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Jurnal Dinamika Manajemen, 13 (2) 2022, 202-220
Nationally Accredited based on the Decree of the Minister of Research,
Technology and Higher Education, Number 85/M/KPT/2020

Analysis of Employee Engagement as a Mediator of the Relationship

between Perceived Organizational Support, Organizational Justice,
and Servant Leadership with Organizational Citizenship Behavior
Veronika Agustini Srimulyani1 , Yustinus Budi Hermanto2

Faculty Business, Widya Mandala Surabaya Catholic University, Surabaya, Indonesia1

Faculty Economic, Darma Cendika Catholic University, Surabaya, Indonesia2

Info Article Abstract

History Article: The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of perceptions of organizational support (POS),
Submitted 13 January 2022
organizational fairness (O.J.), and Servant (S.L.) leadership on E.E; and analyzing the role of E.E. as
Revised 8 April 2022
Accepted 10 April 2022 a mediator of POS, O.J., and S.L. relationships in OCB hospital nurses in Madiun City and Madiun
Regency. The research approach is quantitative research with a survey method through the distri-
Keywords: bution of questionnaires as a data collection tool. The sample used was 225 nurses. Data analysis
Perceived Organizational
using path analysis. The research approach is quantitative research with a survey method through
Support; Organizational Justice;
Employee Engagement; the distribution of questionnaires as a data collection tool. The sample used was 225 nurses. Data
analysis using path analysis. The test results showed that: POS, O.J. and S.L. partially had a significant
positive impact on E.E.; POS, O.J., S.L., and E.E. partially had a significant positive impact on OCB;
E.E. significantly mediates the relationship of POS and S.L. with OCB, but E.E. does not mediate the
relationship between O.J. and OCB. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that POS,
O.J., and S.L play an important role in growing E.E and OCB. This needs to be considered by the
management so that the organization can run effectively in realizing organizational goals..

Analisis Employee Engagement dalam Memediasi Hubungan Perceived

Organizational Support, Organizational Justice dan Servant Leadership
dengan Organizational Citizenship Behavior

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh persepsi dukungan organisasi
(POS), keadilan organisasi (O.J.), dan kepemimpinan Servant (S.L.) terhadap E.E. dan menganali-
sis peran E.E. sebagai pemediasi hubungan antara POS, O.J., dan S.L. dengan OCB perawat rumah
sakit di Kota Madiun dan Kabupaten Madiun.. Pendekatan penelitian adalah penelitian kuantitatif
dengan metode survey melalui penyebaran kuesioner sebagai alat pengumpulan data. Sampel yang
digunakan sebanyak 225 perawat. Analisis data menggunakan path analysis. Hasil pengujian men-
unjukkan bahwa: O.J. dan S.L. secara parsial berdampak positif signifikan terhadap E.E.; POS, O.J.,
S.L., dan E.E. secara parsial berdampak positif signifikan terhadap OCB; E.E. memediasi secara
signifikan hubungan POS dan S.L. dengan OCB , tetapi E.E. tidak memediasi hubungan antara O.J.
dengan OCB. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa POS, O.J. dan S.L berperan
penting dalam menumbuhkan E.E dan OCB. Hal ini perlu diperhatikan pihak manajemen agar
organisasi dapat berjalan efektif dalam mewujudkan tujuan organisasi.

JEL Classification: C12, M12

How to Cite: Srimulyani, V. A., Hermanto, Y.B. (2022). Analysis of Employee Engagement is a Mediator of Perceived Organizational Sup-
port, Organizational Justice and Servant Leadership for Organizational Citizenship Behavior. Jurnal Dinamika Manajemen,
13(2), 202-220.

Correspondence Address
Institutional address : Widya Mandala Surabaya Catholic University, Madiun Campus: Manggis ISSN
15-17 street, Madiun City, East Java, Indonesia 2086-0668 (print)
Email: 2337-5434 (online)
Veronika Agustini Srimulyani & Yustinus Budi Hermanto / Analysis of Employee Engagement is a ....

INTRODUCTION perform both formally (according to the job

description) and non-formal (outside the job
Every organization needs to pay attention description). When an employee is willing to
to employee engagement (E.E.) because it is engage in work in a job description, this action
closely related to important organizational is called OCB or extra-role behavior. In other
outcomes such as employee willingness to keep words, H.R. is willing to display extra-role
working in the organization, productivity, profit, behavior, commonly known as organizational
loyalty, and customer satisfaction. An engaged citizenship behavior (OCB). Conceptually,
employee feels totality and enthusiasm for job performance has two broad categories,
the work and takes positive action to advance namely performance in roles (tasks) and extra-
the organizations reputation. E.E. plays an role performance (contextual) (Borman &
important role in the growth and development Motowidlo, 1997). E.E. is a behavior that is
of the organization because high E.E. has an suggested to every leader of an organization in
impact on increasing productivity. The increase dealing with work motivation and productivity
in E.E. also has an impact on increasing OCB issues, as well as fostering OCB. Srimulyani &
and work productivity. In times of stress (for Hermanto (2020) study showed that employee
example, during times of crisis due to the engagement positively impacts OCB and
Covid-19 pandemic), E.E. plays an important has a positive impact on job performance
role in organizational processes, so in times of (Utaminingsih & Purnomo, 2017). In addition
crisis, organizational management needs to pay to E.E., OCB can be grown through the support
attention to the involvement of employees in provided by the organization to employees.
work and other organizational processes. One theory that examines how organizations
E.E. is defined as a condition where invest in employees through contribution
employees feel excited about their work and have awards and sees potential value in seeing
a strong commitment to the organization. High employee-to-organizational relationships as
E.E. causes employees to have the awareness to positive reciprocity relationships that must be
improve job performance for the benefit and maintained is perceived organizational support
progress of the organization by trying to give the (POS. The meta-analysis study found a strong
best effort so that job performance increases, positive influence of POS on E.E., organizational
which will ultimately affect the productivity of commitment (O.C.), job satisfaction ( J.S.), and
the organization. The scope of E.E. is more than a moderate influence on OCB and turnover
just job satisfaction; but includes engagement, intentions (Ahmed et al., 2015).
commitment, desire to contribute, and a sense Other factors that can grow E.E. and OCB
of belonging to work and organization. E.E. is are organizational justice (O.J.). O.J. has been
a complex concept and is influenced by many shown to affect job engagement (Deepa, 2020)
factors, including perceived organizational positively and is positively related to OCB
support (Saks, 2006; Alvi et al., 2014; Dai & (Colquitt et al., 2001). The results of the Saks
Qin, 2016; Utaminingsih & Purnomo, 2017; study (2006) showed that employees who had
Djatmiko et al., 2020); servant leadership a higher perception of procedural justice were
(Hermanto & Srimulyani, 2022); organizational more likely to reply with greater organizational
justice (Saks, 2006; Utaminingsih & Purnomo, engagement. When workers have a heightened
2017); perceived organizational support (Saks, perception of their organization, workers will
2019); and affective commitment (Albrecht & be more likely to feel obligated to be fair to
Marty, 2017). the organization by performing their role by
Every employee must have the same delivering more of themselves through a greater
vision for achieving organizational goals in an level of promise. On the other hand, workers will
organization. In terms of work, employees can tend to withdraw and break away from their job

Jurnal Dinamika Manajemen, 13 (2) 2022, 202-220

roles due to a low perception of justice. Some In-role performance in a role is the
research results show that O.J. impact positively performance of the technical aspects of
the OCB (Shahzad & Jamal, 2013; Faheem & the employees work. For example, medical
Mahmud, 2015; Bazgir et al., 2018; Assad et al., personnel such as a nurse is required to be able
2019.) This means that for employees who feel to perform technical tasks such as: checking
O.J. in the workplace, then OCB can increase. blood pressure, injecting, and installing
Likewise, leadership can play an infusions; while extra-role performance is a
important role in generating E.E. and OCB. nurses non-technical skills, such as the ability
Some empirical studies show that leadership to communicate effectively, self-motivate, and
styles that are able to grow E.E. and OCB are enthusiasm at work, as well as a willingness to
Servant leadership (S.L.). S.L. relates to several help colleagues who have difficulties in carrying
individual outcomes and collective outcomes, out their work.
such as: focusing on followers, leaders, teams, In the health care industry, such as in
and organizational climates, as well as focusing hospitals, OCB has a significant role because it
on organizations (Canavesi & Minelli, 2021). can improve hospital image and performance
S.L. is a holistic approach in which leaders (Obamiro et al., 2014).  In an empirical study
act with morality and show great concern for at a hospital in Malang (Calestra, 2019), it
the stakeholders of the organization (Shirin, was shown that OCB nurses and midwives are
2015). S.L. also engages followers emotionally, influenced by E.E. and organizational culture.
relationally, and ethically to unleash their In an empirical study at a Regional General
full potential of followers and to empower Hospital in Banda Aceh (Amri & Putra, 2020),
followers to grow to fit their potential (Eva et it was found that E.E. in hospital administration
al., 2018). staff was positively significantly affected by
Likewise, in hospital organizations, the perceived organizational support (POS). A study
performance of medical and non-medical on nurses at RSU in Bali (Putu & Yanthi, 2019)
personnel can determine the success or failure showed that organizational justice (O.J.) affects
of a hospital in achieving its goals. In achieving E.E. and OCB and mediates the indirect effect
this goal, the Hospital needs human resources of O.J. on OCB with E.E. as a mediation. On the
(H.R.) who can provide excellent service and other hand, POS can also increase the OCB of
are willing to work both in their formal roles and medical personnel in hospitals; this is evidenced
outside the demands of their formal roles. In-role by the results of a study with a sample of nurses
performance refers to the technical aspects of an in an inpatient room of a general hospital in
employees job; for example, a nurse is required to Yogyakarta (Sahrah, 2018), which showed that
be able to perform technical tasks such as checking POS had a significant impact on the OCB of
blood pressure, injecting, and installing infusions, these nurses.   In a study of employees, office
while extra-role performance refers to non- staff, as well as middle managers of the National
technical skills such as the ability to communicate University of Khoramabad, it was shown that
effectively, the level of motivation and enthusiasm O.J. has a significant positive impact on OCB,
on the job, as well as the willingness to help both directly and indirectly, with O.C. as a
colleagues who have difficulty in doing their mediator (Bazgir et al., 2018).  Meanwhile, a
work, while extra-role performance refers to non- study of nurses in one of the public hospitals in
technical skills such as the ability to communicate Makassar City showed that a high perception
effectively, level of motivation and enthusiasm for of O.J. had an indirect impact on OCB nurses
work, as well as a willingness to help coworkers through trust in managers and O.C. (Sjahruddin
who have difficulties or problems in their & Sudiro, 2013). In another study, other factors
work. Extra-role performance is formed by extra- can increase OCB in employees to achieve
role behavior or OCB. organizational goals and visions, namely  the

Veronika Agustini Srimulyani & Yustinus Budi Hermanto / Analysis of Employee Engagement is a ....

servant leadership (S.L.) style (Al Faruqi, 2020). Hypothesis Development

The results of research on frontline employees Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB)
in the hospitality industry (Istiqomah & Riani, OCB in this study is defined as voluntary
2021) show that transformational leadership behavior and totality in the workplace shown by
(T.L.) affects indirectly OCB through affective an individual towards the organization where
commitment (A.C.) and work engagement he works. OCB is behavior outside the role
(W.E.) as a mediator. (job description) that has been determined by
This study combines several variables the company, arises due to prosocial attitudes,
that have been studied in various types of and on the basis of personal willingness from
organizations and have been studied in several employees. OCB can be said to be the behavior
hospitals by taking the object of research on of choice and initiative of an employee, not
nurses at two privately owned public hospitals related to the formal reward system of the
in Madiun City that are growing and improving organization, but in the aggregate, the behavior
the quality of health services, namely Siti Aisyah can increase the effectiveness of the organization
Islamic Hospital and St. Clara Hospital; and (Podsakoff et al., 2000). Employees who have
one public Hospital in Madiun Regency that is a high OCB will do something useful to the
currently also growing and developing, namely organization voluntarily, including that work is
Caruban Regional General Hospital. Some not their responsibility. The OCB dimension of
of the factors that need to get the attention of Organ et al. (2006) is widely accepted, popular,
hospital management today are how to grow E.E. and widely studied in the empirical research
and OCB from employees owned, especially literature as follows: 1)  altruism,  namely
employees who provide health services directly employee voluntary behavior in helping
to patients, such as nurses. The object of the coworkers who have difficulty both regarding
Hospital was chosen with the aim that the tasks in the organization and other peoples
results of this empirical study can be used as personal problems;  2)  conscientiousness,  na
input from hospital management in improving mely voluntary efforts to improve the working
the performance of hospital services to further methods and abilities of employees creatively
increase hospital patient satisfaction. Some of the and innovatively so that organizational
factors that need to get the attention of hospital performance increases and tries to exceed what
management today are how to grow E.E. and OCB the organization expects;  3)  sportsmanship,
from employees owned, especially employees that is, the level of tolerance of employees
who provide health services directly to patients, to non-ideal conditions in the organization
such as nurses. The rise of OCB can improve without complaints;  4) civic virtue behavior;
organizational performance, organizational the behavior of employees who are responsible
function, and employment (Ariani, 2013). The for the life of the organization, by being actively
results of the study are expected to be used as involved in the organization, and taking care
a study for the three hospitals in improving the of the survival of the organization in which
management of Hospital human resources to he works  5)  courtesy,  namely the behavior of
contribute optimally to improving the image maintaining good relations with coworkers
of the Hospital and the performance of the to avoid interpersonal problems, such as
Hospital. This study was conducted to examine respecting, and paying attention to coworkers.
the  OCB of the nurses at the three hospitals by
analyzing the influence of the factors that have Employee Engagement (E.E.)
been studied in previous studies, including  POS E.E. is defined as the cognitive, emotional,
(Amri & Putra, 2020); (Saks, 2006);  O.J. (Saks, and behavioral state of an individual employee
2006; Faheem & Mahmud, 2015);  S.L. (Carter directed at the organization desired outcomes.
& Baghurst, 2014; Simamora et al., 2019). E.E. has its basis in Social Exchange Theory

Jurnal Dinamika Manajemen, 13 (2) 2022, 202-220

(SET) (Saks & Gruman, 2011).  Employees nity (Al Faruqi, 2020). The leaders ability to
who are included in the  engaged  category  do shift the main focus of Leadership from the or-
their work with enthusiasm and dedication and ganization to the followers is the distinguishing
enjoy the process of fulfilling their responsibi- factor between transformational leaders and
lities (Shuck & Wollard, 2010). E.E. is the be- servant leaders (Mathur & Negi, 2014). S.L. is a
havior of employees in improving themselves serving behavior that arises from an individuals
emotionally and towards work, organizations, desire to voluntarily help team members grow,
colleagues, and superiors that affect their work be independent, healthy, build trust, and have
(Marciano, 2010). This means that target E.E. a spirit of service. S.L. has the following indica-
includes jobs, companies, managers, and co- tors: S.L. indicators are as follows: (1) empo-
workers. E.E. is the positive attitude of emplo- werment and development of potential capabi-
yees, such as commitment, involvement, and lities; self-confidence and mental strength, (2)
attachment of employees to cultural values and humanity; respect for others, (3) authenticity;
the achievement of organizational success (He- expressing oneself according to self-identity;
witt, 2008). E.E. is more than just a commitment communication honestly; and openly, 4) giving
to the organization and shows the involvement directions; understand that the focus of the lea-
of employees in their work. Briefly, Schaufeli ders behavior is in line with the goals and ex-
(2013) explains the dimensions of E.E., name- pectations of the organization, (5) stewardship;
ly: 1) strength (physical element), that is, the obedience, empathy, and healing, willingness
outpouring of energy and a strong mentality of to help people with psychological problems,
employees during work, the courage to try their (6) altruism; willingness to help and sacrifice
best to complete the work, and the survivability for others (van Dierendonck, 2011). Barbuto
of employees in the face of work difficulties, the & Wheeler (2006) developed 5 dimensions of
willingness to invest all efforts in work, and the S.L., namely wisdom (describes the leaders abi-
survivability of employees in the face of difficul- lity to capture environmental phenomena so
ties; 2) dedication (emotional element), that is, that they are able to understand the situation,
a very strong feeling to be involved in a job and and be able to imply the situation); altruistic cal-
experience meaningfulness in work, a sense of ling  (represents the strong desire of the leader to
enthusiasm, a sense of pride, being inspired, and make a positive difference in the lives of others,
challenged; 3) absorption (cognitive element), put the interests of others above personal inte-
the attitude is always full of concentration and rests, and the leaders willingness to work hard
seriousness of employees when working so that in meeting the needs of subordinates);  emo-
time seems to pass so fast and find it difficult to tional healing  (describes the leaders commit-
separate themselves from work.  ment, and leadership skills to improve, and to
restore the spirit of subordinates from trauma
Servant Leadership (S.L.) or grief);  persuasive mapping  (describes the
S.L. can be said to be a leadership style leaders skills in mapping problems and concep-
that focuses on developing employee potential tualizing the greatest possibilities that occur and
in an effort to achieve the effectiveness of emp- encouraging others to do something when the
loyee tasks, develop community, increase self- leader articulates opportunities); organizational
motivation, and develop employee leadership stewardship (describes the ability of leaders to
abilities (Eva et al., 2019). S.L., in this study, is prepare organizations to contribute positively
defined as a leader who prioritizes the needs of to the environment through community servi-
his members, is responsible for motivating and ce and community development programs, and
developing his members abilities, maintaining encourage the organizations they lead as one
harmonious relationships between people, and community).  Another expert Wong (2003),
providing benefits to the surrounding commu- added three other dimensions of S.L., name-

Veronika Agustini Srimulyani & Yustinus Budi Hermanto / Analysis of Employee Engagement is a ....

ly  service (depicting the leaders view of service the amount of support provided by the
as the core of leadership by showing service be- organization to employees in carrying out work
havior to subordinates); humility (illustrating the (Djatmiko et al., 2020). POS reflects the extent
leaders humility in placing and appreciating the to which employees believe the organization
achievements of others more than his own achie- they work for values ​​employee contributions
vements); and vision (represents the leaders abi- and truly cares about employee welfare (Lee &
lity to obtain a commitment from all members of Peccei, 2007). POS is an employees perception
the organization to a shared vision by engaging of the level of organizational support for
members to determine the future direction of the employees in carrying out their work. Rhoades
organization and write a shared vision). and Eisenberger assume that POS theory is
based on the theory of social exchange (SET),
Organizational Justice (O.J.) that is, the relationship between employees
The theoretical basis of the concept of and organizations (Saks, 2006). According
organizational justice (O.J.) is the Theory of to SET (Blau, 1964), POS is described that
Equity. The theory of O.J. originally came from if employees consider the organization more
the similarity theory developed by Adams supportive of their employees contributions,
in 1965 (Sjahruddin & Sudiro, 2013).  O.J. then employees will be more emotionally
describes employee perceptions of justice in attached to the organization. The form
an organization (Yurnalis & Mangundjaya, of organizational support determines the
2020). Employees perceptions of justice in the formation of POS, so many organizations are
workplace are referred to as O.J. (Faheem & currently improving their support for their
Mahmud, 2015).  There are three dimensions H.R., both in terms of welfare and aspects
of O.J., namely: distributive justice (D.J.), related to health and personal life (Amri &
procedural justice (P.J.), and interactional Putra, 2020).  This means that POS refers to
justice (I.J.). First, DJ is defined as the degree workers perceptions of the extent to which the
to which an organizations leader can make organization values workers contributions and
distributive promotions or financial awards to cares about workers welfare. 
employees. Second, P.J., i.e., all procedures used
when making decisions regarding employees. Relationship between S.L., POS, O.J., and S.L.
Third, I.J. is also known as informational to E.E.
justice about organizational decisions and The support of the organization will
procedures. D.J. is defined as the fairness of the encourage the occurrence of an important re-
process that leads to results. When individuals ciprocal norm mechanism, assuming that there
feel that they have a voice in the decision- is a feeling of employee obligation to provide
making process seen from characteristics such more efforts for the organization. POS cor-
as consistency, accuracy, ethics, and low bias, relates significantly positively with a variety
then P.J. is enhanced. I.J. is the treatment a of employee positive outcomes such as O.C.,
person receives as a consequence of a decision E.E., job performance ( J.P.), and reduced wit-
made by providing an explanation of the hdrawal behavior (Rhoades & Eisenberger,
decision and delivering the news openly and 2002). POS refers to workers perceptions of
with respect (Bazgir et al., 2018).  the extent to which organizations value wor-
kers contributions and care about the welfare
Perceived Organizational Support (POS) of workers. Organizational support is aimed at
POS is defined as an employees belief making employees feel more engaged with the
that the organization values contributions and organization and willing to work as hard as pos-
cares about the welfare of employees. POS is the sible to move the organization forward. When
thoughts and feelings of an employee regarding workers believe that the organization values​​

Jurnal Dinamika Manajemen, 13 (2) 2022, 202-220

contributions and cares about the well-being employees to be less engaged and detach from
of members of the organization, it will cause a their work roles. Therefore, the study formula-
positive reaction for workers, namely by trying ted a hypothesis:
to fulfill their obligations to the organization by H2 : O.J. positively affects E.E.
becoming more engaged. Workers who percei-
ve that the organization cares about employee Employee engagement (E.E.) is built in
well-being are more likely to reciprocate by in- a long process and requires the commitment of
creasing positive psychological investment in the organizations leaders to grow it. An increase
the organization and their work. Support from in E.E. in some other empirical outcomes can be
the organization can help employees achieve pursued through certain leadership styles, such
satisfaction with work, self-esteem, and affilia- as servant Leadership (S.L.). S.L. being humble
tion, so this condition can increase E.E. This and focused on followers led to allowing S.L. to
means, too, that employees who have high POS stimulate positive relationships with followers
can become more involved in work and orga- (Liden et al., 2014), one of which is increasing
nization as part of the SET reciprocal norm to E.E. The results of previous studies show that
help organizations achieve their goals (Saks, the S.L. improves E.E (Srimulyani & Hermanto,
2006).  This is evidenced by several empirical 2020). Referring to the social exchange theory
studies (Dai & Qin, 2016; Ram & Prabhakar, that subordinates who benefit positively from
2011; Ivan et al., 2019; Sihag, 2021), proving S.L. will reciprocate the benefits they receive
that POS can significantly increase E.E. Emp- so that S.L. that gives a positive effect will be
loyees can reciprocate to their organization by responded to by subordinates in positive forms
showing an increased level of engagement. This such as improved performance and other
idea gives the basis of give and take what an prosocial behaviors (Amir, 2019). Therefore,
employee gets as support from the organizati- the study formulated a hypothesis:
on and what he will deliver to the organization H3 : S.L. positively affects E.E.
as an individual and team member. Employees
who feel they have high organizational support Relationship between POS, O.J., SL, and E.E. to
become more involved with the tasks assigned OCB
and solve them, and take part in achieving the POS and OCB are emerging concepts
goals of the organization. Therefore, the study in the world of management that can lead
formulated a hypothesis: organizations to success. POS as an external
H1 : POS positively affects E.E. variable of employees plays an important role
in making employees work at full capacity as
The organizational justice (O.J.) aspect members of the organization. In his study,
has been shown to positively influence E.E. Farh et al. (2007) were able to prove their
(Saks, 2006; Shahzad & Jamal, 2013; Ghosh hypothesis that traditional workers in China
et al., 2014; Ohiorenoya & Eguavoen, 2019); moderate the relationship between POS and
When workers have a high perception of jus- O.C., performance, and OCB. POS is positively
tice in the workplace, they feel a sense of to- associated with temporal changes in  extra-
tality in their work and a stronger attachment role performance  shaped by OCB  (Chen
to the organization. In other words, when wor- et al., 2009).  POS has a positive impact on
kers have a high perception of justice in their employee performance outside the role and
organization, workers are more likely to feel OCB. At the same time, it can reduce negative
obliged to be fair in carrying out workers roles employee behaviors, such as resignation, anti-
by giving more time and energy through gre- productive  behavior,  negative absenteeism,
ater  engagement  levels  (Saks, 2006). On the being late, and absence (Sun, 2019).  The
other hand, low perception of O.J. can cause results of research (Claudia, 2018) show

Veronika Agustini Srimulyani & Yustinus Budi Hermanto / Analysis of Employee Engagement is a ....

that employees with positive POS that exist in a persons treatment of information justice
in themselves feel more satisfied with their with regard to the adequacy of explanations gi-
work, which in turn encourages the creation ven in terms of timeliness, specificity, and truth
of high O.C. and results in the emergence of fullness. For employees who feel the fairness
OCB.  If employees feel that management is of these three aspects (D.J., P.J., and I.J.), then
not supportive, then employees tend to see the OCB can increase. Therefore, the study formu-
tasks given as unpleasant and show ineffective lated a hypothesis:
work results for the organization (Sahrah, H5 : O.J. positively affects OCB
2018).  This means that POS is a predictor of
OCB (Piercy et al., 2006; Nizar et al., 2014; Referring to the  SET, subordinates who
Sahrah, 2018).  This indicates that one factor receive positive benefits from S.L. will reciproca-
that plays an important role in an employees te the benefits they receive so that subordinates
attitude and behavior, including OCB, is will respond to S.L., which has a positive effect
the workers perception of support from the in positive forms such as increased performance
organization. Therefore, the study formulated and other prosocial behaviors (Amir, 2019). In
a hypothesis: line with the theory of social exchange, servant
H4 : POS positively affects OCB leadership directs followers to grow the OCB.
The results showed that S.L. had a positive im-
The issue of O.J. is the subject of deba- pact on OCB (Carter & Baghurst, 2014; Mathur
te among scholars, both regarding the dimen- & Negi, 2014; Simamora et al., 2019; Saleem et
sions and conceptual frameworks of O.J.; and al., 2020; Hermanto & Srimulyani, 2022). This
about the impact of O.J. on various aspects of means that the practice of S.L. will make the
the organization, such as OCB, as one examp- work of employees stay involved and work well
le. There was almost consistency in the results and focus on meeting the needs and welfare of
of previous studies with respect to the positi- employees so that it can affect OCB.  The re-
ve impact of overall O.J. justice on OCB. This sults of the study (Al Faruqi, 2020) showed that
consistency also applies to the three most stu- S.L. had a direct and indirect effect on OCB of
died dimensions of O.J: D.J., P.J., and I.J. The employees with O.C. as a mediator, while Amir
results showed that O.J. significantly affects (2019) showed that S.L. had a significant posi-
the OCB positively (Shahzad & Jamal, 2013; tive impact on OCB and POS moderated the
Faheem & Mahmud, 2015; Bazgir et al., 2018; impact of S.L. on OCB. Therefore, the study for-
Assad et al., 2019). D.J. is conceptualized as mulated a hypothesis:
fairness related to the outcome of decisions H6 : S.L. positively affects OCB
and distribution of resources, both of which
are tangible (e.g., paying) or intangible (e.g., Individual involvement in the organi-
praise). D.J. can be fostered when distributed zation will make individuals feel part of the
results are considered the application is fair. organization and increasingly focused and
Employee concerns about P.J. when individu- committed beyond the parameters set by the
als feel they have a say in the decision-making organization. With the engaged, the employee
process or employees feel that the engagement will carry out extra-role tasks. OCB in every
process has characteristics such as consistency, member of a health organization, including
accuracy, ethics, and lack of bias. I.J. is felt by nurses, can pave the way for the organizations
employees when the treatment a person recei- success to achieve its vision, so to achieve this
ves as a decision is made reasonably, and there success, it must be done gradually, starting by
is an explanation for an organizational decision analyzing the factors that influence E.E. then
(e.g., about employee promotion). I.J. also re- the results or consequences of E.E. itself, one
fers to the perception of respect and propriety of which is OCB. OCB does not stand alone,

Jurnal Dinamika Manajemen, 13 (2) 2022, 202-220

but many factors are predicted to encourage the workplace is the SET. Therefore, improving
the creation of OCB (Kartika & Muchsina- OCB values in employees depends directly
ti, 2015).  Based on various empirical studies or indirectly on the fairness of the organizati-
(Shahzad & Jamal, 2013; George & Joseph, on felt by employees. According to Biswan &
2015; Saks, 2019; Srimulyani & Hermanto, Bhatnagar (2013), O.J. will be directly related
2020), E.E. is a recommended solution for to the SET, thus causing the emergence of E.E.
managers in improving employee OCB, in- Engagement is one step of commitment. With
cluding for health organizations such as hos- increased employee engagement, employees
pitals. The results showed that E.E. is proacti- will be enthusiastic about working more and
ve, stronger, and more consistent in investing better, so employees will volunteer to do extra
personal resources and exhibiting  extra-ro- work beyond their responsibilities. This is de-
le  behavior  than others.  An «engaged emp- monstrated by Yanthi & Rahyuda (2019) in
loyee feels total and enthusiastic about work their empirical study that E.E. mediates O.J.s
and takes positive action to improve OCB relations with OCB. The study by Zayed et al.
and the organizations reputation.  However, (2021) showed that O.J. could create OCB in
in another study (Utami, 2020), E.E. did not employees through the affective commitment
significantly affect  civic virtue, which is one of their employees. Therefore, the study formu-
of the dimensions of OCB, but its effect was lated a hypothesis:
through affective commitment. Therefore, the H8b : E.E. mediates the relationship between
study formulated a hypothesis: O.J with OCB
H7 : E.E. positively affects OCB
Servant leadership (S.L.) is a leadership
Relationship between S.L., POS, O.J., and S.L. to practice based on the premise of serving, not
OCB with Employee Engagement as a Mediator directing. Servant leaders show deep concern
Based on the dyadic interaction bet- for employees. S.L. is a leadership approach
ween workers and their organizations, it can that seeks to improve service to others, a holis-
be concluded that a higher POS level allows tic approach to working to build togetherness
employees to understand their work better and and sharing power in decision making. Con-
experience healthier interpersonal interactions sistent with the theory of reciprocal norms,
in the organization. As a result, employees feel employees will positively reply to S.L. Wor-
excited to be a member of the organization and kers are more likely to develop a high level of
have their work self-attachment. In the social engagement when superiors care and seek to
exchange theory (SET), E.E. seems to mediate meet the personal needs of workers (Page &
the reciprocal norms of organizational support Wong, 2000). The results of the study by Abo-
in employees (Biswas & Bhatnagar, 2013). ramadan et al. (2022) showed that work enga-
This condition can give rise to E.E., which can gement plays an important role as a mediator
further have an impact on increasing OCB. in the relationship between S.L. and OCB. Li-
This is supported by a previous empirical study kewise, the results of the study by Hermanto
(Alshaabani et al., 2021; Priskila et al., 2021), & Srimulyani (2022) prove the role of E.E.
which showed that E.E. mediates the relation- from teachers in mediating the influence of
ship between POS and OCB. Therefore, the S.L. on OCB. Therefore, the study formulated
study formulated a hypothesis: a hypothesis
H8a : E.E. mediates the relationship between H8c : E.E. mediates the relationship between
POS with OCB S.L. with OCB.

One of the most influential conceptua- The hypothetical relationship can be seen
lities in understanding employee behavior in in Figure 1.

Veronika Agustini Srimulyani & Yustinus Budi Hermanto / Analysis of Employee Engagement is a ....

Figure 1. Research Model

METHOD measurements refer to (Lepine et al., 2002,

and Podsakoff et al., 2000) using the following
This type of research is empirical research dimensions: 1) altruism, 2) conscientiousness,
with quantitative methods.  The data source 3) courtesy, 4) sportsmanship; 5) civic virtue,
comes from the primary data results of the which is developed into 15 items of statement.
distribution of questionnaires to nurses with the The measurement scale is a Likert scale.
help of the personnel section of each Hospital. This study used all nurses at private
The variables studied included POS, O.J., SL, hospitals of Siti Aisyah Hospital and St. Clara
E.E., and OCB.  POS measurements use eight Hospital in Madiun City and all nurses at
developed indicators (Rhoades & Eisenberger, Caruban Hospital, Madiun Regency, as the
2002; Chen et al., 2019); that is, the organization population. The technique used in sampling
of the workplace is really attentive to the welfare is non-probability sampling by purposive
of employees, focuses on goals and values, as well sampling method, which is for nurses who have
as shows a lot of concern for employees, pays a working life of at least one year. The target
attention to various opinions, helps employees number of samples for each Hospital is 50% of
when to require special assistance, there will the nursing population, with a working period
be assistance from the organization when of more than one year at each Hospital studied.
employees have problems, forgive mistakes made The research method is a quantitative
in their field of work, and empower employees.  method by using descriptive statistical analy-
O.J.s measurements include three dimensions, sis statistical testing, mixed with Lisrel pro-
namely D.J, P.J, and I.J. (Sjahruddin & Sudiro, gram version 8.70 and IBM SPSS Statistics 22.
2013), which are developed into 20 items of The test was conducted on the test data quality,
statements. Measurement of servant leadership the goodness of fit test, the partial test influence,
uses eight dimensions of S.L., including wisdom, and the Sobel test.
organizational stewardship, humility, altruistic
calling, vision, service, emotional healing, and RESULT AND DISCUSSION
persuasive mapping (Wong, 2003; Barbuto
& Wheeler, 2006), which was developed into From the results of distributing
39 statement items.  Measurement of E.E. uses questionnaires, as many as 245 nurses were
three dimensions, namely vigor, absorption, distributed through HRD from two (2) private
and dedication (Schaufeli, 2013), which was hospitals in Madiun City, namely Siti Aisyah
developed into 14 statement items.  OCB Islamic Hospital and St.  Clara Hospital, which

Jurnal Dinamika Manajemen, 13 (2) 2022, 202-220

was carried out before the Covid-19 pandemic majority of working periods in the range of >1-5
entered Indonesia, and one (1) government years as much as 37.78% and the span of 6-10
hospitals in Madiun Regency, namely Caruban years as much as 31.11%. The average value of
Regional General Hospital, whose questionnaire respondents responses to the measurement of
dissemination was carried out at the end of 2021. S.L. practices was 3.86, meaning that nurses rated
The response rate to the questionnaire distributed S.L. in the Hospital where they worked high,
was 91.83%, or 225 respondents (table 1).  followed by the average value of the OCB of the

Table 1. Response Rate of Respondents

Number of Questionnaires Number of Returned Percentage

Hospital Name
Distributed Questionnaires (%)
Siti Aisyah Islamic Hospital 100 91 91.00
St. Clara Hospital  60 52 86.66
Caribbean Regional General 85 82 96.47
Amount 245 225 91.83

Demographics of study respondents, high nurses (3.84). The following order is E.E.,
which include gender, education level, and years with a high average score (3.63). Similarly, the
of work, can be seen in Table 2. POS had a high average score (3.59), followed
by a high O.J. assessment of the nurses (3.53).
Table 2. Demographics of Study Respondents The next result of the analysis is the data
suitability analysis or the Analysis of Goodness
Description Amount Percentage of Fit (GOF) Absolute Fit Measures, which is
(Person) (%) summarized in Table 3.
Man 128 56.89
Woman 97 43.11 Table 3. Goodness of fit Absolute Fit Measures
Amount 225 100.00
Level of Education     Test Index Value Note
Vocational High 14 6.22
School GFI >.90 .90 Fulfilled
Diploma 142 63.11 RMSEA < .08 .09 Marginal
Strata 1 (S1) 69 30.67
Amount 225 100.00 NFI >.90 .90 Fulfilled
Amount Percentage IFI >.90 .90 Fulfilled
Working Time (Person) (%) CFI >.90 .90 Fulfilled
>1-5 years old 85 37.78
>5-10 years old 70 31.11 PNFI .60-.90 .75 Fulfilled
>10-15 years old 24 10.67 PGFI .60-.90 .60 Fulfilled
>15-20 years old 35 15.55 Source: author›s calculations
 >21 years old 11 4.89
Amount 225 100.00
Source: author›s calculations By looking at the output results of
the Goodness of Fit Test (GOF), it can be
Table 2 shows that 56.89% of respondents concluded that the structural model in this
are men and 43.11% are women,  and most study can be declared fit because most of the
respondents had a Diploma education level evaluation results show a good fit, and only one
(63.11%), with the most years of service test (RMSEA) shows a moderate fit (marginal
(30.67%). The working period of nurses who fit). The results of the path analysis can be seen
became respondents was quite varied, with the in table 4 and figure 2.

Veronika Agustini Srimulyani & Yustinus Budi Hermanto / Analysis of Employee Engagement is a ....

Table 4. Research Hypothesis Test

Path (H Test) β t-value p value Result

POS EE .197 2.995 .003 H1 is accepted
OJ  EE .316 4.974 .000 H2 is accepted
SL  EE .233 3.576 .000 H3 is accepted
POS  OCB .535 9.445 .000 H4 is accepted
O.J.  OCB .320 5.048 .000 H5 is accepted
SL  OCB .504 8.715 .000 H6 is accepted
EE  OCB .328 5.190 .000 H7 is accepted
Source: author›s calculations

Figure 2. Final Model (Significant)

Table 5. Summary of Mediation Results on POS, O.J., and S.L. relationships with OCB

Path (H test) Test statistic: Std. Error: p-value: Result

POSE.E.  OCB 5.4815 .0314 .000 H8a is accepted
OJEE OCB .1372 .0134 .890 H8b is not accepted
SL E.E.  OCB 4.3758 .0520 .000 H8c is accepted
Source: author’s calculations

In table 5, it is shown that: 1) E.E. plays Impact of POS on E.E. and OCB
a role in significantly mediating the relationship POS is a common belief that workers
of POS with OCB (H8a is accepted); 2) E.E. have about the magnitude of the organizations
does not mediate O.J. relationship with OCB appreciation of the contribution of employees
(H8b is not accepted); 3) E.E. plays a role in and the magnitude of the organizations concern
significantly mediating the relationship of S.L. for the level of welfare of workers. Based on the
with OCB (H8c is accepted). test results (Table 4), it was found that POS has

Jurnal Dinamika Manajemen, 13 (2) 2022, 202-220

a significant positive impact on E.E. (H1 is ac- of this test support the theory of organizational
cepted). The test results support the statement support, which states that meeting the socio-
of Rhoades et al. (2001) that workers who have emotional needs of employees in organizations
a higher POS can become more involved with generates positive evaluations of employees to-
work and organization, as the embodiment of wards the Leadership and the organization as a
the reciprocal norms of the SET to contribute whole so that it triggers positive behaviors such
to the successful achievement of organizational as high attendance, a proactive approach in dea-
goals. The results of this study support previous ling with organizational challenges, expanding
research (Ram & Prabhakar, 2011; Dai & Qin, support to colleagues. Beyond the formal requi-
2016; Ivani et al., 2019), which show a signifi- rements and, in turn, increase OCB (Turnley et
cant positive impact of POS on E.E. The avera- al., 2003).  The results of this test support pre-
ge value of the responses of nurses who became vious empirical studies (Farh et al., 2007; Ram
respondents to the POS measurement (3.59) & Prabhakar, 2011; Dai & Qin, 2016; Ivan et al.,
and the E.E. measurement (3.63) was catego- 2019; Sihag, 2021;) which show that OCB is
rized as good (high) so that the organizational significantly positively impacted by POS. 
support felt by the nurse did not affect the level
of nurses attachment to the organization.  This Impact of O.J. on E.E. and OCB
is possible because nurses have a high dedicati- In table 4, it is shown that O.J. has a
on to their duties and responsibilities and feel significant positive impact on the E.E. of the
that the work pursued today is a noble professi- nurses; this is evident from the statistically
on that must be carried out in accordance with significant effect of O.J. on E.E. (H2
the code of ethics of medical services due to the supported).  These results support the results
support of the Hospital in meeting social and of previous research (Saks, 2006; Shahzad &
emotional needs so that in research it is pro- Jamal, 2013; Ghosh et al., 2014; Ohiorenoya
ven that there is a significant positive impact of & Eguavoen, 2019), which found that O.J.
POS on E.E. This shows that the organizations had a significant positive impact on E.E.  That
recognition of the workers contribution to the is, when workers feel high justice in the
organization and the level of worker welfare is organization in which they work, it is certain
important to pay attention to because it can inc- that the worker repays that justice in their work
rease employee engagement. role by showing a high engagement attitude
In this study, POS can significantly inc- such as working with passion, dedication, and
rease the OCB of nurses (H4 is accepted). POS fulfilling the responsibilities given. The results
is the belief held by workers that the organiza- indicate that the nurses E.E. is influenced by the
tion values workers
​​ contributions and cares following aspects: 1)  D.J.,  namely the fairness
about workers well-being, and this belief can felt by employees regarding the distribution
assist workers in increasing positive work be- of rewards;  2)  P.J., which focuses on making
haviors (such as increased commitment to an and implementing decisions based on a fair
organization, job satisfaction, job performance, process; 3) I.J., that is, subordinates are treated
OCB) and reducing negative work behaviors with dignity and respect by the leader, the
(e.g.,  resign,  anti-productive  behavior)  (Sun, leader also provides information in a timely
2019). The results of testing the impact of POS manner, and is always open and honest in
on OCB (table 4) show that POS has a signi- relation to subordinates. These findings show
ficant positive impact on OCB; this can mean that increasing nurse engagement requires fair
that the POS variable perceived by the nurses treatment from superiors and hospitals. This O.J.
affects the OCB shown by the nurses. It can be includes the distribution of results, impartial
seen in Table 3 that the average OCB value of decision-making, and explaining every decision
the nurses is at a high level (3.77). The results made by the hospital management. This will have

Veronika Agustini Srimulyani & Yustinus Budi Hermanto / Analysis of Employee Engagement is a ....

a positive impact on the nurse; that is, the positive priority and treats subordinates as colleagues
energy and mental endurance in the nurse appear so that both parties can engage with each other
while working so that the nurse will be willing to and have a close relationship. This is what will
make great efforts in completing their work.  In be the driving force of the emergence of E.E. In
addition, nurses will feel enthusiastic and proud this study, S.L. showed a significant positive im-
of their work; nurses will concentrate and be pact on E.E., so the practice of S.L. in hospital
serious in the work they are doing and enjoy work organizations is increasingly needed because, in
so that time passes so quickly. addition to improving E.E. is also predicted to
Hypothesis testing results show that O.J. affect other positive behaviors, such as emplo-
has a significant positive impact on OCB (H5 yee commitment to the organization (Paul et al.,
is accepted).  Other evidence supporting the 2016) and subordinate task performance (Sa-
results of the path analysis is the average value leem et al., 2020).
of high organizational justice (3.53), and the The test results showed that S.L. had a sig-
average value of OCB is also high (3.84). The nificant positive impact on the OCB of the nur-
results of this study support previous empirical ses (H6 is accepted). S.L. is an integrated leader-
studies (Shahzad & Jamal, 2013; Faheem & ship concept by integrating four leadership roles
Mahmud, 2015; Bazgir et al., 2018; Assad et al., that are important for the success of leaders in
2019), which show a significant positive impact an organization, namely: Leadership oriented
of O.J. on E.E. This suggests that when workers to character development seen from the aspect
have a high perception of fairness in their of wisdom and humility; oriented to tasks seen
organizations, workers are more likely to feel from the aspects of organizational stewardship,
obligated to also retaliate in a way that is more persuasive mapping, and vision; relationship-
likely to perform their roles and responsibilities oriented Leadership seen from the aspects of
with a greater degree of involvement. Treating altruistic calling and emotional healing; Pro-
nurses fairly in the distribution of results, cess-oriented Leadership seen from the service
making impartial decisions, and providing aspect. The results of this study correspond to
explanations in every decision taken, then several previous studies (Carter and Baghurst,
nurses will form positive energy so that nurses 2014; Mathur and Negi, 2014; Simamora et al.,
seek to dedicate themselves to the Hospital 2019; Saleem et al., 2020), which concluded
physically, cognitively, and emotionally, and are that S.L. is a significant triggering factor for the
enthusiastic about working more so that nurse emergence of OCB behavior. Nurse response to
involvement can be increased. high S.L. hospital leadership practices (3.86);
This means that nurses assess that Leadership
Impact of S.L. on E.E. and OCB in hospitals meets the dimension of S.L. so that
Based on the results of hypothesis testing, leaders prioritize the needs of employees, are
it was found that S.L. had a significant positive responsible for motivating and developing emp-
impact on E.E. (H3 is accepted). The results of loyee abilities, and maintain harmonious rela-
this test are in line with some empirical tests tionships between communities, and providing
(Carter & Baghurs, 2014; Srimulyani & Her- benefits to the surrounding community. The SL
manto, 2020) that showed a significant positi- practice can grow OCB from nurses.  This also
ve impact of S.L. on OCB. Engagement is built means that the behavior of leaders who reflect
through a long process, and requires the com- servant leaders significantly affects OCB in
mitment of organizational leaders to develop employees because employees tend to imitate
it. The improvement of E.E. in some other empi- what the leader does. A servant leader performs
rical outcomes can be pursued through certain actions that serve willingly, such as helping and
leadership approaches, e.g. S.L.  A Servant leader contributing to his subordinates in the form of
puts the members of the organization as the top teaching, love, experience, or advice.

Jurnal Dinamika Manajemen, 13 (2) 2022, 202-220

Impact of E.E. on OCB by engaging in work and organization so as to

The impact of E.E. on OCB is positive and encourage high OCB in employees. There are
significant (H7 is accepted). These results indi- results of previous research studies that are
cate that the more engaged nurses in the Hospi- in accordance with the results of this study
tal are, the more nurses are willing to take extra- (Alshaabani et al., 2021; Priscilla et al., 2021),
role (OCB).  Another evidence seen from the which proves employee engagement mediates
average value of nurse responses to employee POS influence on OCB.
engagement measurements is high (3.63), and The results of the E.E. mediation role test
the average value of OCB is also high (3.84). on the effect of O.J. on OCB proved that the t
Individuals with higher engagement rates are value of the Sobel test = .1372 <2.00 with a
more likely to demonstrate OCB in the way ex- p-value of .890>.05, meaning that E.E> did not
pected to achieve and maintain organizational mediate the influence of O.J. on OCB (H8b not
effectiveness. The results of the study support accepted). Hasil pengujian hipotesis ini tidak
(Shahzad & Jamal, 2013; George & Joseph, konsisten dengan penelitian sebelumnya (Yanthi
2015; Saks, 2019; Srimulyani & Hermanto, &Rahyuda, 2019), yang menunjukkan bahwa
2020) which found that E.E. had a significant E.E. memediasi hubungan O.J. dengan OCB.
positive impact on OCB, this also meant that The results of this study were only able to show
OCB was a consequence of E.E. Rasa engaged is that O.J. consists of D.J., P.J, and I.J, which has a
a feeling that includes an attachment, sense of direct impact on OCB. When organizations treat
belonging (sense of belonging), commitment, workers fairly, workers will feel this positively,
loyalty, engagement, or desire to contribute thus encouraging workers to be willing to do
both to work and to the organization, volunta- something outside of the workers primary role
rily without coercion.  Thus, higher  employee to help create organizational effectiveness.
engagement  can have an impact on increasing The results of the Sobel test on the role of
OCB because employees with high  employee E.E.> mediation on the impact of POS on OCB
engagement have a high emotional commitment show a value of t= 4.3758> 2.000 with a p-va-
to work and the organization, so employees are lue of .000<.05, then H8c is acceptable, which
willing to give feedback to the organization by means that E.E. mediates the impact of S.L. on
being willing to work extra-role. This means that OCB. The results of this study support the stu-
nurses with high OCB exhibit behaviors that go dy of Aboramadan et al. (2022); Hermanto
beyond the call of duty, participate voluntarily & Srimulyani (2022), who proves that E.E.
in tasks that are not their own, provide innova- mediates the influence of S.L. on OCB. This
tive ideas to improve operations, and are willing shows that S.L. has a significant positive im-
to help coworkers and superiors who need assis- pact on E.E. Consistent with the theoretical
tance with their work-related tasks.  foundations of reciprocal norms, employees
positively reciprocate positive behaviors from
The role of employee engagement mediation in S.L. practice. Thus, the S.L. style is beneficial in
the effect of POS, O.J., and S.L. on OCB increasing E.E., and as a consequence, workers
The results of the Sobel test on the role of show an increase in OCB.
E.E. mediation on the influence of POS on OCB
show a value of t= 5.4815> 2.000 with a p-value CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION
of .000<.05, then H8a is acceptable, which
means that E.E. mediates the influence of POS From the results of testing and analysis, it
on OCB. This shows that E.E. is able to mediate was concluded that: POS, S.L., and O.J. partially
the impact of POS on OCB. It can be concluded had a significant positive impact on E.E. These
that if employees have a high pos level, then results also showed that POS, S.L., O.J, and E.E.
employees will provide positive reciprocity had a significant positive impact on OCB. The

Veronika Agustini Srimulyani & Yustinus Budi Hermanto / Analysis of Employee Engagement is a ....

results of the study also showed that E.E. me- informational justice. Likewise, employee
diated the influence of POS and S.L. on OCB, engagement measurement  can be separated
while E.E. did not mediate the influence of O.J. into two dimensions, namely  job engagement
on OCB. and  organizational engagement, or it can be
From the results of testing and analysis, it measured by three dimensions: cognitive,
is shown that both E.E. and OCB can be grown behavior, and emotional engagement.  Future
through organizational support provided to research can expand the scope of a wider range
employees. Judicial practice in the workplace that of predictors associated with a particular type
includes D.J., P.J., and I.J.; S.L. training at various of E.E. and explore the consequences of E.E.
levels in the organization can improve E.E. which It can be learned from impacts on individual
in turn can improve OCB and act as a mediation outcomes, such as innovative work behavior
of POS and S.L. relationships with OCB. and learning agility.
This study shows that E.E. can be
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