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A Research Presented to the Faculty of

College of Engineering, Architecture, and Technology

Notre Dame of Dadiangas University, General Santos City

In Partial Requirements for the Degree of

Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering


Indira N. Dabi

Russel Rey M. Sabod

Faizal Solivio

May 2023
GMP of Nata de Coco Production ii

GMP of Nata de Coco Production iii


The food service industry is responsible for people's health and safety since any

mishandling, contamination, or reported foodborne illness can have serious ramifications

for both the consumers and the person who provided the meal. As a result, food safety is

a major concern for the food service business. Furthermore, today's food trends produce a

slew of food-related issues, necessitating fast action by food safety professionals. A food

safety culture is required in the workplace. The manufacturing facilities should have

proper food safety rules in place, as well as regular walk-throughs to check food safety

and trends.

Good manufacturing practice (GMP) is a system for ensuring products are

consistently produced and controlled according to quality standards. It covers all aspects

of production, including materials, premises, equipment, training, and personal hygiene.

WHO has established guidelines for GMP, and many countries have formulated their

own requirements.

The study evaluated the facility of Tibud sa Katibawasan Multi-Purpose

Cooperative’s nata de coco production of its current sanitation and safety practices that

Good Manufacturing Practice is essential for manufacturing firms because it guarantees

that production runs smoothly and that facilities and staff are controlled in accordance

with quality standards. This allows the corporation to develop more products and acquire

consumer trust. Tibud sa Katibawasan Multi-Purpose Cooperative has been creating

quality products for years, which has resulted in significant improvement. Their
GMP of Nata de Coco Production iv

calamansi production is FDA authorized, and their nata production has been producing

for several large firms like as DOLE. This demonstrates that good manufacturing

practices not only help the corporation but also the community.

Researchers concluded that that the company has a small production area for nata

de coco. The floor consists of broken tiles and cement that might form molds in the future

some parts of the plant use tarpaulin as ceiling which allows the water from rain to enter.

Canals of the plant are not deep enough for water to flow which led to water being

stagnant inside the plant. Some insects appear inside the plant such as mosquitos and

worms which might contaminate the products.

The researchers proposed good manufacturing practice. The proposed GMP

manual checklist ensuring the safety of areas in production plant is vital for a company as

this is a way to ensure the safety of the workers and the cleanliness of the products and

GMP of Nata de Coco Production v


The researchers are thankful for the valuable criticism, friendly advice, and

aspiring guidance throughout the project.

First and foremost, to Almighty God and Allah for giving endless blessings and

protection throughout the study process. By granting them the opportunity and the

capability to accomplish this study

To their Research Study Adviser Engr. Maria Lourdes P. Jusa, M.Eng-IE of

Notre Dame of Dadiangas University for the guidance them having the patience, and

advice during the whole study period. Without her guidance, this study would not had

have been successful.

To HR Management of Tibud sa Katibawasan Multi-Purpose Cooperative’s for

the insights, guidance and dedication to one’s work.

To the panelists: Engr. Marcelo D. Obtial, Jr M.Eng-IE, Engr. Feln Lily F.

Canonigo, M. Eng-ECE, and Engr. Harold Carrel S. Caagbay, IE who are always present

to give meaningful advice which guided us for the study's better result.

Finally, to the Parents of the researchers for their unending support and

understanding, and wisdom that inspired and pushed beyond limits. Also, for their

financial and moral support to do the best for this study.

GMP of Nata de Coco Production vi

Table of Contents

Title Page........................................................................................................................................i
Approval Sheet...............................................................................................................................ii
Table Of
List Of Tables...............................................................................................................................vii
List Of Figures............................................................................................................................viii
Chapter I.........................................................................................................................................1
The Problem And Its Settings.....................................................................................................1
Literature Review.......................................................................................................................3
Conceptual Framework...............................................................................................................9
Statement Of The Problem........................................................................................................10
Scope And Delimitation............................................................................................................10
Significance Of The Study........................................................................................................10
Chapter Ii......................................................................................................................................12
Research Design.......................................................................................................................12
Selection Of Respondents.........................................................................................................13
Research Instruments................................................................................................................13
Data Analysis............................................................................................................................13
Data Gathering Procedures.......................................................................................................13
Ethical Considerations..............................................................................................................14
Chapter Iii.....................................................................................................................................15
Good Manufacturing Checklist.................................................................................................15
Chapter IV....................................................................................................................................25
Analysis And Interpretation......................................................................................................25
GMP of Nata de Coco Production vii

Curriculum Vitae..........................................................................................................................30
GMP of Nata de Coco Production viii

List Of Tables

Table 1. Personnel.............................................................................................................16
Table 2. Facility And Grounds..........................................................................................17
Table 3. Sanitary Operations.............................................................................................18
Table 4. Sanitary Facilities And Control...........................................................................19
Table 5. Equipment And Utensils......................................................................................20
Table 6. Processes And Controls.......................................................................................21
Table 7. Warehouse And Distribution...............................................................................22
GMP of Nata de Coco Production ix

List Of Figures

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework........................................................................................9



The Problem and its Settings

Good manufacturing practice (GMP) is a system for ensuring that products are

consistently produced and controlled according to quality standards. It is designed to

minimize the risks involved in any production that cannot be eliminated through testing

the final product. GMP covers all aspects of production; from the starting materials,

premises, and equipment to the training and personal hygiene of staff. Detailed, written

procedures are essential for each process that could affect the quality of the finished

product. There must be systems to provide documented proof that correct procedures are

consistently followed at each step in the manufacturing process - every time a product is

made. WHO has established detailed guidelines for good manufacturing practice. Many

countries have formulated their own requirements for GMP based on WHO GMP. Others

have harmonized their requirements, for example in the Association of South-East Asian

Nations (ASEAN), in the European Union and through the Pharmaceutical Inspection

Convention (WHO, 2015).

Current food good manufacturing practices (GMPs) are published in Title 21 of

the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 110 (21 CFR 110). GMPs describe the methods,

equipment, facilities, and controls for producing processed food. As the minimum

sanitary and processing requirements for producing safe and wholesome food, they are an
GMP of Nata de Coco Production 2

important part of regulatory control over the safety of the nation's food supply. GMPs

also serve as one basis for FDA inspections (FDA, 2004).

People’s health and safety is the responsibility of the food service industry since

any mishandling, contamination, or reported foodborne illness can lead to severe

consequences for both the people and the one who delivered the food. This makes food

safety a significant concern for the food service industry. Moreover, today’s food trends

that catch on quickly cause many food-related problems, demanding food safety

professionals to respond immediately. Food safety culture is necessary for the workplace.

The production facilities should have proper food safety policies and regular walk-

throughs to monitor food safety and trends (SavorEat, 2022). 

Poor Infrastructure: The lack of modern and efficient transportation and storage

infrastructure in the Philippines presents a major challenge for the food manufacturing

and processing industry. This can lead to supply chain disruptions and increased costs,

making it difficult for companies to compete in the global market (CreditBPO, 2023).

Polomolok South Cotabato has manufacturing companies that has high demand

and well-established production. Tibud sa Katibawasan Multi-Purpose Cooperative is one

of the manufacturing companies that produces goods and services to their wide

consumers such as members, clients, and the community. Tibud offers variety of services

such as jobcon, savings and credit, consumer store, pharmacy, clinic, trucking and

products such as calamansi, cacao and nata. In terms of products, nata has its difference

due to the product being made specifically for client companies only such as DOLE

according to Tibud’s HR Manager Erljohn Dulla. Tibud’s product production has been

operating for years and continuous going well up until now. However, according to
GMP of Nata de Coco Production 3

Tibud’s production head, Ms. Khin Beldad, the facility where the production area is

located is an old building that needs improvement and might affect the products. Floors

of the production area has broken tiles and cemented floors where molds could form,

ceilings are made of tarpaulins or “trapal” where some have scratches that could allow

water from rain to enter, canals are not deep enough for water to flow which causes water

to stay on the floor and drainage to clog and insects such as flies and worms sometimes

appear on walls and floors.

Due to this problem, the researchers will evaluate the plant and will be using

GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice). Good Manufacturing Practice is a system for

ensuring different areas of the company are controlled according to quality standards. It is

designed to minimize the risks involved that could potentially harm products and

services. The mentioned tool that will be used will be helpful for the company as it will

check most of its areas to ensure the safety of their products.

Literature Review

Creating a safe workspace is arguably the employer’s most important job. A safe

place to work means employees have little to no risk of developing an injury or illness

while on the job. OSHA law also requires “employers to provide their employees with

working conditions that are free of known dangers. If you are running an unsafe

operation, consequences can be serious, even deadly. Not only is it the law to keep

workers safe, but it is a moral responsibility. People that work within a facility or at a

worksite have families, friends, and lives outside of being employed. Their safety and

health should never be comprised for a paycheck. For that reason, it is critical to make
GMP of Nata de Coco Production 4

safety a top priority and ensure all workers are returning home safely every day (Supply,


A clean and tidy office is not a nice to have, it is a must-have. A must-have

because it not only helps to increase employee productivity it also helps to improve

mental health and reduce the number of sick days taken (ClearChoiceLTD, 2020).

Clean air and water, sanitation and green spaces, safe workplaces can enhance

people's quality of life: reduced mortality and morbidity, healthier lifestyles, improved

productivity of workers and their families, improve lives of women, children and elderly

and are crucial to mental health (UNEP, 2016).

A clean workplace should be your number one priority when running a business.

The benefits of a clean work environment far outweigh any costs involved and you will

ensure that your employees, clients, and visitors are happy and well. Spotless

surroundings will put a smile on everyone’s face. Germs and diseases can spread far

more quickly in an unclean environment. The health and safety of your employees is

incredibly important, and a key part of that is preventing the spread of any harmful

bacteria or germs. Businesses who fail to keep a clean work environment may see an

increase in sick days and absences among staff, which can have a damaging impact on

overall productivity. Not only does a dirty environment have the potential to cause

illness, it can also cause injury. Cluttered workplaces can lead to trips and slips, while

spillages that go uncleaned are a serious safety hazard. To avoid any incidents, it is

essential that you take health and safety seriously and ensure that your workplace adheres

to high standards. A super-clean environment is one of the best routes to success in

business. Your employees will feel more relaxed and more focused - the perfect
GMP of Nata de Coco Production 5

combination for increasing productivity. We can easily become distracted by thoughts

hitting us from all directions but at least your employees will not be worrying about the

mess (BirkinGroup, 2023).

Cleanliness also reduces the chances of your employees getting sick. Bacteria

thrive in office environments because people spend so much of the day there. Keeping

your workplace clean can therefore reduce sickness and therefore reduce lost work days.

This is why it’s important that your office has a good cleaning strategy in place. When

your workplace is clean and free of clutter, you will find it easier to stay organized. It is

easier to keep track of papers, for one thing; documents are quicker to find when your

office is tidy. It is also less difficult to stay on top of any repairs that need to be done to

machinery (Fidelis, 2023).

Cleaning should target every part of your workspace, whether it’s cleaning floors

and carpets, walls, windows, bathrooms, hallways and even the outside of the building.

This can either be a one-time deal, of if you are completely satisfied with their services,

you can hire them to clean your offices a couple of times a month. Experts recommend

that you work on educating your workers on the importance of maintaining a clean and

hygienic office space. An unclean work environment is an excellent breeding ground for

various germs and allergens, which only emphasizes the need to keep it always clean

(Pearson, 2022).

The section on personnel delineates plant and employee responsibilities regarding

personal hygiene. For example, personnel with diseases or other conditions that could

contaminate food are to be excluded from manufacturing operations. The section also

outlines expectations with respect to personal hygiene and cleanliness, clothing, removal
GMP of Nata de Coco Production 6

of jewelry and other unsecured objects, glove maintenance, use of hair restraints,

appropriate storage of personal items, and restrictions on various activities, such as eating

and smoking. The section discusses the need for appropriate food safety education and

training in very general terms. The subpart further mandates the assignment of

supervisory personnel to ensure compliance (FDA, 2004).

GMPs describe the methods, equipment, facilities, and controls for producing

processed food. As the minimum sanitary and processing requirements for producing safe

and wholesome food, they are an important part of regulatory control over the safety of

the nation's food supply. GMPs also serve as one basis for FDA inspections. GMPs

outlines requirements for the maintenance, layout, and operations of food processing

facilities. Section 110.20 outlines the requirements for adequate maintenance of the

grounds, including litter control, waste removal and treatment, and grounds maintenance

and drainage. The subpart requires that plants be designed and built to reduce the

potential for contamination. Some detail is provided on how to achieve this, but the

requirements are largely focused on the result of a sanitary facility rather than specific

practices. The language also includes many general terms to allow flexible

implementation of the requirements. Section 110.35 describes sanitary operations.

Physical facilities, equipment, and utensils are to be sanitized in a way that protects

against food contamination. Storage of cleaning materials and toxic materials permitted

are outlined to prevent contamination with chemicals. The section also briefly addresses

pest control and cleaning of various food contact surfaces, as well as the frequency of

cleaning (FDA, 2004).

GMP of Nata de Coco Production 7

For manufacturers and customers, GMP helps to mitigate the risk that products

will be produced with certain faults such as contamination, incorrect labels, incorrect

dosage of a particular ingredient. GMP also helps protect an organization’s people and

equipment, as many of the rules are written to ensure staff are fully trained, equipped,

safe, and that equipment is kept to a reasonable standard. In fact, GMP covers all aspects

of a business from people to processes (UnleashedSoftware, 2021).

GMP also covers manufacturers producing a variety of products that must be

made safe for human consumption. For example: Food and beverage manufacturers,

including those producing dietary supplements, cosmetics manufacturers, and medical

device manufacturers (UnleashedSoftware, 2021).

Good Manufacturing Practices* (GMPs) are the basic operational and

environmental conditions required to produce safe foods. They ensure that ingredients,

products, and packaging materials are handled safely and that food products are

processed in a suitable environment. GMPs address the hazards associated with personnel

and environment during food production. They provide a foundation for any food safety

system. Once GMPs are in place, processors can implement a Hazard Analysis Critical

Control Point (HACCP) system to control hazards that may affect the ingredients and

packaging material during food processing (Center, 2022).

Good Manufacturing Practices are a critical system that all manufacturing

facilities should implement. They help ensure the proper design, monitoring, and control

of the manufacturing processes and facilities. Companies that adhere to these standards

help to assure the identity, strength, and quality of their products. When implemented,

GMP can help to cut down on facility losses and waste and help to protect the company,
GMP of Nata de Coco Production 8

consumer, and the environment from harm. The Current Good Manufacturing Practices

are set by the FDA and give manufacturers across all industries a set of standards to strive

for. They help facilities earn and maintain the trust of consumers who want to know the

products they buy are manufactured in safe, well-regulated environments, and to

government standards. Good Manufacturing Practices in food industry manufacturers are

especially vital these days, due to the increasing number of food recalls occurring.

Consumers have become increasingly aware of food safety and expect companies to take

steps to increase their accountability, and provide them with safe products that will not

get recalled (FoodSafeDrains, 2023).

The role of GMP in food industry success is critical—they help food and

beverage companies maintain food safety and quality while increasing their productivity.

All relevant food legislation, including the FDA’s Food Safety Modernization Act

(FSMA), emphasizes these practices, including customer certification requirements.

Establishing, implementing, and maintaining GMP in food industry plants is an ongoing

process that requires an in-depth and comprehensive approach. GMPs are primarily used

in the food industry, they also apply in the production of beverages, cosmetic products,

pharmaceuticals, dietary supplements, medical devices. GMPs are all-encompassing in

manufacturing—they cover every aspect of each process to prevent risks that could

develop anywhere in the supply chain or manufacturing environment. By following

GMPs, food industry professionals can expect to mitigate contamination, testing failures,

problems caused by environmental factors, and potentially harmful deviations.

Consumers cannot always tell whether food products are safe just by looking at them,

manufacturers have a tremendous responsibility to provide safe, quality goods to the

GMP of Nata de Coco Production 9

public. Following GMPs helps to promote quality, ensuring safe products for mass

distribution. This increases the likelihood of products being free of dangerous substances

or contaminants that could cause harm to consumers. GMPs can also help for compliance

purposes, as regulatory bodies such as the FDA require the implementation of GMPs. For

instance, GMPs are part of the FDA’s Current Good Manufacturing Practice, Hazard

Analysis, and Risk-Based Preventive Controls for Human Food Rule, an aspect

of FSMA that became final in 2015 which applies to nearly all food companies (Hansen,


Conceptual Framework

A conceptual framework illustrates the expected relationship between variables. It

defines the relevant objectives for your research process and maps out how they come

together to draw coherent conclusions (Bas Swaen, 2022). IPO (Input Process Output)

Model is used to present the concept of the study. Figure 1 shows the conceptual

framework of the study

Input Process Output

Area Observation

 Personnel
 Facility and Grounds Evaluation through
 Sanitary Operations Recommendations to
Good Manufacturing
 Sanitary Facilities and improve the current
Control Practice (GMP)
 Equipment and Utensils Checklist
 Processes and Controls
 Warehousing and

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework

The figure above shows the process and the needed variables to create the study.

The input of the study will be the use of Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) checklist
GMP of Nata de Coco Production 10

to evaluate the different areas of the plant. The process will be the evaluation of the plant

based on the input that was made and will be followed by recommendations on what the

plant need in order to improve.

Statement of the Problem

This study has evaluated the facility of Tibud sa Katibawasan Multi-Purpose

Cooperative’s nata production. More specifically, the researchers have:

1. Determined best practices of the company in term of GMP.

2. Identified problem areas with regards to current sanitation and safety of the


3. Recommended solution to the problems identified.

Scope and Delimitation

Tibud sa Katibawasan Multi-Purpose Cooperative is a cooperative that provides

variety of goods and services. The focus of this study was one of the company’s products

which is nata and its production plant. The relevant data that were gathered from the plant

observation, personnel interview, and the use of GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice)

checklist. The study was conducted from January to May 2023.

Significance of the Study

Ensuring the safety of areas in production plant is vital for a company as this is a

way to ensure the safety of the workers and the cleanliness of the products and area.

This study is significant to the following:

Management of the company. To have a basis in terms of improvement and a

proper overview on enhancing the production plant.

GMP of Nata de Coco Production 11

Workers. To provide knowledge and awareness to ensure their safety and to work

in a more standardized way.

Researchers. To gain experience and understanding on how company system

improvement work. Specifically on learning different areas of the plant, plant common

problems, system improvement, communication skills, time management, researching

skills and data gathering.

Future Researchers. To provide a guide on how standardization of production

plant work which serves as a reference.



This chapter presents the research methodology of the entire study. It explains the

procedure, instruments, data gathering techniques and other methods used in the study.

Research Design

The study has descriptive research since it attempts to provide recommendations

after observation through Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) checklist. The objective

is to gather data from the company specifically in their production area.

To gather data, the researchers conducted interview, observation and use Good

Manufacturing Practice (GMP) checklist. The result of this research would be

recommended at Tibud sa Katibawasan Multi-Purpose Cooperative, Polomolok South


In evaluating the nata de coco production, the researchers used Good

Manufacturing Practice (GMP) checklist that observed different areas of the plant. The

study is focused on plant evaluation and provide recommendations which the researchers

suggest to Tibud sa Katibawasan Multi-Purpose Cooperative. The purpose of evaluating

the plant is to check the condition of the plant if it needs improvement or if it is in the

level of standard.

Quantitative research is vital in recognizing the relationship between the variables

used in the study.

GMP of Nata de Coco Production 13

Selection of Respondents

The methodology of this study is through interview and observations. The

researchers were able to gather information from the company’s HR Manager and Head

of Nata Production. The researchers prepared questions prior the interview in order to

achieve a proper flow of conversation.

Research Instruments

In order to check the current state of the production area, observations using Good

Manufacturing Practice (GMP) checklist and personnel interview would be used.

Data Analysis

In evaluating the data, percentage would be used to determine the compliance of

the company to Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) guidelines.

Data Gathering Procedures

The researchers followed these procedures for data gathering:

1. The researchers sent letter and sought approval to the chosen company.

2. The researchers interviewed the HR Manager, Production Head and observed the

machines, facilities and building in order to identify the problems.

3. The researchers will be using a tool related to Industrial Engineering practice in

order to provide recommendations for the plant.

4. The researchers will present all the data, finding and recommendation of the

GMP of Nata de Coco Production 14

Ethical Considerations

The researchers first asked approval from the company as the subject for this by

sending formal letter to the company. Any information collected during the observation

of the processes are to be kept confidential and only be used for the study. The

presentation of the results would be straightforward to the HR Manager to better provide

the findings and results. The researchers took appropriate measures to secure any data

collected during the process including implementing technical and administrative

controls to protect against unauthorized access, use disclosure or destruction.



This chapter presents the findings of the study and their narrative description.

Specifically, the following are presented – GMP checklist of personnel, Facility and

Grounds Sanitary Operations Sanitary Facilities and Control Equipment and Utensils

Processes and Controls Warehousing and Distribution. After gathering the relevant data,

these are organized to provide information in order to analyze and interpreted.

Good Manufacturing Checklist

Good manufacturing checklist contains the questions that needs to be complied by

the company. GMP covers all aspects of production from the starting materials,

premises, and equipment to the training and personal hygiene of staff. Detailed written

procedures are essential for each process that could affect the quality of the finished

product. There must be systems to provide documented proof that correct procedures are

consistently followed at each step in the manufacturing process - every time a product is


The guidelines ensure that the manufacturing process is well-documented, well-

monitored, and follows established procedures to minimize the risk of contamination,

errors, or other problems that could affect the quality of the product.
GMP of Nata de Coco Production 16

GMP Checklist for Personnel

Shows the data on how the company handle their personnel in terms of training, hygiene,

and responsibilities. Based on the table, Tibud has complied the standard requirements in

terms of managing personnel. The company provides long training for employees to

familiarize on specific roles, personnel are trained with food safety such as good

manufacturing practice and hazard analysis critical control points which is provided by

DOLE Phil. Also, some of their personnels are operator of nata before the company hired

them.QA and production manager are well trained with managerial skills that can judge

potential risk because it is required to land on the job. See Appendix B for GMP

Checklist for Personnel Table 1.

Facility and Grounds

Shows the data from the facility and grounds of the company. Based on the data gathered,

Tibud has complied the facility and grounds quality standard with 81% of yes and 18% of

no. The location of the plant is in rural area located in Demaclid, Polomolok, South

Cotabato and constructed using cement which shows high durability that will be safe for

earthquakes. The toilets of the production area are located outside the production plant

and there are no canteens available around the plant because of far location. Due to this,

the employees bring their own snacks and lunch. Lastly, the lights of the production area

in total are 17 lights and all are well functioned. See Appendix C for GMP Checklist for

Facility and Grounds Table 2.

GMP of Nata de Coco Production 17

Sanitary Operations

Shows the data gathered from the company’s sanitary operation. The table shows that

Tibud complied to the quality standard of sanitary operations with 100% answered yes.

The company has distinct hygienic zone such as faucets and sanitary doors established in

the production facility and employees are using boots, gloves, mask, and hairnet when

entering production area. The company only has one chemical available which is chlorine

that is used for cleaning. In terms of pests control, they have mouse traps and equipment

to kill flying insects. See Appendix D for GMP Checklist of Sanitary Operations Table 3.

Sanitary Facilities and Control

Shows the data from the company’s sanitary facilities and controls. The table shows that

the company complied the quality standard of sanitary facilities and control with 90% of

yes and 9% of no. The company has implemented cleaning and sanitizing protocols

procedure that prescribed for cleaning and sanitation. Also, all areas of the production

facility are conveniently accessible to perform inspections and maintenance. The

production head implemented a weekly reminder to clean the plant every after delivery to

prepare for another operation. Dole Phil. Does ATP testing for Tibud to test lights. Tibud

also does humidity control because according to the production head, humidity must be

controlled because nata requires a humidity level from 30-32 degrees. The hotter inside,

the better. See Appendix E for GMP Checklist of Sanitary and Control Table.
GMP of Nata de Coco Production 18

Equipment and Utensils

Shows the data on how the company handle and use their equipment and utensils

throughout the operations. The table shows that the company has complied the quality

standard of equipment and utensils with 71% of yes and 28% of no. The company’s

machines are well cleaned before and after use. The machines does not contain any

material that might chip off during operations because it is checked regularly. Also,

machines are installed to avoid cross contamination and are stored properly in a protected

manner. According to the production head, DOLE Phil. Are checking their equipment

and utensils regularly. See Appendix F for GMP Checklist of Equipment and Utensils


Processes and Controls

Shows the data on how the company maintain their processes and controls. The table

shows that the company has complied the quality standard of processes and controls with

100% of yes and 0% of no. The company does preparation prior to productions such as

getting water from spring, preparing equipment and wash cloth and dry them. Packaging

materials of the product are plastic drums which does not consist of any information

about the products. Also, the process of nata inside the plant are only planting and

cutting. See Appendix G for GMP Checklist of Processes and Controls Table.
GMP of Nata de Coco Production 19

Warehouse and Distribution

Shows the data on how the company manage their warehouse and distribution. The table

shows that the company has complied the quality standard of processes and controls with

100% of yes ad 0% of no. The company has maintained their warehouse, storage areas

and delivery vehicles, contaminated materials such as chlorine is present in the plant but

only used for cleaning and defective stocks such as spoiled product are prevented inside

the plant as it is delivered before three days and if there are returns, it is not stored near

food materials. Also, the designated storage facilities are secured enough to prevent

crimes such as theft. See Appendix H for GMP Checklist of Warehouse and Distribution


Summary of Results

Table 8. Summary of Results

Area Yes No N/A Remarks

Personnel 9 0 0 Complied

Facility and Grounds 9 2 0 Complied

Sanitary Operations 8 0 0 Complied

Sanitary Facilities and Control 10 1 0 Complied

Equipment and Utensils 5 2 0 Complied

Processes and Controls 6 0 0 Complied

Warehouse and Distribution 5 0 0 Complied

Overall Percentage 91% 9% 0% Complied

GMP of Nata de Coco Production 20

Tables 8 shows the summary of the tables through percentage. According to the table,

Tibud ‘s nata production has complied to quality standard of all areas including

personnel, facility and grounds, sanitary operations, sanitary facilities and control,

equipment and utensils, processes and controls and warehouse distribution according to

good manufacturing checklist that was made by the researchers. The total percentage

was 91% which shows that the company followed and complied to the standard.
GMP of Nata de Coco Production 21



This chapter of the study presents the analysis and interpretation of findings, the

conclusion based on the objectives of the study and the recommendations.

Analysis and Interpretation

Based on the findings, Tibud’s nata de coco production has established a system

that qualify to the GMP checklist that the researchers made. Tibud has its best practices

in terms of GMP such as their system. They have continued training for their personnels.

Based on the area observations, the workers have been wearing boots, gloves, hair net

and masks during processing of the products. The production head does their job well

when visiting production area by checking the product, inspecting the area, and

interviewing the workers. The plant also does preparations prior the production such as

arranging materials, inspection, sorting, and cleaning. Cleaning and sanitizing protocols

procedure are prescribed for cleaning and sanitation. Areas of the production facility are

conveniently accessible to perform inspections and maintenance. The company’s

machines are well cleaned before and after use. Also, machines are installed to avoid

cross contamination and are stored properly in a protected manner. Their warehouse and

delivery vehicles are also maintained orderly for products to store and deliver. However,

during plant observations, the production head confirmed that the building was old which

is evident. The plant’s floor has broken tiles, some area of the floor has no tiles at all,

some part of the building was using tarpaulin as ceiling, canals are not deep enough for
GMP of Nata de Coco Production 22

water to flow and insects are present where nata de coco are planted. These problems

may cause food contamination but despite of those problems, the head of nata de coco

informed the researchers that the company is planning to build a new plant for production

and provide a new workplace for the personnel or a proper flow of producing nata de



Based on the statement of the problem, the researchers concluded that:

Based on the data gathered and area observation, Tibud has its best practices in terms

of GMP such as their system. They have continued training for their personnels. Based on

our observations, the workers have been wearing boots, gloves, hair net and masks during

processing of the products. The production head does their job when visiting production

area by checking the product, inspecting the area, and interviewing the workers. The

plant also does preparations prior the production such as arranging materials, inspection,

sorting, and cleaning. Their warehouse and delivery vehicles are also maintained orderly

for products to store and deliver.

Tibud has well established system in terms of production but we the researchers,

managed to identify some problems during our observations. According to the production

head, the building of the plant was already old. It is evident during the observation, the

plant’s floor has broken tiles, some area of the floor has no tiles at all, some part of the

building was using tarpaulin as ceiling, canals are not deep enough for water to flow and

insects are present where nata de coco are planted.

GMP of Nata de Coco Production 23

Through this research paper, recommendations will be provided to give the company

ideas or solutions that might solve these identified problems. The researchers

recommended that bigger and wider plant will be helpful for the company since it

produces a lot of nata for big companies. Also, the problems identified regarding

contaminations must be solved because the company processes food. In terms of solution,

the researchers recommend to use ceiling tiles or panels for products to be protected from

heat or rain, white tiles should be used inside the area to identify and prevent dirt easily,

canals should be remade and make it deeper for water to flow easily and inspections

should be done regularly to check if insect appear inside the plant.


The following are the recommendations made by the researchers:

1. Tibud produces many products for big companies, therefore, it should have a

bigger and wider production plant.

2. Problems identified must be corrected to avoid products to be contaminated. In

terms of solution, the researchers recommend to use ceiling tiles or panels for

products to be protected from heat or rain, white tiles should be used inside the

area to identify and prevent dirt easily, canals should be remade and make it

deeper for water to flow easily and inspections should be done regularly to check

if insect appear inside the plant.

GMP of Nata de Coco Production 24


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GMP of Nata de Coco Production 26

Appendix A
HR/Administrative Manager
Tibud sa Katibawasan Multi-Purpose Cooperative
Polomolok, South Cotabato

Dear Sir Dulla,

Good Day!
As a partial fulfillment of our degree, we, the fourth-year Industrial Engineering
students of Notre Dame of Dadiangas University, are tasked to conduct a research study.
The proposed topic of our research is systems improvement.
In line with this, we would like Tibud sa Katibawasan Multi-Purpose Cooperative to be
the subject of our study. Interviews and observations will be conducted for us to analyze
the company’s present system and accomplish our purpose of system improvement. Thus,
we ask your permission to conduct the research study in your establishment.
We are all fully vaccinated, and if we are allowed to conduct the study, we will strictly
adhere to the company’s safety protocols.
Your approval of our request will be very much appreciated as this will help us comply
with our school requirements and, at the same time, help your office improve your

We are looking forward to your positive response. Thank you.


Dabi, Indira
Noted By:
Solivio, Faizal Engr. Maria Lourdes Jusa, M.Eng

Research Adviser

Sabod, Russel Rey Engr. Shiela Jingle A. Soriño, MEE

College Dean, CEAT
GMP of Nata de Coco Production 27

Appendix B

Table 1. GMP Checklist for Personnel

Items Yes No N/A Remarks
1. Are all employees who are directly engaged in manufacturing
activities trained in operations they perform?
How long are they trained?
o 1-2 months
o 3-4 months
o 5-6 months

2. Are personnel trained with Food Safety Practices? If so, what

o Good Manufacturing Practices
o Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points

3. Are the QA and production manager head adequately trained or has

managerial skill to judge potential risk?

4. Does the QA and production manager have full authority in quality

assurance and quality control duties?

5. What responsibilities and entrusted to quality assurance/ quality

control unit?

o Approval/rejection of packaging materials

o Approval/rejection of procedures
o Review production records
o Support monitoring and controlling the manufacturing

6. Is all employee aware of their role and responsibility protecting food

from contamination or deterioration?

7. Are personnel who are handling strong chemicals or other hazardous

substances trained on safe handling techniques? If so, how long are
they trained?
o 1-2 months
o 3-4 months
o 5-6 months

8. Are the duties assigned to each employee within their capacity to


9. Are personnel hygiene facilities provided before entering the

operation area? If so, what are the requirements for personnel to
o Hair net
o Mask
o Gloves
o Apron
o Boots

Item checked 9 0 0
Percentage 100% 0% 0%
GMP of Nata de Coco Production 28

Appendix C

Table 2. GMP Checklist for Facility and Grounds

Questions Yes No N/A Remarks
1. Food establishment should be located away from
areas that are polluted. Where is your plant located?
o Urban area
o Rural area

2. Grounds shall be constructed and maintained to

protect against flood and seepage.
What are your grounds made of?
o Wood
o Metal
o Cement

3. Does your plant provide maps to determine operation

routes to avoid confusion and cross contamination?

4. Locker room shall be directly connected to but

separated from processing area. Where is your locker

o Outside
o Inside
o The plant does not have a locker room.

5. Does the company provide handwashing facilities to

areas where it is needed?

6. Are the toilets opened directly to production areas?

7. Is the structure within the food establishment built

with durable materials? If so, what materials is the
plant made of?

o Metal
o Cement
o Wood

8. Does floor and drainage canal allow adequate

draining, with no stagnant water?

9. Are personal hygiene facilities provided so personal

hygiene can be maintained and avoid contamination?

10. Are natural and artificial lighting provided to enable

hygienic operations? If so, how many lights and
window available in the plant?

o 1-2
o 3-4
o 5-6
o 7-8
o 9-10

11. Is there a designated area for canteens provided in a

strategic location within the plant premises?
Item checked 9 2 0
Percentage 81% 18% 0%
GMP of Nata de Coco Production 29
GMP of Nata de Coco Production 30

Appendix D

Table 3. GMP Checklist of Sanitary Operations

Questions Yes No N/A Remarks
1. Does the production area have distinct hygienic zones
established in the production facility of nata de coco that
reduces the likelihood of transfer of hazards from workers
to product?
o hand washing area.
o worker sanitation facility

2. Are the personnel assigned have sanitized material used

only in the production area?
o Boots
o Mask
o Gloves
o Aprons
o Hair nets

3. Does the production area have control movement of

production workers, managers, visitors, QA
staff, sanitation and maintenance personnel, products,
ingredients, rework and packaging materials to reduce
food safety risk?

4. Does the production area have boot scrubbers installed so

all the employees must pass through them to reduce
contamination in the production area?

5. Does the facility have pests’ control?

o Setting traps

o Applying insecticides that will not

contaminate nata de coco production and
working areas.

6. Does the production area have sanitary doors that could

separate one area to the others?

o Transparent plastic made doors.

o Fiber Glass Doors

7. Are personnel who are handling strong chemicals or other

microbial growth substances trained on sanitation handling
techniques? If so, how long are they trained?
o 1-2 months
o 3-4 months
o 5-6 months

8. Are the duties assigned to each employee within their

capacity to perform?
Item checked 8 0 0
Percentage 100% 0% 0%
GMP of Nata de Coco Production 31

Appendix E

Table 4. GMP Checklist of Sanitary Facilities and Control

Questions Yes No N/A Remarks
1. Food production establishment should be located away
from areas that are polluted. Where is your plant located?
o Urban area
o Rural area

2. does the facility validate cleaning and sanitizing protocols

procedures that prescribed for cleaning and sanitation that
is proven to be effective and efficient?

If yes, how does the protocols are made through what?

o Written
o Power Point Presentation
o Flow Diagram

3. Does your plant provide maps to determine operation

routes to avoid confusion and cross contamination?

4. Locker room shall be directly connected to but separated

from processing area. Where is your locker located?

o Outside
o Inside
o The plant does not have a locker room.

5. As a Sanitation Monitoring does the production area has

ATP (adenosine triphosphate) testing using a device called
Luminometer to monitor of any poor cleaning and
contaminations inside the production area?

6. Are the toilets opened directly to production areas?

7. Do all the areas of the production facility are conveniently

accessible to perform inspections, maintenance, cleaning,
and/or sanitations to improve hygienic conditions?

8. Does floor and drainage canal allow adequate draining,

with no stagnant water?

9. Aiding in microbial growth in nata de coco production,

does the facility has room temperature management?

If yes, please indicate what room temperature setting that

reduces/eliminates microbial growth in production facility

10. Are natural and artificial lighting provided to enable

hygienic operations? If so, how many lights and window
available in the plant?
o 1-2
o 3-4
o 5-6
o 7-8
o 9-10
GMP of Nata de Coco Production 32

11. Is there humidity control that keeps the process areas cool
and dry that reduces the possibility of potential food-borne
pathogens growing?

If yes, please indicate below what device is used to

determine the production humidity to reduce/eliminate
possibility of potential food-borne pathogens growing in
the production area.

Item checked 10 1 0
Percentage 90% 9% 0%

Appendix F

Table 5. GMP Checklist of Equipment and Utensils

Questions Yes No N/A Remarks
1. Does the equipment location and installation
eliminate cross contamination and allow hood
hygienic practices?

2. Is all equipment allowing adequate monitoring,

sampling, and measuring products quality?

3. Are equipment and devices properly cleaned and

maintained? If so, how often?

o Before use only

o After use only
o Before and After use

4. Are utensils, portable equipment and containers

stored in a protected manner away from splash, dust,
and other contamination?

5. Is all equipment function according to their intended


6. Does equipment contain glass parts, paint or any

coating that may chip off during operations?

7. Is there equipment in processing area that does not

come in direct contact with food? If so, where are
they located?

o Inside the plant

o Outside the plant
o Separated from the plant
Item checked 5 2 0
Percentage 71% 28% 0%
GMP of Nata de Coco Production 33

Appendix G

Table 6. GMP Checklist of Processes and Controls

Questions Yes No N/A Remarks
1. What preparations do the company perform before
processing raw materials?
o Inspection
o Sorting
o Cleaning
o Laboratory Tests

2. Are packaging design and materials providing

enough protection for products to minimize
contamination and prevent damage? If so, what
packaging materials does the company use?
o Plastic
o Metal
o Wood
o Paper

3. Is food hazard controlled through the application of

HACCP-based system?

4. Is time and temperature controlled and monitored

during processing? If so, in what processes do you

o Cooling
o Chilling
o Cooking
o Fermenting
o Drying
o Thermal Processing
o Packing
o Storage

5. Are procedures for preventing physical and chemical

contamination established?

6. In packaging the product, what information do the

company consider to input in order to inform

o Proper handling
o Ingredients
o Nutrition Facts
o Storage
o Preparation
o Serving Instructions
o Product Claims
Item checked 6 0 0
Percentage 100% 0% 0%
GMP of Nata de Coco Production 34

Appendix H

Table 7. GMP Checklist of Warehouse and Distribution

Questions Yes No N/A Remarks
1. Are warehouses, storage areas and delivery vehicles
maintained orderly?

2. Are disinfectants, stored inside the plant? If so, what

disinfectant are used?

o Alcohol
o Chlorine
o Formaldehyde
o Glutaraldehyde
o Hydrogen Peroxide
o Iodophors

3. Contaminated materials shall not be stored near food

materials. What contaminated materials does the plant
o Chemicals
o Defective stock
o Market returns
o Complaint goods

4. Are designated storage facilities secured enough to

prevent theft and other incidences?

5. Is first expiry – first out system established and applied

to the plant?

Item checked 5 0 0
Percentage 100% 0% 0%

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