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Number Program ID Supplier Name Part Class. APQP Class

PERFORMED BY Part Description Commodity SML Code PPAP Level

GPL / BU Product Family
PPAP Status NE

Version 1.3. Blocking

Condition 1
Condition 2
PROGRAM REVIEW NE WCM INITIAL STAGE (link to Booklet) WCM STAGE (link to Booklet)

1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- ADDITIONAL CUSTOMER

Drawing & Technical Specs. Process Flow Diagram Critical / Safety Characteristics
Process Monitoring & Data Recording
First Piece Approval Sub-suppliers management Corrective Actions Material Handling Supplier Test Plan


Design FMEA(Co-Design) Process FMEA Error & Mistake Proofing Process Performance and Process
& Master Sample Incoming Inspection Lesson Learned Traceability & Part IdentificationCustomer Engineering approvals


Significant Characteristics Control Plan Tooling & Equipment Maintenance Product Audit Nonconforming Parts Management
Field Issues Management Packaging Product Samples


Supplier Design - Customer Acceptance

Special Processes Gages & Measuring Devices Internal Process Audit Customer Process Audit Rework / Repair Periodical Requalification Process Capacity Regulated Substances (MDS)


Change Management Training Workplace Organization, EH&S Work Instruction


P = PPAP Related Gemba Walk (valid for remote)

NA - Not Applicable NE - Not Evaluated 1 - Major Issue 2 - Major Issue 3 - Moderate Issue 4 - No Issue
W = WCM Related Supported by video (valid for remote) (Job Stopper) (High Risk) (Low Risk) (No Risk)

Supplier Responsible CNH Industrial - Supplier Quality CNH Industrial - Supplier Quality
Name / Surname Signature Name / Surname Signature Name / Surname Signature
Title Title Title

688193362.xlsx - Process Audit Matrix; 08/30/2023

Pillar Cluster Requirements Open Issues / Notes / Observations
# Description Score # Description Score Issue / Comment Containment Action Root Cause Corrective Action Responsible Department Implemented Action Open Date Target Date Closing Date Status (%)
Drawing completion & availability
The drawing / 3D model shall have all required information for the part, including but not limited
- Engineering/technical standards, specifications, and Norms (plus any deviations from those
1A.1 - GD&T / dimensional requirements, tolerances and RPS (when applicable).
- Identified significant characteristics;
- A list of sub-components (with part number, revision level, and quantity).

Customer Quality requirements

Drawing & All requirements listed in the signed SQSOR (always) and MQR (if available) shall be included in
Technical Specs. NE the Supplier Test Plan (ref. Item #9 of PPAP), Control Plan, or other quality documentation, as
applicable (e.g. quality standard for aesthetical characteristics).

Access to Customer systems & standards

Supplier shall have access to all Customer standards, through the applicable Customer system.
They shall have a procedure that requires regular reviews to ensure they have the most recent
released version, and communication to their various departments in the event of a revision
1A.3 update. If Supplier internal specifications or standards are referenced (e.g., on the 3D model, on
sub-component drawings, etc.), those standards must be clearly linked to the applicable Customer
standard or specification.

Co-Design Components management

Co-Design Components:

the Supplier shall have a procedure for development of DFMEAs and records that ensure all
DFMEAs are periodically reviewed and evaluated for continuous improvement of failure modes.
Failure modes identified as the highest risk shall be addressed first. The procedure shall also
Design FMEA
1B (Co-Design) NE 1B.1 - Determination of severity, occurrence, and detection values;
- Regular reviews and updates for lessons learned;
- Updates of the DFMEA upon receipt of a Customer engineering change notice.
Input the result of the DFMEA from the Program Review (PR).

Identified Significant Characteristics


All Significant Characteristics, identified in compliance with sector specifications, are approved by
Customer Engineering and applied within the quality documents (such as Control Plan, Work /
Inspection Instructions, Process Flow Chart, PFMEA).
Note: If the drawing doesn't show Significant Characteristics, the Supplier and the Auditor shall
Significant identify those characteristics that affect tolerances, fit, function, finish, reliability, durability or
1C Characteristics NE 1C.1
characteristics affected by process parameters and/or characteristics that affect the
successive/final process to include in the SQE Audit and process performance and capability

Customer Approval

The drawings must be approved by Customer; i.e. Design Engineer’s signature, approved design
change order, etc.

Supplier Design - Design for Serviceability

1D Customer NE Design responsible Suppliers shall consider Design for Serviceability, which ensures ease of
disassembly of product with minimal cost and time. The Supplier shall meet all applicable
1D.2 Customer standards for structure or serviceability, with Customer Service Engineering approval of
the design.

Change Management process

The Supplier shall have a procedure for proper change management, including:
- Receipt of Customer approval (Change Notice - ECO);
- Updates of all applicable quality documents;
- Removal of uncontrolled or out-of-date documents;
- Quarantine/disposition/obsolescence of out-of-date material (product produced prior to the
engineering change);
- Communication of changes to all applicable sub-tier suppliers. It is the Tier 1 Supplier's
1E.1 responsibility to ensure the finished part is at the correct change and revision level.
IMPORTANT: The Supplier shall not make any changes without DOCUMENTED approval from the
Customer. i.e SREA, Technical Cost Reduction).

Management NE
Change Management process - For Iveco Defense Vehicles EU only
Only in case Configuration Management is required, the supplier shall:
- Submit Configuration Management plan and Configuration Item List signed by IDV for
- Submit the evidence for the supplier's internal configuration management procedure (change
- Guarantee the data maintenance, with reference to all submitted levels, along the whole
1E.2 lifecycle of the component, plus twenty calendar years starting from last vehicle produced by IDV
with supplier's parts.
- Guarantee the configuration audit evidence (functional configuration audit e physical
configuration audit).

Process Flow Diagram availability

A Process Flow Diagram is required for all parts and shall reflect the whole process, from the
goods receiving area and continuing through shipping, including labeling, product storage,
rework/repair, and gaging/inspection areas, whether they are a part of the primary process or off-
2A.1 line (secondary) processes. Stations which measure significant characteristics. Process and
material flow shall be designed to avoid missing of operations or mixing of parts with similar

Process Flow Diagram completion

The Process Flow Diagram shall include the processing sequence, method, and equipment used at
each station (including inspection and repair/rework stations). All unique machine numbers shall
be identified.
2A.2 For rework/repair operations, it shall indicate the flow of repaired or reworked material back into
the normal process to ensure the parts pass through all required controls.

Dedicated resources
Process Flow The Process Flow Diagram shall identify the number of operators required per station (including
2A Diagram NE 2A.3 float operators, as applicable). It shall also indicate any bottleneck or constraint operations.

Manufacturing lay-out
A Manufacturing Lay-out shall be available detailing: operation to operation flow, manufacturing /
inspection equipment and tooling, identified material storage locations (for WIP / buffers,
2A.4 nonconforming material / scrap, rework / repair, and raw material / sub-components).

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Process Flow


Pillar Cluster Requirements Open Issues / Notes / Observations

Matching between Process Flow Diagram and shop-floor
During the Process Audit, the SQE shall verify (in the shop-floor) that Process Flow Diagram /
2A.5 Manufacturing Lay-out are reflecting the current applied processes.

Process Mapping (WCM)

Supplier shall declare control's type and method by filling out the Process Map, in accordance to
2A.6 the Iveco Group 8 Stages of Incoming Material procedure (PUR 32).

PFMEA availability
A Process Failure Mode & Effects Analysis (PFMEA) shall be available for all parts and reviewed. It

shall be created using all Customer guidelines and required FMEA reference manuals.
2B.1 Parts belonging to the same product family should be included in the same PFMEA.

2B Process FMEA NE
PFMEA Procedure
The Supplier shall have a procedure for development of PFMEAs and records that ensure all
PFMEAs are periodically reviewed and evaluated for continuous improvement of failure modes.
2B.2 Failure modes identified as the highest risk shall be addressed first.

Control Plan rules

A Control Plan shall be available for all parts.
2C.1 The Control Plan shall be created using Customer guidelines.

Control Plan robustness

The Control Plan shall:
- Include all process stages, from incoming material to shipping;
- Refer to the PFMEA in creation of the Control Plan, with emphasis placed on Significant
- Ensure stages / stations numbers and controls are matching PFMEA and Process Flow Chart;
- Include Significant Characteristics corresponding classifications and symbols and compliant with
the technical specifications and/or preventive analysis performed on the product when requested
(FMEA, DOE, etc.);

- Include all applicable process control parameters;

- Include suitable frequencies and sampling sizes;
2C.2 - Be updated to the latest Drawing revision level;
- Ensure updating of the control methods/conditions with the evolution of the referring
2C Control Plan NE documents (e.g., DFMEA, PFMEA, etc.), and show evidence that it is a document subject to regular
The SQE shall review the content of the Control Plan contents, confirming the adequacy and

Reaction Plan
Control Plan shall define, for each control, a proper reaction Plan to be applied in case of NOK
controls result. Reaction Plan shall define how and what to do, and related responsible.
Repair/rework parts shall pass through controls equal to or exceeding those of the primary
2C.3 production line.

Special Processes requirements implementation

SQE shall verify the application of special processes requirements defined into the Minimum

Quality Required (MQR).

Main special processes are (but not limited to):
- Weldments
- Painting / Zinc Coating, etc
- Casting
2D Special Processes NE 2D.1 - Heat Treatments
Note: In case MQR is not available, special process validation & monitoring rules shall be agreed
during Technical Review activity, by considering all applicable sectorial product specifications
(even if not mentioned in Iveco Group drawing).

Training and qualification process

The Supplier shall have a process for training and qualifying employees and workers.
2E.1 Employees and workers training records shall be maintained, including which personnel are
enabled to perform each process / operation.

Key roles identification criteria

The Supplier shall have a criteria to determine those are the key operators, supervisors,
maintenance team, etc., having a significant role in the process, prior to performing production

Operations or processes requiring special certification or licensing, and those personnel who are
certified/licensed to perform them, shall be identified. This includes, but is not limited to:
- Operations or inspections using visual identification or appearance checks (e.g., color/gloss
2E Training NE 2E.2 - Operations or inspections using audial inspections;
- Inspections and checks on Safety/Significant characteristics;
- Rework/repair operations;
- Inspections or checks using specialized testing equipment or machinery (e.g., X-ray,
magnetoscopes, etc.).

Resources availability
All workers and employees needed to ensure that the Supplier’s process(es) can meet the
2E.3 required volume at launch shall be hired and fully trained, and a plan shall be in place to support
full production volume along all defined shifts.

Critical / Safety Characteristics management process

For parts with Critical / Safety characteristics and/or subject to Homologation, the Supplier shall
have a process to identify, develop, and implement controls on those characteristics (with results
recorded and retained per Iveco Group and regulatory requirements). Controls for safety/critical
characteristics shall be identified either on the Control Plan and on the whole bundle of quality /
technical documents.
Critical / Safety characteristics shall have a check performed 100% by Error/Mistake Proofing.
When SPC is applicable, a further measurement audit shall be performed by Quality Auditors at
3A.1 specific sample sizes and frequencies (e.g defined in product Audit plan), and results recorded on
statistical charts.

The Supplier shall meet all Customer requirements regarding Critical / Safety characteristics, as
required by Iveco Group sectorial norms and procedures.

Critical / Safety
3A Characteristics NE
Critical / Safety Characteristics sub-suppliers owned
Controls performed by sub-Suppliers, always under Tier 1 responsibility, shall also be identified
3A.2 and shall maintain the same level of record management.

Nonconformances management
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Critical / Safety
3A Characteristics NE

Pillar Cluster Requirements Open Issues / Notes / Observations

Nonconformances on critical / safety characteristics shall be tracked, with immediate containment
of all product. Root Cause Analysis and Corrective Action procedures shall be implemented
immediately following containment. The Supplier shall notify the Customer (SQE, Plant Quality,
etc.) immediately upon detecting a potential issue on safety parts.

Error / Mistake Proofing application criteria

The Supplier shall have a process for Error and Mistake Proofing which describes the
development, implementation, use, and maintenance of Error and Mistake Proofing within the
Error/Mistake Proofing is required for all items identified in the Design and Process FMEAs with a
severity of 8 or higher, as well as for all identified significant characteristics (or per Customer
requirements, e.g. WCM 8 Stages improvement).
The process shall include the creation of Verification Samples for all failure modes identified in the
3B.1 Design and Process FMEAs and use of those samples with the Error and Mistake Proofing
Verification Audit to ensure the proper functioning of Error and Mistake Proofing. All Verification
samples shall be clearly marked, labeled, and controlled to prevent mixing with production
materials. They shall be stored separate from WIP or finished product in a clearly marked
container or designated area.

Error / Mistake Proofing implementation

Line or station lock out shall be implemented at all process steps to prevent failed operations from
proceeding to a subsequent station or into finished product.
Error & Mistake
3B Proofing NE Audible and visual indicators shall notify of the failed operation, and corrective actions shall be
implemented prior to restarting the line or station.
A visual and/or audible alert shall signify the Mistake Proofing is inoperable, and Supplier shall
3B.2 have a consistent contingency plan who must include notification to the Customer via the
applicable system.
Error and Mistake Proofing software shall be tested for all known failures and bypass scenarios.

End-of-Line stations
End-of-line stations shall:
- Ensure parts cannot skip this station;
- Leave a unique mark showing the part successfully passed through;
- Verify the end item is correct and complete and ensure all components are present (verifying
components are in the machine prior to assembly and assuming they are on the finished assembly
is insufficient).
Note: Acceptance Criteria for Special Processes shall be defined in accordance with MQR or as per
2D.1 (Special Processes requirements implementation).

Supplier Tooling List consistency

The SQE shall verify the completion of list of dies/tooling, equipment, and gages used in the
process. This list (under supplier responsibility) shall indicate ownership of the tooling, unique
3C.1 identification numbers, and location of the item. Tooling and equipment, when not in use, shall be
properly identified and stored to avoid confusion in the flow management of
components/products being manufactured.

Tooling development
The SQE shall verify die/tooling, equipment, and gage status in terms of Timing (completion, try-
Tooling &
Equipment NE out, sampling, etc.), functionality, and part availability for key program milestones. Tools and
equipment shall be built following all requirements in the MQR, if available. The Process Audit and
3C.2 PDR (if required by Supplier Capacity Management) shall be run on finished production tools
using definitive production processes.

Tooling identification
Iveco Group-owned tooling, equipment, and gages shall be identified and marked per Iveco Group
3C.3 requirements.

Gages and Measuring Devices management process

The Supplier shall have a process that ensures Master samples, gages, measurement devices, and
test equipment are available for use (at the inspection station, when required), adequately
identified, and properly handled and stored when not in use. Master samples used to verify the
operating condition of gages shall be used according to the frequencies set in either the Control
3D.1 Plan or gage work instructions.
The Supplier shall have adequate resources (people) to carry out the controls listed on the Control

Gages and Measuring Devices adequacy

Gages and measuring devices shall be adequate to the requirements of drawings, regulations and
importance of the characteristics (as defined by the characteristic classification, Design or Process
FMEA, etc.). The Supplier shall have a process for validating gages and measuring devices prior to
release on the manufacturing floor, including Repeatability and Reproducibility (R&R) studies for
all. Acceptable gage R&R as a percentage of tolerance shall be <10%. The gage R&R as a percent of
study variation shall also be < 10%. A gage R&R between 10% and 30% shall require approval from
the Customer. R&R results > 30% are unacceptable.
When gages or measuring devices are used for 100% inspection, the tolerances shall be reduced
3D.2 by the extent of the gage R&R to ensure out-of-specification parts are not passed.
Iveco Group-owned gages shall meet the applicable Customer standards, including the MQR, if


Gages &
3D Measuring Devices NE

Gages and Measuring Devices calibration

The Supplier shall have a process or system for calibration of gages and measuring devices. All
gages, gage blocks, reference samples, and test equipment shall be calibrated, traceable to a
known source and national standard, and reflect the last calibration and expiration dates.
Metrological traceability and calibration expiration dates shall be clearly marked (via calibration
stickers, color code, etc.) on applicable gages, equipment, etc.
The Supplier shall have a re-calibration schedule that includes all gages and measuring devices,
with detailed procedures or work instructions for performing the re-calibration. The process shall
ensure re-calibration is done per the schedule, with a reaction plan and containment for any
equipment that is past-due.
The Supplier shall have a process in place to ensure the continuance of controls and inspections
while the primary equipment is undergoing re-calibration.
3rd party (Accredited Laboratories) used for gage and test equipment calibration shall be
evaluated by the Supplier and be certified to ISO/IEC 17025.
Note: whenever a Master Sample is defined, all involved characteristics have to be periodically
checked, in accordance with Control Plan frequency approved by Iveco Group.

Workstation EH&S management

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Pillar Cluster Requirements Open Issues / Notes / Observations
The Supplier shall have a process to identify:
- All possible risks linked to environment and health & safety
- Adequate countermeasures (checks and verification, including for example: individual safety
equipment, automatic alarms, automatic stop in case of failure or safety risk, etc.)
The Supplier shall have a process to ensure workstation cleanliness (e.g. 5-S) which is
3E.1 implemented daily (at a minimum). Evidence of completion shall be maintained. Necessary items

on or near workstations (e.g. tools, sub-component stock) shall be stored in designated areas.
Small tools or similar items should be secured to the workstation. The SQE shall verify the process
is followed during the Process Audit.
3E Organization, NE
EH&S Environmental Management System
Supplier's Environmental Management System ISO 14001 Certification is strongly recommended
3E.2 (as per Sustainability Self-Assessment Check List).

Risk Evaluation Document

If applicable, the Supplier shall have a Risk Evaluation Document (e.g. Fire Prevention License
3E.3 and/or Emergency Plan, etc, as per Sustainability Self-Assessment Check List).

Process performance evaluation

The Supplier shall be responsible for maintaining manufacturing process performance / capability
and have a procedure for the detection of process drift, degradation, and out-of-control
measurements and immediate corrective action on the process.
The Supplier shall have all required technical documentation (work instructions, Control Plan, SPC
charts, inspection logbooks, etc.) available at the applicable work stations.
There shall be visual management (displays, dashboard analytics, etc) of process performance
(scrap, machine downtime, etc.) visible and up-to-date on the manufacturing floor.
The Supplier shall have process performance targets identified for each metric, with plans and
progress towards achieving the targets documented and tracked.

Statistical Process Control (SPC)

In case of Statistical Process Control (SPC) is required:
-Data recording methods shall be suitable for the checks being performed and control limits used
shall be calculated based on the requirements in the Statistical Process Control manual/norm.

-The Supplier shall have a process for the easy identification of conforming products produced (lot
breaker, control charts, etc.).
Process -Nonconforming, out-of-control conditions, or special causes of variation shall be clearly
4A Monitoring & Data NE 4A.2
identified, documented and linked to a corrective action process that is responsive to the
Recording operator.

Process parameters
Process/machine parameters subject to significant variation over time (e.g. temperatures, times,
speed, pressures, etc.) shall be systematically monitored with respect to set tolerances. They shall
4A.3 have controllers with closed loop feedback systems maintaining established process limits.

Data recording & maintenance

Supplier is responsible for data recording and maintenance, in accordance with Iveco Group
sectorial procedures.

Process Performance and Process Capability KPIs

The Supplier shall demonstrate process performance (PP/PPK) and process capability (CP/CPK) for
all identified significant characteristics.
For new processes (not yet stabilized), process performance should be used (PP/PPK).
For stabilized processes, process capability should be used (CP/CPK).
Process Performance and Process Capability shall be calculated individually for each assembly line,
tool, and tool cavity.
4B.1 Process capability on significant characteristics is monitored over time to guarantee ongoing
stability. This should be done using adequate SPC techniques and manuals defined by Iveco Group.

Performance and Capability analysis & countermeasures

If the Process Performance is less than the established requirement (as per segment procedure),
the 100% verification of the product shall be maintained until when the process is stable.

If the Process Capability is less than the established requirement (as per segment procedure), the
100% verification of the product shall be performed. Permanent corrective actions shall be
Process implemented before the Process Audit can be approved. Corrective actions shall include:
4B Performance and NE - Periodic reviews of data and control limits;
- Review and updates/increases of sample sizes and frequencies;
Process Capability
- Verification of the effectiveness of actions taken;
4B.2 - Recording/documentation of actions taken.
If the process is determined to be unable to maintain process performance/capability, Error or
Mistake Proofing shall be implemented for 100% verification.

Machine Capability
Machine capability (CM/CMK) shall be used in analyzing a characteristic unique to a particular
machine. Machine capability shall be re-calculated when there are any modifications to the
product or process, significant maintenance is done on the machine, or when the machine is
4B.3 moved. Machine capability shall be calculated on all Customer-owned tooling.

Maintenance plan contents


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Pillar Cluster Requirements Open Issues / Notes / Observations
The Suppliers shall have a Maintenance plan (Preventive and Corrective), for all tooling,
equipment, Error/Mistake Proofing, and gages used in the process. This plan shall include:
- Identification of maintenance requirements;
- Identification and classification of process equipment and assurance of dedicated resources for
its maintenance;
- Schedules, responsibilities, and instructions for maintaining each item in the plan;
- Establishment of maintenance frequencies for each item, based upon historical data,
manufacturers specifications, etc.;
- Addition of new tooling to the plan prior to production release;
- Detail for the preservation and storage of tooling, equipment, and gages;
- Ensuring availability of replacement parts for critical or long-lead equipment that could result in
4C.1 plant shutdowns;
- Recording, reporting, and tracking of maintenance data and goals (planned, unplanned, etc.) and
continual improvement activities;
- Reviews and updates of the plan on a regular basis (i.e., evidence that it is a living document).

4C Maintenance NE
Maintenance plan effectiveness
Based on defined KPIs (N. of Breakdowns, MTBF, MTTR, OEE), supplier shall review the
maintenance plan effectiveness to ensure that the planned maintenance activities are performed
4C.2 per the established schedule. NOTE: OEE must be based on Technical availability (D), Machine
performance (P) and Quality (Q).

Maintenance team
There shall be a trained maintenance team, internal or external, available in case of emergency
during all production hours. All unplanned or special maintenance activities, in any part of the
4C.3 Supplier's facility, shall be recorded and tracked by the Supplier.

The SQE shall verify the environment where dies/tooling, equipment, and gages are stored when
not in use. Items shall be clean, well-protected from damage and environmental stresses, properly
4C.4 maintained, and easy to locate to ensure functionality through the life of the project.

Internal Process Audit management

Based on an existing procedure, the Supplier shall conduct internal process audits on main
processes / sub-process, properly identified.
The procedure must include:
- Roles and responsibilities and auditor skills;
- Schedules and frequencies for all audits;

- Records of results and analysis;

4D.1 - Reaction plans for nonconformances discovered during any audit or coming from Iveco Group
facilities (updating the internal process audit planning and reviewing the involved documentation,
Internal Process such as PFMEA, Control Plan).
4D Audit NE Note: the audit shall include error & mistake proofing verification (when applicable).

Internal Process Audit SQE witnessing

The SQE shall witness at least one internal process audit and one Error / Mistake Proofing
4D.2 Verification Audit during the Process Audit.

Work Instructions availability and typology

Work stations and inspection areas. shall have clear operator instructions regarding to set-up,
changeover, First Piece Approval, Mistake Proofing, rework/repair, gage operation, inspection,
and packaging, according to the needs and method of production.
Instructions shall be visible and easily accessed by workers and employees. Instructions shall be
clearly identified regarding their usage (e.g. classification, colors, pictures / sketches / drawings,
etc.) to avoid any possible mistake. Visual management techniques (e.g. displays, pictures,
4E.1 diagrams, etc.) shall be used whenever possible.
The instructions shall enable any adequately trained person to perform the described operation or

4E Work Instructions NE Process parameters Control Limits (if applicable)

Set-up and changeover instructions shall include acceptable control limits for process parameters
(e.g. temperature, pressure, etc.) and verification of those parameters during process set-up
and/or re-start. The Supplier shall analyze process parameters that affect close tolerances, fit,
4E.2 function, finish, reliability, durability, or that affect the successive/final process. NOTE: Ensure
control limits are not confused with tolerances.

Work Instructions application & effectiveness

The SQE walk the line and verifies the knowledge and the application of procedures and work
instructions by the operators.
4E.3 The SQE, having the Control Plan, cross checks the control instructions, verifying their application
and effectiveness.

First piece approval process

The Supplier shall have a documented First Piece Approval procedure and instructions which verify
proper set-up at each station and that parts made meet applicable specifications.
The procedure shall include:
- Part approval by supplier responsible with specific approval instructions;
- Analysis of all significant characteristics and process parameters (for conformance, drift, out-of-
control conditions, etc.);
- OK to produce' given by supplier responsible after verification of conformity to specifications of
5A.1 the first parts produced with a steady process;
- Requirements for First Piece Approval at the beginning of each shift, production run, and

following any changes to the production process;

First Piece
5A Approval NE

First piece & document retention

Supplier shall guarantee:
- The retention of the First Piece Approval sample until the end of the production run/shift and
verification of the last piece produced at the end of the shift or production run against the
approved First Piece Approval sample;
5A.2 - The retention of the last piece produced at the end of the shift or production run until verified
against the First Piece sample of the next shift or production run;
- The documented evidence of First Piece Approval results.

Boundary samples management process

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Pillar Cluster Requirements Open Issues / Notes / Observations
The Supplier shall have a process for creation, approval, and proper storage and handling of
Boundary Samples or Appearance Manual used for inspection. Approval shall include the
appropriate Iveco Group representatives (New Product Quality, Plant Quality, Supplier Quality,
5B.1 Product Engineering).

This process shall also include periodic review of Boundary Samples (minimum every 3 months, or
as agreed by Iveco Group) to ensure acceptability.

Boundary / Master
Samples NE Boundary samples maintenance
When used for inspection, Boundary Samples or Appearance Manuals shall be available at the
inspection station for the inspection operator.
They shall be clearly identified with: part name, part number, expire date, purpose, and
appropriate Supplier management approval (and Iveco Group approval, as required).
When not in use, Boundary Samples and Appearance Manuals shall be maintained in a secure
place to prevent damage.

Product Audit management

The Supplier shall have an acceptable Product Audit Plan that includes adequate outgoing
inspection frequencies, sample sizes, and measurement methods and documented in the Control
Inspection frequency, sample size, and measurement method shall be determined based upon risk
level of the component and sub-component (e.g., per the PFMEA), importance of the

5C.1 characteristic (e.g., Critical / Important, others, etc.), and historical quality performance of the
Audits shall be random, with statistical analysis of results (as applicable).
5C Product Audit NE

Product Audit Reaction Plan

The Supplier shall have a detailed Reaction Plans in place in case of a nonconformance is detected
(how, who, what to do).
5C.2 Note: Product Audit and Re-qualification are different activities with different purposes and

Audit Methodology
The SQE shall perform an audit or inspection on sub-components and finished parts, as per below:
- Determine the adequate number of parts checked at each area / operation, based upon risk level
and significance of the characteristic;
- Verify that inspection personnel are adequately trained in the inspection process;
- Verify inspection methods are performed in a way that is consistent and adequate with the
5D.1 inspection requirements;
- Evaluate the adequacy of the measurement method;
- Ensure the selected parts are conforming.

Incoming inspection audit

In the Incoming or Receiving Material Area select one or more sub-components from previously
accepted/approved lots and witness the Supplier inspect them per the Control Plan. The SQE shall
5D.2 also verify that the raw material being used meets the Iveco Group requirements.

Customer Process
5D Audit NE Production audit
In the Production Area, the SQE shall select in-process or finished parts from a minimum of three
different machines/processes and different operators and witness the execution of the inspections
(per the Supplier's Control Plan), checking the consistency of the results with previously recorded
5D.3 inspections, and comparing them to the specifications.

Shipping area audit

In the Shipping Area the SQE shall select finished samples from previously accepted/approved lots
5D.4 that are ready to be shipped and witness the Supplier inspect them per the Control Plan.

Traceability effectiveness verification

The SQE shall verify the Supplier's ability to maintain traceability on the finished product. The
Supplier shall demonstrate, on one finished product / assembly, the traceability back to the raw
5D.5 materials or applicable sub-tier supplier on one or more sub-components selected by the SQE.

Sub-supplier Part Approval Process

The Tier 1 Supplier shall have a process for evaluating the risk of each purchased sub-component
and raw material used in the part. For all sub-components considered High risk, a Process Audit
(or equivalent) led by the Supplier at sub-supplier site is required. Part approval process shall be
6A.1 compliant to PPAP standard (or equivalent approval). Samples submitted for approval shall be
properly stored, preserved, and handled, as applicable.

Sub-supplies change proposal & deviations

The Tier 1 Supplier shall submit all sub-suppliers process changes, requesting the Iveco Group
approval, using the appropriate tool / system (SREA) prior the implemention.
Tier 1 Supplier is ultimately responsible for all changes initiated by their sub-tier suppliers.
Deviation on sub-components must be shared with Iveco Group first (by using the IRW), then
approved by the applicable Supplier department(s).

Sub-suppliers evaluation criteria

The Supplier shall ensure all Customer quality requirements are communicated to all sub-
The Supplier shall have a list of Customer-known sub-tier suppliers for each sub-component, raw
material, commodity, technology, or purchased service. Sub-supplier performances (quality,
delivery, etc.) shall be monitored and tracked. In case of unacceptable performance, sub-supplier

6A.3 shall not receive new business from the Supplier until corrective actions have been implemented
and verified, and performance has improved. The sub-supplier evaluation criteria shall be
approved by the Customer.
6A management NE
Supply chain diagram
The Supplier shall have available a Supply Chain diagram. The diagram shall outline the entire
Supply Chain, beginning with raw materials and ending with the Customer or Customer-
6A.4 designated facility. All secondary processes and/or services (e.g. plating, heat treating, etc.) shall
be shown, including off-site storage and shipping locations.

Sub-supplies back-up plan


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Pillar Cluster Requirements Open Issues / Notes / Observations
A backup plan shall be ensured for those critical parts from sub-suppliers (e.g., safety stock,
alternate transportation, availability of alternate PPAP approved sub-components, etc). NOTE:
6A.5 switching sub-tier suppliers requires notification and approval from the Customer (via SREA) at all

Sub-supplies part approval

The Tier 1 Supplier shall be responsible for the on-going quality of the Tier 2 components
following PPAP procedure or equivalent, even in case of Customer designated suppliers, that shall
6A.6 provide pilot, launch, and ongoing production support to the Tier 1 Supplier.

Sub-suppliers monitoring
The Supplier shall have an organization (or individuals) to monitor the quality of sub-tier suppliers
6A.7 (e.g, a Supplier Quality organization). This includes process audits for new programs and
management of current quality performance and issues.

Sampling Plan / Free Pass

Supplier shall have a sampling plan for Incoming Material Inspection for all purchased components
and raw materials. Sub-suppliers components may be placed on Free Pass condition (Self-
Certification) if they have been approved with PPAP (or equivalent), having a qualified process,
have a good quality performance.
Incoming Inspection sampling plans shall be included in the Control Plan with adequate

frequencies, sample sizes, and measurement methods.

Inspection frequency, sample size, and measurement method shall be determined based upon risk
6B.1 level of the sub-component (e.g., per the PFMEA), importance of the characteristic (e.g., Safety,
other significant, etc.), and historical quality performance of the sub-tier supplier. Supplier shall
Incoming have records of all of these items.
6B Inspection NE Free Pass condition can be suspended in case of nonconformities / quality decay, and re-
acquirable after a minimum of three consecutive defect-free shipments.

Incoming parts data management

Computerized systems used to manage incoming and outgoing product shall have backups in case
6B.2 the primary system fails.

Zero Mileage NC Parts Management

The SQE shall verify the Supplier Non Conforming Parts management process, including receiving,
internally produced, and returned material from the Iveco Group (notified trough SQP Evo
System). This process shall include:
- Defect tracking methods at all inspection stations/areas (e.g., tally or scrap sheets);

- Proper identification of returned, rejected, or scrapped material;

- Proper storage of quarantined material in a locked or controlled area, with quarantined material
identified with part number, number of pieces, date quarantined, reason for quarantine, and
expected disposition date;
Nonconforming - Maximum amount of time allowed for disposition of quarantined product;
6C Parts Management NE 6C.1 - Coordination with the Customer or sub-tier supplier to purge suspect material and replacement
of that material;
- Proactive notification to the Iveco Group immediately upon identifying shipped suspect material;
- Immediate implementation of Corrective Action procedures.

Rework / Repair communication process

The Supplier shall have a procedure describing how temporary rework/repair operations are
created and controlled. This procedure shall include:
- Identification of all personnel responsible for creating temporary rework/repair operations,
instructions, and controls.
6D.1 - Notification and approval from the Customer prior to initiating temporary rework/repair via the
appropriate process, when related to Significant Characteristics (Important / Critical / Safety).

Rework / Repair management

Work instructions and procedures shall be developed for reworking or repairing nonconforming
6D Rework / Repair NE The instructions shall define:
- The rework/repair process;
- The equipment and material to be used;
- The identification criteria (shall be clear and unique, in order to assure the traceability);
Reworked and repaired product shall have controls and Error/Mistake Proofing equivalent to the
6D.2 primary production line.
Conforming parts from rework and repair operations shall be reintroduced into the same
workstation from which has been scrapped.
The SQE shall verify the process and instructions are followed during the Process Audit.

Zero Mileage Corrective Actions Management

The SQE shall verify the Supplier Corrective Action management process, that shall include:
- Problem description and identification (e.g. 5W1H);
- Development of containment action;

- Root cause analysis and permanent corrective actions definition (e.g. 5W1H, 4M, 5Whys;
- Verification of corrective action effectiveness (e.g. 5QX0D);
- Updates of quality documents (PFMEA, Control Plan, etc.);
- Tranversalization of solution throughout the facility (and all other facilities within the company);
7A Corrective Actions NE 7A.1 - Tracking the progress of implementation of corrective actions.
The SQE shall analyze the proper management of:
- Internal Corrective Actions.
- SQP Evo system, for Iveco Group problem solving management (Kaizen and 8D).

Lesson Learned application


The Supplier shall demonstrate to have a process for documenting lessons learned and ensuring
they are carried forward to future programs and all sister facilities within the same company.
The SQE shall verify:
- The implementation of MQR contents.
- The continuous update of PFMEA for all the product families involved.
7B Lessons Learned NE 7B.1 - In case a WCM 8 Stages Project has been developed (either Reactive and Preventive), the
transversalization of implemented solutions.

Warranty management process


Field Issues 688193362.xlsx - Requirements; Page 8/22; 08/30/2023

7C Management NE 7C.1
Pillar Cluster Requirements Open Issues / Notes / Observations
The SQE shall verify the process for warranty analysis and prevention which includes
review/analysis of samples from the field, root cause analysis, and implementation of corrective
actions. This process shall include, when available, accessing and reviewing information in the
Field Issues applicable Iveco Group warranty systems on a regular basis. Tier 2 and lower suppliers shall be
7C Management NE 7C.1 included in the reviews and corrective actions, as applicable. The Supplier shall also meet any
additional Iveco Group-specific warranty requirements, coming from signed Warranty Agreement.

Product Requalification (Supplier Test Plan)

The Supplier shall ensure the periodical requalification of the part as defined by the Iveco Group.
The process shall include:
- Identified tests, as detailed in Supplier Test Plan;
- Ensuring requalification is done on-time and that conflicts are avoided in the event of multiple

7D.1 parts being due at the same time;

Unless differently specified, the standard requalification frequency is 24 months.

Requalification NE
Process Requalification (Process Audit)
The Supplier shall ensure the execution, and the submission to Iveco Group Supplier Quality, of a
Process Audit in Self-evaluation.
Unless differently specified, the standard Process Audit frequency is 24 months.
7D.2 Note. Iveco Group will maintain the discretion to decide autonomously to execute a new Process
Audit at supplier site.

Material Management
The SQE shall verify (walking the warehouse) the procedure appication for material handling and
in-process material re-stock (e.g., Kan-Ban). The verification shall include details on how material
is tracked and moved from one process to another. Material storage locations shall be clearly
identified and adequate for process requirements. Pallets, shelves, etc. shall be clean and well-
maintained. Storage areas shall be sufficiently sized to contain the material, located in a logical
way with respect to process flow, and adequate to contain and protect the product with easy
8A.1 access and safe handling. Handling, transport and containing means (forklifts, pallets, etc.) shall be
efficient and operated under proper safety conditions.
A Value Stream Mapping's approach management is preferred.

8A Material Handling NE

First-In/First-Out (FIFO)
The Supplier should have a procedure for FIFO inventory control for all material. This procedure
should include proper management of material with expiration dates. If the Supplier uses a
8A.2 computerized system, they should have an effective backup process to ensure FIFO in the event
the primary system fails.

Traceability requirements compliance

The Supplier shall have a procedure for maintaining part traceability, in accordance with Iveco
Group sectorial requirements and government regulations, that defines:
- Traceability on identified components, from raw materials through the finished assembly and
including sub-tier suppliers and shipping.
- Identified components requiring traceability codes / bar code labels to be present on the finished
assembly. Parts traceability requirements shall be granted also for parts not yet PPAP approved.
SQE shall verify all traceability requirements are granted, including those are embedded in an
8B.1 assembly.
Note: for identified components requiring traceability codes / bar code labels, traceability shall be
independent of inventory control processes (i.e., shall not be FIFO-dependent).

Traceability for Safety / Critical Characteristics

For parts with Safety/Critical characteristics or subject to homologation, it shall be possible to
trace back the results of inspections and tests per Iveco Group requirements and government
8B.2 When a sub-component, part of an assembly and having Safety / Critical characteristics, is
replaced, the traceability data of new component shall be linked to the traceability of the final

Parts identification
Parts & production lots shall be clearly identified and traceable, and product under inspections
shall be segregated and identified as to:
- Product waiting to be inspected;
- Product inspected and accepted with the acceptance date (year, month, day, numeric sequence);
- Product waiting for a disposition;
8B.3 - Nonconforming product;
- Product to be scrapped (i.e., non-reworkable or repairable).

Parts identification's requirements compliance

Traceability & Part SQE shall walk the whole production area, verifying that all materials used in the process are
Identification NE clearly identified and differentiated (rework/repair, scrap, Work in Process - WIP, sub-
components, etc.). Identification labels shall be clearly visible on each container, with lot number,
date, quantity, and part number, at a minimum. WIP shall also be identified with
8B.4 operator/supervisor, operation number, number of pieces entering/exiting the operation, number
of pieces reworked/ repaired, number of pieces scrapped, operation number and shift.
Identification shall be clear, even after the partial use of the lot.

Identification rules for assemblies and sub-components

SQE shall verify all product identification / marking requirements are granted, including those
components are embedded in an assembly.
8B.5 Product identification/marking shall be granted on all components, if they are available on the
spare parts market.

Parts Sequencing requirements


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Pillar Cluster Requirements Open Issues / Notes / Observations
For parts under Just In Time (JIT) and Just In Sequence (JIS) management only, the Supplier shall:
- Maintain the sequence throughout the entire process (including repair/rework);
- Have systems (including backup) to ensure receipt of the broadcast;
- Use barcodes and/or pick lights with break beams to ensure correct part selection and assembly;
- Use vision systems or color sensing to ensure correct components and color match (as
- Ensure components with Safety characteristics are traceable and linked to the VIN (Vehicle
Identification Number) sequence;
- Put in place additional tracking to maintain sequence and delivery in cases of rebroadcast due to
non-repairable conditions.

Packaging labels
There shall be a link between packaging labels (for both internal and external containers) and the
product, lot, packing list, quantity, revision level, sub-components and other relevant information.

Supply chain requirements / Packaging Card

Supplier shall develop, in agreement with Iveco Group, a packaging and container concept based
on the Iveco Group specific requirements (MQR included). Packaging shall be developed in
accordance with standard industry practices for components and assemblies, assuring that
products are handled, transported and delivered in safe and proper conditions. Agreed packaging
specifications (Packaging Card) shall not be changed without Iveco Group prior agreement.
8C.1 The SQE shall verify the availability of a Packaging Card, and related application.
Note: Packaging specifications shall be discussed during the Technical Review activity.

8C Packaging NE

Supplier-designed packaging (internal and external)

The Supplier shall be responsible for designing, manufacturing, testing, and documenting
packaging test data. Packaging shall be designed to ensure, even in the case of repackaging, the
8C.2 integrity of the single component until its use in the production cycle.

Production Demonstration Run


When required by Iveco Group Supplier Capacity Management (Purchasing), Supplier Quality will
8D Process Capacity NE 8D.1 verify the process capacity, through the application of the PDR Tool.

Supplier Test Plan status

SQE shall verify that all the tests included in Supplier Test Plan plan have been completed.

- If NOT, supplier shall demonstrate corrective actions or risk mitigation plans to complete the test

AA Supplier Test Plan NE AA.1 - If YES, SQE will verify the STP completeness, prior to the Iveco Group Product Engineering

Customer Engineering approvals status (if required)


SQE reports, when required by PPAP Procedure - PUR 30, the status of:

Customer - Integrative Tests / Field Test.

AB Engineering NE AB.1 - Product Validation.
- Homologation.

Product Samples status (if required)

If required by Iveco Group segment, supplier shall produce the samples to be submitted for the

Iveco Group PPAP Plant approval.


SQE shall verify the Product samples planning, that shall be aligned to the Iveco Group Project
AC Product Samples NE AC.1
Supplier shall provide the evidence for compliance of samples with all Iveco Group requirements
(e.g. dimensional reports, test reports, appearance reports, etc).

IMDS verification
The Supplier shall demonstrate the submission of MDS (Material Data Sheet) declaration for the

part(or parts), uploading and managing data into the system defined by Iveco Group.

Regulated The Supplier is responsible for the MDS data on their parts, as well as the data relating to
AD Substances NE AD.1 materials/components from the sub-tier suppliers.
The SQE shall verify the MDS acceptance for all parts.

Certificate availability
Supplier is required to be certified according to the Standard specified in Iveco Group Supplier

Quality Statement of Requirements (SQ SOR).

Certification NE B1.1 SQE shall verify the certificate validity, and its upload into the Iveco Group Supply Quality System
(SQP Evo).

Program Review score


The SQE shall verify that all open issues from the Program Review (PR) are "Green". If any open
B2 Program Review NE B2.1 issues remain open ("Red" or "Yellow"), give the "KO" score for this item.

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688193362.xlsx - Open Issues List; Page 11/22
1A.1 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
1A.2 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
1A.3 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
1B.1 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
1C.1 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
1D.1 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
1D.2 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
1E.1 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
1E.2 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
2A.1 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
2A.2 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
2A.3 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
2A.4 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
2A.5 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
2A.6 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
2B.1 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
2B.2 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
2C.1 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
2C.2 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
2C.3 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
2D.1 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
2E.1 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
2E.2 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
2E.3 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
3A.1 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
3A.2 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
3A.3 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
3B.1 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
3B.2 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
3B.3 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
3C.1 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
3C.2 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
3C.3 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
3D.1 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
3D.2 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
3D.3 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
3E.1 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
3E.2 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
3E.3 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
4A.1 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
4A.2 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
4A.3 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
4A.4 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
4B.1 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
4B.2 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
4B.3 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
4C.1 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
4C.2 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
4C.3 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
4C.4 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
4D.1 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
4D.2 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
4E.1 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
4E.2 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
4E.3 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
5A.1 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
5A.2 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%

Supplier_____________________________ SQE__________________________ Other_____________________

(Name/Signature) (Name/Signature) (Name/Signature)
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5B.1 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
5B.2 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
5C.1 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
5C.2 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
5D.1 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
5D.2 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
5D.3 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
5D.4 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
5D.5 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
6A.1 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
6A.2 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
6A.3 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
6A.4 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
6A.5 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
6A.6 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
6A.7 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
6B.1 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
6B.2 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
6C.1 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
6D.1 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
6D.2 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
7A.1 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
7B.1 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
7C.1 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
7D.1 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
7D.2 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
8A.1 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
8A.2 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
8B.1 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
8B.2 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
8B.3 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
8B.4 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
8B.5 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
8B.6 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
8B.7 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
8C.1 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
8C.2 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
8D.1 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
AA.1 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
AB.1 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
AC.1 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
AD.1 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
B1.1 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
B2.1 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 30-Dec-99 0%
*Status: 25% Identified problem; 50% Action Plan proposed; 75% Action Plan implemented; 100% Solved issue

Supplier_____________________________ SQE__________________________ Other_____________________

(Name/Signature) (Name/Signature) (Name/Signature)

DATE 30-Dec-99 DATE 30-Dec-99 DATE 30-Dec-99

Version 1.3.
Part Number 0 Supplier Name 0

Part Description 0 SML Code 0

GPL / BU 0 Supplier Country 0


Requirements Status (Non-Green) Requirements - Major Issues by Pillar


Low Risk 0
Job Stopper 0
Not Applicable 0

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1

Requirements To Be Evaluated: #99 No Major Issues

Requirement's Issues - Root Causes Requirement's Issues - Implemented Actions



0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1

No Root Causes To Be Identified No Actions To Be Implemented

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DATE 30-Dec-99 DATE 30-Dec-99 DATE 30-Dec-99

Version 1.3.
Part Number 0 Supplier Name 0

Part Description 0 SML Code 0

GPL / BU 0 Supplier Country 0

PPAP Requirement (Procedure #30) Process Audit Cluster / Requirement PA Score
1 Design Records 1A Drawing & Technical Specs. NE
2 Engineering Change Docum. 1E Change Management NE
3 Client Engineering Approval 1D Supplier Design - Customer Acceptance NE
4 DFMEA 1B Design FMEA (Co-Design) NE
5 Process Flow-Chart 2A Process Flow Diagram NE
7 Control Plan 2C Control Plan NE
8 MSA 3D Gauges & Measuring Devices NE
9 Dimensional Surveys AC Product Samples NE
10 Test Plan (Supplier Resp.) AA Supplier Test Plan NE
10 Test Plan (Supplier Resp.) 7D Periodic Requalification NE
11 SPC (Significant Char.) 4B Process PerformAnce & Process Capability NE
12 Laboratories documentation AA Supplier Test Plan NE
12 Laboratories documentation 3D Gauges & Measuring Devices NE
13 Appearance Approval (AAR) AC Product Samples NE
14 Product Samples AC Product Samples NE
15 Master Sample (if requested) 5B Boundary & Master Samples NE
16 Instruments and Gauges 3D Gauges & Measuring Devices NE
17a Customer Spec. Requirem. 1A Drawing & Technical Specs. NE
17b Tier 2 Part Approval 6B Incoming Inspection NE
17c Packaging 8C Packaging NE
18 PSW Certificate Requirement not evaluated by the auditor. Process Audit not completed NE
// Add. Engineering Approval (Req. AB, if required) Requirement non evaluated by the auditor NE
// Material Data Sheet (Req. AD) Requirement non evaluated by the auditor NE

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DATE 30-Dec-99 DATE 30-Dec-99 DATE 30-Dec-99

Version 1.3.
Part Number 0 Supplier Name 0

Part Description 0 SML Code 0

GPL / BU 0 Supplier Country 0

Process Audit Cluster Process Audit Requirement PA Score
2A Process Flow Diagram Process Flow Diagram availability NE
2A Process Flow Diagram Process Flow Diagram completion NE
2A Process Flow Diagram Dedicated resources NE
2A Process Flow Diagram Manufacturing lay-out NE
2A Process Flow Diagram Matching between Process Flow Diagram and shop-floor NE
2A Process Flow Diagram Process Mapping (WCM) NE
3E Workplace Organization, EH&S Workstation EH&S management NE
3E Workplace Organization, EH&S Environmental Management System NE
3E Workplace Organization, EH&S Risk Evaluation Document NE
4B Process Performance and Process Capability Process Performance and Process Capability KPIs NE
4B Process Performance and Process Capability Performance and Capability analysis & countermeasures NE
4C Maintenance Maintenance plan contents NE
4C Maintenance Maintenance plan effectiveness NE
4C Maintenance Maintenance team NE
4C Maintenance Environment NE
6C Nonconforming Parts Management Zero Mileage NC Parts Management NE
7A Corrective Actions Zero Mileage Corrective Actions Management NE
7B Lesson Learned Lesson Learned application NE
8A Material Handling Material Management NE
8A Material Handling First-In/First-Out (FIFO) NE
8B Traceability & Part Identification Traceability requirements compliance NE
8B Traceability & Part Identification Traceability for Safety / Critical characteristics NE
8B Traceability & Part Identification Parts identification NE
8B Traceability & Part Identification Parts identification's requirements compliance NE
8B Traceability & Part Identification Identification rules for assemblies and sub-components NE
8B Traceability & Part Identification Parts Sequencing requirements NE
8B Traceability & Part Identification Packaging labels NE
8C Packaging Supply chain requirements / Packaging Card NE
8C Packaging Supplier-designed packaging (internal and external) NE

688193362.xlsx - One Page Report; Page 15/22; 08/30/2023

Auditor Remarks

688193362.xlsx - Auditor Remarks; Page 16/22; 08/30/2023

Contact List

688193362.xlsx - Contact List; Page17/22

Development Phase Risk Production Phase Risk Score Classification PPAP Status
• Very late at required milestone, causing also other required
deliverables to be late • Major issue causing major disruption, field campaigns, etc., or
impacting critical / safety characteristics HIGH RISK
• Risk Mitigation Plan does not exist MAJOR ISSUE
• Corrective Action Plan does not exist. -
• Certain to cause delay in milestone/vehicle launch • Process produce nonconforming material with no adequate 1 (Job Stopper) Possible No Parts
• Major issue, affecting build / launch, or impacting critical / controls in place Available
safety characteristics • Total lack of quality system or systemic control
• Total lack of quality system or systemic control

• Late at required milestone, causing also other required

deliverables to be late • Major issue impacting product functional characteristics
• Risk Mitigation Plan exists but is not acceptable or requires • Corrective Action Plan exists but is not acceptable; needs
unrealistic timing to meet milestone containment action MAJOR ISSUE HIGH RISK
• May cause delay in milestone/vehicle launch • Process could produce nonconforming material with 2 (High Risk)
Possible IRW A/B/C
• Major issue, affecting build / launch, or impacting product inadequate controls in place
functional characteristics • Chronic quality system or systemic control failures
• Chronic quality system or systemic control failures

• Progressing in accordance with required milestone timing • Moderate issues, not impacting significant characteristics
• Isolated documentation issue
• Corrective Action Plan exists and is acceptable or ongoing LOW RISK
(under verification) MODERATE ISSUE
• Risk Mitigation Plan exists and is acceptable
• Process could become unstable (additional controls needed) 3 (Low Risk)
• Low Risk to milestone / vehicle launch • Non-chronic quality system or systemic control failures Possible IRW A/B
• Moderate issues not impacting significant characteristics • Isolated documentation issue
• Non-chronic quality system or systemic control failures

• No Risk to milestone/vehicle launch • No risk for issues 4 (No Risk)

Requirement not
Requirement not applicable. Reason for applicable. Reason for
inapplicability shall be detailed NA NOT APPLICABLE inapplicability shall be
detailed not
Requirement not evaluated by the auditor. Process evaluated by the
Audit not completed No Process Audit score NE NOT EVALUATED auditor. Process Audit
not completed
Date Version Revision Description
18-Jul-14 0.0. Initial Release for CNH Industrial
Updated Requirement 1E (Change Management), for
19-Sep-19 0.1.
alignment to IDV EU "Configuration Item"
30-Jun-20 1.0. Rebuild for PUR 14 Rev. #1. Not for distribution
18-Dec-20 1.1. Reviewed for internal SQE inquiry - Not for distribution
29-Jan-21 1.2. Reviewed for internal SQE inquiry - Not for distribution
26-Mar-21 1.3. Release for PUR 14 Rev. #1
BOOKLET (Embedded) - Version 2.4

PUR 32 Booklet is intended to support the Requirement 2A.6

Process Mapping (WCM)

PUR 32 - Booklet
Version 2.4
Supplier shall declare control's type and method by filling out the Process Map, in accordance
to the Iveco Group 8 Stages of Incoming Material procedure (PUR 32).

PUR 32 - Booklet
Version 2.4

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