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Why Ukraine should become a member state of the EU?

Madam President of the Commission, Commissioners, dear members of the European Parliament.

I would like to thank for letting me speak here about the future of the relations between the
European Union and Ukraine. For past months, European debate has been occupied by the topic of
the Russian invasion on Ukraine, but I would like to focus mainly what is about to happen, when the
guns finally go silent and the peace is restored. If it happens, very significant questions arises – should
Ukrainian Republic become a member state of the EU? Years of 2004 and 2014, which were
revolutionary in the modern history of Ukraine, showed that their desire to be a member of European
Community is great. I think that for true European the answer must be clear – yes!

Since 24th February 2022, Ukraine bravely defends its cities, villages, children and mothers
against the aggression of the Russian Federation. However, these soldiers are not only defending
Ukraine, but also whole Europe. We never know what disastrous plans in their heads have dictators
like Vladimir Putin. Man, who has caused the bloodshed firstly in Chechnya, then in Georgia and now
in Ukraine, might have planned to send his armies to countries of EU, which are still perceived by him
as Russian sphere of influence. In order to keep the stability, balance in the Eastern part of continent,
Ukraine in EU is definitely a must.

What is more, Ukraine becoming a 28 th MS of the EU is also a finish line for the process that
has already started. In 2014, Ukraine signed a FTA with the EU, formally establishing first serious
economic ties between UA and Union. However, the idea of Europe is not only based on economic
terms, but also social ones. In reality, Ukrainians for many years have been leaving among us. In my
native country, Poland, but also in others like Germany or Czechia, Ukrainians became a significant
community that is also responsible for the growth of our homelands. Then, we should let them in to
EU and finish just those formalities, because, by showing their desire to freedom and independence,
they show whole Europe that they are Europeans in their hearts.

I think that I would like to thank everyone here for letting me speak. I think that I want to speak about
the future of Europe, because, I am like, what for a God’s sake is happening on eastern border. I am
like, yes, it’s terrific what’s happening there, but we should talk about the future. And I would like to
speak about specific aspect of the future, so, hmm, the future of Ukraine in EU. Ukraine in its history,
hmm, I think you should remember, that in 2004 and 2014, Ukraine showed its European aspirations.
I think that every European should say, like, there is not another answer than yes, when it comes to
support Ukraine in its European dream.

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