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Camping trip to Glacier National Park

Project Title:
Gal’s take Glacier National Park

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS):

Level 2 Subtask
Major Task: Level 1 Subtasks: Level 2 Subtasks: (4 hours = 1)
Watch flight prices
Book flights Purchase accordingly Car rental reservation 2
Research & determine
Select camping if booking a cabin or a Book cabin OR camping
location camping location* rental equipment* 1
Research necessities Compare bag's with other
stakeholders to ensure we
Plan according to have everything, without
Pack appropriately weather duplicates 2
Meet in one location Check bags
Airport trip (LAX) Uber to airport Wait at departure gate 3
Pick up baggage Purchase food & necessities
Airport arrival (FCA) Pick up car rental Pick up camping equipment * 0.5
Drive to Glacier
National Park Ensure rental has gas Commince 1.5 hour drive 0.75
Set up camping
Glacier National equipment* Enjoy the beautiful
Park Unpack belongings environment 24
Return rentals
Pack Belongings Check bags & board flight
Return home Drive to FCA Uber home from LAX 4
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Dictionary:

Work Package ID 1.1

Work Package Name Book flights

Responsible Individual Crystal

Watch flight prices & book when cheapest

Work Package Description Include rental car in booking for lower cost

Acceptance Criteria Approval from all stakeholders

Deliverables Flights & car rental secured

Duration 8 hours

Due Date June 5, 2023

Work Package ID 1.2

Work Package Name Select camping location

Responsible Individual Kiwi

Research cabins & camping sights

Compare costs
Work Package Description Book reservation

Acceptance Criteria Approval from all stakeholders

Deliverables Camping location secured

Duration 4 hours

Due Date June 5, 2023

Work Package ID 1.3

Work Package Name Pack appropriately

Responsible Individual Crystal, Kiwi, Genevieve

Review weather and pack accordingly

Work Package Description Compare luggage to ensure all essentials are accounted for
Acceptance Criteria Approval from all stakeholders

Deliverables Ensuring we have all necessary resources for trip

Duration 8 hours

Due Date July 19, 2023

Work Package ID 1.4

Work Package Name Airport trip (LAX)

Responsible Individual Crystal, Kiwi, Genevieve

Meet in single location

Uber to airport
Work Package Description Check Belongings & wait at gate

Acceptance Criteria Approval from all stakeholders

Deliverables Arrive & depart from LAX on time

Duration 12 hours (flight time included)

Due Date July 20, 2023

Work Package ID 1.5

Work Package Name Airport arrival (FCA)

Responsible Individual Crystal, Kiwi, Genevieve

Exit plane & collect belongings

Work Package Description Pick up rental car

Acceptance Criteria Approval from all stakeholders

Deliverables Arrive at FCA & secure rental car

Duration 2 hours

Due Date July 21, 2023

Work Package ID 1.6

Work Package Name Drive to Glacier National Park

Responsible Individual Crystal (driving), Kiwi, Genevieve

Purchase food & other essentials

Pick up camping equipment reservation*
Ensure car has gas
Work Package Description 1.5 hour drive to Glacier National Park

Acceptance Criteria Approval from all stakeholders

Deliverables Secure necessities for trip & drive to location

Duration 3 hours

Due Date July 21, 2023

Work Package ID 1.7

Work Package Name Glacier National Park

Responsible Individual Crystal, Kiwi, Genevieve

Set up camping equipment*

Work Package Description Unpack belongings

Acceptance Criteria Approval from all stakeholders

Deliverables Situated living necessities & free time to enjoy the park

Duration 94 hours / 4 days

Due Date July 21, 2023

Work Package ID 1.8

Work Package Name Return home

Responsible Individual Crystal, Kiwi, Genevieve

Pack belongings & rental equipment*

Drive to FCA
Fly from FCA to LAX
Work Package Description Uber home from LAX

Acceptance Criteria Approval from all stakeholders

Deliverables Leaving park & returning home

Duration 16 hours

Due Date July 24, 2023

Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM):

Project Team Members/ Stakeholders

WBS Element Crystal Kiwi Genevieve

1.1 R C&A C&A

1.2 C&A R C&A

1.3 R, C & A R, C & A R, C & A

1.4 S&A S&A S&A

1.5 R S S

1.6 R S S

1.7 R S S

1.8 R&S R&S R&S

Key: R ~ Responsable; S ~ Support Required; C ~ Must Be Consulted; A ~ Approval Required

Milestones & Deliverables:

Milestones: Deliverables:

June 5, 2023 Flights & rentals booked

July 19, 2023 Everything packed/ prepared

July 20, 2023 Travel to LAX

July 21, 2023 Arrive at FCA/ Glacier National Park;

enjoy vacation

July 24, 2023 FCA -> LAX; arrive home

Task Dependencies:
As with many schedules, almost all tasks within this project require completion of
the previous to commence. The largest task dependency among this group would be the
decision to either rent a cabin or rent a camping location. Once this deliverable is
decided upon, we must either move forward with researching and reserving camping
equipment or scratching that aspect all together. 1.3: pack appropriately, will be a highly
dependent work package in which all stakeholders must determine and communicate
the scope of required resources.

Critical Path:
While all the tasks discussed are important, there are few tasks that must be
completed on time to ensure there are no changes to the overall schedule. Booking
flights is the first item along the critical path; if we can’t find reasonably priced flights
we won’t be able to go. The second critical deliverable is reserving a camping location; it
would be a large oversight to jump on a plane without ensuring a place to stay.

Packing our belongings is the third item along the path; we need to be prepared
in advance because there is no slack between this item and the next. Package 1.4 is the
most critical aspect of this project; leaving late can result in a missed flight which would
delay our schedule greatly. The last item along the critical path is making our flight at
FCA; missing this flight would delay our arrival time back to LAX.

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