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SIRE INSPECTION. ENOC. PORT DO ACU. BRASIL 13/07/2022 out ENOC SIRE Inspections — Declaration of Ethics and Conformance Vessel SAM BA I lumber FA i030 = aie ho ACU = BER yene,ndersigned Master of the aforesaid vessel, on behalf of the owners and technical operators of this Vessel; and I the undersigned ENOC SIRE Inspector, declare and confirm the following: at hours; ration at the time of inspection {cle/Loading/Oischarg DISCHARGING; Date/Time of commencement of cargo operation (if applicable): : ‘The current ENOC Inspection was conducted in strict compliance with OGIMF SIRE protocol, ‘There has been no offer and/or acceptance of any gifts/bribe to any person for whatsoever reason and Purpose, throughout the course of the current ENOC SIRE Inspection; * Tigrg has been no bribe of any kind including gift or favor in return for favorable treatment orto gain a business advantage; + Tene, ef us has elther directly or indirectly, promise, offeror give any bribe or an improper advantage {whether financial or otherwise) to any involved party as an inducement, incentive, reward, gift or Wis oo be selected and/or for any other purpose connected to the current ENOC SIRE Inspection; * We acknowledge and accept that we, on becoming aware af any such corruption or corrupt practices Without any delay inform about the same via an email to + * We are fully aware that if itis found that we had wilfully kept secret, the knowledge about such * Te ENOC SIRE tnspeaor beard ne vessel on 13 {0%[2022, ax 10:20 hous, ‘epee TIS P73" esr ae] copies i EeRe ‘Ro account, we shall discuss the contents of the inspection with any third party, * There has been no accompanied and/or audited inspection for which ENOC has not provided a clear written acceptance, instructions and approval in advance ofthis inspection; * There was no engineered cargo operation or any operation and/or cargo transfer carried out solely to change the operational status recorded in a SIRE report (ref. OCIMF Updated Guidance on Engineered Cargo Operations dated 26 January 2018); * fe understand that in the event of misstatement and/or misinterpretation and /or breach of any of {Xe aforesaid elements, ENOC reserves the right to withdraw the SIRE Inspection report and seek. legel shelter to applicable legisiati Has cargo operation been witnessed for at least two (2) hours? (Yes/No) If cargo operation has been witnessed for less than two (2) hours please state the reason Marine EHS ‘Version No 3 (Rev Date: 01 May 2018) [ Page 1 of 7 a Inspecting, ENOC 13.07.2022 Company: Vessel’s Name: MT SAMBA IMO No. 9310305 SIRE Inspection Details Port of Inspection: Brasil Acu Pt/Sao Joao da Barra Date of Inspection: 13 Jul 2022 Inspector's Name: Captain Ronald Doti Bemfica Report No.: HCQB-2690-9446-6577 ‘Master’s Name: Capt. Jaime Romero Superintendent on board: N/A Chapter 5: Safety Management VIQ.5.47 | Is the vessel provided with a safe means of access and are all available means of access (gangway / accommodation ladder / pilot ladder / transfer basket) in good order and well maintained? Inspector | During the tour on deck, it was observed that Pilot ladders had a Observation: | incorrect procedure to secure to the deck using D - shackles to choke the side ropes. Operator's Comments: It is a safety requirement for the pilot ladders to be directly secured only with their thimbles on the pilot embarkation deck area pad eyes without the use of shackles to choke their side ropes. Several campaigns have been initiated by our office on this matter with satisfactory results as no such malpractice was frequently identified, neither during external inspections nor during our representatives’ routine attendances. In this case the deck ratings in charge of pilot ladders deployment and securing, found unfamiliar with this requirement. Corrective / Preventive Action: ~ During the close out meeting initiated by the Master to discuss the outcome of the inspection, the proper procedure of pilot ladders’ securing was discussed with the responsible deck ratings for awareness and deck Officers for supervision. Due Date: Actior closed on 13.07.2022 - This finding will be circulated to the fleet vessels to raise awareness and avoid recurrence. Uncontrolled Due Date: 31.07.2021 Attachment Name: Chapter 8: Cargo and Ballast Systems - Petroleum VIQ.8.25 | Is the inert gas system including instrumentation, alarms, trips and pressure and oxygen recorders, in good order? Inspector 1G recorder at CCR was not printing correctly, The display had Observation: | data but there was no record on paper. Operator's Comments: The vessel is equipped with an |.G.G system of maker “Air Products”, Norway fitted with printer in Cargo Control room to verify the I.G pressure and oxygen content when the system is in operation. Prior cargo operations commencement the recording paper had been changed and the recording stylus had been slightly removed from the proper position and damaged accidentally therefore not leaving the proper ink trace. Corrective Actions: Upon pointed out by the inspector the I.G.G printer stylus was replaced, and printer was tested with satisfactory results. Due Date: Action is closed on 13.07.2022 Preventive Actions: The deck officers were advised by the Master of the importance to ensure that any assigned job is properly completed by ensuring that the equipment, after any part replacement or rectification, then works properly. | Due Date: Action is closed on 13.07.2022 Attachment Name: We trust that our response is to your satisfaction, however, please do not hesitate in contacting the undersigned should further information is required. Best regards, Capt. Kouvakis Nik@los Vetting - HSQE Spring Marine Ma Mobile No.: +30 6946054066 E-mail: hsqe@springmi Uncontrolled

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