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MISSIONARY CALL AND ENGAGEMENT in the same mind and the same purpose” (1

Corinthians 1:10).
Our differences may be the cause of our
hostility or dislike towards one another. Saint Paul also encourages the people of
Ephesus to make “every effort to maintain the
Differences should not separate us from unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace”
one another because ultimately, we are all (Ephesians 4:3).
human beings with the same dignity. He tells the people of Philippi to stand
“firm in one spirit, striving side by side with
Equality in Faith (Galatians 3:26-29) one mind for the faith of the gospel”
(Philippians 1:27).
26 For through faith you are all children of
Saint Paul uses the great analogy of the
God in Christ Jesus
body to describe the unity that should
27 For all of you who were baptized into
characterize the Church. Though we are
Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.
many, we “are one body in Christ, and
28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is
individually we are members of one another”
neither slave nor free person, there is not
(Romans 12:5).
male and female; for you are all one in Christ
Jesus. This unity does not mean that we are all
29 And if you belong to Christ, then you are the same, instead, “as in one body we have
Abraham’s descendant, heirs according to the many members, and not all the members have
promise. the same function, so we, who are many, are
one body” (Romans 12:4-5).
Distinction between Gentile and Jew, In baptism we become “members of the
women and men, slave and free men. household of God” (Ephesians 2:19).
Gentile, the woman and the slave are at the We are joined together and grow “into a holy
receiving end of oppression within society. temple in the Lord” (Ephesians 2:21).
Everybody is equal because we have been By sharing in the same baptism and
given the same Spirit and we are all sons and believing that there is “one Lord, one faith,
daughters of God. Because of this basic one baptism, one God and Father of all” then
equality, our differences cannot be the source our unity is assured (Ephesians 4:5-6).
of division and discrimination. By holding firm to the Faith we have
Rather, these should enrich the community received we build up the Church in love (cf
because of the variety of talents and charisms Ephesians 4:16).
that flow from such differences. This unity of faith and baptism binds us
The differences in function in the Church together so strongly that “there is no longer
do not do away with the basic equality among Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free,
the members. there is no longer male and female”
(Galatians 3:28).
The fact, beauty and challenges of
difference: Paul’s “Unity in Diversity”
Nature and Principles of Dialogue of Life
At the beginning of one of his earliest
One of the aspects of the renewed Church
letters, Saint Paul already began to stress the
with a renewed mission that the Second
need for unity in the church. He urged: “I
Plenary Council of the Philippines envisioned
appeal to you, brothers and sisters, by the
is a Church that enters into dialogue with
name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you
other religions and cultures, a “dialogue of
be in agreement and that there be no
divisions among you, but that you are united
The Southern Mindanao peace and justice NATURE AND MISSION OF THE CHURCH
issue between Muslims and Christians cannot In the New Testament
be resolved by force, but perhaps by way of
continuous dialogue of life with them.  DISCIPLESHIP makes a group of people
The Second Plenary Council of the
Philippines exhorts the Church: “We in the
believe that in Jesus,
Church must be the first to start undoing past
o the Kingdom of God has come;
effects of our mutual grievances.”
o people experience total well-
For whatever is true and holy in non- being or salvation
Christian cultures and religions is accepted
Dimensions of being a Church in the New
by the Catholic Church since it “often
reflect[s] a ray of that truth which enlightens
a. a strong sense of fellowship
all men.”
b. nourished by the Word of God
c. celebrate communion with God and with
Filipino Catholics, therefore, should one another through prayer and
“acknowledge, preserve and encourage the the celebration of the sacraments
spiritual and moral truths found among non-
d. plurality of ministries
Christians, also their social life and culture.”
e. continue Jesus’ mission of proclaiming
The Second Plenary Council of the
God’s Kingdom
Philippines provides guidelines for this inter-
religious dialogue.
It must be based firmly on the fact that
salvation in Jesus Christ is offered to all, and  Worship (lector, commentator, choir,
that the Church is the ordinary means of knights of the altar, ushers, lay
salvation since she possesses the fullness of ministers, etc.)
the means to salvation.  Education (catechism, religious
education, PREX, pre-sacramental
This makes possible “openness in
catechesis. etc.)
understanding the religious convictions of
 Social Services (health care, alay
others. [For] ‘dialogue based on hope and
kapwa, relief operations, etc.)
love will bear fruit in the Spirit’” (Catechism
 Temporalities (fund-raising, income
for Filipino Catholics 75).
generating activities, etc.)
 Youth (PYM, PYO, IYM, etc.)
As missionaries, we can engage in a dialogue
of life by:
Scriptural Images of the Church
1. Not making fun of the beliefs and St. Paul
practices of another who is different
 from a persecutor to a great missionary
from us in terms of religion, culture and
to the gentiles; “second founder” of
2. Showing an accepting attitude towards
 established Churches in the gentile
those who are different from us;
world and wrote letters to them: oldest
3. Being open to ideas and perspectives
sources on how the early Christians identified
different from ours; and
4. Joining ecumenical activities for the
good of the community.
1. People of God

 Jewish belief: in the Exodus  it is God who makes us a people, no
experience, God made them into a group or individual has the privilege to
people, into a nation in which God determine who has the right to be part
reigns (Heb. Israel), and into an of the Church or not
assembly of God (Heb. “Kahal Yahweh;  We cannot exclude others for any
Gk. Ekklesia) reason
 Early Christian belief: their faith in 2. From Clericalization to Community
Jesus made them a “true Israel”, “true Participation
seed of Abraham”, “true
 clericalization - considering the growth
of the Church as the sole responsibility
of the ordained ministry or the Church
2. Temple of the Spirit leadership
 Jewish belief: God dwells in the  all members and leaders have the same
Temple dignity but different only in function
 Early Christian belief: the Christian and role
community is a living temple  the laity should contribute their talents
where God dwells for the growth of the Church
o Every Christian is a temple of
the Holy Spirit. 3. From Sacralization to a More Historical
o There has to be equality in Perspective
the community.
 Sacralization - thinking that the Church
o The Spirit manifests itself in
is unaffected by what happens in
the different talents and
charisms of the members of
 the Church transforms society and yet it
the community.
is also affected by what happens in
 that Church leaders and members must
3. Body of Christ “read the signs of the times” … and
make the right decisions guided by the
“Body” is a Greek political image
gospel message
referring to a group of persons having
common political ideals and following a
particular political figure.

St. Paul used this image to highlight the 4. From an Idealized Picture to More
unique relationship of the Church to Realistic Assessment of the Church
Christ, and the unique relationship among
 Idealized Picture - thinking that there
the members of the Church.
had been no problem in the early
Church, and in the Church today
SOME CHALLENGES POSED BY THE  the Church is a community of saints and
 there are difficulties the Church is
1. From an Exclusive to a more Inclusive facing today … we can do something to
Church improve the situation
 we cannot make the Church private and
1. Salvation-Historical -the Church is a result  the Church is
of God’s presence and action in history, 1. a servant Church – it exists to
manifested in a unique way in Jesus of serve and not to be served
Nazareth; hence, a sacrament 2. a community that takes part in
the issues and concerns of society,
2. Hierarchical Institution - the Church including political
needs authority structures, rules and “The aspect of life that needs evangelizing
regulations to maintain order and harmony The most is the political” Bp. Bacani

Vatican II Image of the Church PCP-II’s Vision of Church:

Renewed Church for a Renewed Mission
 Convened in 1962-1965 by Pope John
XXIII, completed by Pope Paul VI  The Church becomes a communion of
 Produced 16 documents; including communities of the disciples of Jesus, all are
o Lumen Gentium (Light of All co-responsible.
Nations) or the Dogmatic  The laity is at the center of the life of the
Constitution on the Church and Church.
o Gaudium et Spes (Joy and Hope)  There is basic equality, a unity in
or the Pastoral Constitution on diversity of charisms and ministries, and a
the spirit of participation.
 A Church not only for the poor but a
Church in the Modern World
Church of the poor.
 Enters into dialogue with other
1. The Church as People of God religions and cultures, a “dialogue of life”.
 As people of God, the Church is  Fosters the birth or growth of Basic
o A kind of a sacrament or sign of Ecclesial Communities.
intimate union with God, and of
the unity of all mankind Church of the Poor
o Not an exclusive community  The poor are not discriminated against
o A pilgrim towards the kingdom
 Church leaders give preferential
o A sign of the kingdom
attention and time to the poor
o A participatory community  In solidarity and collaboration with the
2. The Church, a Hierarchical Society poor
 Emphasizes the role, function and  Pastors and members courageously
power of the church leaders defend and vindicate the rights of the poor
 Describes the church and oppressed
1. as a communion of local  The poor become evangelizers
churches, themselves
2. led by a college of bishops, The Basic Ecclesial Communities
that practices co-responsibility SiSa=Simbaan Sangkarubaan
3. where authority is understood
 Small communities of Christians,
as service usually of families who gather around the
3. The Church, a Servant Word of God and the Eucharist
 As a Church, we do not just live for  Ministered regularly by lay leaders, yet
ourselves and fellow-believers but also remain united with their pastors
for those different from us, including  Members know each other and have a
our enemies. strong sense of belongingness

 Share both spiritual and material  Holiness does not mean being perfect
concerns or sinless.
 Emerge from the grassroots among  Biblically, holiness means being set
poor farmers and workers apart to serve God, by serving people.
 Strive to integrate faith and daily life  The Church grows in holiness through
constant renewal of both members and
leaders (ecclesia semper reformanda).
To renew the Church, there are 3 Areas in
 The Church embraces sinners and
need of Renewal saints. It is at the same time holy and
1. Catechesis always in need of being purified…
✓ It must be Christ-centered, (Lumen Gentium)
✓ rooted in God’s Word,
3. The Church is Catholic.
✓ authentically Filipino, and
✓ systematic.  The word Catholic means “universal”,
“complete”, “all embracing”.
2. Worship  Catholicity is the “interior capacity of
✓ shouldn’t be separated from the exercising a universal ministry of
totality of life reconciliation” (CFC 1403).
✓ through renewal of prayer life, popular  It implies being inclusive and reaching
devotions, and liturgy out to those excluded by society.
✓ need for pre- sacramental  The Church is sent to all peoples to be a
catechesis sign of God’s universal love for all
3. Social Apostolate human beings.
✓ Preaching the Gospel includes renewal 4. The Church is Apostolic.
of society.  An apostle is a witness of the risen
✓ Transforming the socio-political and Lord; hence, commissioned to be a
economic life of society is part of missionary.
evangelization.  It is not just referring to the
✓ Action, in behalf of social justice is a leaders but all members of
sign of witnessing to Christ and His the Church.
teachings. o All Christians have the
responsibility to witness to Jesus
ESSENTIAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE through a variety of means.
CHURCH’S LIFE o The whole Church is apostolic,
sent to proclaim the Good News.
o We see the hierarchy/clergy as a
1. The Church is One. ministry of leadership.
 The local Church and the universal Our Evangelization
Church are one people of God and one
body of Christ.  The Christian faith made us one nation/
 God is the source of the unity within the
Church (Eph. 4:4-6); A unity in  We have kept our religious traditions
and practices: fiestas, Christmas, Holy Week,
diversity, not uniformity (1 Cor. 1:17).
 Unity not only for our sake but for the devotions, etc., but with superstitious beliefs.
sake of the suffering, sick, and  The faith is centered on the practice of
oppressed. the rites of popular piety, not on God’s Word,
 Unity is a gift, a task, and a hope. doctrines, sacramental worship, community,
transforming our society.
2. The Church is Holy.
Our Religious Context
 Majority of our people greatly lack preference for the poor, thus making the
knowledge of and formation in the faith. community of disciples a Church of the Poor”
 Most of them are “nominal Catholics”. PCP-II’s vision for the Filipino society
 We are “one of the two Christian
That all may have life (mabigyan ng buhay) –
Nations in Asia”, but crimes of violence,
graft and corruption, abuse of power, we shall have to create a free nation:
etc, plague our nation. where human dignity and solidarity
 There are not enough priests, religious are respected and promoted;
and other Church personnel. where moral principles prevail in
socio-economic life and structure;
where justice, love, and solidarity are
II. Envisioning a Church Renewed the inner driving forces of
 Models the Church after the early development.
Christian communities with the six We shall have to build a sovereign nation:
where every tribe and faith are
 Following this model,
b) Church of the Poor respected;
 It fosters the birth and growth of where diverse tongues and traditions
BECs/ SiSa work together for the good of all;
 Mary serves as Model of where membership is a call to
Discipleship participation and involvement and leadership
The Church as a communion of a summon to generous service.
communities of Jesus’ disciples.
Ours will have to be a people in harmony with
 Described as unity in diversity, and
one another through unity in diversity; in
equality in dignity
harmony with creation, and in harmony with
 Characterized by participation: the
laity more fully involved in the life
Ours shall be a civilization of life and love.
and mission of the Church
 A community-in-mission, and in
dialogue with other religions IV: Workers of Renewal
 A priestly, prophetic and kingly 1. The Lay Faithful
people 2. The Religious
Mary, Model of Discipleship 3. The Clergy
4. Other Communities of Renewal
 Mary as “an excellent exemplar
- Family
in faith and charity, model of the Church”
- Youth
 “… first to be evangelized, to
- Catholic Educational
receive the Good News, to be a woman of
great faith”
- Parish Church
 “… first evangelizer, giver of
Jesus to the people”
PCP II’S Vision of a Renewed Church, MISSION AND CULTURE
accdg to Arch. Orlando Quevedo
“a community of the Lord’s disciples, In the encounter between cultures, both are
where everyone participates actively in the enriched.
building of God’s people, each one totally Perhaps, this was what happened when Jesus
motivated by God’s love which expresses encountered the Samaritan woman.
itself most especially in a Christian love of
Jesus and the Samaritan Woman (John 4:1-
42) husband’; 18 for you have had five husbands,
Jesus Goes to Galilee and the one whom you now have is not your
4 So then, when the Lord knew that the husband; this which you have
Pharisees had heard that [a]He was making said is true.” 19 The woman *said to Him,
and baptizing more disciples than John 2 “[c]Sir, I perceive that You are a
(although Jesus Himself was not baptizing; prophet. 20 Our fathers worshiped on this
rather, His disciples were), 3 He left Judea and mountain, and yet you Jews say that in
went away again to Galilee. 4 And He had to Jerusalem is the place where one must
pass through Samaria. 5 So He *came to a city worship.”
of Samaria called Sychar, near the parcel of
land that Jacob gave to his son Joseph; 6 and 21 Jesus *said to her, “Believe Me, woman,
Jacob’s well was there. So Jesus, tired from His that [d]a time is coming when you will
journey, was just sitting by the well. It was worship the Father neither on this mountain
about [b]the sixth hour. nor in Jerusalem. 22 You Samaritans worship
what you do not know; we worship what we do
The Woman of Samaria know, because salvation is from the
7 A woman of Samaria *came to draw water. Jews. 23 But [e]a time is coming, and [f]even
Jesus *said to her, “Give Me a drink.” 8 For now has arrived, when the true worshipers
His disciples had gone away to the city to buy will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for
food. 9 So the Samaritan woman *said to Him, such people the Father seeks to be [g]His
“How is it that You, though You are a Jew, are worshipers. 24 God is [h]spirit, and those who
asking me for a drink, though I am a Samaritan worship Him must worship in spirit and
woman?” (For Jews do not associate with truth.” 25 The woman *said to Him, “I know
Samaritans.) 10 Jesus replied to her, “If you that Messiah is coming (He who is called
knew the gift of God, and who it is who is Christ); when that One comes, He will declare
saying to you, ‘Give Me a drink,’ you would all things to us.” 26 Jesus *said to her, “I
have asked Him, and He would have given am He, the One speaking to you.”
you living water.”
27 And at this point His disciples came, and
11 She *said to Him, “[a]Sir, You have no they were amazed that He had been speaking
bucket and the well is deep; where then do with a woman, yet no one said, “What are You
You get this living water? 12 You are not seeking?” or, “Why are You speaking with
greater than our father Jacob, are You, her?” 28 So the woman left her waterpot and
who gave us the well and drank of it himself, went into the city, and *said to the
and his sons and his cattle?” 13 Jesus people, 29 “Come, see a man who told me all
answered and said to her, “Everyone who the things that I have done; this is not
drinks of this water will be thirsty the [i]Christ, is He?” 30 They left the city and
again; 14 but whoever drinks of the water that were coming to Him.
I will give him shall never be thirsty; but the
water that I will give him will become in him a 31 Meanwhile the disciples were urging Him,
fountain of water springing up to eternal life.” saying, “Rabbi, eat something.” 32 But He
said to them, “I have food to eat that you do
15 The woman *said to Him, “[b]Sir, give me not know about.” 33 So the disciples were
this water so that I will not be thirsty, nor saying to one another, “No one brought
come all the way here to draw water.” 16 He Him anything to eat, did he?” 34 Jesus *said to
*said to her, “Go, call your husband and come them, “My food is to do the will of Him who
here.” 17 The woman answered and said to sent Me, and to accomplish His work. 35 Do
Him, “I have no husband.” Jesus *said to you not say, ‘There are still four months,
her, “You have correctly said, ‘I have no and then comes the harvest’? Behold, I tell
you, raise your eyes and observe the fields, Leave the best part of yourself as the woman
that they are white for harvest. left her water jug at the feet of Jesus.
 Jesus tired from his journey sits by
36 Already the one who reaps is Jacob’s well.
receiving wages and is gathering fruit o You, too, are in a journey. Where
for eternal life, so that the one who sows and is your journey leading you? Are
the one who reaps may rejoice you aware of this?
together. 37 For in this case the saying is true: o What are the things that weigh
‘One sows and another reaps.’ 38 I sent you to you down and make you feel
reap that for which you have not labored; tired at this moment of your life?
others have labored, and you have [j]come o “Jesus sits by Jacob’s well”…
into their labor.” What is your favorite “space” of
rest when you find yourself
The Samaritans tired?
39 Now from that city many of the Samaritans  Moved by God’s love… Jesus begins a
believed in Him because of the word of the dialogue with the woman, asking her for a
woman who testified, “He told me all the drink.
things that I have done.” 40 So when the o Is there anyone with whom you
Samaritans came to [m]Jesus, they were should begin a dialogue? About what
asking Him to stay with them; and He stayed concern/s should you talk?
there two days. 41 Many more believed o What is preventing you from
because of His word; 42 and they were saying approaching that person?
to the woman, “It is no longer because of what o Jesus begun by asking for a
you said that we believe, for we have heard drink… How could you start your
for ourselves and know that this One truly dialogue with this particular person?
is the Savior of the world.”
 Jesus is not disturbed by the woman’s
 This Gospel passage exemplifies the initial resistance, and carries on a dialogue…
encounter with Jesus. It underlies the o Jesus would like to begin and
following essential elements. carry on a dialogue with you…
o The initiative comes from Jesus. Would you offer resistance?
He waited by the well. He was the one who o What do you think would Jesus
opened the conversation by asking for a be telling you?
drink. o The dialogue with the Samaritan
o There is active participation from woman developed through the woman’s 7
the person: the woman came to the well; she answers to Jesus’ 7 statements. In your
expressed herself openly. dialogue with Jesus, can you identify 7
o There is a meeting of persons statements which Jesus would probably
and a progress in their dialogue. Jesus is not address to you? What would your 7 answers
disturbed by the woman’s initial resistance, be?
and carries on a dialogue that develops
through the woman’s 7 answers to Jesus’ 7  In the end, the woman puts down her
statements. water jug and hurried to tell people about the
 Picture the scene more vividly in your Christ.
mind. Relive the experience of the Samaritan o The water jug symbolizes
woman and allow Jesus to question you and to everything that the woman carries within
know you… let Him listen to you and her. Describe your own “water jug”: your
transform you, just as He has transformed the fears, capabilities, anxieties, struggles,
Samaritan woman to become His disciple. desires, ambitions…
o At the end of this encounter, what along by communication and imitation from
do you think is Jesus asking you to leave one generation to the next.
behind, to give up so that you may really  Culture is symbolic communication.
proclaim Him to others? Some of its symbols include a group’s skills,
knowledge, attitude, values, and motives. The
 The story of the meeting of Jesus and meanings of the symbols are learned and
the Samaritan woman mirrors the long- deliberately perpetuated in a society through
running hostility between the Samaritans and its institutions.
Jews.  Culture consists of patterns, explicit
 Originally, both people belonged to and implicit, of and for behavior acquired and
similar traditions but because of historical transmitted by symbols, constituting the
circumstances, the two developed in separate distinctive achievement of human groups,
directions. including their embodiments in artifacts; the
 The result was that Jews looked down essential core of culture consists of traditional
on Samaritans because they were supposed to ideas and especially their attached values;
be a mixed race. culture systems may, on the one hand, be
 Of course, the Samaritans did not like considered as products of action, on the other
this and responded in kind. hand, as conditioning influences upon further
 This hostile relationship remained even action.
up to the time of Jesus so that the disciples  Culture is the sum total of the learned
were shocked to find Jesus talking to a behavior of a group of people that are
Samaritan and to a woman. generally considered to be the tradition of
 But Jesus did not see the cultural and that people and are transmitted from
gender divide as a reason for not relating in a generation to generation.
humane way with others.
 As it was His usual way, He breached Second Vatican Council Understanding of
the wall of division to reach out to the other in Culture
charity and openness.  Culture is the particular way in which
 Such is the missionary way. persons and peoples cultivate their
relationship with nature and their brothers
Notions of Culture and sisters, with themselves and with God, so
Definitions of Culture as to attain a fully human existence (Cf.
 Culture refers to the cumulative deposit Gaudium et Spes, 53).
of knowledge, experience, beliefs, values,  Culture only exists through man, by
attitudes, meanings, hierarchies, religion, man and for man.
notions of time, roles, spatial relations,  Culture is the whole of human activity,
concepts of the universe, and material objects human intelligence and emotions, the human
and possessions acquired by a group of quest for meaning, human customs and ethics.
people in the course of generations through  Culture is so natural to man that human
individual and group striving. nature can only be revealed through culture.
 Culture in its broadest sense is
cultivated behavior; that is the totality of a
person’s learned, accumulated experience Relationship Between Faith and Culture
which is socially transmitted, or more briefly, Culture as an integral aspect of being human
behavior through social learning.  Culture influences the way people
 A culture is a way of life of a group of think, feel and behave.
people – the behaviors, beliefs, values, and  Culture is the total way of living of a
symbols that they accept, generally without people, including:
thinking about them, and that are passed
o Beliefs about human life and the Gospel, to facilitate the identification of values
world; and counter-values in a given culture, so as to
o Stories in myths, epics, saying or build on the former and vigorously combat
proverbs, songs and dances; and the latter.
o Rituals, customs, manners and
ceremonies. Necessity of interculturation: dialogue
between and among cultures
 Culture gives people:  What is most noticeable about the
o Identity (who we are as a people) world in which the Church carries out her
o Belonging (who is one of us and mission of evangelization today is the
who is not one of us) diversity of cultural situations which have
o Dignity (our value or worth as a developed from the perspectives of different
people) religions.
o Continuity (why we are this way  The Church recognizes religious values
today and what is our direction enshrined in traditional cultures, such as a
as a people) sense of family, love and respect for life,
veneration of ancestors, a sense of solidarity
Culture as the ground where faith grows and and community, respect for the chief and
flourishes elders and promotes those which are
 For all culture is an effort to ponder the consonant with the Gospel.
mystery of the world and in particular of the  Many elements of spirituality and
human person: it is a way of giving expression mysticism, like holiness, self-denial, chastity,
to the transcendent dimension of human life. universal love, a love for peace, prayer and
 The heart of every culture is its contemplation, bliss in God and compassion,
approach to the greatest mystery: the mystery which are very much alive in the cultures of
of God. the world major religions, can lead on to faith
 A faith that does not become culture is a in the God of Jesus Christ.
faith not fully accepted, not entirely thought
out, not faithfully lived. As missionaries, we are called to dialogue
with others in the following ways:
Necessity of inculturation: dialogue between 1. Avoid the tendency to look down on and
faith and culture make fun of other cultures by our words and
 Through inculturation the Church gestures;
makes the Gospel incarnate in different 2. Cultivate the attitude of openness to the
cultures and at the same time introduces ways other people look at things. They might
peoples, together with their cultures, into her see things differently because they come from
own community. a different background;
 She transmits to them her own values, 3. Always put in mind that there are many
at the same time taking the good elements cultures when dealing with others, and each
that already exist in them and renewing them culture has its own logic and wisdom; and
from within. 4. Participate in fora, talks and presentations
 Through inculturation the Church, for which have to do with culture to widen our
her part, becomes a more intelligible sign of cultural knowledge and appreciation.
what she is, and a more effective instrument of
 The evangelization of cultures and the
inculturation of the Gospel go hand in hand, in PARAISO
a reciprocal relationship which presupposes Return to a land called Paraiso
constant discernment in the light of the A place where a dying river ends
No birds dare fly over Paraiso This tired and hungry land could expect
No space allows them to endure Some truth and hope and respect
The smoke that screens the air From the rest of the world
The grass that's never there
And if I could see a single bird
What a joy! Treating our material environment as mere
I try to write some words and create object of profit and exploitation goes against
A simple song to be heard by the rest of the the spirit of the Christian scriptures.
I live in a land called Paraiso Suffering, and Hope in God’s Promise
In a house made of cardboard floors and walls (Romans 8:18-25)
I learned to be free in Paraiso
Free to claim anything I see 18 I consider that the sufferings of this present
Matching rags for my clothes time are not worth comparing with the glory
Plastic bags for the cold about to be revealed to us.
And if empty cans were all I have 19 For the creation waits with eager longing
What a joy! for the revealing of the children of God;
I never fight to take someone else's coins
And live with fear like the rest of the boys 20 for the creation was subjected to futility,
Paraiso, help me make a stand not of its own will but by the will of the one
Paraiso, take me by the hand who subjected it, in hope
Paraiso, make the world understand 21 that the creation itself will be set free from
That if I could see a single bird its bondage to decay and will obtain the
What a joy! freedom of the glory of the children of God.
This tired and hungry land could expect
Some truth and hope and respect 22 We know that the whole creation has been
From the rest of the world groaning in labor pains until now;
And if empty cans were all I have 23 and not only the creation, but we
What a joy! ourselves, who have the first fruits of the
I never fight to take someone else's coins Spirit, groan inwardly while we wait for
And live with fear like the rest of the boys adoption, the redemption of our bodies.
Paraiso, help me make a stand
Paraiso, take me by the hand 24 For in hope we were saved. Now hope that
Paraiso, make the world understand is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what is
That if I could see a single bird seen?
What a joy! 25 But if we hope for what we do not see, we
This tired and hungry land could expect wait for it with patience.
Some truth and hope and respect
From the rest of the world  It may be out of date to say that the
Paraiso, help me make a stand Bible addresses environmental issues
Paraiso, take me by the hand because there were none during the ancient
Paraiso, make the world understand times.
That if I could see a single bird  But it is valid to draw from this text by
What a joy! Saint Paul an insight that can be the pattern for
This tired and hungry land could expect today’s relationship with nature.
Some truth and hope and respect  This insight is the realization that
From the rest human beings are not separate from the rest
That if I could see a single bird of creation.
What a joy!
 In fact, we are, in a very real sense, o Care for creation is not an
part of the created order. optional response to the Christian
 We are dependent on other creatures message, but a required one.
for survival such that their destruction spells
ours. Sustainable Development and
 This solidarity means our salvation Intergenerational Responsibility
entails the salvation of the material world and  A more holistic understanding of
vice versa. development
o Development happens in the
Integrity of Creation economic/material, socio-political and
 The seventh commandment enjoins spiritual aspects.
respect for the integrity of creation. (CCC o Man is himself the author, center
2415) and goal of all economic and social life.
 The web of life: we are all The decisive point of the social question
interconnected and salvation is for the whole is that goods created by God for
of creation. everyone should reach everyone in
o The sun is our brother, the moon accordance with justice and with the help
is our sister. (Saint Francis of of charity. (CCC 2459)
Assisi) o True development concerns the
o All creation will be set free. whole man. It is concerned with
(Romans 8:21-22) increasing each person’s ability to
o The sun and the moon, the cedar respond to his vocation and hence to
and the little flower, the eagle and the God’s call. (CCC 2461)
sparrow: the spectacle of their countless
diversities and inequalities tell us that no  Seriously taking responsibility for the
creature is self-sufficient. Creatures exist future generations
only in dependence on each other, to o Focus on the sustainability of
complete each other, in the service of each resources
other. (CCC 340) o The dominion granted by the
 Human solidarity with the rest of Creator over the mineral, vegetable and
creation animal resources of the universe cannot
o Creation as kapwa-kalikasan be separated from respect for moral
o We all have a common origin obligations, including those toward
and destiny (Genesis 1; Romans generations to come. (CCC 2456)
o There is a solidarity among all The Sapat Principle as an Ecological Moral
creatures arising from the fact that all Imperative versus
have the same Creator and are all  Consumerism
ordered to his glory. (CCC 344) o an attitude that values the
 The earth as home. acquisition of material goods
o We see and hear about the o the belief that the buying and
urgent needs of our planet. selling of large quantities of consumer
o As citizens, we are called to goods is beneficial to an economy or a
respond to pollution, climate change and sign of economic strength
environment devastation.
o What we might fully realize is  Materialism - devotion to material
that our faith makes claims upon us in this wealth and possessions at the expense of
area as well. spiritual or intellectual values

 Wastefulness- the attitude of using  WEEK 2 (December 4)
resources unwisely The 2nd Sunday of Advent symbolizes
 Unbridled Desire for Profit - making FAITH with the “BETHLEHEM CANDLE ”
excessive profits by charging high prices for reminding us of Mary and Joseph’s journey
scarce, necessary, or rationed goods to Bethlehem. (Purple Candle)
(Luke 3: 4-6)
As missionaries united with the whole of  WEEK 3 (December 11)
creation, we can save the Earth, our only The 3rd Sunday of Advent symbolizes JOY
home in this life by: with the “SHEPHERD’S CANDLE ”
1. Planting trees, saving energy, segregating reminding us of the Joy the world
waste, recycling, buying only what we can experienced at the coming birth of Jesus.
consume to avoid wastage etc.; (Pink Candle)
2. Joining advocacy movements for a clean (Luke 2:10)
and green environment;  WEEK 4 (December 18)
3. Buying products that are environment- The 4th Sunday of Advent symbolizes
friendly; and Peace with the “ANGEL’S CANDLE ”
4. Writing letters to newspapers regarding reminding us of the message of the angels:
environmental issues to help raise public “Peace on Earth, Good Will Toward Men.”
awareness and create passion for (Purple Candle)
environmental protection among the public. -happiness and joy to welcome the Savior.
(Luke 2:14)
The fifth candle which is placed at the
center of the wreath is called the "CHRIST
ADVENT—Jesus is coming CANDLE" which reminds us of Jesus who is
CHRISTMAS—Jesus is born at the center of the season. It is lit on
ORDINARY TIME— Jesus teaches Christmas Eve. Jesus alone is the reason
why we celebrate Christmas. (White
LENT—Jesus will die & rise
TRIDUUM—Jesus suffered & died White is the color of Advent representing
EASTER—Jesus rises purity and light.
The great feasts “commemorate” and The Advent wreath first appeared in
“communicate” the mystery of Christ Germany in 1839. Lutheran minister Johann
Hinrich Wichern working at a mission for
children created a wreath out of the wheel
THE 4 WEEKS OF ADVENT 2022: of a cart. He placed twenty small red
candles and four large white candles
THE CANDLES AND THE WREATH inside the ring. The red candles were lit on
(November 27 - December 24) weekdays and the four white candles were
lit on Sundays.
 WEEK 1 (November 27) The evergreens used for the wreath itself
-The 1st Sunday of Advent symbolizes are a reminder of continuous life.
HOPE with the “PROPHET'S CANDLE ” The circle is also a sign of everlasting life
reminding us that Jesus is coming. (Purple as well as the eternity of God.
Candle) Their red color of berries points ahead to
- (Isaiah 11:10) Jesus’ sacrifice and death on the cross,
shedding his blood for our sins.
The laurel signifies victory over a. On the economic aspect
persecution and suffering; pine, holly, - increase in global/ national income and
and yew, immortality; and cedar, strength productivity
and healing. - concentration of wealth and power in
a few
CHRIST THE KING - Unjust distribution of wealth
- deprivation and impoverishment of
The official Roman Catholic title is The the poor and marginalized
Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the
Universe. Pope Pius XI established the feast in
1925. It was originally celebrated on the b. On human development/ rights
Sunday before All Saints’ but was moved in - disenfranchisement of peoples
1970 to the last Sunday of the Christian year. - religious and ethnic fundamentalism
- exclusion of certain groups
Pope Pius XI hoped the institution of the feast
would have various effects. They were: 2. Highly technological
1. That nations would see that the Church has a. Impact of technological
the right to freedom, and immunity from the developments on the life of
state (Quas Primas, 31). individuals and communities
2. That leaders and nations would see that - challenge to traditional ways of life
they are bound to give respect to Christ (Quas and values
Primas, 32). - marginalization of the masses
3. That the faithful would gain strength and - machines take over labor
courage from the celebration of the feast, as b. Use of mass media in
we are reminded that Christ must reign in our evangelization: possibilities,
hearts, minds, wills, and bodies (Quas Primas, challenges, issues
33). - fast and wide spread of
knowledge, pseudo-knowledge,
LESSON 1: NATURE OF TODAY’S and outright fake news
MISSIONARY - information overload
One enemy of the sheep and shepherds - digitization
during the time of Jesus were the wolves. In
several parts of the New Testament narratives, 3. Poverty in the face of affluence
these wolves are mentioned. When the a. Roots/ causes: Corruption,
missionaries in the early Church were sent on unequal distribution of resources,
a mission, there was always this thought of unemployment
possible persecution of unbelievers and b. poverty and its many evil effects
difficulties arising from being a stranger in a c. poverty as global phenomenon
foreign land.
4. Religious extremism and intolerance
The Gospels reflect this situation where early a. Roots/ causes: Religious, economic,
missionaries were always in danger. This political
danger remains even today, although it might b. Threats to freedom and human
have taken other forms because of a changed existence: can lead to terrorism,
situation. Yet, as Jesus assured those whom he poverty, and war
sent before and us today, the mission can be
done. 5. Ecological destruction
a. Roots/ causes
1. Largely globalized world b. Impact of ecological destruction
on human life

In a changed and changing situation, we are

called to be “wise as a snake and gentle as a
dove.” We are called to
‘read the signs of the times” and do our
mission with discernment and wisdom. We do
this by:

1. Reading and listening to the news and

being updated with what is taking place in our
society because as the Book of Proverbs says,
“knowledge is the beginning of wisdom”;

2. Practice telling the truth and

standing for what is true and just
in all situations; and
3. Taking regular time for silence,
prayer, and reflection on the
burning issues of society and the
Christian responsibility to take


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