3rd P.E MATH 10

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Saint Columban College K =


Pagadian City, 7016 ______
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I. Stem and Option Variety: Read and analyze the following items and choose the correct answer
from the given choices. Then, shade the letter of the correct answer from the given options.


O O O O 1. Which of the following is also known as “ abscissa”?

A. Quadrants B. Coordinate C. x – axis D. y- axis
O O O O 2. Which of the following is the general equation form of the circle?
A. x 2+ y 2+ ax+ by+ c=0 C. x 2− y 2−ax+ by+ c=0
2 2
B . ( x−h ) +( y−k ) =r D. ( x−h )2+( y−k)2=r 2
O O O O 3. Which of the following is the center radius form of the circle?
A. x 2+ y 2+ ax+ by+ c=0 C. x 2− y 2−ax+ by+ c=0
2 2
B . ( x−h ) +( y−k ) =r D. ( x−h )2+( y−k)2=r 2
O O O O 4. Which of the following is equivalent to 0!?
A. 0 B. 1 C. 2 D. 3
O O O O 5. Which of the following formula is being used if it is a circular permutation?
A. n !=n ( n−1 ) ! B. C. (n−1) D. ( n−1 ) !
O O O O 6. Which of the following is an arrangement of objects in which the order matters?
A. Permutation B. Combination C. Statistics D. Probability
O O O O 7. If 2! is equivalent to 2, how about 3!?
A. 2 B. 3 C. 6 D. 8
O O O O 8. Consider a set of letters, { L ,O , V , E }. How many ways are there to arrange these letters?
A. 8 B. 6 C. 3 D. 2
O O O O 9. Which of the following expression is equal to kPk-2?
k! k!
A. B. C. k! 2! D. k! (k – 2)!
2! ( k−2 ) ! 2 !
O O O O 10. Which of the following is an arrangement in which the order does not matter?
A. Permutation B. Combination C. Statistics D. Probability
O O O O 11. Which of the following is equivalent to 6C6?
A. 4 B. 3 C. 2 D. 1
O O O O 12. Which of the following is the formula in solving problems involving combination?
n! n!
A. n !=n ( n−r ) ! B. C. D. ( n−1 ) !
( n−r ) ! ( n−r ) ! r !
O O O O 13.Which of the following is equivalent to 2C1 ?
A. 2 B. 1 C. 0 D. 3

O O O O 14. What is the simplified form of (t−2t ) ?

t! t(t−1)
A. B. C. t! 2! D. t! (t – 2)!
2! 2
O O O O 15. Which of the following is the simplified form of 0C6?
A. 3 B. 2 C. 1 D. 0
PROCESS (2 pts. each)

Mathematics10 – 3rd Periodical Examination 1

For #’s 16 - 17, x 2+ y 2−6 x+ 2 y +6=0

O O O O 16. What is the center of the circle?

A. (-3, 1) B. (3, -1) C. (-3, -1) D. (3, 1)
O O O O 17. What is the radius?
A. 0 B. 1 C. 2 D. 3
O O O O 18. What is the equation of the circle given the center (0, 0) and the radius is √ 3 ?
A. x 2+ y 2=3 B. 2 x2 +2 y 2=3 C. x 2+ y 2=9 D. 2 x2 +2 y 2=9
O O O O 19. In how many ways can 8 children join hands to form a ring?
A. 5 040 B. 40 320 C. 20 160 D. 5 400
O O O O 20. How many different symbols, each consisting of 5 different letters, can be formed from the
letters of the word parents?
A. 5 040 B. 2 250 C. 2 520 D. 3 780
O O O O 21. In how many ways can six books be arranged on a shelf?
A. 720 B.702 C. 820 D. 802
For 7– 8, how many combinations can be made from S, A, V, E if the letters are taken
O O O O 22. One at a time?
A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6
O O O O 23. Two at a time?
A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6

O O O O 24. What is the center and radius of the circle with the equation x 2+ y 2−6 x−112?
A. C( -3, 0) and radius r =121 C. C (3, 0) and radius r = 11
B. C(0, -3) and radius r = 121 D. C(0, 3) and radius r =11
O O O O 25. Which of these is the equation of a circle with center at the origin and the radius 2 √3 ?
A. x 2+ y 2−12=0 C. x 2+ y 2+12=0
2 2
B. x + y =0 D. x + y 2=2 √ 3

O O O O 26. How are you going to identify the center and radius of the circle?
A. The equation must be written in the form of quadratic equation.
B. The equation must be written in the form of binomial.
C. The equation must be written in standard form of a circle’s equation.
D. The equation must be written in quintic form of a circle.
O O O O 27. In early barangay systems, officials were called as datu, umalohokan, kalihim and babaylan.
Suppose that there were 7 candidates qualified for the said position, in how many ways can they be
A. 804 B. 840 C. 850 D. 805
O O O O 28. Basketball is the most popular sport in the Philippines. Suppose that in a league, a basketball
coach must select five starters from team of 12 players. How many different ways can the coach
select the starters, regardless of their positions?
A. 729 B. 792 C. 829 D. 892
II. Identification: Analyze the given problem. Write C if the following problems are combination and P
if these are permutation problems. Write your answer on the space provided before the number.
C___ 1. How many different quadrilaterals can be drawn from 10coplanar points, where no three of which are
P___ 2. In how many ways can the letter of the word CABANATUAN be arranged?
P___ 3. How many distinguishable arrangements are there for the letters of the word FLIBBERTIGIBBET taken all
C___ 4. Five different letters are to be chosen from the first 10 letters of the English alphabet. How many choices
contain 2 vowels and 3 consonants?
C___ 5. How many ways are there of scoring exactly 70% on a 10 – question true – or – false quiz?
P___ 6. How many ways can 8 children join hands to form a ring?
C___ 7. In a standard deck of cards, in how many ways can you choose 2 aces and 3 kings?
P __ 8. A shelf can hold 6 books. Given that 10 different books are available, find the number of different
arrangements that can be made to fill the shelf.

Mathematics10 – 3rd Periodical Examination 2

P___ 9. Mary, Mark, Manny, Marian and Matt went to a concert. How many arrangements are possible when they sit
in 5 adjacent seats and Manny refuses to sit next to Matt?

C___ 10. The math club needs to send 4 representatives – 2 females and 2 males – to a meeting. If there are 12
female math club members and 23 male members, then how many ways can you choose the 4
III. PROBLEM SOLVING: Read and analyze the problem. Show your solutions clearly. (5 points each)

1. The Open Mind Band has 20 songs to perform in a concert. At the upcoming Battle of the Bands, they will
play two songs. In how many different orders can they perform two of their songs? (All Sections)

2. In how many ways can 6 keys be arranged in a key ring? (PAUL, JUDE AND THOMAS)

3. Find the number of distinguishable permutation of the letters in the word SUBSTITUTION. (JAMES)


4. A math teacher requires each student to solve 5 out of 15 problems. Of the 15 problems, 3 are in Statistic, 7
are in Algebra, and 5 are in Geometry.
A. In how many ways can a student select 5 Geometry problems? (PAUL, JUDE AND THOMAS)
B. In how many ways can a student select 3 Statistics and 2 Geometry problems? (JAMES )


5. Find the total number of diagonals that can be drawn in a hexagon. (JAMES)

6. In how many ways can a team consisting of 2 boys and 3 girls be formed if there are 6 boys and 10 girls
who qualified to be in a team? (PAUL, JUDE AND THOMAS)

Mathematics10 – 3rd Periodical Examination 3

“EDUCATION is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
Good Luck and God Bless You!!!!
Teacher Joy

Mathematics10 – 3rd Periodical Examination 4

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