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[4.3.21, 09:42:33] Fabjola: Messages and calls are end-to-end encrypted.

No one
outside of this chat, not even WhatsApp, can read or listen to them.
[4.3.21, 09:42:33] Fabjola: Kush asht kjo mj Ana
[4.3.21, 09:43:54] ELONA: A shef
[4.3.21, 09:44:19] Fabjola: Ka lezet shef
[4.3.21, 09:44:29] Fabjola: Ku ka ma mir se mesen
[4.3.21, 09:44:38] ELONA: Ahaa
[4.3.21, 09:44:44] ELONA: Po shef goca tezes
[4.3.21, 09:45:00] ELONA: Me shif ke story iher
[4.3.21, 09:45:28] Fabjola: Sme ka dal mj
[4.3.21, 09:45:44] Fabjola: <attached: 00000010-PHOTO-2021-03-04-09-45-44.jpg>
[4.3.21, 09:45:47] ELONA: <attached: 00000011-PHOTO-2021-03-04-09-45-46.jpg>
[4.3.21, 09:45:47] ELONA: <attached: 00000012-VIDEO-2021-03-04-09-45-47.mp4>
[4.3.21, 09:45:48] Fabjola: Skm gja
[4.3.21, 09:45:48] ELONA: <attached: 00000014-VIDEO-2021-03-04-09-45-47.mp4>
[4.3.21, 09:46:02] ELONA: Kte kam hedh shef
[4.3.21, 09:46:15] Fabjola: E bkr shef
[4.3.21, 09:46:22] Fabjola: Po kyt ma te bkr
[4.3.21, 09:46:29] Fabjola: Si kurv tu perdredh
[4.3.21, 09:46:31] Fabjola: 😂❤️
[4.3.21, 09:46:34] ELONA: 😂😂😂😂
[4.3.21, 09:46:52] Fabjola: A ta hedh ne ws
[4.3.21, 09:46:54] ELONA: <attached: 00000022-VIDEO-2021-03-04-09-46-53.mp4>
[4.3.21, 09:47:00] Fabjola: E te them rri aty e puno
[4.3.21, 09:47:06] Fabjola: Ms bej si e bkr😂
[4.3.21, 09:47:16] Fabjola: Kurv ma
[4.3.21, 09:47:18] Fabjola: 😂
[4.3.21, 09:47:30] ELONA: <attached: 00000027-VIDEO-2021-03-04-09-47-29.mp4>
[4.3.21, 09:47:36] ELONA: Hahahahahahahhaha
[4.3.21, 09:47:42] ELONA: Sa iku pronari
[4.3.21, 09:47:47] ELONA: Shif qa presim me ba
[4.3.21, 09:47:52] ELONA: Un si kurv aty
[4.3.21, 09:48:05] Fabjola: O lottttt
[4.3.21, 09:48:05] ELONA: Hidh shef
[4.3.21, 09:48:11] Fabjola: Me ke myttt😂😂
[4.3.21, 09:48:12] ELONA: 😂😂😂😂
[4.3.21, 09:48:13] Fabjola: Dekkk
[4.3.21, 09:48:19] ELONA: Bytha shefit aty
[4.3.21, 09:48:27] Fabjola: O shef imagjino me ken bashk
[4.3.21, 09:48:34] Fabjola: Tallavaja on fire
[4.3.21, 09:48:37] ELONA: Ooooo nami
[4.3.21, 09:48:45] Fabjola: Hahahhahahahah
[4.3.21, 09:48:44] ELONA: E nez tallava kajher
[4.3.21, 09:48:47] ELONA: Dhe ktu
[4.3.21, 09:48:49] ELONA: Tu kcy
[4.3.21, 09:48:51] Fabjola: E kam pa
[4.3.21, 09:48:57] Fabjola: A ka gabel atje aman
[4.3.21, 09:50:36] Fabjola: <attached: 00000047-PHOTO-2021-03-04-09-50-36.jpg>
[4.3.21, 09:51:07] ELONA: Shum
[4.3.21, 09:51:12] ELONA: <attached: 00000049-VIDEO-2021-03-04-09-51-12.mp4>
[4.3.21, 09:51:19] ELONA: Sot
[4.3.21, 09:51:28] Fabjola: Qe qe kurva
[4.3.21, 09:51:36] ELONA: Skapem ma shef
[4.3.21, 09:51:40] Fabjola: Perdit e ma e mir
[4.3.21, 09:51:45] Fabjola: Se ve ne dyshim
[4.3.21, 09:51:48] Fabjola: 😂😂
[4.3.21, 09:52:51] ELONA: Hahahahahahhahaha
[8.3.21, 10:55:01] Fabjola: 💖💖
[8.3.21, 10:58:35] ELONA: He shef a kam dal mir
[8.3.21, 10:59:14] Fabjola: Yll mor shef
[8.3.21, 10:59:17] Fabjola: Edhe pyt
[8.3.21, 10:59:30] ELONA: Gzuar 8 marsin shef
[8.3.21, 10:59:56] Fabjola: Gzuar Roza shef
[8.3.21, 11:00:05] Fabjola: E per shum vjet❤️
[8.3.21, 11:03:22] ELONA: Gzuar te tan o shef se ne ti ke fest ne un se jena femna
[8.3.21, 11:03:40] Fabjola: O Feministja jeme ti
[8.3.21, 11:03:54] ELONA: <attached: 00000066-PHOTO-2021-03-08-11-03-53.jpg>
[8.3.21, 11:04:01] Fabjola: Gzuar pra shef e ne dasem🥂😂
[8.3.21, 11:04:20] Fabjola: Ka shkon kaq kurv ti iher
[8.3.21, 11:05:49] ELONA: Tu munu shef
[8.3.21, 11:06:12] Fabjola: Hahahhahahah
[8.3.21, 11:06:26] ELONA: Tu ba si seks demek dhe un
[8.3.21, 11:06:37] Fabjola: O shef ca desha me te than per punen me Ardh atje
[8.3.21, 11:07:12] Fabjola: Edhe ja u thash babit e kushrinjve ato mir than asht po
a je e sigurt se te majn ne pun ma bani babi
[8.3.21, 11:07:20] Fabjola: Se per me shku kot
[8.3.21, 11:07:41] ELONA: Shef hajde iher ni dit te qoj ne ca vene per pun
[8.3.21, 11:08:02] ELONA: Se ske si vjen pa te marr ne pun iher
[8.3.21, 11:08:27] Fabjola: Po pra kte e di
[8.3.21, 11:08:32] ELONA: Punon 1 muj mi ven gjen tj o shef se ka plot ktu
[8.3.21, 11:08:45] Fabjola: Do ju them edhe iher
[8.3.21, 11:09:32] Fabjola: O shef se ka tjt e di un po flit ti iher si menaxhere
si te kam se ty te zbatohet fjala aty😂
[8.3.21, 11:10:40] ELONA: O shef un ktu te puna kam veq spanisht
[8.3.21, 11:12:20] Fabjola: Nejse do mundohem te vij naj dir
[8.3.21, 11:12:46] Fabjola: Se du mu fut per gjermanisht un te permirsoj edhe ma
shum gjuhen tu komuniku me to
[8.3.21, 12:59:28] ELONA: <attached: 00000084-PHOTO-2021-03-08-12-59-28.jpg>
[8.3.21, 12:59:35] ELONA: Shef shkruju pak ityne
[8.3.21, 18:44:57] Fabjola: <attached: 00000086-PHOTO-2021-03-08-18-44-57.jpg>
[8.3.21, 18:45:17] Fabjola: A I bleve gja ti
[8.3.21, 19:09:03] ELONA: I kena qu lek
[8.3.21, 19:09:36] Fabjola: Apapap sa mir
[8.3.21, 19:09:48] Fabjola: Keni lek ju
[8.3.21, 19:09:50] Fabjola: Un skam
[8.3.21, 19:09:52] Fabjola: 😂
[8.3.21, 19:10:15] ELONA: Hahahahahaha
[8.3.21, 19:10:26] ELONA: Po emrin motres vogel pse sja keni vu aty
[8.3.21, 19:10:37] Fabjola: <attached: 00000095-PHOTO-2021-03-08-19-10-37.jpg>
[8.3.21, 19:10:43] Fabjola: Po mor shef
[8.3.21, 19:10:54] Fabjola: Ka ana tjt se nuk ja zuni aty
[8.3.21, 19:11:01] Fabjola: 😂
[8.3.21, 19:13:22] ELONA: 😂
[9.3.21, 13:45:59] ELONA: O shef a do me ardh me jetu me kristin ktu
[9.3.21, 13:46:04] ELONA: Se do ike rina
[9.3.21, 13:47:22] ELONA: Do e qoj mi ven per pun dhe kristin
[9.3.21, 13:47:46] Fabjola: Ku je tu e cu shef
[9.3.21, 13:48:04] ELONA: Mi ven per pun po moren kte do te qoj dhe ty aty
[9.3.21, 13:48:19] Fabjola: O zot ishalla😂
[9.3.21, 13:48:48] ELONA: Pastaj hajde dhe ti ni dit te qoj e vjen rri shpi aty me
[9.3.21, 13:49:19] Fabjola: Ok me thuj ca bahet me punen me njofto a e marrin
[9.3.21, 13:49:28] Fabjola: Nsr kam ni provim qr
[9.3.21, 13:51:56] ELONA: Po
[9.3.21, 16:00:51] ELONA: Shef ishim aty po u dote me qu cv online
[9.3.21, 16:00:58] ELONA: Se kishin me punu nga shpia
[9.3.21, 16:01:15] ELONA: Munou me msu pak spanisht o shef
[9.3.21, 16:01:18] ELONA: Shif filma
[9.3.21, 16:01:30] ELONA: Se ta gjej per spanisht edhe pa eksperjenc
[9.3.21, 16:01:38] ELONA: Se i kerkojn gjithkun me eksperjenc
[9.3.21, 16:02:02] Fabjola: Po gjermanisht nuk ka shef
[9.3.21, 16:02:07] ELONA: Shif ito koh naj film spanjoll mso naj fjal se per
spanisht njof rob
[9.3.21, 16:02:21] ELONA: Smarrin pa eksperjenc mor shef
[9.3.21, 16:02:39] Fabjola: Ok
[9.3.21, 16:02:56] Fabjola: Po ca te msoj psh
[9.3.21, 16:03:28] Fabjola: Po Kristi a per spanisht a tu fut
[9.3.21, 16:04:09] ELONA: Jo per anglisht
[11.3.21, 17:56:40] ELONA: O shef fola me vanen i thash do me ardh fabjola me punu
[11.3.21, 17:56:50] ELONA: Tha per gjermanisht te vije te puna ime
[11.3.21, 17:57:04] Fabjola: E rujt zoti I Madh
[11.3.21, 17:57:23] Fabjola: Po teshi do ju them te shpis edhe iher
[11.3.21, 17:57:30] ELONA: Mir bane mhb
[11.3.21, 17:57:48] Fabjola: Mir shef
[21.3.21, 11:59:51] ELONA: Shef
[21.3.21, 12:19:24] Fabjola: He shef
[21.3.21, 12:29:43] ELONA: Desha me te pyt per nr e dorisit
[21.3.21, 12:30:05] Fabjola: Jo shef un e kam
[21.3.21, 12:30:14] Fabjola: Nuk e kqm
[21.3.21, 12:30:15] Fabjola: A
[21.3.21, 12:30:21] ELONA: Vl shef
[21.3.21, 12:30:28] Fabjola: Pse shef
[21.3.21, 12:30:31] Fabjola: A ke ardh
[21.3.21, 13:14:15] Fabjola: O shef I kam shkruj
[21.3.21, 13:14:21] Fabjola: <attached: 00000139-PHOTO-2021-03-21-13-14-21.jpg>
[21.3.21, 13:14:43] ELONA: Ishalla kthe
[21.3.21, 20:15:59] ELONA: A te kthej
[21.3.21, 20:16:03] ELONA: Prgj
[21.3.21, 20:16:25] Fabjola: Jo shef as nuk ma ka pa hic
[21.3.21, 20:16:33] Fabjola: I shkrujta edhe ne snap itesh
[21.3.21, 20:16:37] ELONA: Vl
[21.3.21, 20:25:16] Fabjola: <attached: 00000146-AUDIO-2021-03-21-20-25-16.opus>
[21.3.21, 20:26:18] ELONA:
[21.3.21, 20:26:34] Fabjola: <attached: 00000148-PHOTO-2021-03-21-20-26-34.jpg>
[21.3.21, 20:26:43] Fabjola: Ma coi ne snap
[21.3.21, 20:26:48] ELONA: Brravo shef
[21.3.21, 20:27:07] Fabjola: Per ca ta marr persiper e kryj😂
[21.3.21, 20:27:35] ELONA: Je shum e nerume e rrespektumw shef
[21.3.21, 20:28:26] Fabjola: Hahahhahaah 💕
[21.3.21, 20:28:35] ELONA: Ngjoje qat video o shef
[21.3.21, 20:28:39] ELONA: Se deka
[21.3.21, 20:29:07] Fabjola: Le shef se ky a rrum vdiqaa
[21.3.21, 20:29:14] Fabjola: Iljazi I shtremt😂😂😂
[21.3.21, 20:29:23] ELONA: A ngjon si ban
[21.3.21, 20:29:28] ELONA: Si bertet
[21.3.21, 20:29:34] ELONA: 😂
[21.3.21, 20:29:36] Fabjola: Tu fishkelly
[21.3.21, 20:29:46] Fabjola: E tu bertit
[21.3.21, 20:29:51] Fabjola: Vdiqaa😂😂
[21.3.21, 20:30:44] Fabjola: O shef
[21.3.21, 20:30:56] Fabjola: Tha marionela se I tha Dorisit shkruj sesban
[21.3.21, 20:31:59] ELONA: Po po nrm qe do i shkruj mos te bahet marak
[21.3.21, 20:32:25] Fabjola: Aman o shef ca ka ndodh
[21.3.21, 20:32:32] Fabjola: Se vdiqa nga meraku😂
[21.3.21, 20:32:37] Fabjola: A te ka ba gja kurva
[21.3.21, 20:32:58] ELONA: Po shef
[21.3.21, 20:33:01] ELONA: A puna keq
[21.3.21, 20:33:11] Fabjola: <attached: 00000172-AUDIO-2021-03-21-20-33-11.opus>
[21.3.21, 20:33:20] Fabjola: <attached: 00000173-AUDIO-2021-03-21-20-33-20.opus>
[21.3.21, 20:33:46] ELONA: Po pri ksaj jam nda
[21.3.21, 20:33:55] ELONA: Tash jan follow nardi me te ne insta
[21.3.21, 20:34:03] Fabjola: Po pse ca bani kjo
[21.3.21, 20:34:06] ELONA: Kjo ti shkruj mamit tim du me fol me lonen ma jep nr
[21.3.21, 20:34:09] Fabjola: Cpun ka me Nardin kjo
[21.3.21, 20:34:14] ELONA: I kishte than mami un sja kam vet nr
[21.3.21, 20:34:18] ELONA: Le ma me ta dhan ty
[21.3.21, 20:34:21] ELONA: 😅
[21.3.21, 20:34:25] Fabjola: Hahahahhaah sa e mir ajo
[21.3.21, 20:34:32] ELONA: Ti shkruj ne vanes du me fol me lonen
[21.3.21, 20:34:36] ELONA: Se di qa dreqin kan
[21.3.21, 20:34:42] ELONA: Do jen lidh bashk
[21.3.21, 20:34:46] ELONA: Se ska munsi
[21.3.21, 20:34:50] Fabjola: Ej po ka e more vesh ti
[21.3.21, 20:35:00] ELONA: Ta kisha dit te pakten isha nda kaher ti kisha lan bashk
[21.3.21, 20:35:06] Fabjola: Hajt shef ti qim rpt kurves
[21.3.21, 20:35:20] ELONA: A historia gjat o shef po deri ka merkirra do vi e do ta
them nga afer se kan ndodh shum gjana
[21.3.21, 20:35:28] Fabjola: Po ska munsi o shef nardi me doeisin po do jet naj loj
[21.3.21, 20:35:31] Fabjola: Kush e di
[21.3.21, 20:35:36] Fabjola: Ca ngatrrohet
[21.3.21, 20:35:59] ELONA: A historia e ngatrrume shef
[21.3.21, 20:36:06] Fabjola: Qr kurvaa
[21.3.21, 20:36:10] ELONA: Qa nuk me ka ndodh ito koh
[21.3.21, 20:36:11] Fabjola: Vec me te prish pun pz
[21.3.21, 20:36:15] ELONA: Kam qan super keq
[21.3.21, 20:36:18] Fabjola: O shefii imm
[21.3.21, 20:36:21] ELONA: Veq jam munu me maj veten
[21.3.21, 20:36:24] Fabjola: 🥺💕
[21.3.21, 20:36:31] Fabjola: Mahu shef
[21.3.21, 20:36:37] Fabjola: Se je e fort ti
[21.3.21, 20:36:40] ELONA: Se as me te shpis skam fol 2 jav🥺
[21.3.21, 20:36:43] ELONA: 😭
[21.3.21, 20:36:47] ELONA: Kam qan super keq
[21.3.21, 20:36:49] Fabjola: O zott😭😭
[21.3.21, 20:36:56] Fabjola: E vraft zoti Nardin
[21.3.21, 20:37:02] Fabjola: Si ta bani kyt gja
[21.3.21, 20:37:10] ELONA: Dje kam fol me babin e kishte marr malli 😭
[21.3.21, 20:37:13] Fabjola: Pse nuk e vrave o shefff
[21.3.21, 20:37:23] ELONA: Itash mjan hap syt taman
[21.3.21, 20:37:30] ELONA: Shof cdo gja
[21.3.21, 20:37:39] Fabjola: O zott😭🥺🥺me bane me qa edhe mu me ka marr malli me ti
pa Syt sheff
[21.3.21, 20:38:03] Fabjola: Po rpt na ka pas than irena se ajo a kurv po ne joo mj
asht e mir
[21.3.21, 20:38:11] ELONA: Do vi shef se kam super nevoj me u qetsu do dit se sjam
tu mujt ma as un aq shum gjana q e jan tu me ndodh
[21.3.21, 20:38:50] Fabjola: O shef hajde pra e dalim e mi thuj ni me ni ti qajm
hallet bashk per ca e ke shefin ktu
[21.3.21, 20:38:53] Fabjola: 😂
[21.3.21, 20:41:05] ELONA: <attached: 00000219-STICKER-2021-03-21-20-41-05.webp>
[21.3.21, 20:41:07] ELONA: Ah shef
[21.3.21, 20:42:58] Fabjola: ❤️❤️❤️
[23.3.21, 20:04:23] ELONA: Shef
[23.3.21, 20:04:28] ELONA: Nsr vi anej
[23.3.21, 20:04:37] ELONA: Te baj tel kur te jem tu hull
[23.3.21, 20:04:41] ELONA: E dalim
[23.3.21, 20:05:26] Fabjola: Ka cila or shef
[23.3.21, 20:05:38] Fabjola: Do nisesh
[23.3.21, 20:05:47] ELONA: Se di shef deri ka ora 12 jam atje
[23.3.21, 20:05:59] Fabjola: Mir shef
[23.3.21, 20:06:02] Fabjola: Flasim prp
[24.3.21, 09:53:13] ELONA: Shef mgjes do nisem me te 11
[24.3.21, 09:53:32] ELONA: Se sa tu ardh asni urban jam tash 15 min tu prit
[24.3.21, 09:53:35] ELONA: Svje asni
[24.3.21, 09:53:46] Fabjola: Edhe kur mrrin ktu
[24.3.21, 09:53:56] ELONA: Ne 12
[24.3.21, 09:54:00] Fabjola: Ok
[24.3.21, 11:52:02] ELONA: Shef ne milot jam
[24.3.21, 11:52:33] Fabjola: Mir shef me thuj kur te vish ktu
[24.3.21, 11:52:41] ELONA: A je ba gati
[24.3.21, 11:52:49] ELONA: Se maksimumi 15 vi
[24.3.21, 11:52:53] Fabjola: Gatiii
[24.3.21, 12:01:30] ELONA: Tu afru te kryqzimi i shengjit jam
[24.3.21, 12:01:34] ELONA: Dil
[24.3.21, 12:01:46] Fabjola: Jasht jam shef
[24.3.21, 12:01:59] ELONA: Ku jasht
[24.3.21, 12:03:56] Fabjola: Ne kafe
[24.3.21, 12:04:11] ELONA: Me ka je
[24.3.21, 12:12:53] ELONA: <attached: 00000248-PHOTO-2021-03-24-12-12-53.jpg>
[24.3.21, 12:13:15] Fabjola: He shef
[24.3.21, 12:13:23] Fabjola: Me thuj kur te zbresesh
[26.3.21, 18:22:20] Fabjola: <attached: 00000251-PHOTO-2021-03-26-18-22-20.jpg>
[26.3.21, 18:22:57] ELONA: Hahahahahaha
[26.3.21, 18:22:59] ELONA: Domi
[26.3.21, 18:23:36] Fabjola: Po a nuk jan nda kto bashk mj
[26.3.21, 18:23:43] ELONA: Jo
[26.3.21, 18:24:13] Fabjola: Houu😂
[30.3.21, 20:54:31] Fabjola: Shef ca je tu ba
[30.3.21, 20:55:19] ELONA: Hic o shef sa bana ni dush
[30.3.21, 20:55:22] ELONA: Cpb ti
[30.3.21, 20:55:29] ELONA: Si je tja kalu ktu
[30.3.21, 20:55:44] Fabjola: Ouff mir shum😂
[30.3.21, 20:56:10] Fabjola: Ej po nsr ne 10 te fillon ty puna ee
[30.3.21, 20:56:12] ELONA: Qa ke mor shef
[30.3.21, 20:56:16] ELONA: Po
[30.3.21, 20:56:42] Fabjola: Po ca ore te nisem un thu se ka edhe trafik ne mgjes
[30.3.21, 20:57:11] ELONA: Po ne 8 o shef do munohem mu nis un
[30.3.21, 20:57:16] ELONA: Se do qohem ne 7
[30.3.21, 20:58:04] Fabjola: Po ti njaty e ke o shef ske nevoj me u cu aq heret
hall e kam un se jam ne Kamez te halla
[30.3.21, 20:58:14] ELONA: Serioooo
[30.3.21, 20:58:21] ELONA: Jo jo nuk vje dot ti
[30.3.21, 20:58:22] Fabjola: Poo
[30.3.21, 20:58:22] ELONA: Pra
[30.3.21, 20:58:25] ELONA: Se di
[30.3.21, 20:58:42] ELONA: Se kam dhe gocat qe vin pri kamze nisen qe ne 7 edhe vin
ne 10
[30.3.21, 20:59:28] Fabjola: Po teshi ca te bajm shef🥺
[30.3.21, 20:59:44] Fabjola: Vk sdi ca me te than
[30.3.21, 20:59:55] ELONA: Po veq ne kamez do rrish
[30.3.21, 21:00:06] ELONA: Ah mor shef si nuk erdhe kur tu hapte orari
[30.3.21, 21:00:14] Fabjola: Jo m shef edhe naj dit
[30.3.21, 21:00:23] Fabjola: Kur hapet
[30.3.21, 21:00:42] ELONA: Me 4
[30.3.21, 21:00:45] ELONA: Kan than
[30.3.21, 21:01:31] Fabjola: Ca orari
[30.3.21, 21:01:39] ELONA: Mas ores 8 shef
[30.3.21, 21:01:42] ELONA: Me dal
[30.3.21, 21:03:00] Fabjola: O shef ne ca ore te maron puna ty the
[30.3.21, 21:03:12] ELONA: 6:30 shef
[30.3.21, 21:03:54] Fabjola: O shef po a te nisem un ktuu nga ora 4 edhe kur te
marosh ti pun un jam gatii atje dalim pastaj
[30.3.21, 21:04:43] ELONA: Po mir shef po sna tako me nejt shum
[30.3.21, 21:05:01] Fabjola: Po hajt ma sa te jemi
[30.3.21, 21:05:03] Fabjola: Vl
[30.3.21, 21:05:36] ELONA: Po mir shef
[31.3.21, 17:36:30] Fabjola: <attached: 00000293-PHOTO-2021-03-31-17-36-30.jpg>
[31.3.21, 17:37:01] Fabjola: Shef si I kam ba
[31.3.21, 17:37:22] Fabjola: 5 mij lek
[31.3.21, 18:31:20] ELONA: Super shef
[31.3.21, 18:35:52] Fabjola: <attached: 00000297-AUDIO-2021-03-31-18-35-52.opus>
[1.4.21, 22:13:25] ELONA: Qa pate shef
[1.4.21, 22:13:28] ELONA: Pse u nal
[2.4.21, 09:48:44] Fabjola: Lottt KCK me mu sheff
[2.4.21, 10:50:55] Fabjola: Missed voice call
[2.4.21, 11:00:41] ELONA: Jam pun o shef
[2.4.21, 11:04:11] Fabjola: A nuk ke naj or pushim shef
[2.4.21, 11:04:20] Fabjola: Se mu ma la shefi pushim sot
[2.4.21, 12:10:13] ELONA: Po sje fut ne pun taman o shef se shefni pushim pastaj
[4.4.21, 22:11:43] Fabjola: Ca jan Tan kto fmij ktu
[4.4.21, 22:11:54] ELONA: Kushrit o shef
[4.4.21, 22:11:59] ELONA: Mledh te tan
[4.4.21, 22:12:12] Fabjola: A NUK ke pun nsr
[4.4.21, 22:12:23] ELONA: Po shef do vi ne mjes heret
[4.4.21, 22:12:30] ELONA: Cpb ti a je ne lezh
[4.4.21, 22:13:35] Fabjola: Po
[4.4.21, 22:14:45] ELONA: A sdo ikesh ma atje
[4.4.21, 22:15:18] Fabjola: <attached: 00000314-AUDIO-2021-04-04-22-15-18.opus>
[4.4.21, 22:16:02] ELONA: 😂😂😂
[4.4.21, 22:16:21] ELONA: <attached: 00000316-AUDIO-2021-04-04-22-16-21.opus>
[4.4.21, 22:16:24] Fabjola: <attached: 00000317-AUDIO-2021-04-04-22-16-24.opus>
[4.4.21, 22:16:55] Fabjola: <attached: 00000318-AUDIO-2021-04-04-22-16-55.opus>
[4.4.21, 22:17:08] Fabjola: <attached: 00000319-AUDIO-2021-04-04-22-17-08.opus>
[4.4.21, 22:17:24] Fabjola: <attached: 00000320-AUDIO-2021-04-04-22-17-24.opus>
[4.4.21, 22:18:15] ELONA: O myte dek o shef
[4.4.21, 22:18:18] ELONA: Hahahahahhahahahahahhahahah
[4.4.21, 22:18:25] Fabjola: Hahahahaaahahaa
[4.4.21, 22:18:48] Fabjola: <attached: 00000324-AUDIO-2021-04-04-22-18-48.opus>
[4.4.21, 22:18:59] Fabjola: <attached: 00000325-AUDIO-2021-04-04-22-18-59.opus>
[4.4.21, 22:19:33] ELONA: <attached: 00000326-AUDIO-2021-04-04-22-19-33.opus>
[4.4.21, 22:19:38] Fabjola: <attached: 00000327-VIDEO-2021-04-04-22-19-38.mp4>
[4.4.21, 22:19:59] ELONA: Sa bkr paske dal
[4.4.21, 22:20:20] Fabjola: Tu Munu o shef
[4.4.21, 22:20:30] Fabjola: Me Ra ne sy
[4.4.21, 22:20:32] Fabjola: 😂😂
[4.4.21, 22:20:49] ELONA: Super bkr o shef ma mira ti
[4.4.21, 22:21:12] Fabjola: Jo ma mir asht kjo bjondja Eleni
[4.4.21, 22:21:25] Fabjola: Po hajt un e dyta 😂😂
[4.4.21, 22:21:47] ELONA: Jo rbt ma mira aty
[4.4.21, 22:21:58] ELONA: Pa ta ba qefin se ti din se te shaj un me qan puna
[4.4.21, 22:22:01] Fabjola: <attached: 00000337-PHOTO-2021-04-04-22-22-01.jpg>
[4.4.21, 22:22:16] Fabjola: Kshu isha ba
[4.4.21, 22:22:21] ELONA: Ah bre shef
[4.4.21, 22:22:35] Fabjola: Lott e di mr shef je Shum kritikuse ti😂😂😂
[4.4.21, 22:22:54] ELONA: <attached: 00000341-AUDIO-2021-04-04-22-22-53.opus>
[4.4.21, 22:23:10] Fabjola: Po i kisha ly kto buz Shum si kuq si nare Po hajt😂😂😂
[4.4.21, 22:23:30] Fabjola: Hahhahahaah 😂❤️
[4.4.21, 22:23:58] ELONA: Hahahahahahahha
[4.4.21, 22:24:20] Fabjola: <attached: 00000345-PHOTO-2021-04-04-22-24-20.jpg>
[4.4.21, 22:24:27] Fabjola: <attached: 00000346-PHOTO-2021-04-04-22-24-27.jpg>
[4.4.21, 22:24:53] Fabjola: Shih sa.e mir asht kjo Eleni
[4.4.21, 22:25:07] Fabjola: Dmth kjo lyhet super shum
[4.4.21, 22:25:42] ELONA: Ma mer se un kurr
[4.4.21, 22:25:44] ELONA: 😂😂😂😂
[4.4.21, 22:25:53] Fabjola: Asiherr Mr sheff
[4.4.21, 22:25:59] Fabjola: Ca asht ajo fjal
[4.4.21, 22:26:02] Fabjola: 😂
[4.4.21, 22:26:11] ELONA: 😂😂😂😂
[4.4.21, 22:26:36] Fabjola: <attached: 00000355-AUDIO-2021-04-04-22-26-36.opus>
[4.4.21, 22:26:55] ELONA: Her baj her sbaj
[4.4.21, 22:28:04] Fabjola: <attached: 00000357-AUDIO-2021-04-04-22-28-04.opus>
[4.4.21, 22:28:37] ELONA: Sdi un o shef
[4.4.21, 22:29:16] Fabjola: 😂😂😂
[6.4.21, 13:18:22] Fabjola: Shef
[6.4.21, 13:18:55] Fabjola: Ka ora 7 ee
[6.4.21, 13:23:33] ELONA: Po shef
[6.4.21, 13:24:39] Fabjola: Mir se te shkruj prp
[6.4.21, 13:26:27] ELONA: Mir shef se skam of
[6.4.21, 13:26:40] Fabjola: As un shef
[6.4.21, 13:26:45] Fabjola: Vec net
[6.4.21, 13:26:47] Fabjola: 😂😂
[6.4.21, 13:26:48] ELONA: Apaa shef
[6.4.21, 13:26:51] ELONA: 😂😂😂
[6.4.21, 13:27:04] Fabjola: Si do mwrremi vesh
[6.4.21, 13:28:03] ELONA: Se di shef
[6.4.21, 13:28:17] ELONA: Po ishalla ma jep rrogen sot ky se do e baj of
[6.4.21, 13:28:31] Fabjola: Apaa
[6.4.21, 13:28:38] Fabjola: Me rroga me gjona
[6.4.21, 13:28:38] Fabjola: 😂😂
[6.4.21, 13:28:51] ELONA: 7 qin lek kam ne gjep
[6.4.21, 13:28:55] ELONA: 😂😂😂
[6.4.21, 13:29:26] Fabjola: Te qeras un
[6.4.21, 13:29:29] Fabjola: Sot
[6.4.21, 13:29:33] ELONA: Jo mor shef
[6.4.21, 13:29:38] ELONA: Se gjej lek un
[6.4.21, 13:29:40] Fabjola: Po moj
[6.4.21, 13:29:45] Fabjola: Ehee
[6.4.21, 13:30:20] ELONA: A ja u len tel te puna shef
[6.4.21, 13:31:00] Fabjola: Jena ne pushim
[6.4.21, 13:31:02] Fabjola: <attached: 00000386-PHOTO-2021-04-06-13-31-02.jpg>
[6.4.21, 13:48:08] ELONA: Breavo shef
[6.4.21, 13:50:28] Fabjola: Hahahhahaahhaha
[6.4.21, 13:50:30] Fabjola: Hajt ma
[6.4.21, 13:55:22] ELONA: Je nish shef ti
[6.4.21, 13:55:48] Fabjola: Ku je te pa nishin m shef
[6.4.21, 13:55:58] ELONA: <attached: 00000392-PHOTO-2021-04-06-13-55-58.jpg>
[6.4.21, 13:56:07] ELONA: Shef jot ti punu
[6.4.21, 13:57:07] Fabjola: Ene un mr shef po kena pushim iher😂
[6.4.21, 13:58:04] ELONA: Sa her bani pushim shef ju
[6.4.21, 15:47:03] Fabjola: Itesh kena prp puushim
[6.4.21, 16:35:21] ELONA: Sa pushim paskeni prz
[6.4.21, 17:33:01] Fabjola: Prp itesh
[6.4.21, 17:33:13] ELONA: Edhe ne
[6.4.21, 17:33:17] ELONA: Ja kena fut tu kercy
[6.4.21, 17:33:19] ELONA: 😂
[6.4.21, 17:33:49] Fabjola: Jeni goca ju
[6.4.21, 17:34:29] Fabjola: Ne ktuu vec cuna
[6.4.21, 17:47:15] ELONA: Lum ju
[6.4.21, 18:57:13] ELONA: Shef
[6.4.21, 18:57:23] ELONA: Location:,19.823364
[6.4.21, 19:04:15] ELONA: Cpb shef
[6.4.21, 19:04:36] Fabjola: <attached: 00000408-AUDIO-2021-04-06-19-04-36.opus>
[6.4.21, 19:04:48] Fabjola: <attached: 00000409-AUDIO-2021-04-06-19-04-48.opus>
[6.4.21, 19:04:55] ELONA: <attached: 00000410-AUDIO-2021-04-06-19-04-55.opus>
[6.4.21, 19:05:04] Fabjola: <attached: 00000411-AUDIO-2021-04-06-19-05-04.opus>
[6.4.21, 19:05:20] ELONA: <attached: 00000412-AUDIO-2021-04-06-19-05-20.opus>
[6.4.21, 19:05:46] Fabjola: <attached: 00000413-AUDIO-2021-04-06-19-05-46.opus>
[6.4.21, 19:05:53] Fabjola: <attached: 00000414-AUDIO-2021-04-06-19-05-53.opus>
[6.4.21, 19:06:13] ELONA: <attached: 00000415-AUDIO-2021-04-06-19-06-13.opus>
[6.4.21, 19:13:40] Fabjola: <attached: 00000416-AUDIO-2021-04-06-19-13-40.opus>
[6.4.21, 19:14:41] ELONA: Mir shef
[6.4.21, 19:20:15] Fabjola: <attached: 00000418-AUDIO-2021-04-06-19-20-15.opus>
[6.4.21, 19:20:46] ELONA: D angeo quhet
[6.4.21, 19:26:41] Fabjola: <attached: 00000420-AUDIO-2021-04-06-19-26-41.opus>
‍♀️ ️ 20:52:28] ELONA: Itash kam ardh shpi shef‍♀️
[6.4.21, 20:52:52] Fabjola: Lottt
[6.4.21, 20:53:48] Fabjola: Hajt o shef se do gjesh X5 ti
[6.4.21, 20:54:14] ELONA: 😂😂😂😂
[6.4.21, 20:54:29] Fabjola: <attached: 00000425-AUDIO-2021-04-06-20-54-29.opus>
[6.4.21, 20:56:57] ELONA: <attached: 00000426-AUDIO-2021-04-06-20-56-57.opus>
[6.4.21, 20:58:35] Fabjola: 😂😂😂
[6.4.21, 21:00:23] ELONA: 😂😂😂
[8.4.21, 18:02:57] ELONA:
[10.4.21, 08:54:39] Fabjola: Shef
[10.4.21, 08:54:43] Fabjola: Mgjesi
[10.4.21, 08:54:55] ELONA: Mgjes shef
[10.4.21, 08:55:12] Fabjola: Kur jena tu dal
[10.4.21, 08:55:50] ELONA: Itash jam tu ba gati me dal shef
[10.4.21, 08:56:10] Fabjola: Mir shef edhe un
[10.4.21, 09:11:24] ELONA: Te baj tel shwf
[10.4.21, 09:11:40] Fabjola: Ok
[10.4.21, 09:48:49] Fabjola: Shef un jam tu dal
[10.4.21, 09:50:19] ELONA: Se mos nxjerr duhan shef
[10.4.21, 09:50:42] Fabjola: Jo m shef
[10.4.21, 09:50:46] Fabjola: Pse
[10.4.21, 09:56:53] ELONA: Po vana ktu shef
[10.4.21, 09:58:29] Fabjola: <attached: 00000443-AUDIO-2021-04-10-09-58-29.opus>
[10.4.21, 09:59:14] ELONA: Se sdu qe ta dije kjo sher aman se na qan bythen
[10.4.21, 10:00:02] Fabjola: Mir shef
[10.4.21, 10:01:15] ELONA: <attached: 00000446-AUDIO-2021-04-10-10-01-15.opus>
[10.4.21, 10:01:40] Fabjola: <attached: 00000447-AUDIO-2021-04-10-10-01-40.opus>
[10.4.21, 10:01:50] Fabjola: <attached: 00000448-PHOTO-2021-04-10-10-01-50.jpg>
[10.4.21, 10:02:15] Fabjola: <attached: 00000449-AUDIO-2021-04-10-10-02-15.opus>
[10.4.21, 10:02:17] ELONA: Do vish drejt
[10.4.21, 10:04:30] Fabjola: <attached: 00000451-AUDIO-2021-04-10-10-04-30.opus>
[13.4.21, 09:02:16] Fabjola: Shef
[13.4.21, 09:02:19] Fabjola: Mgjesi
[13.4.21, 09:02:32] ELONA: Mgjes shef
[13.4.21, 09:02:47] Fabjola: A dalim sot nga Ora 7 per kafe
[13.4.21, 09:03:03] Fabjola: Tash qe asht zgjat edhe orari
[13.4.21, 09:03:16] ELONA: Dalim mor shef po a dit e keqe sot
[13.4.21, 09:03:47] Fabjola: Nese asht shi nuk dali
[13.4.21, 09:19:54] ELONA: Koh e keqe shef
[13.4.21, 09:20:04] ELONA: Maroj dhe un ne 7 tash
[13.4.21, 09:23:24] Fabjola: Mir shef se flasim naj her tjt
[13.4.21, 09:23:51] ELONA: Isha del koha mir ito dit
[13.4.21, 22:12:56] ELONA:
[13.4.21, 22:13:52] Fabjola: <attached: 00000464-STICKER-2021-04-13-22-13-52.webp>
[13.4.21, 22:13:58] Fabjola: 😂😂😂😂
[13.4.21, 22:14:21] ELONA: Me lot prz
[13.4.21, 22:14:47] Fabjola: 😂😂😂
[14.4.21, 23:12:46] Fabjola: <attached: 00000468-PHOTO-2021-04-14-23-12-46.jpg>
[15.4.21, 07:56:13] ELONA: Jan feju
[15.4.21, 08:01:04] Fabjola: O qyqjaa
[15.4.21, 08:01:23] Fabjola: A e la menja mj
[15.4.21, 08:04:36] ELONA: Ku di un o shwf
[15.4.21, 08:36:31] Fabjola: Aii medet
[15.4.21, 08:36:38] Fabjola: Me kyt shemtirem
[15.4.21, 08:53:55] ELONA: Eh shef kam punt e veta mileti
[15.4.21, 08:54:49] Fabjola: Ke fillu me mu ba si shum e civilizume qysh se ke ardh
ktu ne Tr
[15.4.21, 08:54:55] Fabjola: 😂
[15.4.21, 09:00:06] ELONA: Hahahahhahahahahhahaha
[15.4.21, 09:00:39] Fabjola: Ke harru se kur ishim ne lezh
[15.4.21, 09:01:18] Fabjola: Merrnim neper goj tan veni
[15.4.21, 09:09:08] ELONA: Hahahahahhahaha
[15.4.21, 09:09:16] ELONA: Dhe ktu sdo i lejm gja mangut
[15.4.21, 09:17:50] Fabjola: Nrm
[15.4.21, 09:17:54] Fabjola: Ca asht ai mhb
[15.4.21, 09:17:56] Fabjola: 😂😂
[15.4.21, 09:18:02] ELONA: 😂😂😂😂
[15.4.21, 09:18:10] ELONA: Qa ke ne plan iket te shtune
[15.4.21, 09:18:39] Fabjola: Me sjum munsi do rrij ktu
[15.4.21, 09:18:47] ELONA: Mir se di dalim
[15.4.21, 18:03:59] Fabjola: O shef
[15.4.21, 18:04:07] Fabjola: Ca je tu bs
[15.4.21, 18:04:10] ELONA: He shef
[15.4.21, 18:04:09] Fabjola: A
[15.4.21, 18:04:32] ELONA: <attached: 00000494-AUDIO-2021-04-15-18-04-32.opus>
[15.4.21, 18:04:35] Fabjola: Thash te kishim dal
[15.4.21, 18:05:16] Fabjola: Po pse iket me vones mj
[15.4.21, 18:05:20] Fabjola: Budallaqe
[15.4.21, 18:05:40] ELONA: Na dote trapi mo shef sna u rrite
[15.4.21, 18:05:58] Fabjola: Ka bredht
[15.4.21, 18:06:00] Fabjola: 😂😂
[15.4.21, 18:06:05] ELONA: Hahahahahh
[15.4.21, 18:06:07] ELONA: Erdha shpi
[15.4.21, 18:06:44] ELONA: Po bohem gati shef
[15.4.21, 18:06:48] ELONA: E dalim
[15.4.21, 18:06:50] Fabjola: Po un jam ne pun po nuk asht tu na ba neti
[15.4.21, 18:06:55] Fabjola: Ok sheg
[15.4.21, 18:06:58] Fabjola: F
[15.4.21, 18:07:02] ELONA: Qa ore maro
[15.4.21, 18:07:18] Fabjola: Un ne 7 maroj mk
[15.4.21, 18:07:30] ELONA: Sa von
[15.4.21, 18:07:34] Fabjola: Po noshta na ncjwrrin ma heret
[15.4.21, 18:07:45] ELONA: Mir se po bahem gati e vi anej
[15.4.21, 18:07:47] Fabjola: Se ska net
[15.4.21, 18:08:04] ELONA: Mir te baj tel
[15.4.21, 18:09:50] Fabjola: Sheff
[15.4.21, 18:09:53] Fabjola: Dola
[15.4.21, 18:10:55] ELONA: Hau shef
[15.4.21, 18:11:04] Fabjola: Hajdee
[15.4.21, 18:23:53] Fabjola: He shef ku je
[15.4.21, 18:26:18] ELONA: Tu ardh jam shef
[15.4.21, 18:26:40] Fabjola: <attached: 00000521-AUDIO-2021-04-15-18-26-40.opus>
[15.4.21, 19:50:17] ELONA: <attached: 00000522-VIDEO-2021-04-15-19-50-17.mp4>
[15.4.21, 19:50:17] ELONA: <attached: 00000523-VIDEO-2021-04-15-19-50-17.mp4>
[15.4.21, 19:50:18] ELONA: <attached: 00000524-VIDEO-2021-04-15-19-50-18.mp4>
[15.4.21, 19:50:18] ELONA: <attached: 00000525-VIDEO-2021-04-15-19-50-18.mp4>
[15.4.21, 19:50:19] ELONA: <attached: 00000526-VIDEO-2021-04-15-19-50-19.mp4>
[15.4.21, 19:50:19] ELONA: <attached: 00000527-VIDEO-2021-04-15-19-50-19.mp4>
[17.4.21, 19:40:40] Fabjola: Missed voice call
[17.4.21, 19:17:00] Fabjola: Ku bahesh mi kurve
[17.4.21, 19:17:02] Fabjola: 😂
[17.4.21, 19:17:13] Fabjola: Se e ke ngrit Tiranen ne kam
[17.4.21, 19:16:51] Fabjola: Missed voice call
[17.4.21, 19:41:25] ELONA: Hahahahahahahhahahaha
[17.4.21, 19:43:47] Fabjola: Missed voice call
[17.4.21, 19:43:59] Fabjola: Na bane merak
[17.4.21, 19:44:03] Fabjola: Budallack
[17.4.21, 19:44:05] Fabjola: 😂
[17.4.21, 19:44:09] ELONA: Bahahahahhaah
[17.4.21, 19:44:13] ELONA: Deksha
[17.4.21, 19:45:09] Fabjola: Jo jo
[17.4.21, 19:45:15] Fabjola: Se na duhesh
[17.4.21, 19:45:21] ELONA: 😂
[17.4.21, 19:45:28] Fabjola: Pastaj ma len vanen vtm
[17.4.21, 19:45:38] ELONA: Hahahhaah i plas vanes bytha
[17.4.21, 19:45:47] Fabjola: Un ngel vtm pastaj
[17.4.21, 19:45:52] Fabjola: Pa shoqe
[17.4.21, 19:46:02] ELONA: Hau tan kjo dashni
[17.4.21, 19:46:26] Fabjola: Hou ca ky mhb o shef
[17.4.21, 19:46:35] Fabjola: Nrm qe kam dashni per ty
[17.4.21, 19:46:59] Fabjola: Un dy shoqe kam taman ty e irenen per tjerat smplas
[17.4.21, 19:57:44] ELONA: A ke fol me iren
[17.4.21, 19:58:02] Fabjola: Foli najher
[17.4.21, 19:58:10] Fabjola: Po jo si me ty
[17.4.21, 19:59:19] ELONA: A ska ardh naj dit
[17.4.21, 19:59:21] ELONA: Ktej
[17.4.21, 19:59:24] ELONA: Thuj te vihe
[17.4.21, 19:59:29] ELONA: Te rrim ka tr
[17.4.21, 19:59:30] Fabjola: Jo
[17.4.21, 20:01:05] ELONA: Meti ne lezh
[17.4.21, 21:21:12] Fabjola: E kurva jeme ti
[17.4.21, 21:21:49] ELONA: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
[17.4.21, 21:22:17] Fabjola: Ka ishe sot iher
[17.4.21, 21:42:58] Fabjola: <attached: 00000563-VIDEO-2021-04-17-21-42-58.mp4>
[17.4.21, 21:43:01] Fabjola: 😂
[17.4.21, 21:46:34] ELONA: Qa kjo shef
[17.4.21, 21:47:12] Fabjola: Dola sot me kushrinjt
[17.4.21, 21:47:18] Fabjola: E vun ikyt kang
[17.4.21, 21:47:25] Fabjola: Po me deku kjo kanga
[17.4.21, 21:47:34] ELONA: Ti ne ven te par e
[17.4.21, 22:08:19] Fabjola: Po nrm
[17.4.21, 22:08:20] Fabjola: 😂
[17.4.21, 22:26:41] ELONA: Apapapapoa
[17.4.21, 22:27:07] Fabjola: 😂😂
[17.4.21, 22:27:52] ELONA: Te vu bithen ne maqina te mera
[17.4.21, 23:07:04] Fabjola: 😂😂😂
[17.4.21, 23:09:54] ELONA: <attached: 00000576-PHOTO-2021-04-17-23-09-53.jpg>
[17.4.21, 23:10:05] ELONA: Na kurva si me shkru
[17.4.21, 23:10:21] Fabjola: Hala e ke nr e asaj aman
[17.4.21, 23:10:27] Fabjola: Futi mj bllok
[17.4.21, 23:10:29] Fabjola: Kurves
[17.4.21, 23:10:44] ELONA: Qa kurve asht mor prz
[17.4.21, 23:10:51] ELONA: Si ka ftyr me shkruj hala
[17.4.21, 23:11:38] Fabjola: Qija dreq nanen
[17.4.21, 23:12:08] ELONA: Bushter mor prz
[17.4.21, 23:12:25] Fabjola: Mos ja kthe o shef
[17.4.21, 23:12:29] Fabjola: Leja seen
[17.4.21, 23:12:36] Fabjola: Se nuk te shkru ma
[17.4.21, 23:13:40] ELONA: Me stresoj bushtra
[17.4.21, 23:14:18] Fabjola: Mos e rruj o shef hicc
[17.4.21, 23:14:38] Fabjola: Si kan than qente le te ecin karvani ecen para
[17.4.21, 23:16:45] ELONA: Jo shef sme plas ma bytha per to
[17.4.21, 23:18:08] Fabjola: Shum mir shef
[17.4.21, 23:18:12] Fabjola: Kshu vazhdi
[17.4.21, 23:18:13] Fabjola: O
[18.4.21, 23:19:29] Fabjola: <attached: 00000595-PHOTO-2021-04-18-23-19-29.jpg>
[20.4.21, 17:51:04] Fabjola: Sheg
[20.4.21, 17:51:05] Fabjola: F
[20.4.21, 17:51:08] Fabjola: 😂
[20.4.21, 18:08:39] ELONA: He shef
[20.4.21, 19:03:00] Fabjola: Ku je
[20.4.21, 19:04:00] Fabjola: Missed voice call
[20.4.21, 19:04:35] Fabjola: Missed voice call
[21.4.21, 17:54:20] Fabjola: Shef
[21.4.21, 18:54:00] ELONA: O shef
[21.4.21, 19:07:22] ELONA: Location:,19.811834
[21.4.21, 19:07:45] Fabjola: Mir shef
[21.4.21, 19:09:04] ELONA: Me ndiq
[21.4.21, 19:09:08] ELONA: 😂
[21.4.21, 19:10:51] ELONA: Location:,19.810650
[21.4.21, 19:10:57] ELONA: Itash jam ul
[22.4.21, 17:50:38] Fabjola: A ma ke pa irenen
[22.4.21, 17:50:40] Fabjola: <attached: 00000612-PHOTO-2021-04-22-17-50-40.jpg>
[22.4.21, 18:23:50] ELONA: Au
[22.4.21, 18:23:59] ELONA: Qa i ka njoto unaza ne dor
[22.4.21, 18:24:16] ELONA: Te gishti fejeses
[22.4.21, 18:24:41] Fabjola: Jan unaza kot mj
[22.4.21, 18:24:50] ELONA: Po qne qe a ba kshu
[22.4.21, 18:25:03] ELONA: Me qa rasti
[22.4.21, 18:36:15] Fabjola: Se di
[22.4.21, 22:19:05] Fabjola:
[22.4.21, 22:19:25] Fabjola: Shef ngjoje ikyt kang super tallava rpt
[23.4.21, 21:54:05] Fabjola: O shef a ke call center per gjermanisht aty te ti
[23.4.21, 22:05:49] ELONA: Jo shef
[23.4.21, 22:06:07] Fabjola: Po ca gjuhe ka
[23.4.21, 22:06:14] ELONA: Italisht spanisht
[23.4.21, 22:07:13] Fabjola: Po spanisht shef a kerkon puntore
[23.4.21, 22:33:53] ELONA: Jo itash sjan tu kerku puntor beq marrin na ni me super
[23.4.21, 22:34:25] Fabjola: A vl shef
[23.4.21, 23:02:34] ELONA: Pse shef per ka deshe
[23.4.21, 23:02:53] Fabjola: Per vete mr shef
[25.4.21, 17:28:47] Fabjola: O shef
[25.4.21, 17:28:54] Fabjola: Ca je tu ba
[25.4.21, 17:33:11] ELONA: He shef
[25.4.21, 17:35:37] Fabjola: <attached: 00000634-PHOTO-2021-04-25-17-35-37.jpg>
[25.4.21, 17:35:45] Fabjola: He a thuhen kshru
[25.4.21, 17:36:27] ELONA: Hahahahahahhahahahah
[25.4.21, 17:36:28] ELONA: Po
[25.4.21, 17:36:38] Fabjola: E kam srz
[25.4.21, 17:36:39] ELONA: Mir i ke shkruj
[25.4.21, 17:36:45] Fabjola: Tjt
[25.4.21, 17:36:51] Fabjola: Ca kam me than
[25.4.21, 17:36:54] Fabjola: Me thuj
[25.4.21, 17:37:15] Fabjola: <attached: 00000643-AUDIO-2021-04-25-17-37-15.opus>
[25.4.21, 17:38:54] ELONA: Kam imucjone
[25.4.21, 17:40:05] Fabjola: He shef e kam sak
[25.4.21, 17:40:21] Fabjola: 2 fjal duhet me i dit qr
[25.4.21, 17:40:28] ELONA: Hahahahahahahah
[25.4.21, 17:40:31] Fabjola: Pastaj kam emocione
[25.4.21, 17:40:34] ELONA: Un skam dit as hola me than
[25.4.21, 17:40:58] Fabjola: Ske dit pp rrogen e ke marr qashti
[25.4.21, 17:41:07] Fabjola: Se je buq ti
[25.4.21, 17:41:09] Fabjola: 😂
[25.4.21, 17:41:35] ELONA: 🤣🤣
[25.4.21, 18:09:48] Fabjola: <attached: 00000654-PHOTO-2021-04-25-18-09-48.jpg>
[25.4.21, 18:09:52] Fabjola: Shef
[25.4.21, 19:10:58] ELONA: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
[25.4.21, 19:11:01] ELONA: Hahahahahahahahahaha
[25.4.21, 19:37:23] Fabjola: Mo rri tum qesh oj buq
[25.4.21, 19:37:36] Fabjola: Me dolen syt pz tu i msu
[25.4.21, 20:36:48] Fabjola: O do e kap un kte o mos me thencin Ola n emer😂😂
[25.4.21, 20:36:50] Fabjola: <attached: 00000661-PHOTO-2021-04-25-20-36-50.jpg>
[25.4.21, 20:37:04] ELONA: 😂😂😂😂
[25.4.21, 20:38:09] Fabjola: E mir mir
[25.4.21, 20:38:49] ELONA: <attached: 00000664-PHOTO-2021-04-25-20-38-49.jpg>
[25.4.21, 20:38:54] ELONA: Hap iket
[25.4.21, 20:39:10] Fabjola: A e ka me perkthim
[25.4.21, 20:39:12] ELONA: Super film
[25.4.21, 20:39:17] ELONA: Po
[25.4.21, 20:39:23] Fabjola: Tapo e shoh
[25.4.21, 20:39:42] ELONA: Shife asht super
[30.4.21, 14:51:31] Fabjola: <attached: 00000671-PHOTO-2021-04-30-14-51-31.jpg>
[30.4.21, 14:58:18] ELONA: Qa te ka than
[30.4.21, 16:06:26] Fabjola: Pse me ke heq followin
[30.4.21, 16:06:27] Fabjola: 😂
[30.4.21, 17:03:29] ELONA: 😂😂😂
[30.4.21, 17:08:12] Fabjola: O shef
[30.4.21, 17:08:20] Fabjola: Ne ca ore del fiks
[30.4.21, 17:08:27] Fabjola: Vec ne 7
[30.4.21, 17:08:44] Fabjola: Se un jam tu dal ne 6:30
[30.4.21, 17:09:44] ELONA: Po
[30.4.21, 17:10:37] Fabjola: E mir se un dal pak ma herrt po me ban nja 15 min me
ik nr qender
[30.4.21, 17:13:40] ELONA: Mu sme lejn kto
[30.4.21, 18:28:48] Fabjola: O shef kur te vish me na taku thuj se dola me ni shoqe
ne 6:30
[30.4.21, 18:29:10] Fabjola: Se kshtu i thash sidoreles
[30.4.21, 19:02:52] ELONA: 😂😂😂😂
[1.5.21, 20:33:00] Fabjola: <attached: 00000686-PHOTO-2021-05-01-20-33-00.jpg>
[1.5.21, 20:33:14] Fabjola: Shef a i ke edhe ti kto
[1.5.21, 20:33:34] Fabjola: <attached: 00000688-PHOTO-2021-05-01-20-33-34.jpg>
[1.5.21, 20:53:57] ELONA: <attached: 00000689-PHOTO-2021-05-01-20-53-57.jpg>
[1.5.21, 20:54:05] ELONA: A ke iket platform
[1.5.21, 20:54:53] Fabjola: Se di o shef sma kan tregu akoma kyt
[1.5.21, 20:55:21] Fabjola: Kam
[1.5.21, 20:55:54] ELONA: Ajo a tj gja
[1.5.21, 20:56:30] Fabjola: Po kto a i ke si un le platformen
[1.5.21, 21:02:19] ELONA: Investing a tj gja o shef
[1.5.21, 21:03:06] Fabjola: Asht ai info qe do ju japim klienteve
[1.5.21, 21:09:27] ELONA: Shef ajo asht faqja e lajmeve
[1.5.21, 21:09:38] ELONA: Gjen edhe gjana per bitcoin per forex
[1.5.21, 21:09:48] Fabjola: Po kte e di
[1.5.21, 21:10:19] Fabjola: Po a i ke edhe ti si un kto mj a ju shpjegon edhe ti te
[1.5.21, 21:10:44] ELONA: Jo
[1.5.21, 21:12:23] Fabjola: Aha ok
[1.5.21, 21:14:59] Fabjola: Puta madre😂
[1.5.21, 21:30:38] ELONA: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
[1.5.21, 21:31:11] Fabjola: <attached: 00000705-VIDEO-2021-05-01-21-31-11.mp4>
[1.5.21, 21:36:00] ELONA: A je ne lezh
[1.5.21, 21:36:10] Fabjola: Po
[3.5.21, 09:28:47] ELONA:
[3.5.21, 09:30:02] Fabjola: Perjashtaaa 😂😂
[3.5.21, 09:30:08] ELONA: 😂😂😂😂😂
[3.5.21, 09:30:13] Fabjola: Dalim vet mi zysh cke ti
[3.5.21, 09:30:26] ELONA: Hahahahahaha
[3.5.21, 09:30:32] ELONA: Ne ne gjimnaz
[3.5.21, 09:30:57] Fabjola: Po praa😂
[3.5.21, 09:31:17] Fabjola: Sa me ka marr malli per gjnazin
[3.5.21, 09:31:39] ELONA: Ne mu o shef
[4.5.21, 13:10:10] Fabjola: O shef
[4.5.21, 13:10:27] Fabjola: Ca ore maron Vana pun
[4.5.21, 13:19:29] ELONA: Ne 6:30
[4.5.21, 13:21:29] Fabjola: A dalim ka ora 7 per kafe
[4.5.21, 13:21:50] Fabjola: Pyte pak Vanen se mos ka naj pun
[4.5.21, 13:50:06] ELONA: Po merre vanen ne 6:30e fol
[4.5.21, 13:51:31] Fabjola: Po mir
[5.5.21, 17:03:42] Fabjola: O shef
[5.5.21, 17:03:47] Fabjola: Ca je tu ba
[5.5.21, 17:04:21] ELONA: Hic o shef ke puna
[5.5.21, 17:04:37] Fabjola: Ca je tu ba mas punes
[5.5.21, 17:04:48] ELONA: Ke shpia shef
[5.5.21, 17:05:04] Fabjola: Plase ne shpi
[5.5.21, 17:05:06] Fabjola: 😂
[5.5.21, 17:05:14] Fabjola: A dalim ne kafe
[5.5.21, 17:05:24] ELONA: Skam ma lek shef per sot
[5.5.21, 17:05:38] Fabjola: A i harxhove aa
[5.5.21, 17:05:49] Fabjola: Strri lek ne xhep ty
[5.5.21, 17:06:12] ELONA: Thash se po na i jep lekt ky po sna i dha hala
[5.5.21, 17:06:17] ELONA: Se isha ne shpres te ktyne
[5.5.21, 17:06:39] Fabjola: Aii o shef ja filloi me bertit Asllani
[5.5.21, 17:06:48] Fabjola: I nxori dy vet sot
[5.5.21, 17:06:52] Fabjola: Nga puna
[5.5.21, 17:14:34] ELONA: 😂
[5.5.21, 17:14:37] ELONA: Ske pa gja hala
[5.5.21, 19:11:28] Fabjola: 😂😂😂
[5.5.21, 19:11:41] Fabjola: Pse ca ban tjr ai
[5.5.21, 19:12:07] ELONA: Aj asht injorant moj
[5.5.21, 19:12:10] Fabjola: Kurva e kleones
[5.5.21, 19:12:25] Fabjola: Sot u futa ne telefona
[5.5.21, 19:12:44] Fabjola: Nuk na qujti diten e punes sot
[5.5.21, 19:12:56] Fabjola: Ato qe nuk kan ba kalim
[5.5.21, 19:13:09] ELONA: Aiiiii
[5.5.21, 19:13:09] Fabjola: Se kishin dal dobt grupu
[5.5.21, 19:13:15] Fabjola: E hangra edhe un
[5.5.21, 19:13:26] Fabjola: Ku di un mj un itash kam hy
[5.5.21, 19:13:36] ELONA: Sma merr menja se ta heq ty
[5.5.21, 19:13:50] Fabjola: Rpt me la menja
[5.5.21, 19:13:55] Fabjola: Un dita e par
[5.5.21, 19:13:59] Fabjola: Kjo filloi
[5.5.21, 19:15:35] ELONA: Hajt mor shef ska gja
[5.5.21, 19:16:09] Fabjola: Nxija jetwn noshta un kshu shkoj dy dit e ,3
[5.5.21, 19:16:22] Fabjola: Pse a 3 dit do shkoj kot un
[5.5.21, 19:16:36] Fabjola: Jan edhe nr skandal mj
[8.5.21, 18:10:12] Fabjola: O shef me ka dal ni prblm sonte smunem me dal u nisa
per shpi dalim nsr💕
[8.5.21, 18:22:24] ELONA: Mir shef
[9.5.21, 11:12:45] ELONA: Shef
[9.5.21, 11:12:51] ELONA: Si ke njeh
[9.5.21, 11:17:52] ELONA: Mor shef si vanen se nuk pin dot duhan
[9.5.21, 11:17:53] Fabjola: He
[9.5.21, 11:17:55] ELONA: Hahahahhah
[9.5.21, 11:18:15] ELONA: Mezi jam tu prit me nez un se plasa
[9.5.21, 11:18:22] Fabjola: Mir shef
[9.5.21, 11:18:27] Fabjola: E lajm at
[9.5.21, 11:18:29] Fabjola: 😂
[9.5.21, 11:18:40] Fabjola: Si te thush ti
[9.5.21, 11:18:44] ELONA: Se me tha vana me ka than shefi se do me merrni dhe mu ne
[9.5.21, 11:18:51] ELONA: Kshu po pra shef
[9.5.21, 11:18:52] ELONA: 😂
[9.5.21, 11:19:06] ELONA: Ti fusim ni malbor
[9.5.21, 11:19:10] ELONA: Tash si kam lek
[9.5.21, 11:19:11] ELONA: 😂
[9.5.21, 11:19:18] Fabjola: Dalim naj dit tjt me te
[9.5.21, 11:19:20] ELONA: Se pastaj me cigare te hapme
[9.5.21, 11:19:25] Fabjola: Apaaa
[9.5.21, 11:19:27] ELONA: Po nrm
[9.5.21, 11:19:28] Fabjola: Lot
[9.5.21, 11:19:35] ELONA: Hahahahahahhahah
[9.5.21, 11:19:42] Fabjola: Mir shef se flasim
[9.5.21, 11:19:48] Fabjola: Mqsdite prp❤️
[9.5.21, 11:19:51] ELONA: Ka cila or do dalim
[9.5.21, 11:20:19] Fabjola: Te shoh o shef e te ahkruj ka dreka
[9.5.21, 11:20:45] ELONA: Kur te shkoj ne shpi me merr gjumi mu pastaj
[9.5.21, 11:21:30] Fabjola: Te marr ne tel shef mrapa sa te pys edhe sidorelen
[9.5.21, 11:21:52] Fabjola: Ti tham e ktyne kushrinjve se do dal se jam ne kamez
[9.5.21, 11:22:05] ELONA: Qa thuuu
[9.5.21, 11:22:14] Fabjola: Po me ban ca rrug
[9.5.21, 11:25:39] ELONA: Jo se ne drek ska trafik
[9.5.21, 16:29:54] ELONA: Qa ore do dalim
[9.5.21, 16:30:02] ELONA: Qe ta di pak a shum
[9.5.21, 16:48:55] Fabjola: Nga ora 7 a munesh shef
[9.5.21, 16:49:04] Fabjola: Se ma heret skena ca bajn
[9.5.21, 16:51:01] ELONA: A von ne 7
[9.5.21, 17:02:38] Fabjola: Ne 6 pra
[9.5.21, 17:09:14] ELONA: Mir hajde ne 6 ktej
[9.5.21, 17:40:41] Fabjola: He shef ku je
[9.5.21, 17:40:47] Fabjola: Un jam ne bus
[9.5.21, 17:40:58] ELONA: Ktu ku te thash o shef
[9.5.21, 17:41:02] ELONA: Te hip hopi
[9.5.21, 17:41:10] Fabjola: A je ul
[9.5.21, 17:41:13] ELONA: Po
[9.5.21, 17:42:24] ELONA: Qa veni je ti fiks
[9.5.21, 17:43:11] Fabjola: Tu kalu Lapraken
[9.5.21, 17:43:48] ELONA: Qenke afer erdhe
[9.5.21, 19:25:04] ELONA: <attached: 00000811-VIDEO-2021-05-09-19-25-04.mp4>
[9.5.21, 19:25:04] ELONA: <attached: 00000812-VIDEO-2021-05-09-19-25-04.mp4>
[9.5.21, 20:19:11] ELONA: <attached: 00000813-VIDEO-2021-05-09-20-19-11.mp4>
[9.5.21, 20:19:12] ELONA: <attached: 00000814-VIDEO-2021-05-09-20-19-12.mp4>
[9.5.21, 20:19:12] ELONA: <attached: 00000815-VIDEO-2021-05-09-20-19-12.mp4>
[9.5.21, 20:22:28] ELONA: <attached: 00000816-STICKER-2021-05-09-20-22-28.webp>
[9.5.21, 22:48:21] Fabjola: <attached: 00000817-PHOTO-2021-05-09-22-48-21.jpg>
[9.5.21, 22:48:27] Fabjola: Shihe ca thot per ty
[9.5.21, 22:48:35] ELONA: Hahahahahahahahah
[9.5.21, 22:48:44] Fabjola: A e njeh
[9.5.21, 22:48:47] Fabjola: 😂
[9.5.21, 22:48:49] ELONA: Po
[9.5.21, 22:48:55] Fabjola: Shemtira
[9.5.21, 22:48:57] Fabjola: 😂
[9.5.21, 22:49:04] Fabjola: Gjynofi
[11.5.21, 09:37:32] ELONA: Shef qa je tu ba mas pune sot
[11.5.21, 09:37:58] Fabjola: Ass😂
[11.5.21, 09:38:12] Fabjola: Ca je tu ba ti
[11.5.21, 09:38:20] ELONA: Sme iket te shpia😂
[11.5.21, 09:38:35] Fabjola: Ass mu jo
[11.5.21, 09:38:38] Fabjola: 😂
[11.5.21, 09:38:44] ELONA: Ja fusim naj dalje
[11.5.21, 09:38:57] Fabjola: Mir shef
[11.5.21, 09:39:04] ELONA: Ikim atje pim uj 2 mi lek
[11.5.21, 09:39:15] Fabjola: 😂😂😂😂😂😂
[11.5.21, 09:39:31] Fabjola: Ti marrim edhe shishen
[11.5.21, 09:39:48] ELONA: Nrm
[11.5.21, 09:39:50] ELONA: 😂😂😂😂
[11.5.21, 09:41:41] ELONA: Jam me msim o shef
[11.5.21, 09:41:43] Fabjola: Missed voice call
[11.5.21, 09:41:57] Fabjola: Apaaaaa shife mrr
[11.5.21, 09:42:04] Fabjola: Sa ka perparu
[11.5.21, 09:42:05] ELONA: 🤣
[11.5.21, 09:42:07] Fabjola: 😂😂
[11.5.21, 09:42:16] ELONA: Tu munu ma shef
[11.5.21, 09:42:27] Fabjola: Mir pra se flasim mas pune
[11.5.21, 09:42:46] ELONA: Po shef te marr un ne tel
[11.5.21, 09:47:01] Fabjola: Ok
[11.5.21, 10:08:39] Fabjola: <attached: 00000849-PHOTO-2021-05-11-10-08-39.jpg>
[11.5.21, 10:08:43] Fabjola: Kleona shef
[11.5.21, 10:08:49] Fabjola: Tu me shkruj
[11.5.21, 10:08:54] Fabjola: Ku ka intesa ktu
[11.5.21, 10:11:13] ELONA: E ke posht punes shef
[11.5.21, 10:11:37] Fabjola: Aha e kam aty te puna
[11.5.21, 10:11:45] Fabjola: E dhe si do i them
[11.5.21, 10:11:58] ELONA: Po shko ma heret edhe prit te sherbimi klientit
[11.5.21, 10:12:08] ELONA: Merr karten e identitetit me vete
[11.5.21, 10:12:14] Fabjola: Po
[11.5.21, 10:12:18] ELONA: Do i thush du me hap llogari bankare
[11.5.21, 10:12:22] ELONA: E kam per te puna
[11.5.21, 10:12:24] ELONA: E dua ne lek
[11.5.21, 10:12:33] ELONA: Do te pyse per emrin e kompanis
[11.5.21, 10:12:42] ELONA: Do i thush eurotrade
[11.5.21, 10:12:56] Fabjola: A ok flm shef
[11.5.21, 10:14:05] ELONA: Per cdo gja me shkruj shef e me thuj
[11.5.21, 10:14:25] Fabjola: Apaa shefi jem❤️
[11.5.21, 13:31:06] Fabjola: O shef
[11.5.21, 13:31:11] Fabjola: Nr 65
[11.5.21, 13:31:17] Fabjola: Tu prit ne rrall
[11.5.21, 14:25:02] ELONA: Ske qa ba shkruj kleones po u vonove
[11.5.21, 14:25:23] Fabjola: Po i shkrujta
[11.5.21, 17:05:09] Fabjola: E bana edhe ni kalim sot o shef shyqyr
[11.5.21, 17:06:15] ELONA: Brravo shef
[11.5.21, 17:06:18] ELONA: A hape ate
[11.5.21, 17:06:53] Fabjola: Jo se kishte shumm rrall pra ne 12 kam dal nga shpia e
ne 3:30 u myllte un ne 2:30 kisha 2 para meje
[11.5.21, 17:07:09] ELONA: Qa te tha kleona
[11.5.21, 17:07:15] Fabjola: Kishte ni sherbim skandaloz
[11.5.21, 17:07:32] Fabjola: Me foli pak un pranaj te thash me ik qe ne 10 tha
[11.5.21, 17:07:36] Fabjola: Hajt ma
[11.5.21, 17:07:41] Fabjola: E baj nsr
[11.5.21, 17:07:55] ELONA: Varja
[11.5.21, 17:08:11] Fabjola: Po po
[11.5.21, 17:08:16] Fabjola: Ca je tu ba ti shef
[11.5.21, 17:08:43] ELONA: Do vije te me marre fonsi me dal o shef sdal dot pastaj
[11.5.21, 17:09:22] Fabjola: A nuk jena tu dal sot
[11.5.21, 17:09:49] Fabjola: Skgj
[11.5.21, 17:09:55] Fabjola: A te pys vanen iher
[11.5.21, 17:10:03] Fabjola: Te dal me at
[11.5.21, 17:11:53] Fabjola: This message was deleted.
[11.5.21, 17:15:32] ELONA: Pyte
[11.5.21, 19:02:36] Fabjola: 😂
[11.5.21, 19:15:18] ELONA: O shef asht plot aty sgjen ven me nejt
[11.5.21, 19:16:50] ELONA: Po te pres ktu ku te nal urbani
[11.5.21, 19:17:02] Fabjola: Mir
[12.5.21, 00:05:45] ELONA: Grazie shef
[12.5.21, 00:06:05] Fabjola: Nadha nadha😂
[12.5.21, 12:03:27] Fabjola: Shef ca ke vesh
[12.5.21, 12:03:46] ELONA: Pata vesh ni fustan te bardh shef
[12.5.21, 12:04:08] ELONA: <attached: 00000899-PHOTO-2021-05-12-12-04-08.jpg>
[12.5.21, 12:04:29] ELONA: <attached: 00000900-PHOTO-2021-05-12-12-04-28.jpg>
[12.5.21, 12:04:51] Fabjola: Ouu sa te bukra i gzofsh
[12.5.21, 12:05:01] Fabjola: Kush ti solli
[12.5.21, 12:06:04] ELONA: Lona me at gocen tj
[12.5.21, 12:06:13] ELONA: Me kishin rregullu dhe lokalin
[12.5.21, 12:06:19] ELONA: E sa hyna me vunen miziken
[12.5.21, 12:06:21] ELONA: 😂
[12.5.21, 12:06:28] ELONA: Shum surpriza dot
[12.5.21, 12:06:30] ELONA: Sot
[12.5.21, 12:06:38] Fabjola: Apaa u emocionova shef
[12.5.21, 12:06:54] ELONA: <attached: 00000910-VIDEO-2021-05-12-12-06-53.mp4>
[12.5.21, 12:07:04] Fabjola: Po a more leje sot
[12.5.21, 12:07:34] ELONA: <attached: 00000912-VIDEO-2021-05-12-12-07-33.mp4>
[12.5.21, 12:07:37] ELONA: Nrm
[12.5.21, 12:08:19] Fabjola: Hahahhw sa tort e bkr shef
[12.5.21, 12:08:28] Fabjola: Edhe 100 shefii❤️
[12.5.21, 12:08:34] Fabjola: U rrite edhe ti
[12.5.21, 12:12:28] ELONA: Po shef
[12.5.21, 12:13:36] Fabjola: O plak kam 4 or ktu itesh do me kishte dal pashaporta
[12.5.21, 12:14:45] ELONA: <attached: 00000919-PHOTO-2021-05-12-12-14-45.jpg>
[12.5.21, 12:15:37] Fabjola: Ai shef sa e mir ktu
[12.5.21, 12:15:55] ELONA: Ma ban gocat
[12.5.21, 12:18:30] Fabjola: Bukur shef
[12.5.21, 17:09:58] Fabjola: Shef e bana edhe ni kalim sot
[12.5.21, 17:16:05] ELONA: Brravo shef
[12.5.21, 19:07:49] Fabjola: Shef 3 kalime bana sot
[13.5.21, 15:20:47] Fabjola: Shef
[13.5.21, 15:20:54] Fabjola: A ke ardh ne tr
[13.5.21, 15:24:03] ELONA: Po shef
[13.5.21, 15:24:10] ELONA: Kam shum gjana me fol
[13.5.21, 15:25:09] Fabjola: 😂😂
[13.5.21, 15:25:17] Fabjola: Dalim ma von shef
[13.5.21, 15:25:20] Fabjola: E mi thuj
[13.5.21, 15:25:24] ELONA: Mir
[13.5.21, 15:25:50] Fabjola: Ok 💕
[13.5.21, 15:26:15] ELONA: Ka cila or do dalim pak a shum
[13.5.21, 15:36:36] Fabjola: Ka ora 6 shef
[13.5.21, 15:37:50] Fabjola: O shef a e di si e ke ti ni bluz adidas
[13.5.21, 15:38:07] Fabjola: Pak si ngjyr pan me mang te gjata
[13.5.21, 15:48:45] ELONA: Se di per qa bluze je tu fol o shef
[13.5.21, 15:49:32] Fabjola: <attached: 00000940-VIDEO-2021-05-13-15-49-32.mp4>
[13.5.21, 15:49:37] Fabjola: Ni si kjo o shef
[13.5.21, 15:50:19] ELONA: Iky asht fustan o shef
[13.5.21, 15:50:44] Fabjola: Nejse shef
[13.5.21, 15:50:52] Fabjola: Sdi si me ta than
[13.5.21, 15:51:02] ELONA: A skam naj foto me at bluz
[13.5.21, 15:51:12] ELONA: Ahaaa at adidasin e zez
[13.5.21, 15:51:55] Fabjola: Ka qen pan mor shef
[13.5.21, 15:52:01] Fabjola: E ka pas hedh vana mdk
[13.5.21, 15:52:05] Fabjola: Per dtl tane
[13.5.21, 15:53:15] ELONA: Se di per cilen je tu than
[13.5.21, 15:53:37] Fabjola: Po kjo si asht
[13.5.21, 15:54:36] ELONA: Adidas po asht e madhe ti hy 10 her ne ta
[13.5.21, 15:55:03] Fabjola: 😂😂😂
[13.5.21, 15:55:17] Fabjola: Jam tu flet ni or sheg
[13.5.21, 15:55:18] Fabjola: F
[13.5.21, 15:55:23] ELONA: Joo
[13.5.21, 15:55:23] Fabjola: Dalim ma von
[13.5.21, 15:55:28] ELONA: Mos i qr
[13.5.21, 15:55:33] Fabjola: Po kur dalim
[13.5.21, 15:55:36] Fabjola: Ca ore
[13.5.21, 15:55:38] ELONA: Se kur te shkoj shpi pertoj me dal
[13.5.21, 15:55:48] Fabjola: Ca ore
[13.5.21, 15:58:37] ELONA: Qou banu gati
[13.5.21, 15:58:57] Fabjola: Gati jam po kur dalim
[13.5.21, 15:59:10] ELONA: Qa veni js
[13.5.21, 15:59:15] ELONA: Ne kamz
[13.5.21, 15:59:21] Fabjola: Jo
[13.5.21, 15:59:29] Fabjola: Jam ktu ne qender
[13.5.21, 15:59:40] Fabjola: 10 min e kam larg sheshin
[13.5.21, 16:19:34] ELONA: Mir se po vi anej
[13.5.21, 16:39:17] ELONA: Jam nis un erdha
[13.5.21, 16:41:16] Fabjola: <attached: 00000972-AUDIO-2021-05-13-16-41-16.opus>
[13.5.21, 16:41:33] ELONA: Mir
[13.5.21, 20:02:21] Fabjola: Shef he ca bane
[13.5.21, 20:02:27] Fabjola: Si ju shkoi mhb
[14.5.21, 20:27:17] ELONA: <attached: 00000976-VIDEO-2021-05-14-20-27-17.mp4>
[14.5.21, 20:27:32] Fabjola: Sa superr
[14.5.21, 20:27:36] ELONA: E bana
[14.5.21, 20:27:41] Fabjola: Sa te shkoi
[14.5.21, 20:27:45] ELONA: 30
[14.5.21, 20:29:35] Fabjola: <attached: 00000981-AUDIO-2021-05-14-20-29-35.opus>
[14.5.21, 20:29:52] ELONA: E kam pas menu shef kaher
[14.5.21, 20:29:57] ELONA: Sme ka dhim fareee
[14.5.21, 20:30:22] Fabjola: <attached: 00000984-AUDIO-2021-05-14-20-30-22.opus>
[14.5.21, 20:30:35] ELONA: Me ka dal sak bukur
[14.5.21, 20:31:46] Fabjola: <attached: 00000986-AUDIO-2021-05-14-20-31-46.opus>
[14.5.21, 20:35:13] ELONA: Itash o shef e kam ba
[14.5.21, 20:48:00] Fabjola: Bukur o shef
[14.5.21, 20:48:06] Fabjola: Te lumt
[14.5.21, 20:50:32] Fabjola: Sa inat nsr pun sheff
[14.5.21, 20:53:57] ELONA: <attached: 00000991-PHOTO-2021-05-14-20-53-57.jpg>
[14.5.21, 20:54:40] Fabjola: I bkr sheff
[14.5.21, 20:54:48] Fabjola: Ta lumsha e bane ti
[14.5.21, 20:54:59] ELONA: Do filloj re baj te tj tash
[14.5.21, 20:55:37] Fabjola: U msove ti tesh
[14.5.21, 20:55:48] Fabjola: Cili asht i rrafldhes
[14.5.21, 20:55:53] Fabjola: Ca do besh kyt her
[14.5.21, 20:56:03] ELONA: Tash se di shef do menoj
[14.5.21, 20:56:55] Fabjola: Mir shum shef
[14.5.21, 20:57:07] Fabjola: A i ke than rozrs
[14.5.21, 20:57:11] Fabjola: 😂
[14.5.21, 20:59:16] ELONA: <attached: 00001002-PHOTO-2021-05-14-20-59-16.jpg>
[14.5.21, 20:59:19] ELONA: 😂
[14.5.21, 20:59:44] Fabjola: Lotiii
[14.5.21, 20:59:48] Fabjola: Sa e madheee
[14.5.21, 20:59:50] Fabjola: 😂😂
[14.5.21, 21:00:05] ELONA: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
[14.5.21, 21:00:10] ELONA: Lot moj me te prz
[14.5.21, 21:00:10] Fabjola: Nona asht kjo Roza😂❤️
[14.5.21, 21:00:24] Fabjola: Asht e mir prz
[14.5.21, 21:00:31] ELONA: I pata than ma para ta dite se i met hatri
[14.5.21, 21:00:38] ELONA: Pavllos si kena than gja
[14.5.21, 21:01:18] Fabjola: 😂😂😂😂
[15.5.21, 12:03:37] Fabjola: Apaaa sa bkr❤️
[15.5.21, 12:05:59] ELONA: Grazie shefi
[15.5.21, 12:06:13] Fabjola: Ca bane ku je
[15.5.21, 12:06:29] ELONA: Ne bllok
[15.5.21, 12:06:51] Fabjola: Ca ban atje ti kurvv😂
[15.5.21, 12:07:04] ELONA: Tu qi kafe
[15.5.21, 12:07:29] Fabjola: <attached: 00001020-PHOTO-2021-05-15-12-07-29.jpg>
[15.5.21, 12:07:40] Fabjola: Me ka cu mesazh edhe e ka fshij
[15.5.21, 12:08:05] ELONA: Qyqja
[15.5.21, 12:08:10] ELONA: Merre ne tel
[15.5.21, 12:08:13] ELONA: Mor shef
[15.5.21, 12:08:19] Fabjola: A thuu
[15.5.21, 12:08:24] Fabjola: 😂
[15.5.21, 12:08:26] ELONA: A ta marr un
[15.5.21, 12:08:43] Fabjola: He merre iher
[15.5.21, 12:08:45] ELONA: Ti tham kush he ti si me shqetso shefin
[15.5.21, 12:08:46] Fabjola: 😂
[15.5.21, 12:08:59] Fabjola: Merre iher aman
[15.5.21, 12:09:11] ELONA: Sdi qa mi than
[15.5.21, 12:09:42] Fabjola: Coi zile iher vec me pa ca thot
[15.5.21, 12:09:47] ELONA: You deleted this message.
[15.5.21, 12:09:59] ELONA: <attached: 00001035-AUDIO-2021-05-15-12-09-59.opus>
[15.5.21, 12:10:12] Fabjola: Uaaa😂
[15.5.21, 12:10:17] Fabjola: Kysh asht ky m
[15.5.21, 12:10:18] ELONA: 😂
[16.5.21, 10:56:31] ELONA: A te maroj oferta shef
[16.5.21, 10:56:33] Fabjola: Maroi oferta shef
[16.5.21, 10:56:35] Fabjola: 😂
[16.5.21, 10:56:38] ELONA: 😂😂😂😂😂😂
[16.5.21, 10:56:46] Fabjola: Kaq e pat
[16.5.21, 10:56:50] ELONA: Ejj a gjete kte
[16.5.21, 10:56:59] Fabjola: 4 mij lekshja tesh ni muj
[16.5.21, 10:57:04] Fabjola: Po moj
[16.5.21, 10:57:06] ELONA: 😂
[16.5.21, 10:57:11] ELONA: Kush ishte
[16.5.21, 10:57:21] Fabjola: Ishte ambra
[16.5.21, 10:57:26] Fabjola: Motra e sidorels
[16.5.21, 10:57:28] Fabjola: 😂😂
[16.5.21, 19:53:14] Fabjola: <attached: 00001052-PHOTO-2021-05-16-19-53-14.jpg>
[16.5.21, 19:53:19] Fabjola: Shihe elonen
[16.5.21, 19:53:28] Fabjola: Shihe iren😂
[16.5.21, 20:07:15] ELONA: 😂😂
[16.5.21, 21:06:26] ELONA: <attached: 00001056-VIDEO-2021-05-16-21-06-25.mp4>
[16.5.21, 21:06:50] ELONA: <attached: 00001057-PHOTO-2021-05-16-21-06-49.jpg>
[16.5.21, 21:07:05] Fabjola: Houuu sheff bree
[16.5.21, 21:07:10] Fabjola: Na terbovee
[16.5.21, 21:07:19] ELONA: A kam dal gja shef
[16.5.21, 21:07:25] Fabjola: Superr
[16.5.21, 21:07:52] Fabjola: O shef ma ban gati at fustanin se do ta marr kyt jav
[16.5.21, 21:08:10] ELONA: Po shef
[16.5.21, 21:08:23] Fabjola: Me ke dole
[16.5.21, 21:08:47] ELONA: Me lonen
[16.5.21, 21:10:24] Fabjola: Mir shum
[16.5.21, 23:27:11] Fabjola: <attached: 00001067-PHOTO-2021-05-16-23-27-11.jpg>
[17.5.21, 07:01:02] ELONA: Kush a ki shef
[17.5.21, 07:07:54] Fabjola: Se fi mr shef
[17.5.21, 09:26:14] Fabjola: Shef Gzuar
[17.5.21, 09:26:23] Fabjola: Festen🥂
[17.5.21, 09:26:57] ELONA: Hahahahahahahahahhaha
[17.5.21, 09:28:57] Fabjola: <attached: 00001073-PHOTO-2021-05-17-09-28-57.jpg>
[17.5.21, 09:45:03] ELONA: HahahhHHahahah
[17.5.21, 09:45:41] Fabjola: O kjo a budalle dekaa
[17.5.21, 09:45:44] Fabjola: 😂
[21.5.21, 13:21:19] Fabjola: Shef ca bane
[21.5.21, 13:21:26] Fabjola: A dalim sot per kafe
[21.5.21, 13:21:29] Fabjola: Mas pune
[21.5.21, 13:22:57] ELONA: E ke lan me vanen me dal ti kurv
[21.5.21, 13:23:03] ELONA: Me shefin tan se ba plan najher
[21.5.21, 13:23:13] Fabjola: 😂😂
[21.5.21, 13:23:18] Fabjola: Po hajde dhe ti
[21.5.21, 13:23:22] Fabjola: Amann
[21.5.21, 13:23:28] Fabjola: Se jam me nervaas
[21.5.21, 13:23:30] ELONA: Jo jo un nuk vi kshu
[21.5.21, 13:25:21] Fabjola: Pse shef😂
[21.5.21, 13:26:00] ELONA: Me tha vana sot mjes do dal me fabjolen ne kafe
[21.5.21, 13:26:03] ELONA: Ou thash
[21.5.21, 13:26:17] ELONA: Kjo sme thirr mu e thirr vanen
[21.5.21, 13:43:05] Fabjola: Hahahahhahaha po hajde dhe ti
[21.5.21, 13:43:23] Fabjola: Po shiko ngaqe ate dit kisha celin e sidit se i imi
ishta bateri
[21.5.21, 13:43:36] Fabjola: Dhe nuk ta kisha nr se ne fakt desha me dal me ty
[21.5.21, 13:43:47] Fabjola: Edhe i shkrujta vanes ne insta
[21.5.21, 13:43:58] ELONA: Sdu justifikime
[21.5.21, 13:44:14] Fabjola: Hahahahahahah
[21.5.21, 13:44:26] Fabjola: Ms u mrzit zemra ime 😂❤️
[21.5.21, 13:45:26] ELONA: <attached: 00001098-STICKER-2021-05-21-13-45-25.webp>
[21.5.21, 13:45:52] Fabjola: <attached: 00001099-STICKER-2021-05-21-13-45-52.webp>
[21.5.21, 13:45:54] Fabjola: 😂😂😂
[21.5.21, 13:45:58] ELONA: <attached: 00001101-PHOTO-2021-05-21-13-45-58.jpg>
[21.5.21, 13:46:04] ELONA: 😂
[21.5.21, 13:46:12] Fabjola: Shef edhe ti me kto
[21.5.21, 13:46:16] ELONA: Hahahahahaha
[21.5.21, 13:46:33] ELONA: Ne un mer shef
[21.5.21, 13:47:04] Fabjola: Sheff hiqe u ban bloz
[21.5.21, 13:55:48] ELONA: Itash e kam bel un o shef
[21.5.21, 22:37:14] Fabjola: Ka je tu ik nsr e kurv
[21.5.21, 22:38:38] ELONA: Budva
[21.5.21, 22:39:00] Fabjola: Qe qe
[21.5.21, 22:39:10] Fabjola: Ka erdhi kjo idw
[21.5.21, 22:39:12] Fabjola: Shef
[21.5.21, 22:39:33] ELONA: Grupi punes shef
[21.5.21, 22:39:37] ELONA: Nrm
[21.5.21, 22:40:33] Fabjola: HHahahahahhah pse nuk erdhe sot kurv
[22.5.21, 15:32:14] Fabjola: Uauu sheff sa bkr
[22.5.21, 15:40:06] ELONA: U knaqa
[22.5.21, 15:46:05] Fabjola: A do rrini dhe nsr
[22.5.21, 15:50:26] ELONA: Jo jo do kthej sonte
[22.5.21, 18:17:09] ELONA: <attached: 00001120-PHOTO-2021-05-22-18-17-08.jpg>
[22.5.21, 18:17:14] ELONA: Qe shefi jot
[22.5.21, 18:17:32] Fabjola: O kurvaa😂
[22.5.21, 18:17:35] Fabjola: Sa bkrr
[22.5.21, 18:18:00] ELONA: 😂😂😂😂
[22.5.21, 22:14:26] Fabjola:
[22.5.21, 22:14:32] Fabjola: Dekaa sheff
[22.5.21, 22:14:43] Fabjola: Faraoni i babit😂
[22.5.21, 22:14:52] Fabjola: Mafiosi i lalit
[22.5.21, 22:14:54] Fabjola: 😂
[22.5.21, 22:15:28] ELONA: 😂
[22.5.21, 22:16:10] Fabjola: Lott pz
[25.5.21, 09:36:53] Fabjola: Shef a je per kafe sot
[25.5.21, 09:37:16] ELONA: Qa ore shef
[25.5.21, 09:37:37] Fabjola: Ka ora 7 shef
[25.5.21, 09:38:13] ELONA: Mir shef
[25.5.21, 09:38:59] Fabjola: Ok
[25.5.21, 14:37:37] ELONA: O shef do ik ka shpia sot veq dalim nsr se marova kamve
nuk ec dot
[25.5.21, 14:37:49] ELONA: Dalim nsr te vesh pantoflad
[25.5.21, 14:38:13] Fabjola: Mir shef
[26.5.21, 16:38:59] ELONA: O shef takohena nja pak ne qender se sjam tu mujt me
nejt ne kafe se jam pa terezi ishalla sjam me kovid
[26.5.21, 17:01:08] Fabjola: Mir shef
[26.5.21, 17:03:18] ELONA: Ishalla sme ka kap kovidi
[26.5.21, 17:03:40] Fabjola: Ca ke o shef
[26.5.21, 17:03:45] Fabjola: Ku asht tu te dhemb
[26.5.21, 17:09:41] ELONA: Jam blloku krejt
[26.5.21, 17:10:14] Fabjola: Ishtu edhe sidorela i ka ik zani ka koll qyrre
[26.5.21, 17:10:18] Fabjola: 😂
[26.5.21, 17:10:40] ELONA: Marova krejt
[26.5.21, 17:11:05] Fabjola: A je ne pun itesh
[26.5.21, 17:15:59] ELONA: Po ke puna tu nit qtu si mut
[26.5.21, 19:05:15] Fabjola: Sheff
[26.5.21, 19:05:20] Fabjola: Ku je
[26.5.21, 19:05:39] ELONA: <attached: 00001153-PHOTO-2021-05-26-19-05-38.jpg>
[26.5.21, 19:05:54] Fabjola: Ca je tu ba aty mj
[26.5.21, 19:06:01] Fabjola: 😂
[26.5.21, 19:06:07] Fabjola: A nuk ke maru
[26.5.21, 19:06:14] ELONA: Jo
[26.5.21, 19:06:31] Fabjola: Kur maron shef
[26.5.21, 19:09:12] ELONA: Se di shef se a tu ardh ne vana ktu
[26.5.21, 19:09:27] Fabjola: Te puna
[26.5.21, 19:10:09] ELONA: Po
[27.5.21, 12:08:41] Fabjola: Shef
[27.5.21, 12:08:43] Fabjola: Si je sot
[27.5.21, 12:08:47] Fabjola: A ke ik ne pun
[27.5.21, 12:22:18] ELONA: Pak ma mir shef
[27.5.21, 12:22:21] ELONA: Po po
[27.5.21, 12:26:42] Fabjola: Nuk te dha leje ai kari a
[27.5.21, 12:28:39] ELONA: Jo mor shef qa leje
[27.5.21, 12:41:04] Fabjola: Qenka ni legen ai
[27.5.21, 12:44:23] ELONA: 💩
[27.5.21, 12:44:25] ELONA: 😂
[27.5.21, 12:44:52] Fabjola: Hahahahahhah
[27.5.21, 12:47:22] ELONA: A do dalim masdite
[27.5.21, 12:48:18] Fabjola: Dalim shef
[27.5.21, 12:48:36] Fabjola: <attached: 00001175-PHOTO-2021-05-27-12-48-36.jpg>
[27.5.21, 12:48:48] Fabjola: Tu hanger gjana fakirash😂
[27.5.21, 12:49:19] ELONA: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
[27.5.21, 12:49:26] ELONA: Mute dek
[27.5.21, 12:50:03] Fabjola: HahahHahab rri rri i kam harxhu krejt lekt tu ble
rroba edhe rrogen hala se kam marr
[27.5.21, 12:50:11] Fabjola: Kam met tu har sup tash
[27.5.21, 12:50:13] Fabjola: 😂
[27.5.21, 12:54:54] ELONA: Ke harxhu lekt e petrod
[27.5.21, 12:55:40] Fabjola: Krejt po tesh kam me i kalu 2 jav me 10 mij lek ne
[27.5.21, 12:55:49] Fabjola: Smun i kerkoj ma
[27.5.21, 12:56:09] ELONA: Aii
[27.5.21, 12:56:53] Fabjola: Shnosh shef
[27.5.21, 12:57:02] Fabjola: Ja fus e ha te shpija mir e mir
[27.5.21, 12:57:10] Fabjola: Skam nevoj per ma😂
[27.5.21, 12:57:16] ELONA: Hahahahahahaha
[27.5.21, 12:57:30] ELONA: Po a te pat ik truni ty si hargjove krejt
[27.5.21, 12:57:46] Fabjola: Po e mir kjo e mir ajo po ne kjo e mir
[27.5.21, 12:57:52] Fabjola: Mut ja u qiva nanen
[27.5.21, 12:57:54] Fabjola: 😂
[27.5.21, 12:58:06] Fabjola: 15 mij lek xhinse 10 mij atlete
[27.5.21, 12:58:21] Fabjola: 700 mij ni bluz adidas si fustsn kshu i gjan
[27.5.21, 12:58:28] Fabjola: Si kan dal tesh
[27.5.21, 12:58:42] Fabjola: 1 palicet xinks fun
[27.5.21, 12:58:55] ELONA: I paske qr
[27.5.21, 12:58:56] Fabjola: E ni pantoll te shkurt xhinks
[27.5.21, 12:59:14] Fabjola: E 3 pal pantollona te shkurt xhinks ka 2 mij lek
[27.5.21, 12:59:22] Fabjola: This message was deleted.
[27.5.21, 12:59:29] Fabjola: Iken
[27.5.21, 13:00:12] ELONA: Apapapap
[27.5.21, 13:00:55] Fabjola: Po i kam marr te mira shef
[27.5.21, 13:00:59] Fabjola: Vallai
[27.5.21, 13:01:08] Fabjola: 😂
[27.5.21, 13:01:17] Fabjola: Po me ban dam ka xhepu
[27.5.21, 13:01:18] Fabjola: I
[27.5.21, 13:01:40] Fabjola: Te pakten mujn tjt skam nevoj me ble gja
[27.5.21, 13:06:25] ELONA: Bo zoti mir
[27.5.21, 13:08:36] Fabjola: Po po kur ske men ke kam😂
[27.5.21, 19:18:14] Fabjola: Shef ku je
[31.5.21, 09:18:56] Fabjola: O shef a po vjen ktu te terminali te pallati i verdh
edhe pim kafe te ni lounge
[31.5.21, 09:19:50] ELONA: Po
[31.5.21, 09:20:03] Fabjola: Mir shef
[31.5.21, 09:20:27] ELONA: Se di ku asht aj pallati veq kur te jem te terminali te
[31.5.21, 09:21:19] Fabjola: Sa kalo stacionin e terminalit do zbresesh te stacioni
[31.5.21, 09:21:55] ELONA: Ok ni stacjon mas terminalit
[31.5.21, 09:22:08] Fabjola: Po
[31.5.21, 10:42:06] ELONA: <attached: 00001220-VIDEO-2021-05-31-10-42-06.mp4>
[5.6.21, 18:16:12] Fabjola: Sheff sa e mira❤️
[5.6.21, 19:00:12] ELONA: Grazie shef
[6.6.21, 21:53:07] Fabjola: O shef sa ishte ajo shpia me qera
[6.6.21, 21:53:18] Fabjola: Ne pallatin tan
[6.6.21, 21:54:02] ELONA: Nuk asht pallat
[6.6.21, 21:54:09] ELONA: A shpi pricate
[6.6.21, 21:54:12] ELONA: Private
[6.6.21, 21:54:16] ELONA: 130 asht
[6.6.21, 21:54:30] Fabjola: Sa dhoma shef
[6.6.21, 21:54:36] ELONA: 1
[6.6.21, 21:55:25] Fabjola: Du me ardh me pa iher nsr
[6.6.21, 21:56:06] ELONA: Un jam shkoll nsr e do ik per pun direkt
[6.6.21, 21:56:21] Fabjola: Mas pune o shef
[6.6.21, 21:56:30] Fabjola: Dalim iher
[6.6.21, 22:03:38] ELONA: Mas pune po
[7.6.21, 14:37:53] Fabjola: <attached: 00001236-PHOTO-2021-06-07-14-37-53.jpg>
[7.6.21, 14:37:57] Fabjola: O shef
[7.6.21, 14:38:10] Fabjola: Shihe mj ca me thot kurva
[7.6.21, 14:52:53] ELONA: Aiii
[7.6.21, 14:55:54] Fabjola: He shef ca te boj tesh
[7.6.21, 14:56:01] Fabjola: 😭
[7.6.21, 15:15:34] ELONA: Hajt o shef se te gjejm ven tj mos u mrz
[7.6.21, 17:01:17] Fabjola: Hahahaah e bana ni o shef itesh
[7.6.21, 17:02:22] ELONA: Hahahaha brravo
[7.6.21, 17:03:22] Fabjola: Mos o shef se me la menja
[7.6.21, 17:23:02] ELONA: Po a ske shku ne pun ti o shef
[7.6.21, 19:05:17] Fabjola: Ni dit jo
[7.6.21, 19:05:29] Fabjola: <attached: 00001248-AUDIO-2021-06-07-19-05-29.opus>
[7.6.21, 19:07:25] ELONA: <attached: 00001249-AUDIO-2021-06-07-19-07-25.opus>
[7.6.21, 19:08:22] ELONA: <attached: 00001250-AUDIO-2021-06-07-19-08-21.opus>
[7.6.21, 19:08:57] Fabjola: Mir o shef se as un sjam ne terezi
[7.6.21, 19:09:41] ELONA: <attached: 00001252-AUDIO-2021-06-07-19-09-41.opus>
[7.6.21, 19:10:56] ELONA: A marove pun ti
[7.6.21, 19:14:19] Fabjola: Po shef
[7.6.21, 19:14:53] ELONA: <attached: 00001255-AUDIO-2021-06-07-19-14-53.opus>
[7.6.21, 19:20:44] Fabjola: <attached: 00001256-AUDIO-2021-06-07-19-20-44.opus>
[7.6.21, 19:20:49] Fabjola: 😂😂
[8.6.21, 21:34:30] Fabjola: Apapapa
[8.6.21, 21:37:23] ELONA: He sher si duket
[8.6.21, 21:38:40] Fabjola: Yje mjj
[8.6.21, 21:39:35] ELONA: Po shef po
[10.6.21, 17:04:05] Fabjola: <attached: 00001262-PHOTO-2021-06-10-17-04-05.jpg>
[10.6.21, 17:04:19] Fabjola: Shef shih ca xhinksash kam ble 200 lek
[10.6.21, 17:04:24] Fabjola: 2 pal
[10.6.21, 17:04:33] Fabjola: E nja 6 bkuza nga 100 lek
[10.6.21, 17:04:36] Fabjola: 😂😂
[10.6.21, 17:04:44] Fabjola: <attached: 00001267-VIDEO-2021-06-10-17-04-44.mp4>
[10.6.21, 17:19:36] ELONA: A ke marr rrogen
[10.6.21, 17:19:39] ELONA: 😂
[10.6.21, 19:01:23] Fabjola: Jo m shef te hanen
[10.6.21, 19:01:53] ELONA: Hahahahahahhahahaha thash o shef
[10.6.21, 19:03:02] Fabjola: Jo shef
[13.6.21, 09:05:37] Fabjola: Shef ta kam nez ni qiri
[13.6.21, 09:10:02] Fabjola: Per shnet e te mira
[13.6.21, 09:10:24] Fabjola: 😂
[13.6.21, 12:06:46] ELONA: Po shef
[13.6.21, 12:06:48] ELONA: 😂
[13.6.21, 12:22:45] Fabjola: Nrm menon shefi per ty
[13.6.21, 20:32:25] ELONA: <attached: 00001279-PHOTO-2021-06-13-20-32-25.jpg>
[13.6.21, 20:32:29] ELONA: 😂
[13.6.21, 20:32:34] ELONA: Para 3 vjetsh
[13.6.21, 20:32:38] Fabjola: O qyqjaaa
[13.6.21, 20:32:48] ELONA: 😂
[13.6.21, 20:32:52] Fabjola: Sa te kqiat
[13.6.21, 20:32:57] ELONA: Jo shef
[13.6.21, 20:33:59] Fabjola: Si jo m shef
[13.6.21, 20:34:16] Fabjola: Sa te shreemtat
[13.6.21, 20:34:21] ELONA: Hahahahahaah
[13.6.21, 20:34:44] Fabjola: Fshij o shef se na qite namin live
[13.6.21, 20:36:18] Fabjola: <attached: 00001290-VIDEO-2021-06-13-20-36-18.mp4>
[13.6.21, 20:36:20] Fabjola: 😂😂
[13.6.21, 20:36:35] Fabjola: Ma shpifen
[13.6.21, 20:36:55] ELONA: Dashnie
[13.6.21, 20:37:09] Fabjola: A thu
[13.6.21, 20:37:23] Fabjola: Mir se ftyra asht ma mush plot
[13.6.21, 20:37:27] Fabjola: Prej atyne
[13.6.21, 20:37:42] ELONA: Jahahahahahahaha
[13.6.21, 22:12:38] Fabjola:
[13.6.21, 22:12:44] Fabjola: Dekaa😂
[13.6.21, 22:13:42] ELONA: Bukurosh i madh
[13.6.21, 22:13:44] ELONA: 😂😂😂😂😂
[13.6.21, 22:14:32] Fabjola:
[13.6.21, 22:14:33] Fabjola: Dekaaa😂
[13.6.21, 22:14:33] Fabjola: Si knon
[13.6.21, 22:14:47] ELONA: Rrugea isha tuj kalu
[13.6.21, 22:15:03] Fabjola: Me at xhan un jam raku
[13.6.21, 22:15:06] Fabjola: Taku
[13.6.21, 22:15:08] Fabjola: 😂😂😂😂😂😂
[13.6.21, 22:15:28] ELONA: 😂😂😂😂
[13.6.21, 22:16:25] Fabjola: O shef ca thot kjo rruges isha tu i karu😂
[13.6.21, 22:16:45] ELONA: A karos ka ment ajo mor shef
[13.6.21, 22:17:06] Fabjola: E ka menen te karimi
[13.6.21, 22:17:09] Fabjola: 😂😂😂
[13.6.21, 22:24:01] Fabjola:
[13.6.21, 22:24:05] Fabjola: 😂😂😂😂
[13.6.21, 22:24:43] ELONA: Ma mir kerce ajo plaka
[13.6.21, 22:24:49] ELONA: Se arbana
[13.6.21, 22:25:10] Fabjola: A kjo plaka lott😂
[14.6.21, 08:46:28] Fabjola: O shef
[14.6.21, 08:46:31] Fabjola: Ca bane
[14.6.21, 08:46:55] Fabjola: A ke munsi masdite ta shohim at shpin
[14.6.21, 12:24:18] ELONA: Shef ku je
[14.6.21, 12:24:20] ELONA: Cpb
[14.6.21, 12:24:44] Fabjola: Kam prvm shef😭
[14.6.21, 12:24:48] ELONA: Au
[14.6.21, 12:24:52] ELONA: Ke shkolla
[14.6.21, 12:24:59] Fabjola: Jo ne shpi
[14.6.21, 12:25:06] ELONA: Lum si ti
[14.6.21, 12:25:07] ELONA: On
[14.6.21, 12:25:14] ELONA: Un kam me ik ne auditor
[14.6.21, 12:25:31] Fabjola: I kam dhe un 2
[14.6.21, 12:25:38] Fabjola: Te enjten njerin
[14.6.21, 13:01:43] ELONA: Suksese shef
[14.6.21, 13:03:31] Fabjola: Flm shef💕
[14.6.21, 14:14:45] ELONA: O shef
[14.6.21, 14:14:52] Fabjola: He shef
[14.6.21, 14:14:56] ELONA: Qa ne tha vana se do te heqe sot ajo
[14.6.21, 14:15:39] Fabjola: Po kurva
[14.6.21, 14:15:51] ELONA: A sdo punosh sot
[14.6.21, 14:16:02] ELONA: Veq do ikesh me dhan dorheqjen
[14.6.21, 14:16:08] Fabjola: Se di o shef
[14.6.21, 14:16:16] Fabjola: Te shkruj po ashtu
[14.6.21, 14:16:20] ELONA: Mir me trg
[14.6.21, 14:16:24] ELONA: Se un jam te shpia
[14.6.21, 14:16:28] ELONA: Sjam te puna
[14.6.21, 14:16:47] Fabjola: Ok
[14.6.21, 14:16:51] Fabjola: Vij te ti mrapa
[14.6.21, 14:16:57] Fabjola: ❤️❤️
[14.6.21, 15:13:25] Fabjola: Shef ku je
[14.6.21, 15:14:58] ELONA: Ke shpia shef tu ba punt
[14.6.21, 15:15:11] Fabjola: Ku te vij
[14.6.21, 15:15:20] Fabjola: Se jam tu dal
[14.6.21, 15:15:47] ELONA: Po hajde ktu ke lagjia ime te oslo
[14.6.21, 15:15:59] Fabjola: Po nuk e di o sheff
[14.6.21, 15:16:05] Fabjola: Me dil para
[14.6.21, 15:16:09] Fabjola: O zott do qajj
[14.6.21, 15:16:11] Fabjola: 😭😭
[14.6.21, 15:16:19] ELONA: Jo mor shef po he
[14.6.21, 15:16:36] Fabjola: Kurvaa
[14.6.21, 15:16:42] Fabjola: Uaa u zuna me te
[14.6.21, 15:16:45] Fabjola: Kurva
[14.6.21, 15:17:34] ELONA: Location:,19.799356
[14.6.21, 15:18:32] Fabjola: Mos me co kshu shef
[14.6.21, 15:18:37] Fabjola: Se nuk di
[14.6.21, 15:18:42] Fabjola: Me e pa
[14.6.21, 15:19:01] ELONA: Hajde deri te ringu
[14.6.21, 15:19:39] Fabjola: Mir shef
[14.6.21, 15:23:19] Fabjola: O shef jam tu terheq karten iher
[14.6.21, 15:23:29] Fabjola: Te shkruj kur te nisem
[14.6.21, 15:46:29] Fabjola: Shef ku je
[14.6.21, 15:46:37] ELONA: Ke shpia
[14.6.21, 15:47:01] Fabjola: E mir kur te jem te Ringu te shkruj prp
[14.6.21, 16:07:06] Fabjola: Shef
[14.6.21, 16:07:16] ELONA: He shef
[14.6.21, 16:07:19] ELONA: A erdhe
[14.6.21, 16:07:20] Fabjola: Jam tu afru tw Ringu
[14.6.21, 16:07:28] ELONA: Veq do ecesh drejt
[14.6.21, 16:07:31] ELONA: Me nis ni foto
[14.6.21, 16:07:35] Fabjola: Prit iher
[14.6.21, 16:07:41] Fabjola: Se akoma
[14.6.21, 16:07:52] Fabjola: Se ngatrrova rrug
[14.6.21, 16:07:55] Fabjola: 😂
[14.6.21, 16:22:24] Fabjola: O s hef sa kalova chloe cafe
[14.6.21, 16:22:43] ELONA: Ma nis ni foto
[14.6.21, 16:22:57] Fabjola: <attached: 00001385-PHOTO-2021-06-14-16-22-57.jpg>
[14.6.21, 16:23:20] ELONA: Hec o shef se ske ardh hala as deri te ringu
[14.6.21, 16:23:26] ELONA: Ke me kalu rrugen
[14.6.21, 16:23:31] Fabjola: E di
[14.6.21, 16:23:44] Fabjola: Po ku dreqin asht aq larg
[14.6.21, 16:26:15] Fabjola: <attached: 00001390-PHOTO-2021-06-14-16-26-15.jpg>
[14.6.21, 16:26:37] Fabjola: Ku ta kpus rrugen ktu
[14.6.21, 16:27:40] ELONA: Po
[14.6.21, 16:27:41] Fabjola: Shef e kputa rruge
[14.6.21, 16:27:43] Fabjola: Tash
[14.6.21, 16:27:49] Fabjola: <attached: 00001395-PHOTO-2021-06-14-16-27-49.jpg>
[14.6.21, 16:27:50] ELONA: Ec drejt
[14.6.21, 16:27:55] ELONA: Po je on
[14.6.21, 16:28:00] ELONA: Deri te semafori
[14.6.21, 16:28:05] Fabjola: Ok
[14.6.21, 16:28:20] Fabjola: <attached: 00001400-PHOTO-2021-06-14-16-28-20.jpg>
[14.6.21, 16:28:22] Fabjola: Ktej
[14.6.21, 16:28:27] Fabjola: <attached: 00001402-PHOTO-2021-06-14-16-28-27.jpg>
[14.6.21, 16:28:29] Fabjola: Apo knej
[14.6.21, 16:28:42] ELONA: Ktej
[14.6.21, 16:28:54] Fabjola: Ok
[14.6.21, 16:31:37] Fabjola: <attached: 00001406-PHOTO-2021-06-14-16-31-37.jpg>
[14.6.21, 16:31:42] Fabjola: Po tesh
[14.6.21, 16:31:48] ELONA: Ktu do kalosh
[14.6.21, 16:31:56] Fabjola: Ta kaloj semaforin
[14.6.21, 16:32:01] ELONA: Po
[14.6.21, 16:32:14] Fabjola: Ok
[14.6.21, 16:32:18] Fabjola: Po tesh
[14.6.21, 16:32:29] ELONA: A kalove
[14.6.21, 16:32:29] Fabjola: <attached: 00001414-PHOTO-2021-06-14-16-32-29.jpg>
[14.6.21, 16:32:31] Fabjola: Knej
[14.6.21, 16:32:49] ELONA: Po
[14.6.21, 16:33:04] Fabjola: Deri kur
[14.6.21, 16:34:16] Fabjola: Shef kam oslon para
[14.6.21, 16:34:46] Fabjola: <attached: 00001419-PHOTO-2021-06-14-16-34-46.jpg>
[14.6.21, 16:35:06] ELONA: Erdha
[14.6.21, 16:35:11] ELONA: Aty rri
[14.6.21, 16:35:19] Fabjola: Ok
[14.6.21, 16:46:28] ELONA: <attached: 00001423-PHOTO-2021-06-14-16-46-28.jpg>
[14.6.21, 20:42:25] Fabjola: O shef a je tu e pyt at gocen pak per spanishten
[15.6.21, 07:22:09] Fabjola: O shef mgjesi
[15.6.21, 07:22:14] Fabjola: Ca do besh sot
[15.6.21, 07:44:45] ELONA: O shef me ka than me ik te puna
[15.6.21, 07:45:20] ELONA: <attached: 00001428-PHOTO-2021-06-15-07-45-20.jpg>
[15.6.21, 07:46:06] Fabjola: Hahhahahhh mir ju lumt
[15.6.21, 07:46:15] ELONA: <attached: 00001430-PHOTO-2021-06-15-07-46-15.jpg>
[15.6.21, 07:46:21] ELONA: Me shkruj dhe ne privat
[15.6.21, 07:46:48] Fabjola: Ca sflisnit ju bashk😂😂
[15.6.21, 07:46:55] Fabjola: Ca jan kto mhb me shefin
[15.6.21, 07:48:16] ELONA: O qa nuk flasim prz
[15.6.21, 07:48:49] Fabjola: Ja paske ba venin vetes ti
[15.6.21, 07:48:53] Fabjola: Te lumt
[15.6.21, 07:49:29] ELONA: Nrm shef
[15.6.21, 07:49:31] ELONA: 😂
[15.6.21, 07:49:33] Fabjola: O zott u cmena ne shpi nuk me shtyhet dita se krejt
jan ne pun
[15.6.21, 07:49:51] ELONA: Po shyqyr o budalle se nuk e merr vesht kush
[15.6.21, 07:50:26] Fabjola: Po jo mj ju thash ktyne ktu
[15.6.21, 07:50:50] Fabjola: Ato ne 2 kur shkoj un vijn
[15.6.21, 07:51:13] Fabjola: Po mamit e babit sdo i them
[15.6.21, 07:51:55] ELONA: Qa te than
[15.6.21, 07:52:40] Fabjola: Jo mj sme than naj gja
[15.6.21, 07:52:51] Fabjola: Eha me thot kuahrina kyt pun ka Tirana
[15.6.21, 07:53:04] Fabjola: Kam ba qef me ta 7 vite
[15.6.21, 07:53:09] Fabjola: Hy e dil
[15.6.21, 07:53:31] ELONA: Te thash pra shef iket pun ke ktu hyn e dil
[15.6.21, 07:54:17] Fabjola: E di mr shef po tesh kur msohesh me ni pun bash ste
bahet me nej ne shpi
[15.6.21, 07:54:27] Fabjola: Sshtyhet koha mj
[15.6.21, 10:43:17] ELONA: Shef do flasim per pun
[15.6.21, 10:43:34] ELONA: Se ktu na u myll zyra
[15.6.21, 10:43:40] ELONA: Kena gjet ven tj
[15.6.21, 10:43:46] ELONA: Do te marr edhe ty me vete
[15.6.21, 10:43:48] ELONA: Ok
[15.6.21, 10:47:06] Fabjola: Mir shef te rujt zoti❤️
[15.6.21, 10:56:45] ELONA: <attached: 00001458-PHOTO-2021-06-15-10-56-45.jpg>
[15.6.21, 10:57:15] Fabjola: Auu shefff
[15.6.21, 10:57:18] ELONA: Puna do jet gati maksimumi 1 jav do jena pushim
[15.6.21, 10:57:18] Fabjola: ❤️
[15.6.21, 10:57:26] Fabjola: Ska gja
[15.6.21, 10:57:30] Fabjola: Se kam hall
[15.6.21, 10:57:50] Fabjola: Vec te futem ne ni ven
[15.6.21, 10:58:04] ELONA: Po po pa merak se ste le pa ta gjet ni ven
[15.6.21, 10:58:35] Fabjola: Mir shef te jem qaty me ty ta bajm naj dor khb najhr
[15.6.21, 10:58:46] Fabjola: Se sshtyhet
[15.6.21, 11:00:35] ELONA: Po shef pa prb
[15.6.21, 11:01:06] Fabjola: He a je ne pun ti itssh
[15.6.21, 11:04:35] ELONA: Jan te tan tu diskutu
[15.6.21, 11:09:20] Fabjola: Hajt o shef mos e qaj bythen ti per ta se ke tjetren
[15.6.21, 20:47:26] Fabjola: A ke ik ne shengjin shef
[15.6.21, 20:47:45] ELONA: Po
[16.6.21, 08:18:03] Fabjola: Shef mgjesi a din me e perdor banken
[16.6.21, 09:27:53] ELONA: Po shef po sjam ne te
[16.6.21, 09:27:55] ELONA: Tr
[16.6.21, 09:28:19] Fabjola: Mir shef
[16.6.21, 16:42:57] Fabjola: Sa u ba kjo mj
[16.6.21, 16:43:29] ELONA: A rrit o shef
[16.6.21, 16:43:35] ELONA: Ba 3 vjeqe
[16.6.21, 16:44:43] Fabjola: 100 u baft sa ja qenkan ba flokt
[16.6.21, 16:44:56] ELONA: Po deksha o zot
[16.6.21, 16:45:07] ELONA: Me knaqi shpirtin
[16.6.21, 16:45:29] Fabjola: Te knaqi ty ne telefon po kur te bij
[16.6.21, 16:45:31] Fabjola: Vij
[16.6.21, 16:45:34] Fabjola: 😂
[16.6.21, 16:45:36] ELONA: O zot
[16.6.21, 16:45:44] Fabjola: Se heq pri dore
[16.6.21, 19:51:28] Fabjola: O shef kur vjen nga shengjini
[16.6.21, 19:53:29] ELONA: Se di o shef prz
[16.6.21, 19:53:33] ELONA: Besoj se masneser
[16.6.21, 19:53:37] ELONA: Nsr do dal me iren
[16.6.21, 19:53:50] Fabjola: Apaa
[16.6.21, 19:53:55] Fabjola: Lum ju
[16.6.21, 19:54:17] Fabjola: Le o shef se do vras naj rob aq prr lesh si po me
shkon jeta
[16.6.21, 19:56:55] ELONA: Me qetsi o shef
[16.6.21, 19:57:34] Fabjola: O shef a tu me ik zari mj rroga ka dal per te gjith
[16.6.21, 19:57:38] Fabjola: Mu jo
[16.6.21, 19:57:52] ELONA: Serio
[16.6.21, 19:57:58] Fabjola: 0 lek ne bank kur shkoj te bankomati me terheq
[16.6.21, 19:58:00] Fabjola: Po
[16.6.21, 19:58:10] Fabjola: Edhe i shkoj atyne te fimances
[16.6.21, 19:58:29] Fabjola: I thash goca me falni tu bej nje pyetje?
[16.6.21, 19:58:33] Fabjola: Po than
[16.6.21, 19:58:50] Fabjola: A eshte shperndar rroga me 15?
[16.6.21, 19:58:58] Fabjola: Po dje eshte shoerndar tha
[16.6.21, 19:59:24] Fabjola: I thash: Po mua me rezultojne 0 lek ne banke
[16.6.21, 19:59:33] Fabjola: Nuk me kan ardhu
[16.6.21, 19:59:41] Fabjola: Ou si ka munsi than ata
[16.6.21, 19:59:46] Fabjola: Me pyeten si e ke emrin
[16.6.21, 19:59:53] Fabjola: Moren ni ne telefon
[16.6.21, 20:00:12] Fabjola: Edhe i than nuk e di sec mund te jet ber ndonje
[16.6.21, 20:00:29] Fabjola: Po te henen eja te folesh me rkonomosti
[16.6.21, 20:00:33] Fabjola: Ekonomiatin
‍♀️ ️ 20:00:37] ELONA: ‍♀️
[16.6.21, 20:00:50] Fabjola: Uaa sa jam acaru mjj
[16.6.21, 20:01:00] Fabjola: Me dolen trutt
[16.6.21, 20:01:02] ELONA: <attached: 00001518-AUDIO-2021-06-16-20-01-02.opus>
[16.6.21, 20:01:29] Fabjola: Po jo mj se i kam pa se ma pau dhe ni gru aty
[16.6.21, 20:01:36] Fabjola: 0 mj
[16.6.21, 20:01:41] Fabjola: Kur me tha dhe ajo
[16.6.21, 20:01:45] Fabjola: Me laenja
[16.6.21, 20:01:50] Fabjola: Menja
[16.6.21, 20:02:14] ELONA: <attached: 00001524-AUDIO-2021-06-16-20-02-13.opus>
[16.6.21, 20:02:54] Fabjola: Se di pz deri itash si kan hedhj
[16.6.21, 20:02:56] Fabjola: J
[16.6.21, 20:03:02] Fabjola: Lujtaa
[16.6.21, 20:03:11] Fabjola: Vec me tall karin me mu kto
[16.6.21, 20:03:18] ELONA: <attached: 00001529-AUDIO-2021-06-16-20-03-18.opus>
[16.6.21, 20:04:40] Fabjola: Sdi mor sheff
[16.6.21, 20:04:42] Fabjola: Pz
[16.6.21, 20:04:54] Fabjola: Vec te hanen do fol me ato bushtratt
[16.6.21, 20:05:14] ELONA: Hajt shef mos u mrz
[16.6.21, 22:19:19] Fabjola: O shef a te kan than gja ma per punen
[16.6.21, 22:34:20] ELONA: Nsr do vi ne tr e do flas me ate gocen se do mblidhena
me diskutu do gjana te tan gr
[16.6.21, 22:34:24] ELONA: E me moren ne tel
[16.6.21, 22:34:39] Fabjola: Ok.shef pastaj me thuj
[16.6.21, 22:34:45] Fabjola: Un nsr kam provim
[16.6.21, 22:34:48] Fabjola: Nr shkoll
[16.6.21, 22:34:54] Fabjola: 😭
[16.6.21, 22:34:56] Fabjola: Do ngel
[16.6.21, 22:35:34] ELONA: Hajt suksese shef
[16.6.21, 22:35:47] ELONA: Mos u mrz se un do ik per vjesht ne dhan10 provime
[16.6.21, 22:35:57] Fabjola: Aiij un ngela te ni
[16.6.21, 22:36:01] Fabjola: I dyti ky
[16.6.21, 22:36:04] Fabjola: 😂
[17.6.21, 10:56:33] ELONA: He shef a bane provimin
[17.6.21, 12:19:56] Fabjola: <attached: 00001548-AUDIO-2021-06-17-12-19-56.opus>
[17.6.21, 12:24:11] ELONA: Pse stresohesh shef se un kam ngel gjithkun
[17.6.21, 12:39:16] Fabjola: Hahahhhahah
[17.6.21, 12:39:29] Fabjola: Ca bane shef a fole me ato te punes
[17.6.21, 12:40:03] ELONA: Hala skam ik
[18.6.21, 19:39:54] Fabjola: He shef
[18.6.21, 19:40:08] ELONA: He shef ka bahesh
[18.6.21, 19:40:34] Fabjola: Ne kafe ne lagje shef
[18.6.21, 19:40:40] Fabjola: Ku je ti
[18.6.21, 19:41:16] ELONA: Sa kam ardh ne tr
[18.6.21, 19:41:26] ELONA: Jam tu ik nga ringu me ble naj gjo
[18.6.21, 19:41:29] ELONA: Per nsr
[18.6.21, 19:41:39] Fabjola: Per ca prr nsr
[18.6.21, 19:41:46] ELONA: Do ik ne vlor
[18.6.21, 19:41:57] Fabjola: E kurvv
[18.6.21, 19:42:04] Fabjola: Ca ke bo per punen
[18.6.21, 19:42:08] ELONA: Ne karaburun
[18.6.21, 19:42:27] ELONA: Te hanen na tha ishalla
[18.6.21, 19:44:52] Fabjola: Hajt ishalla o shef
[19.6.21, 10:39:07] Fabjola: E mir mir shefii
[19.6.21, 10:42:30] ELONA: Te ba ni grim jet shef
[19.6.21, 10:43:24] Fabjola: Bravo shef te lumt
[19.6.21, 10:43:25] Fabjola: Mplq
[19.6.21, 10:43:36] ELONA: Hahahahahah
[21.6.21, 18:05:53] Fabjola: <attached: 00001572-AUDIO-2021-06-21-18-05-53.opus>
[21.6.21, 18:06:44] ELONA: Me dat 1 me duket
[21.6.21, 18:06:53] Fabjola: Ku je shef
[21.6.21, 18:07:18] ELONA: Isha ne kamz takova nja 2 shoqe
[21.6.21, 18:07:26] ELONA: Tash do takoj fonsin
[21.6.21, 18:07:27] ELONA: Pak
[21.6.21, 18:07:28] Fabjola: Po tesh
[21.6.21, 18:07:35] ELONA: E pastaj 1 goc tj
[21.6.21, 18:07:39] Fabjola: Apaa o shef du me te takuuu
[21.6.21, 18:07:45] Fabjola: Se kam shum me te thannn
[21.6.21, 18:07:51] ELONA: Po ku je ti
[21.6.21, 18:07:58] Fabjola: Ne qender
[21.6.21, 18:08:03] Fabjola: Sa dola nga puna
[21.6.21, 18:08:24] ELONA: Po hajde ne zog te zi rrim pak vje ne fonsi takoje dhe
[21.6.21, 18:08:35] ELONA: Po deri sa te vije aj bajm mhb ne
[21.6.21, 18:08:56] ELONA: Se do ik ke shpia un pak
[21.6.21, 18:09:03] Fabjola: Kam harru si vihet tesh duhet me ardh ne 21 asht larg
o shef
[21.6.21, 18:09:05] Fabjola: Vl
[21.6.21, 18:09:10] Fabjola: Takohena nsr
[21.6.21, 18:09:22] ELONA: Po merr kamzen te bje direkt
[21.6.21, 18:09:40] Fabjola: Lene lene dalim nsr
[21.6.21, 18:11:21] ELONA: Mir si dush
[21.6.21, 21:50:31] Fabjola: O shef
[21.6.21, 21:50:41] Fabjola: Kush asht myt ne shengjin mj
[21.6.21, 21:50:52] ELONA: Kush moj
[21.6.21, 21:51:27] Fabjola: Jan myt pra dy vellezer nga shengjini me dy vellezer
[21.6.21, 21:51:30] Fabjola: Per ni goc
[21.6.21, 21:51:40] ELONA: Kush te tha
[21.6.21, 21:51:46] Fabjola: Kto nga shnini me mbiemer jushi
[21.6.21, 21:51:54] Fabjola: E kan nxjerr ne lajme
[21.6.21, 21:52:06] Fabjola: Tu rraf video
[21.6.21, 21:52:11] ELONA: Eu
[21.6.21, 21:52:14] Fabjola: Uaa me shkopa druri
[21.6.21, 21:52:14] ELONA: Se kam pa
[21.6.21, 21:52:15] Fabjola: Qrr
[21.6.21, 21:52:31] Fabjola: Sikur kan maru femrat
[21.6.21, 21:52:41] ELONA: A kan hedh ke joq
[21.6.21, 21:53:13] Fabjola: Se di
[21.6.21, 21:53:19] Fabjola: Un ne tv e pash
[21.6.21, 21:53:47] ELONA: Uaaa
[21.6.21, 21:53:49] ELONA: E pash
‍♀️ ️ 21:53:52] ELONA: ‍♀️
[21.6.21, 21:54:00] ELONA: Krishti baft kryq ne to
[21.6.21, 21:54:06] Fabjola: Ua qyqja sheff
[21.6.21, 21:54:11] Fabjola: E tmerrshme
[21.6.21, 21:54:15] ELONA: Hej zot na ruj
[21.6.21, 21:54:20] ELONA: Qa ba kjo pun kshu mor
[21.6.21, 21:54:38] Fabjola: Edhe ato ma sa idiota sikur marun vajzat qr
[21.6.21, 21:54:46] Fabjola: E kurvat ca bajn
[21.6.21, 22:42:38] Fabjola: Ku e pe o shef ti
[21.6.21, 22:43:56] ELONA: Ke joq
[22.6.21, 11:44:13] Fabjola: Shef
[22.6.21, 11:44:14] Fabjola: Ca bane
[22.6.21, 11:57:31] ELONA: Jam provim
[22.6.21, 11:58:32] Fabjola: Hou shef
[22.6.21, 11:58:38] Fabjola: A je tu muj me ba gja
[22.6.21, 12:08:59] ELONA: Po bana jan tu na lan me kopju
[22.6.21, 12:10:40] Fabjola: <attached: 00001629-AUDIO-2021-06-22-12-10-40.opus>
[22.6.21, 12:11:09] Fabjola: Kopjo mrrr naj 7 a 8
[22.6.21, 12:18:58] ELONA: Veq 2 ushtrime kam lan pa ba
[22.6.21, 12:19:09] Fabjola: Ha ta lumshaa
[22.6.21, 12:19:27] Fabjola: E kape 8
[22.6.21, 12:19:38] ELONA: Plus detyrat si nisa
[22.6.21, 12:22:23] Fabjola: Ca detyrash
[22.6.21, 12:22:28] Fabjola: Kurdi
[22.6.21, 12:22:29] Fabjola: S
[22.6.21, 12:22:34] Fabjola: Portofoli
[22.6.21, 12:22:49] ELONA: Laboratori
[22.6.21, 12:23:14] Fabjola: Ca ishin ato m shef a dite me i ba
[22.6.21, 12:23:52] ELONA: I kopjova ne ato 10 faqe
[22.6.21, 12:24:25] Fabjola: <attached: 00001642-AUDIO-2021-06-22-12-24-25.opus>
[22.6.21, 12:45:02] ELONA: Ca do bash ma von
[22.6.21, 12:45:09] ELONA: A je te puna
[22.6.21, 12:45:44] Fabjola: Po shef 4:40 e le
[22.6.21, 12:45:55] Fabjola: A dalim ma von
[22.6.21, 12:46:15] ELONA: Po
[22.6.21, 12:46:31] Fabjola: Mir shef
[22.6.21, 12:46:37] Fabjola: Te shkruj ma von
[22.6.21, 12:46:57] Fabjola: O sheff deka sa nxehtt
[22.6.21, 12:47:01] Fabjola: Marovaa
[22.6.21, 12:47:08] ELONA: Ne un marova
[22.6.21, 12:47:28] Fabjola: Bice sdiqem
[22.6.21, 13:32:15] ELONA: Ti je dhe ne pishin o shef
[22.6.21, 13:42:40] Fabjola: Po sna le kush o shef
[22.6.21, 13:42:51] Fabjola: Ne orar te punes
[22.6.21, 13:43:01] Fabjola: Po mu dreqin me erdhen dhe kto
[22.6.21, 13:43:14] Fabjola: Se isha fut ka ora 5
[22.6.21, 13:43:21] Fabjola: Mas orarit
[22.6.21, 13:47:54] ELONA: Sa lek ban aty pishina
[22.6.21, 13:51:23] Fabjola: 300 lek te VIP shef
[22.6.21, 13:52:54] ELONA: Qenka lir
[22.6.21, 13:53:04] Fabjola: Po shef a bahena naj dit
[22.6.21, 13:53:10] ELONA: Po
[22.6.21, 13:53:12] Fabjola: Un ktu jam ti hajde ka ora 5
[22.6.21, 13:53:13] ELONA: Kur dush
[22.6.21, 13:53:20] Fabjola: Po shef te premten
[22.6.21, 13:53:34] ELONA: Do ik ne shengjin te premten
[22.6.21, 13:53:38] ELONA: Mad provimit
[22.6.21, 13:54:20] Fabjola: Un do iku nsr pas ptovimit shef
[22.6.21, 13:54:46] Fabjola: Po mir o shef te dielen ose te shtynen a vjen
[22.6.21, 13:55:15] ELONA: Te djelen noshta
[22.6.21, 13:55:34] Fabjola: Mos te dielen te hanen shef
[22.6.21, 13:55:51] Fabjola: Po te dielen ma mir se ka edhe shum vet cuna te mir
[22.6.21, 13:56:05] Fabjola: Apaa shef jan nja dy cuna te mir ktu
[22.6.21, 13:59:39] Fabjola: 100 lek bakshish ma lan itesh😂
[22.6.21, 13:59:46] ELONA: Brravo shef
[22.6.21, 14:00:16] Fabjola: O shef sa frik e kam te dielen
[22.6.21, 14:00:22] Fabjola: Se ka shum pun
[22.6.21, 14:00:31] Fabjola: Sr kto dit kshu sjan aq
[22.6.21, 14:00:38] Fabjola: I perballoj mir
[22.6.21, 14:00:58] ELONA: Me qetsi shef
[22.6.21, 14:01:06] ELONA: Se sa tu te njek kush ne shpen
[22.6.21, 14:01:18] Fabjola: Vin e te plasin mran
[22.6.21, 14:01:37] Fabjola: Bosat me 50 mij leksha
[22.6.21, 14:01:42] Fabjola: Ene vin gruo
[22.6.21, 14:01:57] Fabjola: Tu ba si gangstera te cojn nervat
[22.6.21, 14:12:54] ELONA: 😂
[22.6.21, 14:13:08] ELONA: <attached: 00001689-AUDIO-2021-06-22-14-13-08.opus>
[22.6.21, 14:13:36] Fabjola: Vjen ti pastaj ee😂😂
[22.6.21, 14:13:53] Fabjola: <attached: 00001691-PHOTO-2021-06-22-14-13-53.jpg>
[22.6.21, 14:13:53] ELONA: <attached: 00001692-AUDIO-2021-06-22-14-13-53.opus>
[22.6.21, 14:14:29] ELONA: <attached: 00001693-AUDIO-2021-06-22-14-14-29.opus>
[22.6.21, 14:14:37] ELONA: <attached: 00001694-AUDIO-2021-06-22-14-14-37.opus>
[22.6.21, 14:15:23] Fabjola: Dekaa😂😂
[22.6.21, 14:15:34] Fabjola: <attached: 00001696-AUDIO-2021-06-22-14-15-34.opus>
[22.6.21, 14:15:36] Fabjola: 😂😂😂😂
[22.6.21, 14:17:03] ELONA: 😂😂😂😂😂😂
[22.6.21, 14:17:28] Fabjola: E un desha me ja marr te dyja
[22.6.21, 14:17:30] Fabjola: 😂😂😂
[22.6.21, 14:17:40] Fabjola: Sme del 1
[22.6.21, 17:00:16] ELONA: O shef a je tu nejt ne qender ne shpi ito koh
[23.6.21, 20:03:06] ELONA: O kurv
[23.6.21, 20:03:32] ELONA: Si re sma hap mu tel
[23.6.21, 20:03:38] Fabjola: He mj prositut
[23.6.21, 20:03:47] Fabjola: Se niva se isha tu la
[23.6.21, 20:03:52] ELONA: Cpb
[23.6.21, 20:04:20] Fabjola: Jam nga casa italia o shef
[23.6.21, 20:04:24] Fabjola: Te halla
[23.6.21, 20:04:31] ELONA: Po dje pse sdole
[23.6.21, 20:04:37] ELONA: The do te them e dalim
[23.6.21, 20:04:42] ELONA: Un tu prit si pall
[23.6.21, 20:07:27] Fabjola: O shef pz jam me kyt kurven e kushrines te puna
[23.6.21, 20:07:31] Fabjola: Sme len ne rrahman
[23.6.21, 20:08:02] ELONA: Au
[23.6.21, 21:20:53] Fabjola: Ca ke ba ti shef
[23.6.21, 21:22:33] ELONA: Un hic ke shpia
[23.6.21, 21:26:58] Fabjola: Te lumt shef
[23.6.21, 21:27:11] Fabjola: A je tu ardh nsr per pishina ka ora 3
[23.6.21, 21:27:34] Fabjola: Se aty te un nuk pagun te fus un pa lek
[23.6.21, 21:27:47] Fabjola: Pagun vec ne fillim 400 lek
[23.6.21, 22:23:52] ELONA: Ai pa lek e me pagu kto
[23.6.21, 22:25:27] Fabjola: Si sjam tu te marr vesh😂
[23.6.21, 22:25:43] ELONA: A me the te fus pa lek
[23.6.21, 22:25:57] Fabjola: Te un po shef te VIP
[23.6.21, 22:26:10] Fabjola: Se po te ishte naj tjt do pagush dhe aty
[23.6.21, 22:26:21] ELONA: Jo shef skam aq lek un
[23.6.21, 22:26:55] Fabjola: Hajt se ti paguj un atje
[23.6.21, 22:27:19] ELONA: Ua ua ua shef
[23.6.21, 22:27:49] Fabjola: Hajde nsr sak
[23.6.21, 22:28:05] ELONA: Po shef
[23.6.21, 22:28:23] ELONA: A te lejn te vi ma perpara
[23.6.21, 22:28:30] ELONA: Te rri me tu
[23.6.21, 22:28:31] ELONA: Tu
[23.6.21, 22:28:33] ELONA: Ty
[23.6.21, 22:30:10] Fabjola: Po ti hajde ka ora 3
[23.6.21, 22:30:10] Fabjola: Edhe un e maroj ne 5
[23.6.21, 22:30:10] Fabjola: E rrim aty
[23.6.21, 22:30:46] ELONA: Mir vi un ishalla kapim gja
[23.6.21, 22:30:48] ELONA: 😂
[23.6.21, 22:31:02] Fabjola: Lott
[23.6.21, 22:31:30] ELONA: Hajt pra shef se skam qa baj tj
[23.6.21, 22:31:43] Fabjola: Mir shef na merr naj peshqir
[23.6.21, 22:31:48] Fabjola: Se skam plazhi un
[23.6.21, 22:32:31] ELONA: Do i marr dhe rrobat mi qant e ndrrohem aty
[23.6.21, 22:32:38] Fabjola: Po shef
[23.6.21, 22:32:45] Fabjola: Se bahena skandal mrapa
[23.6.21, 22:32:51] Fabjola: Kena me ik dhe ne autobusa
[23.6.21, 22:33:10] Fabjola: Naj krem po pate
[23.6.21, 22:33:15] ELONA: Apaaa shef
[23.6.21, 22:33:20] ELONA: Qa kremi
[23.6.21, 22:33:31] Fabjola: Naj krem me u nxi a mos mu djeg
[23.6.21, 22:33:37] Fabjola: Ca te dush
[23.6.21, 22:33:57] ELONA: Skam ashtu un shef
[23.6.21, 22:34:12] Fabjola: Mir shef ska gja
[23.6.21, 22:34:20] Fabjola: Na merr naj peshqir vec
[23.6.21, 22:36:38] ELONA: Po do i gjej nja 2
[23.6.21, 22:36:59] Fabjola: Mir shef
[23.6.21, 22:37:08] Fabjola: Hajt se folim nsr
[24.6.21, 08:35:49] Fabjola: Shef mgjesi
[24.6.21, 08:36:22] ELONA: Mgjes shef
[24.6.21, 08:36:24] ELONA: A flete
[24.6.21, 08:36:41] Fabjola: A mezi me ka dal gjumi rpt
[24.6.21, 08:36:48] Fabjola: Jam tu dek per gjum
[24.6.21, 08:37:00] Fabjola: E mram skam flet rehat nga vapa
[24.6.21, 08:37:11] Fabjola: Marova me pak fjal😂
[24.6.21, 08:38:00] ELONA: A ike ne pun
[24.6.21, 08:38:14] Fabjola: <attached: 00001768-PHOTO-2021-06-24-08-38-14.jpg>
[24.6.21, 08:38:23] Fabjola: Jam tu pi i kafe iher
[24.6.21, 08:38:42] ELONA: Breavo shef
[24.6.21, 08:39:20] Fabjola: Shef hajde ka ora 2 ose 3 shef se ne 4:50 e le dhe un
[24.6.21, 08:39:24] Fabjola: E bashk mrapa
[24.6.21, 08:41:52] ELONA: Mir shef
[24.6.21, 08:42:22] Fabjola: Mir shef se folim prp ma von❤️
[24.6.21, 10:43:57] ELONA: O shef ke me me nis locationin
[24.6.21, 10:44:04] ELONA: Se sdi me ardh
[24.6.21, 10:44:19] Fabjola: <attached: 00001777-AUDIO-2021-06-24-10-44-19.opus>
[24.6.21, 10:44:44] Fabjola: <attached: 00001778-AUDIO-2021-06-24-10-44-44.opus>
[24.6.21, 10:44:56] Fabjola: <attached: 00001779-AUDIO-2021-06-24-10-44-56.opus>
[24.6.21, 10:45:17] ELONA: Po sa lek te marrin me hy aty
[24.6.21, 10:45:46] Fabjola: Po ti marrin 400 lek
[24.6.21, 10:45:52] Fabjola: Po thuj kam motren
[24.6.21, 10:46:01] Fabjola: Qe punon te pishina VIP
[24.6.21, 10:46:12] ELONA: Po hajt bre se per 400 mi lek sa prb
[24.6.21, 10:46:13] Fabjola: Do shkoj ta takoj ti marr dicka
[24.6.21, 10:46:18] Fabjola: Po jo sheff
[24.6.21, 10:46:23] Fabjola: Pse po i pagun
[24.6.21, 10:46:27] Fabjola: Asnii
[24.6.21, 10:46:32] Fabjola: A more vesh
[24.6.21, 10:46:39] Fabjola: Kur te jesh aty me ba telefon
[24.6.21, 10:46:42] Fabjola: Te dal para
[24.6.21, 10:46:53] ELONA: Mir
[24.6.21, 10:49:19] Fabjola: Ca ore do me ardh
[24.6.21, 10:59:55] ELONA: Ka ora 1 po nisem
[24.6.21, 11:00:28] Fabjola: Mir shef
[24.6.21, 11:00:35] Fabjola: Me thuj vec
[24.6.21, 13:23:02] ELONA: <attached: 00001797-AUDIO-2021-06-24-13-23-01.opus>
[24.6.21, 13:33:47] Fabjola: <attached: 00001798-AUDIO-2021-06-24-13-33-47.opus>
[24.6.21, 13:34:19] ELONA: Marova
[24.6.21, 13:34:25] ELONA: Do vdes rruges
[24.6.21, 13:34:47] Fabjola: Jo o shef se ktu direkt tu pllaqarit
[24.6.21, 13:34:50] Fabjola: Te kalon
[24.6.21, 13:34:56] Fabjola: Po un si kam dhe 4 or
[24.6.21, 13:35:08] Fabjola: Kur te vish te porta me thuj
[24.6.21, 13:35:19] ELONA: Ma nis pra se sdi ku asht
[24.6.21, 13:35:31] Fabjola: Location:
[24.6.21, 13:36:38] ELONA: Ishalla mun e gjej
[24.6.21, 13:38:57] Fabjola: Po mor shef a e di ku asht
[24.6.21, 13:39:00] Fabjola: Ashr diga
[24.6.21, 13:39:17] Fabjola: Jan ca shkall si shkojn per posht
[24.6.21, 13:39:30] Fabjola: Aty ul shkallt ec drejt
[24.6.21, 13:39:36] Fabjola: E ke aquadr
[24.6.21, 13:39:43] Fabjola: Aquadrom me te madhe
[24.6.21, 13:40:03] ELONA: Jo shef se di at zon
[24.6.21, 13:40:13] ELONA: Po me qa urbani shko ti
[24.6.21, 13:40:21] Fabjola: Po shef te tregoj un
[24.6.21, 13:40:37] Fabjola: <attached: 00001817-AUDIO-2021-06-24-13-40-37.opus>
[24.6.21, 13:41:06] Fabjola: A e din o shef
[24.6.21, 13:41:21] ELONA: Ke cila kish
[24.6.21, 13:41:26] ELONA: Te ajo ortodoksja
[24.6.21, 13:41:54] Fabjola: Po shef
[24.6.21, 13:42:43] ELONA: Po deri te liqeni jam tu ardh me unazen
[24.6.21, 13:43:18] Fabjola: <attached: 00001823-AUDIO-2021-06-24-13-43-18.opus>
[24.6.21, 13:43:44] ELONA: Do marr taxi shef vl
[24.6.21, 13:48:32] Fabjola: <attached: 00001825-AUDIO-2021-06-24-13-48-32.opus>
[24.6.21, 13:49:10] ELONA: Ne 21
[24.6.21, 13:50:17] Fabjola: <attached: 00001827-AUDIO-2021-06-24-13-50-17.opus>
[24.6.21, 13:50:26] Fabjola: <attached: 00001828-AUDIO-2021-06-24-13-50-26.opus>
[24.6.21, 13:51:30] ELONA: Jam urban tj jam krejt mrapsht
[24.6.21, 13:51:46] Fabjola: <attached: 00001830-AUDIO-2021-06-24-13-51-46.opus>
[24.6.21, 13:52:00] ELONA: Si kishte emrin dhe ni her aj veni
[24.6.21, 13:53:08] Fabjola: <attached: 00001832-AUDIO-2021-06-24-13-53-08.opus>
[24.6.21, 13:54:07] ELONA: Asht super nxet nuk ecet me urban
[24.6.21, 13:57:20] Fabjola: Mir shef ti e di
[24.6.21, 13:57:25] Fabjola: Bice nuk vdiqemmm
[24.6.21, 13:58:01] Fabjola: Vec hajde
[24.6.21, 13:58:08] ELONA: Uaaa un marova
[24.6.21, 13:58:45] Fabjola: <attached: 00001838-AUDIO-2021-06-24-13-58-45.opus>
[24.6.21, 13:59:09] Fabjola: Vdiqaa mj po te them
[24.6.21, 13:59:14] Fabjola: Ca ky i nxehttt
[24.6.21, 14:07:11] ELONA: <attached: 00001841-AUDIO-2021-06-24-14-07-11.opus>
[24.6.21, 14:11:02] Fabjola: Po shef pak ma nalt asht stacioni qe merr kopshtin
[24.6.21, 14:11:09] Fabjola: Pyt dhe najni aty
[24.6.21, 14:11:56] ELONA: <attached: 00001844-PHOTO-2021-06-24-14-11-56.jpg>
[24.6.21, 14:12:02] ELONA: Na ku jam
[24.6.21, 14:13:14] Fabjola: Bravo.shef
[24.6.21, 14:13:18] Fabjola: A je ne bus
[24.6.21, 14:13:32] ELONA: Jo zbrita nga aj qe isha
[24.6.21, 14:13:35] Fabjola: Se knej vihet
[24.6.21, 14:13:59] Fabjola: Po nuk e di tesh shih naj bus aty o shef se e ke laeg
ne kam
[24.6.21, 14:14:25] ELONA: Nuk ka stacjon busi
[24.6.21, 14:17:38] Fabjola: <attached: 00001852-AUDIO-2021-06-24-14-17-38.opus>
[24.6.21, 14:17:47] Fabjola: <attached: 00001853-AUDIO-2021-06-24-14-17-47.opus>
[24.6.21, 14:18:21] ELONA: <attached: 00001854-PHOTO-2021-06-24-14-18-21.jpg>
[24.6.21, 14:19:09] Fabjola: Te lumt shef
[24.6.21, 14:19:25] ELONA: E tash
[24.6.21, 14:19:44] Fabjola: Ca ke naj ven anej naj tabel
[24.6.21, 14:19:51] Fabjola: Ma ba naj foto taman
[24.6.21, 14:19:59] Fabjola: Naj video
[24.6.21, 14:20:39] ELONA: A te futem ktej ka liqeni e te dal atje ku jan ato
[24.6.21, 14:21:17] Fabjola: <attached: 00001861-AUDIO-2021-06-24-14-21-17.opus>
[24.6.21, 14:21:55] ELONA: E kpt deri diku
[24.6.21, 14:22:47] Fabjola: Hahhahahaabab
[24.6.21, 14:24:06] Fabjola: <attached: 00001864-AUDIO-2021-06-24-14-24-06.opus>
[24.6.21, 14:24:09] Fabjola: <attached: 00001865-AUDIO-2021-06-24-14-24-09.opus>
[24.6.21, 14:24:15] Fabjola: 😂😂😂
[24.6.21, 14:24:33] ELONA: <attached: 00001867-AUDIO-2021-06-24-14-24-33.opus>
[24.6.21, 14:24:47] ELONA: <attached: 00001868-AUDIO-2021-06-24-14-24-47.opus>
[24.6.21, 14:25:04] Fabjola: <attached: 00001869-AUDIO-2021-06-24-14-25-04.opus>
[24.6.21, 14:25:20] ELONA: <attached: 00001870-AUDIO-2021-06-24-14-25-20.opus>
[24.6.21, 14:25:35] ELONA: <attached: 00001871-AUDIO-2021-06-24-14-25-34.opus>
[24.6.21, 14:26:18] Fabjola: <attached: 00001872-AUDIO-2021-06-24-14-26-18.opus>
[24.6.21, 14:26:37] ELONA: <attached: 00001873-AUDIO-2021-06-24-14-26-37.opus>
[24.6.21, 14:26:54] ELONA: <attached: 00001874-PHOTO-2021-06-24-14-26-53.jpg>
[24.6.21, 14:27:46] ELONA: <attached: 00001875-PHOTO-2021-06-24-14-27-45.jpg>
[24.6.21, 14:27:54] ELONA: Ktu e
[24.6.21, 14:29:11] ELONA: <attached: 00001877-AUDIO-2021-06-24-14-29-11.opus>
[24.6.21, 14:29:22] Fabjola: <attached: 00001878-AUDIO-2021-06-24-14-29-22.opus>
[24.6.21, 14:29:42] ELONA: <attached: 00001879-AUDIO-2021-06-24-14-29-42.opus>
[24.6.21, 14:30:16] Fabjola: <attached: 00001880-AUDIO-2021-06-24-14-30-16.opus>
[24.6.21, 14:30:21] ELONA: <attached: 00001881-AUDIO-2021-06-24-14-30-21.opus>
[24.6.21, 14:30:43] Fabjola: <attached: 00001882-AUDIO-2021-06-24-14-30-43.opus>
[24.6.21, 14:30:44] ELONA: <attached: 00001883-AUDIO-2021-06-24-14-30-43.opus>
[24.6.21, 14:30:50] ELONA: <attached: 00001884-PHOTO-2021-06-24-14-30-50.jpg>
[24.6.21, 14:30:50] Fabjola: <attached: 00001885-AUDIO-2021-06-24-14-30-50.opus>
[24.6.21, 14:31:00] Fabjola: <attached: 00001886-AUDIO-2021-06-24-14-31-00.opus>
[24.6.21, 14:31:12] ELONA: <attached: 00001887-AUDIO-2021-06-24-14-31-12.opus>
[24.6.21, 14:33:29] ELONA: Qa jan tu me pa o shef
[24.6.21, 14:41:17] ELONA: O shef shkova qtu ne fun si kare
[24.6.21, 14:41:19] ELONA: 😂
[24.6.21, 14:41:39] ELONA: Ku te porosis naj gja me pi se vdeka
[24.6.21, 14:44:38] Fabjola: <attached: 00001892-AUDIO-2021-06-24-14-44-38.opus>
[24.6.21, 14:44:43] Fabjola: <attached: 00001893-AUDIO-2021-06-24-14-44-43.opus>
[24.6.21, 14:45:17] Fabjola: Ca do pish
[24.6.21, 14:46:16] ELONA: Du 1 uj edhe 1 redbull
[24.6.21, 14:46:21] ELONA: Merr 2 redbulla
[24.6.21, 14:46:27] ELONA: 1 per ty e 1 un
[24.6.21, 14:46:42] Fabjola: <attached: 00001898-AUDIO-2021-06-24-14-46-42.opus>
[24.6.21, 14:47:05] ELONA: Po pije dhe 1 itash se ne 5 marrim prap
[24.6.21, 14:47:39] Fabjola: Mir shef po mos u harxhp
[24.6.21, 14:50:35] ELONA: O shef aj burri
[24.6.21, 14:53:08] Fabjola: <attached: 00001902-AUDIO-2021-06-24-14-53-08.opus>
[24.6.21, 14:53:22] ELONA: 😂
[24.6.21, 14:53:47] Fabjola: O shef a ke naj 1 mij lek tja kthej njanit se skam ca
mo kthy
[24.6.21, 14:53:53] Fabjola: Ti jap ma von
[24.6.21, 14:54:00] ELONA: Po hajde merri
[24.6.21, 14:55:06] Fabjola: <attached: 00001907-AUDIO-2021-06-24-14-55-06.opus>
[24.6.21, 14:55:31] ELONA: Hahahahahaha
[24.6.21, 14:55:33] ELONA: Ja dhash
[24.6.21, 14:55:37] ELONA: Thash qa pat
[24.6.21, 14:56:35] Fabjola: Ah mor shef per lekt te tan vij
[24.6.21, 14:56:37] Fabjola: 😂😂😂
[24.6.21, 14:56:46] ELONA: 😂😂😂😂
[24.6.21, 14:57:20] Fabjola: Sa kostum te bkr paske shef
[24.6.21, 14:57:43] ELONA: Vanes mor shef
[24.6.21, 14:58:46] Fabjola: Super shef
[24.6.21, 15:00:02] ELONA: O shef a ka duhan aty te lokali
[24.6.21, 15:00:49] Fabjola: <attached: 00001918-AUDIO-2021-06-24-15-00-49.opus>
[24.6.21, 15:00:58] Fabjola: <attached: 00001919-AUDIO-2021-06-24-15-00-58.opus>
[24.6.21, 15:01:16] ELONA: Po te ket me ardh
[24.6.21, 15:03:00] Fabjola: <attached: 00001921-AUDIO-2021-06-24-15-03-00.opus>
[24.6.21, 15:03:00] ELONA: Paska ik per lesh o shef
[24.6.21, 15:03:07] ELONA: Malbor 4
[24.6.21, 15:03:18] Fabjola: <attached: 00001924-AUDIO-2021-06-24-15-03-18.opus>
[24.6.21, 15:03:27] Fabjola: <attached: 00001925-AUDIO-2021-06-24-15-03-27.opus>
[24.6.21, 15:03:38] ELONA: <attached: 00001926-AUDIO-2021-06-24-15-03-38.opus>
[24.6.21, 15:04:02] Fabjola: <attached: 00001927-AUDIO-2021-06-24-15-04-02.opus>
[24.6.21, 15:04:26] ELONA: <attached: 00001928-AUDIO-2021-06-24-15-04-26.opus>
[24.6.21, 15:04:34] ELONA: 😂
[24.6.21, 15:04:52] Fabjola: 😂😂😂😂
[24.6.21, 15:11:24] Fabjola: Marova nxehti o shef
[24.6.21, 15:11:48] Fabjola: Me frrskoi pak ajo pije si me prune ti
[24.6.21, 15:11:51] Fabjola: Te rujt zoti
[24.6.21, 15:11:54] Fabjola: Se diqaa
[24.6.21, 15:12:00] ELONA: Te baft mir o shef
[24.6.21, 15:13:25] Fabjola: Sa te mire e paske shoqen 😂
[24.6.21, 15:13:33] Fabjola: Shih ca me tha ai kamarjeri
[24.6.21, 15:13:34] Fabjola: 😂😂😂
[24.6.21, 15:13:44] Fabjola: Qe te pruni redbullin
[24.6.21, 15:14:00] ELONA: O shef deri ne 5 je
[24.6.21, 15:14:03] ELONA: Apo 4:30
[24.6.21, 15:14:29] Fabjola: Deri ne 5 o shef po jam tu dal qe 4:40
[24.6.21, 15:15:08] ELONA: Mir o shef
[24.6.21, 15:15:21] ELONA: O zot sa malok ktu
[24.6.21, 15:18:09] Fabjola: Po rri o shef se jan tu habit ca ky yll kty
[24.6.21, 15:18:25] Fabjola: O zot si nuk shkon ora 5 kurrr
[24.6.21, 15:18:30] Fabjola: U cmenaaaaaaa
[24.6.21, 15:19:13] ELONA: I qr sak
[24.6.21, 15:19:45] Fabjola: <attached: 00001949-AUDIO-2021-06-24-15-19-45.opus>
[24.6.21, 15:19:47] Fabjola: 😂😂😂
[24.6.21, 15:19:49] ELONA: U mrz vetem
[24.6.21, 15:19:53] Fabjola: <attached: 00001952-AUDIO-2021-06-24-15-19-53.opus>
[24.6.21, 15:20:00] Fabjola: E di edhe un ktu
[24.6.21, 15:20:06] Fabjola: Po hajt dhe pak
[24.6.21, 15:20:20] ELONA: Jena 2 hapa larg e smun takohwna
[24.6.21, 15:21:50] Fabjola: <attached: 00001956-AUDIO-2021-06-24-15-21-50.opus>
[24.6.21, 15:22:17] ELONA: <attached: 00001957-AUDIO-2021-06-24-15-22-17.opus>
[24.6.21, 15:23:59] ELONA: A mi lun kush gjanat qe kam ktu
[24.6.21, 15:24:03] Fabjola: Hajt merre ni kafe ktu
[24.6.21, 15:24:08] Fabjola: <attached: 00001960-AUDIO-2021-06-24-15-24-08.opus>
[24.6.21, 15:24:20] ELONA: Ku mrapa re
[24.6.21, 15:26:54] Fabjola: <attached: 00001962-AUDIO-2021-06-24-15-26-54.opus>
[24.6.21, 15:27:10] ELONA: Hahahahahahhahahahaha
[24.6.21, 15:27:16] ELONA: O myte dek
[24.6.21, 15:28:27] Fabjola: <attached: 00001965-AUDIO-2021-06-24-15-28-27.opus>
[24.6.21, 15:28:27] ELONA: Du dhe 1 uj
[24.6.21, 15:28:37] ELONA: Te shkurt
[24.6.21, 15:28:40] ELONA: Tek sheqer
[24.6.21, 15:28:58] Fabjola: <attached: 00001969-AUDIO-2021-06-24-15-28-58.opus>
[24.6.21, 15:29:12] ELONA: Po jo re mi thuj te vije ktu
[24.6.21, 15:29:17] ELONA: Se ja paguj un
[24.6.21, 15:29:45] Fabjola: <attached: 00001972-AUDIO-2021-06-24-15-29-45.opus>
[24.6.21, 15:35:18] Fabjola: <attached: 00001973-AUDIO-2021-06-24-15-35-18.opus>
[24.6.21, 15:35:21] Fabjola: 😂😂😂
[24.6.21, 15:35:43] ELONA: O shef po se pi dot pa uj
[24.6.21, 15:35:52] Fabjola: Ja kam nxi jeten ati cunit per kish
[24.6.21, 15:35:54] ELONA: Ky djali u mrz tha jeni tu me perdor
[24.6.21, 15:35:58] ELONA: 😂😂😂😂
[24.6.21, 15:36:34] Fabjola: E diiu
[24.6.21, 15:36:36] Fabjola: 😂😂😂
[24.6.21, 15:37:56] Fabjola: O shef merre ni shihe uj te kamarjeri
[24.6.21, 15:38:01] Fabjola: Se smund te dal
[24.6.21, 15:38:07] ELONA: A deshe duhan
[24.6.21, 15:38:09] Fabjola: Pse smore me vete uj bib
[24.6.21, 15:38:19] Fabjola: Po kur te vij o shef
[24.6.21, 15:38:25] Fabjola: Se me doli shpirtiii
[24.6.21, 15:38:56] ELONA: A do me te sjell duhan er apo ste lejn me pi
[24.6.21, 15:39:37] Fabjola: Jo o shef se skam ku e pi po ruje
[24.6.21, 15:40:40] Fabjola: <attached: 00001989-AUDIO-2021-06-24-15-40-40.opus>
[24.6.21, 15:40:48] Fabjola: <attached: 00001990-AUDIO-2021-06-24-15-40-48.opus>
[24.6.21, 15:41:22] ELONA: A te bi lekt e ma merr ti ma lir😂
[24.6.21, 15:41:42] Fabjola: Bjeri
[24.6.21, 15:51:36] Fabjola: <attached: 00001993-AUDIO-2021-06-24-15-51-36.opus>
[24.6.21, 15:51:41] Fabjola: 😂😂😂
[24.6.21, 15:51:48] ELONA: Hahahahahahhahahahahahahahah
[24.6.21, 15:51:53] ELONA: Jam tu te prit ty shef
[24.6.21, 15:52:05] ELONA: Se qes bithen ktu mes venit un
[24.6.21, 15:52:14] Fabjola: Hahahhahaha lott
[24.6.21, 15:52:15] Fabjola: 😂
[24.6.21, 15:52:29] Fabjola: Ai o shef un e kam i kostum te keq nimo zot😂
[24.6.21, 15:52:35] Fabjola: 😂😂😂
[24.6.21, 15:52:42] ELONA: Jahahahahahhahahahahahahahah
[24.6.21, 15:52:57] ELONA: Un se di pse nuk shkova anej ka funi mos me na pa kusj
[24.6.21, 15:53:03] ELONA: Se perball spaska rob
[24.6.21, 15:53:21] Fabjola: <attached: 00002005-AUDIO-2021-06-24-15-53-21.opus>
[24.6.21, 15:53:43] ELONA: Aaaa shum mer shef kur te vish ti ikim anej
[24.6.21, 15:53:48] ELONA: Mos na shofe kusj
[24.6.21, 15:57:15] Fabjola: 😂😂😂
[24.6.21, 15:57:16] Fabjola: <attached: 00002009-STICKER-2021-06-24-15-57-16.webp>
[24.6.21, 15:58:04] ELONA: Ja kam vu synin ni alamet babi😂
[24.6.21, 15:58:46] Fabjola: Hahhaahaah kurv ti
[24.6.21, 15:58:48] Fabjola: 😂😂😂
[24.6.21, 15:58:59] Fabjola: Bravo shef kape
[24.6.21, 15:59:02] Fabjola: Se duhen
[24.6.21, 15:59:06] Fabjola: Tju marrim naj lek
[24.6.21, 15:59:14] ELONA: 😂😂😂
[24.6.21, 15:59:19] ELONA: Vet ne ngacmoj i pari
[24.6.21, 15:59:50] Fabjola: Abaaa
[24.6.21, 15:59:57] Fabjola: Edhe ni or shrf
[24.6.21, 16:00:00] Fabjola: Shyqyr
[24.6.21, 16:01:34] ELONA: Iku shef tash
[24.6.21, 16:11:18] ELONA: Shef a ke naj ven me vu tel tim ne karikim
[24.6.21, 16:13:42] Fabjola: Po
[24.6.21, 16:13:45] Fabjola: Bjere
[24.6.21, 16:13:57] ELONA: Po skam karikus
[24.6.21, 16:14:02] Fabjola: Deri sa ta myll un
[24.6.21, 16:30:03] Fabjola: <attached: 00002027-AUDIO-2021-06-24-16-30-03.opus>
[24.6.21, 16:30:16] ELONA: Hajt se marove pun tash
[24.6.21, 16:30:18] Fabjola: <attached: 00002029-AUDIO-2021-06-24-16-30-18.opus>
[24.6.21, 16:30:30] Fabjola: Edhe nja 15 min
[24.6.21, 16:35:39] Fabjola: Ne pak shef
[24.6.21, 16:35:46] Fabjola: Se bice svdiqa
[24.6.21, 16:36:03] Fabjola: Ke me ardh me me myll sytjenat
[24.6.21, 16:36:04] Fabjola: 😂
[24.6.21, 16:36:12] ELONA: 😂
[24.6.21, 16:41:11] ELONA: Athu mi lu kush gjanat ktu sa te vi ke te merthy ty
[24.6.21, 16:41:42] Fabjola: Jo se vij i vesh atje un
[24.6.21, 16:41:49] ELONA: Ku
[24.6.21, 16:42:21] Fabjola: A e sheh se jan ca dhoma afer teje
[24.6.21, 16:42:22] Fabjola: Aty
[24.6.21, 16:42:40] ELONA: Aaaaa
[24.6.21, 16:42:50] ELONA: Po si do futena te dyja se a turp o budalle
[24.6.21, 16:52:20] ELONA: Ku hupe shef
[24.6.21, 16:52:52] Fabjola: <attached: 00002044-AUDIO-2021-06-24-16-52-52.opus>
[24.6.21, 17:00:38] ELONA: Deri qa ore rrin hapun ktu
[24.6.21, 22:20:25] Fabjola: <attached: 00002046-VIDEO-2021-06-24-22-20-25.mp4>
[24.6.21, 22:20:28] Fabjola: 😂😂😂
[25.6.21, 07:39:12] ELONA: Mu kujtu fonsi i klases ton direkt
[25.6.21, 07:39:59] Fabjola: Hahhahaahhahaha fikss
[25.6.21, 07:51:09] Fabjola: Shef sot i kam nja dy llafe me at djalin
[25.6.21, 07:51:11] Fabjola: 😂
[25.6.21, 09:44:12] ELONA: Veq me qetsi shef😂
[25.6.21, 09:44:28] ELONA: Po te bani pordh me ba tel se le provimin e vi
[25.6.21, 09:44:30] ELONA: I qr
[25.6.21, 09:45:13] Fabjola: <attached: 00002055-AUDIO-2021-06-25-09-45-13.opus>
[25.6.21, 09:45:44] ELONA: <attached: 00002056-AUDIO-2021-06-25-09-45-44.opus>
[25.6.21, 09:48:42] Fabjola: <attached: 00002057-AUDIO-2021-06-25-09-48-42.opus>
[25.6.21, 09:49:19] ELONA: <attached: 00002058-AUDIO-2021-06-25-09-49-19.opus>
[25.6.21, 09:49:45] Fabjola: <attached: 00002059-AUDIO-2021-06-25-09-49-45.opus>
[25.6.21, 09:50:02] Fabjola: O zottt marovaaaa
[25.6.21, 09:50:05] ELONA: 😂😂😂
[25.6.21, 09:50:15] Fabjola: Qifsha punen
[25.6.21, 09:50:20] ELONA: Hahahahahahahahah
[25.6.21, 09:50:35] ELONA: <attached: 00002064-AUDIO-2021-06-25-09-50-34.opus>
[25.6.21, 09:51:45] Fabjola: 😂😂😂😂😂😂
[25.6.21, 09:51:52] Fabjola: Bice svdiqaaaaaa
[25.6.21, 09:52:01] Fabjola: A cmu desh muu
[25.6.21, 09:52:18] ELONA: 😂😂😂😂😂
[25.6.21, 09:52:26] ELONA: Veq mos u streso
[25.6.21, 09:54:37] Fabjola: <attached: 00002070-AUDIO-2021-06-25-09-54-37.opus>
[25.6.21, 09:54:41] Fabjola: <attached: 00002071-AUDIO-2021-06-25-09-54-41.opus>
[25.6.21, 09:54:56] Fabjola: 😂😂😂
[25.6.21, 09:55:07] Fabjola: <attached: 00002073-AUDIO-2021-06-25-09-55-07.opus>
[25.6.21, 09:56:49] ELONA: <attached: 00002074-AUDIO-2021-06-25-09-56-49.opus>
[25.6.21, 09:59:53] Fabjola: Po hajt mor shef
[25.6.21, 10:01:52] Fabjola: <attached: 00002076-AUDIO-2021-06-25-10-01-52.opus>
[25.6.21, 10:02:02] Fabjola: <attached: 00002077-AUDIO-2021-06-25-10-02-02.opus>
[25.6.21, 10:03:08] ELONA: <attached: 00002078-AUDIO-2021-06-25-10-03-08.opus>
[25.6.21, 10:03:18] ELONA: 😂
[25.6.21, 10:04:12] Fabjola: <attached: 00002080-AUDIO-2021-06-25-10-04-12.opus>
[25.6.21, 10:04:31] ELONA: <attached: 00002081-AUDIO-2021-06-25-10-04-31.opus>
[25.6.21, 10:04:47] ELONA: 😂😂😂
[25.6.21, 10:05:43] Fabjola: Hahahahhahahah
[25.6.21, 10:05:49] Fabjola: <attached: 00002084-AUDIO-2021-06-25-10-05-49.opus>
[25.6.21, 10:05:52] Fabjola: 😂😂
[25.6.21, 10:06:02] ELONA: <attached: 00002086-AUDIO-2021-06-25-10-06-01.opus>
[25.6.21, 10:06:07] ELONA: Mo me streso
[25.6.21, 10:06:11] ELONA: 🤣
[25.6.21, 10:06:31] Fabjola: <attached: 00002089-AUDIO-2021-06-25-10-06-31.opus>
[25.6.21, 10:06:37] Fabjola: <attached: 00002090-AUDIO-2021-06-25-10-06-37.opus>
[25.6.21, 10:06:42] ELONA: Fabjola dhipi
[25.6.21, 10:06:48] Fabjola: <attached: 00002092-AUDIO-2021-06-25-10-06-48.opus>
[25.6.21, 10:07:02] Fabjola: Hahahahahhaha
[25.6.21, 10:07:08] Fabjola: <attached: 00002094-AUDIO-2021-06-25-10-07-08.opus>
[25.6.21, 10:07:25] ELONA: 😂
[25.6.21, 10:07:40] Fabjola: <attached: 00002096-AUDIO-2021-06-25-10-07-40.opus>
[25.6.21, 10:10:04] ELONA: Po kam
[25.6.21, 10:11:47] Fabjola: <attached: 00002098-AUDIO-2021-06-25-10-11-47.opus>
[25.6.21, 11:32:45] Fabjola: <attached: 00002099-AUDIO-2021-06-25-11-32-45.opus>
[25.6.21, 11:33:04] Fabjola: A bane gja
[25.6.21, 11:41:34] Fabjola: Oj krushk a e bane provimin
[25.6.21, 14:19:10] ELONA: O shef
[25.6.21, 14:19:23] Fabjola: He shef
[25.6.21, 14:19:23] ELONA: A ka hy nisa ne pun
[25.6.21, 14:19:50] Fabjola: Ka plotsu vtm ni formular
[25.6.21, 14:20:02] ELONA: A po ma jep mu per promocjon
[25.6.21, 14:20:24] Fabjola: A je tu nej ne shemgjin ti shef
[25.6.21, 14:20:37] ELONA: Po korrikun tja marr promocjonin ksaj
[25.6.21, 14:20:46] ELONA: Me duhet dhe ni goc
[25.6.21, 14:20:54] ELONA: Thash per me marr motren tane
[25.6.21, 14:21:04] Fabjola: <attached: 00002111-AUDIO-2021-06-25-14-21-04.opus>
[25.6.21, 14:21:08] Fabjola: <attached: 00002112-AUDIO-2021-06-25-14-21-08.opus>
[25.6.21, 14:21:26] ELONA: Jo do marre ne tale kjo se sja kan lan as ne lezh as ne
[25.6.21, 14:21:41] ELONA: Ajo goca tj ka makinen si na merr e na bje perdit
[25.6.21, 14:21:45] ELONA: Nga 5 or
[25.6.21, 14:22:16] Fabjola: <attached: 00002116-AUDIO-2021-06-25-14-22-16.opus>
[25.6.21, 14:22:26] Fabjola: <attached: 00002117-AUDIO-2021-06-25-14-22-26.opus>
[25.6.21, 14:23:10] ELONA: Thuj i merr pronarja
[25.6.21, 14:23:13] ELONA: Perdit
[25.6.21, 14:23:16] ELONA: E i bje ke shpia
[25.6.21, 14:23:33] Fabjola: Ta pys iher
[25.6.21, 14:23:36] ELONA: <attached: 00002122-AUDIO-2021-06-25-14-23-36.opus>
[25.6.21, 14:23:48] ELONA: Pyti iher
[25.6.21, 14:24:07] Fabjola: Ne tale mren
[25.6.21, 14:24:08] Fabjola: E
[25.6.21, 14:24:10] Fabjola: 😂😂
[25.6.21, 14:24:20] ELONA: Hahahahahahah
[25.6.21, 14:24:27] Fabjola: <attached: 00002128-AUDIO-2021-06-25-14-24-27.opus>
[25.6.21, 14:24:44] ELONA: Po se shtuna e djela ka fluks
[25.6.21, 14:24:48] ELONA: Ti din ne vet
[25.6.21, 14:25:05] Fabjola: <attached: 00002131-AUDIO-2021-06-25-14-25-05.opus>
[25.6.21, 14:25:14] ELONA: Po me shit nr
[25.6.21, 14:25:24] ELONA: Ma bje ta baj gengsta iher
[25.6.21, 14:25:39] Fabjola: Hahahahahahahahaha
[25.6.21, 14:25:44] Fabjola: <attached: 00002135-AUDIO-2021-06-25-14-25-44.opus>
[25.6.21, 14:25:44] ELONA: 😂
[25.6.21, 14:25:49] Fabjola: <attached: 00002137-AUDIO-2021-06-25-14-25-49.opus>
[25.6.21, 14:26:01] ELONA: <attached: 00002138-AUDIO-2021-06-25-14-26-01.opus>
[25.6.21, 14:26:02] Fabjola: E ka te veshtir
[25.6.21, 14:26:18] ELONA: <attached: 00002140-AUDIO-2021-06-25-14-26-18.opus>
[25.6.21, 14:26:57] Fabjola: 😂😂😂😂😂
[25.6.21, 14:27:10] ELONA: Pyti sonte e me trg
[25.6.21, 14:27:12] Fabjola: <attached: 00002143-AUDIO-2021-06-25-14-27-12.opus>
[25.6.21, 14:27:17] ELONA: Po po
[25.6.21, 14:28:06] Fabjola: <attached: 00002145-AUDIO-2021-06-25-14-28-06.opus>
[25.6.21, 14:28:33] ELONA: <attached: 00002146-AUDIO-2021-06-25-14-28-33.opus>
[25.6.21, 14:29:16] Fabjola: Se di o shef
[25.6.21, 14:29:27] Fabjola: <attached: 00002148-AUDIO-2021-06-25-14-29-27.opus>
[25.6.21, 14:29:35] Fabjola: <attached: 00002149-AUDIO-2021-06-25-14-29-35.opus>
[25.6.21, 14:29:38] Fabjola: <attached: 00002150-AUDIO-2021-06-25-14-29-38.opus>
[25.6.21, 18:10:50] ELONA: Jam shengjin o shef
[25.6.21, 18:11:05] ELONA: A te thash dje
[26.6.21, 13:40:48] Fabjola: <attached: 00002153-AUDIO-2021-06-26-13-40-48.opus>
[26.6.21, 13:41:19] Fabjola: 😂😂😂
[26.6.21, 13:49:31] ELONA: Hahahah
[26.6.21, 21:06:06] ELONA: A fole motren
[26.6.21, 22:06:21] Fabjola: A shef bre me ka zan gripi
[26.6.21, 22:06:32] Fabjola: Po me dhem fyti vdiqaa
[26.6.21, 22:07:26] ELONA: Kur te kapi gripi shef
[26.6.21, 22:07:37] Fabjola: Dje shef
[26.6.21, 22:08:08] Fabjola: Jam ftoh mdk kur u futs ne pishin tu la me djers
[26.6.21, 22:08:43] Fabjola: Erdh prp ai cuni me tatoo shef sot
[26.6.21, 22:08:58] Fabjola: Ma bani ku e ke shoqen
[26.6.21, 22:09:26] Fabjola: E pash iher
[26.6.21, 22:25:44] ELONA: Le ata shef po a fole me nisen
[28.6.21, 10:24:20] Fabjola: <attached: 00002166-AUDIO-2021-06-28-10-24-20.opus>
[28.6.21, 10:27:58] ELONA: <attached: 00002167-AUDIO-2021-06-28-10-27-58.opus>
[28.6.21, 10:29:27] Fabjola: <attached: 00002168-AUDIO-2021-06-28-10-29-27.opus>
[28.6.21, 10:29:40] Fabjola: <attached: 00002169-AUDIO-2021-06-28-10-29-40.opus>
[28.6.21, 10:29:50] ELONA: <attached: 00002170-AUDIO-2021-06-28-10-29-50.opus>
[28.6.21, 10:31:19] Fabjola: <attached: 00002171-AUDIO-2021-06-28-10-31-19.opus>
[28.6.21, 10:31:30] Fabjola: <attached: 00002172-AUDIO-2021-06-28-10-31-30.opus>
[28.6.21, 10:31:47] Fabjola: <attached: 00002173-AUDIO-2021-06-28-10-31-47.opus>
[28.6.21, 10:33:02] ELONA: <attached: 00002174-AUDIO-2021-06-28-10-33-01.opus>
[28.6.21, 10:35:51] Fabjola: <attached: 00002175-AUDIO-2021-06-28-10-35-51.opus>
[28.6.21, 10:35:59] Fabjola: <attached: 00002176-AUDIO-2021-06-28-10-35-59.opus>
[28.6.21, 10:37:57] ELONA: <attached: 00002177-AUDIO-2021-06-28-10-37-56.opus>
[28.6.21, 10:39:19] Fabjola: <attached: 00002178-AUDIO-2021-06-28-10-39-19.opus>
[28.6.21, 10:39:25] Fabjola: <attached: 00002179-AUDIO-2021-06-28-10-39-25.opus>
[28.6.21, 10:39:53] ELONA: Mir shef
[28.6.21, 10:42:04] Fabjola: Mir shef
[28.6.21, 10:42:41] Fabjola: Hec
[28.6.21, 12:09:20] ELONA: Po shef te shkoj shpi te bahem gati
[28.6.21, 12:09:22] ELONA: E do vi
[28.6.21, 12:11:56] Fabjola: Mir shef
[28.6.21, 12:11:59] Fabjola: Po te pres
[28.6.21, 13:17:32] Fabjola: Sheff
[28.6.21, 13:17:43] Fabjola: A marove prvm
[28.6.21, 13:18:42] ELONA: Po shef e marova dreqin
[28.6.21, 13:19:08] Fabjola: <attached: 00002190-AUDIO-2021-06-28-13-19-08.opus>
[28.6.21, 13:19:21] ELONA: Ne gjenetik
[28.6.21, 13:19:31] Fabjola: <attached: 00002192-AUDIO-2021-06-28-13-19-31.opus>
[28.6.21, 13:19:41] ELONA: Ku di un mor shef
[28.6.21, 13:20:05] Fabjola: <attached: 00002194-AUDIO-2021-06-28-13-20-05.opus>
[28.6.21, 13:20:11] Fabjola: <attached: 00002195-AUDIO-2021-06-28-13-20-11.opus>
[28.6.21, 13:45:20] Fabjola: <attached: 00002196-PHOTO-2021-06-28-13-45-20.jpg>
[28.6.21, 13:49:06] ELONA: Sa bana punt un e shkreta
[28.6.21, 13:49:09] ELONA: Shpia ime zhul
[28.6.21, 13:50:40] Fabjola: <attached: 00002199-AUDIO-2021-06-28-13-50-40.opus>
[28.6.21, 13:50:57] Fabjola: Si qorre
[28.6.21, 13:51:18] ELONA: Shef pata mi ba qto pun
[28.6.21, 13:51:56] Fabjola: <attached: 00002202-AUDIO-2021-06-28-13-51-56.opus>
[28.6.21, 13:52:00] Fabjola: 😂😂
[28.6.21, 13:52:22] ELONA: 😂😂
[28.6.21, 13:52:41] Fabjola: <attached: 00002205-AUDIO-2021-06-28-13-52-41.opus>
[28.6.21, 14:06:22] ELONA: Do vi veq me nejt me ty
[28.6.21, 14:07:47] Fabjola: <attached: 00002207-AUDIO-2021-06-28-14-07-47.opus>
[28.6.21, 14:08:30] ELONA: Po i marr rrobat ti kem
[28.6.21, 14:08:45] Fabjola: <attached: 00002209-AUDIO-2021-06-28-14-08-45.opus>
[28.6.21, 14:09:02] ELONA: 😂
[28.6.21, 15:07:35] Fabjola: <attached: 00002211-AUDIO-2021-06-28-15-07-35.opus>
[28.6.21, 15:07:44] Fabjola: <attached: 00002212-AUDIO-2021-06-28-15-07-44.opus>
[28.6.21, 15:08:10] ELONA: Po
[28.6.21, 15:08:28] Fabjola: A ke shum me ardh
[28.6.21, 15:08:32] Fabjola: U merzita
[28.6.21, 15:08:39] Fabjola: Do vras naj rob
[28.6.21, 15:08:43] Fabjola: 😂
[28.6.21, 15:08:50] ELONA: Ne qennder jam dhe pak zbres
[28.6.21, 15:09:02] Fabjola: Ok
[28.6.21, 15:21:36] ELONA: <attached: 00002220-AUDIO-2021-06-28-15-21-35.opus>
[28.6.21, 15:21:50] ELONA: <attached: 00002221-AUDIO-2021-06-28-15-21-49.opus>
[28.6.21, 15:22:10] Fabjola: <attached: 00002222-AUDIO-2021-06-28-15-22-10.opus>
[28.6.21, 15:35:51] Fabjola: Ku mete mj
[28.6.21, 15:36:05] Fabjola: A rave ne banjo
[28.6.21, 15:46:51] ELONA: Shef nuk paskem qakmak
‍♀️ ️ 15:46:59] ELONA: ‍♀️
[28.6.21, 15:48:08] ELONA: Ku ta gjej 1
[28.6.21, 15:49:06] Fabjola: <attached: 00002228-AUDIO-2021-06-28-15-49-06.opus>
[28.6.21, 15:49:18] ELONA: Ok shef
[28.6.21, 15:54:19] Fabjola: Tu bo interesantin ai pinuci ne pishin o shef
[28.6.21, 15:54:21] Fabjola: 😂😂
[28.6.21, 15:54:33] ELONA: Ahahhahahahahahahahahhahahaha
[28.6.21, 15:55:05] Fabjola: Plasi shef
[28.6.21, 15:55:10] Fabjola: I ra ne tok
[28.6.21, 15:55:12] ELONA: O shef un tu qesht ktu me ty veq kur shof para ishin tu
qesh ato qunat e tu pa knej
[28.6.21, 15:55:13] Fabjola: 😂
[28.6.21, 15:55:15] ELONA: Tu mw sha
[28.6.21, 15:55:37] Fabjola: <attached: 00002238-AUDIO-2021-06-28-15-55-37.opus>
[28.6.21, 15:55:45] Fabjola: <attached: 00002239-AUDIO-2021-06-28-15-55-45.opus>
[28.6.21, 15:55:48] Fabjola: 😂
[28.6.21, 15:56:57] ELONA: Hahahahahahahahha
[28.6.21, 15:57:12] ELONA: O shef u mrz me rob shpie sot
[28.6.21, 15:57:13] ELONA: 😂
[28.6.21, 15:57:30] ELONA: Qa tu ba aj palla me brek blu
[28.6.21, 15:57:32] ELONA: 😂
[28.6.21, 15:57:45] Fabjola: Dekaaa 🌧

[28.6.21, 15:57:48] Fabjola: 😂😂
[28.6.21, 15:57:50] Fabjola: Palll ma
[28.6.21, 15:57:51] ELONA: 😂😂😂😂😂
[28.6.21, 15:57:55] ELONA: Me myti keq
[28.6.21, 15:58:03] ELONA: Jan tu me thirr kro mecat
[28.6.21, 15:58:05] ELONA: 🤣🤣
[28.6.21, 15:58:19] Fabjola: <attached: 00002253-AUDIO-2021-06-28-15-58-19.opus>
[28.6.21, 15:58:23] Fabjola: Dekaaaaa
[28.6.21, 15:58:34] ELONA: Pooo ato si jan tu har piza
[28.6.21, 15:58:40] ELONA: O goc o goc
[28.6.21, 15:58:40] Fabjola: Kur te ngacmojn dhe ato ma
[28.6.21, 15:58:42] ELONA: 😂
[28.6.21, 15:58:44] Fabjola: Vaj medettt
[28.6.21, 15:58:49] ELONA: Hahahahhahahahah
[28.6.21, 15:58:59] ELONA: Oooo ooo rriken tu ba
[28.6.21, 15:59:01] ELONA: Pallat
[28.6.21, 15:59:23] ELONA: Sdin as me ngacmu
[28.6.21, 15:59:38] Fabjola: Hahhahahahahahaha
[28.6.21, 15:59:53] Fabjola: Po hajde ktu afer meje o shef
[28.6.21, 15:59:55] ELONA: Te me thojn te pakten o goce hajde ha pak pic me ne
[28.6.21, 16:00:02] Fabjola: Ktu nuk te ngacmon njeri
[28.6.21, 16:00:10] Fabjola: Te rujm
[28.6.21, 16:00:21] ELONA: Jo shef sjam ti marr rraqet e me ardh atje
[28.6.21, 16:00:26] ELONA: A marre
[28.6.21, 16:00:37] Fabjola: Hec o shef mo ta nije palla
[28.6.21, 16:00:42] ELONA: 😂
[28.6.21, 16:01:14] Fabjola: A jan tu llaperqu tu hanger
[28.6.21, 16:01:22] ELONA: Po si rina
[28.6.21, 16:01:30] Fabjola: Haahhahahahahahaah
[28.6.21, 16:01:46] ELONA: O zot o shef sa te kqit
[28.6.21, 16:02:04] Fabjola: Hahhahahhahaahah te lodhurittt
[28.6.21, 16:02:12] ELONA: Ma shpifen
[28.6.21, 16:02:27] ELONA: Sa te bukur te pasa fal zoti moj thot
[28.6.21, 16:02:30] ELONA: Un hic
[28.6.21, 16:02:38] ELONA: Prap ky pse sme thu faleminderit
[28.6.21, 16:02:46] ELONA: O shef jam tu dasht me qesh
[28.6.21, 16:02:47] ELONA: Smunem
[28.6.21, 16:04:15] ELONA: Tash thot shum e quditshme qenka
[28.6.21, 16:04:17] Fabjola: Qeshh mjj mos ta nije
[28.6.21, 16:04:23] ELONA: 😂😂😂
[28.6.21, 16:04:41] Fabjola: <attached: 00002287-AUDIO-2021-06-28-16-04-41.opus>
[28.6.21, 16:04:43] ELONA: Se qa dreqin a tu belbzu qaty se di
[28.6.21, 16:04:53] ELONA: Sa tu me lan muzika me ngju
[28.6.21, 16:05:08] Fabjola: <attached: 00002290-AUDIO-2021-06-28-16-05-08.opus>
[28.6.21, 16:05:17] Fabjola: <attached: 00002291-AUDIO-2021-06-28-16-05-17.opus>
[28.6.21, 16:05:37] ELONA: Hahahahahahahahahahah
[28.6.21, 16:05:41] ELONA: O shef deka me to
[28.6.21, 16:05:44] ELONA: Hahahahahahahahahaha
[28.6.21, 16:05:51] ELONA: Hajde me shif najher
[28.6.21, 16:06:09] Fabjola: Po shef po vij pak pastaj
[28.6.21, 16:06:24] ELONA: Mer shef se u sresova me kto bolat
[28.6.21, 16:08:29] ELONA: O shef erdh ky banakjeri ktu
[28.6.21, 16:08:34] ELONA: Dun me te qeras qunat tha
[28.6.21, 16:08:43] ELONA: Jo i thash faleminderit
[28.6.21, 16:08:50] ELONA: Po un tha a munem me te qeras
[28.6.21, 16:08:53] ELONA: Jo i thash
[28.6.21, 16:08:53] Fabjola: <attached: 00002303-AUDIO-2021-06-28-16-08-53.opus>
[28.6.21, 16:09:08] ELONA: As un thoteee ishte tu me pa ne kokerr te synit nuk ikte
[28.6.21, 16:09:17] Fabjola: Hahahaajahaha
[28.6.21, 16:09:28] ELONA: 😂😂😂😂
[28.6.21, 16:09:44] ELONA: O shef me qan kryt tash me besdisen
[28.6.21, 16:10:07] ELONA: Jo mor shef nuk jam ruspie un
[28.6.21, 16:23:09] Fabjola: Po vij pak
[28.6.21, 16:23:31] ELONA: Hajdeeee
[28.6.21, 16:37:55] ELONA: Kur e myll ti shef
[28.6.21, 16:38:19] Fabjola: E 50 shef
[28.6.21, 16:38:36] ELONA: Si nuk q tu ec fare
[28.6.21, 16:46:21] Fabjola: Edhe pak shef prit
[28.6.21, 16:46:56] Fabjola: A tu me dhem shpina deka
[28.6.21, 16:47:06] ELONA: O shef hajde sa ma shpejt
[28.6.21, 16:47:29] Fabjola: Erdha bre
[28.6.21, 16:54:40] Fabjola: O shef me cmenik
[28.6.21, 16:54:48] Fabjola: Hala ska ardh kjoo
[28.6.21, 16:54:53] Fabjola: Shushka
[28.6.21, 16:54:57] ELONA: A kurva
[28.6.21, 16:55:04] Fabjola: E ekonomistes
[28.6.21, 16:55:22] Fabjola: Ca je tu ba ti
[28.6.21, 16:55:32] ELONA: Qtu bre me qan koken kto
[28.6.21, 16:55:37] Fabjola: A jan tu te ngacmu prp ato
[28.6.21, 16:55:43] Fabjola: A prp jan
[28.6.21, 16:55:46] ELONA: Po ja u qifsha nanen
[28.6.21, 16:55:55] ELONA: Jena tu ik me marr shoqen e vet tha me ba me fol
[28.6.21, 16:55:55] Fabjola: E medett
[28.6.21, 16:55:57] ELONA: 😂
[28.6.21, 16:56:07] Fabjola: Ban bee
[28.6.21, 16:56:09] Fabjola: 😂😂
[28.6.21, 16:56:13] ELONA: Ah thash me veti shkoni shkoni se ju qi nanen ajo
[28.6.21, 16:56:15] ELONA: 😂
[28.6.21, 16:56:31] Fabjola: Hahhahahahah turbulliqat e mutit
[28.6.21, 16:56:38] ELONA: Hahahahahahhahahahaha
[28.6.21, 16:56:46] ELONA: Si fuqi muti
[28.6.21, 17:02:01] ELONA: Erdh ky ktu shef
[29.6.21, 13:02:42] Fabjola: O shef
[29.6.21, 13:02:45] Fabjola: Ku jr
[29.6.21, 13:02:50] Fabjola: A ke naj pun sot
[29.6.21, 13:07:49] ELONA: Jo
[29.6.21, 13:08:57] Fabjola: A je tu ardh o shef
[29.6.21, 13:09:04] Fabjola: Se vijn ato me tatoo
[29.6.21, 13:09:56] ELONA: Jo mor shef sjam tu ardh perdit atje se a turp
[29.6.21, 13:12:56] Fabjola: <attached: 00002346-AUDIO-2021-06-29-13-12-56.opus>
[29.6.21, 13:13:07] Fabjola: <attached: 00002347-AUDIO-2021-06-29-13-13-07.opus>
[29.6.21, 13:13:09] ELONA: Jo shef
[29.6.21, 13:13:19] ELONA: 😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣
[29.6.21, 13:13:32] Fabjola: Hec mj
[29.6.21, 13:13:33] ELONA: Tash nuk vi sak
[29.6.21, 13:14:01] Fabjola: Po hajde aman
[29.6.21, 13:14:17] ELONA: Jo shef se me dol nami dhe anej
[29.6.21, 13:14:18] ELONA: 😂
[29.6.21, 13:14:28] Fabjola: Pse mj
[29.6.21, 13:14:42] ELONA: Tu ardh per qunat e huj
[29.6.21, 13:15:02] Fabjola: <attached: 00002357-AUDIO-2021-06-29-13-15-02.opus>
[29.6.21, 13:15:24] ELONA: Hala sjam ngrit nga krevati per sot
[29.6.21, 13:16:04] Fabjola: <attached: 00002359-AUDIO-2021-06-29-13-16-04.opus>
[29.6.21, 13:16:37] Fabjola: Te lutem shefff
[29.6.21, 13:17:43] ELONA: 😂😂😂
[29.6.21, 13:18:15] Fabjola: Hajde hajde
[29.6.21, 13:18:24] Fabjola: Mos na bo naze
[29.6.21, 13:18:41] ELONA: Kam turp o sheff
[29.6.21, 13:18:44] ELONA: 😂
[29.6.21, 13:19:07] Fabjola: <attached: 00002366-AUDIO-2021-06-29-13-19-07.opus>
[29.6.21, 13:19:18] Fabjola: <attached: 00002367-AUDIO-2021-06-29-13-19-18.opus>
[29.6.21, 13:20:43] ELONA: Po pra ma mir mos te vi se vonohena
[29.6.21, 13:21:15] Fabjola: Po hajde mj nja 2 or
[29.6.21, 13:21:39] Fabjola: Ne 5:30 cohemi
[29.6.21, 13:22:00] ELONA: Po pertoj mor shef prz
[29.6.21, 13:22:11] Fabjola: Po cohu mj
[29.6.21, 13:22:14] Fabjola: Vishuu
[29.6.21, 13:22:19] Fabjola: Se dje ishe bo e mot
[29.6.21, 13:22:22] Fabjola: Mir
[29.6.21, 13:22:28] ELONA: Jo do bahem seksi dhe sot
[29.6.21, 13:22:36] Fabjola: He pra
[29.6.21, 13:22:38] Fabjola: Bahu
[29.6.21, 13:22:44] Fabjola: Ene ma e mir
[29.6.21, 13:22:52] ELONA: Do vesh kmish roz sot
[29.6.21, 13:23:14] Fabjola: Un me te kuqe
[29.6.21, 13:24:14] Fabjola: <attached: 00002382-AUDIO-2021-06-29-13-24-14.opus>
[29.6.21, 13:32:48] ELONA: <attached: 00002383-AUDIO-2021-06-29-13-32-47.opus>
[29.6.21, 13:32:48] ELONA: <attached: 00002384-AUDIO-2021-06-29-13-32-47.opus>
[29.6.21, 13:34:23] Fabjola: <attached: 00002385-AUDIO-2021-06-29-13-34-23.opus>
[29.6.21, 13:45:10] Fabjola: O shef a ke naj lek te vogel me vete
[29.6.21, 13:45:28] Fabjola: Te na blrsh naj byrek se jam tu dek me hanger
[29.6.21, 13:45:38] Fabjola: Ska sanduic marun ktu
[29.6.21, 13:46:11] ELONA: Po ti blej un
[29.6.21, 13:46:49] Fabjola: A je ba e mir sot me jua heq petllen
[29.6.21, 14:19:53] ELONA: Jo sa dje
[29.6.21, 14:20:26] Fabjola: Mir shef ku je
[29.6.21, 14:20:36] Fabjola: A ke paket
[29.6.21, 14:20:45] ELONA: Do blej
[29.6.21, 14:21:06] Fabjola: A paske ra ne lek sot😂
[29.6.21, 14:21:34] ELONA: <attached: 00002396-AUDIO-2021-06-29-14-21-34.opus>
[29.6.21, 14:21:56] Fabjola: <attached: 00002397-AUDIO-2021-06-29-14-21-56.opus>
[29.6.21, 14:21:58] Fabjola: 😂😂
[29.6.21, 14:31:57] Fabjola: <attached: 00002399-AUDIO-2021-06-29-14-31-57.opus>
[29.6.21, 14:32:03] Fabjola: 😂
[29.6.21, 14:32:21] ELONA: Rruges
[29.6.21, 14:33:04] Fabjola: Mir shef
[29.6.21, 14:33:12] Fabjola: Me thuj kur te vish
[29.6.21, 14:33:19] ELONA: Po
[29.6.21, 14:33:42] Fabjola: <attached: 00002405-AUDIO-2021-06-29-14-33-42.opus>
[29.6.21, 14:34:48] Fabjola: <attached: 00002406-AUDIO-2021-06-29-14-34-48.opus>
[29.6.21, 14:35:00] Fabjola: <attached: 00002407-AUDIO-2021-06-29-14-35-00.opus>
[29.6.21, 14:35:29] ELONA: Qa me te than
[29.6.21, 14:36:27] Fabjola: Me thuj te vij dal para
[29.6.21, 14:36:47] ELONA: Nrm
[29.6.21, 15:01:26] ELONA: Shef
[29.6.21, 15:01:36] Fabjola: He a erdhe
[29.6.21, 15:01:57] Fabjola: A ka njerz aty
[29.6.21, 15:02:00] ELONA: Tu hull jam
[29.6.21, 15:02:18] Fabjola: Kur te afrohesh me thuj
[29.6.21, 15:03:03] ELONA: Erdha
[29.6.21, 15:03:13] Fabjola: <attached: 00002417-AUDIO-2021-06-29-15-03-13.opus>
[29.6.21, 15:03:18] ELONA: Jo
[29.6.21, 15:03:28] Fabjola: Asni r
[29.6.21, 15:03:29] Fabjola: E
[29.6.21, 15:03:39] ELONA: Aj roja
[29.6.21, 15:03:51] ELONA: E ajo goca
[29.6.21, 15:03:59] Fabjola: Erdhaaa
[29.6.21, 15:06:20] ELONA: As se ka pas menen
[29.6.21, 15:07:00] Fabjola: Kur te vishesh hajde
[29.6.21, 15:07:13] ELONA: Po
[29.6.21, 15:10:25] Fabjola: <attached: 00002427-AUDIO-2021-06-29-15-10-25.opus>
[29.6.21, 15:11:02] ELONA: Po se jam men cili ishte
[29.6.21, 15:11:09] ELONA: Jam dhe pa syze nuk shof
[29.6.21, 15:12:36] Fabjola: Ni i gjat
[29.6.21, 15:12:43] Fabjola: Si i zi
[29.6.21, 15:45:55] Fabjola: <attached: 00002432-AUDIO-2021-06-29-15-45-55.opus>
[29.6.21, 16:06:41] ELONA: Ma shkruj moj pall
[29.6.21, 16:06:57] Fabjola: Kush asht tu te bo si nish aty
[29.6.21, 16:07:03] Fabjola: Tu te notu afer
[29.6.21, 16:07:17] ELONA: Se di mor shef jan kalamaj
[29.6.21, 16:07:24] ELONA: Do boluca te vegjel
[29.6.21, 16:07:32] Fabjola: Hahahhahahah
[29.6.21, 16:07:44] Fabjola: Po futu iher ne uj o shef
[29.6.21, 16:08:08] ELONA: Jo shef se sdu me lag flokt
[29.6.21, 16:08:34] Fabjola: A ti me hanksh mutin
[29.6.21, 16:08:41] Fabjola: Po nuk te lagen mj
[29.6.21, 16:08:44] Fabjola: Qorre
[29.6.21, 16:08:54] ELONA: Lagen mi kare
[29.6.21, 16:08:54] Fabjola: 2 qime flok ke
[29.6.21, 16:09:06] Fabjola: A ti u lagsh nga posht😂
[29.6.21, 16:09:12] ELONA: <attached: 00002447-STICKER-2021-06-29-16-09-11.webp>
[29.6.21, 16:09:21] Fabjola: <attached: 00002448-STICKER-2021-06-29-16-09-21.webp>
[29.6.21, 16:09:24] Fabjola: 😂😂😂
[29.6.21, 16:09:33] ELONA: O qr
[29.6.21, 16:09:43] ELONA: Qa kho moj
[29.6.21, 16:09:49] ELONA: <attached: 00002452-STICKER-2021-06-29-16-09-49.webp>
[29.6.21, 16:09:51] ELONA: <attached: 00002453-STICKER-2021-06-29-16-09-51.webp>
[29.6.21, 16:09:53] ELONA: <attached: 00002454-STICKER-2021-06-29-16-09-52.webp>
[29.6.21, 16:10:36] ELONA: <attached: 00002455-STICKER-2021-06-29-16-10-36.webp>
[29.6.21, 16:11:02] ELONA: Qa ke per te then
[29.6.21, 16:11:05] ELONA: 😂
[29.6.21, 16:11:15] Fabjola: <attached: 00002458-STICKER-2021-06-29-16-11-15.webp>
[29.6.21, 16:11:17] Fabjola: Na
[29.6.21, 16:11:20] ELONA: 😂😂😂😂
[29.6.21, 16:11:24] ELONA: <attached: 00002461-STICKER-2021-06-29-16-11-23.webp>
[29.6.21, 16:11:30] ELONA: <attached: 00002462-STICKER-2021-06-29-16-11-30.webp>
[29.6.21, 16:12:37] Fabjola: <attached: 00002463-STICKER-2021-06-29-16-12-37.webp>
[29.6.21, 16:12:41] Fabjola: 😂😂😂
[29.6.21, 16:12:58] ELONA: <attached: 00002465-STICKER-2021-06-29-16-12-58.webp>
[29.6.21, 16:13:11] Fabjola: <attached: 00002466-STICKER-2021-06-29-16-13-11.webp>
[29.6.21, 16:13:20] Fabjola: Shka mj
[29.6.21, 16:13:25] Fabjola: Kaq e do ti
[29.6.21, 16:13:33] ELONA: Hahahahahahhahahahaha
[29.6.21, 16:13:42] ELONA: <attached: 00002470-STICKER-2021-06-29-16-13-42.webp>
[29.6.21, 16:55:13] ELONA: A ike mi dorzu lekt
[29.6.21, 16:55:14] Fabjola: Shef ika un
[29.6.21, 16:55:18] Fabjola: Po
[29.6.21, 16:55:25] ELONA: Ku ike moj prit se erdha
[29.6.21, 16:55:46] Fabjola: O shef a tu me ardh me me marr kushrina
[29.6.21, 16:55:53] Fabjola: Me ik te dyja per lezh
[29.6.21, 16:55:59] ELONA: Ahaaaa
[29.6.21, 16:56:08] Fabjola: Skam koh ma
[29.6.21, 16:56:14] Fabjola: Se di jam tu cmen
[29.6.21, 16:56:36] ELONA: Hajt o shef se ma mir do bohet
[29.6.21, 16:59:06] Fabjola: Do nish nja 30 min per mhb me ate djalin
[29.6.21, 16:59:08] Fabjola: Shef
[29.6.21, 16:59:17] Fabjola: Shih ca me thot ai me kapele
[29.6.21, 16:59:22] Fabjola: Pim naj red bull andej
[29.6.21, 16:59:22] Fabjola: Pz tlt
[29.6.21, 16:59:25] Fabjola: 😂
[29.6.21, 16:59:35] ELONA: 😂
[29.6.21, 16:59:52] Fabjola: He shef
[29.6.21, 16:59:54] Fabjola: Prite pak
[29.6.21, 16:59:57] Fabjola: Po qe gja
[29.6.21, 16:59:59] Fabjola: Jo m
[29.6.21, 17:00:00] Fabjola: Ca
[29.6.21, 17:00:05] Fabjola: A tu te plas tu
[29.6.21, 17:00:13] Fabjola: Te con ne shpi me makin oj budalle
[29.6.21, 17:00:17] ELONA: Ku ta pres moj
[29.6.21, 17:00:21] Fabjola: Lodhesh ne bud
[29.6.21, 17:00:22] Fabjola: S
[29.6.21, 17:00:25] Fabjola: Njaty
[29.6.21, 17:00:27] ELONA: 😂
[29.6.21, 17:00:28] Fabjola: Te pishina
[29.6.21, 17:00:32] ELONA: Tu menu per mu ee
[29.6.21, 17:00:42] Fabjola: Po nrm o shrf
[29.6.21, 17:00:50] Fabjola: Mi rrjrp
[29.6.21, 17:01:03] Fabjola: He ca ti tham
[29.6.21, 17:01:08] Fabjola: Po a jo
[29.6.21, 17:01:16] ELONA: Po ku di gja un o shef qa ti thush
[29.6.21, 17:01:21] Fabjola: Po mjj
[29.6.21, 17:01:25] Fabjola: Ti thme
[29.6.21, 17:01:27] Fabjola: Them
[29.6.21, 17:01:29] Fabjola: Rri pak
[29.6.21, 17:08:59] Fabjola: He ca thot
[29.6.21, 17:09:08] Fabjola: A je te priy
[29.6.21, 17:09:10] Fabjola: 😂
[29.6.21, 17:09:25] ELONA: Nuk pres ma shef
[29.6.21, 17:09:46] Fabjola: Prit se e myll ne 6 ai
[29.6.21, 17:10:03] ELONA: Kari kari
[29.6.21, 17:10:05] ELONA: Ik moj
[29.6.21, 17:10:07] ELONA: Ika un
[29.6.21, 17:10:44] Fabjola: Ptitt
[29.6.21, 17:10:49] Fabjola: Se po vje
[29.6.21, 17:11:27] ELONA: Jo re jo
[29.6.21, 17:11:43] Fabjola: Vec 2 min
[29.6.21, 17:34:42] ELONA: O shef mojj
[29.6.21, 17:41:55] Fabjola: He moj
[29.6.21, 17:42:02] Fabjola: Ca u ba
[29.6.21, 17:53:30] ELONA: Hic dola tu prit urbanin
[29.6.21, 17:53:47] Fabjola: Srz a nuk erdh ai kari
[29.6.21, 17:54:16] ELONA: Jo mor shef nuk ik me at pervers un
[29.6.21, 17:54:47] Fabjola: Hahahahahahhhaha dekaa
[29.6.21, 17:54:51] Fabjola: Ca te tha
[29.6.21, 17:54:58] Fabjola: Amanet
[29.6.21, 17:55:06] ELONA: Aj nuk ishte ne terezi
[29.6.21, 17:55:26] Fabjola: Po a te pata than dhe un se vite tu me prek
[29.6.21, 17:55:36] Fabjola: Tu mu afru
[29.6.21, 17:55:43] ELONA: Du me puth tha ne faqe
[29.6.21, 17:55:48] ELONA: Jo i tash
[29.6.21, 17:55:50] Fabjola: 😂😂😂😂😂
[29.6.21, 17:55:52] Fabjola: Lott
[29.6.21, 17:55:59] Fabjola: Fiks si mu
[29.6.21, 17:56:02] Fabjola: Jo dhe un
[29.6.21, 17:56:05] Fabjola: Ca kjo
[29.6.21, 17:56:09] ELONA: Un do te puth tha maje men
[29.6.21, 17:56:17] Fabjola: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
[29.6.21, 17:56:21] Fabjola: Dekaaaaaaaaa
[29.6.21, 17:56:27] ELONA: Kur u qu me ik me puthi ne ball
[29.6.21, 17:56:36] Fabjola: Abaaaa
[29.6.21, 17:56:44] Fabjola: Na hangert mutin
[29.6.21, 17:57:12] ELONA: Ik i thash as nr as insta asgj
[29.6.21, 17:57:23] Fabjola: 😂😂😂😂
[29.6.21, 17:57:39] Fabjola: Mu ma mori instan sja pranova follown
[29.6.21, 17:57:40] Fabjola: 😂😂😂
[29.6.21, 17:57:45] ELONA: 😂
[29.6.21, 17:57:54] Fabjola: E kam lan qaty si mut
[29.6.21, 17:58:39] ELONA: Kari vogel
[29.6.21, 17:58:54] Fabjola: Vk
[29.6.21, 17:58:59] Fabjola: Po naj tjt shef
[29.6.21, 17:59:02] Fabjola: Ai shoku im
[29.6.21, 17:59:08] Fabjola: A ta dha peshqirin
[29.6.21, 17:59:18] ELONA: Po
[29.6.21, 17:59:26] ELONA: Me tha a te la ola vetem
[29.6.21, 17:59:29] ELONA: Po i thash
[29.6.21, 17:59:34] Fabjola: Ca te tha kur ta dha
[29.6.21, 17:59:37] Fabjola: 😂😂😂
[29.6.21, 17:59:37] ELONA: Sban kshu tha
[29.6.21, 17:59:47] Fabjola: Hahahhahahahah
[29.6.21, 18:00:02] Fabjola: O zott po me ik truni
[29.6.21, 18:00:38] ELONA: A fole ma me te shpis
[29.6.21, 18:01:01] Fabjola: Jo jam nis me ik
[29.6.21, 18:07:06] ELONA: <attached: 00002569-AUDIO-2021-06-29-18-07-06.opus>
[29.6.21, 18:08:15] ELONA: Kurse aj me brek blu ishte me at mrrokllen e ma bani me
dor ja bana ne un
[29.6.21, 18:08:20] ELONA: 😂
[29.6.21, 18:09:20] Fabjola: Pse nuk shkove mj kurv
[29.6.21, 18:09:30] Fabjola: Sa per rrugen mj
[29.6.21, 18:09:32] ELONA: Jo jo
[29.6.21, 18:09:33] Fabjola: Qyl
[29.6.21, 18:09:40] Fabjola: Mrrokulla dekaa
[29.6.21, 18:09:41] Fabjola: 😂
[29.6.21, 19:29:28] ELONA: Shef ma jep nr e ati
[29.6.21, 19:29:36] ELONA: Se lash keq rbt
[29.6.21, 19:29:47] ELONA: Sdeshta mi ba ashtu si buq ne fakt
[29.6.21, 19:42:43] Fabjola: Do nr e atij
[29.6.21, 19:48:15] Fabjola: <attached: 00002582-PHOTO-2021-06-29-19-48-15.jpg>
[29.6.21, 19:48:20] Fabjola: Na shef
[29.6.21, 19:58:13] Fabjola: Kur do me shkruj se po pres
[29.6.21, 19:58:16] Fabjola: O zottt
[29.6.21, 19:58:26] Fabjola: I ngeluri ne dwr
[29.6.21, 20:04:26] ELONA: 😂😂😂
[29.6.21, 20:22:10] ELONA: <attached: 00002588-PHOTO-2021-06-29-20-22-10.jpg>
[29.6.21, 20:22:36] Fabjola: Dekaa
[29.6.21, 20:22:37] ELONA: Direkt i shef qa shkruj
[29.6.21, 20:22:46] ELONA: Shif si ja kam vu emrin
[29.6.21, 20:22:48] ELONA: 😂😂😂😂
[29.6.21, 20:22:57] Fabjola: Dekaaa
[29.6.21, 20:23:01] Fabjola: Gjiergji
[29.6.21, 20:23:07] Fabjola: Po e di
[29.6.21, 20:23:15] Fabjola: Ca a tu te than tash
[29.6.21, 20:24:00] ELONA: A do me dal thot
[29.6.21, 20:24:34] ELONA: Uaaa aj rrika njaty te biseda ime moj
[29.6.21, 20:24:43] ELONA: Sa i shkruj mas 2 min direkt e shef
[29.6.21, 20:26:34] Fabjola: <attached: 00002600-AUDIO-2021-06-29-20-26-34.opus>
[29.6.21, 20:27:46] ELONA: Hahahah
[29.6.21, 20:27:56] Fabjola: <attached: 00002602-AUDIO-2021-06-29-20-27-56.opus>
[29.6.21, 21:28:13] ELONA: <attached: 00002603-PHOTO-2021-06-29-21-28-13.jpg>
[29.6.21, 21:29:05] Fabjola: Lotttt😂
[29.6.21, 21:29:18] ELONA: Do me me fut bitha kti pa lek
[29.6.21, 21:29:21] ELONA: 😂
[29.6.21, 21:29:42] Fabjola: Pash zoten thuj me fut ola
[29.6.21, 21:29:46] Fabjola: Pa lrk
[29.6.21, 21:29:47] Fabjola: E
[29.6.21, 21:30:14] ELONA: Desha mi than me fut shefi pa lek
[29.6.21, 21:31:05] Fabjola: Thuj thuj un per ashtu me fut ola pa lek
[29.6.21, 21:31:06] Fabjola: 😂
[29.6.21, 21:32:27] ELONA: Po te tan punoni nga mgjesi deri masdite aty
[29.6.21, 21:32:31] ELONA: A skeni turrne
[29.6.21, 21:32:47] Fabjola: Po
[29.6.21, 21:32:56] ELONA: Qa kjo mut pune
[29.6.21, 21:32:57] Fabjola: Vec kamarirrt kan turnr
[29.6.21, 21:33:31] ELONA: Me tha goca hyj per me te than per me filli phn ne call
[29.6.21, 21:34:01] Fabjola: Po mas dy mujsh vec kur te vij
[29.6.21, 21:34:10] Fabjola: Se itash jo iher
[29.6.21, 21:34:23] ELONA: I thash ka mamin e smur iher
[29.6.21, 21:34:37] Fabjola: A sa mir ke ba shef
[29.6.21, 21:34:40] Fabjola: Te lumt
[29.6.21, 21:34:43] Fabjola: ❤️
[29.6.21, 21:35:29] ELONA: I thash ka ik ne lezh sa ktej fare
[29.6.21, 21:35:52] ELONA: Po mir tha te kalume mamit po qe puna se i bahet mami
mir me thuj e te vine ke puna
[29.6.21, 21:37:03] Fabjola: Supwr shef
[30.6.21, 13:02:42] ELONA: <attached: 00002628-STICKER-2021-06-30-13-02-41.webp>
[30.6.21, 13:08:15] Fabjola: <attached: 00002629-AUDIO-2021-06-30-13-08-15.opus>
[30.6.21, 13:08:30] ELONA: Po
[30.6.21, 13:08:46] Fabjola: Hahahahahah
[30.6.21, 13:12:48] ELONA: <attached: 00002632-PHOTO-2021-06-30-13-12-48.jpg>
‍♀️ ️ 13:12:51] ELONA: ‍♀️
[30.6.21, 13:13:27] Fabjola: Hahahahhahahahaha
[30.6.21, 13:13:30] Fabjola: Dekaaa
[30.6.21, 13:14:01] ELONA: 😂😂😂😂😂😂
[30.6.21, 13:25:41] Fabjola: <attached: 00002637-PHOTO-2021-06-30-13-25-41.jpg>
[30.6.21, 13:26:39] ELONA: 😂😂😂😂
[30.6.21, 13:26:57] Fabjola: Fshatarja
[30.6.21, 13:27:23] ELONA: Berr ma
[30.6.21, 16:30:49] Fabjola: Shef
[30.6.21, 16:31:21] ELONA: He shef
[30.6.21, 16:31:33] Fabjola: Ca bahet
[30.6.21, 16:31:38] Fabjola: Si asht gjendja
[30.6.21, 16:31:57] ELONA: Ne 5 tha te jesh gati se vi me te marr
[30.6.21, 16:32:18] Fabjola: Aty te shpia
[30.6.21, 16:32:31] ELONA: Po
[30.6.21, 16:32:50] Fabjola: Heh pinuci
[30.6.21, 16:32:52] Fabjola: 😂
[30.6.21, 16:33:02] ELONA: Hahahahahah
[30.6.21, 17:13:49] Fabjola: Shef
[30.6.21, 17:14:31] ELONA: He sher
[30.6.21, 17:14:40] Fabjola: Ca bohet
[30.6.21, 17:15:49] ELONA: Te prit jam shef
[30.6.21, 17:15:52] ELONA: Jam ba gati
[30.6.21, 17:16:03] Fabjola: Po a ska ardh mj qrnii
[30.6.21, 17:16:05] Fabjola: E
[30.6.21, 17:16:08] Fabjola: 😂
[30.6.21, 17:16:15] Fabjola: Bjeri qenit
[30.6.21, 17:16:22] ELONA: 😂
[30.6.21, 17:16:33] ELONA: Jam vesh krejt bardh
[30.6.21, 17:16:36] ELONA: Shef
[30.6.21, 17:16:38] ELONA: Paqe
[30.6.21, 17:16:51] Fabjola: Me at fustanin
[30.6.21, 17:16:52] Fabjola: 😂
[30.6.21, 17:17:33] ELONA: Fustan te bardh atletet mu than e i vesha qorapet nike
si atletet
[30.6.21, 17:17:53] Fabjola: Hahahaha super
[30.6.21, 17:18:12] Fabjola: Do ket ngel ne trafik ai
[30.6.21, 17:18:16] Fabjola: Gjynofi
[30.6.21, 17:18:20] ELONA: 😂😂😂
[30.6.21, 17:18:25] ELONA: Ku ka shpin a di gja
[30.6.21, 17:18:27] Fabjola: Se asht nis kahrr
[30.6.21, 17:18:37] Fabjola: Te rruga e elbasanit
[30.6.21, 17:18:50] ELONA: Se pasa larg mor me ardh ktej
[30.6.21, 17:19:06] Fabjola: Po ka ca parapergatitje
[30.6.21, 17:19:25] Fabjola: Mos po te vje me lule e cokolllata mj
[30.6.21, 17:19:26] Fabjola: 😂
[30.6.21, 17:19:31] Fabjola: Ca spret nga ai
[30.6.21, 17:19:32] ELONA: Po pra
[30.6.21, 17:19:35] ELONA: 😂😂😂😂
[30.6.21, 17:19:37] ELONA: Ik moj
[30.6.21, 17:19:47] Fabjola: Malok i devotshem
[30.6.21, 17:19:50] Fabjola: 😂
[30.6.21, 17:19:50] ELONA: Srri ni minut ma me te
[30.6.21, 17:19:59] ELONA: Sjam msu me ashtu qunash
[30.6.21, 17:20:06] Fabjola: O shef edhe dy dit o shef
[30.6.21, 17:20:08] Fabjola: Durooo
[30.6.21, 17:20:10] Fabjola: 😂
[30.6.21, 17:20:16] Fabjola: Ti pim gjakun
[30.6.21, 17:20:20] ELONA: Hahahahahahahahhahahahahau
[30.6.21, 17:20:28] Fabjola: Pastaj byeee zmraa
[30.6.21, 17:20:30] Fabjola: 😂
[30.6.21, 17:22:37] ELONA: Ku je ti shef
[30.6.21, 17:23:22] Fabjola: Ne qendr
[30.6.21, 17:23:30] Fabjola: <attached: 00002695-PHOTO-2021-06-30-17-23-30.jpg>
[30.6.21, 17:24:13] ELONA: Brravo shef me mjete me sene
[30.6.21, 17:24:26] Fabjola: Dekaaa
[30.6.21, 17:24:40] Fabjola: Shef shihja icik
[30.6.21, 17:24:44] Fabjola: Ca mjeti ka ai
[30.6.21, 17:25:07] Fabjola: Se nga mrena e ka te mir kshu
[30.6.21, 17:25:23] Fabjola: Po se di ca tipi se vuna re mir
[30.6.21, 17:25:41] ELONA: Benz ishte
[30.6.21, 17:25:45] ELONA: Se pash dje
[30.6.21, 17:25:51] ELONA: Gri
[30.6.21, 17:26:20] Fabjola: E di qe asht gri
[30.6.21, 17:26:34] Fabjola: Apapaapapap
[30.6.21, 17:27:50] Fabjola: A akoma nuk erdh mortii
[30.6.21, 17:30:43] ELONA: <attached: 00002708-AUDIO-2021-06-30-17-30-43.opus>
[30.6.21, 17:30:47] ELONA: Qr
[30.6.21, 17:31:24] Fabjola: Uaa ta paska dhie ty😂
[30.6.21, 17:31:46] ELONA: Ma ka lli ne rob shpie
[30.6.21, 17:32:18] Fabjola: Hahahhhahaahaaba
[30.6.21, 17:32:24] Fabjola: Duro shef
[30.6.21, 17:32:30] Fabjola: Po te acaroi shumm
[30.6.21, 17:32:37] Fabjola: Dhija dhe ti
[30.6.21, 17:32:39] Fabjola: 😂
[30.6.21, 17:34:44] ELONA: <attached: 00002717-AUDIO-2021-06-30-17-34-44.opus>
[30.6.21, 17:35:13] Fabjola: Po.pse mjj
[30.6.21, 17:35:16] Fabjola: Ca bani
[30.6.21, 17:36:08] ELONA: Hypa hypa
[30.6.21, 17:36:22] Fabjola: 😂😂
[30.6.21, 17:36:27] Fabjola: Ca po te thot
[30.6.21, 17:36:36] Fabjola: A te puthi kur u prrshendet
[30.6.21, 17:36:39] Fabjola: 😂
[30.6.21, 17:38:57] ELONA: Po
[30.6.21, 17:39:51] Fabjola: 😂
[30.6.21, 17:42:29] ELONA: Tu ik per durrs shef
[30.6.21, 17:42:45] Fabjola: Houu qr
[30.6.21, 17:42:53] Fabjola: Pse aq larg
[30.6.21, 17:45:24] Fabjola: <attached: 00002730-VIDEO-2021-06-30-17-45-24.mp4>
[30.6.21, 18:23:01] Fabjola: Shefff
[30.6.21, 18:24:14] ELONA: He shef
[30.6.21, 18:24:26] Fabjola: Ca jeni tu ba
[30.6.21, 18:24:36] ELONA: Sa erdhem
[30.6.21, 18:24:42] Fabjola: He
[30.6.21, 18:24:51] Fabjola: Ca thu
[30.6.21, 18:24:56] ELONA: Sa mezi shef 😂😂😂😂
[30.6.21, 18:25:15] Fabjola: Si sa mezi
[30.6.21, 18:47:13] Fabjola: He moj me trego ca moret me pi
[30.6.21, 21:33:34] Fabjola: <attached: 00002740-PHOTO-2021-06-30-21-33-34.jpg>
[30.6.21, 21:33:38] Fabjola: 😂😂😂😂😂😂
[30.6.21, 21:51:07] ELONA: 😂
[30.6.21, 21:56:18] Fabjola: Ky asht yll bote m nenr
[30.6.21, 21:56:22] Fabjola: 😂
[30.6.21, 21:56:58] ELONA: Po mer mreza
[30.6.21, 21:57:16] Fabjola: O shef po h mtrego
[30.6.21, 21:57:29] Fabjola: Me ca te qerasi
[30.6.21, 22:08:03] ELONA: Shkum pim kafe buz detit
[30.6.21, 22:32:32] Fabjola: Apapsppapaap
[30.6.21, 22:32:37] Fabjola: Buz detit
[30.6.21, 22:34:32] ELONA: Po shef😂
[30.6.21, 22:34:54] Fabjola: <attached: 00002752-PHOTO-2021-06-30-22-34-54.jpg>
[30.6.21, 22:35:21] Fabjola: Vdiqaa 3 akullore kam hanger sot
[30.6.21, 22:35:31] ELONA: Pase ba lek ee
[30.6.21, 22:35:33] ELONA: 🤣
[30.6.21, 22:35:53] Fabjola: Ni ma ka ble gjergji
[30.6.21, 22:35:58] Fabjola: Ni niveni
[30.6.21, 22:36:01] Fabjola: Ni vet
[30.6.21, 22:36:04] Fabjola: 😂
[30.6.21, 22:36:15] ELONA: 😂
[30.6.21, 22:36:19] ELONA: Brravo shef
[30.6.21, 22:37:09] Fabjola: E po ca folet
[30.6.21, 22:37:28] ELONA: Pa shum shijova pamjen se folem
[30.6.21, 22:37:48] Fabjola: 😂😂
[30.6.21, 22:37:57] Fabjola: A tu afru
[30.6.21, 22:46:44] Fabjola: <attached: 00002766-PHOTO-2021-06-30-22-46-44.jpg>
[30.6.21, 22:46:50] Fabjola: Sot mgjes
[30.6.21, 22:47:36] ELONA: 😂
[30.6.21, 22:47:54] Fabjola: Do i tham dhe msr
[30.6.21, 22:48:02] Fabjola: Ti baj si gjynofe
[30.6.21, 22:48:07] Fabjola: 😂
[30.6.21, 22:49:31] ELONA: Hahahahahah nsr jam vet
[30.6.21, 22:49:43] Fabjola: A i the gja
[30.6.21, 22:49:53] Fabjola: Mos i thuj gja
[30.6.21, 22:50:05] ELONA: Po
[30.6.21, 22:50:19] ELONA: Sdi me rrejt un
[30.6.21, 22:50:19] Fabjola: O ti na rrufsh lesht
[30.6.21, 22:50:36] Fabjola: A po i thu ne kur del ne banjo
[30.6.21, 22:50:39] Fabjola: 😂
[30.6.21, 22:50:44] ELONA: Po
[30.6.21, 22:50:47] ELONA: 😂
[30.6.21, 22:51:09] Fabjola: Na merr nsr ato fustanat shef
[30.6.21, 22:51:15] Fabjola: Se du mr ba foto
[30.6.21, 22:51:26] Fabjola: Edhe syzet
[30.6.21, 22:51:35] ELONA: Po shef
[30.6.21, 22:51:53] Fabjola: Hajt mir nsr do vij ne ai mr tatoo
[30.6.21, 22:52:07] Fabjola: Te bahen tan bashk
[30.6.21, 22:53:19] ELONA: Jo jo shef tash kam gjergjin srri tu perzi
[30.6.21, 22:53:53] Fabjola: O ti na hanksh mutin se po te fillon me te pelqy sak
[30.6.21, 22:53:57] Fabjola: Budalle
[30.6.21, 22:54:06] Fabjola: Ma i mir ai me tatoo
[30.6.21, 22:57:22] ELONA: Jo mor shef
[30.6.21, 22:57:51] Fabjola: Ta shohim iher
[30.6.21, 22:59:57] ELONA: Pse moj qa ka
[30.6.21, 23:00:17] Fabjola: Sheff srzz
[30.6.21, 23:00:24] Fabjola: Aii🤮
[30.6.21, 23:00:33] ELONA: Ca je moj
[30.6.21, 23:00:54] Fabjola: Asht i shemtum m shef
[30.6.21, 23:07:58] ELONA: Jo mor shef nuk asht aq i shemtum

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