9 split pin 10 at 11 Stepped vacher 21 Bonding junper 22 Cross. tube, att 23 tab washer 24 Screw 25 Screw 26 wesner 23 Long step, aH As require! only Installed op 1M aide only Figue 640-1 Removal an instalation - High Landing Gear ‘cuapren 40 code Page 112 Q@evrcconter MAINTENANCE MANUAL MBB - BK117 840-6 Skid 1840-7 ieassombly- Sid 1. Raise halcopor approx. 0.5 m (eter to Chapter 05) 2, ht snacessary to move skis (27, ti. 640-1) Remave eeaing cormpauno, Screws (25 and 2) and washers (26) and screws (24) and tab washers (Beynon move sea (2 2, Remove screws (24,11. 840-2) and washer (22), then remove skid protective plas (11, 19 and 23) Femmve sealing compound, 4 Remvo boning jumper (5) 5. Bendopen tab washers (19) and remove togethor with serows (18) and washers (2) 6, Remave clamping rings (12) and ski shoes (1 and 2) o (30 and 31) necessary. use wooden theage fo widen he amply ngs 7. Wnecossary, remove shot tops (29) on forward skid shoes by removing sealing compound, plug (25), nut (26) and wasner (27 om one side ofthe skid shoe. 8. Hnecessary,sillou bind vt (9} and remove cap (10) and sealing compound 98, Wnocossary, unscew nut (14) and remove sorew (17) and washers (15 and 16) 840-8 Assambly- Ska 1. transport whee! mount has been removed: ‘90 sean, locking and securing compound CN 970) head of orem 17 a, 040-2) and Ebing compound (CM G62} to washer (1S and 16) Insert Screw with washers In ki tube (24) and thread out (14) on screw. Tighten nut and secure o screw by applying tree equitant (120°) centepunen mars. 2. Heap (10) has been removes: ‘Aaply sealing compound (CM 652) 10 cap (10), then Insert cap in sid ube (24) and secure with Bnd vets). 8. Ifprerously removed, insta shor stops (29) on the forward skid shoes as flows “Teed nut (26) gy on one ofthe 10-mm-ong threaded ends of suppor rod (28. Then inst washer (27) on the suppor red and guide the suppor rod trough both shor slap an the cross, be Intll washer (27) and ut (26) onthe re end ofthe suppor red, tan inser pugs (28) n both fd usng sealing compound (CM 682) 4, Instat skis shoes (1 and 2) or (30 and 31), as applcable, and clarping rings (12) on skid tube (24, Fanaight, using oxrews (18) tab washers (19) and washers (20, but donot secure stows. 5. lthe kid was previous removed: 8. Pish skid shoes (1 and 2 o (30 and 31), as applicable, ‘oss bes (1 and 22, fg 840-1). renly and without caning over ends of (CHAPTER #40 code © Page 13 @eurcconter MAINTENANCE MANUAL MBB - B17 ©, Brush-cnat contact sutaces with sealing compound (CM 652) and instal sows (24 and tb \washors 23) and screws (25 and 26) and washar 28) Tighten al seems an eocuresorews (24) wnt washer (23). 6, Establish corect instalation location. 42. Clamping rings (12 i. 840-2) must abut sop blocks (7) ofthe respective eid shoes (* and 2) oF (0 and ft} a6 applesle ». The stance measured rom the canter ofthe af skid shoe (2) or (1), a8 applicable, tothe at end ofthe shia tube must be 990 mm, Sasi 6402 6. Serous (7) must be ina horizontal postion wth weight onthe skid. 7. Tighten serons (18) and secure with ab washers (19) 8. Stush-coat contact surlaces on skid protctve plates (11,13 and 29) with sealing compound (Cit 882) ana secure to sk tobe (28) Using Scrowe (23) ans washers (2), 9, Instat boeing jumper (5) a5 shown ing. 840-2, aking care tat al contact & made between bare ‘etal sutaczs Apply coresion preventive lacquer (CM 501) fo ground points, hen seal ground points with sealing 2ompound (CM 602). Connect bonding jumper lo sid shoe ung cable (9) 10, Touch up damaged surtae protection and nals ayer in accordance with para 840-2 tap 4 guAPTER 40 Page 14 cose ¢ Geurcconter MAINTENANCE MANUAL MBB - BK117 Skid shoe, fwd 18 Skid shoes af Le Washer Bonding jumper Cable tie Stop block Bling rivet 10 cap U1 Skid protective plate 12 Clamping ring 13 Sksd' protective plate 14 at 15 Washer 16 Nacher 17 Serew 18 Serew 13 Tab washer 20 Washer 22 Washer 23 Skid protective plate 24 skid tube 25 Plug 26 aut 27 Washer 28 Support, od 29 snort step 30 Skid shoe, fud a8 31 Skid shoe, aft MH Figure 840-2 Disassombly anc Asserbiy - Skid ‘CHAPTER 640 code © Page 1518

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