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Research Report

Pelvic-Floor Muscle Rehabilitation

in Erectile Dysfunction and
Premature Ejaculation

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Pierre Lavoisier, Pascal Roy, Emmanuelle Dantony, Antoine Watrelot, Jean Ruggeri, P. Lavoisier, PT, MD, Centre
Sébastien Dumoulin d’Etudes des Dysfonctions Sex-
uelles (CEDS), 153 Rue Pierre Cor-
neille 69003, Lyon, France.
Background. In men, involuntary or voluntary ischiocavernosus muscle contrac- Address all correspondence to
tions after erection lead to intracavernous blood pressures far higher than the systolic Pr Lavoisier at: pierrelavoisier@
pressure, which builds and maintains penile rigidity. Thus, erectile dysfunction may
be partly due to ischiocavernosus muscle atrophy and may be treated by rehabilita- P. Roy, MD, PhD, Hospices Civils
tion interventions. de Lyon, Service de Biostatistique;
Université Lyon 1, Villeurbanne,
France; and CNRS UMR 5558,
Objective. The purpose of this study was to determine whether pelvic-floor Laboratoire de Biométrie et Biolo-
muscle strengthening interventions could be associated with increases in intracav- gie Evolutive, Equipe Bio Statis-
ernous pressure that would increase penile rigidity. tique Santé, Pierre-Bénite, Lyon,
Design. An observational study was conducted. E. Dantony, MSc, Hospices Civils
de Lyon, Service de Biostatistique;
Methods. One hundred twenty-two men with isolated erectile dysfunction and Université Lyon 1; and CNRS UMR
108 men with isolated premature ejaculation participated (no neuromuscular dis- 5558, Laboratoire de Biométrie
et Biologie Evolutive, Equipe Bio
eases or previous perineal rehabilitation). Thirty-minute sessions of voluntary con- Statistique Santé, Pierre-Bénite.
tractions coupled with electrical stimulation were designed to increase ischiocaver-
nosus muscle strength (monitored through intracavernous pressure increase). A A. Watrelot, MD, Centre de
Recherche et d’Etudes de la Stéri-
linear mixed-effects model per group analyzed separately, then jointly, the maximum lité (CRES), Lyon, France.
change in pressure (⌬P) and the maximum baseline (ie, respectively, the average
contraction-generated difference in intracavernous pressure and the intracavernous J. Ruggeri, MD, Centre d’Etudes
des Dysfonctions Sexuelles (CEDS).
pressure plateau at full erection, both measured during the highest moving average
of the best 2 minutes of each session). S. Dumoulin, MSc, Centre
d’Etudes des Dysfonctions Sex-
uelles (CEDS).
Results. Over 20 sessions, the maximum ⌬P increased in erectile dysfunction as
well as in premature ejaculation (87% and 88%, respectively, in men with positive [Lavoisier P, Roy P, Dantony E,
trends). The maximum baseline also increased (99% and 72%, respectively, in men et al. Pelvic-floor muscle rehabili-
tation in erectile dysfunction and
with positive trends). The joint modeling indicated that the mean expected progres- premature ejaculation. Phys Ther.
sions of the intracavernous pressure after 5 sessions in erectile dysfunction and 2014;94:1731–1743.]
premature ejaculation were 62.85 and 64.15 cm H2O, respectively.
© 2014 American Physical Therapy
Limitations. Indirect measurements were obtained of intracavernous pressure
and ischiocavernosus muscle force. Published Ahead of Print:
July 31, 2014
Accepted: July 19, 2014
Conclusions. Pelvic-floor muscle rehabilitation was found to be beneficial in Submitted: August 2, 2013
erectile dysfunction. However, its effects on symptoms of premature ejaculation,
despite intracavernous pressure gains, were much more difficult to assess. The
definitive proof of its benefits requires rather difficult-to-design clinical trials.
Post a Rapid Response to
this article at:

December 2014 Volume 94 Number 12 Physical Therapy f 1731

Pelvic-Floor Muscle Rehabilitation

he physiology of erection tractions concur with SS ICP peaks ity equation: dP⫽⫺K (dV/V) (ie, the
includes a vascular phase1–3 and that anesthesia of the ICM pre- pressure (P) increases when the vol-
and a muscular phase.4 –22 Addi- vents penetration by lack of ume (V) decreases, with K being the
tionally, physiological data strongly rigidity.8,12 constant bulk modulus or coefficient
suggest an additional intercourse of elasticity of blood). Available data
rigidity process. In addition, concurrent ICM con- in humans indicate that ICM con-
tractions and coitus movements sug- tractions may induce important SS
During the vascular phase, there is gest a triggering of the ischiocav- ICPs,5,6,15–21 regardless of whether
an increase in cavernous arterial ernosus reflex (ICR).8,10,12 Indeed, the ICM contractions are reflexive or
blood flow together with a venous authors have observed very impor- voluntary.5,16,22
compression under the tunica albu- tant increases in the ICP (ie, up to 10
ginea (TA) that decreases the venous times the systolic blood pressure).8 Therefore, coital penile rigidity is

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outflow; the 2 processes result in an These findings imply that, during SS achieved according to the following
increase in intracavernous pressure ICP, the corpus cavernosum (CC) is sequence: coital movement 3 glans
(ICP) and a stretching of the TA.1–3 a blood-filled closed system.24 pressure variations 3 ICR triggering
At full erection, the ICP plateaus at 3 ICM contractions 3 SS ICP 3
nearly 150 cm H2O (110 mm Hg),2,3 In men, the physiology of the ICM penile rigidity.
which is the mean arterial pres- was described by Poirier and
sure.3,23 At this point, there is no Charpy.4 The ICM surrounds the CC Whereas studies of penile rigidity
evidence for a physiological role of in a semi-cone shape. Contractions have led to the above-stated
the ischiocavernosus muscle (ICM).1–3 of the ICM compress the roots of the sequence, studies of premature ejac-
CC, leading to an increase in the ICP. ulation (PE) did not lead yet to a
During the muscular phase (or rigid- At full erection, in absence of con- consensual sequence; most authors
ity phase), ICM contractions induce traction, the pressure in the blood- consider that the etiology and the
a suprasystolic (SS) ICP2–7 that allows filled CC cannot exceed the mean pathophysiology of PE are still
intercourse. In several mammals arterial pressure. The ICM contrac- nebulous. Regarding etiology, there
(horse, bull, goat, dog, and rat),8 –14 tions may then compress the CC, is a complex contribution of sev-
concomitant ICP measurements and which increases the ICP beyond the eral factors (genetic, neurobiologi-
ICM electromyography (EMG) dur- systolic pressure.4 The latter point is cal, pharmacological, psychological,
ing coitus have shown that ICM con- confirmed by the fluid compressibil- urological, and endocrine),25 most
of which are still not— or are poorly
or contradictorily— evidence-based.
Regarding pathophysiology, there
The Bottom Line is some consensus on the “distur-
bances of the serotonergic neu-
What do we already know about this topic? rotransmission and certain sero-
tonin (5-HT) receptors and, to a
In humans, the male pelvic floor muscles are active during sexual inter- lesser extent, oxytocinergic neu-
course and play a role in penile erection. There are two phases in penile rotransmission in the CNS [central
erection: the vascular phase (which allows tumescence) and the muscular nervous system],”26 which partly
phase (which induces rigidity). Rigidity is achieved by the contraction of founds or explains the successful
the ischiocavernosus muscle. treatments with some selective sero-
tonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs).
What new information does this study offer? However, a few reviews published
This study demonstrated that rehabilitation interventions increased ischio- after 2000 have mentioned “pelvic
floor alteration”27 and “a neuro-
cavernosus muscle force in 87% of the men studied.
biological phenomenon,”28,29 or
If you’re a patient or a caregiver, what might these suggested “pubococcygeal muscle
findings mean for you? training” within a multiple strategy
Men with erectile dysfunction may benefit from interventions to
strengthen the ischiocavernosus muscle, potentially enhancing the mus- In humans, the male pelvic-floor
cular phase of the erection. muscles, specifically the ischiocav-
ernosus and bulbospongiosus, are

1732 f Physical Therapy Volume 94 Number 12 December 2014

Pelvic-Floor Muscle Rehabilitation

active during sexual intercourse and Method backed by the study results). The
play a role in penile erection and Participants length of dysfunction in both groups
ejaculation. A number of authors This study (historical cohort) consid- was more than 6 months.
hypothesized that weak pelvic-floor ered as potential participants all men
muscles would lead to erectile dys- with ED or PE who were seen at the According to the current French
function (ED) and that exercising Centre d’Etudes des Dysfonctions Legislation (Loi Huriet-Sérusclat
these muscles would significantly Sexuelles (CEDS, Lyon, France) from 88-1138, December 20, 1988, and its
improve or restore erectile func- August 2007 to July 2010 (Fig. 1). subsequent amendments), an obser-
tion secondary to venous leakage vational study that does not change
or post-prostatectomy.31–33 Dorey Symptoms of ED ranged from simple routine management of patients
found that pelvic-floor muscle exer- difficulty to maintain a rigid erection does not need to be declared or sub-
cises (ischiocavernosus and bulbo- to impossibility to achieve penetra- mitted to the opinion of a research

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cavernosus muscles) appear to have tion. Symptoms of PE ranged from ethics board.
merit as a treatment for ED (they simple difficulty to maintain penetra-
increase penile rigidity in the tumes- tion for more than 5 minutes before Baseline Tests and Drug
cent penis34) and that they are a ejaculation to ejaculation before pen- Treatments
realistic and noninvasive first-line etration. Whatever the disorder, the The usual tests included: a blood test
approach for the prevention and inclusion criteria did not consider for androgen level (free and bioavail-
treatment of ED.35 ED-specific causes, PE levels, or age able testosterone), glucose and gly-
ranges. However, all patients with cosylated hemoglobin, lipid profile,
Furthermore, some authors sup- neuromuscular diseases and those penile echo-Doppler ultrasonogra-
ported the idea that contraction of who had practiced perineal rehabili- phy, and perineal EMG.
pelvic-floor muscles is involved in tation were excluded.
the control of the ejaculatory reflex Men with ED were prescribed phos-
and evaluated pelvic-floor rehabilita- All solicited patients were informed phodiesterase type 5 inhibitors
tion as a possible treatment for about the treatment process, the (PDE5-Is): either tadalafil 5 mg once
PE.36 –38 In one study,36 after 15 to 20 functioning of the apparatus, and daily or tadalafil 20 mg, vardenafil 20
sessions, 11 out of 18 patients were the analysis of the data. Only volun- mg, or sildenafil 50 mg 2 or 3 times
considered cured. In a more recent tary patients who gave their consent weekly. The dosage was adapted to
study,37 after 12 weeks, 11 out of 19 to the treatment were further each participant according to the
patients were able to control the instructed and could use the appara- drug effect. Participants with ED
ejaculatory reflex. These authors tus, and any volunteer could with- with low free testosterone or low
concluded that physical treatment draw at any time without specific bioavailable testosterone, or both,
may be a viable therapeutic option justification. There was no random- received injectable testosterone
for the treatment of PE. ization of study participants either enanthate 250 mg twice monthly for
before or during the study period. 3 months.
The above physiological consider- The data collection was a natural
ations suggest that coital penile rigid- part of the treatment, and only ano- Men with PE were prescribed parox-
ity dysfunction and possibly PE may nymized observational data were etine 10 to 40 mg once daily. Those
be partly due to ICM atrophy and analyzed. who experienced side effects or
that they may be treated by rehabil- insufficient efficacy, or both, were
itation intervention (RI). Despite the The present study included 230 men prescribed clomipramine 12.5 to 50
above-cited and other positive (mean age⫽47.9 years, SD⫽13.0) mg once daily. The dosage of parox-
reports on the effect of pelvic-floor (Fig. 1). All participants had reached etine or clomipramine was adapted
rehabilitation in ED,39 – 44 no reports or completed high school level. The to each participant according to the
have provided measurements of ICM study considered 2 groups: (1) 122 efficacy and the side effects. Table 1
force or the ICP. men with ED but without PE (ED summarizes the conditions and the
group; mean age⫽51.8 years, drug treatments given to the partici-
The aim of the present study was to SD⫽12.7) and (2) 108 men with PE pants of each group.
determine whether pelvic-floor mus- but without ED (PE group; mean
cle strengthening interventions could age⫽41.8 years, SD⫽10.8). As the ICM-RI Principle
be associated with increases in ICP latter group had no penile rigidity The ICM-RI was proposed to all
that would increase penile rigidity. dysfunction, they were not deemed participants. This treatment was
to have ICM atrophy (which is designed to increase the strength of

December 2014 Volume 94 Number 12 Physical Therapy f 1733

Pelvic-Floor Muscle Rehabilitation

256 patients included from

August 2007 to April 2008
3,820 sessions
and who attended at least
2 sessions

26 patients presenting
both ED and PE excluded
(ie, 240 sessions

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3,580 sessions

1,841 sessions occurring

after May 1, 2008
(date of change in
treatment) excluded

1,739 sessions

80 sessions past the 20th

session of each patient

230 patients analyzed 1,659 sessions analyzed

Figure 1.
Flow diagram of study participants and number of analyzed sessions. ED⫽erectile deficiency, PE⫽premature ejaculation.

1734 f Physical Therapy Volume 94 Number 12 December 2014

Pelvic-Floor Muscle Rehabilitation

the ICM, avoid the involvement of Table 1.

other muscles because only the ICM Drug Treatments Given to the Participantsa
is able to induce large increases in Group, Condition, and
ICP,4 –7,15,44 and control fatigue. Drug n %

ED group (n⫽122)
Increasing the strength of a striated Comorbidities
muscle implies a work of this muscle
Diabetes 5 4
against a resistance.23,45 Regarding
the ICM, the only resistance is the Prostate cancer 3 2.5

pressure in the CC.4 The treatment, Hyperlipidemia 25 20.5

therefore, should be carried out in Hypertension 12 9.8
full erection when the CC is filled

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Peyronie disease 4 3.3
and the ICP is close to the mean Neuropathy 0 0
arterial pressure. For this treatment,
Smokers 34 27.9
all participants received intracavern-
ous prostaglandin E1 (PGE1) injec- Penile ultrasonography 39 32

tions at doses expected to cause full Medication

erection for nearly 30 minutes. Tadalafil 73 60

Sildenafil 2 1.6
For ICM work, voluntary contraction Vardenafil 4 3.2
and electrical stimulation could be
Androgen 14 11.5
separately used, but the exercise is
more efficient when both are associ- No PDE5-I 43 35.2

ated.45 In addition, a vibratory sys- PE group (n⫽108)

tem was used to stimulate erection Smokers 32 29.6
through activation of the mechano- Medication
receptors of the glans penis and Statins (hyperlipidemia) 1 0.9
increase the effect of the exercise on
Paroxetine (SSRI) 79 73.1
the muscular strength.46,47
Other SSRI 10 9.2

Devices, Electronics, Computer, Clomipramineb 6 5.5

and Software Nothing 13 12
Three devices were connected to an a
ED⫽erectile deficiency, PE⫽premature ejaculation, PDE5-I⫽phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitor,
electronic box and then to a com- SSRI⫽selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor.
Tricyclic antidepressant.
puter: (1) a penile cuff to measure
the ICP, (2) 2 electrodes for electro-
stimulation, and (3) a vibrator
device. signal was calibrated with a water ulation system, and a power sup-
manometer. During a session, the ply. This box was connected to a
The validated penile cuff device48 signal from the pressure transducer personal computer through a USB
that recorded ICP variations (Meda- was amplified and recorded on a port. The software and the elec-
Sonics, Cooper-Surgical Inc, Trum- computer. Electrostimulation was tronic box were designed and built
bull, Connecticut, or Koven Tech- triggered by the participant and in our laboratory specifically for
nology Inc, St Louis, Missouri) has an applied to the skin by 2 self-adhesive this study. They allow a screen dis-
inner surface lined with a plastic res- electrodes attached to the electronic play of ICM-RI indications and curves
ervoir filled with water. The cuff box. The vibrator device had an (Fig. 2). The signals were recorded in
was wrapped around the penile shaft eccentric axis motor with variable real time at all ICM-RI sessions.
and connected via a pressure line speed (Precision Microdrives, Lon-
(Vygon, Ecouen, France) to a pres- don, United Kingdom). ICM-RI Session Course
sure transducer (Smiths Medical MX Each weekly ICM-RI session con-
950, Smiths Medical, Dublin, Ohio) The electronic box contained a sisted of controlled ICM exercises
able to record pressures from 0 to pressure signal amplifier, an analog- with ICP and fatigue measurements
1,000 mm Hg (1,359.51 cm H2O). digital converter, a microprocessor to control and quantify the progress
Before each session, the pressure for signal analysis, an electrostim- of ICM work along the treatment.

December 2014 Volume 94 Number 12 Physical Therapy f 1735

Pelvic-Floor Muscle Rehabilitation

Figure 2.
Sample from the recordings made during a biofeedback session. The intracavernous pressure changes (the peaks) were provoked by
voluntary contractions of the ischiocavernosus muscle starting from a baseline at about 100 mm Hg (135.95 cm H2O).

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The participant was placed in a quiet tractions—and, to the extent possi- to the participant the way the next
room, on a comfortable examination ble, only these contractions—were contractions had to be made. With
bed, in a supine position. A com- displayed. The participant could the use of this mask, there was no
puter with a large screen was placed check these contractions manually uniform sequence for all partici-
at the participant’s head level at and check on the screen that his con- pants; the contraction rhythm (dura-
nearly 1-m distance. Electrostimula- tractions easily produced large tions of contraction and rest) was
tion electrodes were placed at the increases in ICP. The physician also left to the discretion of each partici-
middle of the upper face of the penis could check the involvement of only pant and constantly changing
shaft to stimulate the dorsal nerve ICM contractions. according to the mask indications.
responsible for ICR. This stimulation
was applied at 80 Hz because this After an increase in ICP from zero to Recorded and
frequency is known to increase both about 150 cm H2O (about 110.33 Calculated Measurements
the ICP and the EMG activity of the mm Hg) for a normal vascular phase, Measurements of ICM force cannot
ICM and induce ICM contractions a baseline plateau corresponding to be directly obtained. However,
without fatigue.49 full erection appeared on the screen because the CC is a closed blood-
(Fig. 2). During ICP recordings, each filled system during SS ICP, ICM
The participant was then given the participant was shown an ideal mask force variations may be mathemati-
PGE1 injection, and the penile cuff of voluntary muscle contractions he cally obtained from ICP variations
(previously filled with water without had to reproduce (Fig. 3). This mask using the above-shown fluid com-
air bubbles) was wrapped by the showed the optimal duration and pressibility equation.
physician around the penis shaft and magnitude of voluntary contractions
closed over the electrostimulation as well as the duration of the rest The penile cuff provides indirect
electrodes and the vibrator. The phy- phase and was adjusted in real time measurements of ICP and avoids the
sician used a virtual button on the according to an ICM fatigue index. use of invasive devices. Its validation
computer screen to adjust value zero Indeed, because intense exercise has been achieved previously by
for water pressure. exhausts the ICM, an ICM fatigue simultaneous recordings of penile
index was calculated by measuring cuff pressure and direct ICP through
The participant could start electro- angle ␣ on the ICP peak (Fig. 3). a needle during artificial erection;
stimulation and adjust its intensity Practically, when the ICM was the results showed a linear relation-
using a virtual button on the screen robust, the participant could main- ship and a highly positive correlation
to obtain a maximum perception of tain the contraction; the ICP did not between the 2 measurements
stimulation below pain threshold. decrease, and the curve remained (␳⫽.96, P⬍.001).48
Electrostimulation lasted 30 minutes. almost horizontal during the whole
The participant could initiate the contraction. In case of fatigue, how- After erection, in the absence of ICM
vibrator and produce various fre- ever, the ICP decreased rapidly, contractions, the baseline pressure is
quencies also using a virtual button forming an acute angle ␣. The more an ICP equivalent to the mean arte-
so as to have a good perception with- tired is the muscle, the more acute is rial pressure (Fig. 2). A mean base-
out discomfort. The participant then this angle. Real-time changes of the line was calculated over each whole
had to check that voluntary ICM con- mask according to angle ␣ indicated session. The maximum baseline

1736 f Physical Therapy Volume 94 Number 12 December 2014

Pelvic-Floor Muscle Rehabilitation

(max baseline) was the highest mov-

ing average calculated over the best
2 minutes of each whole session.

DeltaP (⌬P) was the pressure

reached above the baseline during
ICP peaks on ICM contractions (ie,
the peak pressure minus the baseline
pressure) (Fig. 2). The main data
considered or analyzed here were:
(1) the number of ICP peaks per ses-
sion; (2) the mean ⌬P over each

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whole session; (3) the maximum ⌬P
(max ⌬P), defined as the average
⌬P during the best 2 minutes of
each session; (4) the mean baseline;
(5) the max baseline; and (6) angle ␣ Figure 3.
change or fatigue index. Example of the adjustable mask. Each peak represents the change in intracavernous
pressure during a single ischiocavernosus muscle contraction. The rectangle that sur-
rounds each peak is the form to reproduce during each contraction, starting from the
Data Analysis baseline. This algorithm-created mask is adjustable in each of its components: duration
To describe the progress of max ⌬P (width), amplitude (height), and ischiocavernosus muscle fatigue index (angle ␣).
or that of the max baseline, the sta-
tistical analysis considered the fol-
lowing linear mixed-effects model
that was applied separately to each effects of 5 sessions (ie, the effect of median number of sessions being 7,
group (ED and PE) and separately to 5 sessions was obtained by multiply- a complementary analysis was
max ⌬P and max baseline: ing each slope by 5). restricted to the first 7 sessions of
each participant.
yij ⫽ (␤0 ⫹ u0i) ⫹ (␤1 ⫹ u1i) ⫻ j The significance of the mean slope
was analyzed with the Wald test, and In order to make a comparison of the
In this model, i⫽1, n denotes the a 95% confidence interval (95% CI) intercept and the slope obtained for
participant, j⫽1, mi (not shown in was calculated using the profile like- the ED group (with the above-
the equation) denotes the session lihood method. The random effect described model on the first 20 ses-
(mi being the total number of ses- on the number of sessions provides sions) with the intercept and the
sions followed by participant i), and one slope per patient. A positive slope obtained for PE group, another
yij denotes the criterion under study slope indicates that the patient is linear mixed-effects model consid-
(ie, max ⌬P, max baseline, or max responding favorably to the inter- ered the ED and PE groups together
⌬P ⫹ max baseline for session j of vention. The distribution of the ran- and included an effect of the dys-
participant i), ␤0 denotes the mean dom slopes (␤1⫹uli) was analyzed function, an effect of the session
(population) intercept of the linear to estimate the proportion of par- rank, and an effect of the interaction
regression, and ␤1 denotes the mean ticipants with positive or negative between these 2 variables. A random
(population) slope associated with slopes. This proportion gives an “patient” effect also was considered
the session rank (treatment effect). idea of the number of patients on each fixed effect and on the inter-
In the model, u0i⬃ N(0,␴20) is the who respond favorably to the cept of the model. Slope comparison
random effect on the intercept and intervention. allows stating whether the progres-
follows a normal distribution of sions of ED and PE groups are the
mean 0 and variance ␴20, whereas In a first analysis, the first 20 sessions same.
u1i⬃N(0,␴21) is the random effect on of each participant were analyzed to
the coefficient associated with the reduce the potential influence of the All statistical analyses were per-
session rank and follows a normal low number of participants with formed with R software (http://
distribution of mean 0 and variance very high numbers of sessions. From All statistical
␴12. In the “Results” section, the this model, the mean expected dif- tests were 2-tailed, and P values
intercepts and the slopes are pre- ference between inclusion and the smaller than .05 were considered for
sented as well as the estimated fifth session was calculated. The statistical significance.

December 2014 Volume 94 Number 12 Physical Therapy f 1737

Pelvic-Floor Muscle Rehabilitation

Results baseline was significant (1.64 cm H2O per session; P⬍.005; 95%
Summary ICM-RI Results H2O per session, P⬍.005, 95% CI⫽7.74, 16.04). The random stan-
The median of the number of pres- CI⫽0.96, 2.32). The random stan- dard error of the slope (9.71 cm H2O
sure peaks per session in the ED dard error of the slope (0.68 cm H2O per session) led to estimating that
and PE groups was 318 (interquar- per session) led to estimating that 88% of the participants presented a
tile range [IQR]⫽277–375) and 312 99% of the participants presented a positive trend (Tab. 2).
(IQR⫽276 –360), respectively. The positive trend (Tab. 2).
median of the mean of baseline ⫹ In addition, the max baseline
⌬P in the ED and PE groups was The group intercept of max ⌬P was increased. The group slope that char-
383 mm H2O (IQR⫽277.6 –503.7) estimated at 336 cm H2O. The group acterizes the linear trend of max
and 407 mm H2O (IQR⫽300.9 –529), intercept of the max baseline was baseline was significant (1.50 cm
respectively. estimated at 146 cm H2O. The mean H2O per session; P⫽.006; 95% CI⫽

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expected progression after 5 ses- 0.42, 2.61). The random standard
Effects of the ICM-RI in the sions was 59.55 cm H2O for max ⌬P error of the slope (2.50 cm H2O per
ED Group Over 20 Sessions (5 ⫻ 11.91) and 8.2 cm H2O for max session) led to estimating that 72% of
In the ED group, the max ⌬P baseline (5 ⫻ 1.64) (ie, more than the participants presented a positive
increased. The group slope that char- seven-fold the baseline) (Tab. 2). trend (Tab. 2).
acterizes the linear trend of max ⌬P When the criterion under study was
was significant (11.91 cm H2O per max ⌬P⫹max baseline, the mean The group intercept of max ⌬P was
session, P⬍.005, 95% CI⫽8.43, expected progression of the ICP estimated at 417 cm H2O. The group
15.67). The random standard error after 5 sessions was 62.85 cm H2O intercept of the max baseline was
of the slope (10.41 cm H2O per ses- (5 ⫻ 12.57) (Tab. 3). estimated at 157 cm H2O. The mean
sion) led to estimating that 87% of expected progression after 5 ses-
the participants presented a positive Effects of the ICM-RI in the sions was 58.05 cm H2O for max ⌬P
trend (Tab. 2). PE Group Over 20 Sessions (5 ⫻ 11.61) and 7.5 cm H2O for max
In the PE group, the max ⌬P also baseline (5 ⫻ 1.5) (Tab. 2). When
In addition, the max baseline increased. The group slope that the criterion under study was max
increased. The group slope that char- characterizes the linear trend of ⌬P⫹max baseline, the mean
acterizes the linear trend of max max ⌬P was significant (11.61 cm expected progression of the ICP

Table 2.
Parameters Stemming From the Linear Mixed-Effects Model Applied to Participants in the ED and PE Groups Over the First
20 Sessionsa
ED Group PE Group
Estimated Parameters (nⴝ122) (nⴝ108) Pb

Max ⌬P

Slope (SE), cm H2O per sessionc 11.91 (1.74)d 11.61 (1.86)d .459

Intercept (SE), cm H2O e

336 (13.4) 417 (14.8) ⬍.001

SE of the random effect on the slope, cm H2O per sessionc 10.41 9.71

Percentage of positive slopes 87 88

Max baseline

Slope (SE), cm H2O per sessionc 1.64 (0.34)d 1.50 (0.54)d .872
Intercept (SE), cm H2O 146 (3.1) 157 (4.1) .045

SE of the random effect on the slope, cm H2O per sessionc 0.68 2.50

Percentage of positive slopes 99 72

ED⫽erectile deficiency; PE⫽premature ejaculation; SE⫽standard error; max ⌬P⫽maximum ⌬P (the average contraction-generated difference in
intracavernous pressure, measured during the highest moving average of the best 2 minutes of each session); max baseline⫽maximum baseline (the
intracavernous pressure plateau at full erection, measured during the highest moving average of the best 2 minutes of each session).
P values resulting from ED group vs PE group comparisons using Wald tests on the parameters estimated from the linear mixed-effects models (detailed in
the “Method” section of the text).
Estimated mean linear trend.
P value ⬍.05 resulting from a Wald test assessing whether the coefficient is different from zero.
Estimated mean starting value.

1738 f Physical Therapy Volume 94 Number 12 December 2014

Pelvic-Floor Muscle Rehabilitation

Table 3.
Main Indicators of ICP per Sessiona

Max ⌬P ⴙ
ICP Indicators Max ⌬P Max Baseline Max Baseline

ED group (n⫽62)b

Mean (SD) at first session, cm H2O 352.7 (165.7) 151.7 (38.7) 504.4 (180.8)

Mean (SD) at fifth session, cm H2O 398.6 (162.9) 151.4 (44.2) 549.9 (181.6)

Observed slope (SD), cm H2O per session c

11.46 (38.30) ⫺0.09 (12.03) 11.37 (43.63)

Estimated slope (SE), cm H2O per sessiond 11.91 (1.74) 1.64 (0.34) 12.57 (1.79)
PE group (n⫽65)

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Mean at first session (SD), cm H2O 404.4 (172.4) 148.2 (48.2) 552.6 (186.3)

Mean at fifth session (SD), cm H2O 441.6 (199.9) 158.7 (41.6) 600.3 (220.0)

Observed slope (SD), cm H2O per sessionc 9.29 (49.51) 2.64 (12.06) 11.92 (56.56)
Estimated slope (SE), cm H2O per session 11.61 (1.86) 1.50 (0.54) 12.83 (2.16)
Observed means over the first 5 sessions and model-estimated slope obtained with up to 20 sessions. ICP⫽intracavernous pressure, ED⫽erectile deficiency;
PE⫽premature ejaculation; SE⫽standard error; max ⌬P⫽maximum ⌬P (the average contraction-generated difference in intracavernous pressure, measured
during the highest moving average of the best 2 minutes of each session); max baseline⫽maximum baseline (the intracavernous pressure plateau at full
erection, measured during the highest moving average of the best 2 minutes of each session).
Participants who had at least 5 therapy sessions.
(Mean at fifth session ⫺ mean at first session)/4.
The effect of one session obtained with the linear mixed-effects model considering up to 20 sessions.

after 5 sessions was 64.15 cm H2O Effects of ICM Contractions In the ED group, the mean (popula-
(5 ⫻ 12.83) (Tab. 3). Over 7 Sessions tion) slope associated with the ses-
Close results were obtained when sion rank was 0.045 (95% CI⫽⫺0.12,
Comparison Between the the first 7 sessions were analyzed. 0.06). In the PE group, the mean
Parameters of the 2 Models for The slopes that characterize the lin- (population) slope associated with
Max ⌬P and Max Baseline ear trend of max ⌬P were significant the session rank was ⫺0.06 (95%
When considering the ED and PE in the ED group (11.46 cm H2O per CI⫽⫺0.17, 0.05). Thus, we cannot
groups together, the effect of the session; P⬍.005; 95% CI⫽6.29, conclude that the number of ses-
dysfunction was significantly differ- 16.82) and in the PE group (13.47 sions had an effect on fatigue. In
ent from 0 for max ⌬P and max base- cm H2O per session; P⬍.005; 95% both groups, the fatigue slope was
line (Wald test: P⬍.001 and P⫽.045, CI⫽5.54, 21.53). not different from zero during the
respectively; Tab. 2). Thus, the inter- treatment. This finding means that
cepts relative to the ED and PE The group slopes that characterize fatigue did not increase during
groups can be considered as differ- the linear trends of max baseline ICM-RI.
ent (ie, the max baseline and the were estimated in the ED group at
max ⌬P at the onset of the ICM-RI 0.90 cm H2O per session (P⫽.28; Discussion
were not the same in the ED and PE 95% CI⫽⫺0.76, 2.57) and in the PE The present study was designed to
groups). group at 1.86 cm H2O per session analyze the results and the efficacy of
(P⫽.12; 95% CI⫽⫺0.52, 4.24). a new rehabilitation intervention
However, the coefficient associated destined to increase ICP and penile
with the interaction between the Effects of the ICM-RI rigidity through strengthening the
dysfunction and the session rank Sessions on Fatigue ICM.
could not be considered as signifi- To study the impact on fatigue, we
cantly different from 0 (Wald test: analyzed the acute angle ␣ using the On the system recordings, the mus-
P⫽.46 for max ⌬P and P⫽.87 for same linear mixed-effects model we cular phase of erection was studied
max baseline; Tab. 2) (ie, the effect used to study max ⌬P or max base- through contraction-related ICP
of the session rank, that is the overall line. Analyses were conducted sepa- pressure changes (max ⌬P), and the
progression, cannot be considered rately for each group (ED and PE), vascular phase was studied through
as different between the ED and PE and only the first 20 sessions of each baseline ICP pressure changes (max
groups). participant were analyzed. baseline). These 2 measures were

December 2014 Volume 94 Number 12 Physical Therapy f 1739

Pelvic-Floor Muscle Rehabilitation

considered more relevant than the arterial pressure (ie, nearly 150 cm contracted and what effects they
corresponding mean ⌬P and mean H2O or 110.33 mm Hg).23 Surpris- had on ICP. According to current
baseline because the conditions for ingly, the estimated slopes of max knowledge, only ICM directly influ-
application of the fluid compressibil- ⌬P were very close in the ED and PE ences ICP,4 which was confirmed by
ity law were better met during the groups (11.91 versus 11.61 cm H2O simultaneous recordings of ICP and
best 2 minutes of each session— dur- per session, respectively), although ICM EMG activity (by coaxial needle
ing which max ⌬P and max baseline the PE group was, on average, electrode) during contraction.5,13,14
were collected—than during a younger, assumed free from ED, and We observed large and easily
whole session. Indeed, at the begin- without PDE5-I treatment. These reached ICP increases during ICM
ning of each session, before the full results suggest that whatever the contractions (confirmed by palpa-
efficacy of PGE1, the gradual patient group or the ICM force at the tion) and small increases following
increase in ICP from 10 to 150 cm beginning of the treatment, similar the contraction of other perineal or

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H2O was not an ideal condition for ICM progressions may be reached even distant muscles (external anal
using the compressibility law. with or without PDE5-Is. This finding sphincter or thigh, buttock, or
suggests that PDE5-Is were not impli- abdominal muscles). With the physi-
One feature of the present study is cated in the progression of the mus- cian and the screen indications, all
that the results were analyzed cular phase. Similarly, the use of participants at all educational levels
according to fixed numbers of ses- androgens in the ED group is (high school and above) were able to
sions instead of over the duration of thought to have played only a minor understand the method, use it within
the treatment. Because some partic- role because of close slopes of max a few minutes, and avoid—to a cer-
ipants had to cancel some weekly ⌬P in the ED group and the PE group tain extent—the contraction of these
sessions without interrupting the (who did not use androgens). accessory muscles. The ICM force
treatment, the same number of ses- was assessed indirectly, although we
sions was carried out over a longer The slopes of max ⌬P and max base- propose the measurement of ICM
period. line showed positive trends. This EMG activity. This choice was made
finding means a progression of both because: (1) there is no evidence for
As expected, the intercept of max the muscular phase and the vascular a linear relationship between EMG
⌬P (the extrapolated muscular phase phase, and there appears to be a link activity and ICM force,50 (2) the
indicator before treatment) was between the increase in the muscu- recording of this activity through
lower in the ED group than in the PE lar phase and the increase in the vas- self-adhesive electrodes would have
group (336 versus 417 cm H2O). cular phase. It is possible that ICM given a global signal of perineal mus-
This finding may be explained by the enhancement better compresses the cles located beneath the electrodes,
probable integrity of the muscular veins that pass through the ICM, and especially (3) the use of a coaxial
phase in the PE group. However, the which decreases the venous outflow needle instead of adhesive elec-
intercept of the max baseline was and, therefore, increases the ICP. trodes is an invasive procedure that
lower in the ED group than in the PE However, the progressions in the generates pain during exercise,
group (146 versus 157 cm H2O). muscular and vascular phases did not which would not be accepted by
This small difference between follow the same magnitude; indeed, most participants.
patients supposedly with (versus the slope of max ⌬P that represents
without) a vascular problem was a the muscle component of erection The indirect measurement of the
surprise and suggests that the patho- was nearly 7 times higher than that ICM force was an essential part of
physiological difference would be of the max baseline that represents the present study. Ideally, a force
linked to the muscular facet rather the vascular component of erection. transducer should have been used,
than to the vascular facet. The use of This finding shows that the increase but the specific anatomy and the
PDE5-Is in the ED group also proba- in ICP is mainly obtained through an physiology of the ICM do not allow
bly explains the small difference in action of the muscle component. the use of a force transducer. Thus,
the intercepts of max baseline Because ICM-RI is meant to act on the ICM force was indirectly calcu-
between the ED and PE groups. the muscular phase and not on the lated from ICP using the compress-
vascular phase, we may infer that the ibility law: dP⫽⫺K (dV/V). How-
The intercepts of max baseline val- difference in ICP is in favor of the ever, this law requires a constant
ues had the same order of magnitude ability of ICM-RI to increase ICP. blood mass and a constant volume
as the mean arterial pressure, which envelope, whereas these conditions
confirms that, at full erection, the During this ICM-RI, it was difficult cannot be strictly met. The SS ICP
ICP has nearly the value of the mean to determine exactly which muscles peaks stretch the TA, which may

1740 f Physical Therapy Volume 94 Number 12 December 2014

Pelvic-Floor Muscle Rehabilitation

slightly increase the volume of the Indeed, vascular treatments might ICM-RI design to the 2 arms, with
CC and thus decrease dP and under- improve muscular rehabilitation by ICM being monitored in the test
estimate ⌬P. In previous work,48 CC better muscle vascularization, and arm and another perineal muscle
circumference changes measured ICM reinforcement might improve but not the ICM being monitored in
during high pressure increases the vascular phase by decreasing the the control arm; such a study
revealed nonsignificant increases venous outflow. Future research would assess the placebo effect. A
due to Young modulus of TA and should check whether ICM results third study would compare 2 active
thus nonsignificant volume increases are able to reverse veno-occlusive ICM-RI arms, and a factorial design
during ICM contractions. Thus, the dysfunction. would then simultaneously test the
force approximated from ICP and ⌬P monthly frequency (eg, once or
(ie, ⌬ICP) is a good approximation of The present study advocates the use twice a month) and the duration of
⌬ICM force. of ICM strengthening for sexual reha- the treatment (eg, 6 months or 2

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bilitation but might present the clas- years). In the ED group, for instance,
The use of drug treatments (PGE1 sical limitations of observational a study would consider 3 arms and
during exercise and PDE5-Is in the studies. Among these is the well- 2 comparisons. The first arm would
ED group) must have contributed to known regression toward the mean: have a drug treatment associated
the improvement of the vascular patients with transitory dysfunc- with ICM-RI, the second a drug treat-
component of erection, but the tions improve spontaneously. This ment only, and the third ICM-RI only.
extent to which this intervention selection bias was unlikely because A comparison between the first arm
affected ICM involvement in ICP most patients with ED and PE had and the third arm would test the
improvement is very difficult to long-lasting dysfunctions. More effect of drugs in presence of ICM-RI,
assess. The use of antidepressants solid results or conclusions would whereas a comparison between the
(paroxetine and clomipramine) in have stemmed from a comparison second and third arms would exam-
patients with PE is expected to with a nonmedicated control group. ine ICM-RI versus drug treatments.
impede erection, which argues for a However, in monotherapy, self-
positive role of ICM-RI in these controlled experiments may give a Finally, in patients with ED, the
patients. Besides, the slopes of ICP clear picture of the efficacy of a treat- present results are significantly bet-
progression in patients with ED and ment through a final versus the initial ter than those obtained by other
PE are nearly the same, whereas status comparison. In the case of authors.39 – 43 With max ⌬P, the
PDE5-Is are supposed to increase this improvement with a combination of model led to an estimate that 87% of
progression and antidepressants are therapies (the case here), the bene- the patients showed a positive effect
supposed to decrease it, leading to ficial results were obtained with in relation to the number of sessions
an overall important difference in ICM-RI plus drug therapy and sug- (ie, a favorable positive slope). How-
those slopes. The close slopes of the gest an important role of ICM-RI, as ever, the criteria for efficacy are not
max baseline (1.64 cm H2O per ses- argued above. A randomized con- the same: the other authors investi-
sion in the ED group versus 1.50 cm trolled design is needed, but the gated the improvement in inter-
H2O per session in the PE group) choice of the control arm is not obvi- course satisfaction, not a constant
suggest a low implication (effect or ous, and carrying out a trial in a clin- physiological improvement. There
duration) of PDE5-Is. ical setting would be very difficult are difficulties with using inter-
and time-consuming because of an course satisfaction questionnaires:
The link between ICP and penile expectable high rate of patients’ (1) they cannot be administered to
rigidity is indirect. Intracavernous refusal to participate. Among the every patient because this approach
pressure is a pressure and rigidity is a studies that can be carried out in an depends on the motive of the con-
tension, but fluid mechanics laws experimental setting, one would be sultation, on the personal life situa-
allow calculating rigidity from ICP. an open comparative randomized tion and the psychology of the
The terms “vascular treatment” parallel group clinical trial. Besides patient, and on the number sessions
and “muscular treatment” are often the drug treatment, one arm would taken and their continuity or regular-
used for didactic reasons. Vascular receive ICM-RI only at the beginning ity over time; and (2) a reliable ques-
treatment includes PDE5-Is and and at the end of the trial, whereas tionnaire analysis (potentially statisti-
PGE1, whereas muscular treatment the other arm would undergo sev- cal) requires a minimum number
includes rehabilitation intervention eral ICM-RI sessions for the dura- of completed questionnaires, which
and androgen therapy. Nevertheless, tion of the trial. Another study requires a lot of time. Nevertheless,
the boundary between the 2 treat- would be to propose the same drug- in our future works, investigating
ments does not seem clear-cut. associated treatment and the same the improvement of intercourse sat-

December 2014 Volume 94 Number 12 Physical Therapy f 1741

Pelvic-Floor Muscle Rehabilitation

isfaction should occupy a better Pr Lavoisier and Pr Roy provided concept/ 12 Purohit RC, Beckett SD. Penile pressures
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