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Name: _______________________________________________________________ Grade: ______________

Date: ________________________________________________________________________________________

Reading Comprehension
1. Read teh text.
2. Subraya con color azul las palabras desconocidas, con color verde los sujetos y con rojo los verbos.
3. Luego, escribe en el cuaderno el significado de las palabras desconocidas.

4. Answer
the following questions. (Answer in full sentences)

 Which fruit is shaped like the moon? _________________________________________________

 Which fruit can be red,green or yellow? ______________________________________________
 Why do apples make a crunchy sound when you eat them?
 What is the same about apples and bananas?
5. Read and complete:


Look the picture and complete.

7. Complete the activity.

Waste:Gastar Plant: Plantar Save: Ahorrar, salvar Curly: Churco Wig: Peluca Step: Pisar
Drop: Arrojar Litter: Basura

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