Test Unit 6 TN2

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1. Complete each negative yes / no question. Type the correct word in each blank.

A) A: ________________________ you usually avoid carbs?

B: Yes, but I had a craving for pasta.

B) A: ________________________ the train leaving in five minutes?

B: Yes, it is. We’d better hurry.

C) A: You look so familiar________________________ we met before?

B: No, I don’t think we have.

D) A: ________________________ that dinner yesterday terrible?

B: Actually, I liked it.

E) A: ________________________ you like your dessert last night?

B: Not really. It was too sweet for me.

F) A: ________________________ you like chocolate cake?

B: Actually, I’m allergic to chocolate.

2. Complete the sentences. Drag and drop into the correct place.

3. Complete each sentence with use to, used to, or didn’t use to.
4. Complete the conversation.

5. Complete the sentences with the right form of BE USED TO or GET USED TO.

1. Politicians ________________________ speaking in public.

2. Amanda is a new student at my school. It will take her time ______________________ it.

3. My sister has been a nurse for 5 years. She ________________________ working at night.

4. She ___________________ driving on the left when she came to England.

5. My sister started university two years ago. She _____________________ studying very


6. Complete the sentences with USED TO, WOULD, BE USED TO or GET USED TO.

1. Bob _________________ smoke but he gave it up last year.

2. Lisa and Sue were friends. They ____________________ to be together most of the time.

3. She _________________ the noise now. But at first, it really bothered her.

4. They _________________ to the weather in Santa Cruz.

5. Jim was very shy. He ________________________ have many friends.

6. Because we live in the mountains, we _________________ the cold and windy weather.

7. When I was a child, my mom ______________________ read me nice stories.

8. I’ll never _______________________ to the traffic in New York.

9. They _________________ go to the park every Sunday in the summer.

10. They never __________________ like coffee, but now they drink it every day.

11. When I was in high school, we ____________ go camping every summer.

12. She ________________________ fight with her brother when she was a child.
7. Read the article about lifestyle choices and obesity. Then check true or false for each

statement, according to the article.


1. There are more than one billion overweight

adults in Asia.

2. Obesity is a new health problem in Asia.

3. Asians are eating food today that they

didn’t use to eat.

4. It’s easy to find Western snacks like

ice cream and cookies in Asia.

5. In Asia, processed foods rich with sugar

and saturated fats are expensive.

6. In Asian cities, people walk less because

they can use buses and trains to get where

they need to go.

7. Children are getting more exercise now

than in the past.

8. People who are obese have greater risk of

health problems such as diabetes, heart

problems and cancer.

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