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1. Answer all the questions in all activities given.

2. Copy the notes in your Geography note book.
3. All the work must be taken very serious as most of it will
contribute to your CASS mark at the end of the year.
4. Number all the answers exactly as numbered in the questions.

1.1. Draw a diagram to illustrate a Water cycle(Hydrological cycle).

1.2. On it include the following by means of suitable words.
Use arrows to support the words you shall have stated.
infiltration; Run-off; transpiration; evaporation; precipitation; interception;
condensation. 14)

2. Explain fully what you understand by: ”Hydrological cycle.” (2)

1. Differentiate between the following terms:
1.1. Actual humidity and Relative humidity. (4)
1.2.crystallisation and sublimation (4)
2. With which states of water can you assimilate the above in 1.2. with
evaporation and condensation?Explain. (4)
3 Explain fully what is meant by the following terms:
3.1. Normal Temperature Lapse Rate. (2)
3.2. Condensation nuclei. (2)
4. Discuss any 5 factors affecting air temperature. (10)
Use the ADDENDUM provided for the activity above. {26}

.1.1 Aspect is one of the factors affecting air temperature.Explain what
. it means (2).
. 1.2 Why are the mountain slopes that face North warmer than the slopes
that face South in the South In the Southern Hemisphere. (2)
.2.1 Briefly explain the connection between Global warming and Climate
change. (2)
Refer to the structure below so as to answer questions related to it.
.2.2 What are Greenhouse gases? (2)
.2.3 Briefly discuss how human activities have increased the amount of .
4.1 Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. (4)
What is the KYOTO PROTOCOL?.Explain. (2)
4.2 Discuss the aims of the Kyoto Protocol in trying to regulate the (6)
emission of Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.


1 What are clouds?
-Clouds are small water droplets and ice crystals floating in the atmosphere.
2 How do clouds form?
-Clouds form when air that contains water vapour is cooled so that it reaches dew
-The atmosphere must cool to dew point for condensation to take place and for
clouds to form.
-The altitude at which condensation begins is called condensation level.
3 In order for condensation to occur this must happen:
-Evaporation must take place so that there is sufficient water vapour in the air.
-Air must cool and reach dew point.
-Air cools when it rises.Air with too much water vapour will not cool as much as air
that contains little water vapour.

-This air will not rise so far,and therefore condensation level will be at a lower
-Condensation nuclei such as dust,soot from fires and vehicle exhaust,sea salt
from waves crushing onto shore,volcanic eruptions or any other small particles
entering the atmosphere must be present so that water vapour can condense.
-The main way that the heated air cools is by rising because as it rises, it uses heat
energy to expand.
-Air cools at 1 for every 100m of ascend.We call this the ‘Dry Adiabatic Lapse .


Clouds can be described according to their appearance and height and some-
times according to the weather type associated with them.

Refer to ADDENDUM for the above information.(Different types of clouds)

5.1 What is Precipitation?
Precipitation is the release of water out of the sky in different forms/The release
of water into the atmosphere in different forms/Falling of water or ice from the
cloud to the ground.
-Liquid forms of precipitation are formed when dew point is above 0 and the
and the water vapour condenses into raindrops.
-Solid forms of precipitation are formed either from hail,snow or frost.

5.2 Forms of Precipitation.

5.2.1 Hail.
It forms when there are rising air currents in a cloud.Raindrops are carried in
a cloud where temperatures are below 0 and the raindrops freeze.
5.2.2 Snow.
Water changes directly into minute ice crystals as dew point is below 0

5.2.3 Dew.
Water vapour condenses into small droplets of water on the Earth’s surface
and on objects on the ground.Dew point is above 0 and occurs in summer
and is good for plants
5.2.4 .Frost
It forms on Earth’s surface and on objects on the ground.Water vapour
changes directly into ice as dew point is below 0 .It occurs in winter and
cause damage to plants.

The types of rain depends on what caused the air to rise and its temperature
to cool to dew point.
6.1 Convectional rain.
Heated air expands,rises and cools.Cumulonimbus clouds form.Thunder-
storms normally occur,usually late in the afternoon.This rain type occurs
on the plateau region of South Africa in summer.

6.2 Orographic or Relief rain.

Air rises on the windward side of a mountain.(The side that faces the sea.)
The leeward side of the mountain remains dry and is called the rain shadow
This type of rain is common in the Drakensberg region of Kwazulu Natal.

6.3 Cyclonic or Frontal rain.

Warm air rises above cold air at cold or warm fronts.The rising air cools to
point .This type of rain occurs in the Western Cape in winter.

Refer to ADDENDUM (Types of rainfall)

1. Explain briefly how each of the following forms of precipitation occurs.
1.1 frost 1.2. dew 1.3. snow 1.5 hail. (8)
In your explanation,DO NOT ignore the temperatures at which each of
the above occur
2 Name the most common types of rainfall in South Africa. and discuss how
Refer to the given ADDENDUM related to these rainfall.

1 You are going to write an assignment on:GEOMORPHOLOGY.
2 Prepare a script wherein you’ll write your assignment.
3 It is going to be put in your file when you come back.
4 Commit yourself seriously to this assignment you are going to write, as
contribute to your cass marks at the end of the year.
1 How would you briefly explain the term:Geomorphology? (2)
2 Draw and label the internal structure of the earth. (5)
3 There are 3 main types of rocks to be dealt with in this unit.namely:
Igneous rocks; Sedimentary rocks and Metamorphic rocks
Discuss the rocks above under the headlines given below.
3.1 The formation of each rock type. (6)
3.2 The 3 charecteristics of each rock type (6)
3.3. The 2 uses of each rock type. (6)
4. Briefly explain the following terms: _
4.1. sediments. (2)
4.2. magma. (2)
4.3. lava. (2)
5 . There are different types of Igneous rocks which are common in
.South Africa.Name them. (3)
5.2. Granite is a hard type of rock from Igneous.Which crystals
does it consist of? (3)
5.3 Study the diagram below and name the parts labled 1-7 (7)
54.2 Give the caption of the diagram. (2)

7. Complete the following statements by filling in the correct word.

7.1. The outer layer of the earth is called ……… (1)
7.2. The molten material found beneath the Earth’s surface is
. called…….. (1)
7.3. If the magma cools slowly,the crystals are…… and if it
Cools quickly, the crystals are…….. (2)

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