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Exercises: Possessive Cases

Rewrite the sentences by using (‘s) anc complete with the expressions in the box

is very beautiful- is big- were important

to our school- is not very good- are in
a. the work of the scientists
. the important events of last year . the toys of my children

. the car of my brother . the apartment of Mr. Clark and his wife

. the music of Mozart . the reputation of the Senator

. the house of my brother-in-law

-Say that (a) belongs to (b)

(a) (b) (a) (b)

the door the classroom

the parents Mike
the books John

the title the film the friend Charles

the rooms the house

the success the company

– Passe para o Inglês:

01. Os sapatos de James são marrons. 4- O carro de Carla esta novo.

02. A força de Hércules é insuperável. 5- As crianças de Meg são lindas.

-Choose the correct alternative

1-Whose coat is this? It’s my _________________________________.

a) brother-in-law’s b) brother’s-in law c) brother-in’s-law

d) brother-in-law e) todas são corretas

2-She bought the ______________ food.

a) dog’s b) dog c) of dog’s d) of the dog e) dogs’s

3-Have you seen those _________ dresses?

a) lady’s b) ladies’ c) ladies’s d) ladye’s e) of ladies’

07. I like _______ plays.

a) Sophocles’s b) Sophofocles’ c) Sophocles d) of Sophocles e) of Sophocles’

08. Here you have _______ grades.

a) James’ b) of James’ c) James’s d) James e) of


09. There are my _______ toys.

a) children b) children’s c) child’s d) of children e) “b” and “c” are corrects

10. The women’s room is here, and the _______ one is there.

a) mans’ b) men’ c) men’s d) mens’s e) of men’s

1.This backpack belongs to Jeremy. This backpack is Jeremy's.

2. That bicycle belongs to Rebecca. That bicycle .

3. This watch belongs to my father. This watch.

4. That car belongs to the plumber. That car.

5. Those glasses belong to Mrs. Jackson Those glasses

6. That house belongs to my grandparents.That house

7. These suitcases belong to Matthew. These suitcases.

8. This camera belongs to our friends. This camera.

9. These books belong to the teacher. These books.

10.These books belong to the teachers. These books.

11. These gloves belong to the gardener. These gloves .

12. That calculator belongs to Samantha. That calculator .

Escolham a opção que melhor preenche os espaços em branco, com o uso correto
do 'Genitive Case'.

1. He dress is in the closet.

A. The Mary's B. Mary's

2. The book is
A. Jesus' B. The Jesus'

3. We were going in car.

A. Friends' B. Friends's

4. She had nothing to do with...comments.

A. Tinna's B. Tinna'

B. Reescrevam as frases abaixo usando o 'Caso Genitivo' corretamente.

1. The cellphone of the boy is not working.

2. The eye of the tiger is yellow.

3. The secretaries of the doctors are very attentive.

C. Traduzam as sentenças a seguir para o inglês.

1. O carro da irmã do Pedro.

2. A casa da mãe da Joana.

D. Qual a melhor tradução para: "His mother-in-law's letter really reassured him."

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