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Curriculum Vitae Titus Qory Syahdinan


Bachelor of Applied Forest Science, Lab of Forest Management, Vocational School, Gadjah Mada University (2023). Have more interest in the field of forest
planning and mapping.

Desa Karangreja, RT 02/RT 04, Cimanggu, Cilacap, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia


Sex Male | Date of birth 07/03/2001 | Nationality Indonesia


Mei 2023 – Agustus 2023 Co-Assistant for forestry counseling practicum about participatory mapping at
Hkm Gunungkidul
Working under the guidance of Dr Rohman S.Hut, M.P (lecturer in Forest Management Laboratory,
Vocational School, Gadjah Mada University). Responsible for preparing lab equipment and
supplies, and preparing and monitoring the process of student activities in the field or on campus.
assisting students in collecting data in the field so that it becomes a map used for Hkm purposes.

November 2023 - Mei 2023 Production and Packaging Manager at Hayya Saffron
Responsible for fulfilling the product needs for resale at a good price. Conduct research on the
products to be sold. Additionally, responsible for packaging the products to ensure that they arrive
safely to the buyer.

Juli 2022 - February 2023 Mapping Project Assistant

Working under the guidance of Dr Rohman S.Hut, M.P (lecturer in Forest Development Planning
Laboratory, Faculty of Forestry, Gadjah Mada University). Assist in field data collection to spasial
data processsing for the rehabilitation land plan of PT Adidaya Tangguh in Ngrawoh and Nginggil
Villages, Kradenan Sub-District, Blora District.
August 2022 - January 2023 Mapping Project Assistant
Working under the guidance of Bowo Dwi Siswoko, S.Hut., M.A.(lecturer in Social and Political
Forestry Laboratory, Faculty of Forestry, Gadjah Mada University. Also chairman of Kawasan
Hutan Dengan Tujuan Khusus Getas, Gadjah Mada University). Assist in field data collection to
spasial data processsing for cooperation between Faculty of Forestry, Gadjah Mada University with
other agencies (Exc Pertamina Foundation, Ministry of Defense, Mining Company.
December 2022-January 2023 Co-Assistant for General Practice of Forest Management and Planning.
Responsible for preparing lab equipment and supplies, as well as preparing and processing
student assignments and learning materials. Teaching management and planning general
practicum students within one month of learning, both laboratory-based and field-based learning.
March 2021 - December 2022 Swimming Coach at Tirta Amanda Swimming Club
Provide swimming training for children aged 5 to 17 years old. Additionally, provide swimming
training for athlete classes to prepare for competitions.

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Agustus 2021 – Mei 2023 Bachelor of Applied Forestry Science, Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia
GPA 3,67 out of 4,00. Majoring in Management Forestry. Interest: Forest Planning and Mapping
Bachelor thesis entitle: " Participative Land Mapping in Getas KHDTK UGM, Ngrawoh Village and
Nginggil Village, Kradenan Sub-District, Blora District, Central Java”

Agustus 2018 – Juli 2021 Associate Degree of Forestry, Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia
GPA 3,26 out of 4,00. Majoring in Management Forestry. Interest: Forest Planning and Mapping
Title of final assignment:" Identification and Update of Canal Data In Peat lands Using Hot Tassking
Manager And Open Street Map (OSM) Platform”

- 1st place in a canal mapping competition on Kalimantan and Riau peatlands organ-
ized by BRGM and WRI Indonesia



Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production
English Basic Intermediate Intermediate Intermediate Intermediate

Organisational / managerial skills ▪ Chairman of the alumni family of the department of biological and veterinary technology, Gadjah
Mada University (2022-2027)
▪ Chairman of the Islamic forestry student association at Gadjah Mada University (2021-2022)
▪ Chairman of the student association of the department of biological and veterinary technology,
Gadjah Mada University (2019-2020)

Job-related skills ▪ good command of Forest Planning (for land rehabilitation and etc)
▪ good command of Forest Area Mapping (Using Navigation GPS, Geodetic GPS, Satellite Image,
Drone Photo)

Computer skills ▪ good command of Microsoft Office™ tools (Ms Word, Ms Excel, Ms Point)
▪ good command of ArcGIS
▪ good command of QGIS
▪ good command of Agisoft (Drone Photo Processing Application)

Other skills ▪ Drone Pilots

Driving licence ▪C

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Curriculum Vitae Titus Qory Syahdinan


Publications  Wiyono, Syahdinan, T.Q. 2023. Pemetaan Lahan Andil Secara Partisipatif Di KHDTK Getas
UGM, Desa Ngrawoh dan Desa Nginggil, Kecamatan Kradenan, Kabupaten Blora, Jawa
Tengah. Universitas Gadjah Mada.
 Wardhana, W., Permadi, D.B., Hidayat, R., Syahdinan, T.Q. 2021. Identifikasi dan
Pembaharuan Data Kanal Di Lahan Gambut Rupat Utara, Bengkalis, Riau dengan Platform
Hot Tasking Manager dan Open Street Map (OSM), Universitas Gadjah Mada.

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