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Notes for setting up a Gmail account for Email Alarms from Compass.

1. Obtain a Gmail Account or create a Gmail account for the site

a. Write down all information used to create Gmail account
b. Example account name: BMSAlarms_<sitename>
2. Setup Gmail account to receive emails from Less secure Apps
a. From Browse Login into Gmail account

b. Click the Google Apps Button at the upper right-hand side of

the screen.

c. Click the Account Icon

d. In the Sign-in & security section, click the Apps with account access link

e. Turn on the Allow less secure apps option

3. Setup Compass
a. From the Compass green screen go to the Tools | General System Setup menu and the
Email Setup tab
b. Enter the Gmail SMTP server:
c. Enter Gmails SMTP server port: 587

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d. Enter the Time out in seconds: 60 (slower connections might need a longer timeout)
e. Check the SMTP Server requires authentication box
f. Enter the full Gmail email address in the User name: field.
g. Enter the password for the Gmail account in the Password: field.
h. Check the SMTP Server requires and encrypted connection (SSL) box.
i. Enter you email address in the Test email address: and click the Test Connection…
i. You should receive 2 emails and see a pop that says the SMTP connection test
j. Example setup

k. Click Ok to Close the General System setup box.

l. From the Compass green screen, goto the Compass |Alarms | Alarm Setup menu option

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m. Check the Send alarms to email recipients box, the click the Email Settings… button

n. Enter the full gmail account address in the From email address: box

4. You can now create you Alarm handlers and add the clients email addresses as necessary.

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