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PERSONAS MAYORES DE 20 AÑOS. Convocatoria 2022

Apellidos:................................................................................... Nombre: .....................................................

DNI / NIE: ..................................................................................


(1er y 2º curso)
• Lee atentamente las preguntas antes de contestar y responde en los folios que se te
• La puntuación máxima de cada pregunta está indicada en su enunciado.
• Revisa detenidamente la prueba antes de entregarla.
• Al finalizar, debes entregar las pruebas y todas las hojas utilizadas para las respuestas.


What is an NFT? Non-fungible tokens explained
Non-fungible tokens, or NFTs, are pieces of digital content linked to the blockchain, the digital database
underpinning cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin and ethereum. Unlike NFTs, those assets are fungible, meaning
they can be replaced or exchanged with another identical one of the same value, much like a dollar bill.
NFTs, on the other hand, are unique and not mutually interchangeable, which means no two NFTs are
the same.
Think of Pokémon cards, rare coins or a limited-edition pair of Jordans: NFTs create scarcity among
otherwise infinitely available assets — and there's even a certificate of authenticity to prove it. NFTs are typically
used to buy and sell digital artwork and can take the form of GIFs, tweets, virtual trading cards, images of
physical objects, video game skins, virtual real estate and more.
Essentially, any digital image can be purchased as an NFT. But there are a few things to consider when
buying one, especially if you're a newbie. You'll need to decide what marketplace to buy from, what type of
digital wallet is required to store it and what kind of cryptocurrency you'll need to complete the sale.
Anyone can create an NFT. All that's needed is a digital wallet, a small purchase of ethereum and a
connection to an NFT marketplace where you'll be able to upload and turn the content into an NFT or crypto
art. Simple, right?
Texto adaptado de
1. Indica si las siguientes afirmaciones son verdaderas (T) o falsas (F). Corrige las falsas.
(6 puntos, 2 por apartado)
[ ] Blockchain is a digital database.

[ ] Cryptocurrencies aren´t typically fungible.

[ ] NFTs come with proof of authenticity.


2. Contesta las siguientes preguntas con tus propias palabras:

(14 puntos, 7 por apartado)
A. What is the similarity between cryptocurrencies and dollar bills?
B. How do you make an NFT?

Primera lengua extranjera I y II: Inglés 1 de 3

3. Señala la respuesta que consideres más correcta de acuerdo con la información que aporta el texto.
(10 puntos, 2 por apartado)
A. NFTs are…
 non-fungible assets.
 cryptocurrencies.
 infinitely available.
 created by everyone.
B. Digital artwork…
 may include physical objects.
 can typically buy and sell NFTs.
 used to buy NFTs.
 can be bought and sold in NFTs.
C. Newbies…
 have to be considered when buying NFTs.
 cannot create NFTs.
 require a digital wallet.
 have to be especially careful when buying an NFT.
D. Ethereum…
 is purchased only in small amounts.
 is a cryptocurrency.
 is needed by anyone.
 is digital art.
E. A certificate of authenticity…
 creates scarcity.
 proves that NFTs are unique.
 is typically used to buy and sell digital artwork.
 can take the form of a GIF.


4. Localiza en el texto un sinónimo por cada una de las siguientes palabras:
(5 puntos, 1 por apartado)

A. Resource (noun):

B. Unique (adjective):

C. Acquired (verb):

D. Beginner (noun):

E. Commonly (adverb):

5. Extrae del texto una palabra que corresponda a cada una de las siguientes definiciones:
(3 puntos, 1 por apartado)

A. At one’s disposal:

B. A place for keeping money in:

C. Copy or transfer data from one’s computer into the memory of another computer:

Primera lengua extranjera I y II: Inglés 2 de 3

6. Escribe una definición u oración en la que quede explícito el significado de las siguientes palabras:
(2 puntos, 1 por apartado)

A. Replace (verb):

B. Marketplace (noun):

7. Completa las oraciones conjugando el verbo entre paréntesis en el tiempo correcto:

(10 puntos, 2 por apartado)

A. By the end of 2022, most people ………………….…….……………… (hear) about NFTs.

B. Sue is looking forward to (invest) ………………….…….……………… in digital art.

C. Everyday, millions of dollars ………………….…….……………… (exchange) for cryptocurrencies.

D. I wish ………………….…….……………… (be) more careful with my money online. I wouldn’t have fallen
for that scam.

E. While the artist ………………….…….……………… (paint) a picture one of his colours

………………….…….……………… (run out).

8. Transforma las siguientes oraciones como se indica:

(20 puntos, 4 por apartado)
A. Transform this sentence into indirect speech. Use the appropriate verb to introduce it.
The broker said: “It’s a bad idea to accumulate fungible assets”.

B. Turn into the passive voice:
President Vladimir Putin will support a Russian government proposal to tax and regulate

C. Make the question for which the answer is the underlined words:
Josh recently acquired a pair of limited-edition sneakers.

D. Join these sentences with a relative clause. Do not use THAT. Use commas if necessary.
Ethereum is a cryptocurrency. It originated in Russia.

E. Complete the conditional sentence:

If Helen had known the real value of her stamp collection, ……………………………………………………


9. Escribe una composición con una extensión aproximada de 120 a 140 palabras sobre uno de los siguientes
temas. Recuerda reflejar una estructura textual con introducción, cuerpo de la composición y conclusión.
Revisa la concordancia de los singulares-plurales y de los sujetos-verbos. Utiliza expresiones sencillas, frases
cortas y los tiempos verbales correspondientes a lo que estés contando. Incluye conectores y sinónimos
para enriquecer tu composición.
• “In a world where everything can be replicated with a simple copy-and-paste, NFTs lend uniqueness to
an image.” Discuss.
• Do you consider digital art real art? Give reasons.

Primera lengua extranjera I y II: Inglés 3 de 3

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