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Cyber security roadmap

1 Understand the Basics:

Begin by grasping the fundamentals of cybersecurity.
Familiarize yourself with concepts like data encryption, firewalls,
malware, and network security. Online tutorials, courses, and
books can be valuable resources for gaining this foundational
Some recommended resources include:
- Online Courses: Coursera, Udemy, and edX offer a wide range of
cybersecurity courses suitable for beginners.
- Books: "The Basics of Cyber Safety" by John Sammons,
"Cybersecurity for Beginners" by Raef Meeuwisse,
"The Art of Intrusion" by Kevin Mitnick are excellent introductory
2 Learn Networking and Operating Systems:
Acquire a solid understanding of networking protocols and
operating systems. Explore concepts like TCP/IP, DNS, routers, and
Linux. This knowledge will serve as a strong foundation for your
cybersecurity journey.
Here are some resources to help you:
- Networking: "Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach" by
James Kurose and Keith Ross provides a comprehensive introduction to
Cyber security roadmap
- Operating Systems: "Operating System Concepts" by Abraham
Silberschatz, Peter B. Galvin, and Greg Gagne is a widely used
textbook for understanding operating systems.
3 Dive into Cyber Threats:
Explore the world of cyber threats, including various types of malware,
social engineering techniques, phishing attacks, and more.
Understanding the tactics employed by hackers will help you develop
effective defense strategies.
Here are some resources to get you started:
- Websites: Check out resources like OWASP (Open Web Application
Security Project) and SANS Institute for in-depth information on
various cyber threats.
- Online Courses: "Cybersecurity Essentials" by Cisco Networking
Academy is a great course for understanding common threats and
4 Gain Hands-on Experience:
Practical experience is invaluable in cybersecurity. Set up a home lab
where you can practice different techniques and tools, such as virtual
machines, network simulations, and security testing platforms. Hands-
on learning will enhance your skills and boost your confidence.
- Virtual Labs: Platforms like VirtualBox, VMware, and GNS3 offer
virtualization solutions for building your own lab environment.
- Capture the Flag (CTF): Participate in CTF competitions or online
platforms like Hack The Box and TryHackMe to solve real-world
cybersecurity challenges.
5 Learn about Security Frameworks:
Cyber security roadmap
Familiarize yourself with widely recognized security frameworks like
NIST, ISO 27001, and CIS Controls. These frameworks provide best
practices for implementing cybersecurity measures in organizations.
You can access these frameworks and related resources directly from
their respective official websites.
6 Get Certified:
Consider obtaining relevant certifications like CompTIA Security+,
Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH), or Certified Information Systems
Security Professional (CISSP). Certifications validate your skills and
can open doors to exciting career opportunities. Check out the official
websites of certification providers for study materials, practice exams,
and exam details.
7 Stay Updated:
Cybersecurity is a rapidly evolving field. Stay updated with the latest
trends, vulnerabilities, and security news through blogs, forums,
podcasts, and industry events. Continuous learning is key to staying
in this dynamic landscape.
- Blogs: Follow reputable cybersecurity blogs such as KrebsOnSecurity,
Schneier on Security, and Dark Reading for up-to-date information and
- Podcasts: "Security Now," "The CyberWire," and "Darknet Diaries"
are popular podcasts that cover various cybersecurity topics.
8 Join Online Communities:
Engage with cybersecurity communities and forums where you can
connect with like-minded individuals, seek advice, and share
knowledge. Collaborating with others in the field will expand your
horizons and provide valuable insights.
Cyber security roadmap
- Communities: Reddit has dedicated cybersecurity communities like
r/cybersecurity and r/netsec where you can interact with professionals
and enthusiasts.
- Forums: Join platforms like Stack Exchange’s Information Security
community or the ISC2 Community for discussions and knowledge
9 Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing:
Consider exploring ethical hacking and penetration testing. Learning
these skills will enable you to identify vulnerabilities and strengthen
defenses effectively.

Here are some additional resources and platforms you can refer to:
• Online Courses:
o "The Complete Ethical Hacking Course" on Udemy
o "Penetration Testing: A Hands-On Introduction to
Hacking" on edX
o "Ethical Hacking from Scratch to Advanced Techniques" on
o "Practical Ethical Hacking - The Complete Course" on
o "Web Application Penetration Testing" on Cybrary
• YouTube Channels:
o PhD Security
o TCM Security
o Bitten Tech
o The Cyber Mentor
o HackerSploit
• Z Security Courses:
o Z Security offers a variety of online courses on ethical
hacking and cybersecurity. You can explore their website for
more details.
Cyber security roadmap

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