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It has a continent of 505,370 km2, the fourth largest country of the vast, after
Russia, Ukraine and France. With an average altitude of 650 meters above sea
level it is one of the most mountainous countries in Europe. Its population is
47,007,367 inhabitants (2019). The peninsular territory shares land borders with
France and Andorra to the north, Portugal to the west and the British territory of
Gibraltar to the south. In its African territories, it shares land and sea borders with
Morocco. It shares with France sovereignty over the island of the Faisans at the
mouth of the Bidasoa River and five Pyrenean facets.
In turn, each region, each city within the same region, and sometimes each village,
presents a reality as different as it is fascinating. This is due to the rich history of
this country and the many ethnic groups that populated it bringing very diverse
customs, traditions and artistic manifestations that sometimes merged into
something completely new and indigenous and sometimes remained unchanged
for centuries.
Timbre: the Royal Crown symbolizes national sovereignty. Supports: the Columns
of Hercules flank the shield and support the motto Plus Ultra. The columns are
crowned by the imperial crowns of the Holy Empire and the Spanish royal,
respectively, which represent the country's history as empire and kingdom.
The flag of Spain was adopted with all its current elements on October 5, 1981
when the law establishing the latest version of the national shield was passed.

Holidays and traditions

The best known worldwide among Spanish folk traditions are certainly Flamenco
and the Bulls. The Bullfights will actually be found throughout the country, with the
most popular and well-known shows being internationally held during the
Sanfermines in Pamplona. But bullfights are a plot that will appear in Spain at any
Tourist places.

It is an architectural complex that you will find in the María Luisa Park, in Seville. It
is one of the most spectacular spaces of regionalist architecture. It was built as the
main building of the Ibero-American Exhibition of Seville in 1929 and in its banks all
the provinces of Spain are represented in tiled cloths.
50 kilometers from Barcelona, Montserrat is much more than a place of pilgrimage
to pray to the brunette. In addition to its monastery-inhabited by Benedictus monks
and climbed on the top of the cliffs; In its surroundings, presided over by quirky
granite massifs and constituted as a natural park, propose a lot of excursions.

Cala Millor, also known as Son Moro and Cala Nau, is a regular on this list, as it
does not disappoint any visitor. This beautiful beach located on the Mallorcan east
coast has 2 kilometers of sand washed by a Mediterranean at its best.
Sport in Spain is mainly dominated by Cycling, tennis, futsal, soccer, handball and
motor sports, with athletics being the most practiced sport today, Spain is a word of
power in the sports field, especially since the Games 1992 Summer Olympics in
Barcelona, which promoted a variety of sports in the country
Spain occupies the sixteenth place in the world ranking of the great sports nations
and the annual study carried out by Mavas Sports and Entertainment in which an
annual hierarchy of the different nations is established, according to its results in
the 52 word sports competitions.
Madrid: Gastronomy
However, today, commonly accepted recipes such as typically from Madrid are: El
Cocido Madrileño, or chickpea stew, as well as other legume stews, Madrid's
Callos, made with cow's gut, Garlic Soup, Potato Tortilla or tortilla Spanish and
delicious recipes of lamb or veal. All this, making good use of vegetables and fresh
vegetables, among which the asparagus of Aranjuez, of extraordinary quality and
delicious flavor.
And nothing more Madrid than accompany a dinner with a recent designation of
origin; "Wines of Madrid", young, fruity and aromatic in its versions of red, pink and
white. And the most traditional bleeding.
How to prepare bleeding:
To prepare bleeding you only need some very easy ingredients to obtain:
 1 bottle of red winw
 1 lemon or ginger ale
 1 glass of some other liquor
 Suggar and cinnamon
Government and politics
At present, the Government in Spain is in operation, that is, it is provisional, while
the Congress of Deputies, which emerged from the polls on April 28, 2019, does
not ratify a new one. This Government, which only exercises for the dispatch of
ordinary matters and in case of urgency, is made up of the members of the
previous Executive, under the presidency of Pedro Sánchez Pérez-Castejón.
Spain is a social and democratic state of law whose political form is the
parliamentary monarchy.
The head of state is the king, who arbitrates and moderates the regular functioning
of the institutions and assumes the highest representation of the Spanish State in
international relations, in addition to symbolizing the unity and permanence of the
● King: Felipe VI
● President: Pedro Sánchez

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