Internet Diary

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Hope on the Net Club junky Michiko(40) gang raped by four sailors on an aircraft carrier docked out of the

Yokusuka Navy Base on Friendship Day. An annual event hosted by the U.S. Pacic Fleet to foster friendship between the U.S. military and the host country whereby the base would open up its gates to the general public. Curious Japanese would come onto the base and were shown around a real American military installation, many for the rst time, some were even given tours of the ships by eager sailors who knew and spoke only a smattering of Japanese.

Apparently, Michiko was invited onboard one of the ships by a rufan/sailor/fuck friend she had met online prior to Friendship Day who had promised to escort her on base to tour the berthing area of the U.S.S. Independence where she was met by four masked sailors who took turns raping her with the lights out. She never reported that incident because of the shame it would have brought on her and her family, something typical of most Japanese women who lack the will to protect themselves.

K(32) was raped by her English teacher in her own home late at night in some far away location in northern Japan during a so-called English lesson, and fearing afterwards, that she might have gotten pregnant, begged the rapist to marry her weeks after the incident because she was late on her period. She did this because she feared that being an unwed mother

in Japan is the worst kind of social stigma a young woman can have in the land of "Wa."

What do these two women have in common? They are both products of their own over obsession with Western cultural imperialism. Michiko was infatuated with black men her whole life, and so was her mother. She loved the violent streak black men possessed with that cold blackness they often conveyed through their eyes and cold steely esh and steamy breath. No matter how often she got used and abused by a 'brother' she kept her legs open for them. Even after that fateful incident she continued loving Western men no matter what. What a waste of a Japanese. K was the same after she got raped. Her former English teacher was a redhead white Brit who was a gentleman before and after he did her. I say that because she still esteems these men as gentlemen. He taught her an English lesson rst, then raped her, then had a review afterwards and received payment for that lesson/rape [?.] To this day she still loves white men.

I still believe, though, in spite of what these two whores went through, that in rare cases people can still meet that special someone. I have been on the receiving end of both extremes, and in the most extreme sense. Completely off the spectrum in most cases. In other words, I have been met and have met the best and worst of people online and in person.

During the best of times, back during AOL's heyday, the internet was much cleaner, and had normal working-class professionals using its online services, like chatrooms and instant messenger. That's also back at a time when a PC wasn't as affordable as it is today, and you had to either have a good full time job or well off parents who could afford one. I remember meeting people online and within a matter of days I'd be out having coffee or dinner with them, and maybe even more. That's not always the case anymore. I hope I'm wrong.

It was because of AOL that I had met some wonderful people back in the 90s, and will never forget the impact they made on my life, like the second great love of my life who made it possible for me to come to Japan, and introducing me to her beautiful culture, and the hotspring and showing me the beauty of Japan. Essentially giving me the wings I needed to y on my own. I learned so much from her. It was the internet that made our two paths meet.

However, over the years, the internet has bred a whole new sub-society of people and I think some of you know that already. The internet allows people to be anybody they want to be, whenever they want to be, but is this a good thing? I mean, can you still meet decent people online?

The new bread basket for English learning is the internet, and

is fast becoming the new medium for communication all over the world. Technology has enabled us to talk for free to anyone at any time right from a handheld smartphone. But has this technology also enabled us to become weak and dependent upon it? Has the advances in high speed internet made us better individuals, or less human to the point that we no longer need to meet face-to-face with others?

Zombies and couch potatoes are those individuals that choose to remove themselves from society. They sit in front of a t.v. screen and vegetate over video games or television sitcoms all day long. They express no interest in the real world around them, and sometimes struggle just to get out of bed everyday. Most of them have no full time job at all and know absolutely nothing about what's going on in the world. I am truly fascinated with these kinds of people, but not because I admire them, but because I loathe them, and cannot see how or why a human being could conne him or herself indoors all day.

My long time zombie is K is someoneI have known for ages, and yet I have never met her. Behind a camera she has no inhibitions, like in the picture. She's a good natured girl, but lacks a lot of drive and motivation. She is totally incapable of even the most basic tasks, like washing dishes. I used to think that there was hope between us to create something more than just an internet friendship, but the more I try the more I realize how impossible that really is. She has all of the physical charms that I search for in a woman, but she isn't pre-Jukujo

material.i.e. she is unwed and hasn't had any children yet, plus she has weak constitutions for Japanese food and drink. Is there hope on the internet anymore.? Or, are we becoming less capable and disfuntional the more we use it? I know she sure has. I think there's more to it

I've been reluctant lately about getting back online with people and searching for another someone special. I often wonder what technology is making people become, though, really. ? I normally go out and meet people, but am nding this to be nothing more than a supercial encounter with fakers . People ask the same questions . "Why are you here?" "How long have you been here?" The Japanese are truly an effete of their former selves whereby a person's word was his bond. It is denitely not like that anymore. Should I fear for the worst?

To learn and grow is essential in any culture. Humans need to know about other human beings. That goes without saying, but how much is too much. How far should our obsessions carry us? I knew exactly what I wanted before I came to Japan. I think the whole world knows by now what I want. This too is an obsession, but at least I know what I want, but I wonder if the vast majority of Japanese know what they actually want? I wonder if my internet buddy knows what she wants? I wonder what she was thinking when she's being taken advantage of, and asking herself why she allowed herself to be led into a situation where she clearly had the disadvantage. Why is the need for learning a foreign

language so strong in Japan, and why is the need to travel so strong?

I say it's because of an ignorance that has festered like a canker sore in the mouth of this nation; Japanese parents do not instill principles in their young, and they fail to teach them anything of real human signicance. They walk around naive and wholly blinded to the reality of the world that they live in and cramming for hundreds of test they must take in order to get that good job. Teaching them to simply enjoy their own country is a chore or an ignorance on both parts. Love of country and nationalism is a type of common sense in almost any country except Japan.

Is there hope on the net? Can technology save humanity? I have yet to meet a person who is genuinely interested in meeting real people without all the hang ups.

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