Final Team Charter

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Team Charter

Goal: Our goal is to provide a product (Electric Vehicle) to the world that not only saves the
environment by eliminating gas combustion vehicles that pollutes our air and damages our ozone
layer, but also accelerates the adoption of electrification while providing the customer with
luxury transportation and great technological advances.

Mission Statement: Our team Mission Statement is to galvanize the adoption of sustainable
energy by creating the most advanced technologies while providing luxurious electric vehicles
focused on the needs of the customer in the present time and into the future.

Team Members Tasks:

Yona: Revise all drafts and final submissions, each person assigned one slide of final project,
 Slide 7: Image URLs references slide.
Kornelija: Revise all drafts and final submissions, each person assigned one slide of final project,
 Slide 3: How will your organization help the cause?

Riley: Revise all drafts and final submissions, each person assigned one slide of final project,
 Slide 4: What is your public campaign to make other people aware and get other people

Nicholas: Revise all drafts and final submissions, each person assigned one slide of final project,
 Slide 5: What motto or advertising slogan do you think would be the most effective?

Bryce: Revise all drafts and final submissions, each person assigned one slide of final project,
 Slide 6: Who is your target audience?
Christin: Revise all drafts and final submissions, each person assigned one slide of final project,
 Slide 1: On this title slide please include the general subject area (health, environmental,
or social justice) and specific topics that are captured in the title of your presentation, the
name of your organization, and the names of the participating team members. If any
teammate did not participate, do not include their name.
 Slide 2: What is the issue your organization is concerned with?

1. Get this charter completed by Friday night, so if we need to add or subtract anything from
it, we get 48 hours to do so, that way we are not in a rush to submit all aspects of the
project on time.
2. Begin working on the final project by November 15th, 2022.
3. Brainstorm/gather ideas with the group members no later than November 18th, 2022.
4. Review progress of project and make edits, if necessary, by November 22, 2022.
5. Complete final project no later than Sunday November 27th, 2022.

3 Ground Rules and Norms of Behavior:

6. Give constructive feedback when we do not agree on something specific.
7. Be time efficient, meaning make sure each individual responds and shows up for
Facetimes, or any communication that happens.
8. Own your part of the project, get every aspect of it done on time.

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