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Atega Street, Barangay 11 Poblacion, Cabadbaran City

8605 Agusan del Norte, Region XIII




MAED 104

Name: JOUAINE S.OMBAY Date: APRIL 29, 2023

Instructor: Dr. ALVIN TAO-ON HINAY

Topic: Bureaucracy

1. What Is a Bureaucracy?

- The term bureaucracy refers to a complex organization that has multilayered systems and

processes. The systems and processes that are put in place effectively make decision-

making slow. They are designed to maintain uniformity and control within the organization.

- The term bureaucracy is a hybrid word whose roots go back to French and Greek. It's

made up of the French word bureau, which means desk or office, and the Greek term

kratein, which means to rule.


• The word bureaucracy implies a complex structure with multiple layers and procedures.

• The systems that are put in place under a bureaucracy make decision-making slow.
• Bureaucracies can render systems formal and rigid, which is needed when following

safety procedures is critical.

• The term bureaucracy is often criticized and deemed negative because of the

implication that procedures are more important than efficiency.

• The Glass-Steagall Act is a good example of effective bureaucracy in place in the

United States.

2. Who is MAX WEBER ?

- Max Weber (1864-1920) was a German sociologist, philosopher, and political economist

who is widely regarded as one of the founders of modern sociology. He is best known for

his contributions to the study of social theory, bureaucracy, and the sociology of religion.

3. How a Bureaucracy Works?

- Bureaucracy is a form of organization that is based on a hierarchical structure of authority,

with clear rules and procedures governing decision-making and action. In a bureaucratic

system, individuals are assigned specific roles and responsibilities based on their level of

authority and expertise.

- Bureaucracy works by creating a system of rules and procedures that are designed to

ensure that tasks are performed efficiently and effectively, and that decisions are made in

an objective and consistent manner. While bureaucracy can have negative consequences,

such as creating a lack of flexibility and creativity, it is often seen as a necessary

component of modern organizations and societies.

4. Bureaucracy vs. Governance vs. Administration

- Bureaucracy is not the same as governance or administration. Some administrative

structures are not bureaucratic, and many bureaucracies are not part of administrative

structures. So what's the difference? The distinction lies in the objectives of each system.
- Bureaucracies ensure procedural correctness irrespective of the circumstances or goals.

Governance includes processes, procedures, and systems that are implemented by an

organization to:

 Make decisions

 Assign individuals who make those decisions

 Provide oversight

 Collect data and report performance results

- An administration, on the other hand, directs organizational resources toward an objective

goal such as generating profits or administering a service.

5. What’s Good About a Bureaucracy?

- Bureaucracies can help organizations run smoothly and efficiently. This allows large

organizations to streamline processes and bring order to systems and procedures.

Management becomes easier and processes become less chaotic. Bureaucracies tend to

include a division of labor with clearly defined roles. They also ensure that everyone is

treated equally and fairly, which means there is no bias toward any one entity.

6. What’s Bad About a Bureaucracy?

- Bureaucracies are often looked down upon because people view them as valuing

procedures over efficiency. Many people feel that rules and paperwork can pile up under

bureaucracies. This is often referred to as the red tape people and companies need to

overcome in order to achieve certain goals like establishing a business. Rules and

regulations can often be difficult to navigate and may even favor some people over others,

such as the wealthy.

7. What Are the Most Common Characteristics of a Bureaucracy?

- Some of the most common characteristics of a bureaucracy include a hierarchy, rules

and regulations, and specialization. 

- The hierarchy establishes scales of power—those with the most power are at the top

while individuals who have the least fall at the bottom.

- Rules and regulations are typically formal and indicate how processes and functions are

to be conducted.

- Specialization entails the use of training to allow people to do their jobs properly under

the structure.

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