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Form 3 - Leadership Practicum Evaluation

This form is to be used to evaluate the candidate’s Leadership Practicum. Please comment on the extent to which the
candidate has achieved the objectives of the Leadership Practicum. Indicate the strengths and areas for improvement with
respect to the Leadership Practicum Log, the Reflective Journal and Final Report.

Candidate’s Name: Kathy Villarroel Sponagle

Candidate’s Comments:
The Equity Continuum is an effective tool for schools to employ to promote student voice and identity through improving equity and inclusivity within the school. I
was able to collect data using the Equity Continuum to set goals for the school, develop positive relationships with colleagues and administrators, provide equity
and diversity tools to educators to use in their classrooms and schools, and secure accountability by engaging them in a diversity walk through my leadership role.
The advantages of this practicum were that teachers gained confidence in teaching and integrating culture, race, and identity in the classroom and school. As a
result, children will find their voice as well as feel welcomed and included in the school community.

I was able to focus on the third pillar of the Catholic School-Level Leadership Framework, 'Developing the Organisation to Support Desired Practises,' by giving
professional development opportunities during staff meetings. Educators were questioning, talking, and learning from one another during our sessions. They
collaborated on ideas for incorporating student voice and identity into the classroom. Student identity was also visible in the school corridors through student work,
portraits, and exhibits.

Overall, there were numerous advantages to adopting the Equity Continuum to identify areas of need and achievement within the school. Educators improved their
understanding and grew better at delivering material that allowed students to experience diversity and inclusivity. The only challenge with using the Equity
Continuum is finding the time for educators to complete the surveys, engage in professional development, collaborate, and address 'hot' topics in society such as
anti-black racism, anti-oppression, and inclusivity for all.


Candidate’s Signature Date

Mentor’s Comments:
Congratulations, Kathy as you move towards next steps in your leadership journey.

Your practicum centered around a very relevant and meaningful topic- equity. Through your efforts, staff
have been encouraged to be more thoughtful educators and consider the experience of the most marginalized
students in thier classrooms.

The work is important. Please continue to be an interrupter of societal norms and continue to advocate for
equity and inclusion.

August 30 , 2023

Mentor’s Signature Date

PQP P1 Instructor’s Comments:

PQP P1 Instructor’s Signature Date

The candidate has submitted a required Leadership Practicum Final Report:

PQP P1 Instructor’s Signature Date

PQP P1 Coordinator’s Signature Date

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