Student Schedule

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13 - 16 June | Marsfield Sydney


(AEST) 13 June 14 June 15 June 16 June

Session 1 Session 5 Session 9 Session 13

Theatre Theatre + SOC observing area Room 339 + Showcase Theatre

Introduction to radio telescopes and Pulsar timing arrays and single

9:30 Welcome to ATNF & logistics: A. Zic
pulsar observations: J. Kaczmarek sources of GWs/exotica: X.-J. Zhu
Processing Parkes data with
PSRCHIVE workshop: G. Hobbs
History and introduction to pulsars: Parkes observing session:
10:00 Enterprise for GW detection: S. Chen
R. Manchester J. Kaczmarek, A. Zic, G. Hobbs

10:30 Morning Tea

Session 2 Session 6 Session 10 Session 14

Theatre Theatre + SOC observing area Room 339 + Showcase → Theatre Room 339 + Showcase

Processing Parkes data with

11:00 The IPTA: J. Verbiest
Parkes observing session: PSRCHIVE workshop: G. Hobbs
J. Kaczmarek, A. Zic, G. Hobbs
Enterprise workshop: S. Chen
11:30 Pulsar timing I - theory: R. Shannon Pulsar noise analysis: A. Zic

Telescope receivers: Bayesian inference for PTA Science:

12:00 Pulsar timing: II - practice: T. Cromartie
A. Dunning P. Baker


Session 3a Session 3b Session 7 Session 11 Session 15

Room 339 Showcase Theatre Room 339 + Showcase Theatre

Planning Parkes Telescope backends: J. Tuthill
Setting up laptops: IPTA working groups: G. Hobbs to
L. Toomey How to write a good telescope proposal: coordinate
14:00 G. Hobbs
E. Mahony, P. Edwards Temponest workshop: R. Shannon

Pulsar timing and IPTA DC workshop:

14:30 Room 339 + Showcase Student sparkler talks: R. Mandow IPTA of the future: B.C. Joshi
D. Good, K. Liu

15:00 Afternoon Tea

Session 4 Session 8 Session 12 Session 16

Room 339 + Showcase Theatre Various locations → Theatre Theatre

15:30 Intro to Bayesian inference: E. Thrane Find an expert Student summary talks
Pulsar timing and IPTA DC workshop:
D. Good, K. Liu Introduction to Stochastic Gravitational Pulsars and the interstellar and
Waves: B. Allen interplanetary medium: J. Yao

Pulsar timing arrays and the Free time to meet and ask questions
16:30 Free time gravitational wave background: Wide-band timing: G. Curylo
A. Sesana

17:00 Close Close (group dinner in evening) Close Close

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