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Department of Computer Science


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1 Project Description
1.1 Introduction
I will make an attendance system which will be capable make attendance of students of different courses
and subjects. It could also manage subjects’ courses teacher and students . System is also capable of
assigning Subjects and Allocating students , Marking attendance and Viewing attendance.

1.2 Related System Analysis

Application Name Weakness Targeted Project Solution

Attendance Management It is not an entire system It will have the entire
System there is no management of management of subjects ,
subject’s courses. teacher’s courses and student
could view their attendance

1.3 Advantages/Benefits of proposed system

It will give the teachers whole attendance information of total lectures taken and student could get
information about their attendance that and system could add teacher , student , subject , courses etc.
System can also delete information from the system .

1.4 Scope and Modules

Course Management
Teacher Management
Subject Management/Assignment
Student Management/Allocation
Mark Attendance
View Attendance

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