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1. What are signs or reason why infant cries?

 Hungry, wet, discomfort, in pain & uncomfortable.

2. What will you do if a child has temper tantrums?

 Ignore the child make sure the child is safe, don’t argue, provide security and stay calm.

3. What safety precautions should be observed if the toddler is in the crib?

 Do not leave the infant and young child unattended.
 Check the children in crib often.
 Make sure the crib rails are up and locked in place.
 Avoid extra pillows and linens.
 Avoid small toys.

4. Why should toddlers be allowed to walk and explore their surroundings?

 To satisfy their curiosity and encourage independence sensory development.

5. How could you enhance toddler’s physical growth and development?

 Give nutritious foods to children.
 Allow the child to play like climbing, jumping, crawling, pushing and pulling.

6. What safety precautions are you going to do when the infant start crawling?
 Place safety plugs in electrical outlets
 Prevent children from sticking their fingers or small objects into the opening
 Keep electrical cords and electrical equipment out of the reach of children
 Remove small object (chokable items ), keep the floor dry (slippery),gates on doors
 Use guard rails at top and bottom of stairs to prevent small children from climbing up and
down the stairs

7. What will you do if the toddler has convulsion due to high fever?
 Do tepid sponge bath (hydrotherapy) by placing ice cold pack on the forehead, axilla and

8. How do you know if a child is ready to be toilet trained?

 When the child knows the meaning of “ Wee or Poo”
 Can walk and stand alone
 Can keep self dry for interval for at least 2 hours
 When the child show sign of defecation or bowel control

9. What will you do if a child meets bathroom accident?

 Assess the child for extent of injury, ask for assistance, clean the child the immediately and
make sure it won’t happen again and dry the floor

10. What are the things to consider in dressing the children?

 According to prevailing weather
 Do not use pins on children’s clothing
 Remove drawstrings from jackets, coats, sweaters and other clothing this can get tangled or
caught in play equipment, furniture, car doors and other moving devices

11. What precautions would you take to avoid accident while the child is playing with toys?
 Read all warning labels on toys
 Check age recommendation on toys
 Give children only age appropriate toys
 Check toys and other play equipment regularly
 Avoid sharp objects

12. What actions should you avoid while feeding a pre – schooler?
 Avoid pinching, scolding and shouting while the child is eating
 Do not leave children unattended while they are eating
13. What are the precautions when preparing meal for asthmatic child?
 Do not give allergenic food such as egg, chicken, shrimps

14. What will you do if a child swallowed food with chemical agent?
 Give milk or water for corrosive poisoning
 Give something that induce vomiting if not acidic and rush immediately to the hospital and
inform the parents

15. What will you do if child has burns

 Place affected part under running cold water
 Soak the affected part with cold water
 Call the emergency HOT LINE

16. What will you do in case of fire at home?

 Transfer the client in a safe place
 Stop the fire by using fire extinguisher or water
 Rescue – Activate – Contain – extinguish (RACE)

17. What are the activities that enhance intellectual and creative needs of the child?
 Give educational toys such as puzzles, building blocks, counting object and molding clays
 Encourage and motivate the child

18. How do you develop bonding with a child?

 Have time with the child, talk, storytelling, give hug and kisses, play with them

19. How would you boost a child – esteem, self – worth, self – respect?
 Appreciate and recognize the child achievement and performance
 Allow the child to express his feelings and ideas, praise positive behavior

20. What is the best out door activity for 8 – 10 year – old – child?
 Ballgames

21. What indoor activities enhance growth motor skills development?

 Balley dancing, gymnastic and aerobics

22. What are some of the hygienic practices that you should instill on child?
 Handwashing, taking a bath, changing dress, brushing teeth and combing hair

23. What is the importance of handwashing technique?

 To reduce the number of microorganisms on the hands

24. Where is the best place for bathing an infant?

 In the sink or the table near the sink because accessible to the water

25. Why you shouldn’t leave the infant/ toddler alone while bathing?
 To prevent accident such as drowning, falling and slipping

26. How do you prevent diaper rash?

 Keep the baby dry always, change diapers immediately after voiding and urinating

27. Why is it important to dispose soiled clothes and diaper properly?

 To prevent contamination

28. How long do you sterilize the feeding bottles and nipples?
 Electric sterilizer refer to manufacturer’s instructions
 If kettle, 15 minutes for feeding bottles and 3 minutes for nipples

29. When do you start counting the time for sterilization?

 Starting from the boiling point
30. What will you doo with the left over milk?
 Discard because it is already contaminated with the baby’s saliva

31. When do you burp the infant?

 Middle and after feeding

32. What are the ways to prevent colic?

 Filled the nipple while feeding, burp the baby after feeding
 Slightly shake the bottle into sideways to have fewer bubbles

33. How would you know if infant/ toddler is choking?

 There is a spitting of milk, bluish color

34. What will you do if infant doesn’t respond to your first aide procedure?
 Bring the baby to the hospital

35. Where do you use tympanic thermometer?

 In the ear

36. What will you do if the child’s heartbeat is more than 120 beats/ minutes while at rest?
 None, because it is normal

37. What are the basic food groups needed by the growing children?
 Energy – giving foods, Body – regulating foods and Body – building foods

38. What precautions must you take while serving hot soup or dishes?
 Place in a tray and inform your patient that you serve hot dishes

39. How do you control a bleeding wound?

 Apply a direct pressure, elevate the affected extremity above the level of the heart and apply

40. When do you use a splint?

 When there is a fracture
 Use to immobilize the extremity

41. What is the importance of backrub to bedridden client?

 Promotes relaxation by relieving muscle tension
 Stimulate blood circulation
 Promotes range of motion

42. What are the basic considerations in assisting your client with his personal needs?
 Always ensure safety to the client
 Provide privacy

43. How would you help your client maintain his self – esteem and sense of independence?
 Encourage the client to do the usual activities of daily living
 Let them do simple task

44. What important precautions must be done when transferring the client from bed to a wheelcaih?
 Always ensure safety for the client
 Provide privacy

45. What are some physical changes related to aging?

 Poor eyesight, gray hair, wrinkles, loss of hearing and low reflexes

46. What are the basic rule in the care of the client with alzhiemer’s disease?
 Be patient, orient to time, date and place
 Remind him/ her the usual activities of daily living (ADL) and be consistent as a caregiver
47. What is the most effective way to control the spread of infections?
 Handwashing

48. What are the precautions to be observed when caring for client with diminished vision?
 Orient the client with the environment
 Do not re – arrange the furniture
 Provide proper lighting and ventilation

49. How would you know if the bottle content is poisonous?

 There is a warning sign “skull” and Mr Yuk” for poisoous product
 Read the instruction of the bottle or the label

50. How would you prevent fall/ slip in the bathroom?

 Handrails in the bathroom
 Safety rails and grab bars in the shower, tubs in the toilet
 Keep the floor dry and use a non – skid rags
 Provide good lighting in the bathroom

51. What protective devices can be used to control infection?

 By using Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) such as gloves, mask, gown and goggles

52. What are the common sign that a diabetic client has a low blood sugar?
 Cold and clammy skim, hunger, weakness, trembling, headache , perspiration, confusion
and unconsciousness
53. What is the typical sign of impending heart attack?
 Intensive chest pain, difficulty of brething

54. How would you respond to your cancer client statement “I wish I could die now”?
 Allow the client to verbalize feelings
 Stay with the client and be a good listener and provide comfort
 Do not give false re – assurance

55. What is the first common sign of infection?

 Fever

56. What will you do if your client has a blood pressure of 150/ 100?

57. How would yo react when criticized by your colleagues at work place?
 Ignore, be professional, if the criticism is considered necessary, change the behavior

58. What is the recommended diet for an elderly with heart diseases?
 Balance diet (low fat, low salt)

59. What is the most consideration when preparing meals for diabetic client?
 Low sugar, low carbohydrates
 Check the content of the food you are taken

60. What will you do if you found out that a client afflicted with alzhiemer’s scattered “stool” in the room?
 Do not nag and clean the mess, re – orient the patient to go at the toilet

61. What are the proper steps in cleaning walls and floors?
 From the top to bottom

62. What are the commonly use home disinfectant agent/ solution?
 70% alcohol and Lysol

63. Why is feather duster is not recommended tool for dusting?

 It can spread the dust
64. Why do we need damp cloth to dust the furniture and textures?
 Dust will stick in the damp cloth thus preventing dust from spreading

65. What is the proper sequence in cleaning the toilet bowl?

 Flush the toilet bowl, then place a chemical agent around the inside part of the bowl and
leave for a few minutes, while working with the other side of the toilet bowl, then brush the
inside of the bowl then flush

66. What is the importance of waste garbage solution?

 Sanitation, segregation (non – biodegradable and biodegradable)

67. What is the difference of making up an open, close and occupied bed?
 In open bed, there is a patient but temporarily out of bed or can move/ roam around
 In closed bed, the bed is waiting for a patient
 In occupied bed, there is a patient on the bed (bed ridden)

68. Why is there a need to sort clothes, linens and fabric before washin?
 To prevent stain
69. What are the two type of electric flat iron?
 The two types of electrical iron are the DRY which is usually used and STEAM which has
70. What is the importance of proper body mechanics in the performance of task?
 To prevent back injury, back strain and back pain

71. What is the first thing to do before vacuuming a carpet?

 Remove small and sharp object like pins, needles and pick up falling hairs
72. How would you test if the walls are washable?
 (This refers to wall paper) Use a damp cloth and test or wipe the hidden part of the wall

73. How would you control household pest like mosquitoes, cockroaches and flies?
 Clean the surroundings, spray with pesticides, use mosquito nets and put fly traps

74. What are the basic stitches used to mend torn seams?
 Running stitches, back stitches, cross stitches and outline stitches

75. How do you remove catshup or tomato sauce stain on fabric?

 Soak the clothes to warm water

76. What are the safety precautions before applying bleach on any linen fabric or clothes?
 Read the cloth tags, test in hidden area, follow instructions

77. How do you prevent cloth shrinkage when using machine dryer?
 Loosen the clothes before placing inside the dryer, remove from the dryer right away and set
the machine into low temperature

78. How would you describe colorfast and non – colorfast?

 The colorfast is containing a dye that will not fade or wash out while the non – colorfast can
stain other clothes

79. What should you do to have smooth and easy ironing?

 Use ironing spray like glide distilled water

80. What are advantages of using fabric conditioner?

 To have a smooth fabric and clothes smell good

81. What is the basic steps in the maintenance of machine dryer?

 Keep the machine clean and dry always
 Always check for defective wirings
82. How would you determine the maximum inflation point when taking blood pressure?
 Ask the latest blood pressure plus 30 mmHg, locate the brachial artery and pump until you
won’t hear the beats, let the patient rest 2 – 3 minutes before you get the blood pressure

83. Why do you encourage the client to urinate prior to bed bathing?
 To avoid interruption during the procedure to make the patient comfortable

84. How would you undress/ dress a client with right sided paralysis?
 Start undress from the unaffected side (left side), start dressing the affected part (right side)

85. What is the importance of indwelling urinary catheter care?

 To prevent infection

86. What is the purpose of rubber draw sheet in perineal care?

 To prevent the mattress/ bottom sheet from being soiled/ getting wet

87. How often would you change the position of an immobile (BEDRIDDEN) client?
 Change the position every two hours

88. Why is there a need to apply the principles of body mechanics when transferring and mobilizing
disable client?
 To avoid back strain, back injury and back ache

89. What are the considerations in preparing meals for the elderly client?
 A balanced diet and serve it with a tray

90. What is ABC’s of CPR?

 Airway, breathing and circulation

91. What are the indications that you have to stop CPR?
 Just remember the acronym “STOPS”
 S – Spontaneous signs of breathing and circulation
T – Turned over to professional provider
O – Operator is exhausted
P – Physician assumes responsibility
S – Scene become unsafe

92. What will you do if the infant is having colds before feeding?
 Suction the nose first by using nasal pump

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