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To the Editor

The Guardian

Paraná, Entre Ríos, Argentina

Dear Sir/ Madam,

I am writing in response to a letter published in the Guardian

newspaper on the 12th May commenting on the benefits of homeschooling

for adolescents after the pandemic. Despite the fact that I was not

homeschooled, I strongly believe that homeschooling provides learners

with significant advantages in terms of curriculum selection and

socialization from learners’ perspectives.

First of all, being home schooled allows learners to choose together

with their educators’ suggestions appropriate content in order to design

their own curricula. Moreover, students and teachers united can select

topics to be discussed according to adolescents´ interests and preferences,

which cater for their needs and goals for their future. Currently, some

students claimed that schools do not offer tailored curricula with an

interesting set of themes or valuable subjects for their job prospects or

university degrees. Although fewer students choose the homeschooling

approach, it entails that learners are able to decide how to plan their studies
based on their future options with assistance and guidance of their own

personal educators.

In addition, COVID-19 changed the way lessons were delivered

drastically, which implied different interactions among teen students. They

were sometimes asked to connect virtually with their peers when taking

online lessons or doing assignments through videoconference, which also

help them to chat about personal matters. This triggered off how students

conceived the way of bonding with their friends and peers in order to

remain acquainted with their personal lives as well as with their academic


Despite the fact that nowadays digital tools are used not only for

entertainment but also for educational purposes, the homeschooling

approach sets proper conditions for both learning and socializing equally.

As students can be asked to take lessons in small group of friends and

classmates using the school facilities, they can attend lessons at school in

order to communicate and learn with friends. For instance, they can work

on certain projects and assignments which boost teamwork competences,

distribution of roles and cooperation either at home or at school.

To conclude, in my opinion, homeschooling allows learners to plan

ahead a tailored curriculum that suits for their future course of studies and

own personal interests in accordance with their educators’ support and

guidance. They are also able to foster a sense of belonging, develop

communication and group work skills with the purpose of connecting with

their peers as well as interacting with friends in a supportive environment.

I look forward to reading more written pieces related to educational

topics as they are extremely insightful and engaging from educators’ and

learners’ perspectives.

Yours faithfully,

Alzamendi Alejandra.


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